Monday, July 11, 2016

Obama Determined to Start a Race War

This Is Why Obama Is   So Determined to Start    a Race War

Sunday, July 10, 2016 9:21
(Before It's News)

Race  Riots  Incited  To  Overshadow
Raging  Class  Warfare

Racial Hatreds Stoked To Divide The Nation
And Distract From Obama’s Impeachable Crimes

Special Note
Everything Points to a Highly Engineered Summer from Hell
Where Government-Manufactured False Flag Terror Events,
Soros-funded Riots and Protests, and Agents Provocateur
Attack Trump Supporters and Destroy Property as a Pretext
for Obama to Declare Martial Law and Suspend the 2016
Presidential Elections.

(Source: Team Obama Fires Up A Nationwide Race War)

This Is Why The Obama Administration Is So Determined To Start A Race War

State of the Nation

No other Administration in American history has manufactured so many crises and committed so many impeachable crimes as the current one.  The number of governmental wrongdoings and pervasiveness of political scandal are as unprecedented as they are unrivaled.

No other US President has acted in such an autocratic manner, and with such impunity. President Obama’s ongoing dictatorial conduct has become so consistent that many refer to him as king, as well as the first monarch of the USA.  To those who have watched him systematically trash the Constitution, tyrant and despot are the more common descriptions.

The entire Executive Branch has become infamous for its predictable lawlessness and chaotic governance, deceptive pronouncements and diplomatic dissembling.  Every thing they do, or don’t do, is mired in political calculation and self-serving machinations. Continuation of the facade of political correctness appears to be its central organizing principle, as well as the defining characteristic of so many incompetent ‘czars’ and unqualified politicos.

Just how numerous are the scandals and incessant are the improprieties … as well as the unparalleled transgressions against the Constitution and flagrant violations of federal law? Here are just a few of the more serious offenses perpetrated by the Obama Administration:

•  Using the IRS to target Obama’s political enemies
•  Reckless and unlawful NSA spying on American citizens and foreign leaders
•  Repeatedly and illegally rewriting the Affordable Healthcare Act
•  Initiating undeclared wars in Libya and Syria
•  Prosecuting illegal wars in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan
•  Ramping up the unlawful drone assassination program in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia
•  Benghazi debacle and cover-up
•  Associated Press reporters’ phone records scandal
•  ATF “Fast and Furious” fiasco
•  HHS Secretary Sebelius solicits large donations from companies to save Obamacare
•  Pigford scandal
•  Immigration Enforcement – relentless subversion by DOJ
•  GSA Administrator resignation in the face of blatant waste of taxpayers’ money
•  Justice Department monitoring reporter James Rosen of FOX News
•  Cash for Clunkers debacle
•  ‘Monsanto Protection Act
•  Indefinite Surveillance via the National Defense Authorization Act
•  Solyndra and other solar company financial scandals
•  BP Gulf oil spill gross misrepresentation and mishandling
•  US Federal Government used to promote the LGBT agenda alienating black churches
•  Zealous advocacy worldwide for gay marriage, especially in conservative Africa
•  Posting a fraudulent and forged copy of Obama birth certificate at
•  Obama’s birth place questioned according to his own Harvard Law Review entry
•  CIA Spying on the Senate
•  Disastrous rollout of Obamacare
•  Orchestrating a violent coup d’état in Kiev throwing the Ukraine into civil war
•  Issuing illegal executive orders to legislate new immigration law without Congressional approval
•  Appointing unqualified candidates to ambassadorships
•  Inflaming racial hatreds in Ferguson, MO and NYC, Sanford, FL and Boston
•  Race-bating whenever it serves the Administration’s narrow political goals
•  Continuous attempts to incite a full-blown national race war
•  Granting police powers to the U.N. within the USA jurisdiction
•  Creating the Islamic State, funding ISIL, arming ISIS and supporting Daesh
•  Execution of the fake Sandy Hook false flag ‘shootings’
•  Implementation of the fabricated San Bernardino false flag shootings
•  Aggressive promotion and approval of the NDAA to ‘legalize’ false flag operations
•  The militarization of police departments which indiscriminately kill blacks and whites
•  Staging the Orlando mass shooting hoax of Latinos/Hispanics to further divide the nation
•  Pulling of false flag blackops like the Dallas police massacre to greatly inflame racism

The last three bullet points above clearly spell out a deliberate and premeditated strategy to divide the nation using manufactured racism.  That racially charged agenda has been implemented with a “nod and a wink” since the very inception of Obama’s first term.  

In light of the growing list of serious scandals and unrivaled law-breaking by this Administration, it is clear why there is such a relentless push for a “full scale race war”. Obama’s inner circle must feel that it has no choice but to distract the American people from the unrelenting corruption and ubiquitous malfeasance that must be kept hidden from the public.

When it’s not distracting the citizenry with transparent race-bating, the Obama Administration is diverting attention away from the very real class war that has been raging since the stock market crash of 2008.

Race Card Used As Red Herring To Divert Attention From Ongoing Class Warfare

Clearly, there is a much more significant and profound reason for so much racial conflict purposefully generated by Obama, his political proxies and agents throughout theMainstream Media (MSM).

Ever-intensifying class warfare has been raging across the nation since September of 2008.  The moneyed class has been under direct assault by those who have been harmed by the greatest transfer of wealth in modern history.

Whenever there are multiple economic and financial cataclysms as the world has experienced since 2008, there is also a simultaneous and massive redistribution of wealth. Because of the blatantly lopsided rules of the game, the flow of wealth has been effectuated from the middle class to the wealthiest.  In this way the 1% now possesses an extremely disproportionate share of the world’s wealth relative to the 99%.

As inflation escalates and wages stagnate, the middle class (as well as lower socio-economic groups) see their wealth persistently eroded.  After being stuck for several years in this recessionary and inflationary cycle, the financial pain is becoming too much for many to bear. Working two or three jobs has taken its toll, especially for the primary wage earners. Many have reached a breaking point and hold the political and corporate classes responsible for their economic difficulties and/or financial ruin.

Main Street vs. Wall Street

The recent battlegrounds of Ferguson, MO and New York City are much less about black and white, and much more about the rich and powerful against everyone else.

In each case there were fundamental economic issues at work, as well as overarching financial considerations. However, the 1% that live off of Wall Street will do everything in their power to prevent this from being generally known.  Why?  Because their very lives depend on it.  

Simply put, were the truth to be known about just how much the average American citizen has been raped, pillaged and plundered over the past many years by Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, by the POTUS and the SCOTUS, by corporate lobbyists and banksters of every stripe and color, there would be a full-blown revolution.  

The Powers That Be (TPTB) know this quite well.  TPTB have therefore instructed Obama & Company to frame the ever-intensifying conflicts within the context of racism. In fact, the words “RACIST” and “RACISM” have been thrown around with reckless abandon throughout both terms of Obama. His Administration, together with their lackeys in the MSM, will brand as ‘racist’ anyone who points out the obvious failings of the current President.  Even those who simply disagree with Obama are tainted with labels of racism. This highly destructive tactic has contributed substantially to the deterioration of the public discourse.

What we are also witnessing is longstanding racial discrimination being exposed through state-sponsored racial profiling.  Institutional racial biases are being laid bare throughout civil society for all to see.  Race-based hiring practices are being revealed wherever a victim has the inclination to take to Twitter or Facebook.  Each of these dynamics, among many others, contributes to the much larger under-the-radar scheme that is afoot to start a full-scale race war.

Obama And Holder Used Michael Brown And Trayvon Martin To Incite A National Race Riot

In both instances the Obama Administration has used the tragic shootings of young blacks to literally agitate the already inflamed passions surrounding both volatile incidents. Neither Michael Brown nor Trayvon Martin deserved to die and both deaths are truly regrettable. However, both cases presented overwhelming evidence against indictment and conviction respectively.

Therefore, neither President Obama nor AG Eric Holder had any good reason to interfere by inserting their personal bias or by using their institutional power.  Both of them made unprecedented and blatant attempts to influence the outcomes of those legal proceedings. Such improper and provocative meddling is practically unheard by the Executive Branch, especially by the top law officer in the land and his constitutional lawyer supervisor!

This Administration has taken more initiatives than any before it concerning ongoing investigations of minority deaths.  They have also made more overtures to their chosen political proxies and like-minded agents throughout the MSM to pour fuel on the fabricated race riot fires.  Obama practically gave the rioters in Ferguson the go ahead “to tear the place up”.  It was their own place that they tore up, mind you.

Then there is the use of their surrogates such as Democratic Governor Jay Nixon of Missouri.  Not only did the Governor fail to provide adequate protection[1] to the people and property of Ferguson on the night of the worst riots, he also ‘failed’ in neglecting to change the ill-advised announcement time of the indictment decision[2].  Such a profound ‘lack of good judgment’ ensured that the angry and volatile crowds in Ferguson could easily take advantage of the cover of darkness to burn down buildings, loot stores, vandalize personal property, etc.  Such a staged riot was no accident, indeed. 

1 comment:

slaveman said...

Can you name ANY other U.S. president that changed his name to 'run' for office? As far as I'm concerned his name shall REMAIN,... Barry, (as in 'bathhouse Barry). Soetoro,... NOT Barrack Hussien O bamya. Though, I'm not sure what name will be written on his noose, I guess it really wouldn't matter at that point, would it?