Friday, September 22, 2017

Florida Residents Warned They'll Be Ticketed For Hurricane-Damaged Homes

At a time when South Floridians rocked by Hurricane Irma were still surveying the damage to their properties, the county of Miami-Dade apparently thought it appropriate to begin handing out safety notices.

Celso Perez told local WSVN-TV that he, his family, and his neighbors were starting to clear fallen trees from the streets after the storm passed through at nine in the morning on Monday. Hours later, in the afternoon, Perez got a visit from the county.
“And we thought he was here to help us or offer some type of assistance with the trees, maybe he was going to bring us ice or something,” Perez told WSVN. Instead, the official slapped a safety notice on the only part of Perez’s fence still standing.

“I laughed,” he said. “I thought he was kidding. ‘You are kidding right? We just had a hurricane six hours ago.’ ‘No, I’m not kidding. I have to cite you for this.’ I just laughed. OK, whatever; knock yourself out!”
But Perez stopped laughing when the official told him he would be writing up a report and would be back to check on the property. Perez told WSVN that the man said he’d “have to write me a fine” if the fence wasn’t up to code by then.
“At the time this officer was out here, we didn’t have power, we didn’t have food, we didn’t have ice. He is crazy, ridiculous,” Perez said, adding that “it’s not like I can go to Home Depot” because all the stores were closed.

The South Floridian says he understands that there is a lot of work that needs to be done but that the county’s rush to issue warnings was inappropriate:
“Give us a minute to breathe. Let us get our power back on. And I wouldn’t mind if they told me that a few days down the line or due time but it bothers me that they came out here just a few hours after the storm had passed.”
On the issue of restoring power, Reason noted that at the time Miami-Dade was handing out citations — the WSVN investigation found Perez was far from alone; the county handed out 680 pool barrier and 177 electrical hazard notices in the hours after Irma — 16,510 homes and businesses were still without power.
When Reason tried to confirm with Miami-Dade if monetary fines would be attached to citations, the county responded with the following statement:
“We were looking to advise residents of the following hazards on their properties that they may not have been aware of, but that pose a life safety threat: damaged structures that rendered them unsafe, unsecured pools with no barriers, electrical hazards (down lines, damaged meters) and gas hazards (damaged meters).

If any of these hazards were found, our inspectors gave out a safety notice, which is neither a notice of violation warning nor a citation. That means there is no fine attached. The safety notices given to property owners identify the hazard, steps that should be taken to correct the hazard, and who to contact for additional information.”
Fine or no, WSVN’s legal expert and Broward County public defender, Howard Finkelstein, said the timing was “awful” for the people trying to recover:
“This is outrageous. After Irma, people were stressed, they were worried and for a government official to slap a warning notice on them to add to their misery is insulting.”

Food now engineered into eugenics sterilization weapon for depopulation

New breakthroughs in "RNA interference" technology allow food to be genetically engineered -- "weaponized" -- to target certain life forms for sterilization.

This is all mainstream science, by the way. I've linked to half a dozen sources in my research article that document all this.

In effect, food can now be "weaponized" to target Blacks (or Whites, or Latinos, etc.). If you know anything about the history of eugenics, you will understand why this is such an urgent message.

In 1969, the New York Times even published an article calling for food to be laced with sterilization chemicals to eliminate Blacks.
Click here for the full, astonishing story plus video.

State of California _ Windfall Tax on Retirement Income _ circa 2017

Interesting  that the LA Times did this. All the others are staying away from it. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, this item should be of great interest to " All Fellow Americans. "
Just One State - be sure and read the last part... tried at least three (3) times.
This is only one State of the Union... If this does not open your eyes, nothing will !
From the Los Angeles Times.
1.  40% of all workers in LA County (10.2 million people) are working for cash; and not paying taxes. This is because  they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a lawfully issued a "Green Card".                                                                                      

(President Donald Trump was absolutely correct on these critical and American Immigration Issues)
               2.  95% of Arrest Warrants issued for Murder in Los Angeles are for their illegal aliens.      
3.  75% of people on the most Wanted List in Los Angeles are for their illegal aliens.
4.  Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to their illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by our American Taxpayers.
5.  Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals; and without any doubt they are here illegally.
6.  Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7.  The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from South of the Our Border.

8.   Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD Properties are clearly illegal.
9.   21 radio stations in LA are Spanish -  speaking.
10.  In LA County, 5.1 million people speak English; 3.9 million, speak Spanish. There are actually 10.2 million people, in LA County.      
(All  10 of the above facts were published in the Los Angeles Times)
Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare programmes.  Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth; over 90% of California, Florida, and New York),  results from lawless immigration. Also, 29% of their inmates presently in our federal prisons are their illegal aliens.
We are fools for allowing these activities to continue.
Send copies of this letter, to at least two (2)
other people.  Actually 100, would be even stronger.
This is only one State...If this does not open your eyes nothing will, and you wonder why Representatrive Nancy Pelosi wants them to become "American Voters" immediately!                                 
Windfall Tax on Retirement Income...  Adding a tax to your retirement is simply another way of saying to the  We, The People -  " you are so darn stupid that we are going to keep these Lawless Activities, forever and a day - Until, Our Representatives drain every cent from you ". Representative Nancy Pelosi  wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income.  In other words, tax again what you received by investing toward your Personal Planned Retirement Programme.  This United States - House of Representative is a nut case!

You are not going to believe this ....             
 Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits  (including Retirement fund, 401K and Mutual  Funds)!
Alas, it is absolutely true - all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other Unemployed Minorities!
This Government Representative is actually frightening. She quotes... 'We need to work toward the American Goal of equalizing our personal income, (did not Communist Karl Marx say something like this GOAL?) contrary to our Constitutional Republic - Rule of Law; and at the same time limiting the amount of American Revenue, being controlled by their
" Establishment/Cabal, that can be lawfully invested."           
When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied:                   

We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants within our Constitutional Republic who need our immediate assistance along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock Market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the Standard of Living they would like to have as Fellow Americans.
(Read that quote again and again and let it sink in.) 'Lower your retirement; give it to others who have not worked, as you have for your personal money. Send this n to your friends. I just did ! This U.S Representative is out of her " Political Mind ! "

Reminder: murder at the FDA

********  IS SAFE ?   OR WILL KILL YOU ? ********

Reminder: MURDER at the FDA
(To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Reminder: Murder at the FDA
by Jon Rappoport
File this one under: "studiously ignored by major media."
I first posted this story in August of 2012. It was based on a Truthout interview of a man who did drug reviews for the FDA. He examined applications to approve new medical drugs.
Pharmaceutical companies must have their new drugs certified as safe and effective before they can enter the market, before doctors can prescribe them. The FDA does this certification. Thumbs up or thumbs down.
Here's the story:
In a stunning interview with Truthout's Martha Rosenberg, former FDA drug reviewer, Ronald Kavanagh, exposes the FDA as a relentless criminal mafia protecting its client, Big Pharma, with a host of mob strategies.
Kavanagh: "...widespread racketeering, including witness tampering and witness retaliation."
"I was threatened with prison."
"One [FDA] manager threatened my children...I was afraid that I could be killed for talking to Congress and criminal investigators."
Kavanagh reviewed new drug applications made to the FDA by pharmaceutical companies. He was one of the holdouts at the Agency who insisted that the drugs had to be safe and effective before being released to the public.
But honest appraisal wasn't part of the FDA culture, and Kavanagh swam against the tide, until he realized his life and the life of his children was on the line.
What was his secret task at the FDA? "Drug reviewers were clearly told not to question drug companies and that our job was to approve drugs." In other words, rubber stamp them. Say the drugs were safe and effective when they were not.
Kavanagh's revelations are astonishing. He recalls a meeting where a drug-company representative flat-out stated that his company had paid the FDA for a new-drug approval. Paid for it. As in bribe.
He remarks that the drug pyridostigmine, given to US troops to prevent the later effects of nerve gas, "actually increased the lethality" of certain nerve agents.
Kavanagh recalls being given records of safety data on a drug---and then his bosses told him which sections not to read. Obviously, they knew the drug was dangerous and they knew exactly where, in the reports, that fact would be revealed.
The situation at the FDA isn't correctable with a few firings. This is an ongoing criminal enterprise, and any government official, serving in any capacity, who has become aware of it and has not taken action, is an accessory to mass poisoning of the population.
Seventeen years ago, the cat was let out of the bag. Dr. Barbara Starfield, writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, on July 26, 2000, in a review titled, "Is US health really the best in the world," exposed the fact that FDA-approved medical drugs kill 106,000 Americans per year. That's a MILLION deaths per decade.
In interviewing her, I discovered that she had never been approached by any federal agency to help remedy this tragedy. Nor had the federal government taken any steps on its own to stop the dying.
The government has still done nothing.
Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
You can find this article and more at


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pours almost One Million dollars into Alabama to boost former lobbyist Luther Strange in the Alabama Senate race's final days.
"McConnell's Senate Leadership Fund Dumps Another Nearly Million Dollars into Alabama"
  Countdown Clock

I wanted to bring you up to speed on the race for Senate in Alabama. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has just sent over $830,000 to boost former lobbyist, and establishment pick, Luther Strange in this race's final days.

The establishment are doing everything they can to buy this Senate seat!

Will you help me stop them by making a crucial First $5 contribution right now to Judge Roy Moore? Every penny of the First $5.00 you donate goes straight to the Roy Moore for Senate campaign. Great America PAC will pay all processing fees and costs associated with your donationmeaning it is worth more than a direct contribution to the campaign.

   HELP NOW  >>

We do not have much time left. Everything counts right now.
Thank you in advance!
