Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Justice Dept to investigate Hillary for PERJURY

Perjury!  (IN) Justice Dept to investigate Hillary - Is this the proverbial fox investigating the hen house BS?!

This wouldn’t be the first time a Clinton has been 'investigated' for lying under oath. 

Now the question is: Will it actually stick? (don't count on it!)

House Republicans on Monday formally asked the Justice Department to investigate Hillary Clinton and determine whether she lied to Congress (??!!), a fresh challenge certain to shadow the Democratic presidential candidate.

Conservatives remain furious that the FBI decided against pressing charges against Clinton over her handling of classified information when she relied on a private email server for 'government' business during her tenure as secretary of state. 

Republicans vowed to press ahead just a few months before the November election.

Reps. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the Oversight panel, and Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., head of the Judiciary Committee, said in a letter that “evidence collected by the FBI during its investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email system appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony.”

“In light of those contradictions, the department should investigate and determine whether to prosecute Secretary Clinton for violating statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to Congress, or any other relevant statutes,” the two congressmen wrote.

Last October, in testimony to the House Benghazi panel, Clinton said she never sent or received emails marked as 'classified' when she served as secretary of state. She also has said she only used one mobile device for emails and turned over all her work-related emails to the State Department.

FBI Director James Comey said she had multiple devices and investigators found thousands of work-related emails that had not been turned over. He told Congress last week that three of her emails carried classified markings.  The lawmakers’ letter was addressed to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Channing D. Phillips. 

Last week, the Justice Department closed the investigation of Clinton after the year long FBI probe.
Comey said there were no grounds to prosecute Clinton but she and her aides had been “extremely careless” in their handling of classified information.

Referrals from Congress don’t automatically result in full-fledged investigations, but they have spurred some notable criminal probes and indictments. 

Former baseball pitcher Roger Clemens was indicted in 2010 on charges that he lied to Congress, though he was later acquitted, and the Justice Department investigated and later cleared former IRS official Lois Lerner following a referral from lawmakers.

Chaffetz also sent a letter to Comey seeking the investigative file from the probe.

The GOP convention begins July 18. The Democratic convention is a week later.




DHS  ordered  me  to  scrub  records  of  Muslims  with  terror  ties

Amid the chaos of the 2009 holiday travel season, jihadists planned to slaughter 290 innocent travelers on a Christmas Day flight from the Netherlands to Detroit, Michigan. Twenty-three-year old Nigerian Muslim Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab intended to detonate Northwest Airlines Flight 253, but the explosives in his underwear malfunctioned and brave passengers subdued him until he could be arrested. The graphic and traumatic defeat they planned for the United States failed, that time.

Following the attempted attack, president Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus for its failure to “connect the dots.” He said, “this was not a failure to collect intelligence, it was a failure to integrate and understand the intelligence that we already had.”

Most Americans were unaware of the enormous damage to morale at the Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material—the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.

After leaving my 15 year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens for the ideological rigidity of political correctness—and, consequently, our vulnerability to devastating, mass-casualty attack.

Just before that Christmas Day attack, in early November 2009, I was ordered by my superiors at the Department of Homeland Security to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS). These types of records are the basis for any ability to “connect dots.”   

Every day, DHS Customs and Border Protection officers watch entering and exiting many individuals associated with known terrorist affiliations, then look for patterns. Enforcing a political scrubbing of records of Muslims greatly affected our ability to do that. Even worse, going forward, my colleagues and I were prohibited from entering pertinent information into the database.

A few weeks later, in my office at the Port of Atlanta, the television hummed with the inevitable Congressional hearings that follow any terrorist attack. While members of Congress grilled Obama administration officials, demanding why their subordinates were still failing to understand the intelligence they had gathered, I was being forced to delete and scrub the records. And I was well aware that, as a result, it was going to be vastly more difficult to “connect the dots” in the future—especially before an attack occurs.

As the number of successful and attempted Islamic terrorist attacks on America increased, the type of information that the Obama administration ordered removed from travel and national security databases was the kind of information that, if properly assessed, could have prevented subsequent domestic Islamist attacks like the ones committed by Faisal Shahzad (May 2010), Detroit “honor killing” perpetrator Rahim A. Alfetlawi (2011); Amine El Khalifi, who plotted to blow up the U.S. Capitol (2012); Dzhokhar or Tamerlan Tsarnaev who conducted the Boston Marathon bombing (2013); Oklahoma beheading suspect Alton Nolen (2014); or Muhammed Yusuf Abdulazeez, who opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee (2015). 

It is very plausible that one or more of the subsequent terror attacks on the homeland could have been prevented if more subject matter experts in the Department of Homeland Security had been allowed to do our jobs back in late 2009. 

It is demoralizing—and infuriating—that today, those elusive dots are even harder to find, and harder to connect, than they were during the winter of 2009.

Haney worked at the Department of Homeland Security for 15 years.


Casting Call for Extras, Actors During Cleveland RNC Violence

Casting Call for Extras, Actors During Cleveland RNC Violence

WHERE are the monies coming from to pay these hired actors and demonstrators? What is the END GOAL for creating all the death and destruction??

global police state
By Jon Rappoport

“Here’s your chance to take to the streets and protest for a cause you believe in. Many thousands will be at your side. When the violence hits, you can run, go crazy, and hopefully escape police batons, water cannons, and flying bullets…”

This isn’t one company looking for actors and extras to protest against Trump in the streets of Cleveland during the Republican National Convention next week. This is much bigger.

This is a year-long recruitment drive for extras.

You can’t have violence from just a few lone individuals on a quiet street in a city. It doesn’t play well for the media.  No, you need lots of ................
- extras and dupes and know-nothings to be there  
- people who commit no violence themselves but give the impression of supporting it, 
- people the cops can attack when the going gets nasty, 
- people who will scream and scatter and run in every direction and throw trash and destroy cars. 
- You need a full-blown theatrical production. 
- For the news.

So we’ve had the US Attorney General, the US President, and Hillary Clinton meeting with Black Lives Matter (BLM) leaders. 

- We’ve had major media promoting BLM. 

- We’re seeing violent street protests against police violence across the country, and 

- We’re seeing violence against the police.

This pumps up recruiting for the RNC Cleveland Convention next week in a city where local officials seemed to have just awakened to the scope of the problem they’re going to face. 

A few months ago they put in an order for a several hundred bicycles for cops. Cops on bikes? Really? How about cardboard barriers, too, and free marshmallows?

On the one hand in Cleveland we have DHS and FBI and Secret Service officers visiting the homes of “activists,” asking them what their plans are for the Convention—a clear attempt at intimidating them. 

On the other hand, city officials are still trying at this late date to work out arrangements with other cities so policemen can be brought in to ramp up security.

Clearly, there are agent provocateurs of various persuasions blending in and among the BLM and pro-immigration groups. These agents would commit the incendiary violence. They would strike the match. To say they are a rerun of the old FBI Cointelpro operation is an over simplification. The infiltrators could come from several different groups with different ideologies and agendas—but initiating violence is the common denominator.

There is also no telling what kind of blanket the DHS, FBI, and Secret Service are going to try to throw over Cleveland........

- Is it going to be intentionally light and tattered, to give the violence a chance to spread? 

- Are emergency calls from the mayor of the city, to the governor, going to be answered casually and with intentional delays? After all, the governor of Ohio is John Kasich, a Republican who ran against Donald Trump for the nomination and despises him. 

- Will Kasich send in state-guard troops right away, or will he hold back? 

- Will the feds, who are supporting Hillary, slow-play the arrival of their forces?

Judging from the way the city government of Cleveland has handled its budget problems over the years, as the city has sunk into further debt and poverty, there is no reason to expect local security for the Convention to be anywhere near sensible or adequate.

Meanwhile, the recruiting for extras and actors continues. People-protestors are needed in the streets. People who avidly support...........
- Bernie Sanders
- unlimited immigration
- gender equality
- politically correct speech
- gun control
- the upcoming Globalist trade treaties
- more jobs leaving America
- the federalization of polices forces
- the manufacture of running shoes overseas in slave-labor camps
- love and unity
- it takes a village
- free cell phones
- free tuition at illiterate colleges
- Hobbits
- Harry Potter
- the EU
- cheap lead-based imports from China
- the full CDC schedule of vaccines
- more chewing gum for the masses, and 
- the imminent landing of humane messiahs from Andromeda.

Climb on board. Fill out the crowds in Cleveland next week. Be there. Be an extra. Be an actor when the violence begins, feel the surge of adrenaline.

You’re a dupe.
You’re there because somebody is willing to risk your life in the service of a greater cause: creating chaos, and eventually coming in behind it to install order that sucks away rights and freedoms from everyone. Exactly what you want, right?

When freedom disappears, that must mean more free 'government' goodies are on the way, correct? Those goodies assuage the loss of liberty.

“I’ll take three gallons of ice cream in return for my First and Fourth Amendments.”

“Wait, I also want professional help with my social media so I can broadcast messages about killing people I don’t like.”

Sign up now........ 
- Free hotel rooms in Cleveland while supplies last             
- Practice your facial expressions of extreme anger and outrage for the news cameras
- Some signs available, but make your own
- Just be on the streets
- Help fill out the crowds
- Put your body on the line
- The advancing police state needs you

The upcoming Cleveland production isn’t about Bernie or the BLM or pro-immigration or Trump or the Republicans.  
- It’s about orchestration
- It’s about planned theater
- It’s about rigging conflict and rigging a formula which will appear to demand greater clamp-down on everyone living in America
- And it’s also about using the residents of poverty-stricken inner cities across America who have descended to new lows of desperation as pawns in the whole drama. Pawns are sacrificed.

On a final note, I’ll present what’s called a 'Clue'. During the entire history of the so-called federal 'War on Poverty', which was launched in 1966 and, after the estimated expenditure of two trillion dollars, what is the result we see now?

We see a worsening of life.

During this “humane” campaign, when did a President or high 'government' official highlight a single stunning individual success? I’m talking, for example, about an inner-city businessman who, against all odds, created a thriving local company.

When did we see that person held up for praise ....
- not just for a moment
- not just at a White House photo-op
- not just at a local city picnic but for the purpose of learning
- for the purpose of understanding how success is achieved—so that others could follow in those footsteps?

After all, isn’t this kind of success the prime concept in winning the war on poverty? 
-  Isn’t this the path? 
-  Isn’t this the way out of poverty as opposed to the expansion of eternal dependence on the government?

But you see, actual success and victory were never the goals. The goal was the creation of a permanent underclass which could be provoked and manipulated and used for exactly the kind of violence we’re seeing now.

Violence, then clamp-down, then more loss of freedom, and the expansion of a police state. Follow the bouncing ball.

The cynical exploitation of the upcoming Cleveland Convention is just one more step in that progression.
And street actors and extras are needed.

People who won’t ever know what role they’re actually playing in a piece of live theater they’ll never understand.


Lemon extract outperforms chemo drugs....

Lemon extract outperforms chemo drugs....

David Guterrez, Staff Writer

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June 12, 2016
(NaturalNews) If you are looking for a daily tonic to improve your overall health and lower your risk of cancer, look no further than a simple combination of lemon juice and baking soda. Lemon is a potent superfood filled with cancer-fighting compounds.

In addition, alkaline diet theory classifies both lemon and baking soda as pH-raising foods. The idea is that certain foods either make your body more acidic (lower pH) or more alkaline (higher pH), with an alkaline environment ideal for preventing cancer and other chronic diseases (and a more acidic environment promoting disease).

Lemon extract outperforms chemo drugs

Even without any pH benefits, lemon is a potent healing food. More than 20 studies dating as far back as 1970 have showed that lemon and lemon extracts are able to destroy at least 12 different varieties of cancer cells, and also prevent cancer from metastasizing. At least one study showed that lemon extract was 10,000 times stronger than mainstream chemotherapy drugs such as Adriamycin.

The full reasons for lemon's cancer-fighting effects are not known, but they have been partially attributed to the fruit's high levels of the antioxidant and cancer-fighter, vitamin C, and also the the presence of the phytochemicals known, appropriately enough, as limonoides. Like many plant-based cancer treatments, lemon seems more likely to leave healthy cells unharmed than chemotherapy drugs.

In addition to these benefits, lemon is an antibacterial and anti-fungal, and can also be used to treat intestinal worms and other parasites. It has been shown to relieve heartburn, bloating, constipation and nausea, to prevent kidney stones, to help regulate blood pressure, and to relieve stress and depression.

Practitioners of alkaline diet-based medicine also say that in spite of its acidic nature, lemon helps make the body more alkaline.

The alkaline diet has been prominently promoted by researcher Robert O. Young, author of the 2002 book The pH miracle.

"The focus for preventing and reversing cancer must be on maintaining the alkaline pH of the body fluids, and a recognition that cancer is a systemic acidic condition," Young has written.

To prepare a pH-boosting drink, mix a teaspoon of baking soda with about 7 ounces (just under a cup) of lemon juice. The beverage can be diluted with distilled water, as long as you drink the whole thing. For best benefit, it should be taken on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning.

Why and how to raise your body's pH

Promoters of the alkaline diet say that raising your body's pH can provide a wide range of health benefits, including reducing your risk of obesity, cysts, allergies, and chronic inflammatory conditions such as gout, arthritis and fibromyalgia. Seasonal and food allergies are also attributed to an overly acidic body environment, as are general fatigue, weakness and lack of energy.

If you are concerned that your body is overly acidic, the best way to improve the condition is to shift your eating patterns. According to Young, an optimal diet consists of 80 percent alkaline foods and only 20 percent acidic foods. Acidic foods are meat, dairy, sugar, refined grains, alcohol and caffeine. Alkaline foods include nearly all fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

Some of the top alkaline superfoods are alfalfa sprouts, avocado, broccoli, brussels sprouts, buckwheat, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chives, cucumber, flax seeds and oil, garlic, grapefruit, green beans, green peas, leeks, lemons and limes, lettuce, melon, millet, olive oil, onions, parsley, pears, pumpkin, radishes, sesame seeds and paste (tahini), soy (beans, sprouts and products), spinach, tomatoes, watermelon, wild rice and zucchini.

Young also recommends consuming slightly alkaline (ionized) water, in order to flush out wastes that have built up from years of eating unhealthy foods. A lemon-baking soda drink may be a more natural, less expensive way to achieve the same effect, however.

Just give me the .......... guns

Clinton Foundation Fraud EXPOSED!!!





Monday, July 11, 2016

Dallas Shooting Psyop (6-9-16)

 - US Intel Update -
Dallas Shooting Psyop
Multiple Shooters! (6-9-16) 

Published on Jul 10, 2016
Stew Webb and Tom Heneghan go over the latest information from US and French Intel sources! There were multiple shooters and they even let one person from Homeland Security get away!

Lessons from the worst banking crisis in history


Lessons from the worst banking crisis in history

[Editor’s note: This letter was penned by Tim Price, London-based wealth manager and author of Price Value International.]
It’s ironic that some of the most honest words to come out of a politician’s mouth were, “When it becomes serious you have to lie.”
That was a quote from Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission (the EU’s executive branch) in 2011 when asked about Greece’s financial crisis.
Greece was on the ropes and the entire system about to collapse, so, of course they lied. Then they lied about lying.
This raises a very reliable rule of thumb to keep in mind during (and before) a banking crisis: don’t trust anyone in the establishment, especially a politician.
It’s good advice these days. Europe’s banks and its governments are caught like Macbeth’s “two spent swimmers that do cling together / And choke their art.”
Or perhaps a less elegant comparison– two drunken sailors holding each other up.
As usual there’s quite a bit of deflection to steer people away from looking too deeply at bank balance sheets, and high sounding language that everything is just fine.
A review of a historical banking crisis would be highly instructive. So let’s go back to one of the absolute worst in history– the US banking crisis of 1982.
It was so severe, in fact, that as Nassim Taleb writes in The Black Swan,
“In the summer of 1982, large American banks lost close to all their past earnings (cumulatively), about everything they ever made in the history of American banking – everything.”
Richard Koo, the chief economist of the Nomura Research Institute and author of ‘The Holy Grail of Macro-economics: lessons from Japan’s Great Recession,’ recounts the crisis with extraordinary candor.
Koo was a syndicated loan desk officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York… so he was truly at the epicenter.
Late on a Friday afternoon in August 1982, his job, along with those of his colleagues, was to try and convince the rest of the world that the US banking system was solvent (even though it was clearly NOT).
The following is taken verbatim from his presentation:
“That was about the worst possible banking crisis in modern US history. Our conclusion was that seven out of eight money centre banks were actually underwater…
“It was so bad because everyone down from Mexico to the southern tip of Chile went bankrupt…
“Paul Volcker, the chairman of the Fed, called central banks and ministries of finance all around the world on that critical Friday in August 1982…
“The Bank of Japan Governor of the time was particularly difficult to locate. A Bank of Japan official who took the call from Volcker recorded Volcker’s exact words for posterity.
“The Fed chairman stated, ‘You better give me Governor Maekawa right away. If you don’t give me Governor Maekawa there might not be any US banks left on Monday.’
“What we at the New York Fed had to do was arrange for all the foreign banks to keep credit lines open to the American banks, knowing fully well that all these American banks were actually bankrupt.
“And we also could not tell the outside world about the situation because if you go out and say ‘American banks are bankrupt’ – the next day they will be bankrupt.
“And so we had to come up with these stories that ‘well, there are some Latin American problems, but they’re all good debt, not bad debt’. . .
“So by keeping this myth going, that everything is fine.. we had to do that for a very long time..”
You can watch Koo’s presentation yourself (it becomes extremely insightful after roughly 31 minutes).

Obama Determined to Start a Race War

This Is Why Obama Is   So Determined to Start    a Race War

Sunday, July 10, 2016 9:21
(Before It's News)

Race  Riots  Incited  To  Overshadow
Raging  Class  Warfare

Racial Hatreds Stoked To Divide The Nation
And Distract From Obama’s Impeachable Crimes

Special Note
Everything Points to a Highly Engineered Summer from Hell
Where Government-Manufactured False Flag Terror Events,
Soros-funded Riots and Protests, and Agents Provocateur
Attack Trump Supporters and Destroy Property as a Pretext
for Obama to Declare Martial Law and Suspend the 2016
Presidential Elections.

(Source: Team Obama Fires Up A Nationwide Race War)

This Is Why The Obama Administration Is So Determined To Start A Race War

State of the Nation

No other Administration in American history has manufactured so many crises and committed so many impeachable crimes as the current one.  The number of governmental wrongdoings and pervasiveness of political scandal are as unprecedented as they are unrivaled.

No other US President has acted in such an autocratic manner, and with such impunity. President Obama’s ongoing dictatorial conduct has become so consistent that many refer to him as king, as well as the first monarch of the USA.  To those who have watched him systematically trash the Constitution, tyrant and despot are the more common descriptions.

The entire Executive Branch has become infamous for its predictable lawlessness and chaotic governance, deceptive pronouncements and diplomatic dissembling.  Every thing they do, or don’t do, is mired in political calculation and self-serving machinations. Continuation of the facade of political correctness appears to be its central organizing principle, as well as the defining characteristic of so many incompetent ‘czars’ and unqualified politicos.

Just how numerous are the scandals and incessant are the improprieties … as well as the unparalleled transgressions against the Constitution and flagrant violations of federal law? Here are just a few of the more serious offenses perpetrated by the Obama Administration:

•  Using the IRS to target Obama’s political enemies
•  Reckless and unlawful NSA spying on American citizens and foreign leaders
•  Repeatedly and illegally rewriting the Affordable Healthcare Act
•  Initiating undeclared wars in Libya and Syria
•  Prosecuting illegal wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan
•  Ramping up the unlawful drone assassination program in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia
•  Benghazi debacle and cover-up
•  Associated Press reporters’ phone records scandal
•  ATF “Fast and Furious” fiasco
•  HHS Secretary Sebelius solicits large donations from companies to save Obamacare
•  Pigford scandal
•  Immigration Enforcement – relentless subversion by DOJ
•  GSA Administrator resignation in the face of blatant waste of taxpayers’ money
•  Justice Department monitoring reporter James Rosen of FOX News
•  Cash for Clunkers debacle
•  ‘Monsanto Protection Act
•  Indefinite Surveillance via the National Defense Authorization Act
•  Solyndra and other solar company financial scandals
•  BP Gulf oil spill gross misrepresentation and mishandling
•  US Federal Government used to promote the LGBT agenda alienating black churches
•  Zealous advocacy worldwide for gay marriage, especially in conservative Africa
•  Posting a fraudulent and forged copy of Obama birth certificate at WhiteHouse.gov
•  Obama’s birth place questioned according to his own Harvard Law Review entry
•  CIA Spying on the Senate
•  Disastrous rollout of Obamacare
•  Orchestrating a violent coup d’état in Kiev throwing the Ukraine into civil war
•  Issuing illegal executive orders to legislate new immigration law without Congressional approval
•  Appointing unqualified candidates to ambassadorships
•  Inflaming racial hatreds in Ferguson, MO and NYC, Sanford, FL and Boston
•  Race-bating whenever it serves the Administration’s narrow political goals
•  Continuous attempts to incite a full-blown national race war
•  Granting police powers to the U.N. within the USA jurisdiction
•  Creating the Islamic State, funding ISIL, arming ISIS and supporting Daesh
•  Execution of the fake Sandy Hook false flag ‘shootings’
•  Implementation of the fabricated San Bernardino false flag shootings
•  Aggressive promotion and approval of the NDAA to ‘legalize’ false flag operations
•  The militarization of police departments which indiscriminately kill blacks and whites
•  Staging the Orlando mass shooting hoax of Latinos/Hispanics to further divide the nation
•  Pulling of false flag blackops like the Dallas police massacre to greatly inflame racism

The last three bullet points above clearly spell out a deliberate and premeditated strategy to divide the nation using manufactured racism.  That racially charged agenda has been implemented with a “nod and a wink” since the very inception of Obama’s first term.  

In light of the growing list of serious scandals and unrivaled law-breaking by this Administration, it is clear why there is such a relentless push for a “full scale race war”. Obama’s inner circle must feel that it has no choice but to distract the American people from the unrelenting corruption and ubiquitous malfeasance that must be kept hidden from the public.

When it’s not distracting the citizenry with transparent race-bating, the Obama Administration is diverting attention away from the very real class war that has been raging since the stock market crash of 2008.

Race Card Used As Red Herring To Divert Attention From Ongoing Class Warfare

Clearly, there is a much more significant and profound reason for so much racial conflict purposefully generated by Obama, his political proxies and agents throughout theMainstream Media (MSM).

Ever-intensifying class warfare has been raging across the nation since September of 2008.  The moneyed class has been under direct assault by those who have been harmed by the greatest transfer of wealth in modern history.

Whenever there are multiple economic and financial cataclysms as the world has experienced since 2008, there is also a simultaneous and massive redistribution of wealth. Because of the blatantly lopsided rules of the game, the flow of wealth has been effectuated from the middle class to the wealthiest.  In this way the 1% now possesses an extremely disproportionate share of the world’s wealth relative to the 99%.

As inflation escalates and wages stagnate, the middle class (as well as lower socio-economic groups) see their wealth persistently eroded.  After being stuck for several years in this recessionary and inflationary cycle, the financial pain is becoming too much for many to bear. Working two or three jobs has taken its toll, especially for the primary wage earners. Many have reached a breaking point and hold the political and corporate classes responsible for their economic difficulties and/or financial ruin.

Main Street vs. Wall Street

The recent battlegrounds of Ferguson, MO and New York City are much less about black and white, and much more about the rich and powerful against everyone else.

In each case there were fundamental economic issues at work, as well as overarching financial considerations. However, the 1% that live off of Wall Street will do everything in their power to prevent this from being generally known.  Why?  Because their very lives depend on it.  

Simply put, were the truth to be known about just how much the average American citizen has been raped, pillaged and plundered over the past many years by Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, by the POTUS and the SCOTUS, by corporate lobbyists and banksters of every stripe and color, there would be a full-blown revolution.  

The Powers That Be (TPTB) know this quite well.  TPTB have therefore instructed Obama & Company to frame the ever-intensifying conflicts within the context of racism. In fact, the words “RACIST” and “RACISM” have been thrown around with reckless abandon throughout both terms of Obama. His Administration, together with their lackeys in the MSM, will brand as ‘racist’ anyone who points out the obvious failings of the current President.  Even those who simply disagree with Obama are tainted with labels of racism. This highly destructive tactic has contributed substantially to the deterioration of the public discourse.

What we are also witnessing is longstanding racial discrimination being exposed through state-sponsored racial profiling.  Institutional racial biases are being laid bare throughout civil society for all to see.  Race-based hiring practices are being revealed wherever a victim has the inclination to take to Twitter or Facebook.  Each of these dynamics, among many others, contributes to the much larger under-the-radar scheme that is afoot to start a full-scale race war.

Obama And Holder Used Michael Brown And Trayvon Martin To Incite A National Race Riot

In both instances the Obama Administration has used the tragic shootings of young blacks to literally agitate the already inflamed passions surrounding both volatile incidents. Neither Michael Brown nor Trayvon Martin deserved to die and both deaths are truly regrettable. However, both cases presented overwhelming evidence against indictment and conviction respectively.

Therefore, neither President Obama nor AG Eric Holder had any good reason to interfere by inserting their personal bias or by using their institutional power.  Both of them made unprecedented and blatant attempts to influence the outcomes of those legal proceedings. Such improper and provocative meddling is practically unheard by the Executive Branch, especially by the top law officer in the land and his constitutional lawyer supervisor!

This Administration has taken more initiatives than any before it concerning ongoing investigations of minority deaths.  They have also made more overtures to their chosen political proxies and like-minded agents throughout the MSM to pour fuel on the fabricated race riot fires.  Obama practically gave the rioters in Ferguson the go ahead “to tear the place up”.  It was their own place that they tore up, mind you.

Then there is the use of their surrogates such as Democratic Governor Jay Nixon of Missouri.  Not only did the Governor fail to provide adequate protection[1] to the people and property of Ferguson on the night of the worst riots, he also ‘failed’ in neglecting to change the ill-advised announcement time of the indictment decision[2].  Such a profound ‘lack of good judgment’ ensured that the angry and volatile crowds in Ferguson could easily take advantage of the cover of darkness to burn down buildings, loot stores, vandalize personal property, etc.  Such a staged riot was no accident, indeed.


Over 3500 People Riot Against Police as Civil Unrest Explodes in Berlin

Some 1800 police were called in and at least 120 policemen were injured in what is becoming a street battle. This has been the most aggressive and violent protest in Germany for the past five years.

Sheriff: 2 bailiffs, suspect dead in Michigan courthouse shooting Today

People are fed up with the Michigan Demonstration Project Court system. Kangaroo Court at it's finest. No due process, no rules apply in these courts. The judges do as they please with no accountability. I have personally held them to their own rules and fought with them for ignoring their own rules. I even had the coastguard in the courtroom to witness the inland piracy and ignoring of their own rules. The Coastguard investigator was shipped out of the country to Afghanistan shortly after he reported his findings to his superiors.

Do I condemn this guy for fighting back the way he did? Not really. I don't blame him for fighting the tyranny.


Berrien County Courthouse

July 11, 2016, 3:56 PM Last updated: Monday, July 11, 2016, 6:02 PM

Berrien County Courthouse

ST. JOSEPH, Mich. — Two bailiffs in a southwestern Michigan county courthouse were killed in a shooting by an inmate, the county sheriff said Monday.
The unnamed suspect in the shooting at the Berrien County Courthouse was killed by other officers, County Sheriff Paul Bailey said. A deputy was also wounded.
Gov. Rick Snyder tweeted that state police had secured the scene and started its investigation.
A Berrien County Commissioner told WBND that a man who was on his way to jail took a gun off a deputy and started opening fire.
Bailey told the Detroit Free Press the shooting happened about 2:25 p.m. when a "disturbance" occurred on the third floor of the courthouse.
"The person had shot two bailiffs, they're both deceased, and shot a deputy sheriff who is at the hospital right now being treated in an emergency room," Bailey said.

The sheriff's deputy is in stable condition at Lakeland Regional Hospital, he said. "Several civilians" were also taken to Lakeland and are in stable condition.
"They went for shelter once the shooting occurred and other brave officers were able to come to their rescue and take the shooter down," Bailey said.
The sheriff's department is investigating the shootings along with the St. Joseph's Police Department and Michigan State Police, he said.

Bailey called the shootings a "terrible, terrible" event and said additional information would be released later Monday.

"We're asking people to pray for the families of the deceased," Bailey said.
Retired Benton Township Police officer Kim Fowler knew both of the slain bailiffs well. He said he worked with one of the men for a quarter of a century at Benton Township. The other, a retired state trooper, was his neighbor. He said he was stunned by the news, calling both men "100% police officers carrying on in their retirement by being in the courtroom."

Fowler said the last time he recalled a law enforcement officer being killed in the line of duty in Berrien County was in 1984 when Michigan State Trooper Robert Mihalik was killed during a traffic stop in Shoreham, just south of St. Joseph.
“There are always sporadic incidents everywhere in the country," Fowler said. "Fortunately nothing has happened recently here, but I guess it was our turn in the barrel.”

Berrien County Commissioner Jeanette Leahey told the Free Press, "We’re in a difficult time in the world. We all know that. It’s unfortunate that it’s coming close to home. … I’m discouraged and disgusted.”

Sen. Debbie Stabenow tweeted: "Horrible news out of Berrien County just now. I am monitoring the situation closely and my heart breaks for everyone affected."
U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, who represents the district, said in a statement: “What occurred today in my hometown breaks my heart."

Upton added, "As we learn more about this horrific situation, one thing is clear: We must do better to prevent these types of tragedies from occurring.”

Contributing: Katrease Stafford, Michelle Crandall, Detroit Free Press; Vahid Sadrzadeh, WBND; Greg Toppo, USA TODAY


June 19 2016

Interview with psychologist Nicolai Sennels: “Muslims instinctively see our lack of reaction as fear, its an invitation to attack”

Interview with psychologist Nicolai Sennels: “Muslims instinctively see our lack of reaction as fear, its an invitation to attack”

1) What are the differences between the Muslim and Western man?
Nicolai: Working with Muslim clients I found four important psychological differences. Understanding these differences makes us more able to understand the psychological aspects of integration problems that the West experiences when it comes to Muslim immigrants.

The first difference concerns anger. Western cultures see anger as a weakness, and expression of anger is a way to lose social status. In the Muslim culture, where , “might is right”, anger is seen as strength. Some Muslim communities even declare “days of anger”, where they try to convince others by screaming, shooting in the air and hopping up and down. While we Westerners see such behavior as embracing or even psychiatric, Muslim culture defines our lack of aggression as weakness, that can – and should – be exploited. To avoid such invitations to exploitation, we should speak the truth, make demands, be consequent – and carry a big stick.

The second difference concerns honor and self confidence. Inside the Western culture it is generally seen as a sign of honor and self confidence, if we are able to handle criticism either with and shrug (if we disagree) or with a “I think you are right – thanks for helping me to improve”. In Muslim culture, it is honorable to defend against criticism with aggression and exhibit the courage to risk physical confrontation – no matter if the criticism is true or not. Islam can not defend, Islam can only attack. This is why we very seldom hear Muslims defend their religion through logic or reason, but almost always with intimidation and violence: It does not matter who is right, it matters who is the strongest. From the perspective of traditional Muslim culture, the Western concept of honor is dishonorable. It makes us look pathetic and fearful, and for a religion that is basically imperialistic and aggressive, it is an invitation to attack.

The third difference concerns self responsibility, and here the psychological term “locus of control” is important to understand. Western culture leans towards an inner locus of control, meaning that we think that our lives are mainly governed by inner factors, such as our own choices, our own view and our way of handling our emotions. That is why we have countless therapists, coaches etc., and countless books and magazines, which all aim at helping us to be better at helping ourselves. Muslim culture and especially Islam is strongly characterized by outer locus of control. Everything happens “Inshallah”; almost every aspect of life is regulated by Islamic law, the brutal sharia that steals away so many human rights from the people living under it; male authorities – fathers, big brothers, uncles, imams, etc. – make the rules and have enormous power over especially the women. There is very little room for personal choices and freedoms, and this naturally creates a feeling of outer locus of control: Your life is created by outside factors, and the freedom to explore and train inner locus of control is very limited. This is also the reason for the world famous, and – from a Western perspective – embarrassing and childish victim mentality, that characterizes many Muslim communities and immigrants. When this victim mentality meets with our Western compassion and questions like “what would you like to do”, integration is doomed to fail. Only now are Western authorities beginning to learn that we need to meet Muslim immigrants with demands, and consequences – “you have to do this and that and this is the consequences if you do not.” People with outer locus of control mostly have very little control and needs clear communication, a clear frame work and clear consequences if they break the rules. But even though we are starting to realize this now, it might be too late to stop the failed integration of millions of people from this very different culture from destroying our societies.

The fourth difference concerns tolerance and openness. In the West, being “tolerant and open” is considered a de facto definition of a good person. Hundred years ago, “good persons” went to church every Sunday, while today they stand with “RefugeesWelcome” signs on train stations. In Islam, a good person is somebody adhering strictly to the sharia, which is very intolerant and closed – even violent – towards outsiders. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to predict how the meeting between to such different cultures will evolve: As a cultural osmosis, the “open” culture will be consumed by the intolerant culture: The cultural exchange will be a one-way street. This is what is eating up our countries these years in the form of Islamic parallel societies that develop into small Gaza Strips with extreme dense population; radical Islam going viral; poverty, low education and dependence on economic support from outside; and a hostile and violent attitude towards their non-Muslim surroundings: A constant source of aggression that needs constant containment in order not to spill over and into its context.

2) What are the characteristics of Arab culture, as expressed in communication with the Western world?
Nicolai: Arab culture’s, or Muslim culture’s exchange with the Western world is mainly characterized by the Western world trying to contain – or sometime even harvest and exploit it through proxy wars – Muslim aggression. There is very little communication based on the two parties being equal. Instead, the West use appeasement, diplomacy, bribing or bombs in an attempt to tame the constant flow of violence and aggressive imperialism. From the Islamic side, they instinctively have spotted our weaknesses mentioned above, and they are convinced that through the power of their god and through patience and intimidation, they will continue and finish the work that their prophet began one and a half millenium ago and which has already emptied most of the Middle East, North Africa and great parts of Asia from non-Muslims.

3) How can a Muslim change and build a different personality that integrates in the western world?
Well, since this would mean that they would have to adopt a long list of human rights (democracy, freedom of speech, sexuality, religion, etc.) that the sharia punishes with death, it would first and foremost be based on security for those wishing to change. We can start by undermining the sources of the sharia, the imams and the mosques.

4) If they are so different, what are they looking for in Western countries?
Nicolai: Safety, freedom, money and material goods, uniting with their families, and spreading the sharia. Unfortunately, on an average, they give very little back to the countries they enter, and often their concept of freedom is not compatible with human rights and democracy. Of course there are also many Muslims who want to really integrate and embrace our values and rights, but much too often they are stopped by their Islamic surroundings or their own lack of motivation or skills.

5) One who does not integrate – what happens to him? When does he turn into a criminal and when does he run a normal life?
Nicolai: To integrate you need three things. You have to want it, you have to be allowed by you Muslim peers and family, and you have to be able to. Too few Muslim immigrants, refugees and their descendants manages all three. Because of their intolerant culture, many have very little or no feeling of commitment and thankfulness towards non-Islamic culture and societies. And if our Western welfare societies provides them with food, money and housing – even if they do not integrate one inch – why should they integrate? And if we let radical imams and mosques spread all over, how can we expect that any attempt on integration into our Western values will be supported by the Muslim community? And if we do not discriminate between what immigrants we take in, and therefore end up with millions of illiterate, uneducated and often inbred migrants, how can we expect that they are able to integrate into our high tech, knowledge-based civilized societies?

6) What often happens in the next generation – in both cases?
Nicolai: The first generation of immagrants often has a sense of thankfulness to the country receiving them. Statistics show that the following generation are more criminal. Those who really integrates often have to live in fear from the practicing Muslims. Some even need police protection.

7) What are the consequences of a failed immigration?
Nicolai: Ultimately it will lead to civil war inside our countries. The point where we could handle this challenge without blood, sweat and tears was passed decades ago. I blame our politicians and media.

8) How can the western world deal with it successfully?
Nicolai: a) Stop Muslim immigration. b) Help refugees in their own region, where they feel home with their culture, language and climate. In this way we can afford to help many more, and not just the young men that are sent here. On top, the refugees will not have to live with the extra traumatization that happens when especially disadvantaged people move to a completely other culture. c) Honorary repatriation for non-citizens who are not self-supporting, speaking the language and law abiding. d) Long prison sentences in prisons outsourced outside Europe to Muslim criminals (so they do not radicalize and intimidate non-Muslim prisoners in national prisons, cheaper). e) Close down every mosque and Islamic organisation that do not actively support democratic values and human rights and which do not openly and pro-actively reject the criminal principles and verses of the Islamic scriptures and of the example of their prophet. f) Integration should be based on demands and consequences. Not complying should lead to honorary repatriation.

9) The protesters against Islam-phobia, what leads them? Are they right and honest, or is it a cover for something deeper?
Nicolai: The greatest islamophobes are to be found among the Muslims themselves. Only fear can lead people to accept such a suppressive system. As one imam said, Islam would have been long gone, had it not been for sharia’s death penalty for apostacy. I think Western protesters against “islamophobia” are either afraid to confront an obviously criminal, sexist and fascist ideology and its intolerant and violent adherents, or they are simply being naive and a modern day version of the “good people”. The violent “anti-fascists” I consider a reincarnation, half joking, of the Inquisition.

10) After the Danish Mohammad cartoon was published in the news – what did you learn from the reactions of both sides (Islamic and Western)?
Nicolai: We learned that giving in to Muslims demands will just lead to more demands. That we have to find our footing, define our values and borders, and be ready to protect them by any means necessary. And Muslims got aquainted with the concept of Free Speech.

11) What reactions do you get from your writings?
Nicolai: I think many people find that a psychological perspective on the subject helps them to understand the dynamics of the situation. I have of course been accused of racism from the Left, but I am no racist. Islam is not a race. It is a weapon of mass destruction (that the CIA have been exploiting for decades) and the greatest enemy of peace, freedom, democracy and human rights. I was born into a Leftist family, and the values that I grew up with – the equality of women, a critical view on the dangerous power of religion, and the freedom for the little guy to speak freely – I consider basic values of the Left. I feel today that I am a Leftist, but somehow the world changed, and today basic Leftist values are, if applied to Islam and Muslim culture, considered “far Right”. I do not care. I am true to myself and wish happiness and freedom for everybody, Muslims and non-Muslims.”


June 15 2016