Thursday, October 9, 2014



@READYVILLE --- Review your exchange PROCEDURE$! $ANTA is @theDOOR. Watch out 4 TRAP$ & PITFALL$! Get it all plus some MORE!#wearethepeople
Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 6:59 AM No comments:


SPRINGS: Never have done this before so here is what I got out of the clues Santa is ready to deliver our packages.

Is anybody out there. Waiting in the dark and in the silence.

It is finish and done. That's all folks!

Its now time to break out the bottles of Champagne and toast to our new life!

Read your book case. We need to review our cash out procedures and prepare to exchange at the banks.

Aloha leslie: 
Clues coming Forward: All Tier Groups are getting ready to get paid And they (we) are all on pins and needles.... anxiously waiting...waiting

Yayyyyy! It's snowing. Here comes Santa comes Santa Claus... right down Santa Claus Lane 

Publicado por FORO DINAR GURUS en 6:33 AM

A little known heart disease trigger

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A little known heart disease trigger
Hi John
Few conditions conjure up as much fear as our number one killer.
Heart disease.
According to, every 33 seconds someone in the US dies from it. 
The number of people whose lives it claims is the equivalent of having a September 11th -like tragedy occur every single day, 365 days a year.
It has achieved its number one status by a longshot too—currently more people die of heart disease than of AIDS and all cancers combined.
Plus it’s been estimated that by the year 2020, heart disease will be the leading cause of death in the entire world.
Nothing to take lightly.
Let’s take a look at what “heart disease” means, how far we’ve come with measures to help fight it, as well as take a look at some little-known factors that can make a big difference between having a healthy ticker or adding to the statistic pool.
Heart disease 101
The term "heart disease" is very broad and sometimes confuses people.
Doctors usually use the term "heart disease" to describe atherosclerosis, which is when your arteries get plaque buildup, harden and eventually the flow of blood can be impaired.
Atherosclerosis usually occurs in your larger (wider) blood vessels, so many people don't realize they have a problem until their artery is 90% blocked or more! 
Here are other terms that fall under the "heart disease" umbrella:
1- Thrombosis:  This is when you have atherosclerosis and a piece of a clot breaks off, travels to a skinnier artery and completely blocks the flow of blood.  As a result, the nearby tissue or organ that depends on that blood flow can die.
2- Heart attack (aka myocardial infarction):  This is when blood flow to the heart is blocked.  Your heart requires a steady supply of blood containing oxygen and other nutrients, and when it doesn't get what it needs, it starts to die VERY quickly…and so can you.
3- Stroke (aka cerebral vascular accident, or CVA): This is when a blockage occurs in the blood vessels that feed the brain (the carotid arteries).  When the supply of blood is shut off, nerves in your brain start dying almost immediately. 
This is why strokes can lead to such devastating impairments as loss of movement, speech, memory or various other bodily functions.
4- Angina pectoris: This is a squeezing, pressure-like chest pain usually caused by insufficient blood flow and oxygen to the heart.  
5- Arrhythmia: Your heartbeat is governed by a series of electrical impulses.  If these signals get disrupted, your heart chambers can start contracting in the wrong sequence.  As a result, your heart's ability to pump blood through your body can be impaired.
6- Congestive heart failure (aka CHF): This means your heart has weakened to the point where it cannot pump enough blood for your body's needs. 
7- Congenital heart disease: This is when you are born with a heart defect or abnormality.
What we’ve done so far
In addition to the obvious routes of cholesterol-lowering or blood thinning medications and surgical procedures such as bypass or angioplasty, most health organizations and medical professionals have also been beating the drum about lifestyle changes to help lower your risk of heart disease.
These typically include the following:
  • Quit smoking
  • Lose weight
  • Get regular exercise
  • Have a healthy diet that’s low in trans-fats, saturated fats and salt
  • Limit your alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks per day
  • Take an aspirin a day if you’re at risk
  • Learn CPR (that one seems more like death prevention than disease prevention to me)
  • Take fish oil supplements
But in spite of our ever-increasing medication options, surgical advances and even lifestyle recommendations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) our heart disease prevalence rate (meaning the percent of people who have it) has stayed pretty constant from 1999 to 2009.
So—since those numbers should be going down but aren’t, we’re clearly missing some pieces of the puzzle along the way.
And one of those pieces that is emerging as a significant player in the prevention of heart disease is…
The role of crucial nutrients
Nutrients drive every single cell, process and organ system in your body, and that includes how well your heart and blood vessels are able to carry out their jobs.
So it only follows that if you are lacking in any nutrients that are especially important to the health of your cardiovascular system, your heart disease risk could be going through the roof and you may not even know it.
Here are some of the nutrient superstars in terms of strong heart and blood vessel health:
CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
CoQ10 impacts your cardiovascular system in three different ways:
  • It’s needed for the mitochondria in your heart cells to keep producing energy
  • It functions as an antioxidant to help prevent blood vessel damage that can trigger atherosclerosis
  • It plays a role in normalizing blood pressure
Plus here’s a kicker for you:  Statin medications (like Lipitor, Zocor and Mevacor) shut down your body’s ability to make CoQ10—so the medication you may be taking for heart disease “prevention” actually can increase your risk!
CoQ10 is abundant in beef and chicken hearts, fish, sardines, peanuts, calf’s liver and spinach. 
If you wish to supplement (and if you’re taking statins this is an especially important consideration), experts recommend doses of 50-300 mg. per day.
Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant that can reduce the impact of stressors on your cardiovascular system. 
It partners with calcium (which is a muscle contractor) to regulate your heart rate, among other things.
But when you are low in magnesium, your muscles (including the heart) are not relaxing as they should.  That can lead to high blood pressure and subsequent damage to your artery walls.
Food sources of magnesium include spinach, Swiss chard, summer squash, broccoli, green beans, salmon, sesame seeds and black beans.
Recommended doses for supplements are typically 500-750 mg. a day.
Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid (aka folate)
This trio of B Vitamins is like the Three Musketeers when it comes to protecting you against the dangerous effects of homocysteine buildup in your blood. 
Now most people have heard about a problem with homocysteine but aren’t really sure what it is or why it’s not good…so here’s a brief explanation:
Homocysteine is a sulfur amino acid that is derived from your digestion of animal proteins.  It does serve valid functions in your body—it’s used to build and maintain your tissues, and also to build up protective mechanisms in your inner artery walls called GAGs (glycosaminoglycans).
But I’s also a very abrasive molecule which can cause damage to your artery walls if there’s too much of it in your blood.
Normally your body controls the amount of homocysteine in your blood with B Vitamins.  Vitamins B12 and folate convert about 50% of the excess homocysteine into methionine (a harmless amino acid) and the other 50% is converted by Vitamin B6 into cysteine, another benign amino acid.
But when you are lacking in these crucial B Vitamins, the homocysteine conversion cannot properly take place.  As a result, homocysteine can build up in your blood, and you can suffer the resulting artery damage.
Food sources of Vitamin B6 include chicken, spinach, bell peppers, eggs, garlic, tuna, cauliflower, bananas and broccoli.  Supplement doses are usually 25-300 mg. a day. 
You can find folate in romaine lettuce, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, lentils, beans and calf’s liver.  400-1,200 mg. per day are typical doses for supplementing.
Now, Vitamin B12 is a not quite as straight-forward as the other two B Vitamins in this trio.
First of all, food sources are very limited—animal kidneys and livers, plus beef, herring, fish and eggs all contain small amounts of B12. 
Plus B12 absorption through your digestive tract can vary—it depends upon your stomach’s ability to produce enough acid and a compound called intrinsic factor which is necessary for the B12 to be effectively absorbed. 
That’s why B12 shots have been recommended so often in the past.  Since the B12 is injected directly into your bloodstream, it bypasses any absorbency shortcomings in the GI tract.
But another option has emerged and is gaining popularity because of its relatively low cost and convenience of use—Vitamin B12 sprays!
With a B12 spray, just like an injection, you are able to bypass the GI tract issues since the B12 can instead be absorbed through the mucus membranes under your tongue. 
If you suspect you’re low in B12 and you and your doctor agree that supplementation is right for you, then look no farther than Hydroxaden 2.5 B12 spray!
Hydroxaden 2.5 is a Vitamin B12 spray that you simply spritz right under your tongue once each day. 
In addition to a crucial dose of B12, Hydroxaden 2.5 also gives you niacin (Vitamin B3), Vitamin B6, riboflavin (Vitamin B2), plus a blend of nice-tasting healthful herbs including ginseng, rosemary and blueberry. 
Omega-3 essential fatty acids
Omega-3 essential fatty acids have shown to be an important tool to help fight heart disease in these 3 ways:
1. They've been medically PROVEN to help lower blood pressure. Studies show that daily fish oil supplementation alone can lower your systolic (the top number) pressure by five points or more and your diastolic (the bottom number) pressure by three points or more!
2. Omega-3 EFAs have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help counteract any inflammation you might have festering in your arteries.
3. They also help keep clots from forming by reducing the stickiness in your platelets and curbing the production of the fibrinogens which are part of clogged arteries.
Problem is, our food supply doesn't contain a fraction of the Omega-3 EFAs that it used to (thanks to our heavy reliance on processed foods, vegetable oils and grain-fed animals).
So one of the best ways to help make sure you’ve got enough of these heart-healthy nutrients is to take a very high-quality fish oil formula like VitalMega-3.
The suggested 2-capsule daily serving packs a heart-loving 1,200 mg. of EPA, DHA and other Omega-3 fatty acids, which more than satisfies the levels recommended by many experts for better cardiovascular health.
Heart disease is not going away any time soon, my friend, despite our best efforts with treatment advances and lifestyle recommendations being trumpeted from the rooftops.
So it’s crucial to look at ALL possibilities behind the heart disease epidemic and do whatever you can to help prevent your number from coming up in the heart disease lottery.
Put the power of nutrition in your arsenal to help your fight against heart disease. 
It just may make all the difference in the world for you.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia

PS: Remember—we’ll soon be launching our brand new!  It’s getting closer to completion and the big day will be here before long!
PPS:  Always be sure to let your doctor or healthcare provider know what supplements you are taking. 
PPPS: Graham’s blood pressure has come down and his cholesterol is low!

Hi Sherry,
I'm in my 8th or 9th month of your Great Taste No Pain plan and continue to thrive in my new life.
I’m 58 years old, 15 pounds lighter, have no GERD or indigestion, have low cholesterol and no longer need BP pills (average 120/80).
I've shared the knowledge with many friends & family.
All the best
Graham S.                              

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(c) copyright 2014 Holistic Blends

**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**

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10.09.14 - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - "Porn email scandal sparks another resignation,"

The link for this entire must read article on this ongoing outrage is below.  Wake up Pennsylvanian's!  If they were spending their time in these offices, working for the taxpayers on taxpayer issues like the HOA abuses, criminality and property thefts, they would have had no time for this activity in the workplace.  I hope all involved are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and if attorneys, or other in the courts, they loose their licenses! Look at what they have allowed to be stolen from innocent taxpayers and former homeowners.  No one cared how these innocent people in the HOA abuses and property thefts were/are going to care for their families, pay their bills, or where, or how they were going to live, so why should anyone care what happens to these despots?

"Porn email scandal sparks another resignation"

"HARRISBURG — A former high-ranking supervisor with the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office has resigned from his job in a county prosecutor’s office, the latest fallout from the disclosure that employees of the office swapped emails with pornographic images or videos.
Rick Sheetz, who led the criminal division until Attorney General Kathleen Kane took office early last year, resigned Monday from his part-time job as an assistant district attorney in Lancaster County.
District Attorney Craig Stedman said the email scandal prompted Sheetz’s departure, which was first reported Tuesday by Lancaster Newspapers. Sheetz and his attorney did not respond to requests for comment.
Two other former prosecutors from the office, Chris Abruzzo and Glenn Parno, resigned from the Department of Environmental Protection last week after Kane released redacted copies of emails sent or received by eight former employees of the office. Abruzzo was the DEP secretary and Parno a department lawyer.
All worked for the office when Gov. Tom Corbett was attorney general from 2005 to 2011. Corbett has not been identified as a sender or recipient of the emails, which came to light during a review by Kane into how the office handled the Jerry Sandusky child molestation case."

Parliament will vote on the candidates for the security ministries Tuesday .. and Ameri adheres boarding and 5 new names for the defense


Parliament will vote on the candidates for the security ministries Tuesday .. and Ameri adheres boarding and 5 new names for the defense

09-10-2014 01:51 PM

  Waiting for the Iraqi political forces to provide the Prime Minister the names of candidates for the defense and interior ministries parliamentary vote next Tuesday.

  The MP for the «mass citizen» Salim Shawki, that the forces of «National Alliance supports the nomination of the head of the Badr Abdul-Hadi al-Amiri, and if they objected to the political parties or third parties may be delegated to other candidates of the mass of Ameri itself, including Major General Hamid al-Moussawi and MP Qassem al-Araji».

  He pointed out that «the Ministry of Interior agreement of all the blocks, to be assigned to block Badr or to a person close to the latter in accordance with the requirements referred to».

   Regarding the refusal of America Ameri, said that «the American administration does not have a veto on Ameri person is as much a reservation». It is noteworthy that the nomination of Ameri obligatory to reject some of the political blocs, which sees it leads the militia.

  For his part, MP for «national list» Hassan Chuird, that «from among the names submitted to fill the Ministry of Defence MP Hamid al-Mutlaq, and Khalid al-Obeidi, and Qais Cdhir, and Salem Daly, and Abdullah al-Jubouri, and Abdul Karim al-Samarrai».

You have better odds playing Russian Roulette

Date: Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 7:51 PM
Subject: You have better odds playing Russian Roulette

For those growing up with music from the 60s, 70s and 80s, today’s popular music scene certainly looks bleak. 
The few corporations which control the radio waves deliver plain vanilla, soulless sound that can hardly pass as music anymore.
But the truth is, music is not dead. You just have to search harder for quality. It’s no longer mainstream. 
The same goes for investing. There’s no more quality in the mainstream.
In fact, in the world of mainstream investment options, just about anything you can do right now is a dangerous, terrible option.
If you buy stocks in most markets around the world right now, you’re buying at perilous ALL-TIME HIGHS. History doesn’t hold this strategy in particularly high regard.
If you buy Western government bonds, you’re loaning money to the greatest debtors that have ever existed in the history of the world at pitiful rates that don’t even keep up with inflation.
Loaning money to the bankrupt government of France for an incredible TEN YEARS will fetch you a laughable 1.26%.
In the Land of the Free, the US government is paying just 2.3% on its ten-year debt. Adjusted for both taxes and inflation, bondholders are losing money. 
Germany probably has the best deal. Right now if you buy 2-year German debt, you actually have to PAY THEM! Yields in Germany are negative. It’s insane.
Even if you buy junk debt, i.e. you loan money to companies that have a strong change of going OUT OF BUSINESS, you can only get 5%.
And if you do nothing more than hold your cash in a bank or money market account, on a tax-adjusted, inflation-adjusted basis, you are GUARANTEED to LOSE money.
You have better odds playing Russian Roulette.
In other words, if you do nothing, you lose. And if you do just about anything, you’re taking huge risks… and you’ll likely lose too.
What happened to the days when you could get a reasonable amount of return for taking LIMITED RISK?
What happened to risk vs. reward? Now it’s all risk, no reward.
This isn’t an investment environment. It’s a slaughterhouse. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
So what’s the average investor going to do?
Just like with music, you have to dig deeper to find quality… look where no one else is looking.
After all, following the herd is never a winning, long-term investment strategy.
But doing this is hard. And seriously time consuming. 
This is why people often hire investment advisors—someone who will live and breathe this stuff… who will spend every waking hour searching for the best possible investment options and analyzing every possible risk.
Problem is, this can be expensive. Plus in many cases your investment advisor might not share your worldview.
In my mind, simple, safe, quality investment wisdom that you can actually TAKE ACTION on shouldn’t cost a fortune.
And I’ve spent the last year trying to solve this problem.
I’m pleased to say that I’ve finally accomplished my goal.
Today we’re formally launching a new monthly publication we call Price Value International.
To head up this new service, I’ve recruited my colleague and top wealth manager from the City of London, Tim Price.
You hear from Tim regularly in these daily columns, and I can honestly say he is one of the few professionals in finance who actually gets it.
Tim sees the world for what it is. He knows these governments are bankrupt and have no hope of paying their debts.
He knows that central bankers have destroyed the risk/reward curve with the wall of money they’ve printed.
Yet he has the knowledge, professional experience, network, and round-the-clock dedication to navigate successfully through extraordinarily risky waters.
Plus he’s one of the most honest people I know. Tim manages funds and makes investment recommendations as if it were his own mother’s money.
He takes tremendous care and personal responsibility for his every action.
I remember him telling me over drinks in London one evening that “shepherding people’s life savings through a financial crisis is ***ing stressful.”
Bottom line, this is somebody that you want on your team. I can’t stress that enough. And that’s why I wanted to launch Price Value International.
Each month, Tim will deliver crucial intelligence, education, actionable investment recommendations… plus his often hilarious stories with trademark English wit.
You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions-- to directly access Tim’s keen investment mind.
Our goal? Help you achieve a healthy rate of return without having to take on outsized risks.
And this is exactly what he has done already in the first issue of Price Value International.
There are still pockets of value to be found around the world that enable you to invest profitably while avoiding an exorbitant amount of risk.
Price Value International is focused on finding these hidden gems and delivering them to you so that you can successfully divorce yourself from the consequences of corrupt policies of heavily indebted governments and central bankers.
I told you that high quality, safe investment advice shouldn’t cost a fortune. We’re making it available at an absolutely ridiculous price, at least for our limited inaugural offer.
In fact I’m quite certain you probably tipped your Starbucks barista more last week than it takes to access Tim’s extraordinary investment wisdom.
Sign up right away before you miss out on the inaugural offer. Click here to get started.
To your freedom,
Simon Black
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Abadi threatens to resign in response to pressure al-Maliki and Iran because of his support for Washington in its war against Daash

Abadi threatens to resign in response to pressure al-Maliki and Iran because of his support for Washington in its war against Daash

09-10-2014 02:16 AM 09-10-2014 02:16 AM

هدد رئيس الوزراء حيدر العبادي في حال استمرار الضغوط التي يمارسها التحالف الوطني بدعم من نائب رئيس الجمهورية نوري المالكي وإيران بسبب تسهيل مهمة التحالف الدولي للقضاء على داعش في العراق.

Threatened Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the event of continued pressure from the National Alliance, with the support of Vice President Nuri al-Maliki and Iran due to facilitate the task of the international coalition to eliminate Daash in Iraq.

ويشير مصدر نافذ في 'التحالف الوطني' إلى أن العبادي 'هدد بالاستقالة من منصبه في حال استمرار تلك الضغوط عليه وطالب بمنحه فرصة في إنقاذ البلاد'.

And indicates the source of force in the 'National Alliance' that Abadi 'threatened to resign from his post in the event of the continuation of such pressure on him and giving him a chance in student save the country'.

ويتابع المصدر أن 'التيار المتشدد في التحالف الوطني يعتبر داعش كأحداث 11 سبتمبر (أيلول) وأسلحة الدمار الشامل العراقية إذ كانتا ذريعة أميركية لاجتياح المنطقة العربية، ويرون أن التحالف يتوسع في العراق والعبادي يسهل لهم ذلك، وهو يهدد مصالح الشيعة الإقليمية وإيران في المنطقة لحساب دول الخليج'.

He continues the source, the 'hard-liners in the National Alliance is Daash as events September 11 (September) and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, as were the pretext of an American invasion of the Arab region, and believe that the Alliance is expanding in Iraq and al-Abadi easy for them, it is a threat to the interests of the Shiites, regional and Iran in the region to calculate the states Gulf '.

ويؤكد المصدر نفسه إن 'المصالح الغربية التي ستتحقق في العراق هي إبعاده عن محور إيران ــ روسيا، وفرض نظام سياسي مدني لا ديني وإعادة علاقته مع العرب ودول الخليج والقضاء على المليشيات، فضلاً عن مصالح أخرى مثل إطاحة هيمنة شركات النفط الروسية والصينية على حقول النفط العراقية التي أزاحت نظيرتها الأميركية والبريطانية في حكومة نوري المالكي السابقة'.

The source asserts himself that 'Western interests to be achieved in Iraq is away from the axis of Iran, Russia, and the imposition of a political system civilian who is not religious and re relationship with the Arab and Gulf countries and the elimination of militias, as well as other interests, such as the overthrow of the dominance of Russian oil companies and the Chinese on the Iraqi oil fields which eliminated the American and British counterparts in the government of Nouri al-Maliki earlier '.

وكانت قيادات سياسية في 'التحالف الوطني' الحليف لإيران، قد حذرت مما وصفته بـ'عودة الهيمنة الأميركية على العراق سياسيّاً وعسكريّاً بحجة تخليص العراقيين من تنظيم داعش، مستغلة ضعف شخصية رئيس الوزراء الجديد العبادي'.

The political leaders in the 'National Alliance', an ally of Iran, has warned against what it called B'audh American hegemony on Iraq politically and militarily under the pretext of ridding Iraq of organizing Daash, taking advantage of the weakness of the new prime minister personal Abadi '.

وقال القيادي في 'التحالف'، حسين البصري (في تصريحات تابعتها الوكالة الاخبارية)، إن 'الولايات المتحدة ودول غربية أخرى وجدت في تنظيم داعش حجة للعودة إلى العراق واحتلاله بشكل ثاني وابتزازه سياسيّاً'.

The leader of the 'coalition', Hussein visual (in remarks pursued Agency news), said that 'the United States and other Western countries found in the organization Daash argument to return to Iraq and occupation, and the second is political blackmail'.

وأوضح البصري أن 'الحديث عن تطلب معركة الخلاص من تنظيم داعش عامين أو ثلاثة، أمر غير واقعي ولا يمكن التسليم به مطلقاً، وواشنطن في كل يوم تعيد ترتيب أوراقها في بغداد وتفرض إجراءات وسياسات محددة على العبادي وتستخدم داعش كبعبع عند كل اعتراض منه، وتذكره بإمكانية اقتحامها بغداد وتقويضها الحكم الشيعي للبلاد'، على حد تعبيره.

The visual that 'talking about asking battle salvation of organizing Daash two or three years, is unrealistic and cannot be recognized by all, and Washington each day rearranges its leaves in Baghdad and impose policies and procedures specific to Abadi used Daash bugaboo at each intercept it, and remember the possibility of storming Baghdad and undermine the country's Shiite rule ', as he put it.

وعن هذا الموضوع، شدد البصري على أن 'الغرب وأميركا، لو كانوا جادين فعلاً، لتمكنوا من سحق داعش في أسابيع'.

On this subject, stressed that the visual 'the West and America, if they were really serious, they were able to crush Daash in weeks'.

كلام مشابه يتبنّاه النائب محمد الساعدي، ومفاده أن 'التحالف الدولي سيس قضية داعش على نحو واضح وسقف تدخله يزداد يوميّاً في العراق'.

Words of similar embraced by MP Mohammed al-Saadi, to the effect that 'the international coalition Cisse issue Daash on a clear and growing daily ceiling of intervention in Iraq'.

ويقول الساعدي لـ'العربي الجديد': 'نجد أنفسنا مرغمين على القبول بأي إملاءات أميركية بسبب داعش وخطرها، وحاليّاً وضعنا لا يسمح الاعتماد على أنفسنا أو رفض الخطوات العسكرية الغربية أو التغلغل السياسي الأميركي وفرض إرادتها في العراق في جوانب مختلفة، وهناك انزعاج إيراني كبير انضمت إليه في الأيام الأخيرة روسيا'.

He says Saadi'arab new ':' we find ourselves obliged to accept any dictates of an American because of Daash and danger, and now we are not allowed to rely on ourselves or rejection of the steps Western military or penetration of the American political and impose its will in Iraq in various aspects, and there are disturbing senior Iranian joined to him in recent days Russia