Saturday, December 15, 2018

Is this immigration or is this an invasion? 2200 immigrants arrive in Munich no women, no children, apparently only men flee "War Zones"??

Eva Baumann
Our mission is to bring awareness to any issue which challenges the security, sovereignty
or domestic tranquility of our beloved Nation, The United  States of America.
In God We Trust!

True Story of Gun Control WorldWide Graphic Images Innocents Betrayed / 57 minutes

With Open Gates: [FULL AUDIO VERSION] The Forced Collective Suicide Of
European Nations > (20 minutes)




Politically Correct Leftist snowflakes ruin everything

by BareNakedIslam

UK POLICE OFFICER “fought for his life as he grabbed samurai sword being brandished by Muslim Uber driver, yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ outside Buckingham Palace” in August 2017, the jury heard

by BareNakedIslam

JUST TODAY: Apparent ‘Shooting Jihad’ in Strasbourg Christmas Market in France – 4 dead, 11 critically injured. Also, apparent ‘Vehicle Jihad’ in Australia, 1 dead 6 injured when truck plows into pedestrians during Sydney’s morning commute

by BareNakedIslam

Subject: The Saga of the Philippine Gold...which belongs to America!

From: Ernest Laverdiere Jr 

Subject: The Saga of the Philippine Gold
In 1907, the U.S. corporation bought the entire Phillipines from Spain and stashed our gold there instead of fort knox to hide it from the secondary bankrupt scottish corporation doing business as The United States of America Inc and again in 1934 made them trustees to keep it away from the bankrupt Roman Catholic Delaware corporation doing business as "the" United States of America Inc. It is our gold and it needs to come back to the american unincorporated states.

From: Anna von Reitz <>

Sent: Wed, Dec 5, 2018 11:47 pm

Subject: The Saga of the Philippine Gold

The Saga of the Philippine Gold

What happened is that "The United States of America, Incorporated" was preparing to go bankrupt circa 1907, and using our money as investment capital, they bought the land mass of the Philippine Islands from Spain.  We have all the paperwork on that.  So, then, the U.S. Army which was made responsible for the safe-keeping of our money as of 1863, began preparing a place to stash gold that should have been in Fort Knox in the Philippines --- bear in mind that this is all gold belonging to the American States and People.

They were hiding it to keep Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Scottish corporation dba "The United States of America, Inc." (wink, wink) from trying to seize upon it, which is good, but since this was all very secret and hush-hush for obvious reasons, it also meant that fewer and fewer people knew what happened to our gold and that also meant that the temptations for fraud and theft proliferated.

One of the first act of the 73rd Congress in 1934 was to establish a "totally independent government" for the Philippines.  They did that so that the Philippine Government (which they still de facto controlled because of the land ownership already in place) could act as Trustee over our gold reserves stored over there and our gold would again be protected from claims from Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt Roman Catholic Delaware corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Inc.

Everything that has happened since, the Japanese discovery and looting of the horde in WWII, the role of the Marcos regime---all that involvement of the Philippines in monitoring and holding and guarding our gold stems directly from the fact that "we" bought the land mass of the Philippines from Spain and the U.S. Army used locations in the Philippines to store our gold.

So, yes, we know that the American States' gold is cashiered in the Philippines and has been for over a hundred years. And yes, it is provably ours.

As for it supposed to be used for "philanthropic" purposes, nobody with authority to decide that has ever weighed in on the matter. The U.S. Army can't do it without our consent and the Government of the Philippines can't either, because they are merely trustees and we did not appoint any Committee of 300, any Tri-Lateral Commission, or any Bilderburgers to mess with it, either.

The gold needs to be returned to The United States of America [Unincorporated] first and foremost for the needs of the States and People to underwrite our own gold-backed currency and to pay off any actual debts that we may owe.  After that, we can talk about philanthropic purposes for our own people and the rest of the world.

Americans are generous and practical people.  We want to see everyone  safe, fat, and happy--- or as the Bible put it, each with their own vineyard and fig tree and abundant peace.  Now that the odious Doctrines of Destiny, Discovery, and Scarcity have been overturned and the Saturnine Brotherhood has been removed from power, there is really no reason that we can't all have abundance and peace.

That is certainly what I wish for and what all right-thinking people want.  Please let our friends in the Philippines know that the actual, factual American Government is still alive and kicking, a bit battered around the ears and kept in the dark by those who owed us better service, but still here, still functioning, still populating this country and still standing as sovereign States of the Union Federation.

We would very much like to meet with them and sort this whole Mess out at the earliest opportunity, because it just delays things and makes everything more difficult when the actual Powerholders are not at the table.  Thank you for helping to get this message out.

Minority Report: NYPD unveils plan to deploy drone fleet that will soon use facial recognition to scan citizens on the streets

Minority Report: NYPD unveils plan to deploy drone fleet that will soon use facial recognition to scan citizens on the streets
The New York City Police Department (NYPD) has a new crime-fighting tool at their disposal and it will forever change how police do their jobs. The NYPD has unveiled a new Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) which will assist during hostage situations and crime scene surveillance. The new program...
By Lance D Johnson | Read the full story
Health freedom: Trump’s new HHS department may ban mandatory vaccinations nationwide and restore health and religious freedom
By S.D. Wells | Read the full story
Sponsor: Ultimate Ranger Gear Survival Gift Set - Field tested by the Health Ranger.
Huge: Supreme Court ruling granting cert in pending case could be the beginning of the end for federal regulators like the ATF, DEA and FDA
By JD Heyes | Read the full story
Manuka Honey: Today we’re launching a glyphosate-tested, laboratory-verified, high-potency premium raw Manuka Honey for health, first aid and preparedness
By Mike Adams | Read the full story
Sponsor: Organic, lab-verified storable food supply made completely without junk ingredients or GMOs.
More proof that cannabis is an anti-aging powerhouse: THC found to rapidly restore memory performance of older mice
By Vicki Batts | Read the full story
Sponsor: Protect your identity from high-tech thieves anytime, anywhere.
Introducing Health Ranger Select Premium Manuka Honey: Lab tested high potency
Potent Manuka honey now available. Health Ranger Select Premium Manuka Honey assures at least 514 in methylglyoxal (MGO), and at least 15 in NPA or Non-Peroxide Activity, which gives manuka honey its potent health-promoting properties. It has been lab-verified for pesticides, glyphosate, heavy metals, and microbiology so you can enjoy our potent Manuka honey with ease of mind. Our Manuka honey is harvested in Australia.
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VIDEO: You Won’t Believe What This Homeless Veteran Does!


This social experiment was conducted to see if people would steal money left in a car in plain sight and by an open window. They left the cash out in poor and wealthy neighborhoods.  Now watch. There are a couple of scumbags here. And one tear-jerking encounter which will absolutely restore your faith in human nature.