By Anna Von Reitz
I said is that the Muslims have been misled and lied to about their
own religious scriptures just as the Jews and the Christians have----
which is verifiable fact well-known to linguists competent to read the
words of their Prophet in his original Aramaic language.
have ALL been lied to and that has caused people to believe things and
do things that are heinous. Does everyone think that the Inquisition
was "Christian"? How about the Crusades? How about the Pogroms?
Buchenwald? --- All done by Christians who were misled into committing
horrifying crimes against helpless people and all strictly against the
teachings of Jesus and against the Ten Commandments. It has all
been papered over again and again with sophistry and excuses by people
merely pretending to be Christians.
I tell
you, I knew the truth, when I saw a priest look up at a life-sized
crucifix and smile secretively. You see, you can look at the
Crucifixion two ways. You can be appalled by the sacrifice and your
own sins and be inspired to overcome them, or you can do what that
priest did, and side with Lucifer and secretly mock the sacrifice
of Jesus as a triumph for Satan.
In view of
the widespread nature of this circumstance impacting all the major
western religions what do you think? That otherwise trustworthy
scholars all developed insanity at the same time and in the same way,
and just "happened" to misrepresent and prevaricate about their
own holy scriptures in exactly the same way---to promote hatred and
violence and warfare and bloodshed and grudge-keeping and misery?
Or is
this incredible common lack of honesty and precision of translation
and omission of crucial text evidence of Satanists at work in all three
western religions--- deliberately subverting them and their scriptures
over time, so as to promote hatred and warfare in the name of God? The
same Satanists that profit themselves from selling arms to both sides
of every war? The same Satanists who put on yarmulkas and pretend to
be Jews, and who buy prayer rugs and bow to Mecca and pretend to be
Muslims, the same ones who put on clerical collars and pretend to be
Christian priests while they diddle little children?
do all these pundits think that Jesus was talking to and about when he
ranted against "those who call themselves Jews but are not" and labeled
them a "synagogue of Satan"----- that was literal, people. He was
talking about Satanists pretending to be Jews. If they would pretend
to be Jews, why not Muslims and Christians, too? Heaven knows, they
couldn't come right out and practice their own dreadful child murdering
"religion" could they?
I think were are all
stupid, is what I think. I think the evidence of Satanic infiltration
and manipulation of all three of the major western religions is beyond
question, staring us all right in the face. And we are too dumb to
figure it out. Just like we have been too stupid to realize that we are
not "free" when we are taxed out of more than half our income and
terrified of our own "government.
For the
sake of sanity, everyone, globally------ wake up! Wake up! Remember
Will Rogers--- "Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what
you see"? Take that to heart. Look with your own eyes. Read with your
own eyes. Think with your own mind. Seek for the Truth like a miner,
mining for gold, so that you are not treated as dumb, driven cattle
led to slaughter and sacrifice for the sake of some despot's need to
control and his greed for material things.
Dead Sea Scrolls and the writings of the Apocrypha and many other
ancient fragments and parchments have shown that much of what we took to
be the "whole story" about the Old Testament and the New Testament was
not so cut and dried and neither were the origins of the Greek texts
underlying the New Testament. Current research more than suggests that
the "Paul" of the Bible books was not the Apostle Paul of Tarsus, but
Sa'ul also known as Paul, who was a contemporary of Saint Jerome merely
writing "in the style" of the Apostle as commentaries and letters to
his own congregants circa 330 A.D.
I have been
told by linguists who are professional people I have no reason to
distrust that the words of the Prophet are often distinctly different
and sometimes completely opposite to what is taught in Mosques today,
when you read the original text---- but modern Muslims don't read the
original text. Just like Catholics who went to Mass for centuries and
mumbled Latin phrases without any real knowledge of what was being
Wake up! Fire alarms are going off!
Remember all those burning libraries? Alexandria, Rome, London,
Istanbul, even in America during the War of 1812----- why do you think
they always burn the libraries? To keep you stupid! To make sure you
are ignorant and don't know your own history, much less anyone
else's---- which makes you easily misled, so that you can be twisted
into following their orders and believing whatever they want you to
My reply to the nonsense -- that I
am a "Muslim Apologist"? The men saying it are stupid. And
dishonest. They didn't even bother to read what I wrote before they
went off parroting this propaganda, so they are "tools", too, for
someone else's agenda. My further reply is on my website. I think we
all need to apologize to God for our asinine stupidity, cruelty,
hypocrisy, and ingratitude. So I do apologize to God, for myself and
for my fellows on this planet. We are all too dumb to appreciate or
enjoy or value life or truth or anything worth having.
in view of this idiocy and the hatred that it breeds, perhaps we do
deserve to die. Perhaps the "elite" are correct that 80% of us should
be wiped out in some dreadful war concocted out of lies and
superstitions and ignorance just like the last two World Wars. Maybe
they are right. Maybe we are in fact "too stupid to live", but while I
breathe, I will stand like a lioness in the doorway and defend mankind
and keep the faith that somehow, someday we will wake up out of our
stupor, realize that we are all being conned and undermined by
Satanists in our midst--- and do something practical about it. Like
learning to recognize the problem for what it is. Like blaming those
responsible, instead of blaming the victims.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website
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