DOD Program 1033 Is a Serious Threat to Our Freedom
Since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Barack Obama and his fellow “race baiting revolutionaries” have made every effort to stoke the flames of violence. This is because Obama is using the Hegelian Dialectic to Push for National Police Force, using the problem-reaction-solution strategy to push for his promised “civilian security force."
As a result of the Michael Brown incident, police murders have risen drastically, and to this day, Obama still uses incendiary language towards police officers in an obvious effort to keep tensions alive. The Left would have us believe that the violence resulting from the incidents in Ferguson and Baltimore is the result of “institutionalized racism” and white privilege. The truth, however, is far different.
Throughout the duration of Obama’s rule, the issue of race has been a central theme, as he has continually accused America of having deep-rooted racial problems. Race has been forced into the consciousness of all Americans, and minorities have constantly been told that they are “less than” white Americans by the very people for whom they have voted. Sadly, black Americans are being kept on the plantation in an effort to whip them up into a revolutionary fervor where they will be used as the catalyst to form the coming national police force.
Obama recently announced that he will be “banning military style equipment” from local police forces. This is being done to give the appearance that he is a hero and that he is offering a legitimate solution to a problem about which both the Left and the Right are concerned.
[There is no arguing that our police forces are far too “militarized” and exercise too much power. This was also done intentionally for the very purpose of being able to offer the solution. Police forces have deliberately been provided with this military equipment, and then were programmed to believe that the average American citizen is their enemy. (We all know that constitutionalists, gun owners, Christians, and veterans have all been labeled as potential extremists.)]
The name of the program Obama has implemented is, the Department of Defense Program 1033, (DOD Program 1033) which was passed in 1997 under President Bill Clinton. This program was actually an extension of an earlier provision passed in the 1990 National Defense Authorization Act, under President George H. W. Bush.
Section 1208 allows for the transfer of military equipment from the Pentagon to local police forces. According to Taylor Wofford of Newsweek, the DOD Program 1033 was not a matter of public record, and the Defense Logistical Agency refuses to reveal the names of agencies participating in the program. These programs appear to be the prelude to the NDAA of 2012, which authorizes the U.S. military to indefinitely detain anyone they deem to be belligerent or an enemy of the state.
The purpose behind these laws and regulations is to create the conditions in which people will demand a national police force as the solution to a problem that seems to be “out of control.”Again, this is being done using the Hegelian Dialectic, or the problem-reaction-solution strategy. It appears to be working, as Obama’s intended audience actually believes they are being treated unfairly by the police. Honestly, it wouldn’t matter if people wanted it or not. The clamping down on the citizenry and the centralization of policing power has been in the works for decades.
Remember when James Paul Warburg proudly boasted before Congress that a one world government would come by conquest or consent. The idea is to condition the people to want more control over their lives; however, the powers that be are fully prepared to force it upon the American people if need be.
In this case, Obama’s promised security force can be found on page 25 of the New Socialist Constitution that waits in the whirlwind. The New Socialist Constitution was written by the Revolutionary Communist Party and describes in great detail the intent of the Communists to dismantle America’s military and centralize all defensive powers under the command of one authority, the Communist Party.
From the New Socialist Constitution:
To this effect, a Commission for Defense and Security shall be established, with its members selected through consultation between the Executive Council and the Revolutionary Communist Party. This Commission shall oversee the operations of the armed forces, militia and other organs of public defense and security, including their doctrine and operational principles; it may make changes in the overall structure and chain of command of these institutions, as well as the positions of different personnel within this chain of command, particularly at its higher levels.
The work of this Commission shall be overseen and reviewed by the Executive Council, in consultation with the Party, and in what should be rare occasions where agreement cannot be reached through such consultation in matters concerning the role and functioning of the armed forces, militia and other organs of public defense and security, the Party shall have the final say.
Everything that is being done, all the violence that is being intentionally instigated, is being done for one purpose: to condition Americans to accept this new constitution. These politicians want the people to view communism as a viable solution to problems that don’t even exist.
The lies about racism and the police deliberately targeting blacks are just tactics in a game of social change designed to dismantle our entire society– and rebuild it as a new socialist utopia. If we don’t start organizing ourselves and exercising the necessary courage needed to prevent this from happening, there may be nothing that can be done to stop it. I pray that we find this courage before it’s truly too late.
This is a revised version of an article first posted on Propaganda News, crossposted with permission on, and
The lies about racism and the police deliberately targeting blacks are just tactics in a game of social change designed to dismantle our entire society– and rebuild it as a new socialist utopia. If we don’t start organizing ourselves and exercising the necessary courage needed to prevent this from happening, there may be nothing that can be done to stop it. I pray that we find this courage before it’s truly too late.
This is a revised version of an article first posted on Propaganda News, crossposted with permission on, and
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