Wednesday, July 9, 2014

St. Germain: Our Twin Flame Project - Converting Lucronexia (greed) to Freedom and Light

St. Germain:  Our Twin Flame Project - Converting Lucronexia (greed) to Freedom and Light

Saint Germain:

I bring greetings of Love in abundance and Light.  This will be a week in which we offer you complexities, puzzles and challenges to tickle your minds and jump-start your heart.  The reason we are opening all the windows and doors and helping you to air out your psyches is that we are embarking on the first wave of the abundance packages.  With this massive change will come startling shifts in the way you will need to deal with your lives. 

Life as a wealthy person is very different in this world from the life of a worker.  There are completely different considerations and choices to make every day - and I don't mean what colors you will choose for your Porsche, your yacht and your three mansions.  That would be a very 3D way of approaching wealth.  Do not forget for a moment that you have a mission.  It is not about being rich; it is about being generous, and smart.

Your goal now should be: How can I best use these blessings to have the maximum positive impact on the world around me?  What projects touch my heart deeply?  How would I like to use my own expertise and enthusiasm to make a lasting change?  Remember the old Chinese adage:  "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.  Teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime."  What can you teach that will provide something for a lifetime?  Of course, you don't have to teach it yourself, you could join with others to create a program to help a chosen family, group, or community.

Perhaps your interest is housing in inner city areas.  Who will you partner with to create a program that will not displace the lower income people who are already there in favor of wealthier families who can afford new housing?  How will you create change without repeating the ills of the past?

What about education?  Do you have the expertise and imagination to create new programs that will break away from the current stultifying bureaucratic and authoritarian public school system (in the U.S.) to allow students a self-directed, individually focused program which will bring out the unique gifts of each child?  If you are not an expert in some level of progressive education, do you know the brightest and the best? 

Do you want to fund programs or projects that are already in place and deserve recognition and financial help?  Educate yourself carefully so that you are certain you are assisting the most honest and reputable groups, especially if you are working in a country or neighborhood where you do not know the organizations and individuals by long-established reputation.  If you wish to truly understand the workings and intentions of an organization, talk informally with a number of its lower-level employees.  They will tell you the level of Light and decency on which the business is built.

Focus your energies and your resources in such a way that you have the maximum impact for your contribution, and above all, do your research so that you are sure you are not throwing money at the front organization for some political despot who will use your blessings to increase his political war chest, or a scam artist who will siphon off the money for themselves. Unfortunately, there are still plenty of Dark Hat-trained minions who are aware of the blessings coming, and who have prepared themselves accordingly.

If you decide to contribute funds to a non-profit organization, go personally to observe the work they are doing.  It will lift your heart and create an energetic connection to the people on the ground who are carrying out the good work.  You see, it is crucial that you now not only give of the money, but that you instill the new energy of constructive purpose into the energetic field of the money itself, to change the purpose and intent for which money is used.

For centuries, the concept of money has been fraught with bipolar feelings of power and powerlessness, self-indulgence and want, greed and deprivation, gluttony and hunger.  There is an emotional illness affecting the modern consumer which has been created by the dark ones to serve their means of production and wealth.  It goes beyond yearning, desire, avarice and greed to a pathological condition you may call Lucronexia. 

You see, beloved Warriors for the Light, we are in the business now of curing a disease which has been rampant on the planet.  There is no one who has not been touched by the unhealthy feelings of greed which have been redefined to describe it in a more socially acceptable way: ambition, or drive for success, under the neutral term:  capitalism.  Since money was originally designed to be the tool for subjugating the masses, the notes and coins themselves have become imbued with the energy of those intentions. This is where the term "dirty money" originated.

You and I, Dear Ones, are now launching a program to cure ourselves and the world of Lucronexia.  This is the underlying purpose of the Prosperity Funds. Creating a program which will flood the world with money is, of course, a cure for the disease which requires scarcity in order to flourish. When all basic needs are met, it allows space and freedom for individuals to decide for themselves whether they wish to pursue "the Almighty dollar," or whether they will turn instead to fulfilling the dreams of their heart. 

No longer will you hear an artist decrying the lack of means to paint, or a musician giving up her dream to study music in order to "get a real job."  Being a parent will no longer sound the death knell for young peoples' dreams to create, study and thrive personally.  In such a world, children will be surrounded by adults who are pursuing what they love.  No child will have to feel like a burden, and no parent will find themselves resenting marriage and children because it meant an end to their dreams.

The Prosperity Funds and Programs are far-reaching in their intent.  We intended to cure the suffering caused by poverty, yes, but there is much more to our plan than that.

This is one of the reasons the release of funds has taken longer than we originally planned.  Our long range goal must be kept as the primary cause.  If we had released the Revaluation of Currencies earlier, it would have been absorbed into the old system, reaffirming the Lucronexia problem, the way so many lottery winners end up after one year in worse shape than before.  If the funds had been stolen, siphoned off or diverted by the dark ones who still had power in the monetary systems - as they revealed in the early tests - it would have been devastating to all, as hopes for real change would have been dashed.  This would have far outweighed the short-term benefits for a few very deserving Lightworkers.

We are in a better position now, having gathered the damning evidence against the perpetrators who would have destroyed the benefits for all.  We can now look forward to a new kind of abundance and prosperity as the global reset rolls across the world, lifting all boats.  We did not intend to make new millionaires, in the old mold.  We want instead to eliminate the feelings, the thinking patterns and the ingrained reflex which inspires all of you to assign star status to anyone who happens to have a large pile of "dough."

You are learning, in the throes of controversy and conflict over who Kathryn really is and what her intentions truly are, to awaken your hearts, join with those whose love for you is true and heart-centered, and lift yourselves into the Light of common sense, as you might call it. Here I will add a bit of interesting information for those of you who have been confused, disillusioned and disoriented by the accusations and dire warnings about us (Kathryn, me, Sananda, and others she is channeling). 

The one you know as Kathryn also lived another very controversial life in which she championed the cause of freedom and "Common Sense" as the author whose words inspired and propelled the American and French Revolutions - Thomas Paine.  In that life she also gave of her resources, her Heart and her drive to freedom at great cost to her earthly comfort.  She is one of the unsung founders of the Republic that arose from the American Revolution.  I recommend that all who have not had the pleasure, to immediately read "The Rights of Man," one of the seminal documents on freedom and human rights; it is most relevant to our current times.

As I give this message to Kathryn, I am also called to respond to Sananda's last message, "A Call to Help Our Kathryn."  Lightworkers around the world have sent their prayers and their offers to channel on our behalf.  We will accept their generous offerings of friendship, solidarity and Love.  It is a beginning of new cooperation which will set the tone for the exciting work to come.  The first of those messages is one I have given to Aleasha Lewis, a clear and loving channel who has beautifully captured the essence of my feelings and my message.  It is posted on our Facebook page and on the home page of our website,  There will be more of these loving messages to come.

We wish to create a clear and trustworthy Light for you to follow through these difficult days, as you tread the path toward Ascension.  We hit a bump in the road recently, when we were blocked from communicating with so many of the followers who were growing and learning as a result of reading our messages.  This was unfortunate, but we know that as soon as the dust settles, and the word gets out that we are fully and lovingly behind our beloved Kathryn, that the family she helped to create will find its way back to unity and Oneness. 

We tell you with great hope and love in our hearts that there is no foundation for the "cooked" evidence which is constantly and relentlessly being presented to the world concerning Kathryn being "compromised."  This is as nonsensical as suggesting that I, St. Germain, have fallen into darkness, ego and pride.  We are one, my twin flame Lady Portia/Kathryn and I.  She is as much of the Light as I am, and she is as much a part of this Prosperity and Freedom package as I am.

Raise your sights, Beloved Ones, to see further, to feel more deeply and to open your minds and hearts to new possibilities, greater and more inspiring truths than you have ever imagined.  It is a time of soaring, or releasing old feelings and ideas.  Find your balance by anchoring in the center which aligns your heart, mind and soul with All That Is.  Reach.  Do not be pulled down into the dark feelings of doubt and confusion which was the fertile ground for the diseases of alienation, depression and Lucronexia (the far extreme of greed and materialism).  Dire warnings and fear of the dark are designed to sweep you, unawares, into dark feelings, away from the Love we are offering you.

We thrive in Love, which is the opposite of fear.  Love alone will carry the day, now that we have been successful in stanching the flow of darkness across the land.  Do your part by helping others to free themselves from all control - even the control presented as love.  Listen to the urgings of your heart, and join with us in joy and harmony, for it is the beginning of a brilliant new day.

Please come to join us this evening on  The short link is  I will have another message for you then.

I wish you harmony, joy, love, laughter and friendship.
I am ever your servant, your St. Germain.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, PsyD, July 9, 2014, 6 PM EDT, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,

Barack The First: Send Riot Squads to Stop Free Speech in Murrieta, California

Barack The First: Send Riot Squads to Stop Free Speech in Murrieta, California


By Stephen Frank, California Political News & Views
No surprise here—Barack Obama has declared war, without permission of Congress, on the American people. He bows to terrorists, harms our friends, kills off quality health care. He demands to be sued for his numerous violations of the law and Constitution. Rules mean nothing to him.
Now he has declared war on the First Amendment, free speech. In a few days riot troops in full gear will be sent in to harass and harm American citizens that want the President to stop importing illegal aliens to this country. Maybe this is why he has been adding so many illegal aliens to our military—they will defend criminals from foreign countries instead of protecting American citizens. Who are these “riot squad” folks? Obviously mercenaries that could kill for anybody. That is what American has come to, a President that imports illegal aliens and then uses law enforcement and military against Americans.
Angry yet? Time to go to Murrieta and stand up for freedom? Will local police arrest the criminals sent by Obama? Is Barack the First trying to start a war—is that why so many law enforcement agencies look like armies instead of police officers? Baracks’ War on America is now at the weapons stage.

Confirmed: Train of death a MYTH

Confirmed: Train of death a MYTH.

Jim Stone 6-7-8 2014


Illegal immigrant children are not riding freight trains, they are getting put on buses and airplanes by the people fronting all of this, probably on YOUR DIME.

"15 people per day get busted by police in this train yard, the trains get searched for people and of those who do get busted for hitching a ride on a train, they are all adults and half are from Mexico. No children have EVER come through here AT ALL, not even one." - train yard worker in Guadalajara, the largest switch yard in Mexico north of Mexico City.

Rush Limbaugh's Train of death" is a load of bunk, and I can prove it. You cannot blame Rush for this mistake, because he can only go on media reports and does not have people in Mexico. I have the advantage of actually being here and actually seeing three large train yards in Leon, Guadalajara and Manzanillo which I set foot in personally to investigate all of this. After interviewing people at the largest yard in Central Mexico - the yard in Guadalajara ON CAMERA, people who were also in touch with Manzanillo which is a major port, I have proof of my initial suspicion after seeing the first yard, and that is that there are NO children coming up on trains AT ALL. Why is this important? Because it proves that someone has to be paying bus fare and airfare to get these children up to the U.S. and you can bet it is YOUR TAX DOLLARS DOING IT. Talk about salt in an open wound . . . . .



The man I interviewed on camera at the train yard in Guadalajara had it nailed, he specifically said the children are getting loaded on to white buses in Central America and taken straight to the U.S. that way, and that ZERO children are on the freight trains, NOT A SINGLE ONE has come through Guadalajara EVER. And if someone out there spawns a lie, saying OH, they all come through freight yard X, I will go to freight yard X and prove the lie. Kids cannot pick wherever a train goes, the fact that none have ever randomly hit Guadalajara according to people who work at that yard when Guadalajara has the biggest one north of Mexico City proves the train of death is nothing but a psy op.

The image to the left is a LIE

The image to the left is a photo op and does not EVER happen. I questioned people in the know who actually work the switch yards in Mexico and also did my own footwork to prove what they said, and they said no children ever pass through Mexico on freight trains. The people who do arrive at the switch yards will be a combination of Mexicans wanting a free ride and Central and South Americans, totaling 15 PER DAY, and the switch yard workers made it clear that they have NEVER seen a child arrive on a freight train EVER.
When the people get busted they are not jailed, they are only taken out of the yard and released. However, 15 per day and having them be mixed with Mexicans also means that there is no huge problem with illegals riding trains to America. And there is no way for this to not represent the average, there is no huge corridor they all pass through, because there is no passenger schedule for freight trains, when you hop a freight (which I have done in the past for 1,500 miles) you can only guess where the train is headed and it is luck from there. So Guadalajara is not missing out on the action because it is getting random arrivals and if children really were hopping trains by the thousands, thousands would have just by the luck of the draw hit the exchange at Guadalajara. The fact that not a single one has EVER hit that yard says it all, and I have this documented on video, straight from a man who works there.

Yet the children are arriving in America, and the people at the switch yard told me how.

The Mexican border agents know the buses do not have a destination in Mexico, so they let the buses pass. And the mainstream media also has claimed that these children are also being flown. QUESTION: Who is paying for this? Why was there a contract put out for receiving and transporting 65,000 illegal children per month by the DHS SIX MONTHS AGO, to start NOW?
ANSWER: One of my readers told me directly: Non government offices were set up in Central America to gain the trust of the children, take them, and ship them up to America. It is important to note that this was stated directly by someone on the ground in Honduras. All the children arriving are basically stolen. Mothers in central America are warning their children not to approach any white women or accept help from any non government organization, because these organizations which are fronting as charities are taking these children, loading them onto buses with no permission from the parents and shipping them up to America. It is the largest organized child theft in world history, happening NOW.

The liars and scammers are simply using a lie about trains to provide cover for the fact that they are actually stealing these children and shipping them up on white buses and on regular air flights

The real story is far far worse than trains - this is intentional and being done by enemies inside the American government who are paying to have these children shipped up to America, BY THEIR ORDERS. This is a manufactured situation that happened completely by plan. It is an act of war on Central America and also the American people, committed by the very people Americans, "elected" compliments of rigged electronic voting machines.

I documented ALL OF THIS ON VIDEO, including the testimony of a man who worked the rail yard, the empty trains, EVERYTHING, and I will try to post this tomorrow.

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7/01/2014

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7/01/2014
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Jul-2014 19:57:44

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 7/01/2014
12 Caban, 0 Kumku, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We come on this day with good news! Our various earthly associates are diligently readying your blessings for delivery. We wish to devote our message this week to discussing your origins. We are all descendants of an aquatic ape-like creature that lived on the third planet from its sun, the star you call Vega. This planet was a water world, filled with what you might think are very unusual creatures. The worst of these was a large predator, and our ancestors had climbed over a series of craggy mountains to escape it. There, they developed into great fishermen and began to spend a vast amount of time at sea. Eventually, they lost their dense body fur and took on some of the characteristics of a marine mammal. Around six million years ago, land cetaceans visited them from the Solis system. These gentle Beings asked them if they wanted to become fully conscious Beings and eventually migrate to their former homelands. They were reluctant at first. However, the intervention of the Spiritual Hierarchy convinced them to do so. They were then granted full consciousness and met with other such souls from the stars, which surrounded Vega.
These meetings led to the formation of a Light confederation, which began to slowly expand its influence across the Lyra constellation. Four million years ago, they had reached the star Sirius and had morphed into a new organization, the Galactic Federation of Light. It was this sacred union which eventually colonized the Solis system. These colonies were ravaged by the Ancharan Alliance and forced to flee. The colonists returned around 900,000 years ago and decided to only settle on Gaia. This group set up its headquarters in Inner Earth and also settled on a large island continent known to you today as Lemuria. This surface colony began to slowly expand. Its task was to support and maintain the various ecosystems. Around 300,000 years ago, Earth was colonized by Beings from Centaurus and the Pleiades. Most of them went to a large island continent in the present-day Atlantic Ocean. Its inhabitants called this new colony “Atlantis.” It soon became a silent rival of the Lemurians. Around 50,000 years ago, the Lemurians gave each of its colonies equal status. The Atlanteans saw this as a possible opportunity to exert their dominance over the surface lands of Earth.
Approximately 25,000 years ago, the Atlanteans and their dark allies struck and destroyed the surface lands of Lemuria. The Lemurians retreated to their Inner Earth realm. This left the Atlanteans in charge of the surface lands. Over the millennia, the Atlanteans began a policy of banishing the many children of the ruling elites who strongly opposed them to a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea called “Ionia.” The Atlanteans eventually attacked this colony. The Ionian scientists had prepared for this eventuality with a series of special devices. With these they were able to counter this threat. Atlantis was consumed by its own weapon and soon sank beneath the waters. The residents of Atlantis and their global allies fled to another world, which orbited a star in the Centaurian constellation, known to you as Beta Centauri. This disaster left behind two groups of Beings. The first were a group of special human hybrids called, in your legends, the Anunnaki. The second was your limited-consciousness ancestors. These groups, with the help of Heaven, soon formed a symbiotic relationship.
Heaven desired that your ancestors survive and learn a number of vital lessons, which were to become useful once the Light returned in full force to your world. This strange relationship, which consisted of the Anunnaki as “gods” and your ancestors as their devoted followers, continued for some 13,000 years. The time arrives for this to end and for you to resume your former state. This stage of your long journey is merely the beginning of how you are to be made fully conscious once again. We are here to be your mentors and to permit your return. The Anunnaki left behind a ruling group that morphed over the millennia into what you know as the dark cabal. This group is being ousted from power. It is aware that its time has come. The immediate present is to see this group step aside and be succeeded by our earthly allies. The pieces are in place for a great change to happen in the “twinkling of an eye.” This transformation includes sacred Beings who come from all parts of your globe. Their programs are to liberate you and to provide prosperity and new governance.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters. Your world is suffering under the last vestiges of the dark cabal. Our mission is to provide a means for you to get beyond their heinous rule. In addition, Heaven sent us great fleets of ships that are to bring us mentors, to aid in your transition to full consciousness. We welcome them. These brothers give us the ability to overcome any power still possessed by the dark cabal. A natural blessed movement is underway that is to move you toward full consciousness. Our divine task is to oversee these developments and ensure that they affect you positively. The purpose is to make certain of your timely success. Our associates have the tools required to forge a new epoch for humanity. This new epoch is already blessedly forming around you. The dark’s agents fear arrest. They panic about the facts to be presented at their trials and know that this present realm is indeed crumbling. The dark’s time is over. A new era of freedom, peace and prosperity manifests.
We realize how this is forming. At a special time, we are to address you and confirm what Heaven is doing to formalize its numerous sacred decrees. The dark set up a global set of societies founded on war, division and unwarranted hatred of each other. We need to apply remedies to millennia of profound abuse. You have in you hidden hatreds and odd beliefs set forth by your former overseers. Lessons are required to be taught by us so the equality of all and the surfacing of a mutual benevolence can reappear. In this light, you can truly come together and begin to set the foundations for a new global society. This society is to recognize your spiritual sovereignty and divine rights. It is also to ensure your prosperity by giving you the means to secure these for yourselves and your intertwined families. This is all a preface to what your galactic mentors are to teach you.
This is merely the time when you start to comprehend who you really are and how you are dearly related to one another. Your Ascension is to finally give you a special code for forging what we and your mentors teach you. Be in joy and be blessedly aware of how Heaven constructed this and righteously forged the path for your grand reunion with us all. We have sat in Agartha and watched how the dark manipulated you and kept you apart. This injustice is now ending. We have visited many parts of this globe over the last year and seen how things are changing. Heaven works in strange and wondrous ways. The dark cabal cannot escape its fate. Even so, these scalawags are our brothers and sisters who at the time of full consciousness are to return to the fold. We know this and see the purpose of this final part of our mutual journey: to learn a simple fact ­ we are indeed All One!! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we continued our message. Remain ever aware that Heaven is our sacred guide. Our divine service is to welcome back all of humanity. We come to teach, to mentor and to prepare you for the final great spiritual leap, full consciousness! The moment comes for us to take action and bring us all into this new blessed Age! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Planetary Activation Organization

Sananda: A Just New World

Sananda:  A Just New World


You are going to see the RV in a matter of days, at last.  As you know, there were several times when we thought it would go through, but obstacles intervened.  In the interim, the world has changed.  We now are in a much better position to have an orderly and uncomplicated exchange for the people, without worries that the banks will be able to steal your blessings with hidden fees, threats and secret small print.

It is truly a new day, Beloved Ones.  Everywhere the Light is permeating the darkness, in the corners where the shadows have lingered for generations.  Even in the Middle East where the dictators threaten and plot to maintain their power, the people on the ground are no longer taking them seriously.  There will be a few skirmishes, then peace will settle upon the land once and for all.  We are overjoyed to see the many places where soldiers are finding it less and less appealing to follow a hotheaded despot into battle.  The news will not be found on your media, but I assure you that the conflicts in the world are diminishing, and a new feeling of hope has begun to spread across the globe.

Around the world you are also seeing changes in the leaders of major powers, who are taking new initiative to combine forces against the banking Cabal which has had a stranglehold on Europe and the United States for hundreds of years.  Unfortunately, there will be an interim during which much reorganization will be required, and it may cause some upset in the American psyche to find themselves lagging behind during the restructuring of financial and legal systems.  If you are prepared by knowing this, you will ride it out joyfully, without fear, and you will lead others to do the same.

This is a complex and delicate process.  It is being orchestrated behind the scenes with great care and concern for the stability of the countries which are now receiving a jolt of reality as the dark systems are being dismantled.  It is a difficult position for the leaders of the "free world" to have to walk the fine line between protecting their people who would be the first to be affected by a major shift in the financial systems, and preserving the system which keeps the majority enslaved to the few who have been in control.

As much as we are looking forward to the shift which will return the power to the people, these are the very same people who will be most affected in the short term by economic upheaval.  Those in the middle and working classes who manage to keep going with little in the way of savings or long-term security are most vulnerable.  This is why it is so important that the revaluation of currencies provide the means for Lightworkers to offer a buffer with their personalized efforts to protect and provide for those in need when the changes take place.  There is no governmental agency which can provide as quickly and as personally when real need arises.

Yes, it is you, Beloved Ones, who will stand as the safety net for your neighbors and family members who find themselves in temporary difficulty because of the massive shifts and changes.  You are resourceful, creative and most original in your abilities to act spontaneously with good will when the occasion arises.  Your attitude of wanting so much to help out and to be there when others are in need will come to fruition in the days ahead.  You will become the mainstay of happily administered programs to bring good food, shelter and great comfort to those who are frightened by the changes - those who know nothing about the Ascension, except that they have been feeling the opening up as well.

It will be suddenly easier to accomplish the things that were so troublesome and difficult in the past because of red tape and bureaucratic foot-dragging.  Those who are suddenly powerless to help or to hinder those who used to be completely at their mercy will find themselves unseated from their positions of power over others.  From the smallest motor vehicle office to the largest social services facility, it will become clear that a bureaucracy which creates obstacles for their clients rather than serving them does not deserve to exist.

Your leaders have a wider range view of national and international conditions than you do, Dear Ones, since you are completely deprived of accurate reports from within your own countries as well as from abroad.  In fact, those reading these messages are far more informed of the real conditions in the world than any TV watcher.  I will give you an example.

It has been the clever campaign from the dark side over the past 40 years or so to revile everything having to do with "government," blaming big government for all the ills, debts and problems in the nation.  This was a clever ploy to deflect the rage away from themselves, the secret government which was siphoning off taxpayer money by the trillions of dollars, while programs which would provide for infrastructure, education and social services became the target of blame.  Their real fear was that those in Congress who refused to knuckle under to their bribes and their demands might actually be able to stand between them and their profits.

There have been courageous elected officials who used what small influence they had to make the public aware of the disastrous misuse of funds and the takeover of the elected government by the manipulators and propaganda generators who loudly forced themselves into every discussion, every attempt to place regulations or boundaries on their freewheeling greed and the laissez-faire policies which protected them.  It has truly been a secret Gilded Age, unbeknownst to the general public, who, directed by the propaganda machine, blame their elected officials.

In the midst of this downward slide into a free-for-all greed fest, the Supreme Court of the U.S. allowed the "Citizens United" law to stand (really the euphemism for Corporations United), permitting nearly unlimited amounts of money to be used to buy new politicians so that they could rid themselves of the bothersome renegades who insisted on questioning the EPA, FDA, FAA, FBI, HAARP, the CIA and other arms of the cabal which were operating mostly outside the control of the elected government, including the President.  A richly funded attack campaign featuring historically unprecedented slander, lies and brazen accusations of wrong-doing where none existed has become so constant and so cleverly constructed that the population has become unable to distinguish fact from fiction.

Note that these attacks are not funded by the usual political fundraising but are created by anyone with enough money to buy airtime and enough anonymity to say anything they want without regard for decency or the preservation of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."  They are entirely motivated by self-interest and personal gain.

These underhanded tactics are not new; they are however newly approved by the federal government under the name of free speech for corporations and self-interest groups, which now have more protection than individuals.  In fact it is the individuals who are the focus of these attacks who have the least in the way of truth-finding support or the means to counteract the onslaught.

Why do I bring these things to your attention?  Because there are good people under attack in every area of life, as the cabal plays out its last gasp.  I have always been a defender of Truth and one who stands for those who are most vulnerable.  Now, the attacks have become more public, and therefore more widely experienced.  A kind of numbness has allowed acceptance of the most outrageous manipulation of information and reinterpretation of "facts."  The anonymity of the media and the internet have allowed an unprecedented veil between the accuser and the accused, to the extent that most libel and slander goes unaddressed and uncorrected.

There is a rule of thumb which I want you to consider.  The brighter the Light, the more resentment and bile is likely to be directed toward that person.  The goal is to cast doubt on the person's integrity and credibility, and the more extreme the allegation, the more believable it seems.  Beware, Beloved Ones, that you not be caught up in the lure of the outrageous.  It is a strategy which has been used to great effect recently.

The more outlandish the "expose," the more it titillates the imagination and places the seed of doubt.  For instance, Obama is a Muslim who was not born in the U.S.  There is proof, because the accusation has been repeated thousands of times.  His wife is really a man in drag.  Photoshopped pictures prove it.  A plane hit the World Trade Center, because an animated video shows an airplane melting into the building rather than actually hitting it.  If it is shown enough times, with a voice-over describing something else, people learn to suspend judgment and believe what they are told.

How often have you been told that someone you initially admired and trusted was actually a puppet for the cabal, or under the influence of the dark side, or has lost their mind or their courage or their heart?

Here is what it means to use good judgment under such circumstances. (Judgment is not a bad thing, by the way.  It does not make you mean or judgmental.  It means you are making wise choices. It is the effective use of intelligence and Heart.)  First, free yourself from the prejudice against making a reasonable judgment; it is how you protect yourself and others. 

Before you begin fact-checking or asking others whether they believe the accusation or innuendo, ask yourself:  What does this person have to gain by invalidating the one they are pointing at?  How much do they have to lose if they do not discredit the person they are trying to tarnish in your eyes?  Is there money at stake, or is it an issue of power?  Why are they using a negative approach - disparaging the other - rather than demonstrating their own skills and competence?

And most importantly, why have you all, as a culture, come to accept the negative approach to winning a point, or defeating an opponent?  Why is it ever acceptable to accuse without evidence, to weave fantastical insinuations based on hearsay (which was once inadmissible as evidence for anything)?  You call it being tried in the court of public opinion.  It is no different from public stoning in the village square. It is a misdeed which should bring dishonor to the aggressor, not the accused.

As we work with you from the Higher Dimensions to bring an end to the dark days of old, we are here to help you, you who will be the creators of the new Planet Earth, to free yourselves from these contrivances of injustice, lest you allow it to hold you in lower vibration.  If you have even once taken part in a gossip-fest or a public trial by accusation, you must sit down with yourself, take yourself in hand, and reach deeply into your heart to ask forgiveness of the one you have dishonored.  Ask yourself if you have contributed to the negativity by remaining silent, increasing the energy of the attack by entertaining it in your thoughts, or by spreading the word, sending doubt and fear outward to poison trust, placing yourself in alignment with something dark and destructive.

There is a New Age device which is often used to cover up meanness.  A person sends a letter of insults, accusing their former friend of being a fraud, a cheat and a charlatan, then signs the letter with "I send you love, that you may be able to change/awaken/see the light."  This nonsensical juxtaposition is anything but loving.

If you wish to send someone love, just send it from your heart, with kindness and joy behind it, and say nothing.  Do not take it upon yourself to create pain - it will only drive the person toward defensiveness if they are truly of bad character, or it will invite damage to the person of Light if they are innocent.  You are not a God who condemns.  Instead, be yourself.  Your most loving, kind and uplifting self.

You have the power, Beloved Ones, to create or to destroy.  You live still under the agreement of free will.  You are therefore adding your energy always to the Light or the Dark.  Be aware, be mindful, be focused always on the highest and greatest good, which is Love.

I come to you as the one who has known injustice, and the one who has known God. It is now our time to turn the wheel full circle, to embrace our just and loving hearts, to fulfill our destiny as those who create anew, never to return to the dark ploys and ruses which intended failure of every endeavor, every relationship and every effort to rise up.

We will overcome darkness by being Light; we will join together because we gain strength and joy from each other's Love.  We will build our New World on a foundation of kindness, not conflict, divisiveness or war.  Ours will be a labor of Love, and its fruits will be Unity.

We are One.
I am your Sananda, and I speak with my heart filled with Love and anticipation for the celebration to come.  Namaste, Dear Ones.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 29, 2014, 3 am, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website,

Tidbits from Frank26 and KTFA Members Wednesday Morning

Tidbits from Frank26 and KTFA Members Wednesday Morning


notthe1 » July 9th, 2014, Just to sum up last CC... IMO ... we are waiting for a RATE and Than a DATE.

gratefulheart :So……….the oil tankers “moved” because the ones that control 70% of the $ in the world…..said…it’s TIME for us to get paid on this investment…move!

There is no delay. It's not's financial. And it's TIME.  Right?

Frank26:  Indubitably ........... YES!

KTFA,   Frank

another mailman:  Hi Frank! Just listened to tonights recording. It sounded like you were ready to give a window or time frame. Go ahead, we can handle it! You know you want to.


KTFA Tuesday Night CC :  Approx: 125 Minutes long:  The first 75-80 minutes is Bible Study and then Dinar /Iraq Information


Frank26:  ......... Yes ........ I almost did.

It is a guarantee with a Time Frame.

It would be the first time I do that.

I am not conceded in my desires ......... I am simply solidified in my Understanding of this MR with the CBI.

"IF" ............. We are still waiting after August 15th ........... I just may share my final thoughts after that with our KTFA Family.

Suffice it to say ............ I sincerely expect it in 2014.

One last thing .......... Today is 2 of 3 with my TEAMS look at Your notes ...... The 8th to The 10th !!!
The 3 things were pointed out on CC last night that came on the 8th which was about THE GOI.
Today is The 9th ............ It will be about THE IQD.
Tomorrow is The 10th ........... It will be about Kurdistan.

Aloha ....... KTFA,   Frank


Sager wrote on July 8th, 2014, 10:21 pm:   Brought Forward:

New LAWS In Iraqi Law Library July 7, 2014

Instructions No. (1) for the year 2009 certification testing laboratories amended

Regulation No. (5) for the year 2014 the Court of formations Endowment Christian religions and Yazidis and Sabean Mandaean and functions of the decision of the Council of Ministers No. (297) for the year 2014

Regulation No. (3) for the year 2014 Payment Services electronic funds issued by Council of Ministers No. (186) for the year 2014

From what I heard: "Payment Services Electronic Funds has everything to do with banking and non-banking transactions including the ISX transactions, internet transactions,
pension distributions, payment of government grants to war victims, foreign investors transactions, electronic signature cards etc. It's big! - pose"


Frank26:  Last night as I tore this apart on CC ......... I said when first seeing it I was reminded of the movie Roger Rabbit....... My Eyes POPPED OUT !!!

This is extremely BIG !!!

KTFA,   Frank


mcdan : Frank when you were speaking about this post with excitement in the back ground of the recording . Your clock was backing you up by saying IT TIME . I thought of Big Ben when I heard you clock striking. Ii is TIME .   real good cc thanks


Frank26:  Yes ....... But just like the GOI ....... It tends to be SLOW

KTFA,'  Frank


 Sager:  Iraqi Dinar's Revaluation and the Current Law and Economic State of Iraq Join our daily free Newsletter

MENAFN Press - 08/07/2014

(MENAFN Press) (EMAILWIRE.COM, July 08, 2014 ) Hartford, CA -- For years, people in and outside of Iraq have been excited about the revaluation of Iraqi dinar. But what is the real state of Iraqi dinar? Will they ever mature so that its investors can convert their investments? Is there hope amidst the country being in hot water now facing law and order and economic crisis?

Iraq's major economic gauge and main source of crude oil are facing major perils as of the present. Baji oil refinery which is the largest oil refinery in Iraq are about to be taken control of by theBuy Iraqi DinarBuy Dinar militants. However, Iraq security forces are in the process of getting the control back.

What is notable though is that the oil refineries of Iraq are operating vastly in the southern part of Iraq, while Baiji is in the northern part which is currently having disagreement with Kurdistan regional government.

This fact attests that Iraq's oil industry is not being hijacked at all by the rebels. The issue about Baiji oil refinery does not gravely pose a threat to Iraq's economy. Therefore the Iraqi dinar's value in both local and international markets are not at all in hazard.

Abdul Basit Turky, Central Bank of Iraq's Governor, stated in his press release that The economy of Iraq is fully stable and does not have any serious harm that may destroy the overall economy of Iraq.

He said it is temporary instability in the law and order situation that Iraqi security forces will overcome very soon and people will see the old Iraq very soon. Moreover he said that Iraq has 70 billion as cash reserve at central bank of Iraq that is enough to support their currency for a longer period of time, even if the situation remained at same condition.

Iraq purchased gold ingots as gold reserves that enhanced the gold reserves of Iraq three times in the international market.

The gold reserves are enough proof that Iraqi dinar has its success place in the market and that the currency is not to lose its market price.

Foreign investors should also be confident about their investments amidst the current law and order state of the country. Whatever internal issue Iraq is having right now, the governor assured that Iraq's economy will recover and it wouldn't take that long before it regains its market value.

Iraq's Central Bank plays a significant role in the overall situation of Iraq and it is prepared to allow trusteeship for Iraq's commercial bank's dealings and operations with both local and international companies. Investors locally and internationally should feel secured that any operational gaffe of any commercial bank under the legal responsibilities of Central Bank will be compensated by CB.

Investor confidence, as a very important factor in maintaining the stability of Iraq's currency, continues to interest foreign investors.

Iraqi dinar's value has an elastic state in the international market showing great strength adding the fact that Iraq's Central Bank has constructive policies.

Taking into consideration the current state of Iraq and of its economy, the question of the viability of Iraqi dinar's revaluation is something that everyone is concerned about.

Iraq's state may be in a bit of a haze right now. But its leaders are positive that soon, their country's political and law order situation will be stabilized. And yes, revaluation of Iraqi dinar is on its way as well.

(Dinar Recaps Note:  the above post is from a Currency Dealer…and we make it a point not to post advertisements from Currencies Dealers or endorse one over another…..but, the post included information that many find important…Thank you)


Frank26:    SAGER ............ Sorry we had to remove Your wonderful post on the IQD but it's link went to a currency seller and I do not represent them.

BUT .......... The article was ......Hmmm........... Well?...... AH?

I guess I have said Ta Da way too many times.

I think I will use another phrase from an old Cartoon Friend ........... BAMB BAMB !!!

KTFA,  Frank


jdtolle » July 9th, 2014, Work through

When your efforts bring disappointment, the worst thing you can do is abandon those efforts. Keep making the efforts, and eventually you’ll work your way to the results you desire.

Quitting won’t end your frustration or despair. On the contrary, quitting will just lock the frustration and despair permanently in place.

Instead of giving up, make the commitment to work through. Work through the disappointments, work through the discouragement, work through the frustration and work your way toward success.

When you feel like stopping, like you’re hitting the wall, keep going. Keep going and you’ll get through that wall into a more creative, productive state of flow.

You’ve worked your way this far, and you certainly have it in you to work on through the problem, or discouragement, or disillusionment or whatever.

Your focused, committed effort will get you to the other side.

Engage the ability you have to work through. And nothing will be able to stop you.

— Ralph Marston  

Wishing All a safe and blessed day

Little-known causes of depression

   Holistic Blends Inc.
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Little-known causes of depression
Hi John
There is arguably no health condition that is more mysterious and misunderstood than depression.
What makes it so mysterious is that the level of symptoms is entirely subjective—there is no lab test or x-ray that will confirm that depression is present.
Instead it’s diagnosed by the patient reporting five or more of these unexplained symptoms present for two or more weeks, or present to the degree that they interfere with the person’s ability to function:
  • Persistent sadness or empty mood
  • Loss of interest in activities the person used to enjoy
  • Decreased energy
  • Deep fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances—insomnia or early morning wakening
  • Eating disturbances—loss of appetite or overeating
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty remembering or making decisions
  • Suicidal ideation or thoughts
Let’s take a closer look at some little-known causes of depression, why antidepressants frequently cause more harm than good, and most importantly, how to help break the cycle of depression and start feeling a whole lot better.
Depression’s many different causes
Many cases of depression are considered situational—that is, there is a trauma or life event that triggers a depressive episode such as the death of a loved one, job loss, divorce or loss of a relationship, serious surgery or illness, being the victim of a crime, exposure to extreme violence, etc. 
There is also a genetic component.  Statistics show that if one parent is depressed there is a 17% chance that their child will also be depressed.  And when both parents are depressed, there is a 55%-75% chance their child will also develop depressive tendencies.
Nutritional deficiencies have also been shown to be a significant factor behind depression and your mental functioning.  This is especially true if you’re lacking Vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, zinc, iron, omega-3 essential fatty acids and magnesium.  All of these nutrients are crucial for proper brain function.
Your gut flora also plays a role.  The brain and gut are connected and communicate back and forth to each other, and the health of one definitely has a significant impact on the health of the other.
But there are also other causes of depression that many people are not aware of…and knowing about them can be a significant step toward overcoming depression.
The lesser-known depression triggers
1-      Chronic stress
Everyone has temporary stresses now and then, but ongoing chronic stress is damaging to both your physical and mental health.
You see, when you’re consistently stressed, your body’s adrenal glands repeatedly secrete the hormone cortisol.  Over time, this hyper-secretion of cortisol can damage your arteries, suppress your immune system and cause you to stress eat.
It can also damage the hippocampus area of your brain, which is where short-term memory traces are recorded.
And here’s the biggie with respect to depression—cortisol also lowers serotonin levels.  Serotonin is your natural “feel good, antidepressant” neurotransmitter.
Cortisol activates an enzyme called tryptophan oxygenase which results in less tryptophan in your brain, and since tryptophan is needed for your brain to make serotonin, your levels go down--putting you at risk for depression. 
Plus cortisol also makes your brain’s serotonin receptors less sensitive…so your brain isn’t able to fully react and benefit from the serotonin like it should.
2-      Anti-anxiety medications
Anti-anxiety medications like Valium, Xanax and Librium also inhibit your brains serotonin receptors, which in turn can trigger depression.
This is one of the major reasons why anxiety and depression frequently go hand in hand!
3-      Hypothyroidism (low functioning thyroid)
Your thyroid gland is truly your internal “Grand Central Station,” controlling many of your body’s functions and processes from head to toe.
The symptoms of low functioning thyroid (hypothyroidism) can run the gamut that includes triggering depression.
4-      Cigarette smoking
Yup—here’s yet another offense to be added to cigarette smoking’s rap sheet.
The nicotine in cigarette smoke can stimulate your adrenals to produce cortisol.  That in turn leads to the cycle I described in #1 above—lowering serotonin and prompting depression.
Cigarette smoking also leads to a variety of nutrient deficiencies which also play a major role in the development of depression.
Many different causes but just one answer?
Considering the wide variety of possible causes of depression, it’s disheartening to think that the vast majority of people with depression are merely prescribed antidepressants. 
Typical antidepressants (like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil) “work” by increasing your brain’s serotonin levels….but there are several problems associated with that.
First of all, antidepressants are designed to be used for six months or less. Yet a large percentage of people who take them are on them indefinitely—some for many years or decades!
And although they may provide relief for some, alas, that relief does not come without a price—side effects.
The side effects of many antidepressants can arguably be worse than depression itself!   
For example, some of the common effects of SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lexapro, and Celexa are:
  • Nausea
  • Nervousness
  • Headaches
  • Sleepiness
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Dizziness
  • Stomach upset
  • Weight gain
In addition, the elevated levels of serotonin caused by SSRIs in some cases can cause changes in your cell neurons that can be classified as brain damage, and all antidepressants are required by the FDA to carry a warning about the risk of suicidal thoughts, hostility, and agitation.
Plus here’s another extremely important point to consider:  Antidepressants do absolutely nothing to address the underlying cause of low serotonin levels!
So for example, if stress and overproduction of cortisol is triggering low serotonin and depression in someone, they can take antidepressants until the cows come home, but unless they address the underlying cause—STRESS—they will never stand a chance of truly overcoming depression.
And can end up needlessly medicated for life as a result.
Take the bull by the horns
If you or someone you love is suffering with depression, it’s essential that you look at all the possible contributing factors behind it and DO SOMETHING about them!
Here are seven effective strategies to consider:
1-      Talk it out
First and foremost, counseling with a skilled therapist is helpful to SO many people, especially those with situational depression.
Note I used the word “skilled.”  Just as in any other field, there are skilled and not-so-skilled therapists out there.  And if yours doesn’t seem to be helping you or all they want to do is push medications on you, it’s time to find another that truly will help and deserves your business.
2-      Ditch the cancer sticks
Just think—in addition to lowering your risk of cancer and heart disease, you’ll also take away a major contributing factor behind depression if you quit smoking!
I know it’s difficult, but millions have done it before you so it’s not impossible.  My cousin quit a 3-pack a day habit after smoking for 30 years and has never gone back. 
Stop the excuses, get help if you need it, and just do it already.
3-      Have a healthy diet to help counteract any deficiencies
Yes, you can eat your way to better physical and mental health by getting a variety of real foods that will help provide a variety of nutrients that your body and mind desperately need!
The Great Taste No Pain system can guide you in this important task.
Not only will the Great Taste No Pain recipe book and manuals show you delicious ways to enjoy nutritious good-for-you foods (while teaching you the dangers of processed and fast food), but they’ll also guide you on constructing meals that are more easily digested.
That will help ensure better digestion and nutrient absorption—so you can reap the benefits of your healthier diet from head to toe!
And if you’ve got gluten challenges, Great Taste No Gluten is for you instead. 
4-    Consider supplementing with Omega-3 essential fatty acids
The Omega-3 essential fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are critical for brain health and proper brain function.  Your brain's neurons (the cells that transmit messages) are extremely rich in these Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA. 
On the other hand, deficiencies in these EFAs have been linked to schizophrenia, decreased memory and depression.
The best food sources of Omega-3 EFAs are salmon, scallops, sardines, shrimp, cod, flaxseeds and walnuts.
Unfortunately, many people aren’t seafood fans and therefore aren’t getting nearly enough of this crucial nutrient in their diets.
That’s why daily supplementation with a quality Omega-3 fish oil formula can be so helpful to so many people.
Fish oil supplementation can help maximize your brain's functioning, help protect against dementia in your older years and help counteract depression.
VitalMega-3 fish oil supplements are the perfect answer to this very important concern. 
VitalMega-3 provides an impressive 1,200 mg of Omega-3s in each daily two-capsule serving, including 600 mg. of the EPA and 400 mg. of DHA that is so highly recommended by health experts. 
5-      Get tested
As I mentioned above, hypothyroidism is a common cause of depression, so it may behoove you to ask your doctor to check your thyroid. 
Plus also ask for your adrenals to be tested too, to see if excess cortisol production might be going on and adding to depression.
6-      De-Stress
As you saw up above, stress can be a MAJOR factor behind depression…so if you’re under chronic stress, it’s time to take some measures to chill out.
One of the best ways to help drain away stress is to exercise.  Even brisk walking has been shown to help!
Other stress relievers include:
  • Taking up a hobby
  • Watching funny movies
  • Adopting a pet
  • Counseling with a skilled therapist
  • Prayer
  • Dancing
  • Taking a brisk walk
  • Drinking chamomile tea
  • Meditation
  • Visualization
  • Reading
  • Visiting a friend
  • Creative writing; journalizing
  • Aromatherapy
  • Deep breathing
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy
  • Yoga
  • Even healthful sexual activity! 
7-      Encourage a healthy gut flora balance
Your gut flora plays an important role in your physical AND mental health, so it’s crucial to make sure yours is in a good balance. 
Super Shield probiotic formula can help you with this important task.
Super Shield contains a blend of 13 quality, potent probiotic strains that are ready to take their place along your gut wall to help keep it strong, encourage sound digestion and nutrient absorption, boost your immune system and help fight depression!
If you are dealing with depression, it’s time to get to the bottom of what may be going on, and most importantly, do what you can to help feel BETTER!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS: I’m pleased to announce that we will soon be launching our brand new!  I will keep you posted on the launch date as the site gets closer to completion!
PPS:  Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking. 
PPPS: Mary Ellen’s down 15 pounds and much more!

HI Sherry:
Since starting on your Great Taste No Pain plan the way I feel is different beyond what I had hoped.
I suffered for almost 2 years with pain resulting from Lyme Disease, that is gone. I have no pain in my joints, my neck, my head, all gone!
I have lost 15 lbs. And I have tons of energy!
I used to suffer from constipation, no longer.
I am so happy to have found you.
Thank you.
Mary Ellen

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(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends 

Refreshed and Ready for the FINAL Battle

Subject: Refreshed and Ready for the FINAL Battle

I'm back from my 50th birthday celebration and ready for the final battles in our quest for bring it on "Bad Guys"!

Timing is everything in our battles and the 2nd half of 2014 is key not only for the RELEASE of the silver price suppression but for the RELEASE of the chains wrapped around our freedoms. For over 100 years we have toiled in the battle to become free individuals and NOW we are ready to experience what FREEDOM really feels like...FINALLY!!

It won't be an easy Road from here on out. It will be very hard but it will be a great lesson learned. Although Freedom is an inalienable right of all human beings - it is not freely given. It must be earned and then it must be protected.

So bring your best to this battle as the next 6 months will change our lives forever.

Let's start this battle by fighting for the CAUSE of SILVER as it affects all other parts of the "Bad Guy" control mechanisms...

Here's Why $100,000/oz Silver is a Conservative Estimate

Those who think that $100,000/oz silver is impossible need to change their frame of reference. 100+ years of silver price suppression has so distorted the true value of this majestic metal that NOBODY knows where the price should be now.

The very moment the silver rigging ends you will understand much better the true value of silver....AND IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir