Friday, May 6, 2016

We THE People Interim President Dejure Republic


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Freewill said...


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slaveman said...

Freewill this post is THE MOST UPLIFTING I HAVE EVER READ,... Death To The US Corporate gov't,... LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC!

Anonymous said...

Really!!?? Exctly what has it accomplished?

Anonymous said...

Apparently you didn't read it... Your comment makes no sense to the content of this article. What was it supposed to have accomplished?

Like Slaveman said, This IS the most uplifting post!

Anonymous said...

Apparently you did not read it. It was hand delivered to certain people. For what? What did it accomplish? What was the point of putting all this verbage together and delivering it to somebody? Do you honestly think putting a bunch of words together is going to remove the psychpathic parasites from the host? All of this is nonsense. The ptb are where they are by deception and force, not because of some stupid corporate/maritime law. They will not stop what they are doing just because you say "stop that". people here are not awake, they are more asleep than ever thanks to the moronic ramblings of people like fake judge anna.

marie said...


slaveman said...

anon 1:28,... please read the post again,... and again, until the truth of the content rings as an understanding of our collective enslavement again fostered on the current gold backed 'currency' as another trap for the american people and the people of the world. The banksters have most of the gold, and that is their agenda,... and now the Chinese have been 'partenered' with them, against us. We must not allow this to happen. Silver is the 'currency' of the De Jure Republic,... as stated in our Constition. Long live the Republic,... and DEATH TO THE U S Corporate Gov't. Also, Joseph Dunford will never be accepted by our Republic as President, (IMHO).

Unknown said...

Apparently you have little knowledge of the legal & lawful significance of NOTICE. One's words do in deed express Will, intent and also Create what one wishes, especially in concert with many other co-creator people of same mind & Heart according to Divine Will for the good of ALL. Love overcomes ALL obstacles, even "deception and force" and judgmental people who know not of what they speak. "Father, foregive them, they know not what they do. It is finished! (Tetelestai!= debt paid)"

Anonymous said...

I agree, ordinary American folks were taken to the cleaners. One will hardly find a better explanation than this article. This is a must read. No matter how hard you find reliving many experiences triggered by it, everybody lift up your spirit. Justice is at hand.

Anna said...

The plain FACT is that nobody serving in the military is eligible to be the President of the Republic, because all Americans serving in the military are required to operate as "United States Citizens". This is a foreign political status with respect to the actual government which requires us to be and to act as American State Nationals. The further FACT is that our government functions from the bottom up, not the top down, so it is literally impossible to replace our actual government by replacing the Congress. Replacing our government requires replacing all of us. That is the genius of it. Every American was declared a sovereign on the land jurisdiction of the United States, equal to the Queen of England. Every single one.