Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Emergency Update As The World Turns, 1 of 3

BREAKING: Emergency Update As The World Turns 1/3

Emergency Update As The World Turns, 1 of 3
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Monday December 5, 2011

UNITED STATES of America - At this hour we can divulge the French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have warned U. S. Treasury Secretary, check kiting Timothy Geithner to stop using the S&P credit agency (a stooge of theprivately-owned, conspiratorial Federal Reserve, the creature from Jekyll Island), to stop them from engaging in financial blackmail reference the attempt by the Federal Reserve to launder $270 BILLION in paper J. P. Morgan-MF Global derivatives through the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
http://images.theage.com.au/2011/07/13/2490708/art-lagarde-420x0.jpghttp://www.thepostemail.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/interpol-logo.gif Just one hour ago IMF President Christine Lagarde, a great ally of the American People, (NOT the Gestapo American government), has told check kiting Geithner to cease and desist or she will urge European INTERPOL to issue a "Red Notice" aka warrant for the immediate arrest of check kiting Geithner if he sets his feet on European soil.

Reference: The $270 BILLION in laundered J. P Morgan-MF Global assets that have recently been laundered through the Chinese Central Bank, secret unnamed accounts in Switzerland, and now sit back in the European Central Bank (ECB) with criminal technocrats looking for a way out.

http://s0.uvnimg.com/dinero/fotos/photo/2011-09-16/timothy-geithner_323x216.jpg P. S. At this hour Geithner is trying to negotiate with the Japanese Central Bank the immediate depreciation of the Japanese yen in exchange for support of the euro currency, which the conspiratorial Federal Reserve has been secretly trying to bail out even though European leaders like Sarkozy and Merkel have not signed off on this money laundry.

Note: We can now also divulge that Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke has gone rogue as he tries to bribe German Chancellor Angela Merkel to accept a $1 TRILLION bank wire tied to the J. P. Morgan secret hedge fund off the Isle of Man, which would be sent to the German Deutsche Bank.

The $1 TRILLION is directly tied to funds linked to the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which has been STOLEN by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.

The question now is: Is there $1 TRILLION or hocus pocus derivatives aka illusionary capital.

We now ask the U. S. Military
to step in and

Health - 7 Ways To Stop A Cold Now

7 Ways To Stop A Cold Now

I was in karate class yesterday and our Grand Master instructor had
to cut our weapon defense lesson short.

Not because we were such quick learners on how to disarm someone, but because he was battling a nasty cold and could barely speak.
Seems this time of year people with colds are all around you. And since it can be SO easy to catch a cold, it may not be long before you too have that familiar sore, pus-coated throat, drippy or stuffy nose, cough, fatigue and you become a permanent fixture on the sofa.
But the good news is there are 7 very effective measures you can take to help your body fight off a cold or other respiratory infection.
I call them my "7 Cold Battling Strategies" and I can honestly say that I cannot remember the last time I had a cold -- it's been many YEARS.
So without further ado, here they are:
Cold Battling Strategy #1: Vitamin C
Vitamin C boosts your immune system by helping to increase the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and antibodies. It also increases your level of interferon, which is the antibody that coats cell surfaces, preventing the entry of viruses.
Good food sources include parsley, broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, lemon juice, papaya, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens and Brussels sprouts. Even better news is that it's not toxic at any level. So take 1,000, 2,000 or even 20,000 mg or more per day and you will be doing yourself a world of good year round.
Cold Battling Strategy #2: Vitamin E
Although it's not as popular as vitamin C, vitamin E plays an important role in the health of your immune system.
The main cells of your immune system are T cells and B cells. Helper T cells patrol your body, waiting to attack a dangerous invader. Regulatory T cells protect your healthy cells. And B cells create antibodies when you do get sick to help prevent that sickness from entering again. (Think: Chicken pox)
As you age, your T cells and B cells don't work as well as they used to, so your immune system is weaker. But vitamin E has been shown in studies to significantly increase T cell and B cell activity, thereby making your immune system stronger.
Good food sources are spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens, mustard greens, cayenne pepper, almonds, sunflower seeds, asparagus and bell peppers.
Cold Battling Strategy #3: Garlic
Garlic is a natural immune system booster. It stimulates the production of infection-fighting white cells and enhances the efficiency of antibody production.
There's a catch, though: To get the full benefits of garlic, you have to eat it raw (or very lightly cooked).
Typical garlic pills, tablets, oils and capsules, especially the odorless ones, usually have had the active enzymes in the garlic that provide the health benefits processed out.
But never fear -- there are a great many ways to enjoy garlic and get its full immune system charge (more on that below).
Cold Battling Strategy #4: Oregano
The oils in this delicious spice include thymol and carvacrol, both of which have been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria.
In addition to enjoying oregano in Italian and Mediterranean dishes, oil of oregano is also available at health food stores and many grocery stores.
Cold Battling Strategy #5: Zinc
Similar to garlic, this powerhouse mineral increases the production of infection-fighting white blood cells, and helps white cells release more antibodies.
Good sources of zinc include beef, oysters, crab, turkey, scallops, oats, yogurt, venison and spinach.
Note that although zinc supplements and lozenges are available, too much zinc can backfire on you and inhibit your immune system. It's best to aim for 15-25 milligrams a day which you can easily get from a healthy diet (more on that below).
Cold Battling Strategy #6: Probiotics
Nothing enhances your immune system like a healthy dose of the same beneficial bacteria that reside in your gut and make up about 70-80% of that immune system!
The key is taking a probiotic supplement that has a wide variety of bacteria strains (more strains = more ways to enhance your health) AND ensuring that those bacteria are actually alive when you take them. (Many supplements have been on warm store shelves for months and it's very likely that many or all of the bacteria have died.)
Super Shield probiotic formula delivers on both of those important points.
Super Shield contains 13 well-studied strains of beneficial bacteria, each of which has its own specialty on how it enhances your health and helps strengthen your immune system to better fight colds and many other illnesses.
It is stored in refrigerated coolers and ship it to you with a cold gel pack to help maintain an acceptable temperature to keep the bacteria alive, feisty and ready to do their work.
And the Granddaddy of them all:
Cold Battling Strategy #7: Eating real foods
You can take all the immune-enhancing supplements in the world, but if your diet is poor, you're cutting your own throat in these 3 ways:
- A poor diet creates acid waste in your body, which makes is next to impossible for you to absorb nutrients you need. So any supplements you do take can pass right through you.
- A poor diet nourishes the harmful bacteria in your gut, while starving the helpful ones. This can make your immune system function practically non-existent.
- A poor diet also encourages an acidic pH. When your body is in a state of acidity, it can't effectively heal itself or fight illnesses.
Now, if having a healthy diet sounds about as interesting to you as eating shredded cardboard, you're in luck.
Because the Great Taste No Pain system will prove you wrong!
The Great Taste No Pain manuals will show you how to make delicious, low acid meals featuring real foods that not only taste incredible but are good FOR you.
And the recipe book is packed with 112 scrumptious dishes, many of which feature immune-enhancing oregano and garlic (including my outstanding spaghetti sauce), as well as natural dietary sources of vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc.

Put the 7 Cold Battling Strategies to work for you, and I'll bet you'll find yourself saying, "Gee, I can't remember the last time I had a cold!"
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Tracy's been secretly feeding delicious Great Taste No Pain recipes to her husband!:
Dear Sherry,
I just had to share this with you...I have been on Great Taste No Pain religiously for about 3 weeks now and love it!
I've secretly been preparing your delicious recipes and sneaking them on my husband and to my surprise he's enjoyed all of the meals. Prior to that point I was cooking two separate meals every day just so I could eat the food I needed to combat a bad case of gastritis and he could eat his food.
Today I made the big batch of your 'Outrageously Delicious Spaghetti Sauce.' I had to run out for the evening but I left the prepared spaghetti sauce on the stove and told him he could help himself.
When I came home he had left me a note thanking me for dinner. He's never done this before, and I quote:
'Dear Sweetheart, Thank you for the delicious, delightful, scrumptious, extremely tasty culinary feast!'
While I might not convert him to 100% Great Taste No Pain, I know I can continue to prepare meals that are healthy for both of us and that he will like!
Thank you!
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Got achey joints? Cloudy thinking? Cholesterol problems? You just may be deficient in Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Learn more about this essential nutrient and how easy it is to make sure your body is getting enough Omega-3 EFAs:
PPS: Eating processed junk foods (most boxed, bagged, canned or bottled concoctions) reduces your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. Your body uses LOTS of enzymes breaking down processed food, and it can only produce so many over your lifetime. But Digestizol Max enzyme formula can help your system break down any kind of food you eat and preserve your precious enzyme supply. Learn more about Digestizol Max here.
PPPS: Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.

Want case studies?  Here are a few thousand health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Atsamattayou? You like pain or something?  I've heard about people like that!
Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2011 Holistic Blends
- http://www.greattastenopain.com/great.asp
- http://www.greattastenogluten.com/great.asp
- http://www.bluerockholistics.com

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here   

Monday, December 5, 2011

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 5, 2011

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 5, 2011
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 5-Dec-2011 21:39:45

Message from SaLuSa by Mike Quinsey - December 5, 2011
Our allies continue to make progress in their efforts to bring an end to the activities of the dark Ones. Resistance is pushed aside as we are the ones in ascendancy, and some major coups could well open Pandora's box and reveal those who have been behind the plan for world control. We are certainly closing in on those responsible, and for once money will not buy them a way out of it. So much has been revealed about the goings on that have taken away your rights, and bribery has played a big part in achieving it. Honest politics disappeared a long time ago, but that does not mean that there are not any honest politicians. Unfortunately their voices are often stifled and regularly ignored, but their day is coming very soon and be assured that we know each one by name.
Each day now offers the possibility of exciting news, and Disclosure is being energized by your focus upon it. It means that it will soon burst upon the scene, as it cannot be held back much longer. It will once and for all prove our existence, and remove suggestions that we have ulterior motives where you and your Earth are concerned. Once our true motives have been confirmed, we hope to have satisfied those who had doubts that we come in peace. You do need us, and in any event it is decreed that we come together in the Brotherhood of Light. Your future is going to take you into the realms of the Cosmos, that is your true abode and where you will once more achieve your true status. So as you can see, there is a lot to do and Ascension will be the first big step that will lift you up. It will be a great leap forward in your levels of consciousness.
Everyone will at some stage be offered the same opportunity to rise up, but it comes with conditions as you have to apply yourself to lifting up your vibrations. You cannot just walk straight into Ascension, unless you are compatible to the new levels. We have already told you that initially all you need is a firm intent to ascend, but you have to change your life to one that mirrors the new vibrations. It means gradually leaving behind those attachments that will no longer serve you. Ones that are perhaps habitual such as taking drugs, or indulging in practices that are of a low vibration. If you choose to pass over the chance to ascend, that is your choice and you will be directed onto a path that allows you to continue in your present way.
Some followers of religion expect the wrath of God to descend upon Earth, but we wish to make it clear that your true God Is All Love. That scenario is biblical in origin and comes from false teachings, or old predictions that are no longer relevant. Naturally there will be physical changes, as that is the nature of Mother Earth who is responsible for carrying them out. However, they are not intended to destroy the Earth but part of the necessary cleansing to prepare it for Ascension. In fact the more Light that is brought to Earth the easier it will be, and furthermore people warned where they are in danger. Some will heed them, but others will stay according to their intuitive feelings.
Dear Ones, you have come far to arrive at this pivotal point in your lives, so please take note of what is happening around you. Some information will be deliberately circulated to cause fear, and you should know by now that it is the very energy that feeds the dark Ones. Without lifting a finger you can help to keep them down, by denying them the energy they live off. Keep your Light shining bright all of the time, and never let your focus move from your goal. The year 2012 will see a speeding up of the level of Light being sent to Earth, that means you will rapidly leave the old vibrations behind. When you shed them you will notice a much lighter feeling takes over, and a beautiful peace descends upon you. If that is already you, we say well done and that you are doing everything possible to prepare yourself for Ascension.
We of the Galactic Federation continue to draw closer to you, and we have established direct contact on Earth with numerous Beings of Light who are to play a major role in Disclosure. If necessary, we can learn all there is to know about any individual, so you may be sure that whosoever speaks on our behalf is genuine. Where anyone else tries to intrude with disinformation, you will feel the difference because of the energies their words carry. Be discerning and remember that the dark Ones are easy to spot, and out to create fear laden messages. Understand that until this cycle is drawn to an end, the dark Ones still have freewill choice to do as they wish. Our hope is that they will soon see that the Light is about to take charge of the Earth, and they have nothing to gain by trying to create more confusion or chaos.
For many the time of goodwill approaches, and people look to the New Year to discuss their aspirations and what they wish to bring into their lives. Lightworkers who express their confidence that the future is going to bring peace to Earth, will immensely help still the fears that may otherwise arise considering the instability that is around you. An encouraging word here and there, can help lift the gloom and pessimism that many people feel right now. Your Light is a radiance that reaches far, and wherever you are will bring about a feeling of calmness. When numbers of you get together for the purpose of sending out your Light, its power is increased tenfold and you will be doing a great service for Humanity. Believe us, you are far more powerful than you give yourselves credit for.
We know that conditions are very difficult for many people, but please do not let them get you down as there is not far to go before it will all change. In fact, you will end up far better off than any previous period in your lives. You will be given peace on Earth, and your worries and problems eased until they no longer exist. In a matter of months you will see astonishing changes take place, and we are your guarantee that all we have promised will come to fruition. When we talk of "we" that includes all of the Beings that work with us from the highest realms of Light. The end times have been divinely planned, and there are no mistakes where the Creator is concerned.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bid you well and all that your dreams are made of and the love you seek.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Eric Holder --- Fast & Furious Gunrunner


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Picture: Eric Holder - Crispy barbecue on Pennsylvania Avenue?

The prevailing view inside the Beltway is that Eric Holder is the most corrupt and sinister Attorney General the US has yet seen.

When in October 2011, the Murdoch mainstream media started going for Holder in connection with the Fast-and-Furious probe, the gameboard changed decisively.

The US Pentagon and international law enforcement agencies, working in active sympathy with the Monaco Accords, came to the view that Holder had to be cleared out of the way, beforeBarack Obama and his senior administration officials could be impeached for treason.

Apart from the élite deceptions swirling around Obama's fake American birth qualification and the exact provenance of hisstolen Connecticut Social Security Number, law enforcement fury could not be contained with regard to the US President's barely-concealed slush funds at the Vatican Bank and Banco Santander in Europe.

On Thursday 8th December 2011, at 9.30am in the 2141 Rayburn House Office Building, a full hearing of the House Judiciary Committee will consider Eric Holder's continuing position at the US Department of Justice. Already, fifty two House members, two Senators, four presidential candidates and two sitting governors have demanded his resignation. More here (05.12.11) and here(04.12.11).

