“If Americans ever allow banks to control the issue
of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks will deprive the people of all property until
their children wake up
---- Thomas Jefferson
Remember – “Scratch A Lie Find A Theft”
One thing I know this person has right...
"In the Old Testament Marduk was referred to as Baal. Baal like all regional "gods" demanded blood sacrifice."
What most people fail to see is that "Jehovah" was just a regional god as well, a military-type figure that was blood-thirsty in his own right.
HE was (is) regarded, declared God of all heavens and all the earth, so, He was (is) considered more than a regional god. Kings and reigns recognized Him as so and they were not jews. To Israel was given the task to proclaim His Glory, Power and Majestic throughout the ages. Also to let every nation know that the Lord is God and there's non other.
There will be no bloodbath in America. I think the writer may still have personal issues to battle if they still feel this way. It's time to wake up! The battle is over. Know thyself
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