Tuesday, May 10, 2016
In March 2008, a covert Roman Catholic conspiracy was identified at the heart of the US legal system. On the evening of Maundy Thursday 20th March 2008, John Glover Roberts, the seventeenth Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, and a prominent American Roman Catholic, called a meeting at the US Treasury. Supported, it is understood, by senior American Roman Catholic archbishops and cardinals, the Vatican in Rome and The Crown Temple in London, John Roberts and his spiritual director, George Bush Jnr, were engaged in arranging a financial crucifixion. They were conspiring together to prevent delivery of the Wanta Plan Funds and the NESARA global prosperity packages.
John Roberts spoke plainly to his colleagues: "I run Treasury. I decide what will be done and what I am doing is none of your business. You don't work for the government and you don't work for the American people. You work for me and you will do what I tell you to do and what I am doing is none of your business. I am sick and tired of calls from all over the world and my business being reported on the internet by Casper. Anyone caught opening their mouth will immediately be fired."
John Roberts' problem was that several of his Washington DC colleagues in both the Supreme Court and the Treasury did not agree that it was right for the Chief Justice to act in open defiance of the American Constitution, the International Court of Justice and the International Monetary Fund, at a time of international financial danger. Yet, if insider reports were accurate, not only were the Wanta and NESARA deliveries being blocked but, over and above this, Roberts-Bush had stolen $9.1 trillion of USA taxpayers' funds from the Treasury, riding roughshod over due process in several clearly-documented ways. The Mastermind behind this heist was said to be Henry Kissinger. The stolen or miss-applied funds vastly exceeded America's gross annual budget.
Questions were asked in Washington. What were Roberts and Bush planning to do with this money? Where had the $9.1 trillion been moved to? And were the funds being used as collateral in covert off-shore trading programmes to generate wealth for undisclosed third parties?
Two and a half years earlier, on Thursday 29th September 2005, John Roberts had been sworn in as USA Chief Justice. President George Bush Jnr welcomed his appointment: "The Senate has confirmed a man with an astute mind and a kind heart .... John Roberts will be prudent in exercising judicial power, firm in defending judicial independence and, above all, a faithful guardian of the Constitution."
No such outcome transpired. By March 2008, John Roberts was holding the global prosperity packages illegally in the vaults of the USA Supreme Court in Washington DC. As long ago as Friday 18th January 2008, Roberts had been heard by colleagues to say that the NESARA global prosperity packages would "never be delivered".
The Passion Play being enacted in Washington DC was watched closely from power centres around the world. Brussels, The Hague, Moscow, Beijing, Lhasa, Dharamsala, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, and Riyadh were said to be following developments in detail. And in Jerusalem, the interest was particularly keen. With regard to Roberts and Bush, who was paying who the thirty pieces of silver? And what was the agreed contract?
By midday on Friday 21st March 2008, John Roberts' control of the USA Treasury had been terminated by a majority vote of the other USA Supreme Court Justices. Three of the Assistant Justices were discovered to have been conspiring with Bush and Roberts in administering the $9.1 trillion Treasury theft. They were: Samuel Alito (a Roman Catholic with Italian connections), Antonin Scalia (a Roman Catholic with Sicilian connections) and Clarence Thomas (a Roman Catholic with a developed interest in pornography and a public history of sexual harassment). By midafternoon on Friday 21st March 2008, Roberts' resignation was demanded. He quickly signed his resignation letter. But there was a problem with the document. It was correctly dated the 21st March 2008, but John Glover Roberts had deliberately signed the letter fraudulently - he wrote his name as Robert rather than Roberts. Centuries ago, other duplicitous churchmen had falsified the biblical texts with similar negative glosses at key points.
Further moves were put in train by the Supreme Court to accept the resignation letter of President George Bush Jnr, the 43rd President of the United States of America, which he had signed in the middle of February 2008, in response to multilateral international pressures focused through the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Multiple Treason charges were prepared.
On Tuesday 25th March 2008, it emerged that Sandra Day O'Connor, a recently retired Supreme Court Assistant Justice, was actively involved in attempting to trade the stolen $9.1 trillion for Bush and Roberts. O'Connor is regarded as a Farm Claims and NESARA turncoat, bribed into conspiratorial obedience by the Bush White House. She is described by Asian acquaintances as a 'three-headed snake'. This is an instructive metaphor. In the Harry Potter canon, a Runespoor is a magical, three-headed snake that grows to six or seven feet in length and is a favourite pet of dark wizards. There is also a memorable Pear Harbour-related World War II propaganda poster featuring a three-headed snake. It shows the heads of Emperor Hirohito (Japan), Adolf Hitler (Germany) and Benito Mussolini (Italy) rising from a single serpent. But more likely, the Asians who know O'Connor are referring to a variant of the poisonous, polycephalous Naga, called Kaliya, featured in Hindu mythology. Here is a bronze based on the Srimad Bhagvat Purana showing Krishna with one of Kaliya's heads, and here is a painting of Krishna dancing on seven of Kaliya's heads. Krishna won; Kaliya lost. The point about being a polycephalous snake is that you look both ways, or face both ways; you are two-faced. O'Connor has always been an equivocal figure in the American criminal overclass. People disagree about her, and not everyone thinks she is unremittingly evil. For example, a more positive reading of the Sandra Day O'Connor myth is that she is actually a Gryffindor (goody) who has courageously taken a draught of Polyjuice Potion enabling her to appear as a Slytherin (baddie), in order to obtain operational information from the dungeon common room under the lake. International visitors viewing this in translation will note the Harry Potter signifiers. On this reading, O'Connor is playing Roberts, subtly leading him to over-reach his powers and enter an inescapable legal ambush. The Chief Justice is a tickled trout about to meet his almonds. This is theoretically possible. Even by the modest standards of recent Supreme Court Justices, John Glover Roberts is not the sharpest knife in the canteen. Regarded as a dimwit by his office staff, he deploys a dyslexic genius towards grammar, spelling and punctuation. Much overtime has to be spent correcting his embarrassing garbles.
On the morning of Tuesday 25th March 2008, 'The Untouchable' returned to the USA Treasury to continue his investigations. Roman Catholic Patrick Fitzgerald, Federal prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, paid another call. A few hours later he was instructed by John Glover Roberts to stop his work and go. On Wednesday 26th March 2008, Fitzgerald was threatened by unnamed agents. On Thursday 27th February 2008, he did not answer his telephone all day. Patrick Fitzgerald was out of town addressing a crowded auditorium at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. His audience knew that Fitzgerald was familiar with more formidable miscreants than the small fry at SCOTUS. He had successfully prosecuted George Ryan, the Gambinos, Scooter Libby and Conrad Black in his time. He took a question from the audience. "So, in dealing with such sordid characters on cases of such importance, did he ever get scared?" "You'd have to be an idiot not to," Fitzgerald replied.
In fact, by the beginning of April 2008, Patrick Fitzgerald was probably the most closely protected individual on the planet. Agents acting for President George Bush Jnr and the Vatican had a contract out for Fitzgerald's assassination and had told him so. But by this time he and his co-workers were safely surrounded by tiers of security provided by Interpol and the Chinese Secret Society of which Benjamin Fulford had spoken in 2007. More details here and here. The Chinese enforcers also had people in place within the inner circles of George Bush Jnr, George Bush Snr, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, as well as in the hospitals these people would be taken to in the event of an accident. If the Chinese bullet didn't work, the Chinese syringe certainly would.
Dick Cheney knew this. He had serious cardiac-related breathing difficulties. He kept going to sleep in important meetings because of his clapped-out heart. It couldn't get enough oxygen up his carotid arteries to his brain. Cheney badly needed a heart transplant, but he knew that if he was under anaesthetic for that long, he would be quietly assassinated in hospital like Ken Lay or Ariel Sharon. More details about Dick Cheney's heart condition can be found here.
On Monday 31st March 2008, Fitzgerald had a team of one hundred and seventy seven attorneys working uninterrupted all night at the US Treasury and the US Supreme Court. The data retrieved spelled slow death for the Washington DC ruling class.
Whether he was aware of it or not, thanks to The Higher Evolution, Patrick Fitzgerald was protected by additional layers of esoteric security above and beyond Interpol and the Chinese. More details here. But why was Fitzgerald suddenly so unpopular with the politico-legal overclass in Washington DC? The answer to that question was the biggest answer articulated in American history. During his investigations into the US government wire frauds at the Treasury, Fitzgerald stumbled across an altogether larger legal fraud: Washington DC itself had no right in Constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing. The United States was not the United States of America. These were two completely different legal entities. There was an illegal President of the US in post, but no legally constituted President of the USA. The US (Washington DC) was not about the government of the people, by the people, for the people. The US was about the control of the people by the corporations for the Crown Temple in London. More details about the legal status of the US/USA are introduced here.
The scam dated back to the American Civil War (1861–1865). Both sides in that manufactured conflict had been financed by the Crown Temple in London and all subsequent legal and financial settlements were controlled by the Crown Temple for the Vatican. That is why it was important to have pliable Roman Catholic placemen at the top of the Washington DC corporation at the Supreme Court (SCOTUS). These people work for Europe. Indeed, all American BAR attorneys work for Europe. BAR stands for British Accredited Regency. Some say British Accredited Registry or British Accreditation Registry, but the effect is the same: legally, American taxes, treasure and resources are chattels of Old Europe.
All this might have stayed invisible but for NESARA and the American financial depression of 2007-2008. The combination of these two things engendered irresistible pressures which squeaked out the legal pips. And Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald saw them in the Washington spittoon.
America's money had gone. There was nothing to replace it with except the NESARA world prosperity funds. The politicos were desperate. They didn't want NESARA because NESARA would re-establish Constitutional law and they would be forced out of office to face public Treason charges. They were terminally desperate. And in their desperation, they made serial mistakes with attempted illegal wire transfers and off-shore stealth trades (more details here). Their flailing about caused the whole corporate legal fiction to unwind visibly.
What was happening behind the scenes was described in meticulous historical detail by a network of alternative news and analysis sites on the web (for example here). The facts came to the attention of Patrick Fitzgerald and he deftly played the end-game card. The Bush-Cheney-Clinton junta was in a fight for its political, legal and financial life. But in April 2008, the US junta still controlled the mainstream corporate media, so the general population was unaware of anything but a politically understated financial crisis, a collapsing dollar, a rising gold price, and a few million foreclosures on domestic properties.
In hindsight, it seems that the single document which woke Washington up was this one here, published on the FourWinds10 website in March 2008. It was an official listing of US Government units, offices, agencies, and instrumentalities. Casper called this document the silver bullet. We call it Pandora's Pumpkin Pie. It was the confection which loosened the vowels of Washington and got senior lawbores talking about bad smells in their registries. A subsequent explanatory appendix to the Pandora's PP document was posted on Tuesday 8th April 2008 here.
Involved in the Washington awakening of 2008 was a realisation of the legal implication of what had happened three quarters of a century earlier. Since the 5th June 1933 (HJR 192 - suspension of the Gold Standard) Common Law had been suspended in America (USA America). Ever since that date, American courts had been operating under Maritime Law. As a consequence of this change in 1933, every Statutory law passed since was invalid. The so-called Statutory laws of the following seventy five years were simply documentary expressions of public policy by the Washington ruling clique. They had no lawful force or effect on any American citizen domiciled outside the geographical boundaries of the corporation known as Washington DC.
Crucially for Fitzgerald, President George Bush Jnr's interference in due process in July 2007 with regard to Lewis Scooter Libby had energised his investigative work in Washington. Libby was Dick Cheney's Dick Cheney; the perfect exemplar of American legal and political corruption. Patrick Fitzgerald had secured Libby's conviction in the Valerie Plame case only to watch as the President, under orders from Dick Cheney, cynically commuted Libby's two and a half year jail sentence. Fitzgerald was furious and he went after Bush with renewed determination. As history will show, Bush lost and the American Constitution won. More details about Lewis Scooter Libby can be found here.
What the alternative news and analysis sites were making plain between August 2007 and April 2008 was that the American people had allowed themselves be duped docile for generations by a series of legal fictions and a series of fictions of law. These are two slightly different kinds of elite-led control mechanisms. A legal fiction is an assumption of fact made by a court as the basis for deciding a legal question. It is a situation contrived by the law to permit a court to dispose of a troublesome matter. A fiction of law is an assumption or supposition of law that something which is or may be false is actually true. Or, that a state of facts exists which has never really taken place. A fiction of law is an assumption, for purposes of putative justice, of a fact that does not or may not exist. A fiction of law is an establishment rule of law which assumes as true, and will not allow to be disproved, something which is false, but not impossible.
The English are good at recognising legal fictions; much better than the Americans. The story is told of an Oxbridge College which wished to appoint a new Provost. It was a weak field: one outstanding candidate and several grey, lacklustre also-rans. But there was a problem with the lead candidate. He had a dog. And the College's medieval statutes proscribed the keeping of dogs within the College purlieus. After much discussion, a legal fiction was suggested and a vote was taken. In the unanimous and considered opinion of those entitled to vote on the matter, Rover, the dog, was deemed by the College not to be a dog. Rover was a dog-like cat. And cats were permitted within the College purlieus. The new Provost and his cat were appointed. Due process was unsullied. The Senior Common Room broached a new pipe of port in celebration.
The legal fictions operating in modern America are more arcane and more coercive. Few Americans, for example, know that income tax is voluntary and self-assessed. The American Constitution explicitly states that no citizen shall pay any direct tax to the federal government. Income tax is an indirect excise tax on privileges licensed by the State. According to the Supreme Court, income tax is not mandatory. "Our system of taxation is based upon voluntary compliance and self assessment, and not upon distraint." (Flora v. U.S. 362 U.S. 145, at 176 [1960]). The American Inland Revenue Service (IRS) is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF (Diversified metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391), and the IMF is an Agency of the United Nations. The US Government is, in effect, a corporate instrument of international bankers, mostly based in Europe. In America, the NESARA reforms will abolish income tax.
The US Federal Reserve banking system and its monies are not governed by the people, for the people. The US Federal Reserve banking system is owned by a British foreign corporation. Linked here are excerpts from a court case proving the Federal Reserve system's status. The court ruled that the Federal Reserve Banks are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations. There is insufficient federal government control over detailed physical performance and day-to-day operation of the Federal Reserve Bank for it to be considered a federal agency. The Fed does not belong to, or act in the interest of, the American people. In America, the NESARA reforms will abolish the Federal Reserve banking system. It will be replaced by a system of Treasury Banks which issue a new, reliable, gold-backed American currency. It was inside knowledge of this which was one of the factors operating to raise the gold price in international markets. Look at the charts, and look at the timing, for example here or here or here.
America has a particular problem with gold. It does not have the deliverable gold it needs to survive the coming financial changes associated with the obligatory Basel II and Basel III global banking reforms. Much of the gold held at the American Fort Knox Bullion Depository in Kentucky is not gold at all; it consists of facsimile lead bars painted a gold colour for presentation purposes. This is becoming noticeable as the gold paint fades. Where the original gold went, and who took it, is shortly to be made public by a former insider. Much of the USA's gold reserves are listed as being Mint-Held Gold in Deep Storage. Dealers have always assumed that this means finished gold bars stored with their up-to-date assay certificates in deep underground vaults beneath places such as Fort Knox, Denver and West Point. The indications are emerging, however, that the term 'Deep Storage Gold' is a legal fiction. It is, in effect, a euphemism for 'yet to be mined gold'. It doesn't exist in deliverable form; it is merely an expedient paperwork forecast about future gold mining potentialities. America's 'Deep Storage Gold' is valueless in the immediate market and is valueless as legitimate collateral. It has, however, been sold several times over to foreign bankers whose first language is not English and whose skin colour is not Zionist.
Another uncritically accepted legal fiction in the US concerns the right of central government in Washington DC to limit the power of American citizens. No such limitation exists in Constitutional law. The corporate government of the US has no jurisdiction or authority over any state of the republic beyond the District of Columbia (DC). 'There can be no limitation on the power of the people of the United States. By their authority the State Constitutions were made, and by their authority the Constitution of the United States was established.' (US Supreme Court, in Hauenstein v. Lynham, 100 US 483.) In America, the NESARA reforms will abolish Washington DC as a corporate legal entity and will return the country to Constitutional law. All legal professionals who do not oppose this change will be re-trained, free, in Constitutional law. All legal professionals who actively assist the change will be given leading positions in the new system. Those lawyers and their agents who oppose the return to Constitutional law in America will, at the very least, never practice law again in any country on the planet.
Present-day American court systems do not operate in accord with the Constitution for the United States of America (1787) and the subsequent Bill of Rights. Current American courts operate admiralty-type British Law within the confines of a legal contract. The clerk of the court, the prosecuting attorneys, and the judges proffer the contract, and the defendant, if ignorant of the coercive legal fiction being deployed, blindly accepts the offered contract by acquiescence and obedience to court orders and sentences. A defendant convicted and sentenced, even by a jury, needs only to inform the judge that he refuses the offered contract and/or sentence of the judge. As a contracting party, the defendant does not have to accept a contract by imposition against his free will. As has happened, when such a refusal of the contract is made, the judge proceeds to use legal trickery and bluster in an attempt to get the defendant to accept a second legal fiction, a second contract. The defendant need only to continue with: "I do not accept your sentence." Or, where applicable: "I do not accept your offer of contract." The latter statement may be placed upon served court documents and returned (signed and dated) to the clerk of the court. In this circumstance the American court cannot further detain, harass or limit the defendant.
An interesting court case from a few years ago has recently been brought back to attention in America by the alternative news and analysis sites. The case was rigorously hushed-up by the Washington DC-controlled corporate media when it first occurred. Bighorn County Sheriff Dave Mattis (Wyoming) spoke at a press conference following a U.S. District Court decision (Case No. 2:96-cv-099-J (2006)). He announced that all federal officials are forbidden to enter his county without his prior approval. 'If a sheriff doesn’t want the Feds in his county he has the constitutional right and power to keep them out, or ask them to leave, or retain them in custody.' The court decision was the result of a suit against both the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) by Mattis and other members of the Wyoming Sheriffs' Association. The action in the Wyoming federal court district sought restoration of the protections enshrined in the United States Constitution and the Wyoming Constitution. The District Court ruled in favour of the sheriffs. The court confirmed and asserted that Wyoming is a sovereign state and that the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers exceeding that of any other state or federal official. Some of the early court documents in this case can be viewed here.
The average American, even if he is an Anglophile, scoffs at the idea of the 'special relationship' between the US and the UK. At most he thinks that it is some sort of dependence hangover from World War II when America prevented Britain starving to death by running transatlantic food convoys into Liverpool. To him, the special relationship is a historical vestige; big powerful America is master, little compliant UK is poodle. In fact the exact reverse is the case. America is the poodle. The Crown Temple in London owns modern America and it owns the modern American legal system. Modern America is a cash cow which sends money to London. That is what America is for; America is a British business with all the major shareholders at the Crown Temple in London and at the Vatican in Rome. Modern America is a European financial convenience.
Most Americans are still unaware that Queen Elizabeth II of England and the Crown Temple, unilaterally control and amend U.S. Social Security law. Consider, for example, S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997, made on the 22nd of July 1997 and in force from the 1st September 1997. "At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty in pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows: 'This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997.'" Long live the special relationship? More background here and here.
JPMorganChase did not hire Tony Blair. Blair beckoned and Chase came running. And shortly after, so did Bear Stearns. And who do you think is running Citibank? Some innumerate woolly-back from Texas with an eye on the main chance? No. The chap running Citibank has no trace of a Texas accent. He is a quiet retiring type called Sir Win Bischoff. Notice the Sir. He is a Knight of the Crown Temple. A bit like Sir Alan Greenspan. And look at the spelling of the surname. Sir Win's is not a Home Counties name is it?
Here is a related homework project for John Glover Roberts and any Southern Baptist who can read. "The Jesuits are not an operating front for the Vatican; the Vatican is an operating front for the Jesuits." Discuss. And for entry to Graduate School: "The Da Vinci Code is a vicarage tea party compared with what has been going on in Washington DC in the years 2000-2008." Explain.
On Thursday 3rd April 2008, Casper posted an open message to Patrick J. Fitzgerald on the FourWinds10.com website. It was labelled for Fitzgerald's attention only, not for the regular website audience. The message warned him that Vice President Dick Cheney had infiltrated certain of his own people into Fitzgerald's investigation team, and that these individuals were putting out false information in Fitzgerald's name. The following day, the post was removed from the website.
Untouchable Wunderkind Fitzgerald's reputation among alternative news buffs began to deteriorate. On Friday 4th April 2008, he stopped communicating with the web community and it became apparent that he had been telling lies about certain salient details. On Saturday 5th April 2008, the realisation dawned that like Supreme Court Assistant Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Provost Marshal Brigadier General Rodney Johnson before him, Fitzgerald may have been turned and bought by the cabal running the Bush White House. But it needs to be recorded that O'Connor, Johnson and Fitzgerald had done extremely good and difficult work before caving in to the negative elite.
The issue was transparency and justice. George Bush Jnr had been moved to a position where he was willing to leave office as President immediately, but he was adopting a Robert Mugabe-style determination to ameliorate the aftermath. He insisted that he must be pardoned and he must not be personally embarrassed or inconvenienced by the public release of his family's treasonous crime records. And there were the small matters of money and safe passage to be settled. At this point, Bush still had substantial residual powers to cause a major mess and further delay the release of the Farm Claims funds, the Wanta Plan funds and the NESARA global prosperity funds.
Patrick Fitzgerald appeared to give way and concede to the final demands of the cabal. In order to move progress, and without higher authority, he was reported to have spent the weekend of 4th-6th April 2008 dispensing official pardons and legal immunities to all the major political and legal conspirators and their agents. Thus had corporate America conducted its affairs of state ever since the Civil War. Do bad, lie, conceal, bribe, embezzle, steal, murder, torture, manipulate, get away with everything you can, and then, when your luck runs out, compel your successors to pardon you while you still have the power to make things difficult for them. Fitzgerald, it seems, bit the bullet. He was heard to say: "There is nothing the American people can do about it, no-one can overturn my decisions, and the American people will never know what I have done anyway."
Fitzgerald's statement was mistaken at a number of levels. First of all, by this time Washington DC was leaking like a sieve and people were changing sides from negative to positive by the minute. But they weren't advertising the fact; they were staying in place and becoming positively subversive. Documents were assembled and distributed. Tiny 4GB flash drives carefully loaded with pertinent names and data were deliberately left lying around in rest rooms, coffee shops and outdoor public areas. Bloggers found themselves receiving an unusual volume of well-informed, anonymous emails. From the point of view of elite control, far too many people knew far too much and they were becoming less and less fearful about discussing it in wider circles. In fin de siècle Washington, fear was replaced with anger and astonishment; excited tongues were wagging in the direction of newly hungry ears. The CIA and the US military were divided; strong opposing camps were well-placed, well-established and accurately briefed. The CIA itself was deeply penetrated by Israeli, Russian and Chinese intelligence. Langley was in an audible turmoil of gossip. There was no way, long term, that the American people would not learn exactly what had gone on.
And there was a very obvious step the American people could take when they learned the truth; their anger could find the conspirators, burn their houses and lynch them and their families. Blind eyes would see nothing. And the Chinese Secret Society would be there to help if needed. And with regard to the legalities, post-NESARA, any decision could be revisited, retroactively, by the new Constitutional courts. Fitzgerald was flailing.
The position of The Higher Evolution on all this was not much considered by the conspirators on the ground in Washington. The benevolent ETs had been monitoring, guiding and moderating human affairs on the planet for millennia and, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, had been present in, on and around the Earth in huge and increasingly visible numbers. As recently as November 2007, an enormous fleet of three thousand Martian craft had made themselves visible in broad daylight in the skies over the Bronx, New York (YouTube video here - search key: Massive UFO Brigade High Over New York City).
Generally speaking, whether it is the local constabulary from Mars, Venus and Jupiter, or the middle management people from regional offices in The Pleiades, Sirius or Arcturus, the benevolent ETs who guide and assist human evolution on Earth, seem to be both pragmatic and forgiving. There is a job to be done in the most energy-efficient manner possible, and it is recognised that evolving people, immersed in negativity down here on the surface, make mistakes. There is a terrestrial spiritual ascension being prepared, and planetary and cosmic laws are inexorably working out. Nevertheless, certain things are not permitted to, or by, The Higher Evolution. Everything that goes on, absolutely everything that happens, or is said, or is felt, or is thought, is securely recorded in vivid re-experiencible holography and is stored in crystal libraries and other higher dimensional media. No historical datum in Washington DC will ever be unknown, lost or concealed.
To read remainder of this article, click on: http://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.com/2008/03/crucifixion-of-chief-justice-john.html
DOD Program 1033 Is a Serious Threat
DOD Program 1033 Is a Serious Threat to Our Freedom
Since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Barack Obama and his fellow “race baiting revolutionaries” have made every effort to stoke the flames of violence. This is because Obama is using the Hegelian Dialectic to Push for National Police Force, using the problem-reaction-solution strategy to push for his promised “civilian security force."
As a result of the Michael Brown incident, police murders have risen drastically, and to this day, Obama still uses incendiary language towards police officers in an obvious effort to keep tensions alive. The Left would have us believe that the violence resulting from the incidents in Ferguson and Baltimore is the result of “institutionalized racism” and white privilege. The truth, however, is far different.
Throughout the duration of Obama’s rule, the issue of race has been a central theme, as he has continually accused America of having deep-rooted racial problems. Race has been forced into the consciousness of all Americans, and minorities have constantly been told that they are “less than” white Americans by the very people for whom they have voted. Sadly, black Americans are being kept on the plantation in an effort to whip them up into a revolutionary fervor where they will be used as the catalyst to form the coming national police force.
Obama recently announced that he will be “banning military style equipment” from local police forces. This is being done to give the appearance that he is a hero and that he is offering a legitimate solution to a problem about which both the Left and the Right are concerned.
[There is no arguing that our police forces are far too “militarized” and exercise too much power. This was also done intentionally for the very purpose of being able to offer the solution. Police forces have deliberately been provided with this military equipment, and then were programmed to believe that the average American citizen is their enemy. (We all know that constitutionalists, gun owners, Christians, and veterans have all been labeled as potential extremists.)]
The name of the program Obama has implemented is, the Department of Defense Program 1033, (DOD Program 1033) which was passed in 1997 under President Bill Clinton. This program was actually an extension of an earlier provision passed in the 1990 National Defense Authorization Act, under President George H. W. Bush.
Section 1208 allows for the transfer of military equipment from the Pentagon to local police forces. According to Taylor Wofford of Newsweek, the DOD Program 1033 was not a matter of public record, and the Defense Logistical Agency refuses to reveal the names of agencies participating in the program. These programs appear to be the prelude to the NDAA of 2012, which authorizes the U.S. military to indefinitely detain anyone they deem to be belligerent or an enemy of the state.
The purpose behind these laws and regulations is to create the conditions in which people will demand a national police force as the solution to a problem that seems to be “out of control.”Again, this is being done using the Hegelian Dialectic, or the problem-reaction-solution strategy. It appears to be working, as Obama’s intended audience actually believes they are being treated unfairly by the police. Honestly, it wouldn’t matter if people wanted it or not. The clamping down on the citizenry and the centralization of policing power has been in the works for decades.
Remember when James Paul Warburg proudly boasted before Congress that a one world government would come by conquest or consent. The idea is to condition the people to want more control over their lives; however, the powers that be are fully prepared to force it upon the American people if need be.
In this case, Obama’s promised security force can be found on page 25 of the New Socialist Constitution that waits in the whirlwind. The New Socialist Constitution was written by the Revolutionary Communist Party and describes in great detail the intent of the Communists to dismantle America’s military and centralize all defensive powers under the command of one authority, the Communist Party.
From the New Socialist Constitution:
To this effect, a Commission for Defense and Security shall be established, with its members selected through consultation between the Executive Council and the Revolutionary Communist Party. This Commission shall oversee the operations of the armed forces, militia and other organs of public defense and security, including their doctrine and operational principles; it may make changes in the overall structure and chain of command of these institutions, as well as the positions of different personnel within this chain of command, particularly at its higher levels.
The work of this Commission shall be overseen and reviewed by the Executive Council, in consultation with the Party, and in what should be rare occasions where agreement cannot be reached through such consultation in matters concerning the role and functioning of the armed forces, militia and other organs of public defense and security, the Party shall have the final say.
Everything that is being done, all the violence that is being intentionally instigated, is being done for one purpose: to condition Americans to accept this new constitution. These politicians want the people to view communism as a viable solution to problems that don’t even exist.
The lies about racism and the police deliberately targeting blacks are just tactics in a game of social change designed to dismantle our entire society– and rebuild it as a new socialist utopia. If we don’t start organizing ourselves and exercising the necessary courage needed to prevent this from happening, there may be nothing that can be done to stop it. I pray that we find this courage before it’s truly too late.
This is a revised version of an article first posted on Propaganda News, crossposted with permission on FreedomOutpost.com, and Constitution.com
The lies about racism and the police deliberately targeting blacks are just tactics in a game of social change designed to dismantle our entire society– and rebuild it as a new socialist utopia. If we don’t start organizing ourselves and exercising the necessary courage needed to prevent this from happening, there may be nothing that can be done to stop it. I pray that we find this courage before it’s truly too late.
This is a revised version of an article first posted on Propaganda News, crossposted with permission on FreedomOutpost.com, and Constitution.com
President Putin Claims Queen Elizabeth Is Not Human
Putin has told senior staff and close associates that he believes Queen Elizabeth II shapeshifted while greeting him as a show of strength and a warning to not to mess with the dominant reptilian-Illuminati bloodline.
As your news wire has reported, remember now that World Source Media is not stating that this is true, but we are only sharing what has been said.
Brave Vladimir Putin has told senior staff and associates that Queen Elizabeth II is not human but is a ‘reptilian that shapeshifts between human and reptile form’ and, according to sources close to the President, he has witnessed her shapeshift ‘in the flesh before his very eyes and, in his opinion, as a warning to him personally.’
Published on May 8, 2016
The Video That Puts Hillary in Jail!
The Video That Puts Hillary In Jail!
Not if Comey has been bribed!????
Someone at State Dept Committed Perjury
Judge Napolitano
Someone at State Dept
Committed Perjury to Protect Hillary
The Muslim Brotherhood just became the most powerful entity in the Muslim world
By Walid Shoebat on May 7, 2016
The Muslim Brotherhood just made a coup and now the Muslim Brotherhood is the most powerful army in NATO after the United States? Most will laugh this off saying “are you kidding me”? But you heard it right. This is no conspiracy theory.
In the Middle East, everyone is talking about how the Muslim Brotherhood just became the most powerful entity in the Muslim world. It is now even part of NATO controlling its second most powerful army after the United States.
All this happened this week.
The Muslim Brotherhood has now re-emerged from the dead after receiving a deadly wound by the famous Egyptian coup d’état on July 3rd 2013 when Egyptian army chief General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi led a coalition to remove the only democratically elected President of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, from power suspending the Egyptian constitution.
Now the Muslim Brotherhood re-emerged via another coup d’état dubbed as The Palace Coup. This one was orchestrated by Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey who is reviving the same style Muslim Brotherhood constitution through his referendum of Turkey’s constitution.
The Muslim Brotherhood will soon reconquer Egypt after it revives as the eleventh little horn. This revival will happen in 18 months from now and will stem from Turkey.
Yet the sleepy western analysts like the New York Times describe what just happened in Turkey in western style imagery as “Erdogan’s autocratic style” takeover. Erdogan, they say became like “The Godfather” or likened to “President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia for his authoritarian style and his ability to keep winning elections while eroding the quality of Turkey’s democratic institutions”.
No stupid.
Erdogan by his ‘palace coup’ is completely reshaping his political system into an Islamic Caliphate. Instead of reading the western headlines, try reading Middle Eastern sources that reveal the full story you never hear in the West. So lets start:
It all started in what the Middle East dubs as The Palace Coup. Erdogan from his palace in Ankara ousted the most powerful Muslim ruler in the world, the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. Davutoğlu was the boss and Erdogan was constitutionally a symbolic figure. The Palace Coup is a story on how the figure became the supreme. Erdogan now became the ruler catapulting himself to become Sultan, the Muslim Brotherhood, the AK Party and even Turkey itself. It matters not if you read it from right to left or from left to right, it is all the same: Turkey is Erdogan and now the Muslim Brotherhood waxed into becoming Turkey which holds the second most powerful army in NATO after the United States.
So how did this happen?
A week before the fallout between Erdogan and Davutoğlu there was a firey letter sent by Davutoğlu’s counselor, Umar Korqmaz to the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey.
The letter, as it turns out, was the end of Davutoğlu which made Erdogan “cease the power by intrigue”.
Korqmaz acting as Davutoğlu’s counselor warned the Brotherhood to stop their global outreach from Turkey to even go publicly on TV mocking the Muslim Brotherhood saying: “they [the Muslim Brotherhood] failed to establish the Caliphate through democracy in Egypt and now they have come to Turkey to make our democracy fail?”
The message from Korqmaz sparked jubilation in secular Egypt where the media there declared that “Turkey finally turned on the Muslim Brotherhood”. But the issue was no small issue for Erdogan who loves the Brotherhood.
This whole fiasco began when the Muslim Brotherhood had a three day major festival sanctioned by Erdogan titled Shukran Turkie (Thanks Turkey). It was a global advertisement for Erdogan showing how Muslims across the globe thanked Erdogan as their savior who aided Syrian immigrants and defended the cause of Gaza and Jerusalem. The slogan “Thanks Turkey” was advertised throughout the Muslims world by public events reaching all the way to Canada.
The major event started a couple weeks ago (April 21) and went on for three straight days of festivities as if it was offered by the Muslim Brotherhood leaders who in turn gathered the top Islamist leaders from various parts of the Muslim spheres. It was a day of ‘Erdogan worship’.
It was sort of like when “King Nebuchadnezzar summoned the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials to come to the dedication of the image he had set up …” (Daniel 3:2)
In the festival, the spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi gave a fiery sermon speaking on how they must revive the image and banner of the Ottomans and how no one can make war with the giant of Islam and how through Islam “Turkey’s might will conquer the rest of the nations”.
“You will only subdue all nations through this religion [Islam]” said Qaradawi adding “you will revive, you will revive”. “The Muslim world is more than what they claim” said Qaradawi adding that “there are 1.7 billion Muslims”. He went on sharing how a dead history is reviving and on how Ottoman Sultans were the best defenders of Islam and now with 1.7 billion Muslims now they should give allegiance to whom he called “Sultan Erdogan”.
Throughout his speech Qaradawi uttered words that could only come out of the pages of John’s Revelations. The Tunisian Telegraph shared his statement which summarized it all:
“Who can make war with Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan? He became the Muslim world’s defender fighting in the name of Islam and the Koran and Sharia. He speaks standing firm in the faces of tyrants to tell them NO!”Perhaps this should ring a bell: “Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
ومن الذي يستطيع أن يقاوم السلطان رجب طيب أردوغان، الذي أصبح يدافع عن الأمة باسم الإسلام والقرآن والسنة والشريعة الذي يتحدث بالوقوف أمام الوجوه الطاغية، ليقول لهم لا
Perusing through the three day conference, it opens with declaring Turkey “the capital of the Muslim world” all with fiery speeches from Hamas’ Khaled Mashal to songs about a one world Muslim Caliphate centered in Turkey.
Al-Arabiya a main Arabic news media correctly summed it all up:
The “Thank you Turkey” conference at the end of April which was observed by Brotherhood leaders from all Arab and Islamic nations effected in raising the pillar of the Muslim Brotherhood dream. It fulfilled Erdogan’s dreams to return the Caliphate which is a dear goal of Erdogan. It accompanied the necessity to change the constitution towards a presidential system and the slow minimization from the Ataturkian secularism”The Muslim Brotherhood wield more than just the power to stir millions of Muslims towards Erdogan. A new study reveals that over half the leaders of all 49 Muslim terror organizations are members of the Muslim Brotherhood. From Iraq to Somalia and from Afghanistan to Syria, this is true, regardless if the terror entity was ISIS, Al-Qaeda or Al-Nusra … 51% are members of the Muslim Brotherhood and 65% were released from prison.
Besides the need for global Jihadists, Erdogan needs the Muslim Brotherhood, for without it he will never gain the scholarly support which represents the moral and legal justification from Sharia to gain the support that Erdogan needs to become Caliph.
Erdogan was angered and let Davutoğlu go. He saw Davutoğlu’s actions against the Muslim Brotherhood as the last straw that broke the camel’s back.
Now the Muslim Brotherhood has the second most powerful army in the world behind them with NATO power as well.
Yet the sleepy western analysts like the New York Times describe what just happened in Turkey in western style imagery as “Erdogan’s autocratic style” takeover. Erdogan, they say became like “The Godfather” or likened to “President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia for his authoritarian style and his ability to keep winning elections while eroding the quality of Turkey’s democratic institutions”.
No stupid.
Erdogan by his ‘palace coup’ is completely reshaping his political system into an Islamic Caliphate.
Can anyone deny that Erdogan already has everything in place for a Caliphate? He has a Fatwa-giver, Hayrettin Karaman and also the Diyanet which was already established in 1924 “to execute the works concerning the beliefs, worship, and ethics of Islam”?
Did not Erdogan re-activate these and was the pillar in spreading mosques throughout the globe?
Was it not Karaman who declared his new design for the Caliphate saying that Erdogan will soon become the Caliph for all Muslims? Here are his exact words:
“During the debate on the presidential system, here is what everyone must do so while taking into account the direction of the world’s national interest and the future of the country and not focus on the party or a particular person. What this [presidential system] looks like is the Islamic caliphate system in terms of its mechanism. In this system the people choose the leader, the Prince, and then all will pledge the Bay’ah [allegiance] and then the chosen president appoints the high government bureaucracy and he cannot interfere in the judiciary where the Committee will audit legislation independent of the president. ” Hayrettin Karaman
Is Karaman, Turkey’s Fatwa giver, simply ignorant of how Sharia works or how a Caliph is appointed or how a Caliphate constitution is designed and is carried out?
Isn’t Bay’at, as Islam calls it, which is “giving allegiance,” is the hallmark of the Antichrist as John declared: “but the fatal wound was healed! The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast” (Revelation 13:3).
Does this face not qualify to be “king of fierce countenance” (Daniel 8:23)?
How about this one for demonic possession?
Instead of Davutoğlu, Erdogan will appoint his Muslim Vizier where Erdogan becomes Ameer al-Mumineen (أمير المؤمنين) “Prince of the Faithful”.
“The Prince,” is exactly what Daniel 9:26 predicted. He will be the “prince of the power of the air” (Eph 2:2).
I have for years told the world that Erdogan will defy all expectations, as a cat with nine lives. No one believed me. So what are the chances here, that when I was told it was the end of his party when he did not win a majority in the election before last?
I told the world “just wait”. Erdogan then refused to enter into a coalition government as Ahmet Davutoğlu asked. Erdogan instead decided to enter an early election in which he obtained the majority he wanted. My claims were then vindicated. But Erdogan remained the second man as Davutoğlu was Prime Minister. But now this Erdogan defied most expectations and took the power by intrigue.
Erdogan then turned on Davutoğlu when the latter finally sent a letter threatening the very Muslim Brotherhood which Erdogan is member of. And before that Davutoğlu wanted to lift the parliamentary immunity of 80 corrupt deputies in the ruling party as a prelude to bringing them to trial on charges of corruption. Many of these deputes were Erdogan’s allies, even Erdogan himself was mired in corruption.
These issues spell out what really happened.
Erdogan strongly objected because of whom a large proportion of the 80 were close to him. And now, this step by Davutoğlu to undermine the Muslim Brotherhood, it was the spark of the crisis of confidence between the two men where Erdogan finally struck the last nail in Davutoğlu’s coffin.
The next two years will be more Bible Prophecies sparking out of the pages of Daniel and John.
New years on 2016 we said that the next two years will be crucial. Erdogan’s new gamble begins and within 18 months we will see his third round of elections. And with his influence on Europe including his control in the Muslim world, we have us the best candidate for an Antichrist Beast.
A decade or so ago we wrote insisting that Turkey’s future will face the following:
The man who changes these “set laws” will be the same “he” (the same man) who continues to the end. People put breaks where there are none, yet they fail to see where the breaks do exist. Pay close attention:
If our interpretation is correct and Erdogan is the man, he is the 11th king, the little horn who comes “after them”. He is the little horn because his span is only seven years from when he is inaugurated as Caliph where he commences to enter Europe by his flood (of immigrants) “proceeding out of the dragon’s mouth”. This will be the greatest turmoil effecting mostly Europe. It is that or Erdogan goes after the 10 kings he established are elected and another appears after them. We shall see. I am not an island in my interpretations, a feeble man who errs at times and repents more.
To understand all this you might want to spend a day and become a scholar of history and Bible Prophecy by visiting or re-visiting: The Most Fascinating Bible Prophecy Reveals The Muslim Caliphate Will Revive And Invade Europe But God Intervenes With Plagues And Swarming Locusts And Defeats Them.
And let me tell you none are scholars. Indeed, this is the greatest time to live. To me it is like when Moses asked God to speak to the people where the people were frightened yet Moses thrived.
In the Middle East the secularists are all crying out that Erdogan is rebuilding the Ottoman “Caliphate” by initially commingling democracy with Sufi Islam while the sleepy West fails to monitor our Arabic headlines which is perceived by the sleepy West as ‘moderate Islam’.
The dispute with Davutoğlu was not that he moved away from the general line of the Muslim Brotherhood per se, or did he migrate to the opposite camp of Ataturk, or the leftist, or otherwise … No.
From Erdogan’s perspective Davutoğlu was simply not Muslim Brotherhood enough, a man who wanted to exercise his legitimate authority over Erdogan which he was legally entitled. He was the obstacle just as it was when he ousted Abdullah Gul and Fethullah Gulen before him.
And just today, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that there is no turning back from a presidential system in his address during a mass opening ceremony, a day after Prime Minister Davutoğlu announced he would leave his post following the rift with Erdoğan.
“At this point, there is no turning back. Everybody should accept this by now,” Erdoğan said during a speech at the inauguration ceremony in Istanbul’s Eyüp district today on May 6.
Through his palace, and by his coup, the Muslim Brotherhood through Erdogan has now catapulted to becoming the ultimate ruler of the most powerful Muslim country in the world.
Things are moving just a little faster than I had previously thought and the symphony begins:
“The Prince,” is exactly what Daniel 9:26 predicted. He will be the “prince of the power of the air” (Eph 2:2).
I have for years told the world that Erdogan will defy all expectations, as a cat with nine lives. No one believed me. So what are the chances here, that when I was told it was the end of his party when he did not win a majority in the election before last?
I told the world “just wait”. Erdogan then refused to enter into a coalition government as Ahmet Davutoğlu asked. Erdogan instead decided to enter an early election in which he obtained the majority he wanted. My claims were then vindicated. But Erdogan remained the second man as Davutoğlu was Prime Minister. But now this Erdogan defied most expectations and took the power by intrigue.
Erdogan then turned on Davutoğlu when the latter finally sent a letter threatening the very Muslim Brotherhood which Erdogan is member of. And before that Davutoğlu wanted to lift the parliamentary immunity of 80 corrupt deputies in the ruling party as a prelude to bringing them to trial on charges of corruption. Many of these deputes were Erdogan’s allies, even Erdogan himself was mired in corruption.
These issues spell out what really happened.
Erdogan strongly objected because of whom a large proportion of the 80 were close to him. And now, this step by Davutoğlu to undermine the Muslim Brotherhood, it was the spark of the crisis of confidence between the two men where Erdogan finally struck the last nail in Davutoğlu’s coffin.
The next two years will be more Bible Prophecies sparking out of the pages of Daniel and John.
New years on 2016 we said that the next two years will be crucial. Erdogan’s new gamble begins and within 18 months we will see his third round of elections. And with his influence on Europe including his control in the Muslim world, we have us the best candidate for an Antichrist Beast.
A decade or so ago we wrote insisting that Turkey’s future will face the following:
“He [Antichrist] will speak against the Most High and oppress the saints and try to change the set times and the laws.” (Daniel 7:25) In this passage, we find an important clue; for by his actions, we can assess his origin. Not knowing how to deal with this piece of the puzzle, many students of Bible prophecy have speculated that the Antichrist will try to change cosmic laws. But the text infers no such thing. It simply says that he will desire to change two things: times (the accepted world calendar) and laws. If we simply take the text at its face value, we find a simple warning that the Antichrist will attempt to change the times (calendar), legal systems, and constitutions. (GWOT, page 85)Isn’t what we said years ago now is exactly happening with the Turkish constitution? And why we insisted that Erdogan will rise from his end was simple. The “he” in Daniel 11 (and no matter where one puts the break from Antiochus to Antichrist) there is simply no break, whoever changes these laws is the man.
The man who changes these “set laws” will be the same “he” (the same man) who continues to the end. People put breaks where there are none, yet they fail to see where the breaks do exist. Pay close attention:
“[Daniel says] He [the angel] gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.”The “ten horns” of the fourth beast is the seven Muslim Caliphates represented through the succession of 10 kings from the Rashidun Caliphate to the Ottoman where the empire continued for 1260 lunar years from the sixth century until Islam was finally bruised in the 19th century.
If our interpretation is correct and Erdogan is the man, he is the 11th king, the little horn who comes “after them”. He is the little horn because his span is only seven years from when he is inaugurated as Caliph where he commences to enter Europe by his flood (of immigrants) “proceeding out of the dragon’s mouth”. This will be the greatest turmoil effecting mostly Europe. It is that or Erdogan goes after the 10 kings he established are elected and another appears after them. We shall see. I am not an island in my interpretations, a feeble man who errs at times and repents more.
To understand all this you might want to spend a day and become a scholar of history and Bible Prophecy by visiting or re-visiting: The Most Fascinating Bible Prophecy Reveals The Muslim Caliphate Will Revive And Invade Europe But God Intervenes With Plagues And Swarming Locusts And Defeats Them.
And let me tell you none are scholars. Indeed, this is the greatest time to live. To me it is like when Moses asked God to speak to the people where the people were frightened yet Moses thrived.
In the Middle East the secularists are all crying out that Erdogan is rebuilding the Ottoman “Caliphate” by initially commingling democracy with Sufi Islam while the sleepy West fails to monitor our Arabic headlines which is perceived by the sleepy West as ‘moderate Islam’.
The dispute with Davutoğlu was not that he moved away from the general line of the Muslim Brotherhood per se, or did he migrate to the opposite camp of Ataturk, or the leftist, or otherwise … No.
From Erdogan’s perspective Davutoğlu was simply not Muslim Brotherhood enough, a man who wanted to exercise his legitimate authority over Erdogan which he was legally entitled. He was the obstacle just as it was when he ousted Abdullah Gul and Fethullah Gulen before him.
And just today, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that there is no turning back from a presidential system in his address during a mass opening ceremony, a day after Prime Minister Davutoğlu announced he would leave his post following the rift with Erdoğan.
“At this point, there is no turning back. Everybody should accept this by now,” Erdoğan said during a speech at the inauguration ceremony in Istanbul’s Eyüp district today on May 6.
Through his palace, and by his coup, the Muslim Brotherhood through Erdogan has now catapulted to becoming the ultimate ruler of the most powerful Muslim country in the world.
Things are moving just a little faster than I had previously thought and the symphony begins:
Dalaras - S' agapo giati ise orea (live, 2001)
Uploaded on Jun 24, 2007
Greek traditional song of Asia Minor. Part of a concert held in the ancient theater of Delphi (June, 2001), on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. Dalaras and American jazz singer Jocelyn B. Smith, accompanied by the Ossipov Russian Orchestra, performed songs of Theodorakis (mostly) and other composers. Theodorakis was honoured for his efforts towards peace and human rights.
Poland Lashes Back At EU
Poland Lashes Back At EU, Abolishes “Hate Crimes” and “Racism” Units, Says ‘We Don’t Want To Become Like France And Germany’
In light of the disastrous news from London, a light shines in the east, and again that light comes from Poland. While Poland (and all countries, I should add that are part of the EU system) has been affected by the EU, it has been one of the fiercest, most relentless, and unashamed critics
The whole “hate crime” idea, so popular in the West, is one of the biggest legal scams in our history.
Think about it- who commits an actual crime because they like somebody or something? Hate is a precondition of criminality. Nobody rapes, murders, or beats somebody into a bloody because they love that person.
The only reason that “hate crimes” exist is to create social sigma so that one group in society might subjugate another using the legal system as a means of oppression. It is a perversion of justice in the truest sense because truth is made irrelevant to the imposition of the agenda of the ambitious.
Thankfully, Poland and other nations of Eastern Europe, who adopted this “hate crime” legislation and other foolish measures are finally coming to their sense and abandoning them like a sinking ship, because that is what Western Europe is- a sinking ship that is falling into the ocean of history, and the Eastern nations want off before it is too late.
Poland’s reason for abandoning these “units” was because they were inefficient and, as one can infer from the article, actively promoting racism against the native Polish people and in favor of Muslims and others invaders. Even Polish supporters of these units openly admit that was the purpose of these units- to promote Muslims and other ideas at the expense of the Poles.
One of the most basic ideas in the once-free West is that every people has a right to self-determination- the ability to govern themselves as they see fit and live a life in accordance with their principles so long as they do not infringe on the basic rights of their neighbors. This is a rather basic an sensible request, and one which the EU proudly declares to be true, but in actual practice does not believe in at all. This was made perfectly clear when EC President Jean-Claude Juncker complained this week that European politicians in certain nations (i.e. Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, etc.) listen “too much to their voters” and not enough to the EU:
Poland is right to push to leave the EU and in doing so, to scrap all of the garbage that it accepted from the Euro system because, as the Poles themselves have noted, they do not want to become like Germany or France, where Muslim invaders are being given these nations and the people have no say in the matter:
The only reason that “hate crimes” exist is to create social sigma so that one group in society might subjugate another using the legal system as a means of oppression. It is a perversion of justice in the truest sense because truth is made irrelevant to the imposition of the agenda of the ambitious.
Thankfully, Poland and other nations of Eastern Europe, who adopted this “hate crime” legislation and other foolish measures are finally coming to their sense and abandoning them like a sinking ship, because that is what Western Europe is- a sinking ship that is falling into the ocean of history, and the Eastern nations want off before it is too late.
Poland’s reason for abandoning these “units” was because they were inefficient and, as one can infer from the article, actively promoting racism against the native Polish people and in favor of Muslims and others invaders. Even Polish supporters of these units openly admit that was the purpose of these units- to promote Muslims and other ideas at the expense of the Poles.
One of the most basic ideas in the once-free West is that every people has a right to self-determination- the ability to govern themselves as they see fit and live a life in accordance with their principles so long as they do not infringe on the basic rights of their neighbors. This is a rather basic an sensible request, and one which the EU proudly declares to be true, but in actual practice does not believe in at all. This was made perfectly clear when EC President Jean-Claude Juncker complained this week that European politicians in certain nations (i.e. Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, etc.) listen “too much to their voters” and not enough to the EU:
“Too many politicians are listening exclusively to their national opinion. And if you are listening to your national opinion you are not developing what should be a common European sense and a feeling of the need to put together efforts. We have too many part-time Europeans.”Europeans, this is what the EU thinks of you, and the same goes for America’s politicians as well. They think you, John Q. Public, are their slaves to be manipulated by the will of the powerful to fulfill their own selfish, egotistical, dreams of grandeur n the eyes of men.
Poland is right to push to leave the EU and in doing so, to scrap all of the garbage that it accepted from the Euro system because, as the Poles themselves have noted, they do not want to become like Germany or France, where Muslim invaders are being given these nations and the people have no say in the matter:
The Law and Justice (PiS) party this week scrapped a public body designed to fight racism and investigate “hate crimes”, citing its inefficiency. Government spokesman Rafal Bochenek told reporters the council’s responsibilities will be taken over by “more efficient” state institutions.
The Council Against Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance was set up by the previous government led by the liberal Civic Platform party, who were voted out of office last October after they agreed with the European Union (EU) that the country would take several thousand non-European migrants.
The human rights Ombudsman, and parties opposed to PiS, have widely condemned the government’s abolition of the body as they say hate crimes are increasing in Poland. “It’s shameful. The council is absolutely necessary amid the increasing number of racially motivated attacks and rising xenophobia,” Ombudsman Adam Bodnar told AFP.http://shoebat.com/2016/05/07/poland-lashes-back-at-eu-abolishes-hate-crimes-and-racism-units-says-we-dont-want-to-become-like-france-and-germany/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+shoebat+%28Walid+Shoebat%29
Comments below Polish television network TVN’s coverage of the story were broadly supportive of the move, with one person writing “‘Anti-racism council liquidated’ – rightly so, looking at what’s happening in Germany or France”, seemingly referring to the problems those European countries are facing as a result of having large numbers of non-European migrants.
The Law and Justice (PiS) party was elected in a major landslide victory in December that returned Poland’s first single-party government since the end of Communism. Although their ascent to power has left minority left-wing activists angered, and has triggered a series of protests by those who claim that the recently elected government lack democratic legitimacy, the party has pressed on with a programme of changes, including turning the nation’s back on the EU migrant resettlement programme.
A funny thing happened when I tried to withdraw money from the bank
What Happened When I Tried to Take $1500 Cash Out of Bank of America - Bank Holiday is Near
A funny thing happened on my way to writing on a very controversial topic. It just so happens that I inadvertently made my own news. To those who expected to read how the criminal elite are going stop Donald Trump short of singular assassination plot, that story will be printed on this site, tomorrow.
Yesterday, I went to Bank of America to withdraw $1500 cash. You would of thought I had a sign around my neck saying that I was a heroin dealer. The teller went and got a bank officer who began to question me:
Bank Officer: Sir, what are you using the money for?
Me: I am using it for a legal personal matter. Beyond that, it is none of your business.
Bank Officer; Sir, we can put a hold on your account.
Me: Mr. Bank Officer, I will remove my entire account and deposit it to another bank if I do not have my money in five minutes and I want my money in $100 bills.
Bank Officer: Sir, your threats will not work here and if you are not cooperative and fill out this form, I will call the police and notifiy the IRS. (He wanted me to fill out a Cash Transaction Report which is not required unless your withdrawing $10,000 or more)
Me: Mr. Bank Officer, I refuse to fill out your report because it is not required unless I withdraw $10,000 and your may call who you want…. You obviously do not know the law and who I am. Between my writing and broadcasting, I reach over 2 million people per month. I would say that statistically about 400,000 people have B of A accounts who listen to me or read my articles. Before the end of this month, you will see sizable withdrawals based upon my recantation of this conversations in the public domain. By the way, I am recording this.
The bank officer walked away and disappeared and then came back in a few moments. He instructed the teller to process my request.
Bank Officer: I have reviewed your account history and you have been an excellent customer. You are obviously using the money for honorable purposes. I apologize for any misunderstanding.
Me: Thank you. The purposes for the use of my money is none of your business. It is a matter for law enforcement. You should think about this when you try to bully the next guy.I am certain that the threat of my reach and potential action against Bank of America did not influence bank officer’s decision to honor my request. I am sure he called his boss and that they have now filed a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR), and my business affairs will come under the scrutiny of the IRS and possibly the FBI. I have no doubt that they would love to turn me into the next Bundy family member of the banking world. I will have more to say on this topic later in the article.
An Interesting Aside
I requested that my money withdrawal be disbursed in one hundred dollar bills. They had one, count it, one, one hundred dollar bill in the entire bank.
I asked the teller if the bank was making good on the rumor that they were phasing out one hundred dollar bills in their incremental move towards a cashless society. The $10 per hour teller said she they did not know what I was talking about.
At that point, and being a little worked up, I asked the teller which arm she was going receive the chip so she could continue buying and selling and working for B of A? She had no idea what I was talking about.
“Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”
I have arranged for a transfer of the funds from the impacted account.
Before you move any money, you need to read the following… or you risk going to jail:
Be Careful Who You Speak With
If the Feds do show up to speak with me, I will not be speaking with them about anything of substance. When Martha Stewart was accused of insider trading, Stewart tried to explain away the concerns. That was her big mistake. She was sent to jail for making false statements to federal officials. Note, they can lie to you and try to trick you and the criminal elite have made that legal. But if THEY say you have misled them, or left out one detail, you go to prison and it is your word vs. their word.
When and if the FEDS show up at my door. I will be taping and recording myself saying “I invoke my 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination and reserve my right to be represented by an attorney for all questioning. If I am not under arrest, you need to leave my property and I will arrange a meeting with my attorney.” If you say any more, you are probably going to jail.
Oh, they will threaten you that you making things hard on yourself and that “things will go easier if you cooperate”. Your answer , and the only thing you should say is “I will fully cooperate with you when my attorney is present and since we all have to abide the Constitution, get the hell out of my house”.
Structuring, SAR’s and CTR’s
Previously, I mentioned the bank probably filed a SAR on me. and they going to be investigating me for 'Structuring'. 'Structuring' carries a very long prison sentence to go with a hefty fine.
The 'federal government' will automatically investigate any cash withdrawal of $10,000 or more from your account.To remain in compliance with the law, financial institutions must obtain personal identification, information about the transaction and the social security number of the person conducting the transaction.
Technically, there is no federal law prohibiting the use of large amounts of cash. However, a CTR must be filed in ALL cases of cash transaction regardless of the reason underlying the transaction. This means your cash transaction will be on the radar. The Feds will automatically investigate you for drug dealing, enterprise corruption and/or money laundering (the Bushes, Clinton and others do this all the time, but us regular Americans, well we wouldn't be doing it anyway BUT WE are PRESUMED GUILTY until we can prove our innocence, that is IF you are ABLE to have the opportunity to do that). And they can put a lien on everything you own during the investigative process. Remember, keep your mouth shut!
There will undoubtedly be some geniuses whose math ability will tell them that all they have to do is to withdraw $9,999.99 and the bank and the guardian of the bank, the 'federal government' will be none the wiser. It is not quite that simple. If, over a period of 12 months, you show a pattern of cash withdrawals which fall under the $10,000 threshold of a Cash Transaction Report requirement, you will be convicted of 'Structuring' and go to jail, every time. Therefore, I do not dare go back to any bank with my name on it and make a similar withdrawal. So long as I do not go to a bank in the next 12 months and make a similar withdrawal, the 'government' cannot make a case against me for 'Structuring' because it requires multiple withdrawals over a discreet period of time.
Structuring transactions to prevent a CTR from being reported can result in imprisonment for not more than five years and/or a fine of up to $250,000. If structuring involves more than $100,000 in a twelve month period or is performed while violating another law of the federal government (e.g. money laundering, drug dealing, etc.), the penalty is doubled.
What Should You Do With Your Cash In the Bank?
Before I suggest what one should do with their cash in the bank, I want to make the readers fully aware of how the banking system, along with the muscle provided by the 'federal government', have made definitive plans to steal your cash in the bank.
- Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, on November 10, 2014 ran a joint exercise simulating how they would prop up a large bank (e.g. Bank of America) with operations in both countries that has landed itself in trouble. Also taking part in the “bank failure drill”, which included a cyber attack upon several banks, was Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney and the heads of a large number of other regulators in a meeting hosted by the U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
2. As of November 16, 2014, your bank account has been collateralized against the derivatives debt. Hence, you had, in 2008, former CEO of Goldman Sachs and the Secretary of Treasury, Hank Paulson, telling a closed session of Congress that if they did not authorize the bailouts, there would be tanks in the streets in an ultimately REVOLUTION! This was necessitated by the credit swap derivatives Ponzi scheme and the debacle that would follow the collapse of the dollar.
3. Further, the bankruptcy reform laws stemming from the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2005, have given the credit swap derivatives counter-parties preference over all other creditors and customers of the bankrupt financial institution, including FDIC insured depositors.
This is why the G20 effectively stole your money on the morning of November 16, 2014! On this action taken by the G20 nations, your bank account is no longer considered to be money. The bankers holding the bag on the credit swap derivatives will move to the head of the FDIC compensation line. In other words, if the banks are collapsed, your money will be used to pay down the derivatives debt. Therefore, the regulations requiring that your money be insured by the FDIC are no longer in effect! This devaluation of “money to something other than money gives what the experts call “super priority” in terms of the line of succession from which to collect bankruptcy monies.The Bank-Bail-ins, or outright cash confiscations, are coming. If you do nothing and leave your money in the bank, you and your money will soon be parted. If you recklessly try and withdraw your cash, you and your money will soon be parted and you will be in prison. So what can you do?
As the owner of DH Communication LLC, among other things, we own the exclusive rights to The Common Sense Show. We made a collective decision to primarily advertise for business interests that fits our chartered purpose, namely, to help people prepare to survive what is coming. Therefore, we place a premium on accepting advertising from business entities that increase the odds of survival. You would be wise to avoid banking prison that we all live under and make direct purchases of items that you will need to survive the coming economic calamity.
If you make purchases directly from your bank account for items you will need, you do not have to worry about federal banking laws. I know that your NSA threat matrix score will go up, but it is the cost of doing business in a chaotic and corrupt country.
Before the crash comes, you will need to take care of these six areas.
- You will need precious metals- Steve Quayle and Renaissance Precious Metals because your cash will soon be worthless or confiscated. When the cash is gone, you will need a medium of exchange and that will be gold and silver.
- You will need survival supplies (e.g. water filters, night vision goggles) when an economic collapse will lead to rioting hordes. This is why I shop at Readymaderesources.com
- You will need to store food, so I use Numanna.
- In a societal meltdown that will follow a banking collapse, you will need a means to protect your family and your resources. That means you will need guns and gun accessories. For this service I use DETCTactical. And you need to be trained in both tactics and how to use and maintain your weapons.
- You will need to stockpile medicine. If you are unable to do that, I would recommend going to Dr. Ted Broer’s Health Masters site and ordering natural products which act in the same capacity without the side-effects. Ted has successfully treated myself for two maladies and has had great results with Doug Hagmann as well. Ted is not yet an advertiser, on my site, but will soon be. When you contact Health Masters, mention Dave Hodges, or coupon code DAVE5 and receive 5% off your purchase price.
- The Patriot community needs a social media platform to interact in and to have access to topics which can serve to educate all the millions of people that Donald Trump is awakening. These people will need a place to grow and to learn how to take their place among a growing group of activists. FACEBOOK, with their censorship and spying, is not that place. Seen.life is that place. No spying, no censorship, no selling of your personal information.
R. Stout March 25, 2016 at 8:28 am
Dave, thank you for this “heads up” article. I have a question. We have sold our home on contract and use the checks we receive to get cash from the bank. Is this putting us on the radar? Would a credit union be safer than banks?
Country Codger March 25, 2016 at 9:44 am
Hi Dave, Just as I read this article my wife and I were discussing a lack of selection in many or our favorite grocery stores in the Bryan/College Station, Texas area. IF you are not familiar with the Kent Hovind story you should check him out. A pastor who taught against evolution was sent to prison for 'structuring' and then they dropped the charges against him after letting him sit in prison for 10 years. I dropped BoA 12 or more years ago and started doing business with a local state bank. The same place I buy my guns. The bank president is a Class III Firearms dealer. I love small town Texas.EDITOR’S NOTE: THAT IS WHERE I KEEP THE BULK OF MY MONEY
Country Codger March 25, 2016 at 9:44 am
Monday, May 9, 2016
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