Friday, June 5, 2015

Pres Obama:"I've Restored the U S As The Most Respected Country On Earth!"



 by Pam Key   1 Jun 2015

Monday while 'President' Barack Obama was answering questions at a town hall with YSEALI Fellows, an exchange program for community leaders from ASEAN, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, he said his administration has restored the Untied States as the “the most respected country on earth.”  (Imagine all the laughs and the jokes about bozo behind his back after that speech!)

Obama said:  “People don’t remember but, when I came into 'office', the United States in world opinion ranked below China and just barely above Russia (???) and today, once again, the United States is the most respected country on earth.  Part of that I think is because of the work we did to reengage the world and say 'we want to work with you as partners with mutual interests and mutual respect'. It was on that basis we were able to end two wars while still focusing on the very real threat of terrorism and try to work with our partners in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s the reason why we are moving in the direction to normalize relations with Cuba and the nuclear deal that we are trying to negotiate with Iran."

This guy is totally delusional!!!!  He speaks as though the U.S.A. mafia corporation in Wash DC has been performing great feats on behalf of other nations, as though all the Nazi U.S.A. criminal activities against nations and peoples was for their good. His claim that he has 'ended two wars' is a bold faced lie in that this rogue regime has continued to invade nations and create division and strife, most recent in the Ukraine.  His use of the term 're-engage' surely must mean to invade, destroy and kill, and to overthrow duly elected governments and install one to benefit their criminal interests, and his statement about 'mutual interests and mutual respect' surely means 'you obey us and peacefully allow us to move in and take over your land and assets and we will not kill you or at least not as many of your people (that in itself a bold face lie).

Bozo's continued self-praise and self-aggrandizement leaves no doubt in anyone's mind that he is one sick puppy, obsessed with a HUGE self- promoting narcissistic personality disorder. 

Supreme Court Rules Police DO NOT Need A Warrant To Search Your Home



DARPA’s Death Ray Set To Debut This Summer

DARPA’s Death Ray
By: The Real Agenda |
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the United States (DARPA) has received government approval to start field trials of its death ray laser weapon system known as Hellads.
As explained by the department, the experts “have shown sufficient laser power and beam quality” for this project to go “out of the laboratory.”
For DARPA, the achievement of getting the government’s acceptance to perform field tests marks the end of the development phase of the program and the beginning of a new phase: real world application. The testing of the ray will be held at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
The program director, Rich Bagnell, said that “the technical hurdles were daunting, but it is very gratifying to have produced a new type of solid-state lasers with unprecedented power and high beam quality for its size.”
In his view, now the hellads laser is ready to be tested “against some of the toughest threats that face our fighters”.
It is expected that field tests will begin this summer in what has been called an effort between DARPA and the Research Laboratory of the Air Force.
After the field test phase, the goal is to make the system available to the military.
The Hellads program has been developing a solid state laser electrically powered and with a reduced size and weight, improving similar power lasers for tactical use.
The laser was developed by DARPA and executed by General Atomics.

BILDERBERG 2015.....


Bilderberg 2015: Elites Prepare For Nuclear, Economic Devastation (VIDEO)

bilderberg agenda
The Bilderberg Group will coalesce June 9-14th in the Austrian Mountains at the Interalpen Hotel.
How many of these instigators of widespread tyranny will be discussing their million-dollar safe bunkers where they can hide like moles while their hellish plans are unleashed on the gullible masses?


“Non-GMO” Cheerios Oats Still Sprayed With Roundup, Supplier Announces


“Non-GMO” Cheerios Oats Still Sprayed With Roundup, Supplier Announces

General Mills Cheerios may now be “non-GMO” but it is virtually guaranteed to contain Roundup herbicide residues, as disclosed by North America’s largest oat supplier. 
While there are no genetically modified oats on the marketplace today, non-organic oats might as well be labeled Roundup Ready (RR). This is because it is common practice to spray them with Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate, putting them in the same category of glyphosate contaminated crops which includes RR GM soy, corn and canola.
Why must oats be sprayed? Known as pre-harvest desiccation, glyphosate is sprayed on oat crops right before their harvest, ostensibly to increase product uniformity and yield, and to save time in harvesting.
A report on explains how Monsanto funded research, which is notoriously biased, is behind this practice:
“Specifically, Monsanto International published a paper in 2010 touting the application of Roundup to kill crops right before harvest, in order to dry out the crops in advance and produce a more uniform and earlier harvest (starting on page 28):
“Uneven maturity and green tissue delays harvest. Spraying glyphosate desiccates green foliage & stems. The photograph (below left) shows the uniform dessication of sunflower by the use of glyphosate(Roundup Bioaktiv) applied by helicopter in Hungary (Czepó, 2009a). The photograph (below right) shows complete foliar desiccation of grain maize on the right side 14 days after application of glyphosate (Roundup Bioaktiv) at 0.54kg ae/ ha in 7 0L/ ha applied by helicopter using Reglojet nozzles and including Bandrift Plus at 0.1 % at 34% grain moisture in Hungary, with the untreated visible on the left-hand side.”
Assuming pre-harvest desiccation actually works as Monsanto claims, it should result in lower drying costs, an earlier harvest, and ultimately higher profit. But what is not figured in is the cost to the consumer who is already faced with widespread exposure to a chemical that has already been found in most the water, air, rain samples tested and which may retain serious toxicity at concentrations in as low as parts-per-trillion range?
Most people today consider Roundup herbicide exposure to be a problem linked solely to GMO foods, and not oats. This misperception has been a convenient fact for the non-GMO sector of Big Agra, which continues to use a wide range of highly toxic agrochemicals in food and feed crops that can still legally be described and/or labeled as non-GMO.
But the industry is beginning to be forced to respond to both a powerful shift in consumer awareness and demand in favor of organically produced, non-GMO oat products, as well as to a WHO report released last March that identified glyphosate to be a ‘probable carcinogen.’

Did General Mills’ Move Towards “non-GMO” Cheerios Distract From the Roundup Problem?

When General Mills announced Cheerios would go non-GMO, the decision was received with some skepticism by those who quickly pointed out the fact that GMO oats don’t exist and Cheerios, for the most part, was already a non-GMO product.  One writer for Modern Farmer addressed the deceptive tactic:
General Mills’ decision to stop using genetically modified organisms to make Cheerios (and, more to the point, its decision to brag about it on cereal boxes) was relatively easy: there’s no such thing as genetically modified oats.
While General Mills decision to switch Cheerios to non-GMO sugarcane sugar could be considered a positive step forward, it effectively distracts from the fact that General Mills’ oat products are contaminated with glyphosate due to the use of raw material that underwent post-harvest desiccation. How do we know this? Because North America’s largest oat supplier, known to supply General Mills, Kraft, Kellogg, On Agra Foods, and others, just announced it will continue to buy oats that are sprayed with glyphosate.

Richardson Milling Supports Roundup Contaminated Oats; Grain Millers Phases Them Out

In a disturbing announcement, the Canada-based oat supplier Richardson Milling – North America’s largest supplier of oats – says glyphosate dessication is acceptable for its oats and that it has no intention of changing its policies.  This decision flies in the face of an accumulating body of scientific evidence that shows glyphostate has a wide range of harmful properties, including possible carcinogenicity, which is now supported by the World Health Organization’s own assessment. We can only assume that downstream manufacturers such as General Millers are in tacit agreement with their suppliers decision, despite their public bragging about taking some of their cherished cereal brands “GMO free.”
Other oat suppliers, such as Grain Millers, are taking a more precautionary step. Grain Millers, based in Minnessota, announced two months ago that they will no longer buy oats if the crop has been treated with glyphosate pre-harvest. Notably, they reported quality problems in glyphosate treated oats, such as reduced beta glucan content. Beta glucan is a soluble fiber which has been linked to a wide range of health benefits, such as improved blood lipid profiles, cardiovascular protection, and strengthening the immune system. In fact, the reason why food manufacturers are able to place a “Healthy Heart” claim on oat-based products is due to the beta glucan content.
A spokesperson for Grain Millers, Terry Tyson, was reported as stating that glyphosate interrupts the oat plant’s natural maturation process, which may decrease beta glucan content.  Tyson was quoted on stating:
“Other factors can also adversely affect beta glucan levels, but our research demonstrates that premature application of glyphosate can have that effect.”
Clearly the issue with glyphosate extends beyond it simply reducing the levels of a beneficial plant compound. Glyphosate, even at exceedingly small concentration, poses a serious health risk. Because there is widespread focus on GMO labeling and not Roundup contamination labeling it is possible that people are being ‘gene-washed’ into buying non-GMO labeled products that still contain physiologically significant levels of Roundup herbicide.

Beyond “GMO-Free” Gene-Washing

The concern about glyphosate contamination of oats is highly instructive as we move towards mass acceptance of non-GMO labeling and/or certification initiatives which do not account for the widespread use of glyphosate in non-genetically modified products. Even USDA certified organic brands, such as Organic Valley and Horizon Organic Dairy, regularly use veterinary vaccines that contain genetically modified ingredients; an unethical practice we have termed “Organic-Washing.”
And so, because glyphosate is being used as an EPA approved, pre-harvest desiccant, it  is more likely to fly under the radar and not be identified as a highly toxic ‘pesticide’ contaminant, which it is. Nor do these certifications address other important food quality issues such as the presence of other pesticides in ostensibly non-GMO products or the common non-labeled use of irradiated ingredients.
I would urge consumers and health advocates to consider whether the term non-GMO is as relevant as it would first appear. For instance, labeling water “Gluten Free” is factually true, but a highly disingenuous form of consumer manipulation.  Consumers don’t just want to know their food does not contain transgenes from other species and their associated novel proteins. They want to know that their food is not contaminated with agrochemicals commonly used in GM agriculture. And right now the non-GMO labeled products on the market are not doing an effective job at providing assurance of that.
Please follow the global Non-GMO Coalition and the Organic Consumers Association to learn more about how we can empower ourselves further on these issue.

Article Contributed by Sayer Ji, Founder of
Sayer Ji is an author, researcher, lecturer, and advisory board member of the National Health Federation. He founded in 2008 in order to provide the world an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. It is internationally recognized as the largest and most widely referenced health resource of its kind.

[SPECIAL REPORT] A $1 Billion Agenda 21 Ghost City Is Being Built In New Mexico

[SPECIAL REPORT] A $1 Billion Agenda 21 Ghost City

Is Being Built In New Mexico

By: Andrew Pontbriand | Resistance Journals
Imagine if you would, a sprawling city in the middle of the desert with technologically advanced roads, buildings, homes, street lights, and cars that drive themselves, without humans. A sustainable living project, of course without such a label, known as CITE (Center for Innovation and Technology Evaluation) is being built in the New Mexico desert.
The project is being financed by Pegasus Global Holdings, which is in bed with government agencies such as the Department of Defense, Marine Corps, and White Sands Missile Range.
Also involved in this advanced Ghost City, is the Department of Homeland Security.
The first of its kind real life Sim City, will have drones, driver-less cars and will include tall office buildings, narrow alleys, parks, houses, churches and, a simulated interstate highway. The project is a live testing ground of a city with a population of 35,000 people. Is there more to this than meets the eye?
Screenshot of CITE Website.
Screenshot of CITE Website.
In short, Agenda 21 is a “non-binding” action plan developed and run by the united nations, implemented at the local level. It is sustainable living where humans have no freedoms or rights, and must conform to a living structure straight out of George Orwell’s 1984. A technocrats dream, where our energy output can be taxed and regulated, and mega cities are jam packed with humans in a technologically advanced city that is controlled. Quite literally. — Will it ever come to fruition? Let’s hope not. (Note: This description is Agenda 21 at it’s worst, pulling in to the plan all other programs with Agenda 21, this what you would get at as a result.)
CITE-CITY, could very well be the first real world laboratory where the technocrats get to test their dream of a techno-controlled city that is nearly fully automated. Looking into the ghost city planned for New Mexico, it is hard to find in-depth descriptions and plans on exactly what scientists are looking for in terms of specific studies and research, other than the ability to test cities of the future in a controlled environment. The experiments could revolve around intelligent transportation systems (such as AI-enabled traffic management and roads filled with driver-less delivery vehicles), alternative energy power generation such as solar and geothermal, smart grid technologies, or experiments in the areas of data collection, sensors, public monitoring, security, and computer systems.
From the CITE website: 
The planned initial core user application areas envisioned to be tested and evaluated within CITE include, but are not limited to:
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Green Energy: Alternative Energy Power Generation (e.g. Geothermal, Solar)
  • Smart Grid Technologies
  • Telecommunications
  • Resource Development (e.g. Desalinization)
  • Security

As a privately-owned, privately-operated test and evaluation center, CITE is open and accessible to a wide array of public and private customer segments – domestic and international. The structure and policies in place at CITE are specifically designed to remove legal, cultural and budgetary impediments as are currently prevalent in the process of moving beyond basic research and development activities.
At its core, CITE is about the establishment of developmental partnerships, bringing researchers from federal, university, commercial, international and other sources together to collaborate, forge relationships, and channel funded research and development into new  products and partnerships.

The CITE project has received relatively low media coverage, which is suspicious for such an ambitious project that the DHS has a hand in. According to Pegasus Global “Homeland security is a key component of the plan for CITE, which will include a secure testing area for first responder technology with the benefit of proximity to the civil and commercial infrastructure.”
An Agenda 21 test city would look just like this. Although Agenda 21 has received some push back from citizens across the country, it is still a program most people know nothing about. With the public-private type approach Pegasus Holdings/CITE is using, it is much easier to get around certain restrictions a full-on government project would be subject to. Not far from the projects location, is the White Sands Missile Range, which is interesting considering CITE plans to simulate what would happen to a city if an EMP attack were to occur.
The “ghost city,” will also have a sort of central nervous system, where data can be collected, or data mined, and analyzed in the Lab. Is this what we can expect in the near future for all cities?
Is this an Agenda 21 trial run? That is up to you to decide.

Ukraine: Gangster State

Ukraine: Gangster State

Washington allies with the world’s most despotic regimes. Ukraine is one of the worst.
Fascists in charge are guilty of most every high crime imaginable – committed with full US support and encouragement.
They continue waging dirty war without mercy on Donbass. They attack civilian neighborhoods – murdering noncombatant men, women and children, torturing prisoners, committing atrocities too grave to ignore.
They used chemical weapons – last May and perhaps other times. A toxic choking agent was used.
Symptoms included first-degree chemical-inflicted eye burns, alcoholic-like intoxication, bodily lacerations and fainting, as well as one or more victims diagnosed with unidentified gas poisoning.
White phosphorous and other chemical weapons were used. So were illegal cluster bombs – supplied by Washington.
On May 29, Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Defense Ministry spokesman Eduard Basurin warned about Kiev possibly readying to use chemical weapons again.
“(W)orks are underway on the territory of a chlorine storage base, to the northeast of Kochetok settlement in the Kharkov region,” he said.
“A week ago, our intelligence saw 20 truck tanks with a capacity of five tons with an unknown chemical agent arrived at the facility’s territory.”
On May 26, US military chemical experts arrived in Mariupol, he explained. Perhaps they along with “Kiev authorities (intend) sabotage on Ukraine’s territory with the aim of accusing DPR leadership of the crime against humanity” – a possible false flag.
Since Kiev forces launched naked aggression on Donbass last April, they committed horrendous crimes of war and against humanity. So far unaccountably.
Russian parliamentarians proposed establishing a war crimes tribunal since US-led Western nations prevent ICC prosecutions.
Lower house State Duma Education Committee Chairman Vyacheslav Nikonov urged not letting war criminals go unpunished.
“I believe we already need to create our own tribunal for war crimes,” he said. “In the name of those children, the elderly and women, both Ukrainians and Russians, we will never forget and forgive.”
“Can there be any hope for those countries that are simultaneously the sponsors and masters of puppets of both the Hague tribunal and the regime of war criminals (in Kiev)?”
“Every day hundreds of people disappear without leaving a trace across Ukraine because they are suspected of being disloyal, and this continues even now and they are being killed with no trial and no record, and they are being tortured.”
Separately, Minsk II terms mandated immediate and comprehensive ceasefire, withdrawal of all heavy weapons beyond a 50 km wide security zone, dialogue between both sides, full resumption of socio-economic ties and Ukrainian constitutional reform, among other provisions.
Kiev violated everything it agreed to – most provisions straightaway. On Thursday, Poroshenko said he’ll dialogue only with a Ukrainian Donbass, not its current one – a clear Minsk II breach.
Illegitimate prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said he’d only talk to current Donbass leaders “when they are behind bars.”
Ukraine is a criminal coup d’etat gangster state masquerading as legitimate governance. It’s a Nazi-infested fascist police state.
It’s a lawless belligerent one. It’s a major human and civil rights violator. It’s a kleptocracy run by mega-thieves complicit with corporate ones – hugely corrupt, profiting at the public’s expense.
Economist Michael Hudson calls its regime “an umbrella for grabitization.” Ukrainians lucky to have jobs aren’t getting paid – or get sub-poverty wages impossible to live on.
“(K)leptocrats and business owners are jumping ship,” says Hudson – grabbing all they can before it sinks.
The 1973 Pinochet coup in Chile followed by invasion of the Chicago boys “was a dress rehearsal for all this,” Hudson explains.
Chicago-style free market predation is impossible with force-fed tyranny. Ukraine is the new poster child.
Obama’s friends are gangsters, murderers, torturers, rapists and mega-thieves. Poroshenko is an illegitimate oligarch mega-crook – heading a regime with no legitimacy whatever.
Apparently he thinks he’s entitled to the Nobel Peace Prize – instead of a prison cell where he belongs.
Mussolini (1935), Hitler (1939 at the start of WW II) and Stalin (1945 and 1948) got Nobel nominations. Peace champions are consistently shunned.
A May 19 letter from Ukraine’s parliament chairman Volodymyr Groysman to US Norway embassy charge d’affairs Julie Furuta-Toy calls it “of utmost importance for Mr. Poroshenko to have firm guarantees that he will be awarded the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize, since it could highlight the unanimous support of Ukrainian integrity by the democratic community of the world.”
If Nobel Committee members go along this October, they’ll make more of a sham out the award than already. Don’t be surprised if it happens anyway.

Say 'Goodnite' America!!!


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Despite Policy Changes, IRS Seizes $107,000 From Innocent Small Business

Dear J. Henry,  

Before tax collectors targeted small-business 
man Lyndon McLellan for civil forfeiture, over 
13 years he had amassed savings of over a 
hundred thousand dollars. Without trial or 
charge, the Internal Revenue Service 
confiscated the money after accusing of the 
North Carolina convenience store owner of 
structuring cash deposits in amounts too 
closely under the law's $10,000 threshold.

In the wake of a scathing October report by 
"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," the 
IRS amended its own guidelines, pledging it 
would use civil forfeiture only in light of 
evidence citizens had obtained assets in the 
course of criminal activity -- an allegation 
they apparently never made against McLellan.

Video: (2 minutes): 

Memories Of History: When The People Get Fed Up!

Implosion Rule By Corporations: Only Those Who Have Sold Their Integrity For NWO Money!

Implosion Rule By Corporations: TPP Partnership Immune To The Laws Of Sovereign Countries.

Traitors Hanged
Traitors Hanged
The Transatlantic and Transpacific Trade and Investment Partnerships have nothing to do with free trade. «Free trade» is used as a disguise to hide the power these agreements give to corporations to use law suits to overturn sovereign laws of nations that regulate pollution, food safety, GMOs, and minimum wages.
The first thing to understand is that these so-called «partnerships» are not laws written by Congress. The US Constitution gives Congress the authority to legislate, but these laws are being written without the participation of Congress. The laws are being written by corporations solely in the interest of their power and profit. The office of US Trade Representative was created in order to permit corporations to write law that serves only their interests. This fraud on the Constitution and the people is covered up by calling trade laws «treaties».

Indeed, Congress is not even permitted to know what is in the laws and is limited to the ability to accept or refuse what is handed to Congress for a vote. Normally, Congress accepts, because «so much work has been done» and «free trade will benefit us all».
The presstitutes have diverted attention from the content of the laws to «fast track». When Congress votes «fast track,» it means Congress accepts that corporations can write the trade laws without the participation of Congress.
Even criticisms of the «partnerships» are a smoke screen. Countries accused of slave labor could be excluded but won’t be. Super patriots complain that US sovereignty is violated by «foreign interests,» but US sovereignty is violated by US corporations. Others claim yet more US jobs will be offshored. In actual fact, the «partnerships» are unnecessary to advance the loss of American jobs as there is nothing that inhibits jobs offshoring now.
What the «partnerships» do is to make private corporations immune to the laws of sovereign countries on the grounds that laws of countries adversely impact corporate profits and constitute «restraint of trade».
Trojan Horses - The Trans-Pacific Partnership and The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Trojan Horses – The Trans-Pacific Partnership and The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
For example, under the Transatlantic Partnership, French laws against GMOs would be overturned as «restraints on trade» by law suits filed by Monsanto.
Cigarette companies can sue for warning labels on cigarette packs, because these labels discourage smoking and thereby constitute «restraint of trade».
Efforts to control environmentally damaging emissions would also be subject to damage suits brought by corporations. Under TTIP, corporations would be compensated for «regulatory takings», the corporate designation of environmental protection. Of course, this means taxpayers would have to pay damages to the polluting corporations.
Countries that require testing of imported food, such as pork for trichnosis, and fumigation would be subject to lawsuits from corporations, because these regulations increase the cost of imports.
Countries that do not provide monopoly protection for brand name pharmaceuticals and chemical products, and allow generics in their place, can be sued for damages by corporations.
Under TTIP only corporations can sue. Unions cannot sue when their members are harmed by jobs offshoring, and citizens cannot sue when their health and water supplies are damaged by corporate emissions.
Obama himself has no input into the process. Here is what is going on: The Trade Representative is a corporate stooge. He serves the private corporations and will go on to a million dollar annual salary. The corporations have bribed the political leaders in every country to sign away their sovereignty and the general welfare of their people to private corporations. Corporations have paid US senators large sums for transferring Congress’ law-making powers to corporations. When these «partnerships» pass, no country that signed will have any legislative authority to legislate or enforce any law that any corporation regards as inimical to its bottom line.
Yes, the great promiser of change is bringing change. He is turning Asia, Europe, and the US over to rule by the corporations. America’s First Black President is proving himself to be the Uncle Tom of the corporations. Any and everything for the plantation owners and nothing for the slaves.
Only those who have sold their integrity for money sign these agreements. Apparently Merkel, a Washington vassal, is one of them.
According to news reports, both of France’s main political parties have sold out to the corporations, but not Marine Le Pen’s National Front Party. In the last EU elections, the dissident parties, such as Le Pen and Farage’s, prevailed over the traditional parties, but the dissidents are yet to prevail in their own countries.
Marine Le Pen
Marine Le Pen
Marine Le Pen objects to the secrecy of the agreements that establishes corporate rule.
As Europe’s only leader, she speaks:
«It is vital that the French people know about TTIP’s content and its motivations in order to be able to fight it. Because our fellow countrymen must have the choice of their future, because they should impose a model for society that suits them, and not one forced by multinational companies eager for profits, Brussels technocrats bought by the lobbies, and politicians from the UMP [party of former president Nicolas Sarkozy] who are subservient to these technocrats».
It is vital that the American public also know, but not even Congress is permitted to know.
How does it work, this «freedom and democracy» that we Americans allegedly have, when neither the people nor their elected representatives are permitted to participate in the making of laws that enable private corporations to negate the law-making functions of governments and place corporate profit above the general welfare?
Strategic Council Foundation
Memories Of History: When The People Get Fed Up!
Memories Of History: When The People Get Fed Up!

BOMBSHELL: WikiLeaks Releases Documents Exposing The Regime #TPP #TiSA

What has previously been released shows just the effect the TPP will have on the world. Wikileaks has done an awesome job in finding even more dirt.. This dirt, well take a look for yourself below the official press release. WikiLeaks releases documents exposing the regime and just how they do business in secret. Such of which should prove that the governmental conflicts around are all pre-planned by a larger entity than just one country versus another.
(WikiLeaks releases documents exposing the regime) WikiLeaks releases today 17 secret documents from the ongoing TISA (Trade In Services Agreement) negotiations which cover the United States, the European Union and 23 other countries including Turkey, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Taiwan & Israel — which together comprise two-thirds of global GDP. “Services” now account for nearly 80 per cent of the US and EU economies and even in developing countries like Pakistan account for 53 per cent of the economy. While the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has become well known in recent months in the United States, the TISA is the larger component of the strategic TPP-TISA-TTIP ‘T-treaty trinity’. All parts of the trinity notably exclude the ‘BRICS’ countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
WikiLeaks releases documents exposing the regime WikiLeaks releases documents exposing the regime
The release coincides with TISA meetings at the ministerial level at the OECD in Paris today (3–5 June). The ‘T-treaty trinity’ of TPP-TISA-TTIP is also under consideration for collective ‘Fast-Track’ authority in Congress this month.
The TISA release today follows the WikiLeaks publication of the secret draft financial services annex of the TISA negotiations on 19 June 2014 showing the aim to further deregulate the financial sector, despite widespread consensus that lack of oversight and regulation was the main cause of the last global financial crisis of 2008. Today’s release confirms the ongoing determination to deregulate. Furthermore, standstill clauses will tie the hands of future governments to implement changes in response to changing environment.
Source: WikiLeaks – Trade in Services Agreement

WikiLeaks releases documents exposing the regime 17 documents are below and can be downloaded:
Source for WikiLeaks releases documents exposing the regime: Wikileaks

The Truth Is Viral <<>> DEARBORN, MICHIGAN<<>>

Posted: 03 Jun 2015 11:48 PM PDT
An exciting event is coming to Dearborn Michigan in August: The " We Humble Ourselves® Turning a Nation Back to God" rally, where patriotic Christians will gather together for a musical program designed to remind us of the Faith of our Forefathers, a Faith that must be renewed if we expect our Father in Heaven to show us any mercy during the dark days to come.

We hope to have the event's promoters on the show soon to talk about this exciting program, but for now, this press release will have to do:

We Humble Ourselves — Turning a Nation Back to God is a patriotic concert featuring
a symphony orchestra, a choral group, a drum and fife corps, and re-enactments of historical figures.

The characters include:

Our First Fathers (the Pilgrims), Our Founding Fathers (George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson and others), and; Our Uniting Fathers (Abraham Lincoln and
Frederick Douglass).

The event has the unique distinction of allowing the audience to participate in the
concert by joining in the songs—and even a couple prayers—for those who want to
say them.

The stage will be adjacent to an area of the park that will house tents and encampments
of the historical reenactors so that visitors can experience what it must have been like
for our ancestors. And the audience will be encouraged to dress in Colonial or Civil War clothing for the Event.

Everything is arranged to allow a family to attend at no cost (there’s no admission fee)
or minimal cost (if they want to buy hot dogs and apple pie).

And whether or not visitors choose to buy souvenirs, everyone will come away with memories that will last a lifetime.

The concert on Sunday at 3 p.m. is a stirring, heart-affirming presentation with
a beautiful symphony and choral group, joyful hymns, patriotic sing-a-long songs
and even a few delightful surprises.

What is the point of all this?

For the healing of our Nation and our Nation's citizens.


Yes, really.

There is no hidden agenda, no politics, no secret funders, no famous speakers.
The event is a grassroots effort, not sponsored by a specific Christian Church,
but having the support of several.

Our goal is to bring joy, hope, and encouragement to a weary people and a struggling nation. Ultimately, we rely on the promise of God as relayed in 2 Chronicles 7:14: If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face
and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and I will forgive their
 sin and will heal their land.

Let us rebuild our beloved City, State and Nation.

By God’s grace, we can begin the healing and renewing of our land.
It starts in Dearborn, Michigan, on August 30, 2015 at 3 pm. Come
and change the course of U.S. history!


The Truth Is Viral wholeheartedly supports We Humble Ourselves® Turning a Nation Back to God and will be promoting it until it is over. TTiV Publisher Bobby Powell will be
in attendance for the entire program on August 30th, beginning at 10 a.m. when the Civil War Reenactment Camps open, staying for the concert which begins at 3 p.m.

Please make sure that you visit the event website at and sign up for their newsletter so that you are kept up to date on all of the details, and even fill out an application to be a reenactor!

Let's all come together in Dearborn Michigan at the end of August to proclaim our Faith and ask Almighty God to heal our land while we still have the opportunity. We'll see you there!

'In the Name of Satan'

'In the Name of Satan'
The early '90s satanic panic resulted in a 
hoard of bogus child molestation 
convictions. Freaked out by news of 
psychopathic deviants who had pledged 
their allegiance to the dark lord, 
organizations like Believe the Children 
and the Cult Awareness Network stared 
too long into the abyss, arguably 
becoming cults themselves. The producer 
of "In the Name of Satan," and author of 
a book by the same title, Bob Larson, 
markets neither from his website. But 
turn off the rock and roll music, buckle 
your seatbelt and see the propaganda 
that ignited new Salem witch trials.

Video: (40 minutes): 

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Daily Videos from the Edges of Science

Scientific opinion: For sale to the highest bidder

BrasscheckTV Report

You hear a lot about
money corrupting
politics, but how much
does it also corrupt

It’s just as bad.  In
fact it might even be


- Brasscheck TV

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