By Anna Von Reitz
banks control the governments, not the other way around. It has been
this way for 150 years in Britain, the Commonwealth countries, the US,
Germany, most of Europe, most of Asia, most of Africa.... and when a
government tries to assert itself and make its own decisions and adopt
its own currency for the benefit of its own people, as Libya's
government did and as Iran's government has, it is promptly attacked by
all the other governments. Why? Because the banks run the governments
as storefront governmental services corporations, and the banks like it
that way.
gives them a free hand and world dominance. They get to use the
resources of the entire planet any way they please. They get to
regulate and deregulate themselves
in whatever way is most advantageous to them. Forget the good of the
people or the country they are supposed to be representing.
look at what FDR did to THE VIRGINIA COLONY CORPORATION when he shut it
down and opened THE UNITED STATES, INC.? And when he bankrupted the
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.? These were predatory corporate
take-overs and mergers---- and we all paid for them.
at what the Federal Reserve Banks did to the American states and people
during the Depression? The suffering and losses that the American
states and people endured were enjoyed as benefits and bargains by the
perpetrators of the artificial Boom of the 1920's and the same
self-interested men glutted even more profit from the Bust of the Great
responsible, including FDR, should have been tried as criminals, not
lauded as heroes; the people were not sophisticated enough to recognize
what the banks and their willing drones, the politicians, had foisted
off on them. Then as now, they slumbered on, secure in the comforting
but false assumption that this was their government and their government
wouldn’t harm them.
Let's not forget the sanctimonious role of the members of the Bar Associations colluding with the banks and their sub rosa employees, the politicians--- papering everything over and reassuring the public that it was all "legal" and proper.
that was the death-knell of sanity in America, when the members of the
Bar started calling everything "legal" and not enough voices objected.
signaled that the American people no longer remembered the difference
between "lawful" --- the Law of the Land --- and "legal" --- the Law of
the Sea.
death knell came when people started being confused between the "people
of the United States" and "citizens of the United States", and millions
in a Zombie-like trance, beguiled and trusting what they believed to be
their own dear government, agreed and said, yes, we are citizens....
At each juncture the perpetrators eased in and raped the sleeping Body Politic.
banks and their buddies have run rampant for a century and a half and
despite all the miseries and expense of constant wars, despite the loss
of millions of our sons and daughters, despite the malaise of our
economy, the burgeoning welfare class, the press-ganging of our Mothers
and daughters to work as second wage earners merely to scrape by, the
merciless inflation of the only currency available for use, the
increasingly reckless, arrogant, coercive, and abusive attitude of the
quote-unquote "government"---- we all managed to stagger along, just
barely, kept in constant fear of the Internal Revenue Service on one
hand, and predatory law suits on the other.
in the richest country on Earth, supposedly living the good life in the
victorious bastion of Freedom--- we have been enslaved and swindled by
our employees, bankers, and lawyers on a crime spree that would make
Ramses of Egypt blush.
of dollars-worth of actual hard assets, gold and silver, jewels and art
work, artifacts and precious documents, are on deposit with these same
banks. These riches belong to people who are the beneficiaries of the
"Historic Trusts". These trust deposits are supposed to be managed by
Trustees, who are appointed to their role or who inherit the positions,
sometimes for many generations.
of honoring their obligation to the Depositors, the banks are holding
onto the assets of the Historic Trusts and refusing to allow the lawful
Trustees to access these assets and use them as the Donors stipulated.
The banks are acting as self-interested robbers---again---pure and
oldest Historic Trusts were founded in late Antiquity, at the time of
the Roman collapse. Through the Dark Ages and well into the Renaissance,
Historic Trusts were used to collect, protect, and transfer the wealth
of men and organizations. By far the most common and among the
richest Historic Trusts are those founded by Spanish Conquistadors and
by the Spanish Monarchs through the early 1800's.
vast depositories of actual asset wealth were, for the most part,
passed on by the original owners for the benefit of places and people,
including their own families, home towns, favorite places, charities,
churches, and even their professions.... and are today ear-marked by the
current Trustees and Beneficiaries for the benefit of all Mankind.
bankers have two-blocked all effort to secure the release of these vast
stores of assets. They have pitilessly seen the photos of starving
children in Africa and called them, "Monkeys". They have swathed
themselves in silk suits and fur and lived in the finest homes and
considered themselves very wise and superior to the Common Man, who they
have referred to as, "Livestock".
have self-righteously donated dribs and drabs to charity and special
causes, most of them calculated to benefit the banks and their pet
projects, or used to promote their own government storefronts, or to pay
off politicians, or to reward their faithful servants in the Bar
Associations. They've made themselves out to be great philanthropists--
using money they stole or coerced or gained by enslaving and making the
lives of others miserable. And via the spilled blood of the innocent
slaughtered in wars for profit.
is how we have the spectacle of the World Bank, IBRD, and others caught
red-handed with gold and other assets confiscated from our grandparents
and great-grandparents ----- pretending that this gold just appeared
out of nowhere in their coffers and also pretending that they don't know
where it came from.
know where it came from. For starters, it came from my Grandmother's
wedding ring, twisted off of her finger by foreign commercial
mercenaries employed by FDR.
how the World Bank and IBRD tried to wash their guilty hands by
offering to give our gold away to the rest of the world?
And that is just $387 billion-worth. That’s chump change.
failure of the World Bank/IBRD to return our confiscated gold to us is a
tiny, almost trivial bit of the dishonesty that the banks, politicians,
and lawyers have nurtured into a festering epidemic-- an epidemic of
institutionalized corruption that is overwhelming and poisoning the
whole planet.
now they've got themselves in a spot. And the propaganda machines just
aren't working anymore. Let’s cover some of the high points.
US Dollar isn't worthless paper. It is in fact asset-backed by oil,
both crude and refined oil products. That's why it is called the
"Petrodollar". So let's get that myth dismissed right now.
US Dollar also isn't the American Dollar. Let's get that nasty
confusion cleared up, too. Our Dollar is a unit of exceedingly pure
silver. Always has been.
And let's pop the Gold Bubble, too.
sudden insist-on-gold mentality among Chinese investors is based on
fear encouraged by self-interested sellers of gold---and equally
unprincipled Chinese hucksters hoping to make a fortune by running up
the worldwide price of gold.
grandsons of the same men who set up the scam on Jekyll Island have
moved their operations to China. Why? -- to spring a trap fourteen
decades in the making, but simple enough in design:
confiscate, impound, steal, import, control by hook or by crook all the
gold in the world, and then force the grandsons and granddaughters of
the people you stole the gold from to buy it back from you at wildly
inflated prices. Lie and pretend that the world's gold reserves are
much smaller and therefore more precious than they really are.
brings me back to the issue of the Historic Trusts and the quadrillions
of dollars-worth of hard assets cashiered away for hundreds of years,
all being held captive by the banks that have no right of any kind to
hold those assets against the Will of the Depositors, the rights of the
Trustees, and the welfare of the Beneficiaries.
is right now in the Central Bank of Mexico a huge deposit of Spanish
gold that belongs to the indigenous peoples, the sons of Spanish
pioneers and the daughters of American cowboys now living in the Western
United States. It was placed on deposit there are as a humanitarian
bequest by the King of Spain, who intended that it be spent on
infrastructure and educational programs, hospitals, and all the other
things that people throughout this region needed in 1834.
gold was never delivered because other interests set up new,
untrustworthy government storefronts that were not committed to spending
the money according to the King's wishes, so there it sits--- more than
150 years later, gathering interest and value every year. It has grown
into a very substantial trust, able to support new infrastructure, new
industries, new social services, new means of transportation, medical
research, cultural preservation, and vast, vast humanitarian relief to
some of the poorest of the poor in America--- no more photos of Navajo
Elders squatting in front of a five gallon pail turned into a dangerous
fuming charcoal stove trying to keep warm.
banks are two-blocking the use of these and similar funds throughout
the world because a few insanely greedy individuals refuse to come to an
accommodation with the Trustees of the Historic Trusts. They aren't
content to make 2 or 3 or even 10 times profit on the gold they have
stolen, confiscated, and impounded. No, they want profits in the
neighborhood of 100 times what they have invested. They think they will
just sit on the Historic Trusts and outright steal them and nobody will
have the resources to bring them to Justice. They think they can
discount the actual Trustees, the Beneficiaries--- and the Law, by
handing off the management responsibility to a Third Party, who they
also propose to control and boss around.
not? They literally employ -- in your name, of course -- all the
politicians you send to Washington and all the legislators sitting in
"State of State" legislatures throughout the country.
these people you think of as your representatives are literally bought
and paid for corporate franchise employees of the banks running the
governmental services corporations you have also mistaken to be your
lawful government. Their only actual obligation is to make profit for
the local "State of State" franchise.
is their job and they can't do anything else, because a commercial
corporation is a psychopathic entity by definition. The fiduciary
deputies of such an organization are allowed to worship only one
god-----profit at any cost. That's the way commercial corporations
operate and unknown to you that is what nearly all the county, state,
and federal government operations have become: self-interested
commercial corporations.
also why banks are the horrible institutions they are. If their Boards
of Directors spent one penny that wasn't aimed at making more profit
for the shareholders and investors of the banks, they would not only
lose their jobs, they would be sued and hounded and disgraced.
you talk to the men in charge of the major banks and commercial
corporations, they are compulsively fixated on making profit ---and too
many of them are willing to tear down and ruin the Earth and kill the
people on it, all in pursuit of profit---for some numbers on a screen.
you are sickened by this, and you should be, you will now know for sure
that banks, governments, and courts are all in desperate need of reform
and the entire concept of the commercial corporation must be
revisited. Mankind is profoundly endangered by continuing to shelter
psychopathic organizations in our midst. We can no longer turn a blind
eye to the social and environmental and human cost of commercial
corporations run amok.
reading this is the heir to a vast fortune, yes, even the entire Earth,
is yours and subject to your dominion. Vast stockpiles of gold and
riches are set aside for you, because one way or another, everyone on
this planet is a beneficiary of one or another of the Historic Trusts.
are the storehouses of the Lord, set aside for this time. In 2008,
Pope Benedict XVI ordered them to be opened. As of 2017, here we still
sit, waiting on Francis and the Curia and the Vatican Chancery Court.
was a final sacrifice in Canaan 2000 years ago. A young man put aside
his life for the sake of his friends and his love of the Earth and all
Mankind. He paid it as the ransom for all people of all races and all
religions forevermore. He paid it for the sheep and for the goats
alike. Even the profit-mad bankers. He paid the price of all our debts
in all jurisdictions forever. And when I say all debts and all
jurisdictions--- I mean exactly that: all debts.
Let that sink in.
just for Christians. Not just for Hebrews. This was done for all
Mankind. Everywhere. Regardless of belief. Regardless of faith. And
then, one more extraordinary thing---- having purchased us, he set us
free and honored the Law of Heaven.
set us free from all debts for all time, but to fulfill what is written
and to make all things correct, I have presented the Payment Bond and
made it effective for one thousand years beginning January 6, 2017
through January 6, 3017. This is for the redemption of the Kingdom of
God, and all those NAMED as part of it. This ax fell on the Vatican
Chancery Court on the Day of the Three Kings, the traditional day when
the kings of the Earth bring their gifts to the King of Heaven.
now the die is cast, and Pope Francis and his entire organization is
held to account for allowing the imposition of debt where none exists,
for failure to release the Historic Trusts for the relief of Mankind,
for the creation of commercial corporations by the Roman Curia and for
allowing these diabolical inventions of the mind to run rampant upon the
Indemnity Bond posted for the people of Earth is without limit. The
first Set-Off Bond is for $100 billion dollars in silver, renewable as
needed. And the Payment Bond, AMRI00003, is good for a thousand years---
after which we will have our final Visitation and all will be
am sorry for all my own sins and apologize to those people I have
offended by entitling this series of essays with the tag line: Or, Stop
Being Stupid. I think that it is obvious that we and many generations
before us have been stupid, dull, slow, gullible, complacent, unwary,
and the list goes on. How else have we been so deceived?
I think it is also obvious that, yes, we do have a choice in the matter. We can go on believing the lies and the fairy tales---
and go on being enslaved in the Land of the Free---- or we can face the
facts and jerk awake and ask the questions we need to ask--- and
foremost among them, how is this even possible?
have the people of the whole world been deceived, defrauded, and misled
for thousands of years? It stands firmly on the record that we have
People often say to me, “This has the ring of truth!”
a reason for that. It sounds true because it is true. Once you step
back and really think about it, it's obvious. It's right in front of
our faces. It is written in our history, revealed in our holy books,
repeated in our Laws, blazoned across the heavens, and resonating in our
DNA. We know the Truth. We just have to admit it to ourselves and
then declare it and share it.
of people on this planet are suffering and going without the basics of
life for no good reason. Other lives are rendered truncated and
miserable, crippled by artificially manufactured scarcity---- lacks
deliberately created by banks, governments, and other commercial
corporations via unlawful monopolization and manipulation of commodity
markets and natural resources.
is being done to the Heirs of Creation, the Children of the True God,
the living people who are owed the benefits of the Historic Trusts
regardless of their race, religion, or nation.
time that the banks are brought to “an accommodation” with respect to
their activities interfering in the operation of our lawful government
and withholding access to the benefit of our trusts both public and
private, and the release of the hegemonies they have established to
control our lives, our labor and our use of our own natural resources.
time to examine the purposes of banks and other commercial corporations
and to question any necessity for their continued existence in their
present forms.
must remember that the Roman Curia created the entire concept of
corporations. It is their responsibility to control them and to
redefine them as necessary to ensure their proper functioning. When a
dream turns into a nightmare and the pet becomes rabid, it’s time for
the owners to wake up and either find the cure or put the creature down.
banks and their government storefronts and the other commercial
corporations pillaging the people and raping the planet must be
fundamentally and permanently reformed. The Curia is the international
body responsible for doing this and the Roman Pontiff is the official
responsible for implementing it.
have waited nine long years for the Curia to address the obvious and
pungent problem. I have marked the days since the order was given by
Benedict XVI to open the Lord’s storehouses and provide relief to the
people of this planet. And now I have presented the Payment Bond to the
Vatican Chancery Court.
all these ways and for all these reasons, Pope Francis and the Roman
Curia and the Vatican Chancery Court stand at the epicenter of this
essential conflict between the commercial corporations and the
beneficiaries of the Divine Trust. As with any trust, the Will of the
Donor and the good of the Beneficiaries must be honored by the Trustees.
Otherwise, they must be recognized as False Trustees and ousted for cause.
the nine years since Benedict gave the order to open the Lord’s
storehouses, the people of this planet have continued to suffer in every
corner. The Historic Trusts remain in lock-down imposed by the banks,
which also refuse to release credit on the interest owed. The Curia
shimmy-shuffles back and forth and takes no action to rein in, much less
redefine, the limits and objectives of the banks and other commercial
corporations. The Vatican Chancery Court likewise hovers in
interminable call-waiting status long after the facts have been
established and the issues ripened for decision.
As of January 6, the books have been balanced. They must stay balanced for 1,000 years no matter what else anyone may do. The
banks control the governments, not the other way around. It has been
this way for 150 years in Britain, the Commonwealth countries, the US,
Germany, most of Europe, most of Asia, most of Africa.... and when a
government tries to assert itself and make its own decisions and adopt
its own currency for the benefit of its own people, as Libya's
government did and as Iran's government has, it is promptly attacked by
all the other governments. Why? Because the banks run the governments as storefront governmental services corporations, and the banks like it that way.
gives them a free hand and world dominance. They get to use the
resources of the entire planet any way they please. They get to
regulate and deregulate themselves
in whatever way is most advantageous to them. Forget the good of the
people or the country they are supposed to be representing.
look at what FDR did to THE VIRGINIA COLONY CORPORATION when he shut it
down and opened THE UNITED STATES, INC.? And when he bankrupted the
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.? These were predatory corporate
take-overs and mergers---- and we all paid for them.
at what the Federal Reserve Banks did to the American states and people
during the Depression? The suffering and losses that the American
states and people endured were enjoyed as benefits and bargains by the
perpetrators of the artificial Boom of the 1920's and the same
self-interested men glutted even more profit from the Bust of the Great
responsible, including FDR, should have been tried as criminals, not
lauded as heroes; the people were not sophisticated enough to recognize
what the banks and their willing drones, the politicians, had foisted
off on them. Then as now, they slumbered on, secure in the comforting
but false assumption that this was their government and their government
wouldn’t harm them.
Let's not forget the sanctimonious role of the members of the Bar Associations colluding with the banks and their sub rosa employees, the politicians--- papering everything over and reassuring the public that it was all "legal" and proper.
that was the death-knell of sanity in America, when the members of the
Bar started calling everything "legal" and not enough voices objected.
signaled that the American people no longer remembered the difference
between "lawful" --- the Law of the Land --- and "legal" --- the Law of
the Sea.
death knell came when people started being confused between the "people
of the United States" and "citizens of the United States", and millions
in a Zombie-like trance, beguiled and trusting what they believed to be
their own dear government, agreed and said, yes, we are citizens....
At each juncture the perpetrators eased in and raped the sleeping Body Politic.
banks and their buddies have run rampant for a century and a half and
despite all the miseries and expense of constant wars, despite the loss
of millions of our sons and daughters, despite the malaise of our
economy, the burgeoning welfare class, the press-ganging of our Mothers
and daughters to work as second wage earners merely to scrape by, the
merciless inflation of the only currency available for use, the
increasingly reckless, arrogant, coercive, and abusive attitude of the
quote-unquote "government"---- we all managed to stagger along, just
barely, kept in constant fear of the Internal Revenue Service on one
hand, and predatory law suits on the other.
in the richest country on Earth, supposedly living the good life in the
victorious bastion of Freedom--- we have been enslaved and swindled by
our employees, bankers, and lawyers on a crime spree that would make
Ramses of Egypt blush.
of dollars-worth of actual hard assets, gold and silver, jewels and art
work, artifacts and precious documents, are on deposit with these same
banks. These riches belong to people who are the beneficiaries of the
"Historic Trusts". These trust deposits are supposed to be managed by
Trustees, who are appointed to their role or who inherit the positions,
sometimes for many generations.
of honoring their obligation to the Depositors, the banks are holding
onto the assets of the Historic Trusts and refusing to allow the lawful
Trustees to access these assets and use them as the Donors stipulated.
The banks are acting as self-interested robbers---again---pure and
oldest Historic Trusts were founded in late Antiquity, at the time of
the Roman collapse. Through the Dark Ages and well into the Renaissance,
Historic Trusts were used to collect, protect, and transfer the wealth
of men and organizations. By far the most common and among the
richest Historic Trusts are those founded by Spanish Conquistadors and
by the Spanish Monarchs through the early 1800's.
vast depositories of actual asset wealth were, for the most part,
passed on by the original owners for the benefit of places and people,
including their own families, home towns, favorite places, charities,
churches, and even their professions.... and are today ear-marked by the
current Trustees and Beneficiaries for the benefit of all Mankind.
bankers have two-blocked all effort to secure the release of these vast
stores of assets. They have pitilessly seen the photos of starving
children in Africa and called them, "Monkeys". They have swathed
themselves in silk suits and fur and lived in the finest homes and
considered themselves very wise and superior to the Common Man, who they
have referred to as, "Livestock".
have self-righteously donated dribs and drabs to charity and special
causes, most of them calculated to benefit the banks and their pet
projects, or used to promote their own government storefronts, or to pay
off politicians, or to reward their faithful servants in the Bar
Associations. They've made themselves out to be great philanthropists--
using money they stole or coerced or gained by enslaving and making the
lives of others miserable. And via the spilled blood of the innocent
slaughtered in wars for profit.
is how we have the spectacle of the World Bank, IBRD, and others caught
red-handed with gold and other assets confiscated from our grandparents
and great-grandparents ----- pretending that this gold just appeared
out of nowhere in their coffers and also pretending that they don't know
where it came from.
know where it came from. For starters, it came from my Grandmother's
wedding ring, twisted off of her finger by foreign commercial
mercenaries employed by FDR.
how the World Bank and IBRD tried to wash their guilty hands by
offering to give our gold away to the rest of the world?
And that is just $387 billion-worth. That’s chump change.
failure of the World Bank/IBRD to return our confiscated gold to us is a
tiny, almost trivial bit of the dishonesty that the banks, politicians,
and lawyers have nurtured into a festering epidemic-- an epidemic of
institutionalized corruption that is overwhelming and poisoning the
whole planet.
now they've got themselves in a spot. And the propaganda machines just
aren't working anymore. Let’s cover some of the high points.
US Dollar isn't worthless paper. It is in fact asset-backed by oil,
both crude and refined oil products. That's why it is called the
"Petrodollar". So let's get that myth dismissed right now.
US Dollar also isn't the American Dollar. Let's get that nasty
confusion cleared up, too. Our Dollar is a unit of exceedingly pure
silver. Always has been.
And let's pop the Gold Bubble, too.
sudden insist-on-gold mentality among Chinese investors is based on
fear encouraged by self-interested sellers of gold---and equally
unprincipled Chinese hucksters hoping to make a fortune by running up
the worldwide price of gold.
grandsons of the same men who set up the scam on Jekyll Island have
moved their operations to China. Why? -- to spring a trap fourteen
decades in the making, but simple enough in design:
confiscate, impound, steal, import, control by hook or by crook all the
gold in the world, and then force the grandsons and granddaughters of
the people you stole the gold from to buy it back from you at wildly
inflated prices. Lie and pretend that the world's gold reserves are
much smaller and therefore more precious than they really are.
brings me back to the issue of the Historic Trusts and the quadrillions
of dollars-worth of hard assets cashiered away for hundreds of years,
all being held captive by the banks that have no right of any kind to
hold those assets against the Will of the Depositors, the rights of the
Trustees, and the welfare of the Beneficiaries.
is right now in the Central Bank of Mexico a huge deposit of Spanish
gold that belongs to the indigenous peoples, the sons of Spanish
pioneers and the daughters of American cowboys now living in the Western
United States. It was placed on deposit there are as a humanitarian
bequest by the King of Spain, who intended that it be spent on
infrastructure and educational programs, hospitals, and all the other
things that people throughout this region needed in 1834.
gold was never delivered because other interests set up new,
untrustworthy government storefronts that were not committed to spending
the money according to the King's wishes, so there it sits--- more than
150 years later, gathering interest and value every year. It has grown
into a very substantial trust, able to support new infrastructure, new
industries, new social services, new means of transportation, medical
research, cultural preservation, and vast, vast humanitarian relief to
some of the poorest of the poor in America--- no more photos of Navajo
Elders squatting in front of a five gallon pail turned into a dangerous
fuming charcoal stove trying to keep warm.
banks are two-blocking the use of these and similar funds throughout
the world because a few insanely greedy individuals refuse to come to an
accommodation with the Trustees of the Historic Trusts. They aren't
content to make 2 or 3 or even 10 times profit on the gold they have
stolen, confiscated, and impounded. No, they want profits in the
neighborhood of 100 times what they have invested. They think they will
just sit on the Historic Trusts and outright steal them and nobody will
have the resources to bring them to Justice. They think they can
discount the actual Trustees, the Beneficiaries--- and the Law, by
handing off the management responsibility to a Third Party, who they
also propose to control and boss around.
not? They literally employ -- in your name, of course -- all the
politicians you send to Washington and all the legislators sitting in
"State of State" legislatures throughout the country.
these people you think of as your representatives are literally bought
and paid for corporate franchise employees of the banks running the
governmental services corporations you have also mistaken to be your
lawful government. Their only actual obligation is to make profit for
the local "State of State" franchise.
is their job and they can't do anything else, because a commercial
corporation is a psychopathic entity by definition. The fiduciary
deputies of such an organization are allowed to worship only one
god-----profit at any cost. That's the way commercial corporations
operate and unknown to you that is what nearly all the county, state,
and federal government operations have become: self-interested
commercial corporations.
also why banks are the horrible institutions they are. If their Boards
of Directors spent one penny that wasn't aimed at making more profit
for the shareholders and investors of the banks, they would not only
lose their jobs, they would be sued and hounded and disgraced.
you talk to the men in charge of the major banks and commercial
corporations, they are compulsively fixated on making profit ---and too
many of them are willing to tear down and ruin the Earth and kill the
people on it, all in pursuit of profit---for some numbers on a screen.
you are sickened by this, and you should be, you will now know for sure
that banks, governments, and courts are all in desperate need of reform
and the entire concept of the commercial corporation must be
revisited. Mankind is profoundly endangered by continuing to shelter
psychopathic organizations in our midst. We can no longer turn a blind
eye to the social and environmental and human cost of commercial
corporations run amok.
reading this is the heir to a vast fortune, yes, even the entire Earth,
is yours and subject to your dominion. Vast stockpiles of gold and
riches are set aside for you, because one way or another, everyone on
this planet is a beneficiary of one or another of the Historic Trusts.
are the storehouses of the Lord, set aside for this time. In 2008,
Pope Benedict XVI ordered them to be opened. As of 2017, here we still
sit, waiting on Francis and the Curia and the Vatican Chancery Court.
was a final sacrifice in Canaan 2000 years ago. A young man put aside
his life for the sake of his friends and his love of the Earth and all
Mankind. He paid it as the ransom for all people of all races and all
religions forevermore. He paid it for the sheep and for the goats
alike. Even the profit-mad bankers. He paid the price of all our debts
in all jurisdictions forever. And when I say all debts and all
jurisdictions--- I mean exactly that: all debts.
Let that sink in.
just for Christians. Not just for Hebrews. This was done for all
Mankind. Everywhere. Regardless of belief. Regardless of faith. And
then, one more extraordinary thing---- having purchased us, he set us
free and honored the Law of Heaven.
set us free from all debts for all time, but to fulfill what is written
and to make all things correct, I have presented the Payment Bond and
made it effective for one thousand years beginning January 6, 2017
through January 6, 3017. This is for the redemption of the Kingdom of
God, and all those NAMED as part of it. This ax fell on the Vatican
Chancery Court on the Day of the Three Kings, the traditional day when
the kings of the Earth bring their gifts to the King of Heaven.
now the die is cast, and Pope Francis and his entire organization is
held to account for allowing the imposition of debt where none exists,
for failure to release the Historic Trusts for the relief of Mankind,
for the creation of commercial corporations by the Roman Curia and for
allowing these diabolical inventions of the mind to run rampant upon the
Indemnity Bond posted for the people of Earth is without limit. The
first Set-Off Bond is for $100 billion dollars in silver, renewable as
needed. And the Payment Bond, AMRI00003, is good for a thousand years---
after which we will have our final Visitation and all will be
am sorry for all my own sins and apologize to those people I have
offended by entitling this series of essays with the tag line: Or, Stop
Being Stupid. I think that it is obvious that we and many generations
before us have been stupid, dull, slow, gullible, complacent, unwary,
and the list goes on. How else have we been so deceived?
think it is also obvious that, yes, we do have a choice in the matter.
We can go on believing the lies and the fairytales--- and go on being
enslaved in the Land of the Free---- or we can face the facts and jerk
awake and ask the questions we need to ask--- and foremost among them,
how is this even possible?
have the people of the whole world been deceived, defrauded, and misled
for thousands of years? It stands firmly on the record that we have
People often say to me, “This has the ring of truth!”
a reason for that. It sounds true because it is true. Once you step
back and really think about it, it's obvious. It's right in front of
our faces. It is written in our history, revealed in our holy books,
repeated in our Laws, blazoned across the heavens, and resonating in our
DNA. We know the Truth. We just have to admit it to ourselves and
then declare it and share it.
of people on this planet are suffering and going without the basics of
life for no good reason. Other lives are rendered truncated and
miserable, crippled by artificially manufactured scarcity---- lacks
deliberately created by banks, governments, and other commercial
corporations via unlawful monopolization and manipulation of commodity
markets and natural resources.
is being done to the Heirs of Creation, the Children of the True God,
the living people who are owed the benefits of the Historic Trusts
regardless of their race, religion, or nation.
time that the banks are brought to “an accommodation” with respect to
their activities interfering in the operation of our lawful government
and withholding access to the benefit of our trusts both public and
private, and the release of the hegemonies they have established to
control our lives, our labor and our use of our own natural resources.
time to examine the purposes of banks and other commercial corporations
and to question any necessity for their continued existence in their
present forms.
must remember that the Roman Curia created the entire concept of
corporations. It is their responsibility to control them and to
redefine them as necessary to ensure their proper functioning. When a
dream turns into a nightmare and the pet becomes rabid, it’s time for
the owners to wake up and either find the cure or put the creature down.
banks and their government storefronts and the other commercial
corporations pillaging the people and raping the planet must be
fundamentally and permanently reformed. The Curia is the international
body responsible for doing this and the Roman Pontiff is the official
responsible for implementing it.
have waited nine long years for the Curia to address the obvious and
pungent problem. I have marked the days since the order was given by
Benedict XVI to open the Lord’s storehouses and provide relief to the
people of this planet. And now I have presented the Payment Bond to the
Vatican Chancery Court.
all these ways and for all these reasons, Pope Francis and the Roman
Curia and the Vatican Chancery Court stand at the epicenter of this
essential conflict between the commercial corporations and the
beneficiaries of the Divine Trust. As with any trust, the Will of the
Donor and the good of the Beneficiaries must be honored by the Trustees.
Otherwise, they must be recognized as False Trustees and ousted for cause.
the nine years since Benedict gave the order to open the Lord’s
storehouses, the people of this planet have continued to suffer in every
corner. The Historic Trusts remain in lock-down imposed by the banks,
which also refuse to release credit on the interest owed. The Curia
shimmy-shuffles back and forth and takes no action to rein in, much less
redefine, the limits and objectives of the banks and other commercial
corporations. The Vatican Chancery Court likewise hovers in
interminable call-waiting status long after the facts have been
established and the issues ripened for decision.
As of January 6, the books have been balanced. They must stay balanced for 1,000 years no matter what else anyone may do.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website
This is nothing more than lipstick on a pig until the real problem in the outhouse is faced!
The United States of America does not have "Citizens" and leaders.
It has "Slaves" and what are known as Owners. Owned by the Federal Reserve System, is exactly what they are.
Unquestionably, it will have to be removed like a cancer since the Federal Reserve has written all the rules.
They are all liars, including and especially Kennedy who wanted a cashless world. (Should it miss your notice that your leader meets with cashless sponsor Modi?)
So don't act like government is there for you, you people really must start separating entirely from that.
Are people losing their minds? Trump is the same, he's only in there because people put his feet to the fire.
He may be a step in the right direction, but what do you think all of you are? That's right you are citizens and that means you are collateral to the central bank for whatever they deem to extract.
Are you brainwashed that you don't think you are?
We don't have a concern as we no longer are citizens AT ALL and intend to keep it that way, which is quite tough. Anyone who enters chamber court is a citizen.
All the rest of you better wake up.
All of you are indeed citizens if you in fact are putting service leaders into this bankrupt municipal corporation.
You cannot belong to both. Nor can you hide!!
This isn't arguable.
A citizen belongs to the Federal Reserve/IMF.(New Republiqu)
A non-citzen or state citizen belongs to the Republic.
It isn't in dispute, go look it up.
You folks need to remember this!
The Pope (the present one is Pope Francis - no 266 and a Jesuit to boot) is a sovereign of the Vatican City.
He's also leader of a flock of sheep (some poor American sheep gets bitten and assassinated terribly so by his CIA - originally Catholic Intelligence Agency initiated and run by the Jesuits in over 70 Countries)
1. Considering the idea of followers and their leaders isn't the idea to educate, grow and emulate attributes of such leaders?
2. What's with populism - does the Pope not like his followers to be independent and sovereign like himself?
3. Hasn't the dinosaurs in the Vatican understood that humanity has come of age?
Very recently President Donald Trump gave the American people permission to think with our own minds again. It's hard to understand why so many are complaining about it when the Creator gave it to us.