Thursday, June 4, 2015

'In the Name of Satan'

'In the Name of Satan'
The early '90s satanic panic resulted in a 
hoard of bogus child molestation 
convictions. Freaked out by news of 
psychopathic deviants who had pledged 
their allegiance to the dark lord, 
organizations like Believe the Children 
and the Cult Awareness Network stared 
too long into the abyss, arguably 
becoming cults themselves. The producer 
of "In the Name of Satan," and author of 
a book by the same title, Bob Larson, 
markets neither from his website. But 
turn off the rock and roll music, buckle 
your seatbelt and see the propaganda 
that ignited new Salem witch trials.

Video: (40 minutes): 

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