Six Million Cases Per Month!

Judge Anna von Reitz |
There are on average six million American families dealing with foreclosures— past, present, and future every month.
Think about that. Past evictions. Present sttruggles. And new foreclosures.
This is an industry, folks.
This is being done on purpose. It has methods that are set forth in patents and trademarks. It has means set forth in court procedures. This isn’t just a matter of Joe missed his payments for two months.
This is a purposeful fraud system set up by international banks as a means of stealing American property, pure and simple.
I can listen to all your many stories and try to work with you all one-on-one, which is what some people seem to expect from me and the Living Law Firm, but that is not getting the problem solved and not bringing relief to all the other families that need help just as much as the squeaky wheels among us.
Our Living Law Firm is going after the Whole Enchilada. We are going after the industry –hacking at the root, not the branches.
Now, step back and think about it. You are me. One little old lady in Alaska. You and a few dozen lawyers and paralegals have limited resources, limited time. How do you make it count?
You go after the real problem. You don’t fritter your time and effort and what resources you have away on fighting foreclosures one by one—-not if you are aiming at helping those six million families that fall victim to the Foreclosure Mills every month.
So PLEASE— I have said this before and I am going to say it again — stop clamoring for individual help. The only way I can help six million people is by keeping the focus on derailing the industry that is causing the problem. I do NOT have time to sort through your foreclosure or Cousin Don’s foreclosure or anything like that. The Living Law Firm is working on a much larger scale than that. And we can’t get bogged down!
So—- please do NOT contact me for individual help. It isn’t possible. I can’t look at your case. I can’t offer opinions. I can’t analyze your strategy. There are six million people in the same boat as you are and every minute we spend looking at your individual case means a minute that we don’t have to work on and solve the actual problem—which is an entire industry set up to defraud people and steal their property.
The average foreclosure case suffers over 60 separate issues of fraud. This isn’t a mistake. This isn’t a typo. Not six. Sixty. —-Any one of which should be sufficient to invalidate the claims being made by the banks, but the banks are being supported by corrupt courts.
So— first stop, is political. Beat the politicians bloody— not me. I didn’t create this problem. They are the ones that botched up the banking and securities laws. They are the ones that don’t provide oversight and enforcement. They are the ones looking the other way while these banks commit fraud after fraud after fraud. Grab them by both ears and rub their noses in it.
Second stop is practical action. Tell everybody you know what you are finding out about the actual history of this country and how the hospitals are snatching babies and promoting identity theft and committing war crimes every day of the week. Sound the alarm. Beat the drums. Go talk to those hospital administrators and give them an ear-full. Bring suits against the “STATE” and the hospitals and the “Bureaus of Vital Statistics” that have so grossly over-stepped their bounds and promoted so much criminality. New Mothers? Don’t sign. Mothers of any age? Do affidavits for your children, admitting that you were never told about the nature of the paperwork you were asked to sign, that you never intended to give up custody of your baby to the “State”, and that you never intended to claim a false citizenship status for your baby, either.
Third stop is empower yourself. Stop feeling “helpless”. Get your Irish up. Or your Spanish. Or your Polish. Or whatever it takes. Stop waving your hands and wanting someone else to take charge. You are the only one here to take charge, Bubba. This is your life and your country and it’s your house.
Absolutely Anna, our Irish dukes are up! (Y) :)
I have to agree. I am one of those who's home was stolen, but it was done because I cared about the others who's home I saw being stolen.
I was watching in the beginning. I was hearing their cries of how they were tricked into missing payments, or tricked [ due to lack of knowledge ] into purchasing more home than they could afford. I read the stories of the poor who were convinced by the broker to get the big house with interest only and if the interest goes up the broker said they'd help with the payments. Then the broker would not help. I was there in the beginning watching, and then a business I never worked with wanted my mortgage payment and I refused and they stole the home.
I did my complaints to the AG and FBI and FTC and DOJ. and finally gave names of people working for the law firm and auctioning my home to the CFPB.
Years later the AGs did a great research paper showing the fraud and they got paid.
The state AG did a newsletter telling the firms the business code, contract law, trust law and constitution provisions that were violated. They did not stop.
Then I found out, they stole my home in a county court who's cases cannot exceed $10,000, so the court was the wrong court for venue, for theft of real property, but they stole the property slanting their position as that of a landlord with a tenant owing less than $10,000 in payments.
No one is our Creator, and the Creator is within each of us, but no one cares about anyone else until they need someone else's help.
I think of how rude these people may have been to anyone that could have helped them, but we don't see kindness in anyone unless we need them.
My slate is clean. I learned a lot by walking a mile in the shoes early on, and I ain't begging no one to help me. Those nice cops you want to hug, will knock on your door and kick you out on the street. Your stuff will be in view of all your [former] neighbors.
If you've never run afoul of them, the law of probability and statistics says you will.
It's a big problem, the solution is already written; cause they can't act unless we have a remedy. We don't see the remedy and they consider that not their fault.
Facebook will not save you, and neither will that sports game or reality show. Enjoy it though, because most are so rude and judgmental and discriminate to their fellow man, divided we fall is the final result.
and they wonder why they get shot.
If all morgtages are fraudulent, there should be a sworn affidavit presented into the whole mess of these courts proving the fraud.
It should be enough of a nationwide flare up that these courts are forced to acknowledge mortgage fraud, then we can finally arrest and toss off the judges who did this.
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