Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Are Bank VP's Really In The Know?

Are Bank VP's Really In The Know? 

tlar at June 30, 2014 at 6:02 PM:    My opinion on an announcement is it will be announced in the Iraqi news but almost no mention in the US.  Don't look for balloons or a parade here.  It will be kept as quite as possible because our government wants it that way.  You may or may not even spread the word yourself.  Dinarians will know immediately and that may also be why the banks are setting up to buy billions by the push of a button in advance.  Huge profits and no lines.  Anyway we also would be best not to brag or make yourself visable unless you intend to loan alot of money to people you don't even know.  Having alot of money has its own problems.  tlar

Kolstar777:  Tlar,  Thats too funny my wife is a VP at a bank, Although she knows nothing of banks setting up anything to do with a RV yet. You must be a pumper to get people to buy dinar like a XXXX or something. ALOT of you people are going to be really let down this Fourth of July and 7 days after. Yall can be wrong all you want i dont care its not time yet
kolstar777:   I have nothing to enlighten you with, like i already said my wife is a VP at a bank and shes knows nothing of a RV about to happen anytime soon. She of course is aware of the dinar. I think there is some pumping to sell dinar going on here.

Fishtard:  Kolstar777.  We used to 'speak' on occassion on another forum.  Would you be willing to share the method of your timing speculation?

Kolstar777:   I can say nobody knows the time, date or rate. Gurus just crack me up and set people of to be disapointed

Slimjim321:   Yes Kolstar777. Would love to hear your input why the RV is not ready? Please enlighten us with your wisdom.

kolstar777:         I have nothing to enlighten you with, like i already said my wife is a VP at a bank and shes knows nothing of a RV about to happen anytime soon. She of course is aware of the dinar. I think there is some pumping to sell dinar going on here

Mike1422:  Lets cut the chase, you said “Yall can be wrong all you want i dont care its not time yet”  ~~~ can you clarify that last part of your statement

BlueyesinLevis:   If no one knows.. then how do you know it is NOT time? Sorry .. but your wife being a low level VP at a bank is not enough credibility for me to bow down.

As far as Tlar being a pumper... that just shows you dont read what he writes... you seem so stuck.. using the old slander ... "Pumper"... like  a XXXXXXXX crying "Racism"....as if that still has any power...  lol

Aaanth:    well, nothing against your wife, REALLY, but i noticed you're from Midland and being a V.P. of a bank in Midland may not be to linked in to international monetary events.  no disrespect, just sayin'

you are always saying "not yet" but you never say anything else.  why would any one want to take you seriously one way or the other??

Rockstar:    Correct and your wife with a low level VP title which means absolutely nothing in banking terms since they throw that title around very easily would be the Absolute last person who would know anything abut a revalue! The a president of the bank would not be privy to this informations what makes you think your wife would...lol

DreamWeaver:   Years ago one of my friends was a VP at a bank after a couple of years. And there were many VPs at the bank ... not just one as in a company.  So, it isn't the same position of authority as is assumed.  Banks seem to be well known for dishing out titles instead of money, so her not knowing seems about right.  VPs don't usually participate in upper management meetings ... just meetings about their departments.  Just what I saw first hand, so if that's the basis of your theory, it isn't standing up IMO.

Kolstar777:   WEll then ill say this, come a few days ill still be the only one right, I have no time to sit and argue with a bunch that believes in a guru LOL! TLAR can suck all yall in to believing in false hope but NOT ME

Rjmo:    TLAR.... right or wrong... you have the best of intentions...  you'll always have the majority getting your back!  This thing is coming to an end whether you tell us or not... and that is the bottom line... thankyou for all that you share with us!

Tlar:   Thank you Kolstar 777.  You don't have to wait long then to know if I'm just pumping dinar.  You can be an expert if not with these people, maybe in your own mind.  Now please by all means take a seat and watch before you start calling me names.  There will be plenty of time for that if I have misled you or anyone else on this site.  tlar 

Parksutton:   Time and truth are great friends and sooner or later they get together.....

CASHMONEY:    This is gonna come off  wrong but has Tlar ever been right about anything before?  No disrespect  Just asking a question
BlueyesinLevis:    LOl. it is so easy to sit back and claim to be right by predicting the status quo.... because this thing will only ever happen once... and we will all move on...  at which time the negative ones get to benefit, too...and then tell the story for the rest of their lives about how they endured the long wait.

Just dont use your handle around other Dinarians...           

BlueyesinLevis:  Chapter 7 done and Kuwait happy. 140 is solved. HCL got a ruling from the Federal Court.

Next up is Maliki gone... seated GOI... Ministers of Security and Defense...

Plenty of real progress... and real reason to be hopeful as we all wait patiently together..

look for the negative posts first thing tomorrow morning... popping in and demanding to see the results... heck.. we see they are chomping at the bit... getting a head start tonight... not acknowledging the incredible progress...

mike:   Wow, Cash asks a simple question and it's time to pile on? Come on guys, CC has always been a place for intelligent discussion, even for the folks who don't always agree. Cash isn't negative, he asked a question, that's it. No answer, just criticism.

Blue, Article 140 isn't "done." If Maliki isn't removed, this issue will become even larger once ISIL is out. The Kurd's (rightly) took advantage of Baghdad's incompetence and now they're in the territory, but there is much more to 140 than just occupying it.

 HCL isn't done either, the Kurd's received a favorable ruling from the Federal Court stating it was within their rights to distribute Iraqi oil, there, again, is much more to HCL that needs to get through Parliament and become law.

 I'm not negative, I didn't see anything negative from Cash either, he simply asked a question. Opposing views cannot be categorized and labeled, there's a reason for the skepticism.

If I had a dollar for every time an expert called the RV, I wouldn't need the RV, I'd be rich already. And yes, if this GOI doesn't form today, this board is going to flooded with folks who are disappointed and shocked that it didn't occur.

When you inflate expectation and the desired results don't show, you have disappointment.

Tlar and others seem convicted with their beliefs, instead of slamming folks for being negative, why don't we all wait, endure the tension and comments, and see what happens today.

You can bet, if things go our way with the GOI, folks will be falling over themselves giving credit to all who predicted this.

AAA:    I know its early but did they seat the goverment or is there another delay? Looks like July 8, next tuesday. Please say it isn't so.

Mike:   .and so it begins.

DreamWeaver:    AAA, Scalp swears by NINA news and they say Parliament was adjourned until July 8th.  I just posted article.

Phillyman:   AAA, it is so, I think.  This was suposed to be a holiday, parliaments big meeting covered by the news media and now it is 2:36 PM in Iraq and Iraq has done what we thought they had started to overcome.

 The threats were in the news media yesterday about different ones not showing up but I guess we thought different.  I love Tlar for what he has brought here.  Cashmoney asked if he has ever been right?

 I remember him thinking the RV would happen two times earlier this year.  He does believe Maliki is history and he was one of the first that stated that.  It seems that he will be correct on that. 

He spoke with certainty about this meeting today and the way things work over there that might still happen.  Despite this craziness that has hit us first thing in the morning I still believe in this investment and look forward to hearing what Tlar will surely bring us later today.

LuckyLady:   I joined in on tlar's just for fun poll on when the RV would occur.  I chose July 8th.  I would now like to change that prediction...

Rocko:    The news says they swore in the new mp's and then the Kurds and SOL got into it over the unpaid salaries to their mp's I personally smell BS. More went on than they are saying. My view anyway. It doesn't seem like they would have this huge media invite and this is all that is reported. Maliki doesn't make a peep but his SOL does and the Kurds started it. I say BS,

DreamWeaver:   Phillyman, good points.  Even if Tlar and others are correct about speculation that Hakim and NA have a coalition that can prevent Maliki from 3rd term, that group must still hang together long enough to have a quorum and vote in Parliament.

My prediction:  All predictions are based on projection of logical thought into the future--and Iraq is illogical.  Would be like predicting which way a crazy rat with no sense of smell is going to run when there is a piece of cheese straight ahead.

Good day to go do something fun as nothing good will be gained by hanging here today.

I'm going to take the dogs for a walk in their favorite park 20 minutes away.  Best thoughts all. 





Bold n Courageous:  Qi cards are moving international.... WaHOO!

carden: National Pension Body have been paid in real valuation - POST RI.

pdiddy: Holla!!! All the program pieces in the Iraqi gov pie are getting their promised compensation!

 The newly electronic ISX system software has now finished merging with Nasdaq. It's Christmas in July folks!!!!

prime: Qi Cards are Live Today. If the cards are live, they have to have a new rate or Iraq would be loosing money.

BUDDY: Keep calm, Christmas is coming.

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SGT Report - Karen Hudes - RE-POSTED: The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be HISTORY

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
SGT Report - Karen Hudes - RE-POSTED: The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be HISTORY
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 1-Jul-2014 10:26:13

Let the chips fall where they may.
Karen Hudes has been reinstated as Acting General Counsel for the World Bank.
Why would she accept that position after all she has discovered pertaining to the corruption in the World Bank, and the entire Fiat Theft System?
Some contend that Hudes is a shill for the Fiat Central Banking Cartel, akin to a Snowden 'whistle blower' - serving, in reality, as controlled opposition.
The World Bank is still a major component of - part and parcel of the Central Fiat Banking cartel, which Hudes claims is coming to an end?
From the IMF, to the World Bank, the Fed, the City, the BIS - central banking is the predator's playpen, all of which MUST be abolished if Human Beings are ever to be free.
In this interview, Hudes promotes the worldwide emergence of LOCAL BANKING with LOCAL CURRENCIES, with value of said currencies being determined at the discretion of local communities.
Published on Jun 30, 2014 By SGTreport.com
Sorry for the drama, just trying to do right by our listeners.. Here's the original interview with a short caveat.
The interview begins at 6:05.
Karen Hudes, the Acting General Counsel of the World Bank joins us to discuss the impending collapse of the international criminal banking cartel which Karen says is "imminent".
We discuss the worldwide BOND FRAUD, the 9/11 false flag event, and the fact that Karen says China isn't bankrupting the FED, we are.
The American people and a U.S. DEBT-FREE currency will rise from the ashes after the FEDERAL RESERVE and the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE collapse - and that day is right around the corner.
Karen's site:
For REAL News & Information 24/7:
RE-POSTED: The Criminal Banking Cartel Will Soon Be HISTORY -- Karen Hudes

Top Comments:
NSA Troll 'armando espinet' (with a Masters in Economics - LOL!!) replies:
"...Like any good disinformation agent, this lady speaks in half-truths..."
'Armando' should know the game if anyone does.
It's his job - what he is paid by the NSA to do.
armando espinet
3 hours ago
Sean: For whatever it´s worth I´m a recently retired US Naval Officer (with a Masters in Economics). The Liberty Mill is the first place I go to each morning and I´ve been listening to you guys since you first started. During all this time seldom have I disagreed with your opinions, but I have to be honest with you, I´m realy disapointed! Contrary to my better judgement (but out of respect to you personally), I´ve forced myself to listen to this full interview - I´m sorry to say that my oppinion of this lady has not changed for the better. Despite this, I´m going to do my best to put this interview you´ve done of one of the most obvious disinformation shills behind me and simply hope that you come to this same realization. Like any good disinformation agent, this lady speaks in half-truths, much of what she says goes well with what we know - the problem is she seems to make up most of the rest of what she says. Once trust is established, I can respect someone´s opinion and possibly take controversial statements at face value even without hard evidence - the problem is that Ms Hudes has done nothing to merit this trust and has NEVER provided proof for anything she says. When someone makes such outlandish claims as she does without providing even minimal proof, any logical person should remember - ¨If it walks like a duck...¨ I hope you end up seeing the error of your ways and we are spared of any further distractions from this lady, in any case my time is too valuable, I will not listen to her again, on your site or any other...
Best Comment of the day:
Dean W
4 hours ago (edited)
In defense to Miss Hudes, unless I've totally been out of it and completely brainwashed from the day I was born, then anything is possible at that point.
Che Geordievara
5 hours ago
Karen Hudes info on the World Bank website:
Karen Hudes Responds To Negative Comments...
2 hours ago
- or just ask the people who reinstated me, the Dean of the Board, Dr. Merza Hasan, and the Chair of the Development Committee, Dr. Marek Belka, or the US Congress, which refused to approve a capital increase for the World Bank until the effects of retaliation against World Bank whistleblowers are be eliminated:
§ 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74). available here:
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Whistleblower+provisions+in+Appropriations+Act+of+2012.docx and
§ 7048(a)(1)(B) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014, (Pub.L. 113–46) http://beta.congress.gov/113/bills/hr3547/BILLS-113hr3547enr.pdf
Karen Hudes
2 hours ago
I just sent these agreements out.
Write your ambassador in Tokyo instead of being a crybaby, for heaven's sake!!!
Karen Hudes
3 hours ago
What exactly did I say that is not true?
Karen Hudes
3 hours ago
Or this:
Karen Hudes
2 hours ago
That was taken down by RBN.
But here's my response since this seems to be dying a slow death:
Karen Hudes
3 hours ago
Karen Hudes
3 hours ago
Sorry, I was just notified that this was up, or I would have posted all the documentation.
Exactly what is it that you need proof for?
Karen Hudes
3 hours ago
You forgot the third possibility: I am right!
See the power transition model I listed in the third post above.
It's not over till the fat lady sings.

Millionday Monday Night News Part 1

Millionday Monday Night News Part 1

Millionday News 6/30/14  Part 1

    Welcome To Monday Night News Time With Millionday!

    [millionday] so here comes a WHOOPPOW  AND A WHOOOP WHOOOPP  SMILE

    [millionday] HERE WE GO

    [millionday] NEW YORK and BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 28, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The NASDAQ OMX Group (Nasdaq:NDAQ) has entered an agreement with the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) to upgrade its current trading platform. Under the terms of the agreement, ISX will replace its existing NASDAQ OMX platform (Horizon) with one powered by the renowned X-stream technology.

 The upgrade is expected to be rolled out by mid-year 2014. "We are committed to becoming one of the most innovative and groundbreaking exchanges, in the Middle East and across the world," said Taha A. Abdulsalam, CEO, Iraq Stock Exchange.
  "Upgrading our trading technology and continuing our partnership with NASDAQ OMX is a clear indication to investors, regulators and other exchanges that Iraq will continue to become a financial center for more regional and global businesses."

The upgrade to X-stream will provide ISX with a widely deployed high-end, multi-asset trading platform that complies with international standards. The migration to X-stream is a step in ISX's am

 [millionday] note -- huge news in this report

    [millionday] so the platform has been done and here is the rest of it >>>>  The upgrade to X-stream will provide ISX with a widely deployed high-end, multi-asset trading platform that complies with international standards.

 The migration to X-stream is a step in ISX's ambition to become a Middle Eastern hub, able to host and facilitate other regional markets. NASDAQ OMX has delivered trading technology to ISX since 2007.

"We congratulate the Iraq Stock Exchange on their commitment to a trading platform that is certain to put them at the technology forefront of exchanges in the Middle East," Lars Ottersgard, Senior Vice President, Market Technology, NASDAQ OMX.

"The upgrade to X-stream technology will equip ISX with a sophisticated and robust trading platform that increases investor involvement both in the Middle East and internationally."

    [ybass2277] Is there anything in current ink? ....this is from 2013.... Not to be disrespectful.

[millionday] oh yes and you are not being disrespectful hun at all  smile

    [millionday] In less than a decade, traded shares in ISX increased almost 10-fold, to more than 1.2 billion traded shares expected in 2013, while market capitalization increased more than seven times over the same period to over $12,170 billion USD in the first six months of 2013 alone.

 "We are extremely proud to support ISX's positive development and their vision to provide a well-recognized marketplace in the region," said Michèle Carlsson, Head of Business Development, Middle East and Africa, NASDAQ OMX.

"ISX recently implemented one of the most successful IPOs in the Middle East and by upgrading to our X-stream technology, ISX will be running a resilient market place that will attract both Iraqi and international investors."

    [millionday] note -- understand that today they went electronic and this is what explains the beauty of the whole thing

    [awesomedtl] ohhhh ok

[millionday] The inventor of the electronic exchange, The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc., fuels economies and provides transformative technologies for the entire lifecycle of a trade - from risk management to trade to surveillance to clearing.

In the U.S. and Europe, we own and operate 26 markets, 3 clearinghouses and 5 central securities depositories supporting equities, options, fixed income, derivatives, commodities, futures and structured products. Able to process more than 1 million messages per second at sub-40 microsecond speeds with 99.99% uptime, our technology drives more than 70 marketplaces in 50 developed and emerging countries into the future, powering 1 in 10 of the world's securities transactions.

Our award-winning data products and worldwide indexes are the benchmarks in the financial industry. Home to approximately 3,400 listed companies worth $6 trillion in market cap whose innovations shape our world, we give the ideas of tomorrow access to capital today. Welcome to where the world takes a big leap forward.

    [millionday] note -- they announced it today we should say

    [millionday] ok here we go

    [millionday] The Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) plans to upgrade its current trading platform, according to an agreement the Baghdata-based marketplace entered with Nasdaq OMX.

 Under terms of the agreement, ISX will replace its existing Nasdaq OMX platform (Horizon) with one powered by the X-stream technology. A rollout of the upgrade is planned for mid-year 2014

[millionday] note -- there is so much out there about the international move that i am going to bring a couple so it makes sense

    [millionday] The upgrade to X-stream will provide ISX with a widely deployed high-end, multi-asset trading platform that complies with international standards, according to Nasdaq OMX. The move is also a step in ISX's ambition to become a Middle Eastern hub, able to host and facilitate other regional markets.

    [millionday] note -- they are going to be able to help the entire region grow economically through their isx

    [millionday] "We are committed to becoming one of the most innovative and groundbreaking exchanges, in the Middle East and across the world,” stated Taha A. Abdulsalam, CEO, Iraq Stock Exchange.

 “Upgrading our trading technology and continuing our partnership with NASDAQ OMX is a clear indication to investors, regulators and other exchanges that Iraq will continue to become a financial center for more regional and global businesses.”

    [millionday] Commenting on the agreement, Lars OttersgÃ¥rd, SVP, Market Technology for NASDAQ OMX, said the new “trading platform ... is certain to put them at the technology forefront of exchanges in the Middle East.”

“The upgrade to X-stream technology will equip ISX with a sophisticated and robust trading platform that increases investor involvement both in the Middle East and internationally

    millionday] According to Michèle Carlsson, Head of Business Development, Middle East and Africa for NASDAQ OMX, who is also quoted in the release, “ISX recently implemented one of the most successful IPOs in the Middle East and by upgrading to our X-stream technology,

ISX will be running a resilient market place that will attract both Iraqi and international investors.” Nasdaq OMX’s X-Stream technology is currently used by 25 exchanges globally.

    millionday] not that this is obviously very encouraging but -- this is very WHOOOPOW !!!

    [millionday] so AS WE can see - they will be internationally recognized or -- this will not be able to be completed

    [millionday] i hope the different information sources helped you to understand how huge this really is

[faith1] Is it from 2013 or now? and could it be that ISX went electronic to give their own a test run,,, the article said, went electronic Sunday, then had statement from a trader that he/she would wait to invest his own money to see how it works,..

 my thought is this gives their own a chance to get familiar with the new platform. Next link and go international.

They are also stating this will bring in investors,,, as far as even listing how many wealthy business are in the NY stock exchange,, so how can they invite them without going international with a reality rate?? !!

they also state in several articles ...trading platform that complies with international standards, international standards,,, international standards !! how long can they make these announcements without bringing forth the reality rate !! Exciting ,,, smile!

    [millionday] the info i brought is a group of information that explains what it is and how it has been planned and also how it will affect them and what they plan to do with it –

 they are planning on it being done or launched by the first so if they do -- we can see by so many of these sources that it is very important and also shows us the international recognition is needed and the market will be exposed to the globe

 [boomshakalaka] The ISX is supposed to go live tomorrow. Do they not need a reality rate?

    [millionday] boomshakalaka if the dinar is sold on the market --- it will be priced to its value -- a fair market value  - it may not be done tomorrow but it is very close

    millionday] ok everyone all we can do is follow the ink so lets cross everything and pray for all those we can help

    [millionday] here we go  --  Farah pumice despite the challenges faced by the country from terrorist attacks affected several areas, but the economic situation is progressing well towards stability after the balance in supply and demand for goods and commodities, as well as the strength of the oil sector ,

which is the feature compensate vacuum investment fist local workforce, according to what was confirmed by economic expert on behalf Antoine in his statement to the "morning."

    [millionday] note -- supply and demand is what a market economy is

    [millionday] note -- this states that the economic reforms are going well and are not being held up due to security

[millionday] the expert pointed out that the economic situation is going well there is a balance between supply and demand for goods and services that achieve self-sufficiency, as a matter of good and hope in the response by the citizens and risk assessment that has plagued the country reported fight back terrorist operations facing.

"The oil sector, which is a vital artery for the Iraqi economy continuously work and export ports south of the country, besides owning the country cash reserve with the central bank, which contribute to the stabilization of the Iraqi currency,

    [millionday] note -- the oil export is ready and willing able ect and the stabilization of the reality of the monetary reform is supported by the reserves held by CBI

    [millionday] which dampens the current circumstances, as well as the phenomenon deals in the market from the response of the private sector and Iraqi traders significantly to the process of reducing the slight rise in prices witnessed in the domestic market during the Alassapa years,

by foot on the import of goods not to leave the field in creating a buzz in the market, thus reflected on the economy and that the goal of terrorism to weaken the internal front and paralyzing the work, he says.

 [millionday] note -- the gains were not achieved by terrorism to halt the growth and advancement of the economy -- the prices in the market are normal and not going to be too high due to loss or other expectations presented when attacks of terrorism happen

    [millionday] and between Antoine said Iraqi employment has replaced its counterpart overseas in the oil sector, and that the pace of work in the continuation and escalation, likely to occur growth in the oil sector during the current year, as well as their replacement (local employment) sites of foreign in some investment projects and projects implemented infrastructure and sustainable development in the country.

    [millionday] note -- the foreign investors are bringing jobs and also moving forward as expected in their contracts for infrastructure

    [millionday] expected expert of a slowdown in the investment sector because of the practices of some of the media that distort the image of the country abroad leads to a decline in turnout investors,

 as well as delays in the issuance of the general budget for the current year of 2014, what could hinder a lot of continuity of investment projects and initiate new ones.

    [millionday] the result of any slow down was from the media reports-- those are the negative insights to what is going on and what is being done about it -- we have seen it ourselves


    [millionday] i agree   smile   brb with more

    [millionday] note -- this means 4 am est

    [millionday] The agenda of the session (1) Tuesday (1) July 2014 First, read verses from the Koran. Secondly, the opening of the meeting by the President of Age, Dr. Mehdi al-Hafez.

Third, sworn for ladies and gentlemen deputies third electoral cycle. Fourth: the election of the President of the House of Representatives and his deputies. Session start time: eleven in the morning.

    [The Shoe] What means 4:00 AM EST?

    [millionday] the time of the parliament meeting starts at 4 am

    [millionday] it says in the report 11am but that is Iraqi time

    [Pablo] What time does the ISX go on line? Midnight Iraq time?

    [millionday] i will look hun   not sure

[millionday] here we go   this is a huge huge change in what some of us have seen in the many years we have been here

    [millionday] Hussein al-Tamimi Tgb - Mustafa al-Hashemi expressed industrialists and specialists their own abilities to raise the production capacity of their plants in line with the reality of the growing demand for food, arguing that most of the industrialists have declared their support for the security forces by supplying the local markets and the armed forces in nutrients necessary.

 capacity productivity, president of the Federation of Iraqi Industries Acting Ali Sabih pointed to the availability of productive capacities quality to a lot of food and drinking water,

 pointing to the stand when the real capabilities of our production local, which is across the coefficient of the local private sector, which can cover 50-60 percent of the local market need.

    [millionday] note -- now think about what this must mean for the advancement in their capabilities

    [millionday] He said in an interview for the "morning" that hundreds of laboratories competent to produce food are able to promote their production to higher levels than it is now, pointing out that in the event of high demand for our food could raise production to significant levels through continuous work Bojpti work or open new production lines.

textile mills and pointed to the possibility of supplying the armed forces with the necessary equipment by raising the production capacities of the coefficient of textile work of running the local private sector, which increased demand for its products during the current period to the presence of large numbers of volunteers,

 noting that members of the Union confirmed their ability to cover a large proportion of domestic demand for this type of industry.

    [millionday] note -- means they can also be competitive in the market place -- huge huge change from where they were

    [millionday] i want to continue looking at this and see if we see any plans that show themselves in the market

    [millionday] said Ali that the activation of local factories do wheel of economic reform that purports country adopted during the coming period, Phase Current demonstrate the real potential of the private sector domestic industrial.

market support to the Chairman of Committee for the crowd Economic d. Sami al-Araji, the work to create the requirements for the success of the local industries are able to support local markets for basic foodstuffs necessary requirements and support the armed forces of their basic needs.

said unions can specialized professional to show the real potential of their potential by providing what could have in supporting local markets and the army in its war against terrorism ,

 pointing to the importance of supporting the market, which is the hinterland of the battle, as well as services that can be provided directly to the army in the field. provide materials

    [millionday] note -- huge advancement from where they were

    [millionday] In this context, the researcher said economic state just to border crossings and ports has recently seen the entry trucks and ships carrying food from different origins to unload their cargoes in stores To meet the growing demand in the markets in the month of Ramadan. ,

 she just told (morning) that he does not fear running out of food from wholesale markets, because the entry of trucks loaded with continuous, and that the commitment of traders and their contracts with the government led the purpose of the provision in the markets local.

witnessing the month of Ramadan every year the citizens preparations early, namely the purchase of additional quantities of dry food and soft to receive Bmoaúd variety for breakfast.

    [millionday] supporting the army and confirmed the presence of campaign contributions to the Army by wholesalers in the provision of food for the purpose of his support in the military campaign against terrorism, noting that efforts continue to be provided in the stores and then putting them on the wholesale markets for Atdaha owners of markets and small shops scattered in cities all.

 showed that the ports of Basra witnessing movement determined to enter the ships loaded with the kinds of food to support the ration items, along with other materials imported by traders to supplement markets Iraqi goods and various commodities.

Iraq has about 14 centers a customs distributed between border crossing points between Iran and Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as well as the air port "Baghdad International Airport" in addition to implementing marine the twin ports of Umm Qasr and Khor Al-Zubair.

[millionday] note -- understand the seriousness of what is being said here -- customs are ready for 6 country port entries and this is huge huge preparation for the entry of market -- i know they are speaking of food ect but think of what they have completed

    [millionday] drew just that the Wholesale Markets been witnessing a period of increasing demands to the shop by the small traders and shopkeepers on the occasion of the advent of the holy month.

Wholesale Markets For his part, sees Khalil al-Jubouri, "shop owner" to provide food in the wholesale markets contributed greatly to the reduction of the high prices, especially in the month of Ramadan, where traditionally families The shopping for various canned meat and juices Ktqos traditional annual diversify tables breakfast.

added Jubouri in his speech (morning) that wholesale markets experiencing big movement to shop these days as the entry of new food and variety will contribute greatly in supplying the market with as is the specter of fear of scarcity and depletion shops.    

[millionday] so as we see the one thing we all love at dinarupdates.com

    [millionday] PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !   WHOOOPOW


    [millionday] love it -- customs set up and ports ok -- love it

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Part 2  Thank You