Saturday, May 3, 2014

Did You Ever Consider That Mainstream Media Is NowThe Most Significant Threat To Freedom?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Did You Ever Consider That Mainstream Media Is NowThe Most Significant Threat To Freedom?
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Saturday, 3-May-2014 19:53:37

Humanity as a whole knows and understands the nature of governments. We can read history and see how governments operate to get what it wants. The threat of overreaching government and the obsession with control is a problem humanity has dealt with since the beginning of time. It (tyrannical controlling governments) has always been considered the greatest threat to humanity according to history.
Yet we know that governments throughout history have manufactured enemies and portrayed them instead as the ultimate threat; this is the nature of governments: to create "enemies" in order to maintain its power through fear. This known history of government propaganda and lies have, no doubt, accounted for the deaths of billions throughout history. So would it be a silly question to ask, What is the greatest threat to humanity today? Aren't these known facts about government enough to prove the point? I say no it is not, because humanity faces an even greater threat that is now hiding in plain view. The mainstream media propaganda machine, I want to argue is now the greatest threat to all of humanity...
: For at least the past 50 years, the American people have been
: fed a steady diet of lies.
: Coups, false flags, political assassinations, mind control,
: government corruption, Orwellian surveillance, psychopaths
: in power, bankster dictatorship, military-industrial
: complex dominance and the rise of the New World Order – all
: of these realities have been carefully hidden from the
: American people and the other citizens of the West.
: But during the past decade, a significant fraction of the
: public has begun to wake up, thanks to the rise of the
: internet-based alternative media. Outlets like Press TV,
: Veterans Today, Russia Today, WhatReallyHappened, Rense,
: Infowars, WhoWhatWhy, GlobalResearch, and
: Counterpunch provide facts and perspectives that are taboo
: in the corporate mainstream.
: Now the US government is trying to stymie the spread of truth
: – by abolishing net neutrality in order to literally “slow
: down” the alternative media.
: Last Wednesday the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
: announced that it would kill net neutrality by allowing big
: media to buy up internet “fast lanes” – leaving the
: alternative media, nonprofits, and ordinary users stuck on
: the internet equivalent of a dirt road. In a
: post-net-neutrality brave new world, the presstitutes of
: the lamestream media could hypnotize the public with vast
: amounts of high-speed data; while ordinary internet users
: and the alternative media could only respond through
: slower, clunkier channels.
: The net neutrality debate raises a philosophical question:
: Should we allow big money to control mass consciousness?
: In today’s USA, the mainstream media is a tool of big money.
: So are the universities, foundations, and the other
: “manufacturers of consent,” as Noam Chomsky calls them.
: These institutions lie incessantly. The world-view they
: peddle is a mythic delusion at best, a psychotic fantasy at
: worst.
: The internet is different. There, thanks to net neutrality,
: ordinary citizens and incorruptible journalists can
: challenge the official version of events – and chip away at
: the mind-control “matrix” that imprisons the masses in a
: dungeon of false consciousness.
: more:

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