Sunday, May 4, 2014

Traders Join Exodus as Forex Probes Add Pressure on Costs

BLOOMBERG: Traders Join Exodus as Forex Probes Add Pressure on Costs (ILLEGAL CURRENCY MANIPULATION)

Traders Join Exodus as Forex Probes Add Pressure on Costs

By Edward Evans and Andrea Wong  Apr 30, 2014 3:08 PM ET  
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Photographer: Nadine Hutton/Bloomberg
An employee counts mixed denomination rand currency banknotes at the Forex department... Read More
The foreign-exchange market is losing a slew of traders from big banks as a probe into alleged manipulation of benchmark rates widens and pressure mounts on the industry to reduce costs.
More than 30 traders from 11 firms have been fired, suspended, taken leaves of absence or retired since October, when regulators said they were investigating the market, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. London-based Barclays Plc (BARC) and Zurich-based UBS AG (UBSN) have been the worst-hit, each suspending at least half a dozen employees, the data show.
“That’s a considerable percentage of the workforce,” said Brad Bechtel, managing director at Faros Trading LLC in Stamford, Connecticut, who estimated the world’s largest banks have 80 to 160 voice traders for spot rates in the currencies market. “That explains the lack of liquidity in the market, and why what would normally be considered a small trade can actually push the market around more than normal.”
Regulators around the world are investigating allegations traders colluded to rig key foreign-exchange benchmarks used by investors and companies by pushing through trades before and during the 60-second windows when the WM/Reuters rates are set. At the same time, banks are trying to fight shrinking margins by replacing humans with computers, accelerating a longer-term shift in trading onto electronic platforms.
Photographer: Jason Alden/Bloomberg
Barclays Plc and UBS AG have been the worst-hit, each suspending at least half a dozen...Read More
About 200 traders at smaller firms focus on spot exchange rates, Bechtel estimated in an e-mail.
UBS gained less than 1 percent to 18.40 Swiss francs today in Zurich. Barclays rose 0.8 percent to 252.2 pence in London.

‘The Mafia’

Authorities are examining whether bank traders communicated with dealers at other firms and timed trades to influence benchmarks and maximize profits. Some exchanged information on instant-message groups with names such as “The Cartel,” “The Bandits’ Club,” “One Team, One Dream” and “The Mafia.” No firms or traders have been accused of wrongdoing by government authorities.
Regulators from Bern, Switzerland, to Washington opened inquiries into the $5.3 trillion-a-day market afterBloomberg News reported in June that traders colluded to rig the WM/Reuters rates. No firms or traders have been accused of wrongdoing by government authorities.
Chris Ashton, global head of spot trading at Barclays, was suspended last year along with other spot traders at the bank in London and New York. New York-based Citigroup Inc. (C) said in January it fired its head of European spot trading, Rohan Ramchandani.
Authorities are examining whether bank traders communicated with dealers at other firms...Read More

Personal Reasons

While many personnel moves were prompted by the probes, some people pointed to other motivations while stepping back.
Lloyds Banking Group Plc (LLOY)’s global head of spot foreign exchange, Darren Coote, resigned from the London-based firm for personal reasons, people with knowledge of the move said earlier this month.
James Pearson, Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc’s head of trading for currencies in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, is taking a five-month sabbatical, also for personal reasons, the Edinburgh-based company said this week.
Deutsche Bank AG (DBK) said this week that its global head of foreign exchange, Kevin Rodgers, will retire in June. Rodgers, 52, plans to focus on academic and musical interests, according to the Frankfurt-based bank. His decision wasn’t prompted by the inquiries, according to a person briefed on his plans.
To contact the reporters on this story: Edward Evans in Davos, Switzerland at; Andrea Wong in New York at
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Christine Harper at; Dave Liedtka at David Scheer, Dan Reichl

Visit stage3alpha at:


[MarkZ] I need to clarify that the Admiral will not be on our call this week. I was told there was some confusion somewhere. Keep in mind that the admiral is 3 people or so, meaning a number of people are thought to be him. His real identity is a mystery that I am sure for now they want to stay a mystery.

[bandit] MarkZ Have you visited with OKIE lately

[MarkZ] bandit No. He is not on my speed dial although I do have great respect for him. He has a HUGE heart.

[bebba] MarkZ all of our intel providers do... you all only want to help all of us... and we thank you...

[MarkZ] bebba There is so much dis information out there that it is a full time 
job vetting the crap

[dinardiamonds] MarkZ r we expecting the r v before or after your exciting call Wednesday ty
[MarkZ] dinardiamonds I am more than a little hopeful that it could be before.

[BigDog-OH] MarkZ Looks like you gave the pot a good stir

MarkZ] BigDog-OH oh my..... I kicked the pot over. The phones blew up all around the globe. You all being here and then it being moved to recaps got enough eyeballs to shake the foundations

[BigDog-OH] MarkZ IMO It is about time

[lilypad] MarkZ, might we be seeing updated rates on the CBI and or 
Forex on Sunday?

[MarkZ] lilypad If things go very smoothly you could see them.

 [lilypad] Lets all pray 
tonight for smoothly

[MarkZ] We are causing an 

[lilypad] Well maybe this earth needs to shake a little

[FLPatriot59] MarkZ How about instead of an earthquake we cause an RV!

[MarkZ] FLPatriot59 we are doing just that

[slh1812] FLPatriot59 oh yeah!

[goddess] Are we really going to see this come to fruition soon?

[MarkZ] goddess It looks highly likely. But if they stall we will out them every time.We will push until we have it.
[lilypad] Yes "we the people" have waited patiently and calmly long enough. And Enough is Enough!

[Muruga] MarkZ, pleasure to meet you sir. I am aware that talking rates is taboo at this time, but in general, are the contract rates limited only to those participating in private placements, or will the public have an opportunity as well?

[MarkZ] Muruga I am told the general public will be offered something better than the street rate.

[sandytob] MarkZ Hey. I received an email from your site telling me that I cannot win the 20 million dinar because I have not posted 
the link to the site on my fb page (of course I don't have a fb page). This was signed by David Durst.

[MarkZ] sandytob I am talking to the web guys mondaymorning. I think I outed the landing page a few days ahead of schedule. :) Blow it though and give them something to do.

[slh1812] MarkZ Nothing like LIVE testing!

[MarkZ] slh1812 lol true

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ you seem to be in the stir mode, LOL

[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs I was actually asked to stir it. It is actually a relief after being asked for so long to stay silent while I saw all the junk being fed around. It was killing me.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ Yessir, the "gag" did tend to grow old :)

[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs big time

[bebba] MarkZ they chose wisely when they asked you to do that... glad it was you...

[MarkZ] bebba They knew it was dear to me.

[goddess] Mark,wish more could be revealed now.

[MarkZ] goddess I am trying to figure out a place to start the story for you all. I think MC will do it best since he was there and lived it.

[goddess] How does MC have the power to do what he is doing?

SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ knowing what keys were passed to MC, and by whom will rock these peeps

 [Lvn42day] SpecialAgentGibbs Then rock us! Please.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Lvn42day THAT is for MC to tell :)

 [ModelWoman] MarkZ We need some clues here to figure out who MC is.......Is he 

[MarkZ] ModelWoman He was in the Navy but I do not consider him military. I will let him tell his own story this week.

 [MarkZ] The story starts before the Wanta, reagan, Mitterand trust. If I picked one person that really moved it forward I would say Reagan, the Iron Lady helped and Mitterand you all will love getting the whole truth.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MarkZ YES, Ronnie was THE man

[MarkZ] SpecialAgentGibbs He doesn't have the keys yet. He is guarding the door witing on the keys.

[notsoguru] MarkZ I think it starts back in 1960 with an assassination!

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] Pfffft, try going all the way back to McArthur!

 [downunder] MC = Michael Cottrell

 [MarkZ] notsoguru good point. Kennedy pushed for a true return to asset backed and no fed. He was quickly killed for it.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Actually, most of it started with the Japanese Imperial 
Army pillaging and pludering

[ChildOfGod] MarkZ Didn't it really all start with the Federal Reserve Act back in 1912?

 [MarkZ] ChildOfGod technically you are right. :)

[notsoguru] MarkZ and our history books all need to be rewrtten!

 [MarkZ] notsoguru We will have to make certain they are re-written truthfully

 [notsoguru] MarkZ when you know what time you are going to spill the beans can you have the castle post it ahead of time please? and thank you!

[justincase] MarkZ - will that be Wed???

 [MarkZ] justincase That is the 
plan now. We have someone setting it up. Our tenative time is 9pm EDT wed

[MarkZ] notsoguru I hope to have the number out latetomorrow or Monday.

 [alohadinar] MarkZ Is the call Wednesday going to precede the RV or be some form of wrap up?

 [MarkZ] alohadinar we hope a wrap up.

[lilypad] This may have already been asked, but where will we get the number for the call on Wed?

 [MarkZ] lilypad I will release it here and tweet it

[sandytob] MarkZ Maybe I missed it, but who is Iron Lady.

[MarkZ] sandytob Margaret Thatcher


[Digs] MarkZ question: This "RI" that you claimed is fact.. this time, where is it? you claim this "RI" happened (a week ago today), but NOTHING!!! looks like all you came here to do was pump your site.. NOT BASHING AT ALL.. BUT...

[MarkZ] Digs I am being told by people I trust in Iraq that Maliki did pull that trigger. If I were pumping a site the RV happening now would make it useless for profit. I would rather have an RV.

[slh1812] Digs there is so much going on that supports what MarkZ is saying here tonight...but you have to read many different 
sources to get it

[lilypad] Digs, there are others who have multiple confirmations that Maliki did call the RI.

[Digs] FACT!! There has been no "RI" in iraq!!!!

[superbiz] Digs believe what u believe. time will tell won't it?

[Digs] superbiz yes, time will tell...

[MarkZ] Digs time will tell us soon. What is another day when our lives are another Groundhog day movie

[sandytob] MarkZ Will you still do a call if the RV happens before it?

 [MarkZ] sandytob especially will post rv.

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Know of any IMF/BIS rule regarding how long a RI can be accomplished before it is revealed?

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor I was told 10 days

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Let me look at a calendar. I'll count very, very slowly.

 [FLPatriot59] MarkZ Then what was the 72 hours everybody was talking about last week?

MarkZ] FLPatriot59 I have no idea where they came up with 72 hours. I actually made it a point to ask and all I got was dead silence.

 [Digs] MarkZ 72 hours from when?

[MarkZ] Digs so many reasons, this has been stalled for so long and they had to keep giving a bone to Iraq to explain the timeline that they were finally close enough to be able to do something about it.

 [MarkZ] Digs I never said 72 hours

[FLPatriot59] Digs That 72 hours was floating around a lot last week. It didn't originate with MarkZ.

[1974Z28Camaro] MarkZ I heard it was an 
internationallaw after a RI??? US has been breaking alot of laws

[MarkZ] 1974Z28Camaro US 
breaks laws all the time

[highhopes] Soooo 10 days from the 26th puts us aboutMonday the 5th...Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!!

[1974Z28Camaro] Digs To get real news you have to go underground. Been that way for years and years. But do you see how there is alot of them in the govt hanging them selfs right now just wait it will get really wild in a bit of time.

[MarkZ] 1974Z28Camaro I trick my browser and IP into thinking I am in a different country. It is stunning how edited our news is here.

[goddess] Mark, besides the call you will have on Wednesday, how long before all the truth comes out?

MarkZ] goddess It will be on going. We will do regular calls and webinars until it is out. People can then make their own decisions.

[lilypad] So MarkZ, in your heart of hearts, when do you think the announcement will come?

[MarkZ] lilypad I am afraid to say but I think early this week

[lilypad] Woo Hoo Mark Z--We have the runway cleared and waiting for a smooth landing

[kazorlando] MarkZ Did you hear about the new WHouse criminal attorney???

[MarkZ] kazorlando why would the WHouse need a criminal atty? Makes you wonder..

[kazorlando] MarkZ WHouse has hired new counsel.....big DC criminal attorney.....word is that there are looming investigations and an email regarding Benghazi and the IRS and other matters...if the Dems lose the Senate....well, might be trouble for the WHouse

[MarkZ] kazorlando I want all the crooks fried no matter which side of the floor they sit one.

[kazorlando] MarkZ No doubt it is not limited to any party affiliation

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ And they are on BOTH sides..

[MarkZ] Bear'sOpenHeart They definitely are on both sides.

[kazorlando] MarkZ Have you heard of hte Million Man March on DC??? What do you think of the Million Man DINAR March on DC??

 [MarkZ] kazorlando That we might actually have a million show up

[1974Z28Camaro] I havent been able to find any new news the last few days.

[MarkZ] 1974Z28Camaro my last news out of Iraq came from a contractor there on Sunday. It all went dead after that for the most part. Spooky quiet.

[Dinarblessed] MarkZ Heard Spooky Quiet is good!

 [MarkZ] Dinarblessed I think it is

[ChildOfGod] MarkZ Silence is golden!

[FLPatriot59] MarkZ So, 10 days from the RI is thisMonday, May 5. After that we're hearing the canaries will start singing. Do you really think that threat will precipitate the public RV or has this been the plan all along (since Maliki RI'd ahead of the game)?

[MarkZ] FLPatriot59 I think he forced it when he did it. He was told before that it would happen on the 25th and when they made another excuse. He forced the issue I believe.

[slh1812] MarkZ A turning point for everybody, for sure.
[MarkZ] I am too tired to make it too last call tonight...... I am hitting the pillow. I can't be intomorrow until late.

[Dinarblessed] MarkZ ty so much for being here tonight! We really appreciate it love :bighug:

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Good Night friend..
Posted by FORO DINAR GURUS at 9:36 PM

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tidbits from I4U Members Saturday Night

Tidbits from I4U Members Saturday Night







Coast-To-Coast radio talk show host Richard Syrett will devote the full three hours of his show to the story of the $27.5 trillion man, Secret Agent Leo/Lee Emil Wanta. on Saturday, May 3rd, 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. PACIFIC - (2 a.m. 5 a.m. EASTERN).





SITUATIONS / INCIDENTS, and open talk – line discussions >>>>


[SpecialAgentGibbs] Well, I see my old friend Mark has caused quite the stir, LOL

[bailey2..] SpecialAgentGibbs A stir, Ya think?

[SpecialAgentGibbs] interesting that MC has uncloaked also

 [ChildOfGod] SpecialAgentGibbs Its time for full disclosure!

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] ChildOfGod I've traveled in that circle for quite some time....

 [ChildOfGod] SpecialAgentGibbs Yes you have! KUDOS!

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] IF they spill half of what I've heard in the past, you all will be rocked

[Bear'sOpenHeart] SpecialAgentGibbs I am glad to see some of this stuff ,I've been reading for close to 20 years finally come out..

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] Z, MC, Leo & the Admiral...... I'd say get ready for something akin to Krakatoa

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] Bear'sOpenHeart They always told us to keep our mouths shut

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] Personally, I can't wait to hear what gets revealed to y'all

bebba] SpecialAgentGibbs will we be surprised?

[SpecialAgentGibbs] bebba I suspect you will be rocked

[Bear'sOpenHeart] SpecialAgentGibbs Back then ,there was so few of us ,we were considered the lunatic fringe.. rofl

[bailey2..] SpecialAgentGibbs we all have been anticipating

 [ChildOfGod] SpecialAgentGibbs What amazes me is that what has been hidden, hasn't been hidden at all. Peeps just choose to believe what they are told, rather than seek out the truth on their own.

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Bear'sOpenHeart LOL....yeah, they said we were all nutz....

[SpecialAgentGibbs] Sednet1 and myself tried to let a little spill about the GOV workings, always got laughed at back then

[SpecialAgentGibbs] IF what I suspect will be revealed, y'all best tighten up your knickers, and hold on....

[SpecialAgentGibbs] sagout...

[indian10] SpecialAgentGibbs thank you for coming in tonight!!!

[ChildOfGod] Truth passes thru 3 stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

[ZTenor] oK.....I'll bite.....Who's MC??

[Dakotaman] ..SweetQueen Well i hope he is real soon... and hello


 [WEW] SpecialAgentGibbs ... Not sure many can handle seeing the hard truth and the real world exposed. There will be no more excuses for allowing the abuse to continue. It will be simply time to stand up and be counted. We have to decide what kind of country we want to pass to our children.

 [Dakotaman] ..SweetQueen Nice i have read about him etc. That is good to know.. ty

[HIGHERGROUND] WEW Amen and Great Post!!! ty

 [SpecialAgentGibbs] WEW It's very simple, the abuses continue ONLY because "we the people" sit idly by and ignore what is happening

 [ZTenor] SpecialAgentGibbs Who's MC?? Just askin dude

[SpecialAgentGibbs] MC has held the keys to the vault for a very long time

 [gatorguy] Is this MC.. Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer for the Wanta financial

  [SpecialAgentGibbs] I best shut my trap for now, and allow Z to do his thing :)

My response to an article posted on the NESARA WEBSITE Saturday, May 3, 2014

My response to an article posted on the NESARA WEBSITE

Saturday, May 3, 2014

WATCH James Dobson Tear Into Obama: 'Come and Get Me'

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational purposes only.[Ref. ]

To those who have taken the Oath, Remember the Oath!
To those who have not and believe in the Constitution,
Take a similar Oath now to the Constitution!
Remember that those who make laws contrary to the Constitution,
Those who enforce laws contrary to the Constitution,
And those who give orders contrary to the Constitution,
Have become domestic enemies of the Constitution!
It doesn't take a Judge or a lawyer to know the difference!


[My response to the suggestion above that there could be a “similar” or civilian version of the above is this: the affirmation is based on Our Pledge of Allegiance –
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, One Nation Under God with Liberty and Justice for all.”

- PROPOSED WORDING – annotated for clarity of meaning:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Construction for the unites States of America [i.e., the Constitution that was in effect from 1819 up until the South walked out of Congress in a prelude to the War of Northern Aggression aka The Civil War] against all enemies, Foreign and Domestic; that I will bear true Faith and Allegiance to the same: and that I will obey the Constitutional and Lawful orders of Constitutionally qualified  and elected Civilian Authorities of a republican (representative) form of government in accordance with American Common Law, so help me God [The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth before whom all must one day stand in judgment and give an account for the words spoken and deeds done in this life WHEREBY WE WILL RECEIVE EITHER COMMENDATION OR CONDEMNATION; the God who demands that we love mercy, do justly and walk humbly with Him.”
Bez7 05/03/2014]

IMPORTANT DECISIONS and Wisdom from former leaders THAT MUST GUIDE US

All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 164, 176. (1803)

"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491. 

"An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed." Norton vs. Shelby County, 118 US 425, 442.

Teddy's Answer to Diversity!

There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.  [Included in that speech was that we speak one language – English.]
— Theodore Roosevelt, speech before the Knights of Columbus, 1915, New York

Teddy's Answer to Bush!

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
— Theodore Roosevelt

Teddy's Answer to Bush & Congress

"We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure.  Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public.  Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity."  — Theodore Roosevelt

Bill's Vietnam Memorial Page

tidbits on dinar

Globalmuse:  Listening a SECOND TIME Link to The Millionaire Next Door. FANTASTIC!

moneynow247 :  RAYREN98 9:05am ET 5/3 - ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸
¸¸.•*¨•*♫♪ $ We're in the Money, we're in the Money! $ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.•*¨•*♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.•*¨•*♫♪ I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. I know, I know, I know I see an RV! …. A Sho-NUFF RV! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.•*¨•*♫♪

Royal:  I asked Rayren is the RV he posted was a mistake , and he meant RI , he answered my "Royal how about both!

okrocks wrote RayRen GM is that a hint, you see an RV not just an RI? RayRen98 wrote OKROCKS - YEAH... BOTH! LOL

Adept1:  That's how it looks to me, too: RI and RV together, dinar+dong together. However it comes, though, I am happy and thankful.

Mndin:  between what MarkZ says and Tony saying before dinar and dong are joined at the hip I am betting on both and an RV


Guess to Picture clues from Exogen:

LVegas May 3, 2014 at 10:04am

Well if read all this correctly this should be our last Saturday of being in our current situations. Sunday should go live around the World and banks were given the rates by UST.

The technical glitch on the computers problems have been fixed.

The dong is in this currency basket and expect at least the rate for the dinars to be higher than expected.

Hope all of this is correct as another week of another month has gone by again. Let the games be over and life move forward for all. 

Tony & DC Dinar Intel


The bottom line is that Iraq had done an RI (reinstatement) of its currency, which caused some changes for us.  The process is moving forward quickly, the bad guys have mostly been marginalized and told that if they messed with the process further that they will be cut out of the process and dealt with later.  There may or may not be a contract rate.  There may or may not be an RV rate before we go to the bank.  There was a live actionable rate on all bank screens last night, which went to admin hold as the rollout started, but then there was a tech glitch which is fixed or being fixed and the process restarted. There may be only one currency to exchange (dinar) and others may come later.  There may be an RI rate for the dinar and an RV rate later and possibly much later. 

The government has asked Tony and DC to do at least seven days of calls in a row once the announcement is made.  You should be on those calls and they will be announced, .info, and .net.  Don’t know if they will be archived.  The government is very concerned about the smoothness of the process and has decided to support a feedback loop for us all by having banks report back as the process kicks off so TNT can advise us of changes and progress reports on those calls.  I think this is good thinking

Intel Update re: The Event for May 2nd

Intel Update re: The Event for May 2nd

Stock Photo #4220-290, Jack fells the beanstalk, thereby causing the Giant to  fall to his death, justifying Jack
My “trusted source” shared this with me just now. It’s encouraging and makes sense so I’d like to put it out there. May the 22nd of May see this to fruition. 
This concerns specifically what will happen in America in some respects, because the USA will be freed first, if that is still the plan. Once the US cabal is brought to its knees, the authorities can easily handle the other countries.
I guess to bring down the giant, the best place to hit him first is where it counts, LOL, get him doubled over, and then you can bash him in the noggin, bind his hands and feet and gag him… before chopping him into little pieces for stew—metaphorically speaking, of course.
Since the ‘window of opportunity’, as Cobra refers to it, is open until May 17th, we can expect miracles. Let’s conjure up our most excellent images of freedom and joy, and let those vibrations lift us into our new reality sooner rather than later.
As I write this, the ceiling fan in my office is on high and the chain is swinging in a circle, tinkling the glass light shades as it rotates. It reminds me of village church bells heralding a most joyous event. Oye, oye! Come one! Come all!  ‘Tis time for celebration. Let the feast begin! Cooks and bakers begin your preparations. Minstrels, strike up a lively jig. The common folk have won the battle! The giant lives no more!
Here’s the update, in the raw, with only a few spelling corrections.  ~ BP

“Arrests, GCR, Intel by Friar Tuck” posted by Exogen at Stage3Alpha

OP-ED By FryerTuck – Arrests, GCR, Intel – May 2, 2014
Posted by EXOGEN on May 2, 2014 at 7:19pm   Received via email.
May 2, 2014 13:04 PM
The game of espionage is dangerous. Those at the top of the ladder are unknown to the populace. Their names are never used in public. The closely guarded secrets are no longer secret. It was important that we found who was giving orders and running the show.
JP Morgan, Kissinger, Hitler, Queen Elizabeth, Bush clan, The Pope and many more are only pawns in the checker board. They are what the PTW call the “Children in Chains”.
Some will look towards the Black Pope as being the head leader, but in fact the head masters are as high up in the ranking as you can get. This way the blame is always kept on those who are only puppets and known in the public’s eye. Very few have ever met the PTW in person including their puppets.
CHECKMATE has been met as the highest ranking members no longer exist.
This game of chess has been playing out since 1549. Since 9/11 the team nearly quadrupled in size when many high ranking officials in the Military Industrial Complex finally saw the forest for the trees.
Mass arrests are not going to happen in the way many think. This will keep the populace from rioting and causing more chaos.
Many on Earth are stuck in the MK Ultra programmed matrix and are unwilling to lift the veil. To keep the shock factor down the decision was made to do this in phases.
These phases will not be noticed by many as they will be small but life changing. There is not much more these evil groups can do as their power has been taken away. It is kind of like a malfunctioning robot. This is why many weird moves are being made by evil in the public’s eye…
…such as missing planes that caused the media to scramble for information when finding out it really was not done by those who own them, and in the end their stories kept getting sillier and sillier.
The GLOBAL RESET: The RV is only part of this. The money releases will come as most all is set into motion.
The trigger should be pulled no later then May 22, 2014.
The release of this will be done in phases. If we release money to every person in the world, goods, services and food industries will be overwhelmed. This is why it will be done in phases.
The new tech will be released first. This will free up money for many people making life much easier. At the same time Social Security payments will increase as well as welfare, food stamps, disability, wages, retirement and pensions. The increases will be done slowly while the technology is being released slowly.
Humanity will rise above the need for monetary value as it was a concept that was introduced by the PTW for further world domination. Money will phase out and no longer be needed.
Many rumors and made up Intel is floating around. That means about 85% of it is all made up. They are perceptions based on mainstream news and current events in most situations. A story can be viewed your way based on a one-track mind.
Keep that in mind. It is a tactic used by the puppets that will be rounded up like a thief in the night. You will watch many disappear off the scene. The five biggest controlling factors will be taken down, Government, Military, Big Pharma, Banking, and Schooling.
Congress and all pending legislation will be broadcasted for people’s vote on paper ballot.
The Governmental body will be reduced by leaps and bounds. Nothing will be introduced to a ballot that has long term ill effects on Humanity or the Earth.
The original plan was scrapped and a new one was formed. We have a team of many well trained individuals who want Common Law to be the Universal Law on Earth. Do no harm to others or their property.
If you have been paying attention it is by no accident Common Law Grand Juries are popping up everywhere. Free Will is to be respected as well as an individual responsibility. Many emotions are ripe and ready to help stir chaos if things are revealed all at once. This is why they are and have been being revealed slowly in what we call “Soft Disclosure”.
You will notice this in many movies, TV shows, and news stations.
The script is going to be vamped up for more to be released on May 22, 2014 involving disclosure of corruption and Earth’s past as well as the ellusive Global Reset, RV, PP’s, NESARA and much more.
The last report I was able to send out was in 2003. Hopefully I can update more in the future. Until then, God Bless you All!

Video: Alex Collier - Alien Wars - Taxpayer Funded Shadow Government's Secret Black Projects

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: Alex Collier - Alien Wars - Taxpayer Funded Shadow Government's Secret Black Projects
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 3-May-2014 18:14:38

Video: Alex Collier - Alien Wars - Taxpayer Funded Shadow Government's Secret Black Projects
Alien War - Alex Collier
Published on Feb 13, 2014 By Enlightened
Let Light Be Your Guide In Life,
Let Darkness Dwell In The Shadows,
Let Love Guide Your Heart,
We Are All Spirit.

Did You Ever Consider That Mainstream Media Is NowThe Most Significant Threat To Freedom?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Did You Ever Consider That Mainstream Media Is NowThe Most Significant Threat To Freedom?
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Saturday, 3-May-2014 19:53:37

Humanity as a whole knows and understands the nature of governments. We can read history and see how governments operate to get what it wants. The threat of overreaching government and the obsession with control is a problem humanity has dealt with since the beginning of time. It (tyrannical controlling governments) has always been considered the greatest threat to humanity according to history.
Yet we know that governments throughout history have manufactured enemies and portrayed them instead as the ultimate threat; this is the nature of governments: to create "enemies" in order to maintain its power through fear. This known history of government propaganda and lies have, no doubt, accounted for the deaths of billions throughout history. So would it be a silly question to ask, What is the greatest threat to humanity today? Aren't these known facts about government enough to prove the point? I say no it is not, because humanity faces an even greater threat that is now hiding in plain view. The mainstream media propaganda machine, I want to argue is now the greatest threat to all of humanity...
: For at least the past 50 years, the American people have been
: fed a steady diet of lies.
: Coups, false flags, political assassinations, mind control,
: government corruption, Orwellian surveillance, psychopaths
: in power, bankster dictatorship, military-industrial
: complex dominance and the rise of the New World Order – all
: of these realities have been carefully hidden from the
: American people and the other citizens of the West.
: But during the past decade, a significant fraction of the
: public has begun to wake up, thanks to the rise of the
: internet-based alternative media. Outlets like Press TV,
: Veterans Today, Russia Today, WhatReallyHappened, Rense,
: Infowars, WhoWhatWhy, GlobalResearch, and
: Counterpunch provide facts and perspectives that are taboo
: in the corporate mainstream.
: Now the US government is trying to stymie the spread of truth
: – by abolishing net neutrality in order to literally “slow
: down” the alternative media.
: Last Wednesday the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
: announced that it would kill net neutrality by allowing big
: media to buy up internet “fast lanes” – leaving the
: alternative media, nonprofits, and ordinary users stuck on
: the internet equivalent of a dirt road. In a
: post-net-neutrality brave new world, the presstitutes of
: the lamestream media could hypnotize the public with vast
: amounts of high-speed data; while ordinary internet users
: and the alternative media could only respond through
: slower, clunkier channels.
: The net neutrality debate raises a philosophical question:
: Should we allow big money to control mass consciousness?
: In today’s USA, the mainstream media is a tool of big money.
: So are the universities, foundations, and the other
: “manufacturers of consent,” as Noam Chomsky calls them.
: These institutions lie incessantly. The world-view they
: peddle is a mythic delusion at best, a psychotic fantasy at
: worst.
: The internet is different. There, thanks to net neutrality,
: ordinary citizens and incorruptible journalists can
: challenge the official version of events – and chip away at
: the mind-control “matrix” that imprisons the masses in a
: dungeon of false consciousness.
: more:

News, Rumors, and Opinions Saturday Afternoon

News, Rumors, and Opinions Saturday Afternoon



[MarkZ] I came back early but only for a quick fly by. Back again this evening.

[MarkZ] Mr Cottrell said I could reveal who he is, he said there would be no hiding and he is looking forward to a very interesting call around mid week.

 I have perhaps the most plugged in person in the intel world who we will call "Charlotte" for now who will be helping me with moderating the call(her knowledge about the event is stunning). This call will be all about informing the masses.

You will feel like Neo when he took the pill.... :) I hope some more of the framers will join as well but that is what we have to look forward to so far. Try to ignore all the slander attacks which I am convinced will be launched in hopes of dis-crediting the call before it happens.

[catz] Markz what is the US Dollar Refunding Project? Thanks

 [MarkZ] catz We operate on a fiat currency now which has no real value other than percieved. The dollar refunding project is where real asset based money and hard assets(ie gold, oil, silver etc.) will be used to 'fund' the UST to once again be in charge of our US asset backed dollar. Right now the UST is flat broke. Mr Cottrell is the person that refunds/funds the UST or as we call it. He will 'reset' the US dollar.
[MarkZ] catz The FED which is a private company had a license or contract if you will to manage our 'currency' they did it with little or no oversight and raped and pillaged us.

[willy1] MarkZ - I speak with MC often and confirm the info you have stated -- it will certainly be good for Dinaroland to know the truth of the inner workings and cons and hero's ")
[MarkZ] willy1 Thank you and yes it is time
[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Do you have a timeframe on the call ?
MarkZ] Bear'sOpenHeart We are looking at wed
[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Okay.. In the evening ? Or has that been determined yet..

[MarkZ] Bear'sOpenHeart evening

[Bear'sOpenHeart] MarkZ Thanks .. Let us know ,when time gets closer so we can help you get out the word..

 [nolaspice.] Z why aren't we at the bank?

[MarkZ] nolaspice. because it is closed? :) I am looking to be there soon

[MarkZ] If I had to write a book on this whole thing I am not certain I would even know where to start!
[oucrazy] MarkZ. . . will someone be available to transcribe the call? Thnx [MarkZ] oucrazy I hope so. We need Tony's infrastructure for this one.

[catz] We still don't know who Bob is. Hopefully we will next week.

[bryan1972] Maybe we can find out who shot JR grin

[MarkZ] bryan1972 wasn't it Bobby?

[bryan1972] MarkZ I don't know..... I think the Cabal might have had something to do with it lol

[MarkZ] bryan1972 it did happen in Texas..... hahaha

[MarkZ] bryan1972 hahah I doubt you will get much intel out of me right now. I can say WOW though. which is just MOM upside down.... The news has been stellar today. Especially after yesterdays antics by our 'trusted' cough cough politicians. WF in LA even tried to jump the gun SKR some more 'connected' folks... shame...

catz] Markz, Whitehatsauxilliary said to provide a link to the conference call when we can . So when we get the word I'll send it over.

[oucrazy] MarkZ. . . Jester gonna be on the call?

[MarkZ] oucrazy I actually was thinking of asking him to be on it.

[sonnayhwh] MarkZ Any weight to talk of a dual US currency, iyo?

[MarkZ] sonnayhwh yes, The fed note should run 1 to 1 with the treasury note for awhile and then un-couple and float based on what it's value is. Which I believe will tank... IMO

[sonnayhwh] MarkZ See one as foreign and one domestic, as in China?

[MarkZ] sonnayhwh No, domestic and the new fed offices are in London as i understand it

[catz] Will Mr. Cottrell be on the call?

[MarkZ] catz Yes he will. oucrazy He is the final person that resets the US dollar.

[oucrazy] WOW!!

[owl] MarkZ what time for the call and will it be online radio also?

[MarkZ] owl Not 100% on time yet but thinking 9 EDT. I do not have the connection for online radio but if any of you can help make that happen please get in touch

[highhopes] MarkZ Is Mr Cottrell- the same person that works with Leo Wanta and all the funds from Ronald Reagon that have yet to be released??
[MarkZ] highhopes Same one

 [MarkZ] highhopes you have done your homework

[highhopes] MarkZ Thanks- I knew I've seen his name before

[mntnlady] Markz leo wanta makes rare appearance coast to coast am radio show tonight!

[mntnlady] Secret Agent Leo/Lee Emil Wanta. on Saturday, May 3rd, 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. PACIFIC - (2 a.m. 5 a.m.EASTERN).

[MarkZ] It does actually go back to Wanta, Cottrell, Bonnie, Wilcox and Story. It is a long convuluted story. It needs told though.

 [ChildOfGod] MarkZ I know. I have done lots of research on my own. And, as you say, it needs to be told. No one believed just me!



5-2-2014   DC   The  RI was initiated last Saturday pm/Sunday am and it's an international mandate that everybody must follow. We are beyond the notification timeline to do so.

This morning (Friday) in the Mosque the RI was announced yet again. They announced that they were reinstated and internationally accepted. 

Everyone is ready...banks/security/BIS/IMF.   All have been briefed on last minute changes. The rate was loaded and was live throughout the entire US on all banking screensWednesday night/ Thursday morning and then it went on administrative hold again...somehow we had a "technical" issue and it makes you highly suspicious.

They are addressing it and fixing right now...they are past the point of negotiation.  The US is at a place they have to go with rest of the world. Iraq's been generous and had enough.

All looks good and the shenanigans are out of the way.  It's been curtailed & is now moving forward.


Globalmuse:  Listening a SECOND TIME Link to The Millionaire Next Door. FANTASTIC!

moneynow247 :  RAYREN98 9:05am ET 5/3 - ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨•*♫♪ $ We're in the Money, we're in the Money! $ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨•*♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨•*♫♪ I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. I know, I know, I know I see an RV! …. A Sho-NUFF RV! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤¸¸.•*¨•*♫♪

Royal:  I asked Rayren is the RV he posted was a mistake , and he meant RI , he answered my "Royal how about both!

okrocks wrote RayRen GM is that a hint, you see an RV not just an RI? RayRen98 wrote OKROCKS - YEAH... BOTH! LOL

Adept1:  That's how it looks to me, too: RI and RV together, dinar+dong together. However it comes, though, I am happy and thankful.

Mndin:  between what MarkZ says and Tony saying before dinar and dong are joined at the hip I am betting on both and an RV


Guess to Picture clues from Exogen:

LVegas May 3, 2014 at 10:04am

Well if read all this correctly this should be our last Saturday of being in our current situations. Sunday should go live around the World and banks were given the rates by UST.

The technical glitch on the computers problems have been fixed.

The dong is in this currency basket and expect at least the rate for the dinars to be higher than expected.

Hope all of this is correct as another week of another month has gone by again. Let the games be over and life move forward for all.


[damsel] The final results showed that the initial "Kurdistan Democratic Party" and its allies won 20 seats and the "PUK" on 14 seats, was awarded the "Movement for Change" Kurdish (Curran) 15 seats. As the coalition of "Uniting for Reform" led by Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi 33 seats and the "national list" led by Iyad Allawi won 25 seats, while the "Reform Movement" led by Ibrahim al-Jaafari on 10 seats and the "Arab List" led by Saleh al-Mutlaq on 10 seats and "Civil Democratic Alliance" and 10 seats, "the Virtue Party" 7 seats.

[damsel] maliki will try some attempts to get blocs to support him but by now they know who and what he is



vet_1975:  WOW all we can do is wait till Maliki is out of office right?

Frank26:   No one knows the date ........... But IMO removing M from the GOI is a good start to a ....... Date.   KTFA,   Frank........ Lets see what happens next week.


Alan :What ever happened with the Qi cards haven't heard much about them in a while. How about the HLC. Some time ago we said we had to have these things or thought to have had them to have an RV. Are they still relevant to the teams study.

Frank26:  You missed the article today where M said ........... He will set up the GOI NOW .........
And introduce the HCL..... ARTICLE 140 with census included.

KTFA,  Frank


Bulldog75 Saturday Evening Post Emailed to Recaps

Coast-To-Coast radio talk show host Richard Syrett will devote the full three hours of his show to the story of the $27.5 trillion man, Secret Agent Leo/Lee Emil Wanta. on Saturday, May 3rd, 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. PACIFIC - (2 a.m. 5 a.m.EASTERN).

Leo Wanta was THE man who was instrumental in setting up the Wanta/Reagan/Mitterand protocols -- very simply (& as I understand it) this is what was the foundation for the Prosperity Packages that fund the RV/GCR, and the foundation/protocols were set up decades ago.

Wanta went underground for a long time because he was THE man who kept all this alive for decades..

If he'd died, much of what we're looking fwd to now would have collapsed and died with him. Many  have tried to kill him.