The New Imperial Roman Empire
Always hidden in plain sight, the New Imperial Roman Empire is a reconstituted form of the old Cesarean system.
Contrary to what is taught in the history books, the Roman Empire was never completely destroyed.
Actually it was transformed into a covert spiritual system run by the same occult-linked families that ran it.
It was the same process that occurred when the British Colonial Empire appeared to have collapsed, but was transformed into a neo-colonial empire.
This new empire was based on a covert system of Rothschild private central FIAT banking run out of the City of London, a one square mile private financial district and separate nation state.
Thus, the new system became based on covert banking and finance and specialized in war profiteering and narcotics trafficking. It was of course aided by the private spy agency, the East India Company, and the covert British privateer ships flying pirate flags of the “skull and bones”.
The British pirates were the equivalent of today’s ISIS et al., which are derivatives of the Mujaheddin and are actually private mercenary armies comprised of drugged and mind-kontrolled disposables who work for the CIA, the Israelis and Saudis.
This same secret financial/banking system of the City of London that was covertly imposed on the world as a replacement for the shrinking British Empire has remained in place even today and is still operating covertly. It is hidden in plain sight, but nonetheless run by the same occult-linked families through a large coterie of privatized Intel fronts called proprietaries.
Fountain of the Fallen Angel
Mythical Gods characterized the Roman Empire.
Imperial Rome was characterized by the worship of mythical Gods, the Olympiads and the exercise of complete, unquestioned absolute Cesarean power.
Some believe that each of these mythical gods actually represent real but absent fallen or lesser Elohim, booted out of the circle of Elohim by God Almighty, the first cause or creator of all (the Great “I am”), because of a rebellion run by Lucifer.
Today we see the continued deployment of absolute Cesarean power through the aggressive and illegal, unconstitutional military attacks and invasions against other nations who refuse to follow the secret edicts of this New Imperial Roman Empire.
And it is clear that Washington DC runs the military enforcement arm of this new imperial Roman Empire system.
Reconnaissance – “No country too sovereign”
The New Imperial Rome.
The new Imperial Roman Empire is comprised of three key elements: the Vatican as Spiritual Head; the City of London as Monetary/Financial Head; and Washington DC as the Military Arm, the enforcer of the absolute Cesarean authority of this system of world control.
To understand this system of endemic evil, it is helpful to become aware of the historically important work of the late, great Tupper Saussy in his incredibly important book, Rulers of Evil (now a free pdf download).
In this important book, Saussy disclosed that Washington DC was built on the City of Rome, Virginia and is part of the new Roman Empire.
As many who have carefully studied the current system that controls most of the world have discovered, each of these three centers of control (the Vatican, the City of London and Washington DC) are separate nation states in and of themselves and have their own diplomats.
When Imperial Rome was sacked by the Huns and Visigoths and crumbled from within, the wealthy families that ran it from behind the scenes fled to other parts of Italy and took most of their riches with them.
As Rome began to crumble, Emperor Constantine was approached by a spirit being and converted to Christianity – a false form according to the views of some conservative Christian historians.
Rome was then moved to Constantinople. Later on, the Roman Empire began its transformation into a covert financial empire, later to become centered in the Vatican, which was to become the head of the New Roman Empire. This new financial empire became hidden behind a false cloak of Christianity which was un-biblical and steeped in traditions going back to ancient Babylonia.
As the Vatican spread its tentacles out and perverted Christianity to make vast fortunes by selling indulgences and confiscating property and wealth from its various inquisitions, it needed its own bankers to manage its accounts.
The Rothschilds become the Vatican Bankers.
This led to the selection of the Bauers (later changed their name to Rothschild or “children of the Rock”) to serve as the Vatican’s personal bankers.
The Rothschilds were able to covertly gain control over the British Banking System and were able to gain control over the British Empire through banking.
The Revolutionary War that supposedly freed the American Colonies from the control of the British System was just a slick illusion mandated by the hidden boss of the Vatican.
By that time, the British Empire had become a covert arm of the Vatican.
And the American revolution was just an illusion created to give the appearance that the American Colonies were being granted complete independence from the British Empire.
Actually, the American Revolution was really just a crafty covert operation to eventually transform America into the military arm of the Vatican while the Imperial Roman Empire was being reconstituted. But this time, Imperial Rome would be able to engulf the whole world.
Absolute secrecy about the hidden power that ran the Vatican and directed all its activities was paramount to the completion of the Globalist NWO Agenda. As this secrecy is abridged by the massive leaks published and broadcast by the Internet, the Ruling Cabal is now becoming completely exposed.
Within the US Military Arm of the NWO, the Special Ops are composed of about 70,000 people and operate veiled around the world
Many have always thought that the Pope ran this world system.
That is not so, because it was always a secret hidden ruler that ran this system. The secret hidden ruler is now the Jesuit Superior General, also known to top insiders as the Black Pope, who claims to be appointed by God Almighty to administer Evil in order to effectively rule over a fallen, evil world.
Originally the Jesuits have been linked to the Pharisees who comprised the “Synagogue of Satan” responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. And they were inductees into the ancient Babylonian occult practices of the dark side, also known today by insiders as Neo-Baal worship or Babylonian Talmudism.
The Black Pope serves as the superior to the Pope, but also runs this New Imperial Rome. He is reputed to carry absolute Cesarean power, the same as the Caesars of the first Roman Empire. It has been rumored that his residence is outside the walls of the Vatican but connected to the Pope’s private office by a private tunnel.
Under the Cain system of evil ruling over evil, the primary muscle empowering the top leadership of the Superior General are two main principals:
The first is the principal of Billy Budd (the State is always right no matter what, and this is necessary to preserve the system – this book, Billy Budd, was Herman Melville’s final novel); and,
Second, the principal that the ruling authority must be willing to deploy evil seven times as severe as any evil subject ever does, all done to make sure that the whole system is completely controlled.
Just to give you an idea of how total this absolute Cesarean authority of the hidden but re-emergent New Roman Empire is, I will cite the example of a very honest, upright US Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who resigned Congress effective June 30, 2017, because he felt it was a hopeless endeavor to continue – that nothing could be changed.
Tupper Saussy had been contacted by a high ranking representative of the New Roman Empire and given highly sensitive, very secret materials that disclosed and explained the hidden history of the New Roman Empire and America’s part in it.
I talked with him on the phone before his death, and he told me that he believed that the New Roman System was an extension of the old Canaanite or Cain System, also known as the Babylonian System.
Jesuit Superior General
It was his belief that this system was fully authorized by God Almighty to be deployed by the Superior General and the New Roman Empire to rule the world under the power of the Mark of Cain – and that this system of evil ruling over evil would continue until the very end, that is, the return of the real Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah, and not the false messiah, the final Antichrist.
Tupper Saussy believed that there were Rules of Play involved; and that one rule was that all the future plans to be exercised by this Cain System had to be disclosed to the masses, either in writing or in stone before they were attained.
I first saw Tupper Saussy’s book at a large bookstore, and there was a big stack of copies. I bought two and went back for more a couple weeks later, and they were all gone. I tried to order more, but was told that the book was out of print. This seemed confusing because it was selling like wildfire.
When I called Tupper Saussy to find out why, he told me that he felt that, apparently, when the secret group supplying him with the previously hidden information for the book felt adequate notice was given to the masses, no more was required of them.
Tupper Saussy was then offered the rest at one dollar each, and no more would ever be published. If allowed to be continued being published, this book would have been a top seller.
I also asked Tupper Saussy why his photo was inserted inside the Mark of Cain on the inside back cover of the book, and he said he felt it was to provide protection for him as author, when normally anyone publishing such information would be stopped.
Tupper Saussy was placed under the protection of the Mark of Cain system while he disclosed the top secrets of this system of Evil ruling over Evil.
Las Vegas – Pantheon to the Roman Gods.
When you visit the Las Vegas strip of casinos and look closely, you will see that it is basically a large, visible celebration of the Roman Gods – the Olympiads. This is no coincidence. It is the power of the sinful flesh that draws so many suckers to gamble away their assets into the coffers of the system.
Vegas is the number one money launderer for illegal narcotics trafficking – a sort of reconstituted Resorts International organized crime system, fully authorized by the USG and a major CIA/Mossad/G7 Intel asset.
Hollywood Elite mock human sacrifices at parties
Although the pantheism of Imperial Rome is certainly a core practice among many of the super-elite Cutouts who administer the edicts and policies of New Imperial Rome, pantheism is not the core belief system of the very top 8500 that run the system.
Their core belief is hard-core Luciferianism (aka Satanism) and includes the Baal worship practices of ancient Babylon, including child sacrifice, vivisection and even cannibalism of some child victims.
Thus, it is not an exaggeration to claim that the whole new Imperial Roman System is merely a continuation of the old Babylonian Talmudic system of Cain through Kenite (Canaanite bloodlines) and their Cutouts.
Reversals are Useful
Periodic reversals of the existing system are an intermittent pattern and are imposed at the very top.
As I mentioned in a previous article, there have been periodic reversals of this system of Cain Rule which have been mysteriously directed from the top.
If you ever wondered why it seems that history keeps repeating itself, now you know why. It is these periodic reversals and displacement of the Ruling Cabals mandated from the top of the Cain System.
To do this, many means are utilized, but usually other nation state systems or empires are created and empowered to pose a direct challenge to the existing system, and these are often used to displace the old for the newly emergent Cain derivative.
The periodic reversals mandated as secret policy at the very top of the Cain System.
This is periodically done to wash out the old and bring in a new system, closer to the final, desired product of a Globalist NWO system.
The final goal is to create a world system in which its people are ready to accept a kinder, gentler, absolute ruler – sheep-dipped and white-washed – a NWO ruler able to fool folks into believing that he is the Messiah, when he will actually be the final Anti-Christ.
In order to do that, he will have to displace all the evil Ruling Cabal Cutouts and will do this by bringing about their complete exposure for their massive abuse of state power, the unimaginable evil they do, and what they have become.
These periodic displacements of Ruling Cabal Cutouts, such as in the French Revolution and the American Revolutionary War, are quite counter-intuitive to members of the displaced Ruling Cabal.
But these periodic reversals always create a covert trans-configuration of the system into a newer, more coordinated one-world system of control over the masses, as the change seems more benevolent to humans, whether or not it is – and usually it isn’t in the long run.
The rampant corruption of DC and the USG at every level has motivated many Americans to easily accept the demise of the current DC system for a global NWO system, if it cleans out the corruption and seems benevolent.
The existing DC system has become so notably corrupt to most Americans that they will now welcome its demise and many will easily be seduced by a new emergent form of world power.
Understanding the policy of periodic reversals is the key to understanding the incredible and compete set of leaked DNC emails, which exposed an incredible number of the most serious personal crimes and crimes of state imaginable, including treason, murder, pedophilia, child-sacrifice, pay to play, abuse of CIA and national security waivers, etc.
To assume that the Democrats are the only dirty evil ones in DC and the Republicans are clean is a great mistake. Just this week, it was leaked that Senator John McCain, one of America’s biggest traitors, has set up his own foreign-based “pay to play” system like the Clintons and is considered by numerous insiders to be the “father of ISIS”. And it was John McCain who worked hard to keep the existence of POW/MIAs in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos covered up.
Numerous former LE investigators have claimed to friends for many years that a large proportion of DC politicians and officials practice pedophilia, and those that don’t are also are human-compromised in other ways.
Two high-level investigations in the past showed findings that 39% and then 42% of the male members of Congress are pedophiles and can be easily tracked to such activities. All such LE investigations of the satanic pedophile network in DC and anywhere in the world have always been stopped at a higher level. At least, until now.
The latest investigation suggests that about 70% of all members of Congress (including women in this one) are practicing pedophiles and can easily be blackmailed and controlled by the G7 Intel agencies, which usually function interchangeably as one unit.
According to a former top CIA Officer, Robert David Steele, a highly respected former CIA Officer, cooked child flesh has been sold in one DC restaurant. Others with high insider contacts have also claimed this, so he is not alone.
This pedophilia and cannibalism by a select group of top Members of Congress is the deepest, darkest secret that has been revealed by the DNC leaks and other leaks, now coming out at an amazing rate.
Are all humans now connected by an AI network? (Earth Connection at Night by TECTIX, Deviantart)
As I have claimed for at least the last four years, all secrecy is ending and everything is now going to be exposed. The Internet, the New Gutenberg Press of the World has been instituted by the head of the Hierarchy, the Superior General who is once again going to purge the system in order to bring in a new one.
No matter how hard the DC Pedophiles (and the pedophiles in Hollywood and NYC) fight this, their plight is hopeless, and they will be fully exposed.
As always, Cutouts, even high-level ones, are quite easily disposed of when it is decided they must be sacrificed to bring in a new, higher order system of world control.
So no matter what defensive actions are taken using their prior high levels of state power, these Cutouts (including the 70% of DC politicians who are pedophiles) will surely become fully exposed in the months to come, will fall from grace and will be displaced.
Once this realization sets in, pure panic will result at a deep psychological level, but these Cutouts will remain very confused about who and what is overpowering their high state power and CIA/national security waivers, which normally would protect them.
What the answer of course is that the very top real leadership of the New Roman Empire, which is far above the Ruling Cabal in authority and which carries absolute Cesarean power, is the entity taking them down.
They will blame it on the Internet and a strong emergent world populism, but that is not the root cause – only the result of a decision at the very top of the pyramid of world power.
Stay tuned, because this massive fall from grace for these Cutouts is exactly what is going to happen. It’s like a rock rolling down a mountain. It gains speed as it rolls downhill and eventually reaches terminal speed.
What this means in practical terms is that the decision has been made by the Superior General to take down the BT/RKM/COL Ruling Cabal often referred to as “Mystery Babylon”. This means that all the BT/RKM/COL high level Cabal members will be treated as displace-able Cutouts to be removed from power.
And that is the explanation and reason for all the Internet (the New Gutenberg Press), all the DNC leaks and other high level leaks, and the coming end of all state and corporate secrecy.
“It always worked before… “
If I were hired as a consultant to advise these Cutouts as to their most effective move, I would recommend that they quickly repent and seek God Almighty’s mercy, cash in all their holdings and give most to charity.
Then I would recommend that they quickly retire (leave office immediately), move away into exile and hope that they will not be brought to final justice for their unimaginable evil.
And for those who have been soul-murdered by trauma-based mind-kontrol as children and who feel they were wrongly entrapped, I would hope that some mercy would be extended to them upon full repentance.
Well-informed conservative Christians believe that a false messiah, the final Antichrist, will rise to power and rule the world for a short time until completely displaced by the real Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, who will bring God Almighty’s righteousness, rule of law, justice and mercy to all who desire it.
And it is interesting to note that some Christians who have studied the Cain System in great detail feel certain that when one believes and trusts in Jesus of Nazareth, they enter into God Almighty’s protection and a peace that passes all understanding.
This is a great explanation for those who think that things are changing for the betterment of the people and the fact that things are not changing at all, when in fact are getting worse.
The controllers allow people to wake up so they can further the agenda by appeasing the awakened who think that all is going to be better only to succumb to be more subdued mind controlled.
As long as people are getting their what's in it for me and making a lot of money doing so, they care not what happens to others. This is how we have been conditioned by money and greed. You and your children watch it every day on the tube, hear it on the radio, see it in movies and ads and many many are deceived with no real thoughts concerning anything happening that is grotesque.
I have been following this crazy stuff for years, to many years in fact. I used to believe that 20% waking up would change things, I now think that number needs to be 70 to 75% to really accomplish what needs to be done. That my friends will not happen, people are to preoccupied.
so......who are this secret rulers,are this the off world beings that arrived here thousands of years ago? I would like to have some more info on this
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