Saturday, January 21, 2017

EXPOSED: CIA – The Swamp Monsters

EXPOSED: CIA – The Swamp Monsters

Three Factions of the CIA that Control the World

By the Anonymous Patriots
The Millennium Report Exclusive
Every American is a target in the CIA’s domestic espionage war whether they know it or not. The bullets are digital and only a key stroke away from being fired at you.  
This is clearly evidenced in the current internal conflicts of the 17 federal intelligence agencies that have arisen from the new Russian “Trump blackmail” scandal and the DNC hacking scandal that was an attempt to derail the presidential election. These scandals happen again and again and involve warring federal agencies who are theoretically supposed to be protecting Americans. Instead, there is open warfare between the three different factions of the CIA and their enemies who are considered the “lesser agencies”: the NSA, FBI, Homeland Security, National Intelligence Agency, and the other redundant twelve U.S. intelligence agencies. Even the mainstream media, with all of its state sponsored legal propaganda, admits that this conflict is going on.   
What is the Central Intelligence Agency?
The CIA overrides all other intelligence agencies because it can always pull the “international security” card from its sleeve and trump the lesser agencies which only have the lower priority “national security.” Presidential executive orders can be top secret and can be kept from agencies not responsible for their enforcement. So if the president conducts “international” top-secret business, he can exclude U.S. intelligence agencies from this top secret intel because they only have lower national security clearance. Essentially, the president of the United States currently conducts “international” warfare without the U.S. Congress, Supreme Court, or U.S. citizens even knowing those wars exist. The president can also wage all types of war secretly within U.S. borders because Obama changed the National Defense Authorization Act, with congressional approval, to give him those powers. Other extraordinary presidential powers have been consolidated through numerous executive orders in the last eight years.  
The president now holds more power than ever and these powers are unconstitutional, illegal, and unethical. If you read the executive orders that are made available on the National Registry you will see that Obama has been conducting secret warfare on foreign countries and individuals both outside of and inside America. It is scary enough to know that under the auspices of “national security,” the president can seize all assets in America under these new powers. But scarier than this is that the CIA can still trump the president under the auspices of “international security.”
KEY POINT: The CIA has positioned itself to be a higher authority than Congress, the President, or We the People and can act in secrecy in all of its affairs.
The power of the CIA was demonstrated with the recent scandal of “fake news” about President-elect Trump being blackmailed by Russia. The fake dossier of “evidence” was brought into this country from Britain through the CIA. When U.S. intelligence agencies, the other 16 besides the CIA, tried to figure out the fake news/CIA propaganda they fell flat on their faces, as usual. The CIA tried to start a “smear campaign” against Trump. James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, apparently couldn’t see through the ruse and agreed with the CIA’s assessment. So a citizen is lead to the conclusion that either all of our intelligence agencies are lacking in capacity and intelligence capabilities OR they are kowtowing to Clapper and/or the CIA.
When Reagan started the position of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) with executive order 12333 in 1981, it was essentially an overthrow of the existing National Security Agency (NSA) which had always been a military organization run by a high-ranking officer. The DNI’s principle job is defined as overseeing the CIA and by doing so, the DNI is actually the head of all other intelligence agencies. But note, the DNI only “oversees” the CIA, it does not “control” the CIA.
Who is James Clapper?
There are 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies working for the federal government on issues of domestic and international intelligence in 10,000 locations with over 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances. Private “vendors” constitute 29% of the U.S. intelligence workforce and account for 49% of the overall intelligence community budget. The current DNI is James Clapper who lied under oath to Congress when he gave false testimony that the NSA does not collect any type of data on Americans. Clapper was the former chief operating officer for the British military intelligence company Detica, and also worked at the same time for two other private intelligence agencies, SRA and Booz Allen Hamilton.  
Clapper currently controls an annual budget of around $75 billion and was a former British private spy but could not figure out that the recent fake news propaganda against Trump was complete garbage. Yes, fellow patriots, you read this correctly. A man who is in charge of a $75 billion a year intelligence budget with a professional spy background couldn’t see through the CIA’s attempt to smear Trump’s integrity. But We the People armed with our independent truth media saw through it in a New York minute.
Key Point: In a country governed by the rule of law, which ours is not apparently, this type of smearing is called defamation of character and is illegal.
Clapper has the following agencies under his control: Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of State, Department of the Treasury, Defense Intelligence Agency, Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Marine Corps Intelligence, Navy Intelligence, Coast Guard Intelligence, Department of Energy, National Reconnaissance Office, Drug Enforcement Administration, and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. He ordered the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to place all the collected intelligence from these 17 agencies under his control. And remember that the CIA has the all-powerful “international security” clearance which gives Clapper a higher security position that any of the other agencies listed or our elected officials.
Ultimately, James A. Clapper (known liar and globalist) controls all intelligence in America YET has demonstrated himself to be an enemy of America. After gaining the highest security clearances in America, Clapper then worked for GeoEye, was on the board of three government contractors, worked for Detica (British military intelligence), BAE Systems, SRA International and Booz Allen Hamilton.   
From the outside it looks like Clapper works for himself out of a drive for power, control and money. He demonstrated his true nature when he left the services of America and worked for British and international private spy agencies, spying on America and using his security clearances as weapons against America. This is clearly demonstrated by his non-stop consolidation of power in the position of Director of National Intelligence. At this point, the president acts upon “intelligence” delivered by one man, James Clapper. When the intelligence is false, as it has been since Clapper was appointment by Obama, America can more easily be sold out to transnational, international, and globalist interests.  
Our research indicates that James Clapper usually hires outside intelligence agencies to conduct the most sensitive cases involving cyberwarfare. That is why Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee hired the most commonly used cyber warlord Dmitri Alperovitch and this company CrowdStrike to investigate the breach of security and hacking on the DNC server. Even though this was definitively a national security issue, Clapper and his gang of 17 intelligence agencies have yet to start an investigation.  Clapper simply “believed” and publicly endorsed, through Hillary’s false claims during the presidential debates, the ridiculous claims of Dmitri though no evidence has yet to come forward. Dmitri recently had two interviews on national news where he said repeatedly there was no evidence of Russian hacking the DNC and that the claims of Putin’s involvement was his own idea, again backed by no evidence.  
See our article Russian Hackers Found for more information on Alperovitch and CrowdStrike.
It is crystal clear that James Clapper has allowed the number one intelligence vendor for cyberwarfare, CrowdStrike, to dominate governmental and corporate cyber breaches.  To date, Dmitri and CrowdStrike have had many contracts to find and end cyber-attacks and have not successfully prosecuted a single hacker nor been able to secure any governmental system from attacks. It is also quite odd that Dmitri’s father, Michael Alperovitch, is the number one encryption code expert in America and has essentially created and controls the codes for most military information systems as well as many prominent corporate systems. Clapper didn’t seem to care that Dmitri was a criminal hacker arrested by the FBI and turned into their top cyber hacker against Russian gangsters stealing American’s identities through online scams. Michael Alperovitch was supposedly a Russian nuclear physicist who magically became a U.S. citizen that was hired by the biggest data systems in America to write and maintain encryption codes.  Essentially, just as complete control of the 17 intelligence agencies is control by Clapper, the encryption codes of America are controlled by one Russian—Michael Alperovitch.
Key Point: If James Clapper and Michael Alperovitch defected, the entire American intelligence community could collapse.  
Centralization of power in just a few people usually goes wrong and in this case it has gone very wrong. Clapper is not interested in accurate intelligence; he is simply a propaganda machine like the Nazi Bureau of Information. Clapper wants us to believe anything he says without any proof simply based upon the fact that “17 intelligence agencies” all agree with him. Essentially, any determination of James Clapper speaks for the other “16 intelligence agencies,” even if there is no evidence or whether any other agency was asked their opinion.  
War of the NSA versus the CIA
The domestic battle for America is highlighted in Obama’s recent executive order allowing the NSA’s complete surveillance of America and the world to be shared with the other 16 intelligence agencies before the NSA scrubs the stolen transmissions.  
How did this happen? Clapper was manipulated by the CIA’s leaks from Snowden, proving his testimony before Congress concerning NSA surveillance to be false. The CIA was compromised by the NSA leak, and the CIA’s main international offices in Geneva were found to be tied to Swiss banking scandals and CIA illegal activities. The CIA did not realize that every Cisco router and server had a back-door for NSA spying. The CIA was furious because their European headquarters was super-secret and the CIA believed it was un-hackable. The CIA demanded that the NSA stop spying on their criminal activities which included gold fixing and gold market manipulation with Swiss bankers. The NSA’s surveillance brought numerous Swiss bankers to justice and they were not willing to stop spying on the CIA because that information connected them to the work of many criminals that they were in league with.
In retaliation against the NSA, the CIA chose Edward Snowden, who was working for the CIA through Booz Allen Hamilton, to release stolen NSA documents that proved the NSA was illegally spying on Americans through computers, phones, and many other electronic devices. Snowden didn’t work for the NSA and did not have access to NSA files though he released a huge amount of data that confirmed the NSA’s surveillance. Michael Alperovitch’s CIA handlers ordered Snowden to turn over the NSA’s PKI encryption codes so that the CIA could enter the NSA’s system and steal the files needed to prove the NSA’s illegal surveillance. Snowden did not personally have access to those codes nor the information in the NSA system as part of his job.  
The CIA was not concerned about the NSA’s reputation and just wanted to stop the NSA from spying on them because the NSA had uncovered the nature of the three factions in the CIA that work against each other, an internal war of sorts. Clapper was called to the Congress and under oath swore that the NSA did not spy on Americans in any fashion. He perjured himself repeatedly with the lie that no surveillance was going on at all on any American. This was, of course, found to be false and that, in fact, the NSA spies on every American and even has a file for every person in America extracted principally from the Internet, Google, Facebook (all social media), every PC, phones, and bank accounts among other sources. Snowden’s “leaks” have become the bane of the NSA who now has to admit they certainly do spy on Americans because Obama expanded the NDAA to include Americans as warfare combatants.
The battle between the CIA and the NSA became public again when the CIA set up a sting that uncovered that Cisco Systems, a DARPA company, has built-in back doors on all their routers so that the NSA can spy undetected. The main stream media was even given videos of Cisco employees installing the backdoors in routers. The CIA found out about the back doors and made the information public to stop the NSA’s hacking of the CIA systems. Cisco Systems essentially controlled 100% of Internet traffic up until 1998 with a monopoly that was created as a DARPA project to weaponize the Internet as the ultimate intelligence collection tool.  When the CIA released these videos, Obama distanced himself from Cisco publicly and would not come to their aid because the evidence was overwhelming. Cisco lost $50 billion over the scandal and a good deal of confidence of the public but was not prosecuted.  
It was because of this battle between the CIA and the NSA and other intelligence agencies that lead to Obama’s recent executive order making available all the data from NSA spying to the other 16 intelligence agencies. Now, the CIA will know exactly what the NSA is collecting and then do better at hiding their own information systems and the criminal activity that is conducted on those systems. No longer can the NSA hide information from the Director of National Intelligence (James Clapper) and the CIA. Of course, this action would mean little if these agencies were not conducting illegal activities and were actually working for the American people and the Constitution of the United States of America. But we must remember that the CIA is in charge of international security which trumps the NSA’s national security.
Three Factions of the CIA
It is easy to see the war between the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies raging in the news.  But there is a great deal of confusion about actions that the intelligence agencies conduct that indicate that the war is much bigger and more complicated that most imagine. It is impossible to understand intelligence wars between these different agencies until the factions of the CIA are clearly pictured. The three factions of the CIA create most of the wars and the chaos surrounding them.
Anything “international” is the CIA’s concern, including currency wars, market wars, banking wars, cyber wars, and the wars on drugs and terrorism. Since Obama’s rewritten NDAA allows the military to target American citizens as domestic terrorists and enemy combatants, there are no limits for the CIA at this point. Everyone is considered a terrorist until proven innocent according to the Patriot Act. The CIA can label anyone, or any agency or company as an “international security” threat, even without evidence. This came about because the CIA split into three factions that act as double and triple agents, spying on everyone for profit as intelligence mercenaries. America is surrounded by CIA control and the Washington D. C. is besieged with CIA swamp monsters.
See our article on the NDAA as Legal Propaganda Against U.S. Citizens.
We need to tell the story of the three factions of the CIA to understand why chaotic dynamics led American politicians by the nose to such embarrassing stupidity as the NDI’s report that 17 intelligence agencies had irrefutable proof that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction.”  This false flag intelligence, which arose originally as a report from the CIA, caused the horrible deaths of untold numbers and cost the U.S. taxpayer more than $3 trillion dollars to date. The CIA produced the secret intelligence but never came forward and admitted their part in these crimes against humanity. The CIA usually uses false flag events to start wars and cause conflicts with other countries. The CIA uses false flags in America as legal propaganda to create narratives that control American perception management which is laced with subliminal control messaging that is tantamount to brainwashing.  
Faction #1: The Original CIA, aka, Gold-backed CIA
The original CIA started many years ago when the OSS, the original CIA, stole the gold and assets of the countries involved in WWII. The gold of Germany and Japan that had been amassed and stolen from many other countries during the war ended up in the hands of the CIA and couldn’t be openly admitted. The CIA was not about to give back the largest pile of gold ever amassed. This gold was outside of the U.S. and was being held in the Philippines and Switzerland. If it would have been brought back into America and added to the U.S. Treasury, it could have destabilized the dollar and world currencies.  
American politicians could not admit that they knew about this stolen loot so they let the CIA handle it. Over the years, numerous CIA banks, corporations, dummy companies, offshore accounts, and secret vaults were created to hold and launder this gold (and assets) into semi-legitimate operations. The CIA called these operations “The Company” and eventually the Company developed over 3,000 holdings. Some of these banks and corporations are among the largest in the world. The CIA “Company” became larger and more powerful than major countries. The operation was run on a strict “need to know” basis so that government officials always had “culpable deniability.” These operations became independent and after a while no one person was fully aware of all that the Gold-backed CIA (GB-CIA) was doing around the world.
The gold backed or GB-CIA was supposed to operate outside of the U.S. to protect American interests but national markets of currency, bonds, and stocks all have an “international” impact, which was the domain of the GB-CIA.  Accordingly, the GB-CIA infiltrated the U.S. Treasury and the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) which creates U.S. economic policy. The ESF has the ability to manipulate currency, bonds, and stock markets in America. The ESF is the organization that tells the Federal Reserve System what to do. The ESF can order the Treasury to print trillions of dollars (which they recently did) and tell the Federal Reserve what to do with the money. The ESF is one of the GB-CIA’s best tools for controlling U.S. national markets that subsequently effect international markets.  The GB-CIA essentially controls U.S. economy under the auspices of “international security.”
The GB-CIA is greedy and is never satisfied with what they have so they foment wars throughout the world to help establish central banking systems in all countries and to always be ready to strip assets and steal whatever they can. Imagine thousands of ruthless operations run by people who do not mind killing anyone who stands in their way. Think of all of the top bankers, brokers, and insiders around the Bush and Clinton families who have been shot, suicided, or had mysterious heart attacks or other unexplained deaths. There have been hundreds of these deaths that demonstrate the seriousness of GB-CIA operations. Once a person is made aware (complicit) of the evil criminal activities of the Company, participants are co-opted for life and must comply or meet their fate. Of course they are provided with everything they desire from the almost limitless resources of the GB-CIA. Even the most horrible and sick desires of these operatives are provided to appease the fact that operatives do not ever get to leave the Company and deep files of blackmail materials are maintained that can be used to assure silence and cooperation.  
The GB-CIA set up the worst forms of sexual depravities, pedophilia, and sacrificial rituals to provide opportunities to gain compromising video footage of operatives and the politicians they pulled into these sick and twisted activities. The GB-CIA created group after group that aimed to co-opt any person in power so that they could control all aspects of government and business to protect their interests and hidden strategies. The GB-CIA created many of the largest global pedophile rings online, which was recently admitted in the news by the CIA.  It also created the largest human sex trafficking market using U.S. charities that place refugees in America as one of their many sources.  The drug trafficking of the GB-CIA is very well known from the Iran-Contra scandal to the protected fields of poppies in Afghanistan. Drugs, sex, money, power, control and evil are the currencies of the GB-CIA that “buy” their operatives for life.
Faction #2: The Bush CIA  
These practices were made legal when George Bush Sr. was vice president, about the same time that all 16 intelligence agencies came under the control of one person, the Director of National Intelligence. Remember that it was Bush Sr., prior head of the CIA, who was actually calling the shots under Reagan from his second year in office when Reagan allowed Bush Sr. to become the head of U.S. foreign policy. This was an unprecedented event and gave Bush Sr. the go ahead to use CIA methods to “bring down Russia,” which he effectively accomplished.
During the “reign” of George Bush Sr., Russia’s currency was attacked and destabilized by Leo Wanta and George Soros using fake U.S. Treasury bonds and currency from the U.S. Treasury. Bush Sr.’s brother ran Riggs Bank which created an affiliate, Velment Bank, to launder the money and gold stolen from Russia. Some of the money was laundered through Mitt Romney’s company, Bain Capital. Once the USSR collapsed, Bush Sr. and the “Vulcans” (Bush’s Neocon strike force) stripped every asset they could from Russia, especially the oil that was in the countries that had split from the USSR. Bush Sr. and Kissinger made a personal fortune through the work of what would become a rogue faction of the CIA.  
Bush Sr. continued expanding his rogue CIA to include the White House, the Justice Department and the State Department. Any illegal activities of the rogue CIA were then forgiven by federal judges and State Department officials. This faction of the CIA, which we will call the Bush-CIA, is also called the Bush Criminal Family. Bush co-opted the Clinton’s even before Bill ran for governor of Arkansas. Obama’s mother was a CIA operative and Obama has been involved with the CIA since birth. Obama is completely a creation of the CIA. The problem with Obama is that he is involved with all three factions of the CIA and doesn’t know which way he is going. Thus, his chaotic policies attempted to please the original CIA and the Bush/Clinton criminal family.
Pizzagate recently brought forward the fact that John Podesta and his brother are not only the most powerful lobbyists in Washington but that they are also at the top of pedophilia in the U.S. government, and have been since the Reagan administration.  Bush Sr. actually ran the Reagan administration and pedophilia was commonplace in the White House and throughout the Washington elite. It was so commonplace that the ethics of congressmen went straight to hell because the White House itself was so openly involved in sex crimes at the highest levels. Numerous scandals rocked the White House and even reached the main stream media.  
No one was able to stop Bush Sr. from doing what he wanted because he controlled the CIA since the time that he led the CIA team that assassinated John Kennedy. Bush Sr. tried to assassinate Reagan but failed in the attempt. Eventually, the White House, the Justice Department, and the State Department were accustomed to running these perverse operations of the Bush-CIA and made sure no politician was ever convicted.  
Tensions Mount When the GB-CIA Finds Out About the Bush-CIA
George Bush Sr. was a secret CIA operative at the time of John Kennedy assassination.  He learned then that the GB-CIA had come to dominate the geopolitical realm internationally and that a convenient assassination or “regime change” could produce whatever desired effect the GB-CIA wanted. Bush Sr. was in charge of foreign policy and took his running orders from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which was filled with ex-CIA and intelligence operatives from government and industry. Bush Sr. acted as though he was following the policies of the CFR but may have been secretly envious of the GB-CIA’s wealth and power that he quickly became one of the most crooked politicians in American history. Bush Sr. developed blackmail files on everyone and made sure that political appointees were thoroughly indoctrinated and warned that straying from the path was dangerous and even fatal.  
Bush Sr. decided that Russia had gold, oil, and assets that could be stolen easily if he set up his own private CIA that would attack sovereign nations for profit. Bush Sr. fully understood the power of the GB-CIA to control U.S. economic interests, and his greed inspired him to create the Bush-CIA which was linked especially to Saudi Arabian, German, and Israeli intelligence. Bush Sr. wanted the wealth of the GB-CIA but he knew he could not personally own it, so he struck out on his own to conquer Russia and any other country or corporation that stood in his way.  
As the vice president, and later the president, Bush Sr. had to act as if he was a devoted follower of the GB-CIA while creating his own network of private intelligence agencies to help him “privatize.” That is why Bush Sr. became “best friends” with the Saudi royal family and eventually came to live the majority of his time in Saudi Arabia in the palaces of the royal family. Bush Sr. knew how to align himself him the world’s largest weapons dealers, drug lords, mafias, and corrupt bankers. Bush Sr. was free as the vice president to travel and conduct his business without any scrutiny from any governmental or law enforcement agency.  
Eventually, the GB-CIA became aware of the designs of the Bush-CIA and tension began to mount. Bush realized he would not be supported by the GB-CIA for a second term so he groomed his old CIA Iran-Contra buddy Bill Clinton to assume the role as the top political leader of the Bush-CIA. As Bush was exiting the White House he became a major leader of the Carlyle Group which owned Cheney’s Halliburton and 400 other companies focused on warfare, defense, and security. Bush Sr. became a billionaire from this one position. He also founded Barrick Gold Corporation which became the number one gold laundering corporation for GB-CIA gold. Bush Sr., Kissinger and the “Vulcans” capitalized on stealing the oil from the countries that exited the USSR.  
Bush Sr.’s brother had stolen much of the gold from Russia as George Soros and Leo Wanta (directed by Bush Sr.) collapsed the currency and made trillions. Bush Sr., in a matter of two years, became incredibly wealthy and even more powerful than before.  He had some loyal followers in the GB-CIA, but the division between the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA grew larger over time. The GB-CIA didn’t really need Bush Sr.’s wealth, they just needed his corporate and governmental connections. No one in the GB-CIA believed Bill Clinton was actually in charge because they knew he took his marching orders from Bush Sr.
Bill Clinton let his membership in the Bush Criminal family go to his head and he began making big mistakes. The GB-CIA provided Clinton with all of the illicit sex that he could handle until he became deluded and thought he could do anything and suffer no consequences. This led Bill and Hillary to create the most pathetic international money grab, under the auspices of a charity, in American history. Bill and Hillary began to think they were untouchable and this delusion led Hillary to believe she was entitled to be the first woman president – backed up by the Bush-CIA as she and Bill started accumulating their own wealth through the Clinton Foundation.
Bush Jr. followed in the footsteps of his father and did everything his dad told him to do – even though he was not smart enough to understand the orders. Bush Jr. kept the same Neoconservatives and Vulcans in his cabinet as Clinton and Bush Sr. had appointed. Essentially, the Bush-CIA made the two political parties into one party controlled by the same people. Voting was a formality because all candidates had to be screened and approved by the two political factions of the CIA.
Key Point: Bush Jr. and Sr., Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Obama are all the same party – CIA Globalists pushing for the New World Order which was Bush Sr. greatest dream. Had Bush Sr. had his way, the United Nations would own America under a New World Order and the CIA would run the United Nations.
Knowing about the Bush-CIA (the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Family), explains why Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton and Obama literally got away with murder during their administrations. Scandal after scandal and yet the Justice Department did nothing.  
Hillary brokered weapons deals from the State Department as Secretary of State and shook down 120 nations for donations to her personal foundation and yet the Justice Department and State Department closed their eyes. Hillary and Obama destroyed the Department of Defense through the Bush-CIA’s control of executive orders that conducted war without congressional approval, every day of Obama’s administration. And yet, only a few voices in the congress spoke up and pointed out these treasonous acts and crimes against humanity. It is this blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution and rule of law that has caused a greater rift between the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA.  
Faction #3: Ex-CIA
At this point, there are open hostilities between the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA and when you add the third faction of the CIA, the Ex-CIA, all hell breaks loose. When the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA operatives saw what was going on between the GB-CIA (that likes to “change regimes” and blackmail politicians and operatives with the most grotesque personal perversions) and the greedy, out-of-control power mongers of the Bush-CIA, the third CIA faction thought they should steal a part of the “action” themselves.  So many ex-CIA operatives left the government and went into the lucrative private intelligence agencies who do 65% of the intelligence work for America.  
This faction of the CIA is composed of ex-CIA and intelligence directors, agents, and operatives who are shuffled through the highest positions in government, banking, and the corporate world. The Ex-CIA was born as a chaotic group of operatives who have worked for the GB-CIA or the Bush-CIA. They have seen the endless money available for insiders and the Bush-CIA’s penchant for using private intelligence agencies to manipulate politicians, governments, and markets.
What is unique and telling about this third faction of the CIA is how their members rotate through the most powerful governmental and corporate jobs. Let’s just take James Comey, Head of the FBI as an example. Comey is a lawyer who was formerly the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Deputy Attorney General, Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin (one of the largest military contractors that “loses” trillions of dollars), General Counsel for Bridgewater Associates (CIA corporation), Board Member of HSBC (CIA Bank), HSBC Holdings (depository for GB-CIA gold), and then the Director of the FBI.  This is the usual type of career path of high level CIA operatives.  
Soon, we can expect Comey to move to another position where he makes a fortune protecting the very criminals he was supposedly prosecuting weeks before. Comey protected the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime family starting with his appointment as special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. He was also prosecutor in the Khobar Towers bombing, lead investigator in the Clinton pardon of Marc Rich, the investigation of Credit Suisse First Boston and foreign exchange trading scams, the domestic surveillance by the NSA, the HSBC Holdings scandal involving money laundering, and terrorism financing, the U.S. Attorney dismissal scandal, Hillary Clinton email scandal, the Apple scandal to install “back doors” on their computers, and many other similar cases. Comey is always there to do the bidding of all three factions of the CIA.
John Brennan, the current Director of the CIA was formerly the Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security, Station Chief in Saudi Arabia, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, CEO of The Analysis Corporation (intelligence network), Chairman of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (filled with ex-intelligence agents), lead intelligence officer for Global Strategies Group, Global Intelligence Solutions, and GTEC. Brennan’s term as CIA Director is noted for pervasive levels of global surveillance, massive number of drone strikes, hacking U.S. Senators, and CIA torture. When Obama wanted Brennan to be CIA Director, his nomination was blocked so Obama created a new position for Brennan called the Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, which did not require Senate confirmation.
Almost every former head of the CIA or FBI has similar career histories. One appointment after the next places them in key positions that protect the three factions of the CIA. Ex-CIA operatives play both sides of the fence working for the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA. Just look how James Comey was appointed to protect the Bush and Clinton families in his government appointment and then quickly moves into HSBC, one of the most corrupt CIA banks in the world, to protect them during its investigations. He protected Lockheed Martin when it was caught laundering money for the Bush-CIA.  Then Comey jumps back into the highest national intelligence position at the FBI to protect the Clintons again.  
Comey is a very good example of what has been the revolving door of CIA operatives in the government. Comey is an ex-CIA intelligence operative who works for the Bush-CIA and knows all about the GB-CIA. Comey is a shining example of the corruption that pervades American politics and international corporate warfare. Comey, Brennan, and Clapper provide the intelligence for the president, the military and all agencies in the U.S. government. They ostensibly control America because our military and politicians are only as good as the intelligence they are provided.
Three CIA Factions Fight One Another in Syria
Key Point: The three factions of the CIA can create tremendous confusion and hostilities.  
If you were confused by who and what is the CIA, now you can see why it has all been confusing. It is hard to know who is on whose side. The operatives change sides frequently and pretend to support one side or another depending upon the situation.  When one faction or another decides an operative has been compromised, they simply kill him. There has been a long list of ex-CIA operatives who have killed themselves even though they had all the riches and power a person could imagine. The hostilities between the three factions eventually boiled over into total chaos during the Obama years.  You can now read in the headlines of mainstream media news that Obama created and funds ISIS. Obama sent ISIS into Syria under orders of the GB-CIA to conduct a “regime change” because Syria would not let a pipeline be built from Iraq to the western shores of Syria. Obama supplied and funded the mercenaries (ISIS) who claim to be Muslim terrorists who are fighting Syria’s sovereign king. Obama also used the Bush-CIA to fund, supply, and train Syrian rebels. Obama also uses ex-CIA operatives to fund, supply and train Kurdish rebels.
All three CIA factions are operating in Syria and the entire world has noticed. Recent reports in mainstream media point out that the CIA is fighting pentagon supported troops in Syria. In one recent instance outside of Aleppo, three different American supported groups were fighting each other. This embarrassment has caused Obama to go into high gear and force James Clapper to “invent” intelligence that would distract from the Syrian fiasco.  Fake news about the DNC election hacking, nonsense about Trump being blackmailed by Russia, and Homeland Security’s pathetic attempts to hack into voter databases have all been a smoke screen to distract from Obama’s personal war in Syria.
Clapper, Brennan and Comey were happy to agree that 17 intelligence agencies all agreed to these false flag attempts at perception management. All these ridiculous attacks on Trump have backfired and instead have shown a glaring light on the corruption, collusion, globalism, and Anti-American disposition of the three factions of the CIA.
Trump – the Anti-CIA Warrior
Trump has become enemy number one for all three factions of the CIA because he stands against globalism and promotes the rule of law. The CIA factions thought they were above the law and had become so lax in their gross misuse of power that they are in “shock and awe” at the victory of Trump’s anti-globalism, anti-New World Order platform. They are now frantically trying to cover their evil footprints and muster all three factions to openly discredit and stop Trump from doing what Kennedy had promised – dismantle the CIA.  
Trump is fully aware that his life is in extreme danger from the people who murder without hesitation to protect the CIA and its various interests around the world. Trump was the wild card they could have never imaged and they have no real “dossier” on Trump because there is no more dirt on Trump than already came out in the election.  Trump is clean of involvement with all three factions of the CIA and knows that the only way to win America back for Americans is to confront the CIA and the corporate intelligence networks and close them down. Trump knows that he cannot trust any Washington insider because they may be compromised already and under the thumb of CIA blackmail and control.
Side note: Trump is wise not to set up office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where every room in the place is infested with CIA listening devices. Patriots, we need to support funding for a total interior gutting and renovation of the White House!
Even the international players in the global CIA game have come out from hiding and are attacking Trump with everything they have. George Soros, who works for all three CIA factions from time to time, has now come out proudly on the world stage to attack Trump openly and he is using every one of his political groups to foment dissent. Even the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateralists, the members of the Bohemian Grove, and the Council of Foreign Relations have had extraordinary meetings to plan strategies to stop Trump from becoming president. Every evil cabal in the world is nervous, if not downright “out of their minds” at this point. They have tried killing him, bribing him, offering him endless power, and all the usual methods that work on others all in vain.  Trump is still moving forward and amassing a cabinet of the most powerful people in America. All three CIA’s are terrified by the fact that no one can control Trump and that he is not interested in the vices the CIA usually deals in.  
How to Stop the Overthrow of America by the CIA
The Anonymous Patriots have in prior articles been so bold as to lay out a plan to stop the overthrow of America by transnational interests. These ideas will only work if the three factions of the CIA are first brought under control or defeated. This will be the most difficult task of all that our new president faces. None of these ideas can be accomplished without a fantastic team of honest lawyers who will have to prosecute many people. That is why investigating, auditing and assessing governmental agencies will be one of the first tasks. These lawyers will have to gather the evidence for convictions by “following the money” and seizing assets and prosecuting individuals and corporations.
Here is a list of the tasks needed if the CIA control of America is to be broken.
Investigate George Bush Sr.’s involvement in Kennedy’s death, the assassination attempt on Reagan, the economic collapse of the USSR, his involvement with Barrick Gold, Riggs Bank, Velment Bank, the Brady Durham Bond scandal, the attacks of 911, his involvement with the Azerbijan Commerce Committee’s theft of oil, both Iraq wars, and his work with the Carlyle Group.  
Dissolve the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and let the NSA again resume its role as the leader of the intelligence community.
Repeal the Patriot Act and the NDAA and dissolve the office of Homeland Security.
End the NSA surveillance of Americans through Cisco routers, Intel processors, I-phones, Microsoft software, Google spying, Facebook spying, and network broadcasting of subliminal programming.
Audit and dissolve DARPA, the Defense Research Advanced Research Projects Agency, where the technology for surveillance and weaponized information systems are developed.  
Audit and dissolve In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s form of DARPA, that uses the SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) as its industrial application arm.
End the Highlands Forum (Group) that tells DARPA and In-Q-Tel what to focus their research on.
End the Council on Foreign Relations because it is the policy maker for the military industrial complex of America and keeps America entangled in continuous war and conflict.  It is another home for globalism like the United Nations.
Audit the Economic Stabilization Fund and then end the CIA’s control of the ESF returning control to the Treasury Department.
Seize the assets of Barrick Gold Corporation and prosecute the company for theft and gold laundering.
Return the assets stolen from USSR satellite countries that Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger orchestrated. Prosecute the entire Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (Dick Cheney, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft, James Baker, Lloyd Bentsen, Richard Armitage, and Richard Perle).
Dissolve Obama’s ISIS mercenaries and end the fake war on terrorism.
Rescind Obama’s additions to the National Defense Authorization Act and his executive orders that consolidate presidential powers that establish control over Americans that bypass existing U.S. laws.
Try Obama and Clinton for war crimes for bombing seven sovereign nations without congressional approval.
Investigate George Bush Jr.’s involvement with the second Iraq war and the false flag events of 911.
Investigate, audit, and close the CIA.  Audit all companies that are alleged to have been started with CIA funds and seize their assets.
Establish new laws that prevent U.S. intelligence operatives from working for international intelligence agencies.
Stop using privately owned intelligence agencies for U.S. governmental contracts.
Establish new laws that prevent U.S. intelligence personnel and government regulators from working for companies that they previously monitored and regulated.
Seize the stolen gold that the CIA holds and launders through Barrick Gold, CIA banks, the Zurich gold repository, and the U.S. Federal Reserve System and central banks throughout the world.
Seize all CIA offshore accounts.
Release the stolen CIA funds George Soros and Leo Wanta acquired through currency manipulation in Russia.
Return the CIA stolen gold to its country of origin: Spain, China, Germany, France, Russia, Japan and the other countries it was taken from.
Audit gold throughout the world and establish a new base-line for gold commodities worldwide.
Streamline U.S. intelligence and stop contracting with transnational, global, corporations.
Trump as Defender of the Spirit of America
These suggestions are a beginning and can only be accomplished through great effort and sacrifice. America is in a Second American Revolution and Donald Trump is our George Washington, who was himself a reluctant president who took the job because of the deplorable conditions of his time.  
Washington was a seasoned soldier who had led the first charge of the French and Indian War and had two horses shot out from underneath him during the battle but continued on to victory.  Afterwards, he found nine bullet holes in his hat and clothes.  Trump is similarly on his third horse, having defeated the many Republican contenders and then defeated Queen Hillary, who already had put the crown upon her own head. Now, the many bullets that Clapper, Comey, and Brennan have aimed at him have come close and put holes in his clothes but have not injured him.  
Trump is being protected and inspired by the same spirit that inspired our founders who “put their lives on the line” for the country they loved. And like those founders, Trump envisions an America where the tenets of the U.S. Constitution are worth fighting for to establish freedom and American liberties. A New American Revolution is upon us and the minutemen have come out in force to elect Donald Trump as our commander and chief in the war on globalism that wishes to crush America.  
May President Trump be granted the strength, courage and wisdom that filled George Washington, even in his darkest days in Valley Forge. May that same spirit of Columbia that inspired our founders to create a free and just America, also guide and bless our new president, the leader of the battle to take back America.

Trump Offers Father Down on His Luck $10,000 Check at Inaugural Event

A FedEx courier and former security guard from Illinois was surprised with an invitation to meet with Donald Trump after the President-elect saw a story on the struggling single father. But the special meeting wasn’t the only surprise. The young man was stunned when Trump presented him with a check for $10,000.

Shane Bouvet, a 23-year-old single dad, was featured in a Washington Post story highlighting his visit to D.C. to support Donald Trump’s inauguration.
The paper revealed that Bouvet was headed to D.C. in a borrowed suit and donated shoes to celebrate Trump’s oath of office.

“This is pretty much the biggest thing I’ve done in my life,” Bouvet told the paper. “I don’t get out much. I’m a small-town, blue-collar guy.”

But a mere visit to Washington to see this historic day was far from the only notable thing about Bouvet’s visit, because Trump himself saw the paper’s feature on Bouvet and invited the young man to a one-on-one meeting.
On Thursday, only a day before he took the oath of office to become the 45th president of the United States of America, Donald Trump met Mr. Bouvet, shook his hand, and offered some help.

“This is the greatest guy,” Trump said as he shook Bouvet’s hand in a tented area behind the Lincoln Memorial on Thursday, the Post reported.

Bouvet called his father and had him say hello to the president in waiting. The President-elect laughed that Bouvet’s father, who is also named Don, has “a great name.”

After Bouvet’s phone call back home, Trump signed autographs for the young man’s son and then came the big surprise.

As Mr. Bouvet prepared to end his historic meeting with the President-elect, Donald Trump handed him a personal check for $10,000.

As he walked away stunned and crying, Bouvet muttered aloud, “Did that just happen?”

The US Military Just Gave Obama The Most Embarassing Farewell Ever! You Won’t Believe How

Even though Obama thinks incredibly highly of himself, there’s one group of people who unfortunately for Obama and his inflated ego, do not share the same sentiments. After 8 years of treating our military service men and women like complete crap, our military just stuck it to Obama in a huge way, in a public display that left Obama completely embarrassed on Wednesday night.

After hilariously deciding to nominate himself for the prestigious Distinguished Public Service Medal, Obama attended his farewell ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia on Wednesday, which was supposed to be a highly-celebrated final event honoring him as the military’s Commander-in-Chief.


But as Obama made his way to the podium after accepting his self-appointed award for his “service” to the military, a packed stadium and thunderous applause was quite the opposite scene that greeted him, as he scanned the auditorium with his nose in the air.


Everyone could immediately see the alarm set in on Obama’s face as he looked around the auditorium, only to see rows and rows of empty chairs filling the stadium. Hilariously, the only people even there to hear him drone on about his “accomplishments” were the Soldiers who were actually in the ceremony, and forced to be there as part of their military duties.

After 8 years of committing treason against the American people and getting more of our service men and women killed by continuing to release Muslim terrorists from GITMO, what happened to Obama on Wednesday night couldn’t have been more deserving. Despite how many awards this treasonous ass decides to give himself, to most of our military, he will always be remembered as the leader who did nothing but strengthen our enemies during his entire tenure as president.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Congratulations President Trump!














S T O P S .................KAPISH??

Thursday, January 19, 2017





Juris Prudence 38a

38A C.J.S.
There cannot be a grand jury de facto when there is a grand jury de jure.61 It has been held that the de facto officer doctrine applies to an improperly appointed grand juror.62
§ 10.
§ 8. - - Grand Juries for Special Terms
Subject to statutory limitations, if any, a court authorized to hold a special term has power to convene a grand jury for such term. Library References Grand Jury e;.1.
Improper Purpose
A court authorized to hold a special term has power to convene a grand jury for such term 53 under express statutory authority 54 or in the ab7 sence of a statutory limitation.55 However, the court is bound by any statutory limitation on its power to call a grand jury to serve at a special term.56
§ 9.
It is improper to use grand jury proceedings merely to elicit evidence for use in a civil case or to prepare a pending indictment for trial.
Research Note Improper purpose for subpoena is treated infra § 137. Library References Grand Jury e;.1, 24-26.
De Facto Grand Jury or Juror
Authorities differ as to whether there can be a de facto grand jury. Library References Grand Jury e;.1.
There is no such thing as a de facto grand jury in a federal court.57 Likewise, some state courts assert that there is no such thing as a de facto grand jury;58 but other state courts take a view to the contrary.59 It has been held that the acts of a de facto grand jury are valid in the absence of fraud or prejudice.60
53. N.J.-State v. Bolitho, 136 A 164, 103 N.J.Law 246, affirmed 146 A 927, 104 N.J.Law 446-State v. McDevitt, 87 A 123, 84 N.J.Law 11, affirmed 90 A ']j1,7, 85 NJ.Law 731. 54. Ky.-Sowders v. Commonwealth, 248 S.W. 187, 197 Ky. 834. Tex.-Lennon v. State, 26 S.W.2d 227, 114 Tex.Cr. 5OD-Hickox v. State, 253 S.W. 823, 95 Tex.Cr. 173. 55. Cal.-People v. Carabin, 14 C. 438. 56. Tex.-Terrell v. State, 139 S.W.2d 108, 139 Tex.Cr. 130. 57. U.S.-U.S. v. McKay, D.C.Micb., 45 F.Supp. 1007. 58. Tenn.-Roberts v. State, 247 S.W. 101, 147 Tenn. 323. 59. A1aska-State v. Roark, App., 705 P.2d 1274. Cal.-Ex parte Haymond, 27 P. 859, 91 C. 545-1n re Gannon, 11 P. 240, 69 C. 541. N.Y.-People v. Petrea, 92 N.Y. 1']j1,. Wis.-State v. Wescott, 217 N.W. ']j1,3, 194 Wis. 410. 60. Tenn.-State v. McFarland, Cr.App., 638 S.W.2d 416. 61. IlL-People v. Brautigan, 142 N.E. 208, 310 ill. 472. 62. A1aska-State v. Roark, App., 705 P.2d 1274. Tex.-Howard v. Stale, App. 9 Dist., 704 S.W.2d 575. 63. :U.S.-U.S. v. Sells Engineering, Inc., Cal., 103 S.Ct. 3133, 463 U.S. 418, 77 LEd.2d 743. Exclusively criminal Grand jury investigation is not conducted in good faith unless it is used to conduct investigations that are in their inception exclusively criminal.
Use of grand jury proceedings merely to elicit evidence for use in a civil case is improper per se.63 Government attorneys may not use a grand jury proceeding to gain advantages in a civil case which they are not entitled to. 64 It is improper to use a grand jury for the primary purpose of strengthening the government's case on a pending indictment or as a substitute for discovery.65 The government may not utilize a grand jury for the sole or primary purpose of gathering evidence for use in a pending trial,66 or of preparing a pending indictment for trial,67 or of securing addjtional, postindictment evidence to be used at trial. 68 However, there appears to be some authority to the contrary.69 Where no further in-
U.S.-Matter of Grand Jury Proceedings, Miller Brewing Co., CAWis., 687 F.2d 1079, on rehearing 717 F.2d 1136.
64. D.C.-Synanon Church v. U.S., D.C., 579 F.Supp. 967, affirmed
820 F.2d 421, 261 U.S.App.D.C. 13. 65. U.S.-U.S. v. Gibbons, CAOkl., 607 F.2d 1320.
66. U.S.-U.S. v. Phillips, D.C.ill., 577 F.Supp. 879.
67. U.S.-In re Grand Jury Proceedings, CAl(Puerto Rico), 814 F.2d 61-U.S. v. Woods, C.AMich., 544 F.2d 242, certiorari denied Hurt v. U.S., 97 S.Ct. 787, 429 U.S. 1062, 50 L.Ed.2d 778, Blair v. U.S., 97 S.Ct. 1652, two cases, 430 U.S. 969, 52 LEd.2d 361, certiorari denied 97 S.Ct. 1652, 430 U.S. 969, 52 LEd.2d 361, Jackson v. U.S., 97 S.Ct. 2675, 431 U.S. 954, 53 L.Ed.2d 270 and Kilpatrick v. U.S., 97 S.Ct. 2675, 431 U.S. 954, 53 L.Ed.2d 270, rehearing denied 97 S.Ct. 2689, 431 U.S. 960, 53 LEd:2d 279. U.S. v. Raphael, S.D.N.Y., 786 F.Supp. 355, affirmed U.S. v. Alegria, 980 F.2d 830. 68. U.S.-U.S. v. Doss, CATenn., 545 F.2d 548, rehearing 563 F.2d 265. In re Grand Jury Matter No. 86--525-5, E.D.Pa., 689 F.Supp. 454. N.Y.-People v. Heller, 472 N.Y.S.2d 824, 122 Misc.2d 991. 69. Pa.-Commonwealth v. Lang, 537 A2d 1361, 517 Pa 390.

Repeal the United Nations Participation Act of 1945

The  Time  has  Come:  Repeal  the  United  Nations  Participation  Act 

One more day should not pass before the United States Congress votes to immediately halt all funding to the United Nations and end our membership in the U.N., largely comprised of our enemies, which falsely presents itself as an organization dedicated to worldwide freedom, liberty and “social justice” for all. 
Not only does the U.N. support terrorism, it is anti-American and anti-Israeli, and through U.N. schemes, like Agenda 2030 and “sustainable development”, the U.N. promotes tyranny and the subversion of any mechanism for freedom, such as our U.S. Constitution, thus promoting the suppression of the unalienable rights of all mankind.
The U.N. claims that it seeks to create a peaceful world and protect human rights and yet many of the world’s most troublesome and violent nations and human rights violators — Russia, China, Indonesia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Cuba — sit on the U.N. Human Rights Council. 
One should recall that the United States was removed from the U.N. Human Rights High Commission in 2001 in retaliation for the U.S.’s defense of Israel, an all time high point for U.N. hostility towards the U.S.
U.S. taxpayers’ money far too often is placed against American values and interests whenever the United States gives it to the U.N. This occurs because the U.N. majority of votes is held by the undemocratic 57 member nations of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the 120 member Non-Aligned Movement, chaired by Iran from 2012 to 2015. And so, the U.N.’s World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva, heavily funded by the U.S., was able to pass dual-use nuclear technology to Iran and North Korea without batting an eye.
Did this promote peace? And does arming and supplying Hamas terrorists promote peace?
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees has embedded itself with Hamas terrorists who have formed close ties with the Islamic State over the past two years, and rocket arsenals have been found numerous times in UNRWA’s U.S. funded schools. UNRWA-provided construction materials are used in Hamas tunnels which are staging areas for terrorist attacks that kill innocent Israeli citizens and the Leftist Obama administration must tacitly approve of this Palestinian initiative, since it has sent $380 million annually to the UNRWA.
In 2011, did the Durban III Conference in New York and the U.N. legitimization of the Palestinian recognition initiative promote peace or an OIC agenda?
Shortly after Durban III, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton noted: “You just don’t read about it.  You just don’t hear about it in the media. But the pervasiveness of the anti-Zionism and anti-Americanism is there as an undercurrent — all the time.”
And if the December 23rd, 2016 UN Resolution 2334 is not one step too far for the American people, just how far will we go with the U.N.’s madness? Not much further, I suspect, especially once one looks at the U.N. Resolution 16/18, the Small Arms Treaty and Agenda 2030.
With the treason gene dancing nimbly through her mind daily in December 2012, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton colluded with the 57 Islamic nations of the OIC to abrogate the First Amendment. They met in New York City to formulate a strategy that would convince the U.S. Senate to ratify U.N. Resolution 16/18, which criminalizes any criticism of Islam, essentially criminalizing free speech and a bedrock of our U.S. Constitution and our American heritage.
The Small Arms Treaty, adopted in April 2013, is another anti-American U.N. initiative aimed at the Second Amendment. It prohibits exporting conventional weapons, including personal firearms, to nations with poor human rights records. Since U.N. officials regularly fabricate “human rights abuses” against the U.S., this “treaty” would be a strong nuisance if applied against us. Registration of all firearm imports down to the final purchaser is also demanded, which would be used as the next step towards private firearms confiscation and heavily resisted in America.
The U.N. currently strives to implement Agenda 2030, with its expected $3 to $5 trillion annual price-tag, and its undisguised plan for global socialism and fascism [i.e. corporatism]. Goal Ten calls on U.N. members and every single person worldwide to “reduce inequality within and among countries”, which can only be made possible, according to the U.N., “if wealth is shared and income inequality is addressed”. Basically, this confiscates Western wealth, shrinks their economies through Big Government policies and “redistributes” [gives] their money to authoritarian/ totalitarian Third World regimes, rather than their impoverished victims, keeping the tyrants in power.
Agenda 2030’s premise that the world’s current rate of consumption is “unsustainable” is based on fallacies straight out of Malthusian philosophy. The West does not have to reduce their consumption of everything — meat, cars, electrical appliances, convenience foods, air-conditioning, or expansive and modest housing — as suggested by U.N. globalists, in order that poor countries can have more and the world can achieve a “sustainable” balance. All that is required is keeping the independent spirit of freedom alive that opens the creative and innovative minds of men, which has always led to a prosperous reality.
Agenda 2030 will be forced on all the citizens of nations willing to use government coercion. Nowhere does it protect individual rights and the unalienable rights granted to all men by our Creator. Its ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ absolutely denies individuals parental control over their children and the right to self-defense.
Thankfully, U.N. treaties, including the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, signed by any U.S. President do not hold any enforceable weight of law, e
Is it any wonder that former U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) introduced legislation every year he was in Congress to withdraw our membership in the U.N.?
All Americans who wish to preserve freedom and liberty for their children’s children and beyond must eradicate the U.N.’s clear and present danger to the sovereignty and survival of the United States. We must fervently urge President Donald Trump and the 115th Congress to totally repeal the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and expel the U.N. from the United States completely, releasing the $7.7 billion wasted on the U.N.’s validation of tyrants for better uses in America.  
And from this day ’til the end of time, let America stand only with those nations that are willing to bear any burden and fight the good fight against any foe to assure that future generations live in Freedom and Liberty.


CIA Article AMB Wanta


AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc.
Office of the Chairman / Chief Executive Officer
Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
S.D.R. Diplomatic Passport No. 04362, 12535
4001 North 9 th Street, Suite No. 227
Arlington, Virginia, USA  22203-1954
Commonwealth of Virginia
White House INTEL Files Received and Acknowledged -
This widely distributed article - below-mentioned  The Millennium Report is partially false and partially true exposing 3 CIA factions, et al. It mentions U.S. President Ronald Wilson Reagan's Mandated Secret Agent - under The Totten Doctrine [ 92 U.S. 105, 107 ] and the Truman Doctrine.
[ Reference : The Hellenic Republic of Greece Financial Takedown by The European Financial Vultures - and NOW Leo E. Wanta is wrongfully mentioned has an alleged part of their CIA working groupe with the Malaysian Government Conviction of  George Soros and now the Bush Families previous incidents; WHEN IN FACT, Ambassador Wanta was President Ronald Wilson Reagan's SECRET AGENT [ Leo E. Wanta and Associates, Inc / an American Corporation with DCI William Casey and a certain U.S. Senator on their Board of Directeurs ; AS WELL AS, President Reagan's Presidential Executive Order No. 12333; Acting U.S. President William J. Clinton's U. S. Congress Demands for Implementation of H.R. 3723 - U.S. CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS OF FORMER ARKANSAS GOVERNOR WILLIAM J. CLINTON, AND THE ARKANSAS DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL AUTHORITY [ ADFA ] FOREX [ FOREIGN EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES - OPERATION : DEALROOM ] RELATIONSHIPS OF " Japanese Yen " CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS WITHIN BANK of CHINA - Peking, PRC;  et al,  AMONG OTHER QUESTIONABLE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY TRANSACTIONS; FULLY DOCUMENTED CLASSIFIED INTELLIGENCE [ INTEL ] FILES; OFFICIAL INVESTIGATIONS and DIPLOMATIC INFORMATIONAL DATA; INCLUDING THE DOCUMENTED AND ACTIVE " BOLAND AMENDMENT VIOLATIONS OF THEN ACTING VICE PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH, Sr. "  
If possible, Please check out this highly questionable mis-information and exactly which State Agent Provocateurs are involved. What is truly accurate and what continues to be false in this alleged G2G information? 

CNN Hypes Obama Appointing New President after Assassination of Trump at Inauguration

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Weapons Cache Found In DC Ahead of Inauguration: Guns in Violin Case

If you don't think the radical left is out to no good, just take a look at this story of a woman who discovered guns in a violin case in Washington, DC just ahead of the Inauguration on Friday, January 20.
ABC News reports:
A walker in Washington came across two guns in a violin case along the Potomac River on Wednesday, leading police to find several other weapons stashed in the area, officials said.
U.S. Park Police said a woman walking in the woods near the C&O Canal, which runs along the river, found the case. When law enforcement officers arrived, they found more guns and ammunition — some in pails, others in plastic garbage bags.
"At this point, we don't know how they got there, why they're here or when they got here," police spokeswoman Sgt. Anna Rose said.
She said officers found a variety of weapons, including long guns and pistols.
"Nobody ever hikes on that side of the canal,"
"Nobody ever hikes on that side of the canal" where the violin case was found, said Barbara Joan Saffir. "People walk on the towpath."

So, is this more evidence that those who are seeking to disrupt the inauguration of Donald Trump are hell bent on actually taking him out?  Have those on the left simply exposed themselves to be the criminals we all knew they were?   Will there be an attempt on Donald Trump's life because he has called out the corruption in the media and DC?

We already know that Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah has fired a DC General of the National Guard, effective on Friday at 12:01pm.
We are only a couple of days from finding out.

Personally, I am hopeful, no matter all his flaws, that Trump will be used to expose the criminal activities of DC politicians, both Republican and Democrat and that we will see justice brought on their heads.

Letter to Trump

Hi Freewill,
Could you post this on Nesara?


The Final Lamb, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 21


By Anna Von Reitz

The Bible is essentially an Egyptian-retelling of Hebrew history liberally edited numerous times by groups with axes to grind.  What remains is a very strange book indeed.
Even the name of the Bible is peculiar.  The words "Holy Bible" translate as "Sun Book".  Why?  Because the Egyptians who created it worshiped a sun god, Amon Ra, and their object in compiling the Bible was very different from what we assume. 
Didn't it ever strike you as odd that the Hebrews, out there roaming around in the desert, managed to compile such a record as the Bible presents? 
Well, the fact is, they didn't.  The Egyptians and Ethiopians compiled and kept it for them from the time of Joseph to the burning of the Great Library at Alexandria and beyond.
 It's an Egyptian Monotheist search for the True God that preserved the history of the Hebrews and later, the history of the Israelites, and as a result what comes down to us is seen through Egyptian-colored lenses.
This is also why you have been taught to say, "Amen" at the end of every prayer. This is like saying, "Dear Father in Heaven....blah, blah, blah.....Egyptian Sun God". 
We assume that "Amen" means "It shall be so." and that it is like a seal confirming the missive sent Heavenward, but like so many other things ---what we assume is undermined by other meanings of the same or similar sounding words.
Now, it may seem ridiculous and surely our Creator knows what we intend, so that no heartfelt communication is wasted----yet imagine the irony of it, that virtually every prayer in Christendom is factually indistinguishable from the prayers of Ancient Egyptian sun worshipers?
The Egyptians and Ethiopians were by far the largest contributors to the preservation of the history of the Hebrews and Hebrew writings in general until the time of the Romans, when  the Romans took over the task of preserving, editing, and passing along the bits that served their purposes.
And the Romans were nothing, if not pragmatic.
The story of Jesus that they allowed to come forward is tailored to suit the Roman desire to preserve the Pax Romanus, the Roman Peace, and to inculcate the values of good citizenship---- that is, acquiescence to indentured servitude and slavery-- among the conquered races. 
The Jesus we have inherited is a watered-down and tamed version of the actual story, and central to His story, are facts that we are never, ever told.  Jesus lived in Nazareth all right, and so, he is called "a Nazarene", but more importantly, he was also a Nazorean.  More of the usual similar word deceits have been used to cover up this fact.
The Nazoreans were a populous sect inhabiting the Galilea area and standing as a buffer between the Samaritans to the North and the Temple Hebrews of the South.  To put it mildly, Jesus came from the wrong side of the tracks, despite his bloodline to King David.
The Nazoreans as a group-- to which John the Baptist also belonged --- were famous for being polluted with Egyptian and Samaritan mysticism.  This is part of why the Pharisees were so offended by the popularity of a Nazorean---and fearful of it, too.
The many miracles attributed to Jesus were derided as circus tricks among the educated Pharisees who were themselves adherents of the Great Abomination, Semiramis, and practitioners of idolatry and supporters of her moneychangers sitting in the Temple Courtyard.
When Jesus drove the moneychangers from the Temple and raised Lazarus from the dead, they knew they had to do something about him or lose their own shooting match.  So they colluded with the Romans who were not happy with the prospect of a political uprising of the natives to put an end to His ministry.
Thus the charge against Jesus was that he was (according to the Roman viewpoint) claiming to be "King of the Jews" and was a threat to Roman rule in the Levant, but the charge against Jesus from the standpoint of the Pharisees is never revealed. 
They condemned him as a Nazorean Necromancer for raising Lazarus from the dead.
The Nazoreans have throughout history been a secretive sect. After the death of John the Baptist and the crucifixion of Jesus and the razing of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD the larger portion of the Nazoreans came to settle in the Tigris-Euphrates Delta, a vast swamp, where their descendants have lived ever since. 
Over the twenty intervening centuries the blend of Ancient Samaritan, Hebrew and Egyptian mysticism they started out with has been blended with the mysticism of their Muslim neighbors and the surviving Nazoreans have been hunted like animals through the swamps of the Fertile Crescent by successive waves of Bounty Hunters dispatched by the German and British and Russian and American governments. 
Why?  To discover their secrets---- and pound them out of the survivors.
Persistent rumors of "Angelic weapons" in the area inhabited by the Nazoreans provided the impetus for this action.  It was said that the remaining Nazoreans were the guardians of weapons that pre-dated the Flood of Noah, and that like the Ark of the Covenant, these weapons were of divine origin and surpassing power. 
The Biblical references to Four Angels being "bound" in the same area and being released in the Latter Days gave credence to the claims and so from the days of Hitler's search for the Aryans (Orions) to now, the Nazoreans have been hunted and tortured and decimated for their knowledge in the most systematic and ferocious genocide of modern times.
Russian efforts finally yielded pay dirt two years ago with the recovery of "Gabriel's Hammer".
This weapon dates from the Great Plasma War which occurred 32,000 years ago.  Positioned in Antarctica it is able to punch down or pull up large sections of the Earth's crust by as much as 400 vertical feet.  Smaller models of the same technology can suspend or alter the laws of gravity----handy for dropping missiles and airplanes out of the air, or sinking battleships to the bottom of the sea.
Conventional warfare as it has existed on the planet is at an end, and the Russians hold the winning hand.   They continue to scour Syria and loot Sirian (as in Sirius B) archeological sites for the remaining three "angels".  If there are any Nazoreans left on Earth, they are few and far between.
From these sobering ruminations we must rouse ourselves and ask--- what of the Lamb of God?  Was he not sacrificed once and for all, for the goats and sheep alike, for all debts in all jurisdictions of the Earth?  Yes.  That was the deal.  All our sins--- that is, all our debts --- are "fore-given" before we can even commit them.  The slate is wiped clean and our debts and mistakes no longer stand between Heaven and Earth. Our Father no longer remembers our transgressions.
So how is it that we are being plagued by Rome---  the Roman Catholic Church --- with accusations of indebtedness, after they have claimed and seized hold of all the corporate governments on Earth and absorbed all the riches of both land and sea?  Why aren't our debts being paid for by these feckless Trustees? And paid in every jurisdiction?
Why, indeed?
Jesus, the Nazorean, triumphed over Satan.  The contest wasn't even close.  Yet, over time, Satan's followers embedded within the Church have found their ways and means and most of all, their excuses for not paying up---- especially on their home turf, the international jurisdiction of the sea.   
First, we were told that only confessing Christians could inherit the Kingdom--- and only Roman Catholics were confessing Christians, so that left everyone else out.   
But no, that was not The Deal. 
Satan was allowed to do his worst and he failed.  He lost the bet.  Both the goats and the sheep belong to Jesus, the Nazorean, and Satan has no claim against them.  All people of all faiths, existing in all jurisdictions, have been bought and paid for---and set free. 
All other pretensions are nothing but filthy, dirty lies.
Second, we were told that we are bound by the Doctrine of Scarcity, that there just isn't enough to go around, and that's why people starve to death and die of thirst, the reason we must allow abortion to prevent overpopulation and the excuse for so many other evils.
But that isn't true, either.
This planet was blessed with inexhaustible resources, far more than enough to provide all the actual needs and many of the vain wants of every man, woman, and child ever born. 
Any claim otherwise is simply another filthy, dirty lie and a blasphemy against our Father who has loved us and provided for us and lifted us up as true sons and daughters.
As beneficiaries of the Divine Trust, it is long past time for us to sit up and take notice and action: what possible excuse is there, that all our debts aren't being paid?  Every single one of them?  Literally?
We are all Exempt and all our "vessels" in trade and commerce alike are "pre-paid" and tax percuse----goats and sheep alike. 
We have no further need of "redemption" for all have been redeemed for all time, and yet, the reign of Satan has been allowed to continue on.  His deceptions and deceits and false claims have been entertained and the Children of the True God have continued to be oppressed.
The Storehouses of God that Benedict XVI ordered to be opened, have not been opened.

No matter what else happens in the world of men, or which country holds the weapons--- it's time for the actual Mission of Redemption to be fulfilled and for the Trustees to render the accounts.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Regarding NESARA Reptilians in US Government Article

Hello All,

I'm a regular visitor to your NESARA site.
I have some information regarding the above article regarding Reptilians.
The following individual known as Captain Bill from Brazil commenced visiting with Mythi Sicphephics an alien from Andromeda in 2010.

He has continued those visits with submission of questions to this very day.
Captain Bill submits questions from either the "chat" or you  may email a moderator with your question.
The questions are submitted to "Mythi" once per month and the videos appear once every month.

Mythi stated that it is impossible for a humanoid to be a Reptilian, one is warm blood, one is cold...impossible according to him.
He also stated impossible for a human to "shapeshift" into a Reptilian.
Elite may be using a kind of hologram to make it appear "as if" a human is shifting into a Reptilian.

I've acquired an immense amount of information about what the Elite are doing around the world...none of it good...Mythi doesn't pull any punches.
Mythi Sicphephics, an alien social scientist explains that the earth is going through changes, and those changes will purge the elites from this planet.
You will find the videos and and the ebook a fascinating and disheartening experience because he reveals the  PTB actions in the past and plans for the future.

You will learn from Mythi that everything you have been told or thought you knew is a lie perpetrated by the PTB for their own benefit.
PTB in conjunction with a reptilian race have created a base on Mars - looks just like earth but elite won't reveal that truth.

According to Mythi, the PTB sold their soul and betrayed earth humans for protection and life extension medicine from the reptilians.
PTB Allowed earth humans to be tortured, murdered and experimented on by the reptilians in exchange for "trinkets".

CG - Community Galactica, who Mythi is a member, forced the Reptilians to Mars with some PTB and their scientists - for our protection.
I have included some of the reptilian video numbers below so you can see for yourself.

Many pictures in the PDF of Mars, aliens, past history, archaeological finds, what happened to old civilizations, DUMBS, amazing stuff.


I recommend that you visit the following sites:
PDF/Ebook Open PDF,press control F to use search box, click highlight all and click the down arrow to go from page to page

"This series of videos is a summary of encounters with an alien coming from a planet in the Andromeda galaxy.

The first meeting happened one night by chance (at leastapparently) at one night on the coast, in a place frequented by fishermen.
Theconversation started normally, without at first realizing who he was. Duringthe conversation, it became clear he was a person from outside the planetEarth.
The first questions and answers in this series were very general. Aftera few meetings, the questions started to have more specific connotations."

Video/PDF 4 Page 9
Video/PDF 5 Page 11
Video/PDF 9 Page 22
Video/PDF 10 Page 24
Video/PDF 14 Page 33
Video/PDF 15 Page 37
Video/PDF 24 Page 72
Video/PDF 25 Page 73  and many, many more

Here's an Example of one of the questions asked:

Video 25
Answers of an alien from Andromeda –video twenty five–April 28, 2011
Mythi, our friend Cindy asked some questions that encompass several other questions asked by other friends, so I'll ask about the points raised by it.

Q I would like to understand why the Reptilians were not stopped from interfering with the development of humanoids on Earth? By this I am referring to 100 or so years ago when contact was made when Earthlings were not at that point in development for alien interactions.Not only did they interact but made agreements... one of which is the extermination of the all the humanoids on Earth. This is ok with the Community Galactica? Well,Cindy, as I explained previously, you as residents of this planet at this time may accept to live with other races of free and spontaneous will. We also understand that this decision, by elitists, does not represent the will of your race as a whole. But, see, you as a race, in this present stage should have learned to choose your leaders. If not for our presence on the planet, you long ago would no longer inhabit the Earth. When I say our presence, I mean the many races who fought to preserve this colony of humanoids under development. One day, you may access the history of this colony and will be amazed with the many struggles to defend you from annihilation. Currently, with the advent of the Community Galactica, no race could promote annihilation as you mentioned. The Reptilians are "using" the lust for power and control of your elites to control the planet. We know this, but we can only intervene if we can prove their participation in genocide on your planet. Your elites have done it, killing other humans for them. We cannot influence decisions of your own society. The survival of your race depends on yourself, as a race

 Another one of my favorites:

Video 25, Page 73
Q -Am I correct in assuming that the terms in the "elites" agreement with the Reptilians basically states the elites let the Reptilians have Earth in exchange for supplying the elites with a new place to live for the duration of the Earth changes i.e. Mars and or Moon?-No, the Reptilians can never take ownership of your Earth.Your Earth is a humanoid colony, and they are not. They want to enjoy the Earth as "guests" by your race, represented by your elites. Your elites yes, they sold themselves body and soul unconditionally in return for technological trinkets, medicines for a long life, and protection from events,etc... But soon you will see for yourself that this is all a big mistake.Nobody can escape the destiny of evolution, and perhaps you will glimpse one of your kings, presidents, or popes harvesting vegetables in some modest colony of farmers, learning to develop humility lost.

Video 26, Page 75

Q - Our friend Gerimy asks, is JesusChrist extra terrestrial?

This is a matter of social religious connotation. I would not enter the merit of this question, but I'll answer with my own concept. Every culture in development has the need to focus their fears and insecurities into something greater, a creator and his mentors or prophets. All your cultures have used the sun and stars to form your notions of deities. Like all prophets offered by your religion, Christ is a mental force generated by all those who focus their  thinking on this entity, making it exists in the form of mental energy of faith, and this is present in the aura of the planet. Christ is not a simple being, but a communion of beings who create this entity, giving life to a magnanimous being of Energy, who will protect and represent them when facing the creator of the universe. It represents the sum of all those who are focused on a more just society for the planet,regardless of the religion of their neighbors. A follower of Christ, Allah, Mohammed, Manitou, Buddha, Confucius, Brahma, or any entity who manages this same state of mental aura, is part of the same frequency. In our culture, we revere the name of an ancient philosopher whose legend was generated by our forefathers, the founder of our society as an entity who continues to look for us, looking beyond the astral, that we have prosperity and inner peace. This, our entity, would be possibly a brother of thy magnanimous Jesus Christ.