Friday, June 12, 2015

Sterling Currency will be back in business next week

Something happened and the feds released Sterling Currency, employees, and all confiscated material.

I do not have the specifics yet however something seriously motivated the feds to dump their pursuit and back off.

Looks to me like Sterling will be back in operations by Monday
if they can get their offices back together by then.



Anonymous said...

Hey, you never know with those boobs. I bet the militia showed up and told them hands off that line of inquiry, we know all you folks are abc agencies anyway and have no actual legal jurisdiction.

Whatever it was can be presumed to have ended the whole charade....especially now that Obama targets them all. He has less than 9% to follow his imperial lead, I tell you don't be frightened of gomer!

I predict he gets tossed out of here and spends some time in the big bad place before narrowly escaping final judgment, but no one can really ever know.

Anonymous said...

im sure the abc dont want the mainstream media to allow this story to leak out.

Anonymous said...


Freewill said...

Remember about 9 months ago his body was seen on a stretcher being wheeled out of the White House?

Freewill said...

It got leaked out right here on nesaranews. Alternative media sites like this one have exceeded any lame stream media outlet. Tisk Tisk.. lol

Twitter - IQD Guru said...

What a bunch of lies. Back in business, no way! please see the evidence stacked up against them.

Freewill said...

What do you mean a bunch of Lies? I was the one supplying the paperwork to the defense and spent time on the phone with them! Don't give me your bullshit!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who looks to and depends upon the bogus main stream 'news' (NOT) is foolish. You are watching and listening to pure PROPAGANDA specifically designed, written for and targeted to lead you astray to one side while the enemy within this nation comes at you from the other side, catching you totally unaware. Don't be foolish. The ONLLY way you will find out what is REALLY happening in America is to look to alternative media, such as NESARA. ALL the main media in this nation is enemy owned and controlled - period. You will learn more through alternative in the states as well as checking out the media of foreign nations, specifically Russia, Britain, etc. Forget CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, PBB, etc - all lies. Haven't you checked their staes in recent years - all failing miserably - just like the newspapers.

Freewill said...

There is much truth and dis-info as well on nesaranews. It is even hard for me to tell the difference with some of it. One reason it all gets posted here is for the readers to notify if these articles are accurate or not for the rest of us to find out. That is why this is an awareness blog. So we can all be aware of everything. When readers comment that something is false, I wish they would supply the data as to why. And not just throw stones and spears for the article being posted.

Freewill said...

I really hate these gurus as they are so fill of crap just like the last several years saying the RV is tuesday or next week....

Unknown said...

Gee, is Sterling back yet??? Of course not - BECAUSE THEY ARE A BUNCH OF CROOKS AND THE RV/GCR IS A SCAM.

Freewill said...

Yes they are, call them

Unknown said...

Really, not what their website says:


Sterling Currency Group
(888) 346-2771
Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 8 PM ET Saturday, 9 AM - 5 PM ET

Buy Dinar & Other Currencies
Sell Dinar & Other Currencies

We are not able to accept orders or payments at this time please check again later.

Freewill said...

I don't care what their website shows. I talk with them directly and their council during the time they were in the pen.

Unknown said...

FreewillJune 17, 2015 at 7:57 AM

I don't care what their website shows. I talk with them directly and their council during the time they were in the pen.

So. Freewill, you talked to them and their counsel while they "were in the pen?" Strange, I didn't think they had been arrested (yet). As you "seem" to have all this inside info, please enlighten us as to who arrested them and what "pen" they were in.

Also, re: the new headline about the "Admiral." There is no admiral, no admirals group and no mass arrests. This is such a load of BS. If he is such a great patriot I am sure he will have no problem disclosing his name -- after all, the signers of the Declaration of Independence didn't sign anonymously, they put their lives and their fortunes on the line, publicly and proudly.

Olive Oyl said...

Hey Howard - Your comments are interesting compared to what was taking place on behalf of Sterling. Not all is disclosed, especially to someone as rude and 'know it all' as you. As for the signatures to the Declaration - were you there??? Did they happen to have the internet at that time? Or the TV and radio? Did they have to be concerned about who they were and what they were doing going worldwide in a matter of seconds? Gee, I wonder what you would have done IF you had been smart enough to be included in the writing and signing of the Declaration of Independence????? If you were smart and brave enough to be involved in the writing and signing of this document that you are so interested in, wonder if you would have signed your name for all the world to see? You sure don't give others any respect or consideration, do you? Perhaps you are not that well informed as to what is going on in our nation - and the world - to be able to make a decision of such significance as those who signed the document for the Republic? WHY are you so critical of everything Howard? Don't you ever have anything nice or good to say?

Unknown said...

Don't I have ever have anything nice or good to say? Yes I do. The FBI is coming for all the Dinar gurus, promoters and scammers. See:

Here is a link to an FBI page - Fun times coming down the road for the gurus. Maybe the ghosts of Bob Hope and Bing Crosby can do a new road movie - "On the Road to Dinarland."

Iraqi Dinar Investment Investigation

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Internal Revenue Service – Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) are investigating a currency investment scheme involving the Iraqi dinar and certain other foreign currencies. Since the 2003 Iraq war, various promoters have claimed that the Iraqi dinar will undergo a “revaluation” (RV), meaning that dinar holders would make enormous profits. Many of these promoters claim to have high-level sources in the government or the financial industry. Several state agencies, major financial institutions, and consumer protection groups have cautioned that this is a scam.

If you or a relative have been told that you will make enormous profits from the purchase of the Iraqi dinar, Vietnamese dong, Indonesian rupiah, or other foreign currency, the FBI encourages you to complete this victim questionnaire.

Full Name:

Address Line 1:

Address Line 2:




ZIP/Postal Code:

Date of Birth:

Best Contact Number:

Primary E-Mail Address:

Who encouraged you to purchase the currency?

characters remaining
What you were told about the currency?

characters remaining
How did you find out about the currency?

characters remaining
Where did you purchase the currency (e.g. specific company, an individual, etc.)?

characters remaining

Would you like to provide any additional relevant information?

Anonymous said...

Have YOU filled this form out yet? Boy! What sour grapes have YOU been consuming bro??? Try a more positive and agreeable attitude. It will get you everywhere good.

Unknown said...

Is it "next week" yet? Is Sterling back in business scamming the Dinarians? Hasn't the RV/GCR/NESARAwhatever occurred yet? Of course not -- because the RV/GCR, etc. is bs and a scam. Is Sterling back fleecing people? No, I am glad to say. Ty and his buddies will have to learn to scam their soon to be friends in the federal pen.

Unknown said...

Hey guys, it is the end of July and I wanted to check in and see how the dinar RV is going. Is Sterling back in business yet - it has been a month now? Did you all receive the contract rate for your dinar or did you have to settle for the street rate? How did your meetings with the wealth managers go? They stop laughing yet.

Please, enquiring minds want to know.

Unknown said...

Well now, Sterling is gone, DinarCorp is being locked down, a couple of others are getting ready to pack up and head to the Caymans and gee, despite all of the "GURUS" insider information and wise analysis, despite it now being August and wasn't the RV supposed to happen 1/1, no, it was 2/1, no it was 3/1, then3/31 the end of the first quarter, blah, blah, blah.

Wake up and smell the scam people. There has been no RV, there is no RV and there will be no RV. Rinse and repeat.

Unknown said...

Still waiting.

Unknown said...

I see that there are a lot of proposed orders for the sale of Sterling owners' properties and assets. Gee, I guess Sterling ain't reopening. What a shock.

Unknown said...

Gee, another month gone and still waiting. Is Sterling back in business yet? NOOOOO. What a surprise.