Wednesday, July 20, 2016

EC President Juncker: "leaders of other planets will support the EU [Globalization]"

Jean-Claude: "When the going gets tough, you have to lie." 

 Xander 07-01-2016 
The Brexit has apparently shocked leaders of the European Union.   

Take EC President Jean-Claude Juncker who stated literally in the European Parliament that "leaders of other planets [are] to ensure that the EU continues on this path" - and as everyone knows that's the road to a totalitarian European superstate. 

He thought seriously, or had the notorious alcoholic (annex master fraudster) again looked too deeply into the glass?

Cruz planning RNC ambush

Warning! Cruz planning RNC ambush

Ted Cruz and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump started the 2016 presidential primary fast friends — but their political alliance quickly descended into a fierce rivalry.

Cruz’s supporters have spent the Republican National Convention attempting a coup designed to give Cruz the nomination, and trying to force through rules changes for Cruz’s long-term benefit. Nothing like attempting to impose your will upon all the others.

Now, with Cruz set to deliver a speech today, some are left wondering — will Cruz put aside his own political ambitions, heed calls for party unity, and formally endorse Trump on the big stage?

Not likely, according to political experts, who have hinted that Cruz may instead have a last-minute ambush planned to embarrass Trump in front of a national audience.

The conservative senator repeatedly clashed with Trump during a bitter primary fight, with the New York billionaire repeatedly mocking the lawmaker as “Lyin’ Ted.”
If rumors are true, Cruz has his own mockery planned.

With an eye toward 2020, early reports indicate that Cruz’s team drafted his convention speech to focus on adherence to the Constitution, with some political backhands at Trump thrown in.

Cruz has not endorsed Trump despite pleas for party unity from the campaign and party officials. Nor is he expected to in his speech, the senator’s aides admit.

And Cruz’s refusal to endorse Trump will be the biggest story line to come out of Cruz’s speech, no matter what else he says.

Cruz only seems interested in setting himself up for another future run at president.

Paul Manafort, Trump’s top campaign adviser, said Wednesday that he expects Cruz to address “the same kind of issues he talked about in the primaries,” adding that his message will be “consistent with what Mr. Trump is talking about.”

Manafort’s words, however, suggested that relations between the two camps remain chilly.

Before Trump even accepts the nomination, Cruz’s supporters as well as critics say undercurrents in Cleveland are emboldening the senator’s band of believers and stoking his 2020 prospects, should Trump lose in November.

So what Cruz says Wednesday during his prime-time convention speech will be closely watched for clues about his presidential aspirations.

Cruz halted his campaign two months ago, having outlasted all but Trump in a field that once numbered 17 candidates. He finished a distant second in the delegate accumulation during the Republican nominating campaign.

His supporters clung to hope that that the convention would adopt rules that would free delegates to disregard the results of state contests and swing behind Cruz at the 11th hour. That hope was quickly dashed in opening-day proceedings.

Easily spotted in their cowboy hats and Lone Star flag shirts, dozens of Texas delegates shouted their objection when the push to change the rules was declared defeated in a voice vote that sounded close to those in the hall. An effort to have the vote recorded also failed, leaving anti-Trump Republicans feeling mistreated.

“There isn’t a Band-Aid big enough” to heal the hurt that erupted Monday, said Cruz supporter Ivette Lozano of Dallas. But she seemingly admitted she and other Cruz supporters were looking ahead to a Trump defeat.

“The plan is 2020, and we have an opportunity to do that,” said Lozano, a family practice physician.

Besides his prime-time speech, Cruz plans to hold a delegate appreciation event Wednesday, and address the Texas delegation Thursday.

Ron Kaufman, a Republican national committeeman from Massachusetts, said the flare-up over rules was choreographed to demonstrate public support for Cruz and preserve his future. “These votes had nothing to do with Trump,” he said. “This is all about Ted Cruz trying to make the party smaller.”

By smaller, he meant that Cruz supporters were pushing for primaries where only registered Republicans can participate. Cruz was more successful in such contests than in ones also open to voters who aren’t registered Republicans.

Cruz’s closest aides appear to be anticipating another run, considering how they are staying in his immediate orbit.

Former campaign manager Jeff Roe and data guru Chris Wilson formed a firm in part to provide a home for the expansive Republican database the campaign built over the last year. Senior campaign strategist David Polyasnky has been named chief of staff to Cruz’s Senate office.

The Associated Press contributed to this article.

America Has Been SOLD By The NWO

Make No Mistake - America
Has Been SOLD By The NWO

Was America Sold?

By Nancy Levant
NOTE:  HOW can a criminal mafia syndicate (pretending to be our government) SELL OFF  PROPERTIES BELONGING TO THE PEOPLE
OF THIS NATION?  BY WHAT 'RIGHT' CAN THEY DO THIS?  These 'sales' are to pay the debts of the criminal mafia in Wash DC - NOT the
TRUE debts of the people.
In 1992, George H.W. Bush signed Executive Order 12803, which gave D.C. the authority to sell America's infrastructure. They called this authority "Infrastructure Privatization." E.O. 12803 tells us this power cleared the way for the "disposition or transfer of an infrastructure "asset" such as by sale or by long-term lease from a State or local government to a private party."
E.O. 12803 also lists examples of America's saleable and/or lease-able infrastructure:
· Roads
· Tunnels
· Bridges
· Electricity supply facilities
· Mass transit
· Rail transportation
· Airports
· Ports
· Waterways
· Recycling/wastewater treatment facilities
· Solid waste disposal facilities
· Hospitals
· Prisons
· Schools
· Housing
E.O. 12803 tells us that this list represents infrastructure "examples." Let us, therefore, assume that this is not the complete list of America's saleable infrastructure. However, this list is a stunning confession.
Notice that all items listed in 12803 are the very same infrastructure items listed in all Martial Law Executive Orders (see here). Martial Law kicks in to power during declared states of emergency and with the single signature of the president. Strangely (and ignorantly), we currently have multiple declared states of emergency:
· Act of March 9, 1933, a declared state of emergency at the request of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This state of emergency was never lifted.
· Global pandemic - Level 6
· Mortgage/housing crisis
· Banking/lending crisis
· Automobile industry crisis
· Insurance industry crisis
· Healthcare crisis
· Southwestern border crisis
· Black market drug crisis
· National education crisis
· Nature/global warming crisis
· Jobs/unemployment crisis
· On-going weather and forest fire crises
· Extreme and unread congressional legislation crisis due to on-going crises
What are the odds of complete and total social and "natural" crisis in every single facet of our lives and all at the same time? I will tell you how it was accomplished with simple math:
Federal Reserve System + Politicians + Tell-A-Vision = Assembly Line Crises. It is called the Hegelian Dialectic Show.
Everything in the country, including the current planet-sized medical emergency, is in crisis. So enters Martial Law.
Think of our president's promises to "change" the country and to fix the economy (which the Federal Reserve and Congress destroyed) by rebuilding America's infrastructure, including "21st Century schools" and by greening-up our living standards and conditions (International Code Council, Carbon Credits, Waxman-Markey Climate Bill, etc.) - minus, of course, privately owned land and homes (Agenda 21). In the last six months, consider the massive growth of the Federal Government, the national debt, and the powers of the Federal Reserve Central Banking System - all with stated intentions of fixing the economy that they single-handedly destroyed - and fixing it with "infrastructure" projects.
As Martial Law militarily guards all of E.O. 12803's infrastructure as listed in the Order, and with homeland paramilitary armies holding practice drills with foreign armies, local law enforcement, and emergency responders all across the nation (and with a big drill planned July 27th through July 31st in FEMA Region 6),
And with all public schools, private schools, and universities forced to have "lock-down policies" and to be forced-used as quarantine holding tanks, and with all Americans having been repeatedly told to prepare for an emergency (meaning an emergency that will bring Martial Law into the full light of day, which the "drills" have clearly done),
AND the very same infrastructures listed in Executive Order 12803 are also listed in all Martial Law Executive Orders, and all these infrastructures having been for sale, lease-able, or having been sold during the last 17 years- including our children's schools, our hospitals, and our homes - I suggest to you that you are witnessing Central Banking Debt Magic at its finest moment. Wouldn't you love to know how much money has been made by selling our nation to the highest bidders?
Let us review:
1. The country's infrastructure has been for sale for 17 years. Roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling/wastewater facilities, solid waste facilities, prisons, hospitals, schools, and housing -- this being of "examples" of saleable infrastructure and not the entire list of saleable items according to E.O. 12803--so the question begs: What exactly has been sold to "private parties in our nation? We would like to see the complete list. We know that many highway systems have been sold to foreign countries, but what of the other listed items? Have they been sold as well?
If so, who owns them, and more to the question, which D.C. department sold them and for how much? Did the Federal Reserve and Congress sell our nation? Where is the paperwork? Did they repay any of America's debt that they purposefully created with their pyramid fiat money lending schemes? And why are they still raising our taxes if America is no longer America but belongs to foreign nations or "private parties?" Since the Federal Reserve is a "private" corporation, did the Fed buy any of America's infrastructure "assets?"
As American "housing" is on 12803's list, and since D.C. recently took over the mortgage industry, has the housing market been sold and/or leased to a "private party" like a foreign nation or the Federal Reserve Corporation? Are the American people tenants to unknown parties? Are American children occupying foreign-owned schools, and are our loved ones lying in foreign hospitals that are clearly chock-full of foreign doctors? Equally, who, exactly, is financing the building of 21st Century schools and classrooms complete with foreign curricula? The questions beg: who are the foreigners....the foreigners or the American people?
More to the point, who is dissolving, partitioning, and/or divvying up our nation? Is it Obama? Geithner? Bernacke? Bushes? Clintons? FDR? Wilson? American morons?
It would seem that we are preparing for the Big Transfer - the transfer of our nation to and beneath a new authority or several new authorities. It now makes a great deal of sense why foreign troops have been cross-training with our new paramilitary systems, and yes, there are foreign troops on American soil, which I fear may not be American soil at all. Equally, multiculturalism suddenly makes a great deal of sense. I believe we can call it "behavior modification" so that we the stupid people will behave and be obedient under the new rules of new and foreign leaders.
I ask you, has our nation been sold out from under us, and without our knowledge? Could there be any other possible explanation for selling the most critical components of our country, while at the same time creating new, multicultural and cross-trained armies; permanently bankrupting the nation and selling its debt to foreign countries, and having Martial Law orders written specifically to protect the sold "assets" of our nation--including our schools and homes? Are America's new owners to be protected by new Martial Law armies, cross-trained with foreign armies, while our "traditional" military is spread all over the planet - except here with its nation's people? Are we being transferred to new ownership as we speak?
Washington D.C. debts were sold to foreign nations.
· Washington D.C. = politicians
· Debts = Federal Reserve Central (Fiat) Banking
· Sold = Wall Street
Is it not realistic to think that big league politicians, bankers, and CEOs are loyal to no nation when they were massively enriched by internationalized banking, internationalized trade, absurd and illegal taxation, and by interest rates forced upon the people of this nation, while at the same time selling our nation to other central banks around the world and "private parties" - and for personal profit? Truth is, they sold the infrastructure first, and then they sold we the people as tax generators and life-long human resources to their global banking and business partners in crime.
What is the crime, you ask? The Federal Reserve, which is a piece of a global banking cartel, and their politicians and CEO partners who made counterfeiting and Ponzi/pyramid schemes legalized theft on continental scales. Your country is 1) not your country and, 2) not what you thought it was for at least 100 years. You are going to have to seek God's grace to be relieved from the bitterness of that truth. Today, we don't know under whose authority we live, but Washington, D.C. and the Federal Reserve do know.
Big, big changes are on the horizon. All I can tell you is to remember that freedom, granted to all by God, is first and foremost a state of mind. Pray for guidance. Prepare yourselves because Obama spoke the truth. It is all about "infrastructure." The promised change has arrived. The question is this: who owns America? Who have the American people been committed to serving and beneath what form of government?
We can pretty much assume that Asia owns a very large chunk of America, as does Great Britain, India, Middle Eastern countries, and perhaps Mexico and Canada, as well. We can also assume that Martial Law armies will be guarding all the sold "assets" during what could be an extraordinary and massively tyrannical transfer of power. The love of money is the root of all evil. No truer words were ever spoken. 

Guest Speaker Judge Anna von Reitz — Brilliance in Commerce Radio Show

Guest Speaker Judge Anna von Reitz — Brilliance in Commerce Radio Show Episode 12

Wednesday July 20
4:00 PM Pacific Time / 7:00 PM Eastern Time USA

Guest Speaker Judge Anna von Reitz will speak on:

*             Progress on various class action lawsuits
*             U.S. is not America
*             Self-protection – non-UCC claim – international admiralty claim – individual sovereignty
*             Newly forming American States and Nations Bank
*             Karatbars Gold
*             Restoration of American Republic
*             Other breaking news

Anna has over 11,000,000 readers and listeners . . . find out why!

Participate by dial-up phone:  914-205-5349 (no PIN needed)

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Questions can be asked via the call-in number by pressing 1, and also via the online chat room.

Brilliance in Commerce Radio Show Episode 12

Judge Anna - The United States is NOT America

The United States is NOT America

4f522-judge2banna  Judge Anna von Reitz    |
The United States is NOT America
Let me repeat (and repeat and repeat)—– the United States is not America. It isn’t now and it never has been.
The United States is a separate and foreign political jurisdiction.
It is as different from an American State as Spain is different from Sweden.
Our government works from the bottom up. Theirs works from the top down.
We operate under American Common Law. They operate under Administrative Law (for handling their internal affairs) and under international law of the sea—both Maritime and Admiralty.
Our organic states— the ones with soil and trees and rocks— are named like this: kentucky, utah, nevada.
Our unincorporated States of America — the ones that have Statehood Compacts or Commonwealth Trust agreements are named like this: Texas State, Maine State, Virginia Commonwealth…
Their incorporated United States of America — the so-called “Federal States” are named like this: State of Texas, State of Maine, Commonwealth of Virginia…. These are just corporate franchises like McDonald’s or Dairy Queen in the business of providing “governmental services”.
Their “federal corporations” are storefronts operated by international banks. The now-insolvent and being liquidated UNITED STATES, INC. is owned and operated by the IMF which is an international banking cartel chartered in France. It’s franchises are named like this: STATE OF ALASKA, STATE OF IOWA…..
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. is now in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It is owned and operated by the newly revamped FEDERAL RESERVE — another international banking cartel operating under the law of the United Nations City State. It’s franchises are named like this: OHIO, NEVADA, FLORIDA….
These corporations are in the business of providing governmental services and they will sell you all the governmental services they can possibly sell you.
They employ British Subjects known as “United States Citizens” or “individual franchises” known as “citizens of the United States” to provide all these services.
Since Federal “States” are just franchises of their parent corporations they are in effect all federal entities and all subject to the internal policies of their parent corporations.
The old, now defunct United States of America, Inc. operated under the 50 Titles of the Federal Code.
The UNITED STATES, INC. did away with and repealed all sections of the Federal Code and operated under just a portion of Title 50, dealing with “war powers” no corporation actually has, and the Trading with the Enemy Act which has been misapplied to American State Nationals.
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. has attempted to restart operations under the old Federal Code and update it, then was bankrupted, and its Bankruptcy Trustees have reverted to “United Nations Law” to maintain operations.
That’s why you are seeing all the talk about “UN” operations on our shores and the application of Agenda 21, etc.,
Here’s the take home message—- none of that crap has anything legitimate to do with us and our states. We are talking about foreign governmental services corporations under contract to perform those services in good faith and if they don’t do the job, we are free to hire other service providers.
Think of it like this: You hire ABC Lawn Care to take care of your yard maintenance needs. One day you notice that EFG Lawn Care trucks are parked in your driveway and people wearing different colored uniforms are mowing your grass. So what, right?
So long as you know who is who and what is going on and the price for the services remains rational, you don’t care who mows your grass. They can wear purple polka-dotted uniforms for all you care.
The problem has been (and continues to be) that some of the former service providers have overstepped their boundaries and made grossly fraudulent claims against us all and against our states of the Union.
They have claimed that we are all “United States Citizens” or “citizens of the United States”—- British Subjects. Essentially, they have claimed that we are all or virtually all their employees and/or that we have chosen to “enfranchise” ourselves as “persons” owned and operated by their parent corporation: slaves in other words.
FDR acting as CEO of the United States of America, Inc.set up millions of foreign situs trusts named after us and then claimed that all those “foreign vessels in commerce” were sureties backing the debts of the already bankrupt United States of America, Inc. —– which was just another foreign-owned governmental services corporation operated by the “Federal Reserve System”. This was the Great Fraud, but the roots of it stretched back to the Civil War and other acts of fraud that occurred then, and the tentacles of it have stretched forward to today.
The IMF has run the UNITED STATES, INC. into the ground and they are now claiming that all “UNITED STATES CITIZENS” are sureties backing its debts. This foreign “PERSON” is a Cestui Que Vie Trust operated out of Puerto Rico under your given name — FIRST MIDDLE LAST. There are all sorts of other spin offs — contract trusts and performance trusts built off this central scam, so that this “THING” is technically now called a U.S. BANKRUPT CITIZENSHIP ORGANIZATION. On the basis of these false claims the Trustees of this bankruptcy are coming after “UNITED STATES CITIZENS” and their assets.
Meantime, the “Federal Reserve” has folded the old Federal Reserve System and rebooted a new organization, the FEDERAL RESERVE, operated under United Nations auspices, and set up a similar racket. They have named franchises after your given name
using just your middle initial: FIRST MI LAST. These entities are bankrupt, too, and in Chapter 11 Reorganization. Their bankruptcy Trustees are coming after all these “CITIZENS” too. These THINGS are construed to be Public Transmitting Utilities, so they are technically known as a US BANKRUPT PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY ORGANIZATION.
It’s time to cut the cake, America. Whose little girl are you?
Citizen = servant of government.
National = those the government serves.
You get to choose your political status, but you have to take action against the fraud. You have to object to it, or it is assumed that you agreed to all this crappola.
We have objected to it in behalf of all American State Nationals. We are beating our dish on the floor in front of the Pope, the international courts, the Queen, and getting the word out about this outrageous swindle worldwide. We are demanding a systemic remedy that does not involve nuclear war or mass panic in the streets, but which equally does not allow for continued false claims and criminality.
We are proposing a housecleaning that has been owed for 150 years.
1. Declare a formal, permanent, and final peaceful resolution and Treaty of Peace ending the War of Secession, affirming the Armistice of April 1865, and confirming a lasting peace in all jurisdictions air, land, and sea controlled by the actual States of America and the United States, respectively.
2. Enroll all the Western States which have been promised statehood as actual states and members of the Union created by the Articles of Confederation 1781.
3. A national plebiscite in which all the pros and cons of various political statuses are fully disclosed and people are allowed to freely choose their political status as fully informed adults.
Meantime— and soon—- we will publish a proven step-by-step individual remedy process that you can follow to overturn these false presumptions and return to your native birthright estate as an American State National—-one by one by one if necessary.
And now, repeat after me…. the United States is not America…..the United States is not America…..the United States is not America….

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

I'm not worried - Hillary Clinton's last words

Trump wins the Republican nomination for president of the bankrupt defunct U.S. Corporation

WASHINGTON (AP) — AP count: Billionaire businessman Donald Trump has reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president of the bankrupt, defunct, civilly dead U.S. Corporation.  Trump, the only remaining GOP candidate left in the race, will go on to accept the nomination at the party's national convention in Cleveland.

BREAKING: Congress Bypasses FBI, Moves To Charge Hillary With Federal Crime

It looks like there could be some good news on the horizon for anyone outraged that Hillary Clinton has not been held legally responsible for any of her crimes against the American people.

According to reports, in a letter to U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips signed by Chaffetz and Goodaltte, Congress has asked the court to open an investigation to determine whether Clinton committed perjury.

The letter is included below:

Dear Mr. Phillips:

We write to request an investigation to determine whether Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed perjury and made false statements during her testimony under oath before congressional committees.

While testifying before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on July 7, 2016, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey stated the truthfulness of Secretary’s testimony before Congress was not within the scope of the FBI’s investigation. Nor had the FBI even considered any of Secretary Clinton’s testimony.

Director Comey further testified the Department of Justice requires a criminal referral from Congress to initiate an investigation of Secretary Clinton’s congressional testimony. We are writing for that purpose.

The evidence collected by the FBI during its investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email system appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony.

In light of those contradictions, the Department should investigate and determine whether to prosecute Secretary Clinton for violating statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to Congress, or any other relevant statutes.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

During FBI Director Comey’s testimony before Congress, he admitted that statements made by Clinton under oath were “not true” and that her handling of this nation’s classified material was “extremely careless.”


Leonard Peltier Freedom Ride 2016 in DC July 23-24

Peltier Ride

Published July 10, 2016
Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier has been in prison for 40 years

BANKS, OREGON— Peltier Justice for All, Inc. will begin the Leonard Peltier Freedom Ride 2016, an across country motorcycle ride, on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 from Banks, Oregon. The 3,000 mile freedom ride will arrive in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, July 23, 2016, to seek the release of Leonard Peltier.

Convicted of the killing of two FBI agents on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in June 1975, many have argued, including former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Peltier was not given a fair trial. To many, Peltier is considered a prisoner of war and represents the struggle American Indians still face for justice in the United States.

The organizers of the freedom ride will have a rally at the U.S. Capitol on Saturday, July 23 and Sunday, July 24.
This rally and freedom ride is being organized by Leonard’s oldest son, Chauncey Peltier.

CLICK HERE for more information.
Leonard Peltier Freedom Ride 2016 Agenda

1-Banks, Oregon – Tuesday Evening, July 12; Leave July 13
BASE CAMP:  Wild Rose Ranch, 50665 NW Stanley Rd, Banks, OR 97106
RATES:  $5.00 per vehicle
Kick starting the 1st annual Peltier Justice Ride and the Clemency For Leonard Mission With Ride Host Chauncey Peltier. Meals, music, and guest speakers will be happening!
329 Miles to Baker City, Oregon

2-Baker City, Oregon – Wednesday Night, July 13  
BASE CAMP:  Mtn View Holiday****Trav-L-Park, 2845 Hughes Ln Baker City, OR, 97814 541-523-4824 (Call for reservations)
RATES:  $13 per person bikes/$23 per couple car, tent/$34-$36 RV
292 miles to Rupert, Idaho

3-Rupert, Idaho – Thursday Night, July 14 
BASE CAMP:  Lake Wolcott****East Minidoka Dam Road, Rupert, ID, 83350
305 miles to Green River, Wyoming 

4-Green River, Wyoming – Friday Night, July 15 
BASE CAMP:  The Travel Camp****4626 4thSt, Green River, WY 82935
307-875-2630 (Call for reservations)
397 miles to Strasburg, Colorado

5-Strasburg (East Denver), Colorado – Saturday Night, July 16 & Sunday, July 17 
BASE CAMP:  KOA Denver East****1312 Monroe Street, Strasburg, CO, 80136
RATES (PELTIER RIDE DISCOUNT):  $4 tent/$42 RV – 10% KOA/vet additional discount available
SPECIAL EVENT DAY (2 night stay) – REFUEL FOR THE PEOPLE with Ride Host Chauncey Peltier.  Meals, music, and guest speakers all day Sunday before continuing with the 1st annual Peltier Justice Ride and the Clemency For Leonard mission.
300 miles to Ellis, Kansas

6-Ellis, Kansas – Monday Night, July 18 
BASE CAMP:  Cedar Bluff State Park****32001 HWY 147, Ellis, KS, 67637
RATES:  no camp fee/$5 per vehicle/$19 RV
319 miles to Higginsville, Missouri

7-Higginsville, Missouri – Tuesday Night, July 19 
BASE CAMP:  Great Escape RV Park****19912 Old Highway 40, Higginsville, MO  64037
(660) 584-2649 (Call for reservations)
277 miles to Ramsey, Illinois

8-Ramsey, Illinois – Wednesday Night, July 20 
BASE CAMP:  Ramsey Lake State Recreation Area****PO Box 97 Ramsey Lake Road, Ramsey, IL, 62080
(618)423-2215 (Call for reservations)

300 miles to Springfield, Ohio

9-Springfield, Ohio – Thursday Night, July 21 
BASE CAMP:  JOHN BRYAN STATE PARK****1976 Buck Creek Lane, Springfield, OH, 45502
RATES: $4 per adult
288 miles to Grantsville, Maryland

10-Grantsville, Maryland – Friday Night, July 22 
1-888-432-2267 (Call for reservations)
RATES:  $5.00

11-Washington, DC Rally – Saturday, July 23 and Sunday, July 24 with camping at Greenbelt, Maryland
12miles to Greenbelt, Maryland
BASE CAMP:  GREENBELT CAMPGROUND****6565 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD, 20770
(301)344-3944 (Call for reservations)
RATES:  $16 per night (6 people up to 3 tents)


Filing of Two Informations With the Office of the Prosecutor

Judge Anna von Reitz    |
Please find attached an Information to the Prosecutor regarding the standing of the American Republic Government.
Certain parties have alleged that the American Republic no longer exists.
This has created the necessity of informing the world otherwise and producing qualified claimants with standing to assert their beneficiary status. 
A more than sufficient number of qualified individuals came forward showing that they had expatriated from any assumption of United States Citizenship and also that they were the progeny of qualifying grandfathers—-and on that basis, they claimed their grandfather’s estates and interests as they existed prior to the British Municipal Corporations Act and most of them provided qualified geneology from before the American Civil War as well.
This has been examined and probated; the findings are attached as Scan Probate of Nation 1.pdf and Scan Probate of Nation 2. pdf and then a sealed copy of the same.
That concludes the First Information being presented to the Office of the Prosecutor.
The Second Information is a copy of an Estate Claim Letter addressed to Pope Francis in his role as Trustee. This appears below as “July 11.doc”.  In this letter American State Nationals who are beneficiaries of the 1779 United States Trust and living sovereigns under the provisions of the Definitive Treaty of Peace (1783) address the failings of past Popes and resulting Breaches of Trust against the American Republic and its people, and places demand upon the Pope in his role as Trustee to remedy these ills.
We realize that these matters normally lay far outside the interest of the  Prosecutor’s Office, however, as this involves Breach of Trust against an entire nation and the Misadministration of National Trusts over a course of several generations, we feel that it needs to come to the attention of the icj-cij organization and especially the Office of the Prosecutor.
The American People clearly identified as the “free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States” and their progeny as stated in the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, and by The Constitution for the united States of America and numerous other international agreements and treaties entered into with the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the British Crown, are owed their peace and their land and all undelegated powers of the jurisdiction of the sea.  The acts of fraud, chicanery, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, identity theft, falsification of records and additional misdeeds practiced against them by former Popes and British Monarchs in Breach of Trust must be recognized by the world community for what they are —- crimes owed remedy upon the land and cure upon the sea.
We have entered into negotiations with the Holy See since 2008 seeking a peaceful and private resoluton to these issues of State and Nation.  Eight years later these matters are still largely unresolved.
Hard copy of the Probate of Nation decision and the Estate Claim Letter were forwarded to Pope Francis as shown by the final scan included with this email.
As these crimes against us began in 1822 with the Secret Treaty of Verona and have continued under a veil of secrecy by numerous Papal administrations and British Monarchs since that time, it is not possible to bring the original perpetrators to justice.  It is, however, entirely reasonable that we should demand a stop to continuing malfeasance and false claims and criminality in the present.  We feel that we have been faithful and diligent in our efforts to sue for correction and remedy and have allowed more than sufficient time for the Trustees responsible to take such action—without significant result.
At present six million American families are facing foreclosure actions predicated on known false presumptions that are based on falsified records and unlawful conveyance practices of the British and French corporations that have been entrusted with administration of the Federal—-as opposed to Continental—- United States.
An estimated 18 million American State Nationals are incarcerated under equally false pretenses and false presumptions.
An estimated 160 million Americans pay federal taxes that they don’t owe every year, and if they fail to file this “voluntary tax” the following year, they are harassed, subjected to levies and garnishment, and often also face imprisonment and loss of their private property assets.
Many millions of American State Nationals are being forced to accept falsified passport documents identifying them as United States Citizens.
These and other serious abuses by the IMF (French/UN) fronting the UNITED STATES, INC. and FEDERAL RESERVE (UN) fronting THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. must be brought to worldwide attention and stopped.  If the Trustees responsible for this gross misadministration of both international and national law fail to do their duty and continue to act in flagrant Breach of Trust on our shores, we must nonetheless address these acts of foreign piracy on our soil and we insist that these matters be viewed in terms of deliberate and self-interested institutionalized crime rather than as political issues.
We present these Informations to the Office of the Prosecutor for investigation and review.
See the 4 Links: Estate Claim Letter To Pope Francis: Notice of Beneficiaries, July 11, 2012



If you think you know all you need to know about WACO, think again! This well made documentary will most definitely boggle your mind! At the very minimum, it proves beyond any doubt that there is absolutely no limit that our own government will go to cover up their crimes against their own American citizens, and EVERYTHING the corporate / government-sponsored / controlled American main stream "media" reported about the tragedy was nothing but lies! They had, (and still have to this day), no problem murdering people,... even forcing innocent children to BURN ALIVE,... basically ANYTHING IT TAKES to insure there are no witnesses to their endless atrocities! I myself was personally flabbergasted after watching this and knew it must be shared with as many people as possible! If this film does not boil your blood,... quite frankly nothing will!!! WACO was an American abomination in every aspect! WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT! (age restricted) People under 18 are prevented from learning / seeing the truth.

Published on May 7, 2016




WAKE UP Message to The Citizens of The World

 WAKE UP Message to The Citizens of The World

Will the people EVER be relieved of the control 
over their lives by the banksters? 

Published on Jul 19, 2016
Anonymous Message - You have to watch this!
Anonymous talks about the newest system made to enslave all people on the planet.
"I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery." (Anonymous)







FEMA, US NAVY & WalMarts - WHY all the secret meetings?

"Mega Quake to Rock America" 
Ex-White House Space Advisor Leaks Deadly Intel

FEMA High Level Briefing 
Mega Earthquake Swarms Coming


The Link Between The Leaked US Navy Map, 
Hundreds Of Walmart's Closing, & FEMA Regions

The real reason behind the secret FEMA alert meeting

Poll: Bikers for Trump to patrol Cleveland

POLL: Do you support the ‘Bikers for Trump’ as they         roll in to Cleveland?

Results Are Sent To Congress - Let Congress Hear Your Voice

Bikers For Trump To Patrol Cleveland 
During Republican National Convention
Do you support the 'Bikers for Trump' 
as they roll in to Cleveland?
Founder of the group explains to Judge Jeanine why the bikers support Donald Trump.

As Donald Trump arrives in Cleveland by private jet, thousands of supporters are riding into town on their bikes to celebrate his nomination.  They’ll arrive under the banner of “Bikers for Trump,” a loose confederation of motorcycle enthusiasts drawn from distinct but politically congruent factions like the “Patriot Guard Riders” and “Defenders of Liberty.”

For the next four days, the group will roam the streets here crowing over Trump’s hostile takeover of the traditionally blue-blazered GOP and projecting high-octane support for the city’s aggregated police force.

“We’re anticipating a victory dance,” organizer Chris Cox told CNN. “But it sounds like there’s a lot of agitators and a lot of troublemakers coming to town. What happens remains to be seen, but you can definitely count on the ‘Bikers for Trump’ standing with the police department in the event they need it.”

Bikers for Trump to patrol Cleveland
during GOP convention


RESULTS as of 11:10 AM July 19 2016 AFTER MY VOTE .........
Votes 5,217
Thank you for voting!


Six Million Cases Per Month!

Six Million Cases Per Month!

Judge Anna von Reitz    |
There are on average six million American families dealing with foreclosures— past, present, and future every month.
Think about that.  Past evictions.  Present sttruggles. And new foreclosures.
This is an industry, folks.
This is being done on purpose.  It has methods that are set forth in patents and trademarks. It has means set forth in court procedures.  This isn’t just a matter of Joe missed his payments for two months.
This is a purposeful fraud system set up by international banks as a means of stealing American property, pure and simple.
I can listen to all your many stories and try to work with you all one-on-one, which is what some people seem to expect from me and the Living Law Firm, but that is not getting the problem solved and not bringing relief to all the other families that need help just as much as the squeaky wheels among us.
Our Living Law Firm is going after the Whole Enchilada.   We are going after the industry –hacking at the root, not the branches.
Now, step back and think about it.  You are me.  One little old lady in Alaska.  You and a few dozen lawyers and paralegals have limited resources, limited time.  How do you make it count?
You go after the real problem.  You don’t fritter your time and effort and what resources you have away on fighting foreclosures one by one—-not if you are aiming at helping those six million families that fall victim to the Foreclosure Mills every month.
So PLEASE— I have said this before and I am going to say it again — stop clamoring for individual help.  The only way I can help six million people is by keeping the focus on derailing the industry that is causing the problem. I do NOT have time to sort through your foreclosure or Cousin Don’s foreclosure or anything like that. The Living Law Firm is working on a much larger scale than that. And we can’t get bogged down!
So—- please do NOT contact me for individual help. It isn’t possible.  I can’t look at your case. I can’t offer opinions.  I can’t analyze your strategy.  There are six million people in the same boat as you are and every minute we spend looking at your individual case means a minute that we don’t have to work on and solve the actual problem—which is an entire industry set up to defraud people and steal their property.
The average foreclosure case suffers over 60 separate issues of fraud. This isn’t a mistake. This isn’t a typo.  Not six.  Sixty.  —-Any one of which should be sufficient to invalidate the claims being made by the banks, but the banks are being supported by corrupt courts.
So— first stop, is political.  Beat the politicians bloody— not me.  I didn’t create this problem. They are the ones that botched up the banking and securities laws.  They are the ones that don’t provide oversight and enforcement. They are the ones looking the other way while these banks commit fraud after fraud after fraud. Grab them by both ears and rub their noses in it.
Second stop is practical action.  Tell everybody you know what you are finding out about the actual history of this country and how the hospitals are snatching babies and promoting identity theft and committing war crimes every day of the week.  Sound the alarm. Beat the drums. Go talk to those hospital administrators and give them an ear-full. Bring suits against the “STATE” and the hospitals and the “Bureaus of Vital Statistics” that have so grossly over-stepped their bounds and promoted so much criminality.  New Mothers?  Don’t sign. Mothers of any age?  Do affidavits for your children, admitting that you were never told about the nature of the paperwork you were asked to sign, that you never intended to give up custody of your baby to the “State”, and that you never intended to claim a false citizenship status for your baby, either.
Third stop is empower yourself.  Stop feeling “helpless”.  Get your Irish up.  Or your Spanish. Or your Polish.  Or whatever it takes.  Stop waving your hands and wanting someone else to take charge.  You are the only one here to take charge, Bubba.  This is your life and your country and it’s your house. 



By legal definition, the government of this country has been a criminal enterprise since April of 1865. 

When the Confederate States capitulated, “Just” government as defined in our Declaration of Independence ceased to exist in this country.

One can blather on about slavery and racism, both of which have replaced baseball as the national pastime, until pigs fly—it will not change the fact that at the time the Southern states voted to secede, slavery was constitutional in this country; reprehensible and unconscionable yes, but still constitutional. Therefore, it was impossible for the Southern states to have seceded to protect slavery, for slavery legally existed before and after articles of secession were voted on and passed by the people of those states.

The U.S. Supreme Court in 1857 in the Dred Scott opinion, confirmed the constitutionality of slavery. Of course, that opinion was morally bankrupt, just like a number of recent decisions rendered by the sacerdotal nine such as the Affordable Care Act, the Patriot Act, The National Defense Authorization Act and many more.

Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1776 that a “Just” government requires the “consent of the governed.” Then in 1861-62, several states withdrew their consent to be governed by what they viewed as a tyrannical government.

While indeed a case can be made that South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Texas seceded, in part, because of slavery, this is not true of Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee. (It should be noted here that Texas submitted the articles of secession to the people of that state for a popular vote; where the vote was 44,317 in favor of secession, 13,020 opposed).

It is also of particular note that when the Texas legislature voted to secede and included an amendment to submit the final vote to the people, there was in San Antonio a US government arsenal with a 3,000 man garrison. When the Texas Committee on Public Safety authorized the seizure of all federal property in the state, the garrison of men was allowed to leave peacefully. Lincoln did not in any way attempt to retain this post or resupply the government forces there. Compare this with the events which occurred later at Ft. Sumter.

So, if slavery was not the reason for the vote to secede by the four states mentioned earlier—then why did those four Southern states, all of which initially voted to stay in the Union, eventually vote to secede? Let’s look at each of them.


When a compromise could not be reached among the delegates to the initial secession convention, it was agreed the issue of secession would be put to a vote of the people. This vote was scheduled for August of 1861. Of course, debate continued around the state.
Then, on April 12, Fort Sumter was fired upon in response to resupply efforts by Union ships. Lincoln then ordered governor Rector to provide 780 men to assist the Union in invading the states that had previously seceded (to put down the rebellion). Governor Rector promptly refused.

The secession convention reconvened on May 6, 1861, and at 10 minutes past 4 that afternoon the Arkansas delegates “declared their independence from the United States” by a vote of 65-5 with 4 of the opposing votes later changing their votes to the affirmative.
Therefore, many of the delegates who were anti-slavery and voted consistently to remain in the Union changed their votes almost unanimously when Lincoln ordered the state to supply troops to invade the Southern states. Arkansas seceded, not to support slavery, but rather than to supply troops to invade their sister states.

    First, it should be noted the people of North Carolina had refused to include Abraham Lincoln on the presidential ballot in 1860. The majority of voters supported John C. Breckenridge and Constitutional Union Party candidate John Bell in that election because both candidates had expressed allegiance to the Union. The people of North Carolina were desirous of staying in the Union, but a union without Lincoln as president.
Those who favored Union in the Tar Heel State; the yeoman farmers (who seldom owned slaves) of the piedmont and mountainous western part of the state were in the majority and when secession was first put to a vote the supporters of remaining in the Union prevailed 47,323 to 46,672.

Then came Ft. Sumter. On April 15th President Lincoln called for troops from North Carolina to which Governor Ellis responded, “You can get no troops from North Carolina.” A convention met in Raleigh in May to revisit the issue of secession. The enthusiasm and fervor of the initial debate was gone. The convention was characterized by speeches of those who had previously favored union to secession and their denunciation of Lincoln’s “aggression.” Former Unionist, George Badger, introduced a resolution for separation based on “the right of revolution” but it was defeated by a resolution to “dissolve the Union by repeal of ratification.” Delegate Jonathan Worth stated, “Lincoln has made us a unit to resist until we repel our invaders or die.” It has been stated by the North Carolina History Project that “Tar Heels of North Carolina seceded as an act of self-defense.” Is self-defense “racial?”

It should also be noted that North Carolina provided more supplies and men to the Confederate States and lost more men killed on the field of battle than any other state. This they did, not to support slavery, but as an act of self-defense. Revisionist historians, government lackeys, cultural Marxists, a majority of teachers, college professors, and race-baiters completely ignore this fact.


      According to documents at the University of Middle Tennessee,“[Tennessee] residents exhibited little support for secession until the April 1861 firing on Ft. Sumter and Lincoln’s call for troops.”

It should be noted here that like North Carolina, Abraham Lincoln did not appear on the presidential ballot in Tennessee in 1860. Carrying all of Tennessee’s electoral votes was John Bell of the Constitutional Union Party who secured 48% of the popular vote.

In February of 1861, after seven states had voted to secede, voters in Tennessee voted overwhelmingly against convening a state convention on secession. But, after Ft. Sumter and Lincoln’s order for Tennessee to provide two regiments of troops to invade the seceded states, Tennessee voted to secede on June 8th of 1861. The citizens of Eastern Tennessee unsuccessfully petitioned the state to remain in the Union.

Here again is documented proof that another state which initially refused to secede, voted to secede rather than provide troops to invade their sister states.


      On February 13, 1861, delegates representing every county in the state of Virginia met in convention and voted to remain in the Union. In an early exhibit of transparency in government, the governor and legislature of Virginia invited the newspapers of the day to witness and report on the convention with the Richmond Enquirer selected to “publish a full record of the proceedings” for public consumption.

On April 17, after receiving orders to provide troops to “put down the rebellion,” Virginia governor John Letcher responded to Lincoln’s request directly to Simon Cameron, Lincoln’s Secretary of War:

SIR: I received your telegram of the 15th…in which I am requested to detach from the militia of the State of Virginia “the quota designated in a table,” which you append, “to serve as infantry or riflemen for the period of three months, unless sooner discharged.”

In reply to this communication, I have only to say that the militia of Virginia will not be furnished to the powers at Washington for any such use or purpose as they have in view. Your object is to subjugate the Southern States, and a requisition made upon me for such an object — an object, in my judgment, not within the purview of the Constitution or the act of 1795 — will not be complied with. You have chosen to inaugurate civil war, and having done so, we will meet it in a spirit as determined as the Administration has exhibited towards the South. 

JOHN LETCHER. (Emphasis mine)

I highly recommend you read the entirety of Governor Letcher’s communications with Secretary of War Cameron which can be found here.

Documented history reveals that four (4) states did not secede because of slavery but due to the unconstitutional acts of Abraham Lincoln. Several of these states viewed Lincoln’s call-up of troops to “put down the rebellion” as an act of war, and certainly unconstitutional, as the Congress had not been consulted when Lincoln’s orders were issued to the states to provide troops. Lincoln was clearly in violation of Article III Section III of the Constitution which defines Treason.Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them…”

Lincoln unconstitutionally issued an order calling up troops in order to “put down the rebellion” which would require “levying war against them (states),” for, according to Lincoln, all states that had seceded were still in the Union. Lincoln unconstitutionally ordered up troops in order to commit an act of Treason. At least four states saw it this way and withdrew their consent to be governed by tyranny.

According to our Constitution (Article IV Section IV) the governor or legislature must request the federal government to intervene in a domestic disturbance (rebellion) within a state. If the Southern states were still in the Union as Lincoln declared, he violated the Constitution by sending troops into those states without the proper request by the governor or legislatures of those states.

The battle flags that flew over the soldiers and sailors from these four states cannot logically be called “racist.” To do so conforms only to the wishes of the cultural Marxists who currently control our government, our media and the emotional minds of the grossly uneducated/socialist indoctrinated in this country, known to Rebels as useful idiots.

If you stand for “resistance to tyranny” and oppressive government, by default you stand for the principles of the Battle Flag of the Confederacy, for as it appears on a gate at Jefferson’s Monticello:“Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God.”

Clear battle lines have been drawn in our country. They represent on one side the principles of Thomas Jefferson and on the other those of Abraham Lincoln and his penpal Karl Marx.

Unfortunately for Liberty and our country, the majority have sided with Lincoln, Marx, and our current criminal enterprise called 'government'.