Thursday, June 11, 2015 7:31
As long-time readers to this website will recall, I have been very consistent with regard to the sequencing of how this nation would be brought to its knees.
A series of false flag events will take place that will lead to massive civil unrest/conflict.
Martial law will be imposed as a result of the civil unrest.
Martial law will result in the elimination of any meaningful resistance to autocratic control and the installation of the New World Order. In order to achieve planetary unity, with a greatly reduced population, it will be necessary to fight World War III.
Jade Helm’s Purpose
A blind man could see that Jade Helm is about
(1) the removal of Red Listed political dissidents and,
(2) the imposition of martial law and the elimination of all political dissidence.
There now appears that Jade Helm has an even more sinister purpose. Jade Helm is also providing cover to the U.S. military so that military assets can be redeployed in preparation to fight World War III.
Walk with me through this progression as the third purpose of Jade Helm is revealed.
America Is the Most Hated Nation
In Michel Chossudovsky’s work The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity, the United States has become the real Big Brother of George Orwell’s 1984.The United States is the most hated nation on the planet as we have descended into an abject totalitarian state that brainwashes its citizens into believing that a state of constant warfare against terrorists that the CIA supplies (i.e. ISIS) and this endless war must be eternally waged against these totally mythical enemies.
In the name of freedom, constitutional liberties must be sacrificed for the sake of national security and perpetual war is necessary to preserve the peace.(??!!) The logic reminds me of the old Vietnam era saying which stated that “Fighting a war to preserve peace, is like having sex to preserve one’s virginity”.
In his book, Chossudovsky also went on to say the following:
“The rulers of the US state are global industrialists, bankers, and businessmen who seek to gain control of the world’s natural resources, including the vast natural gas, oil, and uranium reserves at the basin of the Caspian Sea, for power and profit. It’s a thesis that many in the main-stream media might dismiss as a conspiracy theory, save for the fact that it is supported by the chain of events that have unfolded since the close of World War II.”
I would add that the rulers of this country have gotten away with grand theft banking since 1913 by plundering the treasury and the economic future of the United by plunging the U.S. into unfathomable levels of debt for their personal profit.
The center piece of the elite’s economics of this country is the misuse of the dollar. Since the removal of the Gold Standard as the necessary and proper backing for the dollar, the only thing that has saved the dollar from collapse is the fact that since 1944, the dollar has been backed by oil, or the Petrodollar as it is called. In this Petrodollar arrangement, the nations of the world that desired to purchase Middle Eastern oil, had to first purchase U.S. dollars which was the currency of exchange when it came to obtaining oil. This arrangement allowed the 'elite', at home, to plunder the People’s money in the name of the military industrial complex, while keeping the dollar afloat despite the growing debt levels.
The US Is Hit In the Face With BRICS
The BRICS, led by Russia, China and oil producer Iran are leading the world away from the dollar as the universal currency of oil. Combined with our $18 trillion dollar deficit, our $240 trillion dollars of unfunded mandates (e.g. social security, Medicare, etc.) and our $1.5 quadrillion dollar credit swap derivatives debt and the continual erosion of the Petrodollar, the U.S. economy sits upon the precipice of collapse.
The incompetent and corrupt Obama administration attempted to save the Petrodollar back in 2012-13 by attempting to gain the moral high ground with the end result being the invasion of Syria which would have been followed by the invasion of Iran. Both world and domestic opinion blocked these attempts and the Petrodollar continued its march towards extinction.
The Rothschild banking system has put the central banks of the world, including the Federal Reserve, on death’s ground. The Rothschild system desires planetary unity as well as 90% depopulation. The best way to achieve planetary unity is through fighting World War III.
The derivatives debt, introduced by the elite bankers have bankrupted the central banks. As a result, the central banks of each country are looking to exploit the resources of the other central banks and their respective nations. This has put the world on a collision course with World War III.
All - and I mean all - of the national economies are on the verge of collapse. Ultimately, the U.S. must conquer Russia and China to preserve the Petrodollar and maintain their dominance of the United States. (Folks, that will NEVER NEVER NEVER happen - this nation has been stripped down to its under shorts of honest and capable military leadership and hardware, and America is no match for the likes of China and Russia - with other nations joining them against America. America has been PURPOSELY finished off - bar-b-qed black to dust particles by the enemies of the entire planet - the 'elite' scum.)
Economic Collapse
Like a punch drunk boxer, the U.S. economy only needs one significant blow to bring this entire house of cards we call “the economy” to its knees. Since most people live paycheck to paycheck and have less than three days of food on hand, the thin boundaries of social control would quickly evaporate which would necessitate the 'government' finding the need to “extract” those who would be most likely to lead a revolution against the 'power elite' and their minions in Washington D.C. The “Red List” extractions, under Jade Helm, will be carried out by Special Operations Forces. In order to re-establish social control, martial law would be implemented with a vengeance through the use of convention military forces such as the 82nd Airborne. In a nutshell, this is Jade Helm. (People, do you SEE how these traitors have setup our nation for the final blow - the KILL?)
“Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste”
As would any entity, the central bankers of this nation, the Federal Reserve, will do what is necessary to survive and that includes the continued plundering of the dollar, while not crashing the dollar beyond the point of not being to resurrect the dollar. For this Petrodollar scheme to continue, the BRICS anti-Petrodollar strategy must be eradicated and that means war against Russia and China. (BOTH 'sides' will lose when they begin WW3)
All Wars Require Mobilization of Military Assets
Americans have been awestruck at the massive movement of troops around the country. The massive movement of troops seems out of proportion to the Jade Helm drill. Every state in the country is experiencing unprecedented military activity and now we are seeing foreign troops become part of the landscape (e.g. Russians, Danes, Canadians, et al.). (Amazing the troops are so blind and non-discerning as to not understand that they are mere chess pieces on the board in this game of the world rulers, who could care LESS what is going to happen to them and their families and friends. They are being USED and set up to be SLAUGHTERED like the rest of us. These troops NEED TO RECONSIDER THEIR PURPOSE HERE AND WHO THEY REALLY WANT TO SERVE - THE PEOPLE OR THEIR OWN PERSONAL ENEMIES - WHEN DEPLOYED TO OTHER NATIONS, THEY NEED TO TURN ON THEIR ENEMIES - THE VERY TRAITORS WHO ARE SENDING THEM TO BE SLAUGHTERED, FOR INDEED THEY WILL BE. IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF 'TIME.' FIGHTING A WAR FOR YOUR ENEMIES WHO DEPLOY YOU IN TO THE MIDST OF CERTAIN DEATH IS NOT THE WAY TO PEACE BUT TO EXTINCTION.)
The Third Purpose
When the aerial assets of Pope AFB were moved, I became suspicious that Jade Helm was ultimately serving a larger purpose.
Most journalists, who have followed the horrific details of Jade Helm know that Jade Helm will eliminate all resistance to World War III. Now we are seeing the prepositioning of military assets under the guise of Jade Helm for the purpose of fighting World War III which is a war of survival for the Federal Reserve and the Petrodollar. In actuality, this world war will be a war of depopulation and planetary unification.
At the end of the day the Federal Reserve and the other central banks will lie in ruin as the march towards the seemingly inevitable conclusion of a one-world government comes into being.
Finally, the U.S. has been set up to lose World War III and I have documented this to a fault. The focus for each American should become individual preparation, both physical and spiritual.