Saturday, November 24, 2018

Paradise Lost # 8 ~ THEY STARTED THE FIRES ~ DEMAND ANSWERS!! ~ Mike Morales



Conservative News Channel

Qanon Weekly update- [D5] No Deals!!!




The Founding of the Declaration of Independence: Thomas Jefferson [Documentary]


The reason Trump called him « Little Adam Schitt ». Panic in DC.


Isn’t this the best Thanksgiving ever?!
Not only has the Maestro, joined by FLOTUS, “officially pardoned this year's National Thanksgiving Turkey, Peas—and his alternate, Carrots”, tweet but he also tweeted the accompanying KILLING JOKE to help us start the conversation at the dinner table: tweet.
Little Adam Schitt. Hahahaha! Priceless. I’ll never get enough of this! :)
What do you do when the Maestro sends you a jewel like this? After laughing about it and sharing its Presidential Unpresidentiality (yeah, you first heard it here, it will be in history books one day) with friends, family, colleagues and clueless trollable Trump professional haters, you sit down and try to find the deeper meaning and how it relates to Q.
Q786 There is a purpose for every tweet and crumb dropped.
Q850 News unlocks MAP.
This tweet came the day after Trump promised federal support to California and toured the damage from its most devastating wildfire with democrat Gov. Jerry Brown and Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom link. This elegant move from the Maestro caused Gov. Brown to bury his past feud with him and state that Trump has ‘got our back’. Well, goodbye Little Adam. All this is happening in your State and you are not involved…
As we can see in this image, there are multiple references to Adam Schitt on the Q board. Each of these references is a huge story in itself. We have the West Hollywood Standard hotel pedophilia related death cover up and how controlled Adam tried to pay the favor, we have the BDT 2017 New York City attempted bombing and the related $7.8 mm, we have the 19 people heavily guarded meeting to help RR prevent the release of the FISA C-info, we have his 42m13 recorded phone call with Valerie Jarrett and finally, we have Allison Mack’s testimony providing additional proofs about what happened in the Standard hotel and how it is related to its General Manager helicopter crash. As you can see, Adam has been very busy… Which one of these juicy stories is the Maestro pointing at in his tweet? To answer this question, we must first understand why the Maestro changed F to T. For those who are just joining us, as usual, we assign to each letter the number corresponding to its position in the English alphabet: A=1, B=2, C=3… Z=26. Since F=6 and T=20, we notice the Maestro walked 14 steps to transform F to T. The number 14 can be written 13+1, which is exactly the time stamp of the tweet: 1:01 PM or 13:01. Coincidence? No. The Maestro is letting us know the relevant numbers of the tweet are 1 and 3. Now let’s look at the Adam Schiff occurrences on the Q board: in which drops are 1 and 3 appearing? Yes, the 01-31 Standard Hotel cover up drops. This is what the Maestro is pointing at. This is what we were looking for.
These 11 Jan 31 2018 drops are pure beauty. Not only Adam Schiff’s two F’s were captured in this conversation with an anon for further transformation: Img2
But then, they started morphing to T: Img3
And finally became T: Img4
As you can see, in this last drop, the anon capitalized the transformed last name. The conversation Q had with this anon allowed Schiff’s two ending Fs to be changed to one T. Where was the other T? It was kept for the Maestro. The Maestro dropped it 292 days later in this epic Adam Schitt tweet and applied his final presidential seal to Schiff’s transformation… Img5....Continue article here

POTUS roasts the MSM!!!

JustInformed Talk


Marfoogle TV

Trump names hand-picked panel to supervise, investigate intelligence community

Washington Examiner 
Donald Trump-112318

With Republicans poised to lose control of investigatory panels in the House of Representatives, President Trump is resurrecting a potentially powerful board capable of intimately reviewing intelligence agency conduct on his direct orders.
The White House announced five appointments to the Presidential Intelligence Advisory Board on Tuesday evening, after selecting a chairman and vice chairwoman earlier this year.
The dormant board created by former President Dwight Eisenhower has no formal powers, but derives significant authority directly from the president, operating as his surrogate to smooth over agency rivalries, investigate misconduct, and evaluate intelligence collection policies.
Experts say Trump could roil the intelligence community by asking his hand-picked panel to draft reports, for example, on alleged surveillance abuses against his 2016 campaign associates, a disputed charge made by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, who are poised to lose subpoena powers.
"The board can do whatever the hell the president wants it to do, and really it’s about what the president tasks it with," said University of Notre Dame professor Michael Desch, co-author of the authoritative 2012 history of the board, Privileged and Confidential: The Secret History of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board.
"If you really had an agenda and were willing to pick reliable people that are also people that are smart and knew enough to be dangerous, you could make life miserable for the intelligence agencies through the board," Desch said. "If the president were really a competent political warrior, there would be a way to constitute the board in which it could really serve as a gadfly or a prod to the intelligence community, because it has a lot of access ... if the president were willing to task it in a serious investigative way and then follow up, the board could be quite useful. But I don't see President Trump being that serious and that bureaucratically savvy."
New appointees to the board include Oracle CEO Safra Ada Catz; former Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga.; former White House economic adviser Jeremy Katz; Goldman Sachs managing director and University of Virginia adjunct law professor James Donovan; former CIA and FBI counterterrorism official Kevin E. Hulbert; and a New Jersey resident named David Robertson.
The new members join board chairman Stephen Feinberg, a billionaire hedge fund manager and military contractor appointed by Trump in May, and vice-chairwoman Samantha Ravich, appointed in August. The board historically has had a small staff and office space in the New Executive Office Building near the White House. Members have security clearances and generally meet quarterly.
Desch said the new appointments "look pretty typical" for the board, with a wide variety of professional backgrounds.
Attorney Roel Campos, who served as a member of the board during former President Barack Obama's first term, said he was unfamiliar with new appointees, but that "the board is essentially the tool of the president," with historically wide-ranging influence.
“Each president essentially uses the board to his needs and liking," Campos said. "Bottom line, it all depends on President Trump and how he plans to use the PIAB. ... The board, to have any influence at all, has to have the full support of the president, then the board has tremendous influence and power."...Continue article here

Aborted fetus cells in our foods: HEK 293 Google it and see what it is....

Watchman Jerry Toney

Migrants Make Border Surge Test-Run

 Headlines With A Voice

Benjamin Fulford Interview: We're Not Going To Get You, The Military Will! - 15th Nov 2018

 Prepare For Change

Trump Authorizes ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis to Use Deadly Physical Force to Defend Border Agents, Troops

On Thursday, President Donald Trump informed the news media and American people that he has given Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis authorization to institute “the rules of engagement” for U.S. troops stationed at the U.S.-Mexican border will allow them to use physical force up to and including deadly force if necessary.
The announcement has caused outcry among the Democratic officeholders throughout the nation as well as the denizens of America’s news rooms.
“If they have to, they’re going to use lethal force,” Trump said of the National Guard troops and the U.S. Army soldiers deployed at the U.S.-Mexico border. President Trump continued, “I’ve given the OK, if they have to. I hope they don’t have to.”
“The news reports and other statements in the news media would have American civilians believe there was a policy of excessive force being implemented, but that’s just not so,” said former police training officer Manny Roccia.
“Being struck in the head or other area [of the body] by a rock thrown at about 50 or 60 miles per hour could seriously injure a cop or even kill him or her if it strikes a sensitive part of the head or body,” added Roccia, a Latino from the Bronx, N.Y.
“If the news media wishes to verify that I’d be more than happy to demonstrate by throwing rocks at them on camera,” he joked.
In addition, Defense Secretary Mattis has ordered the National Guard troops deployed to the southwest border to stay there for another year, the Pentagon confirmed Friday. It’s believed that by then the controversial border “Wall” will have been built or will be near completion.
Mattis ordered a 12-month extension of the President’s current deployment order, which which calls for up to 4,000 guardsmen to support the Homeland Security Department’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents until Sept. 30, 2019, the end of the current fiscal year....Continue article here

The fact that the FBI and Justice Department failed to arrest and indict Hillary Clinton says more about the corruption in the FBI and Justice Dept. than it does the Clintons and their business dealings with Russia and Iran

DHS Issues URGENT Warning About The “Migrant Caravan” That Confirms Our WORST FEARS

 The Next News Network

Paradise Lost #6 & #7




Retired Marine - Stand By Patriots! Pain & Justice Cometh! Schitt About To Hit The Fan! - 11/23/2018

Steve Motley

Princess Diana, Q Post 100, and Santa Claus of the United States - Is it a Big Red Wave Now??


LIVE NOW: Guest, Field McConnell!!! - PATRIOTS' SOAPBOX NEWS LIVE 24/7 Radio

#WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Stream   Start the stream from the beginning 



Friday, November 23, 2018

Tijuana Mayor Declares ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ Over Influx of Central American Migrants

The mayor of Tijuana has declared a humanitarian crisis in his border city and said Friday he was asking the United Nations for aid to deal with the approximately 5,000 Central American migrants, most of whom were camped out inside a sports complex.
The comments by Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum came as city officials and volunteers worked together to assist the 4,976 men, women and children who had arrived after more than a month on the road. The Trump administration has spent weeks lambasting the caravan, which it said was filled with criminals, gang members and even — it insinuated at one point without any proof — terrorists.
Manuel Figueroa, who leads the city’s social services department, said Tijuana was bringing in portable toilets and showers, as well as shampoo and soap.
It wasn’t enough.
“Because of the absence, the apathy and the abandonment of the federal government, we are having to turn to international institutions like the U.N.,” Figueroa said.
Rene Vazquez, 60, a Tijuana resident who was volunteering at the stadium, said Mexico’s federal government ignored the problem by allowing the caravan to cross the country without stopping. Now the city of 1.6 million is stuck with the fallout.
“I don’t have anything against the migrants, they were the most deceived, but this is affecting us all,” Vazquez said....Continue article here

These Are The Five Chilling Hillary Clinton Emails That Led To Amb. Chris Stevens’ Murder

@Q-42 🌐  @Q-42    @mG7VJxZNCI

See more posts by @-42 here

These Are The Five Chilling Hillary Clinton Emails That Led To Amb. Chris Stevens’ Murder

Things are continuing to crumble for Hillary.

As the DOJ continues it’s probe into the shady dealings of the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, 5 emails have moved to the top of the stack concerning an issue Hillary hoped would just go away.
In an email previously released regarding Hillary’s Benghazi investigation, there was one specific message that detailed the exact location of Ambassador Chris Stevens.
Because this email was sent through the unsecured server, it is highly probable that terrorists intercepted the message.
There were five relevant emails in the cache of Clinton emails that placed Amb. Stevens in harms way:...continue article here

New U.S. Currency is Already in the Money Supply

Please feel free to share these newsletters. They are a product of Global Genius Trust

Friday, November 23, 2018

New U.S. Currency is Already in the Money Supply

New U.S. Currency Already in Our Money Supply

By Anonymous Patriots
SOTN Exclusive

For those of you that are stressing about the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the Federal Reserve, please 
take faith that initial measures have been taken to insure a not-so-hard landing when the Federal Reserve 
Note will be retired out of circulation, being replaced by notes printed and backed solely by the U.S. Treasury.

If you have been putting your money under the mattress for the last few years, you will want to take the 
time to read this article so that you can replace the old fiat currency of the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) 
with new currency.

We believe that those who do not start taking action will find in the near future that their fiat currency is un-redeemable. This is particularly true of the billions of dollars that are held in cash outside of the United 
States, most of which will not be redeemable once the transition is made.

​As our readers know, our articles can be a bit lengthy, but we like to fully educate you on our topics so that 
you can take the message and disseminate to your constituency in a manner that will resonate with them.

Not everyone will need to know all the details, but for those reading this article, you are at the top level of 
the underground information pyramid for the New Fourth Estate and will need to know background and 
strategies for going forward.

In this article, you will learn:

How the 2009 $100 bill series is a hybrid of the old FRN and the new USTN (US Treasury Note);

How the old $50 FRN has been replaced with a new USTN $50 bill;

How to protect your cash stash if you are still holding old FRNs;

How Benjamin Franklin created fiat currency and why his image will be destroyed on the $100 FRN as 
a symbol of the We the People choosing to govern ourselves again and eliminating Globalists from our 
banking and government systems;

How the new USTN is backed by the gold-silver standard;

A hidden symbol in the new USTN that explains how U.S. wealth was wiped out in 2009 with a 
flood-fire-flood on Water Street;

Why you can’t get a title to your real estate once you have paid off your mortgage;

How We the People are instrumental in completing the process of making the big switch;

How our money supply will become a mixture of digital, paper, and metals in the near future as long as 
We the People wake up and see the writing on the $100 bill....Continue article here

REGARDING the GCR/RV update this morning;
Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for November 22, 2018 The Cabal retaliated by causing the California fire 
disaster by assets previously undetected. The assets utilized by the Cabal to cause the fires were destroyed.
Question from a reader:Do you feel this was talking about the DEW Lockheed Martin Planes or the Smart Meters on 
every home? Answer: Got the answer to my question... the answer is "Both" that's all just "Both"

OWoN: We can’t comment ahead of what being hard fought right now. Loose lips sink ships.
When dealing with the sheer extent of Banking, Zio filth and Government Deep State Criminals, take nothing for granted. 
Because no one has stopped them in the past, they will stop at nothing to deny, lie and obfuscate. ...
There is momentum at the starter gate. The cases are in play.


Black Conservative Patriot

Hoodwinked Again!

Headlines With A Voice

George Soros is getting redpilled

American Intelligence Media


War Drummer Official

Watch Free: Gaslight 1944

Does Multiculturalism Work

The Common Sense Show

Fed Panic Begins, Division & Chaos, Next Phase Coming - Episode 1723a


Captain Dan Hanley 9/11 Whistleblower vs ALPA, United Airlines and the FAA

Jason Goodman