Sunday, May 17, 2015

James Brown Assault Video Shows Active Duty Soldier Slowly Die as Riot P...

1,000 Plaintiffs Sue to Keep Japan out of Trans-Pacific Partnership

japanese flag
As one of the most densely populated nations on Earth, Japan has long feared for the future of its food supply. Currently, the island nation has to import 60% of its food from other nations, a ratio which has been maintained for years with strict tariffs that prevent the nation from losing the rest of its domestic food supply. But now, many are concerned that the looming Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty could threaten these farmers, and may very well be unconstitutional under Japanese law.
Over 1000 citizens filed a lawsuit in the Tokyo District Court on Friday, on the grounds that the free trade agreement would violate their basic human rights. The lawsuit is being led by former agriculture minister Masahiko Yamada, and cites a very specific article of Japan’s constitution. “The TPP could violate the Japanese right to get stable food supply, or the right to live, guaranteed by Article 25 of the nation’s Constitution.”
By all accounts, the trade agreement will mostly benefit global corporations, and the plaintiffs claim that if it passes, it would likely destroy their domestic farming industry. In addition to food supply fears, the plaintiffs suggested that the TPP would also hurt food safety, and could increase the cost of medicine, further infringing upon their “right to life.” Japan would be the second largest economy in the TPP, and if they fail to sign onto it, it could derail the treaty before it gets off the ground.
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Missing Morgan Stanley trader found dead in Lake Ontario near Toronto’s Beaches

Murray Abbott, a Morgan Stanley adviser, was last heard from on April 25 in eastern Toronto.
Toronto Police Service via BloombergMurray Abbott, a Morgan Stanley adviser, was last heard from on April 25 in eastern Toronto.

Toronto police identified a body found in the water near the city’s Beaches neighborhood as that of missing Morgan Stanley sales trader Murray Abbott.
Police are awaiting an autopsy before determining the cause of death of Abbott, who went missing two weeks ago, Detective Constable Neil Thornton said in a telephone interview Monday. His body was found around 6:40 a.m. floating face down just east of a water filtration plant, close to Queen Street East and Courcelette Road, according to earlier police reports.
Laura Pedersen/National Post
Laura Pedersen/National PostToronto Police marine unit officers remove the body found near the R.C. Harris Water Filtration Plant near Fallingbrook Road and Queen Street in Toronto on Monday.
Police had been searching the affluent neighbourhood along the shore of Lake Ontario for Abbott, who was last seen April 25. Abbott was a vice president in the capital markets group of Morgan Stanley’s Canadian wealth management division.
Abbott, 36, joined the New York-based bank in 2010 and earlier worked at Blackmont Capital Inc., a Toronto-based brokerage.

Push to court-martial general for thanking God

We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,

Maybe we should work this with the Commander-in-Chief for this same thing, but Obama is NOT in the Military but in politics.
The day is coming that it is a Crime to be a Christian in the Military as one of their Commandments to follow is; "thou shalt not kill."
Maybe the Military should just BAN these Prayer services so these Officers can not be accused to be charged.

Push to court-martial general for thanking God
Group wants him 'visibly brought to justice for unforgivable crimes'
Published: 8 hours ago

A civil-liberties group is demanding a two-star Air Force general be court-martialed for mentioning God at a National Day of Prayer Task Force speech on May 7.

Despite the religious nature of the event, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation has called for Olson to be “aggressively and very visibly brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions,” adding that any other service members who helped him should be investigated and punished “to the full extent of military law.”

During his 23-minute address, Maj. Gen. Craig Olson referred to himself as a “redeemed believer in Christ,” who credits God for his accomplishments in the Air Force. He spoke of “flying complex aircraft; doing complex nuclear missions – I have no ability to do that. God enabled me to do that. … He put me in charge of failing programs worth billions of dollars. I have no ability to do that, no training to do that. God did that. He sent me to Iraq to negotiate foreign military sales deals through an Arabic interpreter. I have no ability to do that. I was not trained to do that. God did all of that.”

Olson is program executive officer for C3I and Networks at Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, where he is responsible for more than 2,200 personnel. His speech was live-streamed and recorded by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

Watch Video:
Mikey Weinstein, CEO of the civil-liberties group, sent a scathing letter to Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh, arguing that Olson’s comments violate the Air Force instructions which prohibit airmen from endorsing a particular faith or belief.

The letter, which is posted on the group’s website, states: “This demand letter is sent to you on behalf of countless members of the United States Air Force who are utterly disgusted and shocked by the brazenly illicit and wholly unconstitutional, fundamentalist Christian proselytizing recently perpetrated, on international television (‘GOD TV’), and streaming all over the Internet and in full military uniform, by USAF Major General Craig S. Olson on Thursday, May 7, 2015 during a VERY public speech for a private Christian organization (The ‘National Day of Prayer Task Force’: NDPTF) headed up by Focus on the Family founder, Dr. James Dobson’s, wife Shirley Dobson.”

Weinstein continued, “Olson’s highly publicized, sectarian speech is nothing less than a brutal disgrace to the very uniform he was wearing and the solemn oath he took to support and defend the United States Constitution. This public address was his, and the USAF’s, ‘contribution’ to this scathingly sectarian 2015 version of the [task force's] annual shame spectacle and display of Christian supremacy and exceptionalism held in the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill.”

Lt. Col. Allen Herritage said in an email reported by Air Force Times, “I can tell you the Air Force places a high value on the rights of its members to observe the tenets of their respective religion or to observe no religion at all. The Air Force is dedicated to maintaining an environment in which people can realize their highest potential.”


The Himalayas Dropped 3 Feet After the Nepal Earthquake

The earthquake in Nepal was so violent it moved mountains. Satellite imagery shows that the parts of the Himalayas sank three feet—and the area around it as much as five feet—as tectonic plates snapped under extreme pressure. But the mountains will regain their height, slowly but surely, thanks to the geologic forces at work. himalayas The European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1A radar satellite captured before and after images of the area hit by the earthquake. The image below show how the Eurasian plate bent, the land falling in some places (yellow) and rising in others (blue). The area of the Himalaya’s Langtang range sank by three feet. Everest, which was further away from the earthquake, sank about an inch. The Himalayas were formed, after all, by the Indian plate pushing into the Eurasian plate. And the mountains are still growing thanks to the constant pressure at the fault. In the earthquake, though, the plate under Kathmandu snapped like a rubber band, causing the opposite to happen. Tim Wright, professor of satellite geodesy at the University of Leeds, explained what happened to the BBC: “Between earthquake events, Nepal is being squashed and the part (including Kathmandu) nearest the big fault underneath it is being dragged down by the Indian plate, and [areas] further back are being lifted up as you imagine squashing something is going to push things up,” says Prof Wright. “Now, during the earthquake itself what happens is the opposite. The part that was dragged down because it was stuck at the fault – that slips freely and rebounds up, and the part that was being squashed upwards drops down.” The earthquake was one sudden and violent event, but in the long run, the Himalayas will slowly regain their height. The Indian plate will push into the Eurasian plate, as it has for millions of years, and the Himalayas mountains will get taller, as they have for been millions of years.

Read More at © Earth Changes Media

Special Forces Train With Cops For House to House Raids

Twisted weather: 19 tornadoes wreak havoc, down power in central US states (IMAGES)

Best political commercial of 2015?

Best political commercial of  2015? 

Meaning of the upside down star

Screenshot from a youtube video...

McConnell and friends AGAIN show to be TRAITORS


Mitch McConnell and friends, traitors  to the American people

Republicans claim enough votes to pass 'fast-track' trade bill


"The president has done an excellent job on this," McConnell said on ABC's "This Week." He pointed out that the six-year Trade Promotion Authority was "not just for President Obama, but for the next president as well."
The Senate voted last week to consider the fast-track measure, but only after Democrats two days earlier blocked debate on the bill, which would clear the way for a 12-nation Pacific trade agreement.
Heated debate was still expected in the Senate over amendments. The measure will then move to the House, where many Democrats staunchly oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership because they fear trade liberalization will cost U.S. jobs.

Ryan, the Republicans' 2012 vice presidential candidate, used one of Obama's frequent warnings about making sure the United States, not China, writes international trade rules.
"Does the United States want other countries to adhere to American standards?" Ryan asked, "versus China trying to write the rules, which degrades the standards of trade?"

Obama's aggressive defense of fast-track has put him at odds with the left wing of the Democratic Party, including Senators Elizabeth Warren, a leading liberal voice, and Bernie Sanders, who is challenging Hillary Clinton for the party's 2016 presidential nomination.

On Sunday, Sanders called on Clinton who was an outspoken supporter of the trade pact as Obama's secretary of state to take a stand on Obama’s deal. "You're either for it or you're against it. No fence-sitting on this one," he said on CNN.

(Reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by John Whitesides and Mark Trevelyan) 

Hillary history

Who knew?

  In Case You All Forgot!!

Five Major Banks to Plead guilty to rigging currency markets

Five Major Banks to Plead guilty

to rigging currency markets

Published: May 16, 2015

Source: Andre Damon, Guest Post

Five major international banks are expected to plead guilty as soon as next week to criminal charges in the US related to their deliberate manipulation of global foreign exchange markets, which allowed them to rake in billions of dollars at the expense of retirees, university endowments and municipalities.

Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland Group, Barclays and UBS are expected to plead guilty to felony fraud and antitrust charges. They will pay fines totaling several billions of dollars, according to bank and regulatory officials who spoke anonymously with the New York Times, Bloomberg and Reuters.

The effect of the guilty pleas will be essentially zero, beyond the immediate costs of the fines levied on the institutions. As the Times put it, “life will go on, probably without much of a hiccup.”

In the years since the financial crisis, federal regulators avoided bringing criminal charges against banks and their executives, opting instead for either cash settlements and so-called deferred-prosecution agreements, in which charges are delayed on the basis of the banks’ compliance with certain conditions.

In 2012, it became clear that major global banks, including UBS and Barclays, were systematically engaged in manipulating LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate), the benchmark global interest rate on the basis of which hundreds of trillions of dollars of financial contracts are valued.

In June of that year, Barclays was fined $200 million by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and $160 million by the United States Department of Justice. This was followed by UBS’s agreement in December 2012 to pay regulators $1.5 billion in connection with the scandal and an agreement by Deutsche Bank in 2015 to pay $2.5 billion to regulators. Numerous other banks, including Citigroup and JPMorgan, were fined by European authorities.

UBS was offered a deferred-prosecution agreement in connection with the LIBOR scandal, but broke the terms of the agreement by manipulating the $5.3 trillion-a-day foreign exchange markets in the subsequent periods.

In late 2014, six banks—JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, UBS, Royal Bank of Scotland and HSBC—agreed to pay $4.3 billion to federal regulators to settle civil charges.

The investigation charges also had a criminal component, which the Justice Department is now seeking to settle with guilty pleas from the banks. Unlike some previous cases, however, these guilty pleas are expected to come not merely from the subsidiaries of the banks, but from bank holding companies themselves.

Financial regulators have released voluminous records in connection with the foreign exchange scandal, showing how brazenly and openly bank traders discussed rigging currency rates, even as they knew their employers were being investigated for similar activities with regard to LIBOR.

Despite the unprecedented character of the pleas, the actual impact of the admissions of criminal wrongdoing by the banks is expected to be next to nothing.

As the Times reports, “Behind the scenes in Washington, the banks’ lawyers are also seeking assurances from federal regulators—including the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Labor Department—that the banks will not be barred from certain business practices after the guilty pleas.”

In particular the banks are seeking waivers to retain their status as “well-known seasoned issuers,” allowing them to raise credit more easily, as well as the ability to operate mutual funds. The Times reports that “a majority of commissioners” of the SEC are in favor of granting such such waivers.

In fact, for the biggest corporations, being convicted of a felony is increasingly becoming legally irrelevant, and just one element of their normal operations.
As the Times points out, the guilty pleas are merely “an exercise in stagecraft.”

One former Justice Department official told the Times that an “underlying assumption” of the Justice Department is that “the bank is not a criminal operation.” But the emergence of scandal after scandal, including the selling
of toxic mortgage-backed securities that caused the financial crisis, the forging
of foreclosure documents, widespread complicity in Bernard L. Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, money laundering, and tax evasion by Wall Street testifies to the fact
that the banks are, in fact, criminal outfits.

Since taking office shortly after the onset of the financial crisis, the Obama administration has sought not to hold the banks to account and prevent criminal wrongdoing, but rather to conceal their crimes and, when this becomes impossible, to issue wrist-slap punishments that allow the banks to go on largely as before.

In these cases, the fines levied by financial regulators remain a cost of doing business, and pale in comparison with the billions of dollars made by the major banks every year through criminal activities.

The guiding principle of the Obama administration, in the words of former Attorney General Eric Holder, is that the giant banks are “too big to jail.” As the Times article explained, prosecutors are “mindful that too harsh a penalty could imperil banks that are at the heart of the global economy.”

In exchange for their services, top financial regulators are almost universally provided with high-paying positions in Wall Street after their stints with the government.

Most notably, Ben Bernanke, the former Federal Reserve chairman who funneled trillions of dollars in government funds to Wall Street, announced last month that
he has been hired by Chicago-based hedge fund Citadel LLC. This followed the announcement in November 2013 that former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner joined the hedge fund Warburg Pincus.

To this day, not a single executive at any major bank has been criminally prosecuted for helping to cause the financial crisis, or any of the crimes that followed.

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BREAKING: Texas Delivers Some MAJOR Bad News to the UN


Texas Delivers Some

MAJOR Bad News to the UN

The state of Texas used to be its own country and is both bigger and more populous than many of the nations in the rest of the world.

So if any state is going to fight the power-grabbing agenda of the United Nations, it’s likely to be the Lone Star State.

Texas is doing just that by introducing Senate Bill 445, legislation that would ban implementation of the controversial United Nations “Agenda 21″ program within the state’s boundaries.

It’s a bold step forward in the fight against the overreach of the international organization.

The bill, introduced by State Sen. Bob Hall, will not only prohibit the state of Texas from enacting any reforms from the Agenda 21 protocol, but also ban individual cities and counties from doing so, as well.

The bill reads, in part, “A governmental entity may not enter into an agreement or contract with, accept money from, or grant money or other financial aid to a nongovernmental or intergovernmental organization accredited by the United Nations to implement a policy that originated in the Agenda 21 plan adopted by members of the United Nations at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in June 1992.”

Agenda 21 — so named because it sets an agenda for the 21st century — was supposed to be an exercise to promote “environmental sustainability.”

However, if fully adopted, the plan would give large parts of land use, energy, and fiscal policy over to the United Nations without any local, state or national input (H/T Tenth Amendment Center).

“In a nutshell, the plan calls for governments to take control of all land use and not leave any of the decision making in the hands of private property owners,” read a release from the Post-Sustainability Institute, an organization opposed to Agenda 21.

“(Agenda 21) is a whole life plan” the group added. “It involves the educational system, the energy market, the transportation system, the governmental system, the health care system, food production, and more. The plan is to restrict your choices, limit your funds, narrow your freedoms, and take away your voice.”

While the plan was endorsed by the United States under President George H.W. Bush in 1992, along with 177 other nations, Agenda 21 has undergone far greater scrutiny in recent years.

It’s good to see one state finally take a stand against it, and we hope that others will, as well.

A little history to ponder~ and the solution to regain freedom

When people first came to America to escape the crown, they settled into colonies. These people established their communities (assemblies), counties then states. These people resided on the land and assembled to self govern. This is how America was built. The crown tried to control and tax these people and wars were fought to reject the crown. The crown could not win with force, so the crown changed their strategy and infiltrated our government with their agents under stealth. These agents slowly transformed the government causing We THE People to be 14th Amendment citizens (slaves) residing on the land in a Federal fictional location. Because this fictional U.S. can not claim/own any land they could not use the laws of the land therefore admiralty law = maritime/merchant law was brought on to the land by the Supreme Court in Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins, 304 U.S. 64, 58 S. Ct. 817, 82 L. Ed. 1188 (1938). The land was unknowingly abandoned as all the people became 14th Amendment citizens by registering into this federal corporation through adhesion  contracts via licenses, social security numbers, birth certificates, voter registrations, and other adhesion contracts. Federal fictional addresses and zip codes replaced the abandoned rural mail routes, Federal Reserve Debt Notes replaced the gold and silver as our lawfull money/currency, therefore abandoning the law of the land completely and falling under the laws of the sea.

There is an internationally recognized and treaty upheld right of the people to self-govern/determination. We have the right to reclaim and re-inhabit the abandoned governmental seats and the land through re-assembly and settling it. Many people in Michigan have done this and have held elections to re-occupy the abandoned seats of the De Jure Constitutional form of republic governance over the last several years and filing public notice(s) along the way from We the People lawfully in assembly to do so. There are other people in many states that are duplicating what the people residing on Michigan have done. This is creating nothing new, only repeating history and following the footsteps of the founders. This is how a true republic is/was formed. The people self-governing under the venue of common law = the law of the land.

There are many fake republics appearing that are trapping people that do not have the knowledge of history and are starving for their liberty=freedom and unknowingly get involved with any movement that looks like it will lead to liberty=freedom with very little research. Most of these "groups" have filed nothing in the way of legitimate public notice to establish any kind of standing. Some of these "groups" have actually committed trespass upon the fictional corporation by attempting to alter and interfere with its internal functions. People must simply abandon the federal corporation and re-inhabit the land. The key to this is to research everything. Research how your state came to be a state from its beginning and find the incorporation date.  Go back to the time just before incorporation and claim the abandoned land at that time and bring it forward to now. That will revoke=cancel the franchise fictional state by reclaiming the land. this requires at least 2/3 of the counties to be settled. Develop your state seal, your new state flag by removing all symbols that puts the federal government in prominence over your state, and sign on to the new declaration of Independence that has been written and defined and noticed. You can view it here on nesaranews. I just re-posted it last week.


Ps. This does NOT represent RUSA, NLA or any other illigitimate republic headed up by any general!


#Benghazi Bombshell! Valerie Jarrett, Commander in Chief

Left there to die

Confidential sources close to Conservative Report have confirmed that Valerie Jarrett was the key decision-maker for the administration, the night of the Benghazi terrorist attack on 9/11/2012.

The chronology of the evening of 9/11 are as follows:
At approximately 5 PM Washington time, reports came in through secure-channels that Special Mission Benghazi was under attack. Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey summoned the President,and briefed him on the crisis, face to face.
Subsequent to that brief meeting, President Obama proceeded to the White House to dine in his living quarters.

After supper, Barack Obama had a telephone conference scheduled with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Senior Advisor to the President, Valerie Jarrett was present for that conference, which was held due to problems the President was having with the perception of him snubbing Netanyahu in previous, formal encounters.
The telephone call between Obama and Netanyahu carried on for a full two-hours, creating the appearance of respect between the two world leaders.
As that meeting drew to a close, Ms. Jarrett, who is also the Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, went from the living quarters to the White House Situation Room, where the attack in Benghazi was being monitored by Dempsey, Panetta and other top-ranking officials.

Whether she was instructed by the President to go there, or if she went of her own volition,  is only known by the President and herself.
A critical question that needed to be answered, and the sole military-order that could have launched offensive-actions, neutralizing the Ansar al Sharia terrorists attacks on the Mission (the purpose of which is detailed here) and its subsequent attacks on the adjacent CIA Annex, was the issuance of “Cross Border Authority”, an order that can only be issued by the Commander in Chief, himself.
As was reported earlier by Conservative Report, Cross Border Authority was denied.
Two revelations are deeply troubling:
AC130U Spooky
First, it is reported that an Army Special Forces team was present with an AC-130U Spooky (also known as a Spectre Gunship) on the tarmac at the airport in Tripoli, Libya. The Spooky is a technologically sophisticated, tactical aircraft, operated by the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command.
It operates under the overall Special Operations Command stationed at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, which is reportedly in charge of all military special operations units, including: Army Special Forces, Navy SEALS, Rangers and certain Marine units, as well as the USAF AC-130Us, and “stealth Blackhawks,” used in the Bin Laden raid.
Sp Forces thumbThe AC-130U Spooky is equipped with weapons that sync with laser-designators, like those that Woods, Doherty and Ubben had on that lonely rooftop above the CIA Annex. The laser-designator was used to “paint” the mortar targets during the attack, subsequently claiming the lives of Woods and Doherty, and leaving Ubben without a leg. Had the AC-130U been on station, over the CIA Annex in Benghazi, moments before the mortar rounds were fired, instead of “awaiting further instructions,” the entire outcome of the Benghazi fiasco would have been different.
Add to that, a team of Green Berets on the ground to secure and/or evacuate the Annex, and the outcome would have been two SEALS still alive, and a mess of dead terrorists.
Val JarrettThe second, and most troubling aspect of the refusal to issue Cross Border Authority is, who issued the refusal. Rather than the President, the Commander In Chief, making critical decisions, granting or denying the authority to initiate offensive-actions in support of our valiant fighting men, the decision not to take action was made by a person, to whom the people did not elect, nor did the Congress have confirmation power over.
The military-order, not to initiate action, saving our men in Benghazi, was issued by the President’s Advisor, Valerie Jarrett.
And this is a “phony” scandal?

USA FREEDOM ACT ---IT'S A TRAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On May 7th, 2015, the Second District Court of Appeals ruled that the NSA's bulk collection of phone call data using Section 215 of the Patriot Act is illegal. This decision, if upheld, would end the NSA's capability to suck up bulk phone call data.
Now Congress is trying to pass a bill— the USA Freedom Act—that would give this power back to the NSA through new legal loopholes, while appearing on the surface to reign-in the NSA. The bill is scheduled for a vote in the House of Representatives this week. Don't be fooled. This bill is designed to appease the public while cementing the government's surveillance authority for years to come.
It's not too late to stop Congress. They're trying to sneak this past the American public, but if enough people call shenanigans on it, they'll have to stop. Contact Congress now!
Contact Congress NowClick here

USA Freedom Act doesn't just fail to reform mass surveillance; it extends and expands it.

  • Extends Section 215 of the Patriot Act until 2019 while modernizing it so it can suck up more information on the devices we use most commonly.
  • Expand the type of information the government can access. The bill expands call data from landlines to include VoIP calls and video chats, and likely will allow the government to access all data related to smartphone activity.
  • Claims to end bulk collection, but would allow the government to continue collecting huge amounts of data by using broad search terms to target big portions of the population and then conducting surveillance on anyone who is "connected" to those targets.
  • Provides legal immunity to companies that violate privacy laws and pays them to participate in handing over data to the government.
  • Creates broad “emergency” powers for the government to collect all kinds of personal data without prior court approval. The government could use this authority to suck up and retain massaive amounts of data.
  • Allows the FBI to access data collected for counterterrorism investigations and use it for investigations outside of counterterrorism cases. The FBI can then set up permanent gag orders to prevent public oversight into their use of this data.
  • Creates a new public advocate at the FISA court but lets the government block the advocate from seeing any and all information they choose to keep secret from them.
  • Takes wind out of the sails of real reform by appearing to have addressed mass surveillance (without actually doing anything to fundamentally alter mass surveillance).

This bill will prevent *real* NSA reform.

The USA Freedom Act will prevent the reform we really need — the expiration of the bulk collection provisions of the Patriot Act, Section 215 — which is currently scheduled to take place on June 1.
The government has already proven with the existing law that they will exploit every loophole they can find to spy on hundreds of millions of people who are suspected of no wrongdoing. On the surface, the USA Freedom Act appears to reign mass surveillance in, but it is carefully worded to allow all sorts of new spying, while nullifying any privacy benefits it appears to offer.
Contact Congress now — tell them to block the USA Freedom Act!

Obama Sued By Florida For Attempted Blackmail: Kansas, Texas, Tennessee Join Lawsuit.

Florida State Flag
Florida State Flag
The state of Florida has now filed a lawsuit against Barack Obama who attempted to force Florida to bend to his will using blackmail. Florida had refused to accept Obama’s demand to expand their Medicaid program to include able bodied adults with no children. The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government (Obama) cannot cut off current Medicaid to any states that refuse to expand Medicaid, which the court found to be unconstitutional. Some claim that it’s not blackmail. They could be right, the word extortion might be a better fit.

Florida’s program is called LIP and Obama has informed Florida that contrary to the ruling by SCOTUS, that he will be cutting them off. That would force Florida to either fund LIP exclusively by themselves or end the program for millions who depend on it for their healthcare coverage. The expansion of Medicaid in Florida comes at a steep price.
The leftwing Urban Institute in 2012 estimated that the expansion of Medicaid would cost Florida 82 billion dollars over the next 10 years, but Lip will only cost them 22 billion over the same period. All this so shiftless bums can get free medical from the government.
The states of Kansas and Texas have now filed Amicus briefs, supporting Florida’s position as they and the state of Tennessee are next to be threatened by Obama’s lawless behavior. Even if Florida had the extra 62 billion to spend, the actual costs will be much higher as states that accepted the expansion are finding out as costs fly well past previous predictions.
This has been a standard practice of the Obama crime family since they have taken over. Intentionally underestimating costs by a mile and benefits being underwhelming at best.
Florida is asking for an expedited decision since the loss of federal money would be devastating to millions of Floridians. But that’s the whole idea behind Obama’s extortion plot.
Ten years ago if someone had told me a president could get away with such dishonest tactics, I would have laughed at them I am not laughing now.
Red Statements
obama jail arrested

Patriot Act on life support

Patriot Act on life support
By Julian Hattem

A stalemate in the Senate would leave the FBI and National Security Agency (NSA)
without powers they have used to track terrorists for years, say supporters of the Patriot Act.
Without action by the end of the month, key provisions of the Patriot Act will expire, which
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argues would put the United States at a
pre September 11, 2001-footing.

Wake Up New Zealand --- WakeUpKiwi Updates



May 14 2015 -

 Mind Control Through Emotional Domination: How We're All Being Manipulated By The "Crisis Of The NOW"



FIGHTING AGAINST  ( in comparison )  A HANDFULL.





Wake Up New Zealand

Sun, May 17, 2015
WakeUpKiwi Updates

Issue #15 2015
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Email Update

May 18 2015

Hello, Some very interesting articles have come along in the last week-and-a-bit.

Also - WakeUpKiwi has been around for almost four years now and it had become apparent that some very important and valuable information had slipped into the news archives, such that one would not be able to access them unless they went right back through the archives.

For this reason some new sections have been added, so articles are more easily found; and the main navigation on the left has been completely overhauled.

May 18 2015 - Two Major Psy Ops Documents You Must Read

May 17 2015 -
How Obeying The Law Will No Longer Be Enough To Protect You From The Police

May 17 2015 - Zuckerberg's Will Control What Billions Do Online

May 16 2015 -
Psychiatric Drugs Kill 500,000+ Western Adults Annually, Few Positive Benefits – Leading Scientist

May 15 2015 -
Mega-Banks Are On The Brink Of Failure Again: 'The Damage Will Not Be Contained'

May 14 2015 - Mind Control Through Emotional Domination: How We're All Being Manipulated By The "Crisis Of The NOW"

May 13 2015 -
Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati Explains) & Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed

May 13 2015 - Conquer Fear And Live Free!

May 12 2015 - Secret Space Program: Countdown To Exposure On All Illuminati Fronts

May 12 2015 -
Have You Ever Felt Like The Government Doesn’t Really Care What You Think?

May 11 2015 -
 Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill And Lucifer - The False Light Of The World

May 10 2015 - Military Electronic Warfare Expert Warns Of Covert Genocide

To see previous issues, click here.

Peace out,

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'The Visit' (2015) - Trailer

The Visit'

            - Trailer

Supragovernmental technocrats and 
taxpayer-funded scientists are 
trying to anticipate consequences of 
a mass-exposure event involving an 
alien civilization. NASA 
astrobiologist Chris McKay explained 
to the camera of "The Visit" director 
Michael Madsen that he would favor 
humans and aliens not wading into 
direct contact too quickly.

An interstellar message composer 
working with the SETI Institute 
looked back on the disks that 
humans sent along with the Voyager 
spacecraft into the void outside the 
solar system. Among the scientists 
who created the literal records of 
gold and their accompanying record 
players was a fierce debate over 
whether humanity's account of 
itself should acknowledge war.
Video (2 minutes): 

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and videos with your friends and
colleagues on Twitter, too.

That's how we grow. Thanks.

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