Wednesday, January 25, 2017

It's the Banks, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 22


By Anna Von Reitz

The banks control the governments, not the other way around.  It has been this way for 150 years in Britain, the Commonwealth countries, the US, Germany, most of Europe, most of Asia, most of Africa.... and when a government tries to assert itself and make its own decisions and adopt its own currency for the benefit of its own people, as Libya's government did and as Iran's government has, it is promptly attacked by all the other governments.  Why?  Because the banks run the governments as storefront governmental services corporations, and the banks like it that way.
It gives them a free hand and world dominance.  They get to use the resources of the entire planet any way they please.  They get to regulate and deregulate themselves in whatever way is most advantageous to them.  Forget the good of the people or the country they are supposed to be representing.   
Just look at what FDR did to THE VIRGINIA COLONY CORPORATION when he shut it down and opened THE UNITED STATES, INC.?   And when he bankrupted the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.?  These were predatory corporate take-overs and mergers---- and we all paid for them.
Look at what the Federal Reserve Banks did to the American states and people during the Depression?  The suffering and losses that the American states and people endured were enjoyed as benefits and bargains by the perpetrators of the artificial Boom of the 1920's and the same self-interested men glutted even more profit from the Bust of the Great Depression. 
Those responsible, including FDR, should have been tried as criminals, not lauded as heroes; the people were not sophisticated enough to recognize what the banks and their willing drones, the politicians, had foisted off on them.  Then as now, they slumbered on, secure in the comforting but false assumption that this was their government and their government wouldn’t harm them.  
Let's not forget the sanctimonious role of the members of the Bar Associations colluding with the banks and their sub rosa employees, the politicians--- papering everything over and reassuring the public that it was all "legal" and proper.
Perhaps that was the death-knell of sanity in America, when the members of the Bar started calling everything "legal" and not enough voices objected.  
It signaled that the American people no longer remembered the difference between "lawful" --- the Law of the Land --- and "legal" --- the Law of the Sea. 
Another death knell came when people started being confused between the "people of the United States" and "citizens of the United States", and millions in a Zombie-like trance, beguiled and trusting what they believed to be their own dear government, agreed and said, yes, we are citizens....  
At each juncture the perpetrators eased in and raped the sleeping Body Politic. 
The banks and their buddies have run rampant for a century and a half and despite all the miseries and expense of constant wars, despite the loss of millions of our sons and daughters, despite the malaise of our economy, the burgeoning welfare class, the press-ganging of our Mothers and daughters to work as second wage earners merely to scrape by,  the merciless inflation of the only currency available for use, the increasingly reckless, arrogant, coercive, and abusive attitude of the quote-unquote "government"---- we all managed to stagger along, just barely, kept in constant fear of the Internal Revenue Service on one hand, and predatory law suits on the other.
Here, in the richest country on Earth, supposedly living the good life in the victorious bastion of Freedom--- we have been enslaved and swindled by our employees, bankers, and lawyers on a crime spree that would make Ramses of Egypt blush.
Quadrillions of dollars-worth of actual hard assets, gold and silver, jewels and art work, artifacts and precious documents, are on deposit with these same banks.  These riches belong to people who are the beneficiaries of the "Historic Trusts". These trust deposits are supposed to be managed by Trustees, who are appointed to their role or who inherit the positions, sometimes for many generations.
Instead of honoring their obligation to the Depositors, the banks are holding onto the assets of the Historic Trusts and refusing to allow the lawful Trustees to access these assets and use them as the Donors stipulated.  The banks are acting as self-interested robbers---again---pure and simple.
The oldest Historic Trusts were founded in late Antiquity, at the time of the Roman collapse. Through the Dark Ages and well into the Renaissance, Historic Trusts were used to collect, protect, and transfer the wealth of men and organizations.  By far the most common and among the richest Historic Trusts are those founded by Spanish Conquistadors and by the Spanish Monarchs through the early 1800's. 
These vast depositories of actual asset wealth were, for the most part, passed on by the original owners for the benefit of places and people, including their own families, home towns, favorite places, charities, churches, and even their professions.... and are today ear-marked by the current Trustees and Beneficiaries for the benefit of all Mankind.
The bankers have two-blocked all effort to secure the release of these vast stores of assets.  They have pitilessly seen the photos of starving children in Africa and called them, "Monkeys".  They have swathed themselves in silk suits and fur and lived in the finest homes and considered themselves very wise and superior to the Common Man, who they have referred to as, "Livestock". 
They have self-righteously donated dribs and drabs to charity and special causes, most of them calculated to benefit the banks and their pet projects, or used to promote their own government storefronts, or to pay off politicians, or to reward their faithful servants in the Bar Associations. They've made themselves out to be great philanthropists-- using money they stole or coerced or gained by enslaving and making the lives of others miserable.  And via the spilled blood of the innocent slaughtered in wars for profit. 
This is how we have the spectacle of the World Bank, IBRD, and others caught red-handed with gold and other assets confiscated from our grandparents and great-grandparents ----- pretending that this gold just appeared out of nowhere in their coffers and also pretending that they don't know where it came from. 
We know where it came from.  For starters, it came from my Grandmother's wedding ring, twisted off of her finger by foreign commercial mercenaries employed by FDR. 
Observe how the World Bank and IBRD tried to wash their guilty hands by offering to give our gold away to the rest of the world? 
And that is just $387 billion-worth.  That’s chump change.
The failure of the World Bank/IBRD to return our confiscated gold to us is a tiny, almost trivial bit of the dishonesty that the banks, politicians, and lawyers have nurtured into a festering epidemic-- an epidemic of institutionalized corruption that is overwhelming and poisoning the whole planet. 
So now they've got themselves in a spot.  And the propaganda machines just aren't working anymore. Let’s cover some of the high points.
The US Dollar isn't worthless paper.  It is in fact asset-backed by oil, both crude and refined oil products.  That's why it is called the "Petrodollar".  So let's get that myth dismissed right now. 
The US Dollar also isn't the American Dollar.  Let's get that nasty confusion cleared up, too.  Our Dollar is a unit of exceedingly pure silver. Always has been.
And let's pop the Gold Bubble, too. 
The sudden insist-on-gold mentality among Chinese investors is based on fear encouraged by self-interested sellers of gold---and equally unprincipled Chinese hucksters hoping to make a fortune by running up the worldwide price of gold.
The grandsons of the same men who set up the scam on Jekyll Island have moved their operations to China. Why?  -- to spring a trap fourteen decades in the making, but simple enough in design:
Collect, confiscate, impound, steal, import, control by hook or by crook all the gold in the world, and then force the grandsons and granddaughters of the people you stole the gold from to buy it back from you at wildly inflated prices.  Lie and pretend that the world's gold reserves are much smaller and therefore more precious than they really are.  
Which brings me back to the issue of the Historic Trusts and the quadrillions of dollars-worth of hard assets cashiered away for hundreds of years, all being held captive by the banks that have no right of any kind to hold those assets against the Will of the Depositors, the rights of the Trustees, and the welfare of the Beneficiaries.
There is right now in the Central Bank of Mexico a huge deposit of Spanish gold that belongs to the indigenous peoples, the sons of Spanish pioneers and the daughters of American cowboys now living in the Western United States. It was placed on deposit there are as a humanitarian bequest by the King of Spain, who intended that it be spent on infrastructure and educational programs, hospitals, and all the other things that people throughout this region needed in 1834. 
The gold was never delivered because other interests set up new, untrustworthy government storefronts that were not committed to spending the money according to the King's wishes, so there it sits--- more than 150 years later, gathering interest and value every year.  It has grown into a very substantial trust, able to support new infrastructure, new industries, new social services, new means of transportation, medical research, cultural preservation, and vast, vast humanitarian relief to some of the poorest of the poor in America--- no more photos of Navajo Elders squatting in front of a five gallon pail turned into a dangerous fuming charcoal stove trying to keep warm.
The banks are two-blocking the use of these and similar funds throughout the world because a few insanely greedy individuals refuse to come to an accommodation with the Trustees of the Historic Trusts.  They aren't content to make 2 or 3 or even 10 times profit on the gold they have stolen, confiscated, and impounded.  No, they want profits in the neighborhood of 100 times what they have invested. They think they will just sit on the Historic Trusts and outright steal them and nobody will have the resources to bring them to Justice. They think they can discount the actual Trustees, the Beneficiaries--- and the Law, by handing off the management responsibility to a Third Party, who they also propose to control and boss around.  
Why not?  They literally employ -- in your name, of course -- all the politicians you send to Washington and all the legislators sitting in "State of State" legislatures throughout the country. 
All these people you think of as your representatives are literally bought and paid for corporate franchise employees of the banks running the governmental services corporations you have also mistaken to be your lawful government.  Their only actual obligation is to make profit for the local "State of State" franchise. 
This is their job and they can't do anything else, because a commercial corporation is a psychopathic entity by definition.  The fiduciary deputies of such an organization are allowed to worship only one god-----profit at any cost.  That's the way commercial corporations operate and unknown to you that is what nearly all the county, state, and federal government operations have become: self-interested commercial corporations.  
That's also why banks are the horrible institutions they are.  If their Boards of Directors spent one penny that wasn't aimed at making more profit for the shareholders and investors of the banks, they would not only lose their jobs, they would be sued and hounded and disgraced.
When you talk to the men in charge of the major banks and commercial corporations, they are compulsively fixated on making profit ---and too many of them are willing to tear down and ruin the Earth and kill the people on it, all in pursuit of profit---for some numbers on a screen.
If you are sickened by this, and you should be, you will now know for sure that banks, governments, and courts are all in desperate need of reform and the entire concept of the commercial corporation must be revisited.  Mankind is profoundly endangered by continuing to shelter psychopathic organizations in our midst.  We can no longer turn a blind eye to the social and environmental and human cost of commercial corporations run amok. 
Everyone reading this is the heir to a vast fortune, yes, even the entire Earth, is yours and subject to your dominion.  Vast stockpiles of gold and riches are set aside for you, because one way or another, everyone on this planet is a beneficiary of one or another of the Historic Trusts.
These are the storehouses of the Lord, set aside for this time.  In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI ordered them to be opened.  As of 2017, here we still sit, waiting on Francis and the Curia and the Vatican Chancery Court.
There was a final sacrifice in Canaan 2000 years ago. A young man put aside his life for the sake of his friends and his love of the Earth and all Mankind.  He paid it as the ransom for all people of all races and all religions forevermore.  He paid it for the sheep and for the goats alike.  Even the profit-mad bankers.  He paid the price of all our debts in all jurisdictions forever. And when I say all debts and all jurisdictions--- I mean exactly that: all debts. 
Let that sink in. 
Not just for Christians.  Not just for Hebrews.  This was done for all Mankind.  Everywhere.  Regardless of belief.  Regardless of faith.  And then, one more extraordinary thing---- having purchased us, he set us free and honored the Law of Heaven.  
He set us free from all debts for all time, but to fulfill what is written and to make all things correct, I have presented the Payment Bond and made it effective for one thousand years beginning January 6, 2017 through January 6, 3017.  This is for the redemption of the Kingdom of God, and all those NAMED as part of it. This ax fell on the Vatican Chancery Court on the Day of the Three Kings, the traditional day when the kings of the Earth bring their gifts to the King of Heaven.
So now the die is cast, and Pope Francis and his entire organization is held to account for allowing the imposition of debt where none exists, for failure to release the Historic Trusts for the relief of Mankind, for the creation of commercial corporations by the Roman Curia and for allowing these diabolical inventions of the mind to run rampant upon the Earth. 
The Indemnity Bond posted for the people of Earth is without limit. The first Set-Off Bond is for $100 billion dollars in silver, renewable as needed. And the Payment Bond, AMRI00003, is good for a thousand years--- after which we will have our final Visitation and all will be fulfilled.
I am sorry for all my own sins and apologize to those people I have offended by entitling this series of essays with the tag line: Or, Stop Being Stupid.  I think that it is obvious that we and many generations before us have been stupid, dull, slow, gullible, complacent, unwary, and the list goes on.  How else have we been so deceived? 
I think it is also obvious that, yes, we do have a choice in the matter.  We can go on believing the lies and the fairy tales--- and go on being enslaved in the Land of the Free---- or we can face the facts and jerk awake and ask the questions we need to ask--- and foremost among them, how is this even possible? 
How have the people of the whole world been deceived, defrauded, and misled for thousands of years?  It stands firmly on the record that we have been.
People often say to me, “This has the ring of truth!”
There's a reason for that.  It sounds true because it is true.  Once you step back and really think about it, it's obvious.  It's right in front of our faces.  It is written in our history, revealed in our holy books, repeated in our Laws, blazoned across the heavens, and resonating in our DNA.  We know the Truth.  We just have to admit it to ourselves and then declare it and share it.
Billions of people on this planet are suffering and going without the basics of life for no good reason.  Other lives are rendered truncated and miserable, crippled by artificially manufactured scarcity---- lacks deliberately created by banks, governments, and other commercial corporations via unlawful monopolization and manipulation of commodity markets and natural resources.
This is being done to the Heirs of Creation, the Children of the True God, the living people who are owed the benefits of the Historic Trusts regardless of their race, religion, or nation. 
It’s time that the banks are brought to “an accommodation” with respect to their activities interfering in the operation of our lawful government and withholding access to the benefit of our trusts both public and private, and the release of the hegemonies they have established to control our lives, our labor and our use of our own natural resources. 
It’s time to examine the purposes of banks and other commercial corporations and to question any necessity for their continued existence in their present forms.
We must remember that the Roman Curia created the entire concept of corporations.  It is their responsibility to control them and to redefine them as necessary to ensure their proper functioning.  When a dream turns into a nightmare and the pet becomes rabid, it’s time for the owners to wake up and either find the cure or put the creature down.
The banks and their government storefronts and the other commercial corporations pillaging the people and raping the planet must be fundamentally and permanently reformed. The Curia is the international body responsible for doing this and the Roman Pontiff is the official responsible for implementing it.
I have waited nine long years for the Curia to address the obvious and pungent problem.  I have marked the days since the order was given by Benedict XVI to open the Lord’s storehouses and provide relief to the people of this planet. And now I have presented the Payment Bond to the Vatican Chancery Court. 
In all these ways and for all these reasons, Pope Francis and the Roman Curia and the Vatican Chancery Court stand at the epicenter of this essential conflict between the commercial corporations and the beneficiaries of the Divine Trust. As with any trust, the Will of the Donor and the good of the Beneficiaries must be honored by the Trustees.
Otherwise, they must be recognized as False Trustees and ousted for cause.
In the nine years since Benedict gave the order to open the Lord’s storehouses, the people of this planet have continued to suffer in every corner.  The Historic Trusts remain in lock-down imposed by the banks, which also refuse to release credit on the interest owed.  The Curia shimmy-shuffles back and forth and takes no action to rein in, much less redefine, the limits and objectives of the banks and other commercial corporations.  The Vatican Chancery Court likewise hovers in interminable call-waiting status long after the facts have been established and the issues ripened for decision.

As of January 6, the books have been balanced. They must stay balanced for 1,000 years no matter what else anyone may do. The banks control the governments, not the other way around.  It has been this way for 150 years in Britain, the Commonwealth countries, the US, Germany, most of Europe, most of Asia, most of Africa.... and when a government tries to assert itself and make its own decisions and adopt its own currency for the benefit of its own people, as Libya's government did and as Iran's government has, it is promptly attacked by all the other governments.  Why?  Because the banks run the governments as storefront governmental services corporations, and the banks like it that way.
It gives them a free hand and world dominance.  They get to use the resources of the entire planet any way they please.  They get to regulate and deregulate themselves in whatever way is most advantageous to them.  Forget the good of the people or the country they are supposed to be representing.   
Just look at what FDR did to THE VIRGINIA COLONY CORPORATION when he shut it down and opened THE UNITED STATES, INC.?   And when he bankrupted the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.?  These were predatory corporate take-overs and mergers---- and we all paid for them.
Look at what the Federal Reserve Banks did to the American states and people during the Depression?  The suffering and losses that the American states and people endured were enjoyed as benefits and bargains by the perpetrators of the artificial Boom of the 1920's and the same self-interested men glutted even more profit from the Bust of the Great Depression. 
Those responsible, including FDR, should have been tried as criminals, not lauded as heroes; the people were not sophisticated enough to recognize what the banks and their willing drones, the politicians, had foisted off on them.  Then as now, they slumbered on, secure in the comforting but false assumption that this was their government and their government wouldn’t harm them.  
Let's not forget the sanctimonious role of the members of the Bar Associations colluding with the banks and their sub rosa employees, the politicians--- papering everything over and reassuring the public that it was all "legal" and proper.
Perhaps that was the death-knell of sanity in America, when the members of the Bar started calling everything "legal" and not enough voices objected.  
It signaled that the American people no longer remembered the difference between "lawful" --- the Law of the Land --- and "legal" --- the Law of the Sea. 
Another death knell came when people started being confused between the "people of the United States" and "citizens of the United States", and millions in a Zombie-like trance, beguiled and trusting what they believed to be their own dear government, agreed and said, yes, we are citizens....  
At each juncture the perpetrators eased in and raped the sleeping Body Politic. 
The banks and their buddies have run rampant for a century and a half and despite all the miseries and expense of constant wars, despite the loss of millions of our sons and daughters, despite the malaise of our economy, the burgeoning welfare class, the press-ganging of our Mothers and daughters to work as second wage earners merely to scrape by,  the merciless inflation of the only currency available for use, the increasingly reckless, arrogant, coercive, and abusive attitude of the quote-unquote "government"---- we all managed to stagger along, just barely, kept in constant fear of the Internal Revenue Service on one hand, and predatory law suits on the other.
Here, in the richest country on Earth, supposedly living the good life in the victorious bastion of Freedom--- we have been enslaved and swindled by our employees, bankers, and lawyers on a crime spree that would make Ramses of Egypt blush.
Quadrillions of dollars-worth of actual hard assets, gold and silver, jewels and art work, artifacts and precious documents, are on deposit with these same banks.  These riches belong to people who are the beneficiaries of the "Historic Trusts". These trust deposits are supposed to be managed by Trustees, who are appointed to their role or who inherit the positions, sometimes for many generations.
Instead of honoring their obligation to the Depositors, the banks are holding onto the assets of the Historic Trusts and refusing to allow the lawful Trustees to access these assets and use them as the Donors stipulated.  The banks are acting as self-interested robbers---again---pure and simple.
The oldest Historic Trusts were founded in late Antiquity, at the time of the Roman collapse. Through the Dark Ages and well into the Renaissance, Historic Trusts were used to collect, protect, and transfer the wealth of men and organizations.  By far the most common and among the richest Historic Trusts are those founded by Spanish Conquistadors and by the Spanish Monarchs through the early 1800's. 
These vast depositories of actual asset wealth were, for the most part, passed on by the original owners for the benefit of places and people, including their own families, home towns, favorite places, charities, churches, and even their professions.... and are today ear-marked by the current Trustees and Beneficiaries for the benefit of all Mankind.
The bankers have two-blocked all effort to secure the release of these vast stores of assets.  They have pitilessly seen the photos of starving children in Africa and called them, "Monkeys".  They have swathed themselves in silk suits and fur and lived in the finest homes and considered themselves very wise and superior to the Common Man, who they have referred to as, "Livestock". 
They have self-righteously donated dribs and drabs to charity and special causes, most of them calculated to benefit the banks and their pet projects, or used to promote their own government storefronts, or to pay off politicians, or to reward their faithful servants in the Bar Associations. They've made themselves out to be great philanthropists-- using money they stole or coerced or gained by enslaving and making the lives of others miserable.  And via the spilled blood of the innocent slaughtered in wars for profit. 
This is how we have the spectacle of the World Bank, IBRD, and others caught red-handed with gold and other assets confiscated from our grandparents and great-grandparents ----- pretending that this gold just appeared out of nowhere in their coffers and also pretending that they don't know where it came from. 
We know where it came from.  For starters, it came from my Grandmother's wedding ring, twisted off of her finger by foreign commercial mercenaries employed by FDR. 
Observe how the World Bank and IBRD tried to wash their guilty hands by offering to give our gold away to the rest of the world? 
And that is just $387 billion-worth.  That’s chump change.
The failure of the World Bank/IBRD to return our confiscated gold to us is a tiny, almost trivial bit of the dishonesty that the banks, politicians, and lawyers have nurtured into a festering epidemic-- an epidemic of institutionalized corruption that is overwhelming and poisoning the whole planet. 
So now they've got themselves in a spot.  And the propaganda machines just aren't working anymore. Let’s cover some of the high points.
The US Dollar isn't worthless paper.  It is in fact asset-backed by oil, both crude and refined oil products.  That's why it is called the "Petrodollar".  So let's get that myth dismissed right now. 
The US Dollar also isn't the American Dollar.  Let's get that nasty confusion cleared up, too.  Our Dollar is a unit of exceedingly pure silver. Always has been.
And let's pop the Gold Bubble, too. 
The sudden insist-on-gold mentality among Chinese investors is based on fear encouraged by self-interested sellers of gold---and equally unprincipled Chinese hucksters hoping to make a fortune by running up the worldwide price of gold.
The grandsons of the same men who set up the scam on Jekyll Island have moved their operations to China. Why?  -- to spring a trap fourteen decades in the making, but simple enough in design:
Collect, confiscate, impound, steal, import, control by hook or by crook all the gold in the world, and then force the grandsons and granddaughters of the people you stole the gold from to buy it back from you at wildly inflated prices.  Lie and pretend that the world's gold reserves are much smaller and therefore more precious than they really are.  
Which brings me back to the issue of the Historic Trusts and the quadrillions of dollars-worth of hard assets cashiered away for hundreds of years, all being held captive by the banks that have no right of any kind to hold those assets against the Will of the Depositors, the rights of the Trustees, and the welfare of the Beneficiaries.
There is right now in the Central Bank of Mexico a huge deposit of Spanish gold that belongs to the indigenous peoples, the sons of Spanish pioneers and the daughters of American cowboys now living in the Western United States. It was placed on deposit there are as a humanitarian bequest by the King of Spain, who intended that it be spent on infrastructure and educational programs, hospitals, and all the other things that people throughout this region needed in 1834. 
The gold was never delivered because other interests set up new, untrustworthy government storefronts that were not committed to spending the money according to the King's wishes, so there it sits--- more than 150 years later, gathering interest and value every year.  It has grown into a very substantial trust, able to support new infrastructure, new industries, new social services, new means of transportation, medical research, cultural preservation, and vast, vast humanitarian relief to some of the poorest of the poor in America--- no more photos of Navajo Elders squatting in front of a five gallon pail turned into a dangerous fuming charcoal stove trying to keep warm.
The banks are two-blocking the use of these and similar funds throughout the world because a few insanely greedy individuals refuse to come to an accommodation with the Trustees of the Historic Trusts.  They aren't content to make 2 or 3 or even 10 times profit on the gold they have stolen, confiscated, and impounded.  No, they want profits in the neighborhood of 100 times what they have invested. They think they will just sit on the Historic Trusts and outright steal them and nobody will have the resources to bring them to Justice. They think they can discount the actual Trustees, the Beneficiaries--- and the Law, by handing off the management responsibility to a Third Party, who they also propose to control and boss around.  
Why not?  They literally employ -- in your name, of course -- all the politicians you send to Washington and all the legislators sitting in "State of State" legislatures throughout the country. 
All these people you think of as your representatives are literally bought and paid for corporate franchise employees of the banks running the governmental services corporations you have also mistaken to be your lawful government.  Their only actual obligation is to make profit for the local "State of State" franchise. 
This is their job and they can't do anything else, because a commercial corporation is a psychopathic entity by definition.  The fiduciary deputies of such an organization are allowed to worship only one god-----profit at any cost.  That's the way commercial corporations operate and unknown to you that is what nearly all the county, state, and federal government operations have become: self-interested commercial corporations.  
That's also why banks are the horrible institutions they are.  If their Boards of Directors spent one penny that wasn't aimed at making more profit for the shareholders and investors of the banks, they would not only lose their jobs, they would be sued and hounded and disgraced.
When you talk to the men in charge of the major banks and commercial corporations, they are compulsively fixated on making profit ---and too many of them are willing to tear down and ruin the Earth and kill the people on it, all in pursuit of profit---for some numbers on a screen.
If you are sickened by this, and you should be, you will now know for sure that banks, governments, and courts are all in desperate need of reform and the entire concept of the commercial corporation must be revisited.  Mankind is profoundly endangered by continuing to shelter psychopathic organizations in our midst.  We can no longer turn a blind eye to the social and environmental and human cost of commercial corporations run amok. 
Everyone reading this is the heir to a vast fortune, yes, even the entire Earth, is yours and subject to your dominion.  Vast stockpiles of gold and riches are set aside for you, because one way or another, everyone on this planet is a beneficiary of one or another of the Historic Trusts.
These are the storehouses of the Lord, set aside for this time.  In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI ordered them to be opened.  As of 2017, here we still sit, waiting on Francis and the Curia and the Vatican Chancery Court.
There was a final sacrifice in Canaan 2000 years ago. A young man put aside his life for the sake of his friends and his love of the Earth and all Mankind.  He paid it as the ransom for all people of all races and all religions forevermore.  He paid it for the sheep and for the goats alike.  Even the profit-mad bankers.  He paid the price of all our debts in all jurisdictions forever. And when I say all debts and all jurisdictions--- I mean exactly that: all debts. 
Let that sink in. 
Not just for Christians.  Not just for Hebrews.  This was done for all Mankind.  Everywhere.  Regardless of belief.  Regardless of faith.  And then, one more extraordinary thing---- having purchased us, he set us free and honored the Law of Heaven.  
He set us free from all debts for all time, but to fulfill what is written and to make all things correct, I have presented the Payment Bond and made it effective for one thousand years beginning January 6, 2017 through January 6, 3017.  This is for the redemption of the Kingdom of God, and all those NAMED as part of it. This ax fell on the Vatican Chancery Court on the Day of the Three Kings, the traditional day when the kings of the Earth bring their gifts to the King of Heaven.
So now the die is cast, and Pope Francis and his entire organization is held to account for allowing the imposition of debt where none exists, for failure to release the Historic Trusts for the relief of Mankind, for the creation of commercial corporations by the Roman Curia and for allowing these diabolical inventions of the mind to run rampant upon the Earth. 
The Indemnity Bond posted for the people of Earth is without limit. The first Set-Off Bond is for $100 billion dollars in silver, renewable as needed. And the Payment Bond, AMRI00003, is good for a thousand years--- after which we will have our final Visitation and all will be fulfilled.
I am sorry for all my own sins and apologize to those people I have offended by entitling this series of essays with the tag line: Or, Stop Being Stupid.  I think that it is obvious that we and many generations before us have been stupid, dull, slow, gullible, complacent, unwary, and the list goes on.  How else have we been so deceived? 
I think it is also obvious that, yes, we do have a choice in the matter.  We can go on believing the lies and the fairytales--- and go on being enslaved in the Land of the Free---- or we can face the facts and jerk awake and ask the questions we need to ask--- and foremost among them, how is this even possible? 
How have the people of the whole world been deceived, defrauded, and misled for thousands of years?  It stands firmly on the record that we have been.
People often say to me, “This has the ring of truth!”
There's a reason for that.  It sounds true because it is true.  Once you step back and really think about it, it's obvious.  It's right in front of our faces.  It is written in our history, revealed in our holy books, repeated in our Laws, blazoned across the heavens, and resonating in our DNA.  We know the Truth.  We just have to admit it to ourselves and then declare it and share it.
Billions of people on this planet are suffering and going without the basics of life for no good reason.  Other lives are rendered truncated and miserable, crippled by artificially manufactured scarcity---- lacks deliberately created by banks, governments, and other commercial corporations via unlawful monopolization and manipulation of commodity markets and natural resources.
This is being done to the Heirs of Creation, the Children of the True God, the living people who are owed the benefits of the Historic Trusts regardless of their race, religion, or nation. 
It’s time that the banks are brought to “an accommodation” with respect to their activities interfering in the operation of our lawful government and withholding access to the benefit of our trusts both public and private, and the release of the hegemonies they have established to control our lives, our labor and our use of our own natural resources. 
It’s time to examine the purposes of banks and other commercial corporations and to question any necessity for their continued existence in their present forms.
We must remember that the Roman Curia created the entire concept of corporations.  It is their responsibility to control them and to redefine them as necessary to ensure their proper functioning.  When a dream turns into a nightmare and the pet becomes rabid, it’s time for the owners to wake up and either find the cure or put the creature down.
The banks and their government storefronts and the other commercial corporations pillaging the people and raping the planet must be fundamentally and permanently reformed. The Curia is the international body responsible for doing this and the Roman Pontiff is the official responsible for implementing it.
I have waited nine long years for the Curia to address the obvious and pungent problem.  I have marked the days since the order was given by Benedict XVI to open the Lord’s storehouses and provide relief to the people of this planet. And now I have presented the Payment Bond to the Vatican Chancery Court. 
In all these ways and for all these reasons, Pope Francis and the Roman Curia and the Vatican Chancery Court stand at the epicenter of this essential conflict between the commercial corporations and the beneficiaries of the Divine Trust. As with any trust, the Will of the Donor and the good of the Beneficiaries must be honored by the Trustees.
Otherwise, they must be recognized as False Trustees and ousted for cause.
In the nine years since Benedict gave the order to open the Lord’s storehouses, the people of this planet have continued to suffer in every corner.  The Historic Trusts remain in lock-down imposed by the banks, which also refuse to release credit on the interest owed.  The Curia shimmy-shuffles back and forth and takes no action to rein in, much less redefine, the limits and objectives of the banks and other commercial corporations.  The Vatican Chancery Court likewise hovers in interminable call-waiting status long after the facts have been established and the issues ripened for decision.
As of January 6, the books have been balanced. They must stay balanced for 1,000 years no matter what else anyone may do.   
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Looks like Chicago just got Trump's attention!

Government's First Duty

'Women’s March on Washington' Should Be Ashamed - But They Are Not!

'Women’s  March  on  Washington'  Should  Be  Ashamed - But  They  Are  Not!  TRUMP  SUPPORTER  EMBARRASSES  WOMEN'S  MARCH!
It was one of the largest protests in the United States, and the size of Saturday’s “Women’s March on Washington” was dwarfed only by the tens of millions of women who voted for President Donald Trump.

But there’s one problem — once these so-called “environmentalists” were done, they left behind huge piles of trash and Starbucks cups and discarded their snarky signs wherever they pleased.

What EVER credibility (IF they even know what that is) that these 
      immature confused idiot women may have had, they lost ALL of it        
with the mess they left behind for OTHERS to clean up after them 
along with their total disrespect for the American people as a 
whole and  for the nation they live in

Footage begins at 1:08.  This video kind of says it all. If anyone has better footage without all the hype at the beginning of this one, send it in and we will publish it. Thanks.



Summary: H.R.193 — 115th Congress (2017-2018) American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017


This bill repeals the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws.

The bill requires: (1) the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. 

The bill prohibits: (1) the authorization of funds for the U.S. assessed or voluntary contribution to the U.N., (2) the authorization of funds for any U.S. contribution to any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (3) the expenditure of funds to support the participation of U.S. Armed Forces as part of any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (4) U.S. Armed Forces from serving under U.N. command, and (5) diplomatic immunity for U.N. officers or employees. 

From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []
By Mr. ROGERS of Alabama:
H.R. 193.
Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant
to the following:
This legislation is authorized by Article I, Section 8 of
the Constitution: ``To make all laws which shall be necessary
and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers,
and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the
Government of the United States.''
[Page H52]


Where is the announcement of the U.S withdrawing from the League of Nations in Davos, you lemmings?

This is nothing more than lipstick on a pig until the real problem in the outhouse is faced!

The United States of America does not have "Citizens" and leaders.

It has "Slaves" and what are known as Owners. Owned by the Federal Reserve System, is exactly what they are.

Unquestionably, it will have to be removed like a cancer since the Federal Reserve has written all the rules.
  1. You got that right, you officially cannot trust ANY member of a government.

    They are all liars, including and especially Kennedy who wanted a cashless world. (Should it miss your notice that your leader meets with cashless sponsor Modi?)

    So don't act like government is there for you, you people really must start separating entirely from that.

    Are people losing their minds? Trump is the same, he's only in there because people put his feet to the fire.

    He may be a step in the right direction, but what do you think all of you are? That's right you are citizens and that means you are collateral to the central bank for whatever they deem to extract.

    Are you brainwashed that you don't think you are?

    We don't have a concern as we no longer are citizens AT ALL and intend to keep it that way, which is quite tough. Anyone who enters chamber court is a citizen.

    All the rest of you better wake up.
    All of you are indeed citizens if you in fact are putting service leaders into this bankrupt municipal corporation.

    You cannot belong to both. Nor can you hide!!
    This isn't arguable.
    A citizen belongs to the Federal Reserve/IMF.(New Republiqu)
    A non-citzen or state citizen belongs to the Republic.

    It isn't in dispute, go look it up.

    You folks need to remember this!
Anonymous January 24, 2017 at 12:18 PM
  1. Questions:

    The Pope (the present one is Pope Francis - no 266 and a Jesuit to boot) is a sovereign of the Vatican City.

    He's also leader of a flock of sheep (some poor American sheep gets bitten and assassinated terribly so by his CIA - originally Catholic Intelligence Agency initiated and run by the Jesuits in over 70 Countries)

    1. Considering the idea of followers and their leaders isn't the idea to educate, grow and emulate attributes of such leaders?

    2. What's with populism - does the Pope not like his followers to be independent and sovereign like himself?

    3. Hasn't the dinosaurs in the Vatican understood that humanity has come of age?

    Very recently President Donald Trump gave the American people permission to think with our own minds again. It's hard to understand why so many are complaining about it when the Creator gave it to us.
  2. Trump will also have to have the United States Code officially repealed as to having any bearing on anything in the Republic Union States. The USC still says that anyone that takes an oath of office loses his American citizenship and becomes an agent of the United Nations. Hopefully this House Bill and subsequent change will automatically undo that provision of the USC and put our peace officers back under the Constitution so that they can quit acting like paid foreign mercenaries unlawfully enforcing foreign corporate copyrighted codes and statutes against the sovereign people as if they were actually law, and quit harassing and arresting law abiding Americans that are lawfully exercising their God given rights enumerated and guaranteed under the Constitution for these United states of America. They are called states because they are a state of being, a fabricated construct of organization fabricated by the mind that none of us as sovereign creations of God are obligated to participate in. See the first Judicial Act of 1797. All jurisdiction is based on consent.

Are you ready for this? Benefits of a cashless “digital” money world ???



FYI - Trump meeting with Indian Prime Minister MODI today at the White House per Fox News - See below.........


What the U.S.A. 'gov' traitors are NOT TELLING YOU

It’s kinda sneaking up on us like an East Texas copperhead pit viper. It began to get some wide attention in 2016 with prominent economists and financial media suddenly talking about the wonderful benefits of a “cashless society.” Then the government of Narenda Modi completely surprised his citizens by suddenly announcing withdrawal of larger denomination currency notes from circulation, forcing Indians to put their cash into banks or lose it. Now, everywhere we turn, it seems, someone is arguing the Nirvana benefits of a cashless, “digital” money world. 

It reminds me in an eerie way of a statement attributed to then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the 1970’s. He reportedly stated, “If you control oil, you control entire nations; if you control food, you control the people; if you control money, you control the entire world.” 


Consider the following in this regard. 

Modi and a USAID ‘Catalyst’

On November 8, 2016 in a surprise televised address, Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi announced that within a deadline of days all Indian currency notes of 500 and 1,000 Rupees must be put in a bank account and exchanged for smaller denomination notes. At today’s exchange rate 1,000 Rs is roughly equal to $15. This would perhaps be equivalent to the US Treasury outlawing all cash notes larger than a $10 bill.

Overnight, Modi’s government de facto outlawed an estimated 86 percent of all cash in circulation by value. People had 50 days to hand in the notes or they become worthless. Yet the government, despite stating it would issue new, more secure 500Rs and 1000Rs bills, had nowhere near the equivalent value of new notes ready for replacement. They say it may take up to a year to print enough, which means confiscation, de facto. 

Faked opinion polls with slanted questions done only via smart phone apps of which only 17% of the population has access, claimed that “90% of Indians approve” the demonetization.

Yet it’s far worse. India is an underdeveloped country, the largest in the world in population terms with more than 1.3 billion people. By demanding Indians turn in all 500Rs and 1,000Rs bills to banks, Modi is forcing major change in how Indians control their money in a country high on the corruption scale where few trust government let alone private banks, and prefer to deal strictly in cash or hoard gold for value. Nearly half the population, some 600 million Indians, do not hold a bank account and half of those, some 300 million Indians, lack a government identification, necessary to open an account.

When he presented his shock announcement, Modi pitched it in terms of going after India’s black economy. Soon he shifted gears and was praising the benefits of a “cash-less society” to enable Indians to enter the digital age, appealing to younger Indians, savvy in smart phones and digital networks, to convince the older of the benefits of online banking and consuming. 

The drastic demonetization declaration was planned by Modi and five other inner-circle ministers in complete secrecy. Not even the banks were told before. The question is what is behind, or rather who is behind this drastic form of monetary shock therapy?

Beyond Cash

The answer is as sinister as it is suggestive of a larger global agenda by what I call in one of my books the Wall Street “Gods of Money.” The Modi cash-less India operation is a project of the US National Security Council, US State Department and Office of the President administered through its US Agency for International Development (USAID). 

Little surprise, then, that the US State Department spokesman, Mark Toner in a December 1, 2016 press briefing praised the Modi demonetization move stating, “…this was, we believe, an important and necessary step to crack down on illegal actions…a necessary one to address the corruption.”

Keep in mind that USAID today has little to do with aiding poorer countries. By law it must follow the foreign policy agenda of the U.S.A. President’s National Security Council and State Department. It’s widely known as a conduit for CIA money to execute their dirty agendas abroad in places such as Georgia. Notably, the present head of the USAID, Gayle Smith, came to head USAID from her post as Senior Director at the US National Security Council.

German economist and blogger, Norbert Haering, in an extensive well-documented investigation into the background of the bizarre Modi move to a cash-less India, found not only USAID as the key financial source of the project. He also uncovered a snake-pit of organizational vipers being funded by USAID to design and implement the India shock therapy.

USAID negotiated a co-operation with the Modi Indian Ministry of Finance. In October, 2016 in a press release USAID announced it had created and funded something it named 'Project Catalyst'. The title of their report was, “Catalyst: Inclusive Cashless Payment Partnership.” Its stated goal it said was to bring about a “quantum leap” in cashless payment in India.

They certainly did that. Maybe two quantum leaps and some.

If we dig a bit deeper we find that in January 2016, USAID presented the Indian Finance Ministry a report titled, 'Beyond Cash': Why India loves cash and why that matters for financial inclusion. Financial “inclusion” for them means getting all Indians into the digital banking system where their every payment can be electronically tracked and given to the tax authorities or to whomever the government sees fit.

Astonishingly, the report, prepared for USAID by something called the Global Innovation Exchange, admitted that “97% of retail transactions in India are conducted in cash or check; Few consumers use digital payments. Only 11% used debit cards for payments last year. Only 6% of Indian merchants accept digital payments…Only 29 percent of bank accounts in India have been used in the last three months.” The US and Indian governments knew very well what shock they were detonating in India.

The Global Innovation Exchange includes such dubious member organizations as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a major donor to the Modi war on cash initiative of USAID. It also includes USAID itself, several UN agencies including UNICEF, UNDP, UNHCR. And it includes the US Department of Commerce and a spooky Maclean, Virginia military contractor called MITRE Corporation whose chairman is former CIA Director, James Rodney Schlesinger, a close associate of Henry Kissinger.

The USAID Project Catalyst in partnership with the Indian Finance Ministry was done, according to the USAID press statement, with a sinister-sounding organization called Among the 35 members of are USAID, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, VISA, MasterCard, Omidyar Network of eBay billionaire founder Pierre Omidyar, the World Economic Forum-center of the globalization annual Alpine meetings.

War on Cash

However, a most interesting member of the USAID Project Catalyst together with the Indian Ministry of Finance is something called Better Than Cash Alliance. In point of fact the US-government-finance Project Catalyst grew out of a longer cooperation between USAID, the Washington-based Better Than Cash Alliance and the Indian Ministry of Finance. It appears to be the core public driver pushing the agenda of the global “war on cash.”

India and the reckless (or corrupt) Modi government implementing the USAID-Better Than Cash Alliance agenda is clearly serving as a guinea pig in a mass social experiment about how to push the cash war in other countries. The Better Than Cash Alliance is described by the UNCDF, which is its Secretariat, as “a US $38 million global alliance of governments, private sector and development organizations committed to accelerating the shift from cash to electronic payments.”

The Better Than Cash Alliance website announces that the alliance, created in 2012, is a “partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to reduce poverty and drive inclusive growth.” It’s housed at the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) in New York whose major donors, in turn, surprise, surprise, are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and MasterCard Foundation. Among the Better Than Cash Alliance’s 50 members are, in addition to the Gates Foundation, Citi Foundation (Citigroup), Ford Foundation, MasterCard, Omidyar Network, United States Agency for International Development, and Visa Inc.

Recently the European Central Bank, which has held negative interest rates for more than a year, allegedly to stimulate growth in the Eurozone amid the long-duration banking and economic crisis of almost nine years, announced that it will stop printing the €500 note. They claim it’s connected with money laundering and terror financing, though it ominously echoes the Modi India war on cash. Former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, whose shady role in the 1990’s rape of Russia through his Harvard cronies has been documented elsewhere, is calling for eliminating the US $100 bill. These are first steps to future bolder moves to the desired Cash-less society of Gates, Citigroup, Visa et al.

US Dual Standard: Follow the money…

The move to a purely digital money system would be Big Brother on steroids. It would allow the relevant governments to monitor our every money move with a digital trail, to confiscate deposits in what now are legal bank “bail-ins” as was done in Cyprus in 2013. If central banks move interest rates into negative, something the Bank of Japan and ECB in Frankfurt are already doing, citizens have no choice than to spend the bank money or lose. It is hailed as a way to end tax avoidance but it is far, far more sinister.

As Norbert Haering notes, “the status of the dollar as the world’s currency of reference and the dominance of US companies in international finance provide the US government with tremendous power over all participants in the formal non-cash financial system. It can make everybody conform to American law rather than to their local or international rules.” He adds, referring to the recent US Government demand that Germany’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank, pay an astonishing and unprecedented $14 billion fine, “Every internationally active bank can be blackmailed by the US government into following their orders, since revoking their license to do business in the US or in dollar basically amounts to shutting them down.”

We should add to this “benevolent concern” of the US Government to stimulate a War on Cash in India and elsewhere the fact that while Washington has been the most aggressive demanding that banks in other countries enact measures for full disclosure of details of Swiss or Panama or other “offshore” secret account holders or US nationals holding money in foreign banks, the USA itself has scrupulously avoided demanding the same of its domestic banks. The result, as Bloomberg noted following the suspiciously-timed Panama Papers offshore “leaks” of May, 2016, is that the United States is rapidly becoming the world’s leading tax and secrecy haven for rich foreigners.

Perversely enough, in 2010 the US passed a law, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or FACTA, that requires financial firms to disclose foreign accounts held by US citizens and report them to the US IRS tax office or the foreign banks face steep penalties. The EU signed on to the intrusive FACTA despite strong resistance. Then, using FACTA as the model, the Paris-based OECD drafted an even tougher version of FACTA in 2014 to allegedly go after tax avoiders. To date 97 countries have agreed to the tough OECD bank disclosure rules. Very few have refused. The refusers include Bahrain, Nauru, Vanuatu—and…the United States.

World’s Biggest Tax Haven

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist, a financial wizard or a Meyer Lansky to see a pattern. Washington forces disclosure of secret bank accounts of its citizens or companies abroad, while at the same time lifting control or disclosure inside the United States of private banking accounts. No surprise that such experienced private bankers as London’s Rothschild & Co. have opened offices in Reno Nevada a stone’s throw from Harrah’s and other casinos, and according to Bloomberg, is doing a booming business moving the fortunes of wealthy foreign clients out of offshore havens such as Bermuda, or Switzerland which are subject to the new OECD international disclosure requirements, into Rothschild-run trusts in Nevada, which are exempt from those disclosure rules.

Rothschild & Co. Director Andrew Penney noted that, as a result, the United States today, “is effectively the biggest tax haven in the world.” Today Nevada, Meyer Lansky’s money laundering project of the 1930’s with established legalized gambling, is becoming the “new Switzerland.” Wyoming and South Dakota are close on the heels.

One area where America’s institutions are still world class is in devising complex instruments of financial control, asset theft and cyber warfare. The US War on Cash, combined with the US Treasury and IRS war on offshore banking is their latest model. As Washington’s War on Terror had a sinister, hidden agenda, so too does Washington’s War on Cash. It’s something to be avoided at all costs if we human beings are to retain any vestige of sovereignty or autonomy. It will be interesting to see how vigorously Casino mogul Trump moves to close the US tax haven status. What do you bet he doesn’t?

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”


"Trump Promises End of Chemtrails"

Russian foreign minister says Trump and Putin see eye-to-eye on foreign affairs because they both want to defeat ISIS and avoid 'interfering in other countries'

President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin see eye to eye when it comes to many foreign policy goals, Russia's foreign minister said today.

Sergey Lavrov was speaking at a news conference with his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto.

'We have been following the situation in the US,' Lavrov said. 'We can see that many of the major foreign policy issues that Donald Trump has mentioned overlap with what President Putin has been saying about Russia's foreign policy priorities.

'Donald Trump seems to focus on advancing the United States' core interests rather than promoting various ideas and interfering in other countries' internal affairs. This is actually the essence of Russia's foreign policy.'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday that President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin see eye-to-eye on foreign affairs
Lavrov said that Trump and Putin see the fight against ISIS as a 'major priority'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday that President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin see eye-to-eye on foreign affairs
Lavrov added that Russia and Trump share the goal of defeating Islamic State. He called the fight against ISIS 'a major priority' for both the United States and Russia.

Lavrov said, however, that he wants to wait until Trump's team is 'completely formed' and the administration 'officially clarifies its position on the main global issues' before moving forward, TASS reported. 

Larvrov said that he wants to wait until Trump's team is 'completely formed' before speaking with the administration

Larvrov said that he wants to wait until Trump's team is 'completely formed' before speaking with the administration

The foreign minister said that the Obama Administration formed some 'red flags and minefields' before leaving office, making communication between Moscow and Washington, DC, 'seriously complicated'.

He said Russia is ready to bring relations between the countries 'back to normal'. 
'It will only be possible if relations are based on equality, mutual respect and the search for the balance of interests in the fields where we have common goals, such as the war on terror,' he added.

Trump, who has praised Putin, has signaled he wants to improve strained ties with Russia despite US intelligence agencies alleging the Kremlin chief ordered a cyber campaign to help him beat rival Hillary Clinton to the White House.

Russia denies it tried to sway the US election by hacking or other means. It has also dismissed as a fabrication a dossier written by a former British spy which suggested Moscow had collected compromising information about Trump.

Lavrov dismissed the dossier's author, Christopher Steele, as 'a fugitive charlatan from MI6' and said the dossier looked like part of a campaign to cause problems for Trump and his allies. Putin last week called the same dossier a hoax.

While cautioning that the new US administration would need to settle in before wider conclusions could be drawn, Lavrov signalled he was encouraged by the tenor of the Trump team's statements so far which he said suggested it would be possible to have a pragmatic relationship.

Lavrov was speaking at a news conference with his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto on Monday
Lavrov was speaking at a news conference with his Hungarian counterpart Peter Szijjarto on Monday

'Trump has a particular set of views which differ a lot from his predecessor,' said Lavrov, who accused the Obama administration of wrecking co-operation across a swath of areas and of trying to recruit Russian diplomats as agents.
'By concentrating on a pragmatic search for mutual interests we can solve a lot of problems.'

On Tuesday, Putin took a parting shot at the Obama administration accusing it of trying to undermine Trump's legitimacy with fake allegations and 'binding the president-elect hand and foot to prevent him from fulfilling his election promises'.

Putin voiced hope that 'common sense will prevail' and Russia and the United States will be able to normalize relations once Trump takes office Friday.
'I don't know Mr Trump,' Putin said. 'I have never met him and I don't know what he will do on the international arena. I have no reason whatsoever to assail him, criticize him for something, or defend him.'

Now baby food and biscuits are linked to cancer: Food watchdog issues alerts for 25 big brands after claiming that crunchy roast potatoes and toast could cause the disease

Tests on best-selling crisps, biscuits and baby food showed raised levels of a chemical linked to cancer.

The health alert comes just 24 hours after an official watchdog warned of the risks of eating burnt toast and roast potatoes. 

The latest products on the danger list include Kettle Chips, Burts crisps, Hovis, Fox’s biscuits, Kenco coffee, McVitie’s and products from Cow & Gate.
A number of big name brand products contain raised levels of acrylamide, a chemical linked to cancer, according to the Food Standards Agency
A number of big name brand products contain raised levels of acrylamide, a chemical linked to cancer, according to the Food Standards Agency
According to the Food Standards Agency, 25 products have raised levels of acrylamide. 

Animal studies suggest the chemical can trigger DNA mutations and cancer.
The link to acrylamide was also behind the warning over fried, roasted and toasted foods such as potatoes and bread.

The agency cautioned that any risk to humans related to lifetime consumption and not occasional eating. 

However a renowned statistician yesterday insisted the link to cancer in humans from acrylamide was extremely weak.

There is no good evidence of harm from humans consuming acrylamide in their diet,’ said Professor David Spiegelhalter.
The FSA and other watchdogs in Europe test supermarket food to assess whether acrylamide levels are above a suggested limit – IV, for indicative value.
Of 526 products in targeted tests in 2014 and 2015, 25 had raised levels. Although the agency is not advising consumers to stop eating the products, the manufacturers have been told to cut the levels.

The FSA said: ‘For all of these samples we followed up with the manufacturers or brand owners via local authority inspectors. 

'They alerted them to the findings and requested information about what is being done to control acrylamide in those products. 

'We would emphasise though that the indicative values are not legal maximum limits nor are they safety levels. 

'They are performance indicators and designed to promote best practice in controlling acrylamide levels.’

A Hovis granary loaf, pictured, is one of the products that has higher levels of the chemical, which has been known to cause DNA mutations in animals
A Hovis granary loaf, pictured, is one of the products that has higher levels of the chemical, which has been known to cause DNA mutations in animals