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What are the must-learn skills every prepper should know?You’re going to need a lot more than a well-stocked pantry and a survival cache of medical supplies if you want to make it out of a disaster scenario alive. Your supplies and equipment can only get you so far if you don’t know what to do with them. However, being a smart prepper can...
How to use spider webs for survivalThere is an innately beautiful and mysterious allure to spider webs. From Shakespeare weaving dreams using the substance in A Midsummer Night’s Dream to Stan Lee allowing Peter Parker to use it as a superpower, there is no doubt that Nature has designed a wonderful material that serves many...
Some supernova explosions produce large quantities of manganese and nickelMuch of the iron, manganese, and nickel found in the universe come from a specific type of supernova. This supernova starts out as a white dwarf star in a binary system. The carbon-oxygen star detonates right before it reaches the maximum amount of mass it can control. This maximum mass value is...
7 Things you need to know about pistol concealmentIf you’ve recently acquired your pistol, you need to understand that responsible gun ownership goes beyond choosing which holster to use and practicing with your weapon of choice. Here are 7 tips that you must know to properly conceal your pistol. Practice...
Your easy guide to solar drying meat and produceStockpiling fresh produce and meat is a good way to ward off malnutrition and starvation in case SHTF, but if you don’t preserve your food correctly, it might just end up going rancid. Preserve your food supply and ensure a reliable source of protein and nutrients by learning how to dry...
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