Sunday, June 11, 2017

Thoughts About Kings and Brothers

By Anna Von Reitz

The problem with kings is that they are men and men vary widely in their characters and abilities, so that one may be a perfectly good king and another, even his own son, a disaster.
Witness the Hebrew's experience. They demanded a king, so God told Samuel--- it's a bad idea, but if that's what you want, have Saul for a king. 
And yes, it was a bad idea. Years of war and bloodshed and tragedy and all sorts of scandal and nastiness, even madness at the end----- and finally, the people had the great King David, who was a good, brave, and talented man, but also deeply flawed, and then his son, Solomon, the "wisest" king ever, and yet, he fell away and worshiped idols and accepted all the nastiness of Babylonian religious practices.
The plain fact is that men are not -- generally speaking --- able or willing or wise enough to govern themselves, so what realistic hope is there that they will be able to wisely govern others? 
Everything that Samuel reported as God's advice and instruction is as true now as it was then. Better to accept God as your King and men as your brothers, than to try to fill God's shoes and become confused about who and what you are.
This is the wisdom of the Belle Chers (Belchers) who have never been eager or indeed, willing, to exercise the Great Seal of the United States of America and impose their will on anyone. Free will is the rule and gift of God. Who are we or anyone else to change that? And in the end, it is the journey of each one to know themselves and rule themselves, so again, isn't that enough to occupy an entire lifetime of striving?
So for two hundred years, the Belle Chers have stood stolidly by and fought their own battles and let the politicians squabble and the idea that they should interfere with the people sorting out their own affairs has remained repugnant and is repugnant still. 
Yet there is a time when respect for free will and agreement that the only true kingship remains with God, comes head to head with the responsibility we each bear toward our fellowman to do all that we can to safeguard and preserve them from harm so that we act not as kings, but as brothers.
I agree with Frank O'Collins that the Unam Sanctam Trust was conceived in fraud and is therefore a nullity in terms of Law, together with all its later developments.
Having solved the problem in his head, Frank is ready to move on to whatever other questions await him. 
The rest of us are left to clean up the mess on Aisle 5 which results from over 700 years of building a vast edifice of interlocking trusts, legal fictions, and forms of law peculiar to these devices---- all conceived in fraud--- in "legal fiction", yet nonetheless having identity and force and vast powers to build or destroy.
This is what is spoken of in Revelation, where angels seems to speak in riddles about those that "are" and "are not"--- that were and were not and yet will be. Corporations exist in exactly that manner. We conceive of these organizations like GMC and Exxon and Nestles and yet they aren't real. They "are" and "are not". They have names, they have employee rosters, they have officials and logos, but in a sense, they don't exist.
They are fraud in the same way the the Unam Sanctam trust is fraud. They are nullities, and don't exist in Law, yet they exercise tremendous power as commercial organizations and even more when they usurp the governance of entire countries.
We are left with a terrible dilemma of criminality and rulership, in which each man and woman must seek to rule their own lives and use their own minds and having faced that responsibility which we owe each other---- join together to find solutions and replace the fictions with the facts--- knowing that what we have is built on sand, an edifice however vast that is unlawful and illusory as any shadow.
Try to imagine a world without corporations. Try to imagine a world without kings, only brothers. Try to imagine a time when we cast down idols whether made of gold or words or flesh and embrace the divinity that lies within? 

"The Kingdom of Heaven is within you."
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website




America - BEWARE! Meet the Next Obama!

Abdul El-Sayed with wife Sarah.MEET THE NEXT OBAMA

The Democratic Party may have found its next Barack Obama

He's young and attractive, and speaks in platitudes about celebrating inclusiveness and diversity. His name is Dr. Abdul el-Sayed.  He’s a 32-year-old medical doctor and he recently launched his campaign for governor of Michigan, the election to be held in November 2018. If he wins he would be America’s first Muslim governor.

He speaks articulately without an accent, inserts humor into his speeches at seemingly just the right moments, and he has the full backing of America’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood-linked network of Islamic organizations.
In an interview with Al Jazeera, El-Sayed said Michigan voters are having “buyer’s remorse,” and that President Trump’s decisions “are at odds with deeply held American values, and distractions from real issues.”
Sayed served as the executive director of the Detroit Health Department and Health Officer for the City of Detroit, appointed by Mayor Mike Duggan. At 30 years old, he was at the time of his appointment in 2015 the youngest health director in a major U.S. city.
According to El-Sayed, his decision to run for governor was influenced by concerns over state leadership following the lead-tainted water crisis in Flint, as well as policies being implemented in Washington, D.C., under President Trump. (Amazing isn't it?  Here is one involved in a political movement, Islam, that is just about as un-American as one can get - and he is concerned about policies being implemented in Washington DC -  policies being literally the reversal of all the traitorous 'laws' and policies implemented in the past 10 to 30 years by hard core Nazi commies and muslim handlers in the background hell bent on taking over and destroying the united States???)

“It’s Obama II,” Manasseri said. “Elizabeth Warren will be coming to campaign for him, the Democrats in other states will be raising money for him. The DNC number-two man, Keith Ellison, will be raising money for him. Of course this guy is going to be on the
Sunday morning talk shows. He’ll be everywhere. A candidate for governor who is Muslim Brotherhood …if that doesn’t tell you there’s a Shariah swamp in Michigan I don’t know what does.”
OK America - the traitorous DNC has announced their plans and their front lines workers. The DNC is hell bent on destroying every foundation principle upon which this nation was founded.  The most tyrannical hate filled individuals are their speakers and leaders.

PayPal Founder Admits to Drinking Children's Blood



Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
10th June 2017 @ 6.15pm

The billionaire founder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, has admitted to drinking the blood of teenagers in a bid to extend his own lifespan.  The 48-year-old has funded startups dedicated to extending the human lifespan and claims that people are conned by "the idea of the inevitability of the death".

During an interview with’s Jeff Bercovici, Thiel admitted that he harvests young blood and infuses himself with it in a practice known as parabiosis which he claims is the closest modern science has come to creating an anti-aging panacea.  According to reports, Thiel spends $40,000 per quarter to get an infusion of blood from a teenager during the process of "parabiosis", which means the biological joining of two individuals.

The huge expense involved in anti-aging parabiosis could lead us to a dystopian future where the wealthy, who wish to live forever, will thrive on the blood of the poor, who will die at a normal age.

Breaking Down The News reports: Thiel — a hedge funder who acted as a delegate for Donald Trump and spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention — is reportedly obsessed with defying death and extending the human lifespan.  He has injected funds into startups that are experimenting with ways to forestall the body’s inevitable decline and death.  “I’m looking into parabiosis stuff,” Thiel told Bercovici, “where they [injected] the young blood into older mice and they found that had a massive rejuvenating effect. … I think there are a lot of these things that have been strangely under explored.”

Parabiosis experiments began in the 1950s with crude exercises in which rats were cut open and their circulatory systems restructured and manipulated.  Recently some companies have been advancing human trials with parabiosis.  Bercovici wrote that U.S. studies in the field are currently lagging behind trials in China and Korea.

A California company called Ambrosia is conducting human trials in which healthy people aged 35 or older receive transfusions of blood plasma from people under 25. Participants pay $8,000 to take part and their health is closely monitored for the two years they receive the transfusions. Participants must live in or have the means to travel to Monterey, CA.

Ambrosia’s founder Jesse Karmazin told Bercovici that participants experience a reversal of aging systems across every major organ system. Furthermore, the results appear to be long-lasting, he said, if not permanent.“ The effects seem to be almost permanent,” Karmazin said. “It’s almost like there’s a resetting of gene expression.”

Jason Camm — chief medical officer at Thiel Capital — reached out to Karmazin, saying that the company is interested in his studies. Camm is listed on his LinkedIn page as, “Personal Health Director to Peter Thiel … and a number of other prominent Silicon Valley business leaders and investors.”In an interview last year, Thiel told Bercovici that our culture is “a little too biassed against all these things” that purportedly prolong life. 

When the reporter asked Thiel if he was looking at parabiosis as a business opportunity or a personal medical decision, Thiel said the latter. The practice, he said, isn’t necessarily patentable, which compromises its potential money-making value.  However, he said, the FDA needn’t get involved or study the practice because “it’s just blood transfusions.”  There are rumors that some wealthy individuals in Silicon Valley are doing courses of parabiosis, but Thiel said last year that he hadn’t “quite, quite, quite started yet.” 

A spokesman for Thiel Capital said that nothing has changed since then.  Gawker reported that it received a tip claiming Thiel “spends $40,000 per quarter to get an infusion of blood from an 18-year-old based on research conducted at Stanford on extending the lives of mice.”

Thiel is locked in a grudge match with Gawker after the website outed him as gay in 2007.  Resenting the intrusion into his private life, Thiel quietly funded a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the website by pro wrestler Hulk Hogan.The lawsuit was successful and Gawker is now struggling against bankruptcy and is due to go up for auction later this summer.  Gawker editor in chief Nick Denton filed for personal bankruptcy after a Florida court refused to grant him an emergency stay on the verdict.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Rothschild empire is looking at financial turmoil



Daniel Newton |@NeonNettle 
11th March 2017

Lord Jacob Rothschild has accidentally admitted that the plan for the New World Order is collapsing according to a new report.  The Rothschild empire is now looking at fresh financial turmoil as suggested by the RIT Capital Partners 2016-year-end report, which could also have a huge effect for the rest of the planet. Jacob Rothschild also recently announced that he is to buy up all remaining gold to replace stock market and currency exposure, which signals the biggest financial crash since the Lehman Brothers crash in 2008. reports: The investment banker’s chosen word of “period” seems to indicate a coming downturn in profitability, even though for the past five years the fund has realized a profit of more than 1 billion Euros. According to the report, Rothschild and his very powerful family have a vested interest in preserving their assets. “RIT Capital Partners plc is an investment company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Its net assets have grown from £280 million on listing in 1988 to over £2.7 billion today. 

RIT is chaired by Lord Rothschild, whose family interests retain a significant holding,” the issue reveals. If the fund, whose value is at an If the fund, whose value is at an all-time high, suddenly declines, falling with it will be a large portion of wealth the Rothschild family enjoys. Although, any such declines would hardly come as a surprise to the Rothschild family who reportedly controls much of the world’s wealth and has a hand in nearly all of the world’s banking institutions, including the Federal Reserve, as some have stated.

The chairman’s statement continues with what some might say is an ominous and uncertain view of the future. “Since the last World War, we have enjoyed some 70 years of patiently crafted international cooperation which is now threatened,” an apparent reference to Brexit and the UK’s referendum to withdraw from the European Union. “Against this deeply worrying geo-political situation,” he wrote seeming to highlight the potential of WWIII if the Syrian conflict continues, “one can point to a number of positive investment factors.” 

Echoing many statements made by the current U.S. president, Lord Rothschild stated he was hopeful corporations would receive a break in government imposed revenue. He said, “in the US, the proposed tax reduction for companies and individuals,” was a favorable policy change for his fund’s portfolio. Resounding President Trump’s call for deregulation, Rothschild also was reportedly pleased with the “reforms of an over-regulated system.” 

Likewise, in step with Trump’s call to exponentially increase spending on America’s failing transportation infrastructure, Lord Rothschild is pleased. However, Trump’s call for, “increases in fiscal and infrastructure expenditure…come at a time late in the business cycle when the labour market is close to full employment,” meaning there’s no forecast of immediate returns on infrastructure spending forecasted in the future. 

The banking and financial baron also seemed to lament that “wage increases are up by some 4% over the last few months,” a factor which affects the bottom line for every company. He also stated across the fund’s portfolio will also be affected by rising interest rates. “Valuations are at the high end of their historical range, inflation is returning and in these circumstances it is likely that interest rates in the US will rise meaningfully,” he said. 

And coming from the man whose familial connections and financial partners control the Federal Reserve, he should know.

Proposed border wall


From a friend.

Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist

Today was probably a turning point
They will never impeach Trump. Comey's testimony backfired so badly it in fact served as a well targeted weapon against the Democrats

Trump-Russia collusion bit the dust today.There will be fallout for the democrats.

The democrats, Clinton, the NWO has now arrived at only one possible final answer: To kill Trump. Truly, they thought they had it and

Comey was nothing but a bumbling nitwit that blew it for everyone. Not that he could have made it work when there was NOTHING on

Trump in any way whatsoever, but he certainly should have at least looked better than he did. He looked like he was assigned to be the

FBI director as some sort of honorary role, and not anything that would actually do a job. He was a national disgrace.

It looks like Comey's testimony is going to backfire. 
What if Trump was playing multiple dimension chess by keeping Comey as long as he did? Comey destroyed himself today. Today it was

confirmed that Trump did not interfere with anything and is guilty of nothing and that Hillary is well protected. It was confirmed

(after Comey said he met with Obama twice, ) that he in fact met with Obama many times. It is confirmed that Comey had a hatred for


Comey basically completely fell apart. He hit several conflicts in his words that proves he lied all the way through the testimony. If Trump

wanted late-in-the-game ammo to use at the best possible time, Comey just handed it to him. Additionally, it is now confirmed that Trump

was never under investigation over Russia, and that the media lied about every single bit of it. House Democrats have begun drafting

articles of impeachment for Trump, and made it formal a day before Comey's testimony. No doubt they were expecting to get what they

needed during that testimony.

And they got NOTHING but a Trump check mate. I am actually stunned by how miraculously badly this went for the enemies of Trump,

rather than make Trump look bad, Comey's testimony bolstered Trump strongly. Trump is not going to get impeached, he's going nowhere

but back to the white house amidst a shower of shrieks from wild political monkeys. END

Indian State Will Pay Farmers to Go 100% Organic and GMO-Free

( Is India on its way to becoming an entirely organic nation? Just over two years ago, in September 2014, the Indian Government launched their revolutionary Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (National Agriculture Development Program) as a way to encourage organic farming, and decrease dependence on chemical agents. In January 2015, the state of Sikkim was declared as the country’s first 100 percent organic state. Sikkim produces 800,000 tons of organic produce that’s free of harmful pesticides, chemical fertilizers and toxic GMOs — accounting for roughly 65 percent of India’s total organic produce yields.

Related GMO Labeling Fraud | Regulatory Loophole Allows GMO Products To Be Marketed As Non-GMO

Source - Natural News

, December 15th, 2016

The western Indian state of Rajasthan launched plans for dedicating thousands of hectares of land for the farming of organic pulses just a few months later. Their effort seeks to combat the rampant protein malnutrition, and the unsustainable practice of chemical fertilizer-based farming.

Another western Indian state now also seeks to join in. Goa has also recently announced that they will be looking to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and is also seeking to go 100 percent organic. The State Department of Agriculture has launched a state sector plan titled, “Assistance for use of organic inputs by the farmer.”

Related How GMO Farming and Food Is Making Our Gut Flora UNFRIENDLY

Ulhas Pai Kakode, Director of Agriculture, commented, “This is the first step we have taken in the direction of organic farming in the state. Hopefully, more and more farmers should adopt the practice of organic farming after availing this scheme.”

Under this new plan, farmers can receive significant assistance from the government when it comes to obtaining organic agricultural inputs, such as organic fertilizers and bio-pesticides. Up to 50 percent of the tab will picked up by the state government, but there will be some limitations. AnonHQ explains that these benefits will be limited to 10,000 Indian Rupees (INR) per hectare with a maximum of up to two hectares , or INR 20,000 per beneficiary for all categories of farmers on the use of organic inputs. Farmers with plots as small as 0.1 hectare will be considered eligible for the program — which will also help to keep the tradition of small-scale ingidenous farming alive and well.

Related Monsanto Hired Paid Internet Trolls to Counter Bad Public Image, Lawsuit Claims

Organic farming is nothing new; its a tradition that has sadly been overtaken by overzealous coroporations. In India, organic farming has been practiced since ancient times and once ensured quality food for consumers. The recent resurgence of organic farming in India, however, is largely due to the increasing demand for organic products in Western nations.

The organic food and fiber market is growing at an incredibly rapid pace, with some estimates suggesting that the market is expanding by up to 25 to 30 percent. A study by ASSOCHAM, which stands for The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, suggests that the organic food market in India will reach $1.36 billion by the year 2020. The study also suggested that organic farming efforts short focus largely on pulses and grains.

Related GMO Conspiracy: Cornell Student Reveals Science Fraud at University -- Forms Anti-GMO Group in Response

The exponential growth of the organic market has even led food manufacturers in the United States to pay their farmers to make the switch to organic practices. In the US alone, sales in organic marketplace expanded by about 11 percent — reaching a whopping $43.3 billion last year — equalling about four times the growth in sales of food products, overall.

Organic farming in India is also expected to continue to grow, especially as the government continues to financially support organic farming endeavors. Increased awareness and availability of organic foods has also greatly contributed to the sucess of organic food. Additionally, the rise in health consciousness and healthier lifestyle changes have also played a significant role in the growth and demand of organic foods.

Related 6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World -- A Short and Powerful Presentation
Stillness in the Storm Editor's note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at with the error, headline and urlThank you for reading.

hope they got bulletproof vests

George Webb and Rebekah Roth… “Two of the Unveilers and Unravelers of the Seth Rich, Clinton Foundation, et al., deals”

Okay, I’m posting two videos here. As far as “the unraveling” (of the “cabal”, “dark ones”, etc., agendas), these two seem to be on the front lines. George Webb has been mentioned from time to time by Jordan Sather, and I had seen thumbnails of videos of Rebekah Roth appearing in my YouTube feed, but for the first time I watched a one-hour video from her about the whole “George Webb/ Seth Rich/ Clinton Foundation/ DNC” business. Thanks to Ginger for that one (and for anyone else who emailed that link but who I ignored until now).
First video is the Rebekah Roth one, and the one below is a George Webb video which gives a sampling of what he does. He puts out about 5-10 videos a day, probably to cover himself in case something were to happen to him.
These may be for some, and not for others. Use that “Higher Discernment” thing.
Rebekah Roth YouTube page
Suggestions for starters (for the first video below): start at 3:20, listen for a few minutes (info about George Webb), then go to 58:00 and listen to what the (cabal, dark ones) plan is right now (about 5 minutes worth).

Published on Jun 3, 2017
Rebekah and Ramjet bring you up to date on the George Webb, DNC, Spy ring, Mossad operation, Primary Election theft, Seth Rich murder and more. History in the making, election fraud exposed. What will happen next?
View the George Webb video…


What I Think. Really.

By Anna Von Reitz

What I said is that the Muslims have been misled and lied to about their own religious scriptures just as the Jews and the Christians have---- which is verifiable fact well-known to linguists competent to read the words of their Prophet in his original Aramaic language.

We have ALL been lied to and that has caused people to believe things and do things that are heinous.  Does everyone think that the Inquisition was "Christian"?   How about the Crusades?   How about the Pogroms?  Buchenwald?  --- All done by Christians who were misled into committing horrifying crimes against helpless people and all strictly against the teachings of Jesus and against the Ten Commandments. It has all been papered over again and again with sophistry and excuses by people merely pretending to be Christians.

I tell you, I knew the truth, when I saw a priest look up at a life-sized crucifix and smile secretively.  You see, you can look at the Crucifixion two ways.  You can be appalled by the sacrifice and your own sins and be inspired to overcome them, or you can do what that priest did, and side with Lucifer and secretly mock the sacrifice of Jesus as a triumph for Satan.   

In view of the widespread nature of this circumstance impacting all the major western religions what do you think?  That otherwise trustworthy scholars all developed insanity at the same time and in the same way, and just "happened" to misrepresent and prevaricate about their own holy scriptures in exactly the same way---to promote hatred and violence and warfare and bloodshed and grudge-keeping and misery?  

Or is this incredible common lack of honesty and precision of translation and omission of crucial text evidence of Satanists at work in all three western religions--- deliberately subverting them and their scriptures over time, so as to promote hatred and warfare in the name of God?  The same Satanists that profit themselves from selling arms to both sides of every war?  The same Satanists who put on yarmulkas and pretend to be Jews, and who buy prayer rugs and bow to Mecca and pretend to be Muslims, the same ones who put on clerical collars and pretend to be Christian priests while they diddle little children?

Who do all these pundits think that Jesus was talking to and about when he ranted against "those who call themselves Jews but are not" and labeled them a "synagogue of Satan"----- that was literal, people.  He was talking about Satanists pretending to be Jews.  If they would pretend to be Jews, why not Muslims and Christians, too?   Heaven knows, they couldn't come right out and practice their own dreadful child murdering "religion" could they?

I think were are all stupid, is what I think.  I think the evidence of Satanic infiltration and manipulation of all three of the major western religions is beyond question, staring us all right in the face.  And we are too dumb to figure it out.  Just like we have been too stupid to realize that we are not "free" when we are taxed out of more than half our income and terrified of our own "government. 

For the sake of sanity, everyone, globally------ wake up!  Wake up!   Remember Will Rogers--- "Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see"?  Take that to heart.  Look with your own eyes.  Read with your own eyes.  Think with your own mind.  Seek for the Truth like a miner, mining for gold, so that you are not treated as dumb, driven cattle led to slaughter and sacrifice for the sake of some despot's need to control and his greed for material things.

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the writings of the Apocrypha and many other ancient fragments and parchments have shown that much of what we took to be the "whole story" about the Old Testament and the New Testament was not so cut and dried and neither were the origins of the Greek texts underlying the New Testament.  Current research more than suggests that the "Paul" of the Bible books was not the Apostle Paul of Tarsus, but Sa'ul also known as Paul, who was a contemporary of Saint Jerome merely writing "in the style" of the Apostle as commentaries and letters to his own congregants circa 330 A.D.

I have been told by linguists who are professional people I have no reason to distrust that the words of the Prophet are often distinctly different and sometimes completely opposite to what is taught in Mosques today, when you read the original text---- but modern Muslims don't read the original text. Just like Catholics who went to Mass for centuries and mumbled Latin phrases without any real knowledge of what was being said.

Wake up!  Fire alarms are going off!  Remember all those burning libraries?  Alexandria, Rome, London, Istanbul, even in America during the War of 1812----- why do you think they always burn the libraries?   To keep you stupid!  To make sure you are ignorant and don't know your own history, much less anyone else's---- which makes you easily misled, so that you can be twisted into following their orders and believing whatever they want you to believe.

My reply to the nonsense -- that I am a "Muslim Apologist"?  The men saying it are stupid. And dishonest. They didn't even bother to read what I wrote before they went off parroting this propaganda, so they are "tools", too, for someone else's agenda.  My further reply is on my website.  I think we all need to apologize to God for our asinine stupidity, cruelty, hypocrisy, and ingratitude.  So I do apologize to God, for myself and for my fellows on this planet.  We are all too dumb to appreciate or enjoy or value life or truth or anything worth having.

So in view of this idiocy and the hatred that it breeds, perhaps we do deserve to die.  Perhaps the "elite" are correct that 80% of us should be wiped out in some dreadful war concocted out of lies and superstitions and ignorance just like the last two World Wars.  Maybe they are right.  Maybe we are in fact "too stupid to live", but while I breathe, I will stand like a lioness in the doorway and defend mankind and keep the faith that somehow, someday we will wake up out of our stupor, realize that we are all being conned and undermined by Satanists in our midst--- and do something practical about it.  Like learning to recognize the problem for what it is.  Like blaming those responsible, instead of blaming the victims.

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

The spiraling rabbit hole of the Seth Rich Murder - With George Webb

Muslims continue to demonstrate NOT PEACEFUL 'religion'

Activists Opposing Sharia Law Receive Death Threats

Activists Opposing Sharia Law

          Receive Death Threats

Speakers at the anti-Sharia rallies set for Saturday are receiving death threats and an American patriotic group has responded by agreeing to provide private security for the event.

ACT! For America is sponsoring the anti-Sharia, pro-freedom rallies in 28 cities in 19 states Saturday beginning at around 10 a.m. in most venues and continuing until about 2 p.m.

At least two of the featured speakers, including Lauren Morris in Austin, Texas, and Delicia Dawn in Dallas, have received death threats (Richardson, TX office for CAIR)  WND has learned, and Oath Keepers has asked its volunteers to come armed to the rallies to protect the speakers.

Morris and Dawn are both survivors of female genital mutilation and are scheduled to go public with their stories at the rallies in Austin and Dallas.

Stewart Rhodes, president and founder of Oath Keepers, said both Morris and Dawn are “incredibly sympathetic examples of victims of Shariah” and that is why the pro-Shariah forces are trying to intimidate them into backing out of their speaking engagements.

“The national office of ACT for America contacted me and asked for our help, and we answered the call,” Rhodes told WND. “Because of death threats against speakers, we are taking it very seriously.”

Oath Keepers’ members are made up of retired cops and military veterans.  “We are concerned about the very real threat of radical Islamist terrorism at one of these events tomorrow, and we have encouraged our volunteers to be armed,” Rhodes said.

Rhodes said Oath Keepers has issued a national “call to action” for patriotic Americans to attend the June 10 rallies and “help defend free speech.”  “We are answering the call to defend free speech against those who would use terrorist violence or the threat of violence to shut it down,” Rhodes said.

ACT! For America president Brigitte Gabriel believes Sharia is incompatible with Western democracy and the freedoms it affords, not only because Sharia is often the catalyst for violent jihad, but because of the brutal treatment of women, homosexuals and other minorities in Muslim societies where Shariah prevails.  

There is already evidence that Shariah rules are being privately enforced in some Muslim enclaves in the U.S., such as the Cedar Riverside community of Minneapolis, where police have been made aware of a team of “Sharia cops” and yet have made no arrests, as previously reported by WND. Even some Muslims have complained about the Shariah cops to Minneapolis police, to no avail.

Examples of Shariah in America include not only FGM, which is now known to be practiced throughout the Muslim communities in Minnesota, Michigan and possibly other areas of the U.S. with heavy Muslim populations, but also honor violence and honor killings, examples of which are presented [with photos of American victims] on the ACT! For America website.

The U.S. Department of Justice recently announced the cases of FGM to be prosecuted in America, with charges filed against two doctors in the Detroit area. The two doctors are believed to have mutilated the genitals of an estimated 100 or more girls, most between the ages of 6 and 8, according to a story Thursday in the Detroit News.
Jumana Nagarwala, one of two Muslim physicians in the Detroit area accused of secretly performing FGM on girls ages 6 through 8.

The attorney for one of the doctors has already argued in a pre-trial hearing that her client, Dr. Jumana Nagarwala of Northville, Michigan, was not violating any laws because she was merely practicing her religion under the protection of the First Amendment. (So with this reasoning, beheading muslims AND non-muslims, burning at the stake, pouring acid, burying alive, stoning and other atrocities are also OK because they are part of merely practicing their religion?)

According to the federal criminal complaint filed in Michigan, the surgery is performed “to suppress female sexuality, reduce sexual pleasure and curb promiscuity.” (And family or 'doctor' has the 'right' to make this decision on behalf of mere babies? How ridiculous and how cruel.)

The procedure has been illegal in the U.S. since 1996 and there are no health benefits for girls and women, according to the World Health Organization.

An interactive map showing the 28 cities holding rallies can be found at the ACT For America website, or see the list below.
Paradise Valley Park
17642 N 40th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85032
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
200 N The Strand, Oceanside, CA 92054
12 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Fountains at Roseville
1013 Galleria Boulevard, Roseville, CA 95678
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
San Bernardino
Inland Regional Center
1365 S Waterman Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92408
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Santa Clara
Corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. and Winchester Ave.
Santa Clara, CA
11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Colorado State Capitol
200 E Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO 80203
3:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
235 Grand St. Waterbury, CT 06702
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Salem Center
7235 Bonneval Road, Jacksonville, FL 32256
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Valencia College East Campus
701 N Econlockhatchee Trail, Orlando, FL 32825
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Piedmont Park
525 Park Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30306
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Washington Square Park
NE Corner Wacker & Wabash, Chicago, IL 60610
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Indianapolis State Capitol
200 W Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204
10 a.m. – 2p.m.
510 N Main Street, Wichita, KS 67203
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
139 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02111
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
6233 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Lansing, MI 48911
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
SE Corner of M24 (Telegraph) and 12 Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48034
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
St. Paul
Minnesota State Capitol
75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
St. Charles
Frontier Park, Louis & Clark Statue
500 S Riverside Dr, St Charles, MO 63301
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Kansas City
Washington Square Park
100 E Pershing Road, Kansas City, MO 64108
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
New York City
Foley Square
111 Worth Street, New York, NY 10013
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
100 S Clinton Street, Syracuse, NY 13202
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
North Carolina State Capitol
1 E Edenton Street, Raleigh, NC 27601
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Harrisburg State Capitol
501 N 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Texas State Capitol
11th & Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Corner of Abrams Road and Centennial Blvd., Richardson, TX 75081
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
San Jacinto Battleground, De Zavala Plaza
3523 Independence Parkway, La Porte, TX 77571
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Virginia Beach
Mount Trashmore Park
310 Edwin Drive, VA Beach, VA 23462
3 – 6 p.m.
600 Fourth Ave, Seattle, WA 98121
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
To get involved in a city near you, contact Scott Presler at 202-601-4169 or

Rhodes issued the following statement on the Oath Keepers website:
“I call on the leadership of all Oath Keepers chapters with an ACT event in their state to step up strong, contact the event organizer, and help in every way possible with security, to include making these events a priority over any other activities in/by their local or state chapters, and encouraging as many of our well-trained police and military veterans as possible to assist with security (as well as the essential communications, intelligence, and medical personnel).   All chapters with organized CPT teams need to commit those teams to these events.   I also call on all Oath Keepers leaders to encourage their chapter members to attend, and to reach out to other local patriotic groups and invite them to participate as well. If there is not an event in your state, please do your best to assist at an event in a nearby state.”

Unbreakable Support For The People Who Protect Us


Make America Great Again

President Trump signed into law two bi-partisan bills that prioritize the hiring of veterans in law enforcement and provide survivor benefits to family members of public safety officers that are killed in the line duty. 

The President has reaffirmed his unbreakable support for these American heroes who keep our streets, our homes, and our citizens safe.


This week at the White House, President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump hosted a reception to honor Gold Star families and those they have lost. 

These families have endured the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our country, and President Trump is honored to have spent the evening with them. 

The President and First Lady are committed to always paying tribute to our active service military, veterans, and the families who love them. 

We will never forget our fallen heroes.

The FBI Director Got Caught Hiding Something Terrible About Obama


Steve Thompson, Editor
American Patriot Daily
June 10 2017 

Pundits are drooling over former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before Congress.

They believe this is the moment that will sink Donald Trump.

But Comey is hiding something and it’s an awful secret involving Barack Obama.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is also eager to hear from Comey.

Both Republicans and Democrats sent seven questions to Comey they would like him to answer.

Circa reports Comey refused to answer their questions or testify before their committee:
Former FBI director James Comey is formally refusing to answer questions submitted to him by a bipartisan group of senators, suggesting he no longer must do so as a private citizen.
Comey sent an email from his private account last week rebuffing the seven questions that had been submitted to him by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley and the committee’s ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein after Comey’s final testimony as FBI director to the panel last month. Comey was fired by President Donald Trump shortly after his appearance.
Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., joined in the request in a show that lawmakers in both parties believed the questions were important enough to demand answers.
Comey’s short email specifically cited his status as a private citizen as a reason for declining to answer the questions.
The “private citizen “excuse was considered unusual by the senators since numerous former government officials have testified before Congress in recent weeks.”
Comey’s testimony is centering on if he believed Trump was trying to pressure him to drop the Russia investigation and if he thinks he was fired as a result of not doing so.

The press breathlessly reported that Comey had memos about these conversations.

But the Senators on the Judiciary Committee want to know if he also had similar memos about conversations with Barack Obama or anyone in the Justice Department about the Russia investigation, Trump associates or the Clinton email inquiry.

Many observers have questioned Comey’s motivations.
Leaks about his memos only appeared after he was fired.
Did he have legitimate concerns about being influenced or is he rewriting history now that he is a bitter ex-employee?

Others also wondered what memos the supposedly obsessive note taker kept about the Clinton investigation or conversations with Obama officials about the Russia investigation.

Is he hiding something?

Why else would he duck the Senate Judiciary Committee’s request?

Comey tried to brand himself as the last honest man in Washington.

And he had much assistance in this campaign from willing allies in the press who were eager to cast him as the perfect foil to Donald Trump.

But the more information comes to light about Comey, the quicker his facade as a straight shooting truth teller melts away and reveals a slick political operator who says what he needs to in order to advance his agenda.

Click Here to Vote Now!  Comey Fired! Do You Support Trump’s Decision?