1. YOU is not you the living man or woman. YOU — this corporate
persona created “for” you by people and organizations merely claiming to
“represent” you, is an ESTATE trust based on the pretension that you
are “civilly dead” and that you agreed to this “status”, when in fact
you were never told a word about any of this crappola. So when you see
YOUR NAME in all caps, including when you see YOUR NAME on any “personal
bank account”—- know that the word “person” means “corporation” and has
meant that since 1864 in Federalese.
2. Money has to have value in and of itself in order to be money.
Paper has only the value of paper. For decades the “Federal United
States” has been bilking you out of your actual assets in exchange for
worthless I.O.U.’s printed on paper. This paper is called “commercial
paper” and their “Federal Reserve Notes” are “promissory notes”
(I.O.U.’s) based on bonds issue in YOUR name. What are bonds? More
promissory notes!
3. When these charlatans seized upon and copyrighted and
registered your given name under the guise of merely recording it, they
seized control of your identity— and committed identity theft. They set
up a “strawman trust” and named it after you and pretended that this
“trust” contained your body, the value of your labor, your land, your
businesses— everything that you could ever own. Without telling you a
word about this, they pretended that you knew about this and agreed to
it. And then based on the value of all your property, they “bonded”
it—-used it all as collateral backing their own debts.
4. Now they have defaulted on those debts and they have been denied
bankruptcy protection because they are crooks and deserve none.
However, that leaves YOU — your supposed ESTATE trust— on the hook to
pay for all their debts and all the bonds that they floated
internationally in YOUR GOOD NAME.
5. People who are going around crowing that your “birth certificate
is worth millions” need to be asked — millions of what and millions to
whom? For the victims of this identity theft and credit fraud—that
means you, your friends, your neighbors— those “millions” are millions
of DEBT owed to mostly foreign creditors.
6. If you willingly “monetize” your own BC and access all that
juicy credit, all you do is admit and accept that you are part of the
fraud and liable as a criminal for it and you also otherwise indebt
yourself and your children and your grandchildren to pay off the debt
thus created.
7. So what is a Birth Certificate? It is an insurance indemnity
agreement entered into without your knowledge or consent with a now
insolvent privately owned corporation, seemingly agreeing to let them
use you, your given name, and your other assets as collateral backing
their debts — like co-signing for a car loan for Cousin Bubba, only not
being told about this cozy arrangement by Cousin Bubba or the bank
extending I.O.U.s in YOUR GOOD NAME to the rest of the world.
8. This circumstance makes you the Priority Creditor of YOU, but
since the perpetrators never recorded your actual birth on the land,
there is no public record of your existence except the condemning
evidence that a Birth Certificate Bond was entered in your given name.
9. So here come the Secondary Creditors— all those people to whom
these schmucks sold bonds based on your name, your assets, your labor,
etc., — wanting to be paid back, and you wake up with a jolt and say —
“What? I owe you guys $8 million dollars?”
10. It is at this moment that you need to remember that just as
there is a “National Debt” which the foreign nation of the “United
States” defined as “territories and District of Columbia” trumped up
against YOUR GOOD NAME, there is also an equal “National Credit” owed to
YOU —-as long as you don’t take the bait.
11. What is the bait? The lure of “easy money”— the millions of
useless fiat “dollars” they are preparing to download in all your bank
accounts as “payment” of their debts to YOU, so that they can saddle the
real you with having to pay off their debts with actual labor and
actual assets, not just bunko made out of paper.
12. Spread the word far and wide and send the members of
“Con-gress” a letter they won’t forget telling them and the banks they
work for that you are onto their schemes and attempts to “pay off” their
“National Debt” with more reams of worthless paper. Call them on it
before they can even launch this attempt to hoodwink the people again.
13. The banks and the bankers have cashiered the value of your
labor and your assets– your “National Credit” into gold they have
hoarded up for themselves. They are following a plan that has been in
place since 1913. That plan is to (1) steal and confiscate all the gold
and silver they can and (2) make the grandsons of the men they stole it
from buy it back at hyper-inflated prices. Note— the price of gold in
1928 was around $30 per ounce. It is now around $1300 per ounce. The
difference between $30 and $1300 is what they are hoping to capture as
pure profit for themselves, but that only happens if they force everyone
onto the “gold standard”.
14. That’s why all these banks are offering “free gold”— the casino
operators are priming the pump by offering free casino chips. And just
to make sure you have no other option, their partners in crime at the
IMF are threatening to give you “millions of dollars”—- digits dumped
into your bank accounts — just worthless keystrokes— for you to
“spend”—–which will completely devalue the fiat money and give them an
excuse to say that they paid YOU back for all the labor and the
mortgages and the false debts they piled on you and your assets.
15. Oh, no, no, no, no, children. Be not like dumb, driven
cattle. Be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. Tell them the truth
about all this. Make it clear that you know what they are doing and
why. Make it clear before the IMF even starts its campaign that you know
what they are doing. Write letters to the UN Secretary General and the
Security Council and the President of FRANCE and the Pope and the Queen
and the Congress and as many of the other criminals you can think of
and say, no, thank you. We will have our property back and the debts
erased. Do the bookkeeping. Cancel the National Debt against the
National Credit and keep the change. We will not be enslaved by any act
of fraud or any false claim you care to make.