By Anna Von Reitz
The problem with kings is that
they are men and men vary widely in their characters and abilities, so that one
may be a perfectly good king and another, even his own son, a disaster.
Witness the Hebrew's experience.
They demanded a king, so God told Samuel--- it's a bad idea, but if that's what
you want, have Saul for a king.
And yes, it was a bad idea. Years
of war and bloodshed and tragedy and all sorts of scandal and nastiness, even
madness at the end----- and finally, the people had the great King David, who
was a good, brave, and talented man, but also deeply flawed, and then his son,
Solomon, the "wisest" king ever, and yet, he fell away and worshiped idols and
accepted all the nastiness of Babylonian religious practices.
The plain fact is that men are
not -- generally speaking --- able or willing or wise enough to govern
themselves, so what realistic hope is there that they will be able to wisely
govern others?
Everything that Samuel reported
as God's advice and instruction is as true now as it was then. Better to accept
God as your King and men as your brothers, than to try to fill God's shoes and
become confused about who and what you are.
This is the wisdom of the Belle
Chers (Belchers) who have never been eager or indeed, willing, to exercise the
Great Seal of the United States of America and impose their will on anyone. Free
will is the rule and gift of God. Who are we or anyone else to change that? And
in the end, it is the journey of each one to know themselves and rule
themselves, so again, isn't that enough to occupy an entire lifetime of
So for two hundred years, the
Belle Chers have stood stolidly by and fought their own battles and let the
politicians squabble and the idea that they should interfere with the people
sorting out their own affairs has remained repugnant and is repugnant
Yet there is a time when respect
for free will and agreement that the only true kingship remains with God, comes
head to head with the responsibility we each bear toward our fellowman to do all
that we can to safeguard and preserve them from harm so that we act not as
kings, but as brothers.
I agree with Frank O'Collins that
the Unam Sanctam Trust was conceived in fraud and is therefore a nullity in
terms of Law, together with all its later developments.
Having solved the problem in his
head, Frank is ready to move on to whatever other questions await
The rest of us are left to clean
up the mess on Aisle 5 which results from over 700 years of building a vast
edifice of interlocking trusts, legal fictions, and forms of law peculiar to
these devices---- all conceived in fraud--- in "legal fiction", yet nonetheless
having identity and force and vast powers to build or destroy.
This is what is spoken of in
Revelation, where angels seems to speak in riddles about those that "are" and
"are not"--- that were and were not and yet will be. Corporations exist in
exactly that manner. We conceive of these organizations like GMC and Exxon and
Nestles and yet they aren't real. They "are" and "are not". They have names,
they have employee rosters, they have officials and logos, but in a sense, they
don't exist.
They are fraud in the same way
the the Unam Sanctam trust is fraud. They are nullities, and don't exist in Law,
yet they exercise tremendous power as commercial organizations and even more
when they usurp the governance of entire countries.
We are left with a terrible
dilemma of criminality and rulership, in which each man and woman must seek to
rule their own lives and use their own minds and having faced that
responsibility which we owe each other---- join together to find solutions and
replace the fictions with the facts--- knowing that what we have is built on
sand, an edifice however vast that is unlawful and illusory as any shadow.
Try to imagine a world without
corporations. Try to imagine a world without kings, only brothers. Try to
imagine a time when we cast down idols whether made of gold or words or flesh
and embrace the divinity that lies within?
"The Kingdom of Heaven is within
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