Saturday, August 31, 2013

WUA - Couldn't Have Said It Better

Subject: WUA - Couldn't Have Said It Better
To: <>

 Waking Up American’s…….

Maureen Scott is an ardent American patriot who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and retired to Richmond, VA, in 2000. Free from the nine-to-five grind of writing for employers and clients, she began writing political commentary to please herself and express her convictions, as do I. Our Pledge of Allegiance, a military band playing the National Anthem, and the wisdom of our Founding Fathers inspire her passion and views. Her life is guided by a firm belief that truth is the most important virtue, and that God knows what He is doing with her. She is my guest writer today, for I could have never said it better. Please take the time to read and listen to this good American woman. I believe you will be glad you did. I give you Maureen Scott. 

The Architect of Destruction

 Maureen Scott

Barack Obama appears to be a tormented man filled with resentment, anger, and disdain for anyone of an opinion or view other than his. He acts in the most hateful, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive ways in order to manipulate and maintain power and control over others. Perhaps, because, as a child, he grew up harboring an abiding bitterness toward the U.S. that was instilled in him by his family and mentors…it seems to have never left him.

It is not the color of his skin that is a problem in America.

Rather it is the blackness that fills his soul and the hollowness in his heart where there should be abiding pride and love for this country.

Think: Have we ever heard Obama speak lovingly of the U.S. or its people, with deep appreciation and genuine respect for our history, our customs, our sufferings and our blessings? Has he ever revealed that, like most patriotic Americans, he gets "goose bumps" when a band plays "The Star Spangled Banner," or sheds a tear when he hears a beautiful rendition of " America the Beautiful"? Does his heart burst with pride when millions of American flags wave on a National holiday -- or someone plays "taps" on a trumpet? Has he ever shared the admiration of the military, as we as lovers of those who keep us free feel when soldiers march by? It is doubtful because Obama did not grow up sharing our experiences or our values. He did not sit at the knee of a grandfather or uncle who showed us his medals and told us about the bravery of his fellow troops as they tramped through foreign lands to keep us free. He didn't have grandparents who told stories of suffering and then coming to America, penniless, and the opportunities they had for building a business and life for their children.

Away from this country as a young child, Obama didn't delight in being part of America and its greatness. He wasn't singing our patriotic songs in kindergarten, or standing on the roadside for a holiday parade and eating a hot dog, or lighting sparklers around a campfire on July 4th as fireworks exploded over head, or placing flags on the grave sites of fallen and beloved American heroes.

Rather, he was separated from all of these experiences and doesn't really understand us and what it means to be an American. He is void of the basic emotions that most feel regarding this country and insensitive to the instinctive pride we have in our national heritage. His opinions were formed by those who either envied us or wanted him to devalue the United States and the traditions and patriotism that unites us.

He has never given a speech that is filled with calm, reassuring, complimentary, heartfelt statements about all the people in the U.S. Or one that inspires us to be better and grateful and proud that in a short time our country became a leader and a protector of many. Quite the contrary, his speeches always degenerate into mocking, ridiculing tirades as he faults our achievements as well as any critics or opposition for the sake of a laugh, or to bolster his ego. He uses his office to threaten and create fear while demeaning and degrading any American who opposes his policies and actions. A secure leader who has noble self-esteem and not false confidence refrains from showing such dread of critics and displaying a cocky, haughty attitude.

Mostly, his time seems to be spent causing dissension, unrest and anxiety among the people of America, rather than uniting us (even though he was presented to us as the "Great Uniter"). He creates chaos for the sake of keeping people separated, envious, aggrieved and ready to argue. Under his leadership, Americans have been kept on edge rather than in a state of comfort and security. He incites people to be aggressive toward, and disrespectful of, those of differing opinions. And through such behavior, Obama has lowered the standards for self-control and mature restraint to the level of street-fighting gangs, when he should be raising the bar for people to strive toward becoming more considerate, tolerant, self-disciplined, self-sustaining and self-assured.

Not a day goes by that he is not attempting to defy our laws, remove our rights, over-ride established procedures, install controversial appointees, enact divisive mandates, and assert a dictatorial form of power.

· Never has there been a leader of this great land who used such tactics to harm and hurt the people and this country.

· Never have we had a President who spoke with a caustic, evil tongue against the citizenry rather than present himself as a soothing, calming and trustworthy force.

· Never in this country have we experienced how much stress one man can cause a nation of people -- on a daily basis!

Obama has promoted the degeneration of peace, civility, and quality of cooperation between us. He thrives on tearing us down rather than building us up. He is the Architect of the decline of America , and the epitome of a Demagogue.

Maureen Scott


 Thanks Mark

Had Enough Yet!......

Wake Up America become a Member FREE right NOW!.....
www.WUA4u2.combottom right box on the home page –
American’s - Vs. – American’t……
Bob Burton, Florida State Director, an American

"In God We Trust"

Liars on Parade

Subject: WUA - Liars on Parade
To: <>

WUA - Liars on Parade
"The Only Motive I Could Think
of is that They Wanted to
Leverage Anybody in this Country."
Alexandra Bruce
August 22, 2013

This a jaw-dropping series of edits, depicting members of the government and familiar TV personalities being caught lying right through their teeth about the warrantless wiretapping, the infinite dragnet abuses of the already-unconstitutional Patriot Act. This video was put together by author, Allan Weisbecker and is part of an essay he wrote for

30+ year NSA veteran programmer and whistleblower, WIlliam Binney says it all when he describes the motive of this vast operation to record and store all communications between Americans: "The only motive I could think of is that they wanted to leverage anybody in this country...If you ever get on their enemy's list, like Petraeus did, or for whatever reason, then you can be drawn into that surveillance."

[Speaking of General John Allen and Jill Kelley, the latter of whom was the subject of harassing emails by General David Petreaus' paramour, Paula Broadwell]: "Why were they targeted to begin with? What law were they breaking or what probable cause did they have?"

As the RT show host in this segment comments, the most overlooked part of the Petreaus scandal was the incredible reach of the Government's surveillance. As to General John Allen, "Thousands of his personal emails were sifted's not as if he were planning an attack on America!"

Binney replies, "All the Congressional members are under surveillance, too. No one's, yes, this could happen to anyone."

As Weisbecker says, "He who controls the NSA database can force anyone to do...anything. Weisbecker calls to: "Demand the deletion of the illegal NSA data. NOW...and jail the [constitutional oath-breaking] liars...all of them."
Thanks Laurel

Good judgment comes from bad experience ... and most of that comes from bad judgment.

Had Enough Yet!
Wake Up America become a Member FREE right NOW!.....
www.WUA4u2.combottom right box on the home page –
American’s - Vs. – American’t……
Bob Burton, Florida State Director, an American

"In God We Trust"

Secret Space War VIII: Alien Quantum Computing and the End of Secrecy?

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Video: Secret Space War VIII: Alien Quantum Computing and the End of Secrecy?
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 30-Aug-2013 21:30:06

In the 70's, a TV preacher and 'faith healer' by the name of Ernest Angley became known for the distinct delivery of his speech patterns.
Angley, complete with his Sears toupee, and his "put your hands on the TV and then send me money" routine, and his ability to 'heal' by laying hands on people and knocking them down with the 'holy spirit' became somewhat of a a cult hero, mostly due to his TV exploits being so entertaining.
During that same era, then stand up comedian Steve Martin worked a bit of the Angley type routine into his own act.
Martin would start off his Angley imitation by asking the audience:
"Why am I so wretched-uh."?
"Why am I so de-praved-uh"?
Of course, the idea was that 'you are so wretched-uh and so de-praved-uh because you have not sent brother Ernest enough money yet-uh'.
You already know the gig of TV preachers...
Jump ahead to 2013...
Now ask the same question of today's TV evangelists such as John Hagee, or career politicians, or anyone who has been exposed to the Beltway Virus - The Alien Spirit Worm Infestation...
"Why are they so wretched-uh."?
"Why are they so de-praved-uh"?
"How can they be so wicked-uh"?
"What has happened to their brains-uh?"
They are programmed differently than humans with a soul.
Wickedness, depravity, and wretchedness is just business as usual to them.
They don't understand anything else.
"How did they become such mindless, heartless Zombies-uh"?
The Jeff Rense Program
August 20th, 2013
Published on Aug 23, 2013 By urupiper2
Alien Quantum Computing and the End of Secrecy? ◕ Preston James w/ Jeff Rense 08.20.2013
Secret Space War VIII: Alien Quantum Computing and the End of Secrecy?
by Preston James
MoleculesThere has been little publicly released about what Quantum computing actually is, but it is perhaps best described as advanced computing involving multi or inter-dimensional processing that has almost unimaginable power.
It is now recognized in the highest circles of American Intel deep inside the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) that development of quantum computing is the key to mastery over all cryptographics as well as advanced scientific data analysis, mass intelligence gathering through the Internet and cell phone systems, product/material management, advanced CAD/CAM, cyber warfare and the establishment and maintenance of absolutely bulletproof cyber security.
It is now likely that any nation that completely masters quantum computing first will be able to master cyber warfare, cyber defense and dominate any other nation state or even the world and this quest itself alone will likely create a complete end to secrecy between and within nation-states due to the application of this new technology to industry which cannot be kept secret easily or forever.
Thus the stakes are very high for mastering quantum computing.
In fact, Quantum computing is considered the final stage left to develop human sized fully functioning combat robots now that new high tech plasma-based metal parts printing is a reality.

6 Must-Do's for Clear Vision & Healthier Eyes Instantly

6 Must-Do's for Clear Vision & Healthier Eyes Instantly
About a year and a half ago, someone who is a very close friend of
my family suffered a tragedy and permanently lost his eyesight.

Every time I see him, my heart just aches...and at the same time I am reminded what a precious gift vision is.
Unfortunately, eye health is not something most people think about very often.
Until something happens, that is.
I'm not just talking about a sudden tragedy. Conditions like glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration can all sneak up on you and severely affect your vision, many times robbing it permanently.
And while the thought of that can scare the you-know-what out of you, the good news is that there are some very effective ways you can take good care of your eyes and help preserve your precious gift of sight.
Here are the...
Six surefire ways to protect your eyes
1) Cover them
Protecting your eyes from UV radiation can decrease your risk of cataracts, which occur when proteins in the lens of your eye get damaged.
So on bright sunny days, be sure to protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses or a hat.

2) Move your body
Yup--your eyes are yet another great reason to stop being a couch potato.
Recent research has suggested that physical activity can lower your chance of developing cataracts by more than one-third, cut your risk of developing macular degeneration by more than half, and lower the increased eye pressure associated with glaucoma!
Put on the sneakers, grab the weights or racquet, hop on the treadmill, jump in the pool, start pedaling the bike or whatever your activity of choice is.
Just get off your keister and DO IT at least 3-4 days a week. Remember -- you need good vision to see how much nicer your body looks after you start moving it more. :-)

3) Avoid refined carbs
Refined carbohydrates (sugars, white flour, white rice, white bread, cookies, pastries, cakes, pasta, bagels, rolls, bakery goods, etc.) all quickly turn to sugar (glucose) once they're broken down by your body.
And having a regular diet of foods like these increases your risk of Type II diabetes.
You see, eating foods that create a regular onslaught of glucose in your blood day in and day out stresses your pancreas to produce enough insulin so your cells will absorb the excess glucose. Eventually it either can't keep up, or your cells start ignoring and resisting the insulin.
At that point the glucose builds up in your bloodstream and you develop Type II diabetes.
Diabetes can damage your eyes and lead to blindness. And people with Type II diabetes have a 72% increased risk of certain types of cataracts and are twice as likely to develop glaucoma as non-diabetics.

4) Eat sources of eye-healthy nutrients
Vitamins A, C, B6, B12 and folic acid are all crucial to eye health, as are zinc and the amino acid glutathione.
Here are some great food sources of each:
Vitamin A: Leafy greens (especially spinach), bell peppers, sweet potatoes, broccoli, tomatoes, asparagus, winter squash and carrots.
Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, parsley, green beans, leafy greens.
Vitamin B6: Spinach, bell peppers, garlic, tuna, bananas, broccoli, watermelon, celery.
Vitamin B12: Shrimp, scallops, salmon, beef, lamb, cod, eggs.
Folic acid: Leafy greens (especially romaine lettuce), broccoli, beets, lentils, legumes, asparagus.
Zinc: Calf's liver, herring, spinach, beef, lamb, summer squash, leafy greens, sesame seeds.
Glutathione: Green leafy vegetables (especially broccoli, parsley and spinach).
Note that not only is it crucial to take in sources of these eye-loving nutrients, but it's also important that you're actually absorbing and using those nutrients.
And the Great Taste No Pain system can make that a breeze for you.
Great Taste No Pain shows you how to construct meals that not only taste divine, but are a breeze for your body to digest.  Not only will that help maximize your nutrient absorption, but you'll also be helping your body say goodbye to gas, bloating, constipation and acid reflux too!
And the GTNP recipe book is loaded with unbelievably delicious dishes featuring many of the eye-healthy foods listed above.

5)  Omega-3 essential fatty acids for proper eye functioning
The Omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are absolutely vital for proper brain and eye functioning.
Unfortunately, because our food supply does not have nearly a fraction of the Omega-3 EFA it used to have (because of our large dependence on vegetables oils, processed foods and meat from grain-fed animals), most people are severely lacking this critical nutrient.
But that can be easily remedied by supplementation with a pharmaceutical-grade fish oil formula like VitalMega-3.
2 capsules a day gives you 2,000 mg of the purest medical grade Omega-3 fish oil available which includes 600 mg. of EPA and 400 mg. of DHA.
According to scientists at the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL), the minimum daily intake is 650 mg/day of EPA and DHA combined for health maintenance and to prevent deficiency.
So with a whopping 1,000 mg. of EPA and DHA, VitalMega-3 over-delivers and ensures you're getting what you need for your precious eyes and more!

6) Supplement with Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 has been shown to help protect against optic neuropathy, macular degeneration and cataracts, to name but a few.
Although there are many foods sources of Vitamin B12, eating those foods is only half the equation with this nutrient.
Absorbing it is the other half, and that can be tricky for these reasons:
First, your body's ability to produce the proteins needed for B12 absorption declines with age. So people age 50 or over are inherently at a greater risk.
Digestive conditions such as gastritis, IBS, Crohn's and colitis also affect the absorption and leave you running low.  And heaven knows, digestive problems are rampant in our society today--it's hard to find someone who DOESN'T have gut issues!
Antacids are a culprit, too.  Because they neutralize or reduce the acids in your stomach, when you use them you don't have enough acid to "break free" vitamin B12 from the proteins it's attached to.  So it sails on through your digestive tract, unabsorbed.
Plus, medication for Type II diabetes can also hamper B12 absorption, as well as alcohol use.
That's why supplementation is such a good idea for so many people.
And for a top shelf, highly absorbable formula, Hydroxaden 2.5 is the finest B12 spray available anywhere at any price.
Five sprays daily provides a full 2.5 mg. of B12 to energize your body and mind, encourage efficient metabolism and...
...Support eye health!

Your eyes are most definitely one of your most precious gifts, and certainly nothing to take lightly.
Do whatever you can to take care of them now and help encourage strong eye health and good vision as you age.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Kathy's down 13 pounds and her blood pressure's down too!
Dear Sherry,
I am 67 years old. I just had a bout with diverticulitis, 2 years after the first bout, in spite of the fact I was doing everything the doctors told me to do.
I just finished the medications, and found you on line doing research to help myself. I too felt like I was dying. I ordered Great Taste No Pain right away.
I have been following your dietary program for just over one week. I am feeling so much better I can hardly believe it. I have no more reflux, I am sleeping better, I have no more abdominal discomfort, and I do have more energy already!
Also, I have Iost a total of 13 pounds, (5.5 since I started this program) and I have been trying to drop that weight for many years without success.
I have checked my blood pressure just to see if the weight Ioss is helping, and you know what? It is! My blood pressure is way down, even with the Prednisone, and I hope I will one day be able to eliminate medications that I have been on for years!
Thank you so much for giving hope to many of us who have been losing it for so long, and been so frustrated trying to do what the medical profession instructed us to do. Your approach makes things so simple that anyone can do it.
God Bless you in your efforts to educate people! I wish our schools; dietitians, physicians and others would do so well by us!
Forever Grateful,
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Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2013 Holistic Blends  

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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Message from SaLuSa by MADAD - August 27, 2013

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from SaLuSa by MADAD - August 27, 2013
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 31-Aug-2013 11:14:39

Message from SaLuSa by MADAD - August 27, 2013
Love can be felt and be seen everywhere around you, take it inside and let it move through you and sweep away the last fragments of the old, that you know have no power over you and cannot help you anymore. We know you understand our messages, because they are sent with our love and energy within and they are helping you with your transformation. They are not just words, as words cannot fully express our desired meaning and information that we want to share with you. Therefore with every message that you read, focus also on energy that it is carrying and you will be able to understand more and “read between the lines”. It is possible for you now to understand also that what is not written in words as your higher vibrations are allowing you to sense and feel so much more than ever before. This is how we live and communicate with each other, feeling the energies that surround us and that is what you are ready to practice, as for very long time you were not used to feel and sense others and only focusing on surviving. Now it is almost impossible not to feel as your mind and bodies changed so much, that only those who wish to stay within lower vibrations deny this fact, but also for them will come that moment when they decide to move forward and back home.
There are many surprises waiting for you as you go along your path and although many of you are prepared for all the spoken changes, you will still be amazed of so much more happening and changing in your reality and your lives. We cannot speak of them as they will be your own choices and desires that you will follow, so it is upon you to choose from endless amount of possibilities that will lie in front of you. Once you clearly see your path, a lot of possibilities will show up and those you will feel most attracted to, you will choose to be part of your life. If unsure which one is the best one for you to experience, there will always be someone who will help you decide, but do not expect that there will be someone who will tell you exactly what to do, as now you are awakened and also need to take the full responsibility for your own experiences. We are here with you to guide you until you are able to completely trust yourselves in everything that you choose or do, and we clearly see that many of you are allowing Yourself to guide you and that trust is built inside and also starting to be seen on the outside. With all the changes coming to you, it will be easier for all that are awakening now, and you will see the fruits of your hard work in their smiling and loving expressions.
It is such a wonderful time to be on Mother Earth right now, she feels that so many people are returning her love back that she is literary starting to glow, and we are all watching this beautiful change with amazement and happiness. Soon some of you will be able to also see it, as this is also allowing us to come to you and show ourselves for those who are ready and this will allow others to get ready too. Stay in these wonderful energies and feelings, as we say so often, and leave all that is not serving you behind. Tell that to your mind as many times as needed and you will shortly see that it works as it is always your intentions that are speaking to the Creation Forces.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I am so gladly sharing my love and energy with you all and I thank to all of you that are sending love back to me, I feel it from every one and each of you that do so and feel blessed to be able to be in such connection with you. We all from Galactic Federation are enjoying our presence here, so close to you and are ready to greet you within our reality.
Channeller: MADAD

History Channel: Our Rulers Are Killing Us

  Part 1) History Channel: Our Rulers Are Killing Us

  Politicians who belong to the Satan-worshipping secret society known as
  Freemasonry and the Skull & Bones society must be ousted from leadership,
  because Satanists vow to "kill and destroy" the masses through war, famine,
  and plague! The two Bush presidents and John Kerry are blood brothers in the
  Satanist "Skull & Bones" secret society.
 Please click on the FULL Screen icon [__] at the lower right corner.

CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors

Subject: CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors

Interesting...(if you want to view videos and more info that came with the article, I've included the link for the source of this article, right below the title here...)

CNN Caught Staging News Segments on Syria With Actors

Anderson Cooper and CNN have been caught staging fake news about Syria to justify military intervention.

Photo: Wikimedia CommonsPhoto: Wikimedia Commons
By JG Vibes
August 30, 2013
The primary “witness” that the mainstream media is using as a source in Syria has been caught staging fake news segments.  Recent video evidence proves that “Syria Danny”, the supposed activist who has been begging for military intervention on CNN, is really just a paid actor and a liar.
While Assad is definitely a tyrant like any head of state, a US invasion of the country is a worst case scenario for the people living there.
By pointing out that the mainstream media is orchestrating their entire coverage of this incident, we are not denying that there is a tremendous amount of death and violence in Syria right now.  However, we are showing that the mainstream media version of events is scripted and staged propaganda.
The following video shows him contradicting himself while off air, and even asking crew members to “get the gunfire sounds ready” for his video conference with Anderson Cooper on CNN.
“Syria Danny” has also appeared on many other news programs, and every single time his story on specific events has changed.
This is not the first time that mainstream media has been exposed as propaganda, it happens all the time, especially during times of war.
Some of the most hyped up news images of our time surrounding war were not actually real but were simply public relations stunts, designed as psychological warfare operations.
No one in America can forget the image of Saddam Hussein’s statue being toppled and covered with an American flag, yet few people realize that this was a hoax, a staged psychological operation coordinated between the military and the media.  In July of 2004 journalist Jon Elmer exposed an internal army study of the war showing that this whole statue scenario was indeed a set up.
In the article Elmer writes “the infamous toppling of the statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square in central Baghdad on April 9, 2003 was stage-managed by American troops and not a spontaneous reaction by Iraqis. According to the study, a Marine colonel first decided to topple the statue, and an Army psychological operations unit turned the event into a propaganda moment… The Marines brought in cheering Iraqi children in order to make the scene appear authentic, the study said.  Allegations that the event was staged were made in April of last year, mostly by opponents of the war, but were ignored or ridiculed by the US government and most visible media outlets. “[1]
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The statue hoax was just one example in a long list of lies and psychological operations surrounding the multiple wars in Iraq.  At the onset of Operation Desert Storm in 1990 a public relations firm by the name of Hill and Knowlton spent millions of dollars on the government’s behalf, constructing news pieces that would sell the war to the American public.  One of the most moving pranks to come from this push to war was the testimony of a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, known only by her first name of Nayirah.  In a videotaped testimony that was later distributed to the media she said “I volunteered at the al-Addan hospital, While I was there, I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns, and go into the room where . . . babies were in incubators. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die.”
Sounds horrible huh?  Well, luckily it never happened, this too was a fabricated event designed to dehumanize the Iraqi people.  The whole thing was exposed when the journalists discovered that the witness Nayirah was actually the daughter of a US ambassador who was being coaxed by military psychological operations specialists.  If the government and media cooperate to deceive the American public during times of war then there should be no doubt in your mind that the same techniques are used during times of peace, and especially elections.
The following clip is another classic staged news segment that was aired by CNN:
[1] Army report confirms Psy-ops staged Saddam statue toppling – The New Standard

Writer Bio:
VibesJG Vibes is an investigative journalist, staff writer and editor. He is also the author of “Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance”, an 87 chapter e-book and is an artist with an established record label.
For media inquires, interviews, questions or suggestions for this author, email: or telephone: (347) 759-6075.
Read more articles by this author here.

Check out BREAKING: Did The Federal Government Just Legalize Marijuana? | Ben

Main Stream Media Suppression of Disclosure and Alien Interaction with Earth

Alien Intervention and Souls : A look into the Reality of Human Life
The reality of the existence of ancient extra terrestrials is becoming more apparent by the most recent findings presented by scientists and archaeologists. Notably, among the most  recent and significant is The Ancient Alien Question by Phillip Coppens, Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo, The Sirius Documentary by Dr. Steven Greer, the Bosnian Pyramid discovery by Dr. Semir Osmangich, archaeological research by Dr. Klaus Dona, and evidence of ancient civilizations newly reported by the work of Michael  Tellinger. This combined with the work done by Erich von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin deciphering ancient Sumerian text and comparing it to the Christian Bible and other what we consider our oldest written accounts of ancient earth present a compelling story for a new version of our history, the evolution theory of man-kind and the interaction we have had in the past and are presently experiencing with civilizations from other planets in our solar system and across the universe.  The material in the Law of One and in Marshall Vian Summers Allies Briefings and many other accounts clearly depict a version of the earth as a planet in a very populated part of the universe that has been colonized, observed and interfered with since before our recorded time and that the earth’s surface has undergone transformations eliminating some of these civilizations. Evidence now shows us that these civilizations like Atlantis as described by Edgar Cayce’s readings did indeed exist and thrive and that they nearly destroyed the earth with weapons that were designed to change the climate and the cosmic structure around the earth exactly like NASA is now experimenting with using HAARP and trying to bring planets and/or meteorites into earth’s atmosphere.  The message from highly evolved civilizations such as the high council from Sirius is that they need us to understand our past and prevent the same result in this crucial time of soul evolution for the group soul of planet earth. As the guardians of earth, the beings on this planet must evolve into a higher dimension of the heart chakra and resonate with the vibration of the heart. This will result in the soul evolution of the species and will result in leaving behind the other soul’s on earth whether they are the current earth beings or alien hybrids who aren’t ready to evolve.  The other races from planets know this and understand the genetics of the earthlings but they do not have the capacity to give light or to infuse the soul as the beings that seeded earth did and this is what they are seeking. The Sirians and Pleadians brought light to the earth and are here now to complete the mission of helping earth evolve. Be aware but don’t be distracted by the doings of the beings who only want to capture the genetic technology of light/love and soul that they can only achieve by evolving as a consciousness just like we did and just like the earthlings are doing.

Below is an interview that taps into some of the information and gives sources to investigate to help understand the reality of our existence as spiritual beings in the cosmic universe.

Hi Deb, Well so you are reporting on some exciting news these days and doing a radio show. What kind of subjects to you cover on your radio show?
 On Lost Knowledge, I have interviewed scientists and PhD’s who are reporting on exciting revelations about the history of the earth and providing scientific evidence of the reality of the existence of many species not of the earth who have been around for hundreds of thousands of years.  The message is that in order for us to join the Galactic Federation of planets we need to become a peaceful society and this is done by the elevation of our consciousness.  And further, we need to do this quickly for 2 reasons, one now is the time of harvest and also we need to declare our sovereignty as a nation.

 I cover some complicated topics that challenge us in the sense that we have to expand our senses to reach a level beyond the 3 D dimension of earth.  We live in a multi dimensional universe and so we have to expand into new ways of seeing our world.
Q: I noticed that you talked to Carla Rukert from the Law of One.   What kind of information did that interview reveal?
Well the Law of One material was channeled in the 1980’s. It is a social memory complex called Ra which is also called a group soul. This entity has made contact with humans before during the time of Atlantis and also during Egyptian times teaching us about the cosmic world and how to evolve as a species.  Ra is from the 6th density, while earth is currently in the third and since 2012, moving into the 4th density. According to Ra, there is a harvest of souls at this time and those who are more evolved into the heart chakra will ascend into the 4th density and the others will repeat to continue to learn those lessons. 
Q: This sounds like the Biblical, Hope or other religious prophecies in some ways.
Yes actually all the prophecies seem to highlight that there is going to be a shift to a higher level of consciousness. Some of the energy workers and psychics are reporting an 8th chakra appearing on people that is the portal to the heart consciousness. And there are reports of children being born with expanded abilities and new DNA. So although some people were expecting something like the apocalyptic event and the scenario describe in some Christian text where there is rapture and people just disappear, Ra explains that this harvest of souls happens upon our natural death.
Q:  I also understand that you have had guests on your show that remember their previous lives and connection to other planets such as Sirius and Pleiades.
Yes I have had Patricia Cori as a guest who channels the Sirian High Council and Virginia Barrow who has contact with an oracle from Pleiades.  The contact with our star ancestors is nothing new. The ancient people did this all the time.  We are so afraid to admit that we are not the most advanced civilization that we have tried to shut out the possibility of their existence.  But the reality is that earth is right now being contacted by many other societies who have many agendas.  The Sirians are much evolved and are more like the cosmic police. The see planets like earth trying to evolve and only intervene when it is absolutely necessary like when we are about to cause great damage to the solar system using atomic energy or HAARP technology to control weather.  For those that seek the council from the Sirians, they will receive as Patricia has enormous amounts of information about the origin of the earth, the reality of our present situation and how to implement new healing concepts.  The pleadians were part of the original group of star people who came here to help seed planet earth with a light body human. Valerie tells the story of how they all came on a mission to seed the planet with a light infused race and was attached by a race of reptilians that were here at that time.  Nonetheless, they achieved their mission and genetically engineering the existing ape like creature to upgrade the species with by giving them their genes.  It is being proven now that the Annunacki were here colonizes the planet at some time and genetically engineered a race to help them. All of this information is now coming out and the archeological sites are proving the truth behind the information. Valerie is in Australia and there they are finding remnants of material not of this world that is from parts of this space ship from Pleiades.
Q:  I know that you also talked to Nick Redfern, Andrew Collins and Dr. Semir Osmanagich on your radio show about ancient archeology. Do their findings indicate aliens in our past?
Yes they do support that claim. In Nick Redferns, book Pyramids and the Pentagon, he talks about the remains of a space ship that was found in Mt. Ararat that the governments think could be Noah’s ark and also he has claims of pyramids on Mars and colonies on the moon.  Andrew Collins has recently reported that there are portals of entry at various locations around the earth where other dimensional beings can come and go.  He goes into detail in his book Light Quest.  Dr. Sam from the Bosnia Pyramids is continuing to scientifically prove that the Pyramid in Bosnia is the oldest and largest ever built and was an ancient energy machine used for technologies we are only just beginning to discover.  In the halls of the underground tunnels in Bosnia they have found hieroglyphic inscriptions from ancients about the portal. We are in an amazing time where we have the opportunity to learn about the past and use the information to advance our species without making the same mistakes as our ancestors. We have to open our minds and as a society is able to reexamine what we know is a pile of disinformation to reveal our truth.

Q: There is a lot of skepticism about UFO and extra terrestrials. How are we going to be able to understand our past if we don’t admit that other species exist?
Many people think that is all about to change. Since the crash at Roswell, there has been a government conspiracy to suppress or ridicule information about contact with ET”s in modern times.  Some think this is because the government has made technology exchanges with ET’s and they don’t want the public to know because they could panic.  There has been so many informants that have come forward recently from astronauts to NASA employees, to abductees that the pressure is really on to disclose.  Nick Redfern and other reporters have used the Freedom of Information Act to get copies of documents on government reports from the Bookings Reports, to Project Blue Beam to Majestic 12 but mysteriously, there is no information from the last 20 years. 
Q:  Is there a disclosure event coming that will reveal the existence of extra terrestrials?
There is a hearing on April 22 in Wash DC that is going to push the government again to make their information public. Also there is a movie called The Sirius Documentary made by Dr. Steven Greer who has been a pioneer in the field for 20 years. His movie reveals an actual ET corpse and also has many government and military and astronaut eye witness accounts. Some people are expecting the ET’s to make themselves known soon which will eliminate all the skepticism entirely. And we all see the Vatican preparing for their announcement; they have already declared in press releases that the extra terrestrial is their brother and that there is no limit to God’s creation.
Q.  One thing that frightens people about ET’s is the alien abductions that have been reported. What do you hear about that from your interviews?
Well this is huge phenomenon. Over 5 million people in the US alone have reported being contacted by aliens and many report being taken onto space craft. I have spoken to the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, one of the most widely reported cases of alien abduction back in 1961.  She has a new book coming out May 20 and she reports that some of reported alien contact with humans is for medical examinations and genetic modifications but that they are not trying to hurt us at all, just trying to help upgrade our DNA and promote the evolution of our species thru genetic engineering, same as they have done in the past.
Q.  How many races of alien being are out there according to your sources?
Well I hear that earth is a highly populated area of the universe. I have talked to people who can describe all the species from start near us including Acturians, Pleadians, Greys, Adromedans and some of the less human like species such as reptilian, dracos and insectoids.  Abductees all report similar experiences with descriptions of the aliens and people in government facilities claim they have had contact with the different races especially the Greys.  Just like earthlings, they are different even though they might be “from the same planet”, there is a lot of cross breeding as well and many of the less evolved, what we would term meaner species are coming around and turning to the Galactic Federation and away from their old ways.
Q. What does all of this have to do with soul evolution?
Well from what I am hearing, each planet has a vibration and the species who live there share the same energetic vibration as the planet. As earth evolves into a higher energetic vibration of the 4th density, all of the souls currently incarnated need to evolve along with the earth. Those souls that aren’t ready to evolve can reincarnate elsewhere.  Many of the souls that originally came to earth according to Ra and other sources from Pleadies and Sirius were from Mardek a planet that was destroyed. The Galactic Federation agreed to let them come to earth to continue evolving and also those from Mars when their planet could not sustain life came to earth along with many other repeaters from other star systems. Earth became a sort cosmic “melting pot” of souls.  As souls we can incarnate in many places throughout the universe to evolve and the goal is to continue to raise our vibration to the higher levels of consciousness. On earth, we are trying to shed our lower chakras of service to self, greed, control, jealousy, anger, etc. as we evolve to the heart vibration.  The other beings from Sirius and Pleiades are eager to help us and they want nothing more than to see us evolve into the 4th dimension and not destroy this planet.

Deborah West is a columnist at The New Era Times where she has a column called Lost Knowledge. She formerly worked in mainstream media for 20 years. To see her articles go to:

Debbie West


homeschooling is illegal!


Maybe you better put out a campaign against Obama as he makes sure NO ONE violates their home country's laws, such as this German family was sent back to Germany for trying to get asylum here in the states, but Obama does NOT give asylum or amnesty for homeschoolers, but he does for Hispanics crossing the border illegaly.

Police storm homeschool class, take children by force

Four children, ages 7 to 14, have been forcibly taken from their Darmstadt, Germany, home by police armed with a battering ram, and their parents have been told they won’t see them again soon, all over the issue of homeschooling, according to a stunning new report from the Home School Legal Defense Association.

HSLDA, the world’s premiere advocate for homeschoolers, said the family of Dirk and Petra Wunderlich has battled for several years Germany’s World War II-era requirement that all children submit to the indoctrination programs in the nation’s public schools.

The shocking raid was made solely because the parents were providing their children’s education, HSLDA said. The organization noted the paperwork that authorized police officers and social workers to use force on the children contained no claims of mistreatment.

“The children were taken to unknown locations,” HSLDA said. “Officials ominously promised the parents that they would not be seeing their children anytime soon.”

The raid, which took place Thursday at 8 a.m. as the children were beginning their day’s classes, has been described by observers as “brutal and vicious.”

A team of 20 social workers, police and special agents stormed the family’s home. HSLDA reported a Judge Koenig, who is assigned to the Darmstadt family court, signed an order authorizing the immediate seizure of the children by force.

“Citing the parents’ failure to cooperate ‘with the authorities to send the children to school,’ the judge also authorized the use of force ‘against the children’ … reasoning that such force might be required because the children had ‘adopted the parents’ opinions’ regarding homeschooling and that ‘no cooperation could be expected’ from either the parents or the children,” HSLDA said.

Dirk Wunderlich told the homeschool group: “I looked through a side window and saw many people, police and special agents, all armed. They told me they wanted to come in to speak with me. I tried to ask questions, but within seconds, three police officers brought a battering ram and were about to break the door in, so I opened it.”

Join the battle over Germany’s homeschooling ban.

His narration continued: “The police shoved me into a chair and wouldn’t let me even make a phone call at first. It was chaotic as they told me they had an order to take the children. At my slightest movement the agents would grab me, as if I were a terrorist. You would never expect anything like this to happen in our calm, peaceful village. It was like a scene out of a science fiction movie. Our neighbors and children have been traumatized by this invasion.”

Human rights violations

Michael Farris, HSLDA founder, said in a report the actions violated a number of established European precedents, including provisions of the European Convention of Human Rights.

“The right to homeschool is a human right,” he said, “and so is the right to freely move and to leave a country. Germany has grossly violated these rights of this family.

“This latest act of seizing these four beautiful innocent children is an outrageous act of a rogue nation.”

Farris said the U.S. Constitution is “not alone in upholding the right of parents to decide how to educate their children.”

“Germany is a party to numerous human rights treaties that recognize the right of parents to provide an education distinct from the public schools so that children can be educated according to the parents’ religious convictions,” he said.

“Germany has simply not met its obligations under these treaties or as a liberal democracy. HSLDA and I will do whatever we can to help this family regain custody of their children and ensure that they are safe from this persecution. This case demonstrates conclusively why the Romeike asylum case is so
important. Families in Germany need a safe place where they can educate their children in peace.”

As WND reported, the Romeike case has been submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2010, an immigration judge granted asylum in the U.S. to the family, which fled Germany because their children were forced to go to public schools.

The Obama administration, unhappy with the outcome, appealed and obtained an order from a higher court that the family must return to Germany. The Obama administration has argued in court parents essentially have no right to determine how and what their children are taught, leaving the authority with the government.

See a report on the Romeikes

More there.




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 Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 6:43 PM