Sunday, May 31, 2015

The REAL Reason Behind Chemtrails



PDT Chemtrails: the saga continues. Watching the debates over (and phone taps to my line here)
Since sending you my email of yesterday, it occurred to me that I should get this last email out to you regarding and expanding upon the reasons for CTs, as well as dealing with issues sure to be discounted by the agents of the ONI  (Office of Naval Intelligence, the agency in charge of the Chemtrails Ops.)
Taking each issue in turn might help shed some light upon this problem.
The overall scope and agenda behind chemtrails (Operation Clover Leaf, Operation Red Sky, Operation Rain Dance, the code names for these ops, BTW) intertwines several overall objectives deemed imperative by the real power in DC, which is the NSA.

It should be noted that most of the Intel groups that are involved in domestic control are, in varying degrees, "in the loop" on this business and are actively working with the ONI and NSA in seeing this program succeed. Listing all the agencies would be moot and pointless. What would anyone do with the knowledge anyway? The reason I say this has to due with STO vs. STS.
Here's what we mean:
By conservative estimates, there are over 300,000 people in the USA alone that are chemtrails aware. Of those, only about 125 people have undertaken an active campaign to educate and inform the masses about this "final solution."

Do the math. How many of you know what the word 'apathy' means? The agencies are counting upon this apathy and, in fact, helped create that state of consciousness to begin with way back in the late 1950s (fluoridation, aspartame, street narcotics.)
If such a small percentage were actually doing anything about the phenomena, then wouldn't these same agencies be correct in their analysis that "they don't have anything to worry about?" The facts speak for themselves. They will, in fact, succeed because they are at the 80% completion point in these CT operations. 
Main and ancillary operational objectives of chemtrails as outlined in Operation Red Sky,
Phase One:
Main objective: Creative cleavages in spatial perceptions. Creating a blockage in the brain of the interaction of various amino acids that relate to higher consciousness and the increase of dopamine in the brain producing a listless, euphoric state of lower, reactive mind. This, though most cannot (won't?) process this perception, is their main objective. It has many layers to it, and the salts found in these CTS are the prime indicators of just why they use such a vector to create this state in the human brain, the physical repository of and connecting point between the real and the unreal. To understand this goal necessitates an understanding of the human soul, the spiritual self (Christ or God within, if you like) and the connection between the two as related to the endocrine system functioning within each human host.
Pay close attention to these last words, as "host" indicates that there is a parasitic relationship to be established. Many UFO abductions are part of this op.
To begin with, we must understand that our intelligence agencies are operating at a very high level of OCCULT SKILL AND AWARENESS, as taught to them by their progenitors, the Nazis of old who were brought here in 1947 through 1953 via various operations, the most common known being Operation Paper Clip.

In short, any Intel agent of a G20 rating is a practicing black magician entirely "sold out," soul-wise, (via rites, rituals, and esoteric training in Long Island, Florida, and California) and are - speaking plainly - functioning black adepts with a complete and unquestioned license to kill. 
These are the top-level agency personnel.

Make no mistake. These are the very same men and women who run the Mind Control Ops (CIA), the abduction of children (FBI) on a staggering global level, are involved in and are the contactees between the ETs (USAF, ONI, NSA, etc) and our government, ad nauseam.  In short, to understand chemtrails we must understand the personnel who have the power to do what they want, whenever they want, and we must also understand their needs.
They need the following:
1. The overall "frequency" of each of their charges (human beings in each country) to function at a specific rate below the threshold of awareness. The study of brain-wave, remote viewing techniques, and other related research holds the key to this. As we know, a physical brain functioning at 12 to 14 cycles per second is agitated and cannot, therefore, become perceptive of any cycle not within the same frequency, especially if that BRAIN IS ARTIFICIALLY stabilized to that frequency. How can one perceive love when the brain can only register impatience, anger, etc? (Remember, their goal has to do with our souls in dimensions humanity has never, ever, considered.)
It is because of the occult nature of our covert agencies (and the real powers running them) that most cannot even begin to research in the right direction to begin with.
2. The immune system of the host must be depleted.
This relates to control, simply put. If the slightest breeze makes you dizzy, what kind of defense can you be expected to put up if you can't lift your arms above your head without getting a headache?
The many outnumber the few. This is the main reason for much of the desiccated red blood cells found in chemtrails: biowarfare. This also allows the parasite to latch onto the human host with little resistance from the organism so attached. [Morgellons and severe respitory diseases?]
3. They need agreement.
This last statement is by far the MOST CRUCIAL STAGE of all. It isn't enough to make us slaves, we MUST WANT TO BECOME SLAVES. Food scarcity, low wages, false idealism as propagated via network commercials, all create a state of low-level dependency to a state system, but it is not enough.
To win (want to know what 'winning' is to the CIA?) these ruling covert agencies need our permission to do what they will to us (Universal Law, no getting around that one and they've known this since 1847.) The system of this biosphere has one final gate that only each of us can open or close and it is, in fact, free will. Free will. Such a concept. That alone would take another ten pages, but there's no time.
Once we understand their needs, their objectives become easily understandable and quite discernable.

The real questions never-NEVER-asked in any chemtrails discussions is
1.  What do they want?
2.  How must they achieve it?
Ancillary objective: create and maintain a lowered immune system for use by phase three, which is the execution of their binary weapons systems to be triggered by microwaves.

Know what a GWEN tower is? Better find out and soon, as you can see them everywhere from your homes and offices.

Ever wonder why we have so very many cell phones practically given away for free right now?
Know what a burst transmitter is?
Does anyone have even the remotest idea of what a low-watt microwave transmission does to the cerebellum when the human brain is within three feet of such a device?
If you lack this knowledge, then it is to your detriment. The information is out there. Get hip.


The great side benefit that even the NSA didn't predict (their estimate was a little over 3%) is the 12% reduction in population chemtrails are giving our "masters." That's right-12%. In the distant future, from the 1990s and beyond will become known as "the great dying."
In August of 2000, the sky overlays Angeles was actually blood red for two days. (They over-sprayed, due to fxxked up orders at Edwards AFB.) The morgues were packed solid for a week and over-flowing. There are still hundreds of thousands reeling from that two-day period. Many hospitals and clinics ran out of antibiotics overnight.
Binary weapons need to be triggered and they will use FM, AM and Microwave GWEN towers to do it. It's all set up, op completed in 1998. Why do this? Wake up! Can't control 6+ billion people - too many. Got to thin them out to keep them in line. I can see the squeemers now as they read this.
How and when will they go to stage two on this op? Can you say:   fake alien invasion with millions dying and getting sick overnight?


The test for this will be a planned (already complete staged op, in fact, WNV) biowarfare incident on a major US or European or Australia (last most likely, as they are already completely disarmed down under - as is our neighbor Canada and America next.) This will give them the final test data they need to go to stage two, which is the invasion occasionally, hinted at once and a while on the Internet. Now I must be crazy, right? At least, when I die, I will know who and why. That's more than I can say for most. Tough love. It seems the only way to reach you people.
Culling of the Biosphere:
Many folks will rightly say that "the culling of the elderly, et al" is flat-out nonsense because CTS affect the sprayers as well as the civilian population. That assertion is essentially correct, but the following should be noted:
1. A virus can only affect you if you are not immunized from it. Think these folks are up-to-date with their "private cache" of vaccines? Sure. You don't send out a binary weapon until you are damn certain it won't kill you - the killer. This reaction of "the sprayers breathe it in, too!" is grasping at straws that don't even exist in any reality. Simply put: it is denial.
2. They simply don't care who they kill, even their own pawns and puppets in the military. "F---- 'em." That's the CIA way. Get used to it. Too hard for you? Don't like the words? They use them a hundred times a day.  Just ask anyone who has ever been debriefed by these agencies.  They have the foulest mouths on the planet.  Red Grid / Blue Grid
In the end, the how, the who, the when of chemtrails is just so much smoke and mirrors. Just because you've identified the UH1H helicopter, the KC-135 tanker, and the use of Boeing 737s in chemtrail sprays is really, again in the end, meaningless. We all know who were the shooters in Dallas, but so what? That knowledge doesn't change anything.

Find out who is giving the orders and why, and then you've got something.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Texas Will Be Enveloped in Full Civil War Within Weeks Unless Divine Intervention


Quayle Alert: Jade Helm Has Begun -Texas Will Be Enveloped in Full Bore Civil War Within Weeks Unless Divine Intervention

Friday, May 29, 2015 8:00

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(Before It's News)

Steve Quayle Alert

Per source in Texas, the mandatory evacuation sequence has begun. Horseshoe Bend, Texas has signs up today for forced Mandatory removal from homes - leave or be taken away. So, J H is underway.  Homes will be searched, etc., just as predicted last evening.  Heads up info. Jesus is Lord.

Hello Steve - Just reading your alerts - the one on Horse Shoe Bend. That area is due to flood from a swollen river.  Yesterday the sherrif asked the people to please  leave by 8 pm because he did not want to put his firemen and the people that live there in harms way. it appears the person who wrote you did not mention that.
May 28, 2015

As I’m looking through breaking news headlines and seeing the continuous references to the extreme weather so concentrated over Texas, and coupled with the continuous chemtrailing that happens throughout the US, I can’t help but think that what is going on right now as part of the Jade Helm “exercise” could not actually be the domestic roll out of weather warfare on an agressive scale. We know they can control the weather to at least some degree. We know that the chemtrailing over CA and in the Pacific modifies the jet stream to both keep CA dry and to force that precipitation east towards TX and other southern states. We know that Jade Helm is “pretending” that TX is a hostile enemy that must be engaged. The millitary is already rolling out across the state as part of this “drill.”  Why then,is it not reasonable to assume that as part of this “mock civil war drill” that they would not practice using the tools that they have in their arsenal? They used typhoons against the enemy in the Vietnam War.  Why would they not use this form of warfare against a domestic enemy as well?
I mean, how perfect is it that the military will be on hand to help “assist” the state with any effects of this “freak weather”? The citizens would stand down as the millitary rolls into major cities to assist in “humanitarian efforts” as opposed to protesting martial law drills in their peaceful state.
It’s just too coincidental that this Jade Helm thing is going on with TX - the stated target.  The biker shooting in Waco involved the 'Banditos' gang which, a year ago, Holder’s (criminal) Justice Dept released a report about that gang and stated concern that they have many active and retired millitary, police and other federal government personnel as members (one of their “red list” targets that now they can portray as criminals), AND on top of all that TX is being completely hammered with extreme weather that seems suspiciously like what one would characterize as weather war.
I’m sorry, but to me this all seems too coincidental and too perfectly timed not to be part of an orchistrated and unified program. This is just conjecture but, as we know, the truth is most often stranger than fiction.
Thought maybe I’d share this perspective as something to be considering as the alternative media tries to stay a step ahead of where they want us to be.
May God bless and protect you!
May 26, 2015

Quayle Alert: Martial Law Confirmation - I Have Confirmation From A Ft. Hood (Killeen, TX) Source Regarding Certain Army Personnel Being Trained For Martial Law Lock Down & House Raids



Are the Police Intentionally Hiring Stupid People?

According to a recent article, at least one police department in Connecticut deliberately and officially refuses to hire people who are too smart:
On March 16, 1996 Robert Jordan from Connecticut, and 500 others underwent a written screening process which included the Wonderlic Test, conducted by the Law Enforcement Council of  Southeastern Connecticut, Inc. (“LEC”), a coalition of fourteen cities and towns, in order to apply for a position as a police officer.
Several months later Jordan learned that the city of New London started interviewing candidates. After not hearing from them, Jordan inquired as to why he was passed over.
Jordan eventually learned from assistant city manager Keith Harrigan that he would not be interviewed because he “didn’t fit the profile.”
Thinking it was obviously age discrimination because he was 46 at the time, Jordan filed an administrative complaint with the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.
The response that he received was completely out of left field. The city responded that it removed Jordan from consideration because he scored a 33 on the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test, and that to prevent frequent job turnover caused by hiring overqualified applicants the city only interviewed candidates who scored between 20 and 27.
The city of New London claims that “People within certain ranges achieve a degree of job satisfaction and are likely to be happy and therefore stay on the job.” They apparently believed that Jordan was too smart to be happy being a cop.
Interesting. The question, of course, is whether other police departments have a similar policy. I’m sure they won’t be voluntarily offering this information anytime soon. But if they wanted to discriminate on the basis of intelligence, that would be legal now. A federal court has ruled against Jordan, saying that the Connecticut police department did nothing wrong.
The court said that because the police department refused to hire any smart people, Jordan couldn’t claim that he was particularly being discriminated against.
Does the court have any idea what discrimination actually is? Discriminating against a whole group of people is not better than discriminating against an isolated individual. It’s worse. By the same logic you could say that a restaurant that refuses service to all black people is not discriminating. “They’re not discriminating against you personally. They don’t serve any black people.” Sheesh. Maybe that court had the same low-intelligence application requirements as the police department.
So we can’t say for sure that all police departments are suffering from these same hiring policies. Though if the current state of the police force is any indication, it wouldn’t be an unreasonable conjecture.


Hidden War - the war for your land and water.....

Hidden War - the war for your land and water.....
Here is a website and movie that you need to watch.
This war is being waged on YOU by people claiming to be your own government, but who are and have been a private for profit corporation that has hijacked the federal government. 
They use codes, statutes and treaties to steal your wealth and heritage.  For more on the corporate aspect
Most Western Montanans are not aware that a war is being waged against them, a  battle for their land and water.  This video is the first in a three part series of videos that lays out  the details of this war and introduces the Montana Land and Water Alliance, an organization created to protect the property rights of Montana.

DARPA’s Autonomous Killer Robots Will Leave Humans Defenseless

DARPA’s Autonomous Killer Robots Will Leave Humans Defenseless

DARPA’s Autonomous Killer Robots Will Leave Humans Defenseless

© AP Photo/ Kirsty Wigglesworth
Get Killer robots called LAWS- lethal autonomous weapons systems- are being commissioned by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and will be able to track and kill targets even without being controlled by their human handlers.
Stuart Russell, Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley, wrote in Nature, an academic journal, that he believes these robots could violate the Geneva Convention.
“Despite the limits imposed by physics, one can expect platforms deployed in the millions, the agility and lethality of which will leave humans utterly defenceless. This is not a desirable future.” Russell stated.
The United Nations agrees with Russell, and last year, called for a global ban on the devices, stating that the development could have “terrifying” consequences.
"LAWS could violate fundamental principles of human dignity by allowing machines to choose whom to kill — for example, they might be tasked to eliminate anyone exhibiting ‘threatening behaviour’” Russell further explained.
“Technologies have reached a point at which the deployment of such systems is — practically if not legally — feasible within years, not decades. The stakes are high: LAWS have been described as the third revolution in warfare, after gunpowder and nuclear arms.”
LAWS are expected to be drones that can make decisions on who should be killed without requiring any human interaction, and DARPA currently has two different projects in the works which could lead to these deadly machines becoming a reality.
The first, called Fast Lightweight Army (FLA) will be tiny and able to buzz around inside of buildings and complex urban areas at high speeds.  The second is called the Collaborative Operations in Denied Environment (CODE), which intends to create teams of drones which are capable of carrying out a strike mission- even if contact with the humans controlling them is lost. Jody Williams, an American political activist who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work banning anti-personnel landmines, has also been an outspoken activist against DARPA’s love affair with artificial intelligence and robots, with her Campaign to Stop Killer Robots.
“Autonomous robots would lack human judgment and the ability to understand context. These qualities are necessary to make complex ethical choices on a dynamic battlefield, to distinguish adequately between soldiers and civilians, and to evaluate the proportionality of an attack.  As a result, fully autonomous weapons would not meet the requirements of the laws of war.” the campaigns website reads.
The Army has already weaponized bomb disposal robots, which leads many to believe that robots such as Atlas, which was developed by Boston Dynamics, in a humanoid form- allegedly for disaster relief, will be weaponized as well.
“The United States has not met anything in its military arsenal that it did not want to weaponize, so to say that you have this 6’6 robot who they are working feverishly to make more mobile, to not be still tethered to a cord, etc, etc- you're going to tell me that they aren't going to put machine guns on that guy and send him into urban warfare?” Williams told Motherboard last month.  “I want to know how they can convince themselves that might be true- and when I’m in a real bad mood, I want to know how they can look you in the face and lie.”

Read more:

What Monsanto does NOT want YOU to know about their GMOs


Samsel on Glyphosate safety tests - Part 1

Dr. Anthony Samsel got the US-EPA to reopen files containing safety tests on Glyphosate that had been sealed since 1981 as "Trade Secret" on request of Monsanto.

In those files of thousands of pages of data, Dr. Samsel found enough evidence that prompts him to say that Glyphosate is not just a "probable" carcinogen - it is unequivocally a carcinogen.

He is legally bound not to show the documents to anybody, but is allowed to say what he feels about them.


Montsanto is running the USDA


While other nations ban GMOs...........

In case it didn’t make it to your news table, the United States Department of Agriculture (headed by Tom Vilsack, Monsanto’s best buddy) has recently (in January) approved two more Monsanto-owned genetically modified crops – new strains of both GM corn and soyIs it any question now who is running our government in the US? Monsanto is calling the shots, not the people who vote for Congress and Senate members.

“Today [January], the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved the sale and planting of Monsanto’s genetically engineered dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. This approval follows that of 2,4-D tolerant soybeans and corn, billed as the next generation of herbicide-tolerant crops to tackle glyphosate (Roundup)-resistant weeds. Dicamba-tolerant soy and cotton are simply the latest example of USDA’s allegiance to the biotechnology industry and dependence upon chemical solutions. This continues the disturbing trend of more herbicide-tolerant crop approvals taking place under President Obama’s watch.”

Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter declared in a press statement that the green light is:
“simply the latest example of USDA’s allegiance to the biotechnology industry and dependence upon chemical solutions. This continues the disturbing trend of more herbicide-tolerant crop approvals taking place under President Obama’s watch.”
Should we be surprised, though, when the main man heading the Department of Ag is a member of one of the biggest biotechnology industry groups, the Biotechnology Industry Organization, who once named Vilsack Governor of the Year? Vilsack is also the founder and former chair of the Governor’s Biotechnology Partnership. So more GMO crop approval – of course!

The Environmental Protection Agency is about to approve Monsanto’s newest herbicide, as well, one that contains both dicamba and glyphosate.

Other countries have already banned GM crops as well as banning these noxious herbicidal probable carcinogens, but the US – well, we’re all about using more toxic chemicals.

Article Source: Natural Society

What Every Prepper Should Know About Handloading Ammunition


Five MUST HAVE tools for reloading your own ammo


Getting started in reloading is kind of like equipping the kitchen in your first apartment.
Sure, you can go primitive and start with only a cast iron frying pan, or if you’re an expert in college dorm cooking, an electric hot pot.
While you can make everything from Cajun steaks to corn bread with a good skillet, it helps to assemble a basic set of tools that provide convenience and menu variety.
Like cooking, you could reload cartridges with just a couple of tools, but it wouldn’t be easy or safe. Or, you could buy the entire Sinclair Reloading inventory and spend a couple hundred large on all the fancy gear and accessories.
You know what they say, right? Reloaders do it with hand tools, so let’s take a look at the basic set of hand tools that will make your reloading faster, safer and easier.
For simplicity, we’ll assume you’re reloading centerfire rifle and pistol ammo. You can reload shotshells too, but it requires some different gear.
For purposes of this list, we’ll assume you have a Single-Stage Reloading Press. While there is such thing as a hand press, a standard table-mounted reloading press is the one must-have item, like a stove in your first kitchen.

While it sounds like a brake part for an old Buick, calipers are just a tool to measure things. In this case, reloaders need to measure things like overall length of a completed cartridge or the length of a resized brass rifle case.
The most important measurement you’ll need to worry about is the overall cartridge length. If the overall length is too short, that means the bullet it pushed into the case too far. That means there is less volume inside where the powder is. Less volume means more pressure when you torch it off. If a bullet is seated too far in, pressure can reach dangerous levels and blow up your gun, and whoever is holding it at the time.
If you are going to reload bottleneck rifle cartridges, you’ll also need calipers to make sure that your resized cases are the proper length before you start to seat bullets. Cases tend to stretch a bit when you fire and resize them.
I have both digital and analog calipers and have found both to be more or less equally accurate and reliable. Of course with at style like the RCBS Electronic Digital Calipers ( ) , you have to worry about changing batteries with the digital type, but they’re a lot easier to read. With analog calipers, like the Hornady Dial Calipers, ( )  you have to look at both the slide and dial to get the entire reading in inches, tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.

Prices range from $35 at the low end to a couple hundred for the really precise ones.

Hand Priming Tool
Many single stage reloading presses have a built in way to seat (push primers into the primer pocket holes) primers. You can certainly do this. You can also rub your cornea with sandpaper, and that’s equally satisfying.
When starting out, a hand priming tool like the Lee Auto Prime XR Hand Priming Tool( ) is a great way to ramp up the speed of ammo production. Most hand priming tools are a simple squeeze tool like a pair of pliers or a grip strength exerciser. There’s usually a tray to hold a bunch of primers and feed them one at a time into a holder for the cartridge. Apply a squeeze and the device presses the primer into the primer pocket. You can easily do hundreds of cases per hour this way. Better yet, you can do this from the comfort of, well, just about anywhere. “Hand priming tool” is a literal descriptor, and most of them are small, light and portable.
Want to camp out in the family room? No problem, bring a box of cases, your priming tool and an empty box for your completed cases.
One other thing to be aware of: some hand priming tools use the same shell holders that your reloading press uses. Others require special shell holders.
Recently, I’ve been using the RCBS Universal Hand Priming Tool. It’s sturdy, easy on the hands and doesn’t require specific shell holders. Spring loaded clamps center most any cartridge case you use.

While a scale is technically not a “hand tool” it’s still an absolute necessity. Charging cartridges with either too little or too much powder is dangerous! Either a mechanical or electronic scale is used to make sure your powder dispenser is releasing the desired amount each time.
It’s hard to go wrong with a good old-fashioned beam scale. If you’re old enough to have every used a typewriter, you might remember these from high school chemistry class. It’s a mechanical device, so unless you damage it, weight readings will be consistent and accurate. And the batteries never run out, because there are none!
New portable digital scales are small enough to fit in your pocket. Better yet, they’re fast and plenty accurate. Rather than having to adjust weights on a beam scale to figure out how much something weighs, it just tells you.
Be sure to buy a scale built for ammunition reloading. It will have measurements in grains or 1/7000th of a pound increments.
You can find a digital powder scale that works for as little as forty bucks, but a really accurate and consistent one will cost a bit more.

Powder Dispenser
A powder drop dispenser, like the RCBS Uniflow Powder Measure ( ), uses a precise volume measurement to “drop” the same weight of powder charge every time. It’s a hopper that holds a bunch of powder, with a lever-activated dispenser at the bottom. It operates a little bit like a soft ice cream machine, although it’s a lot more precise and doesn’t taste nearly as good. The key difference is that a powder measure allows a certain amount of powder to fill a measuring chamber before you dump it. So rather than a continuous flow like the ice cream machine, a specific amount is “dumped” with each lever pull. The measuring chamber is made to be almost infinitely adjustable so you can change the volume of powder dispensed.To make safe and accurate ammunition, you need a way to get the same amount of powder into each cartridge. You can weigh the charge for each individually using a scale, but your production rate might top out at three rounds per month.
Using precise adjustments, you set the powder dispenser to the exact charge you want, verifying the settings with a powder scale. When it drops the right charge, tighten the adjustments and operate the crank to drop accurately measured powder charges as fast as you can pull the handle.
To me, this little gem is well worth the money and worthy of inclusion in the most basic reloading setup. Check out dispensers from Hornady and RCBS. Most can mount to a shelf and are adaptable to use on a fancy progressive reloading presses.

Bullet Puller
Hey, with any new endeavor, you’re going to mess up now and then right? An inertia bullet puller is like a hollow hammer. You unscrew a cap on one end, insert a cartridge into a special holding ring, screw the cap back on, and whack it on the floor — hard! This action knocks the bullet and powder out of the case so you can start over. As the bullet puller body is hollow, it even catches the bullet and powder so you can reuse both.
I know. You’re very careful, so the odds of you ever making a mistake are slimmer than Nancy Pelosi’s chances of becoming President of the NRA, but it’s good to have. Just in case.
But seriously, having the option to “undo” a cartridge and start over will not just save you money. More importantly, it will remove temptation to let a potential mistake slide. Not sure about that last powder charge? Having an easy way to take a cartridge apart removes that temptation to just fire it anyway. Better safe than sorry — use your bullet puller to start over.All it costs you is a couple of minutes.
Looking for more Bullet Puller info check out this article on other bullet pulling tools:
If you want to get started reloading your own ammunition, check out The Insanely Practical Guide to Reloading Ammunition ( ) . It will teach you the basic steps, safety considerations and equipment you need. Reloading is easier than you might think.
If you can pay attention to detail, have a few basic tools for reloading and take your time, there’s no reason you can’t enjoy the benefits of rolling your own…

Texas poised to allow open carry of handguns



  FILE - In this Jan. 13, 2015, file photo, a gun-rights advocate carries a rifle on his back and a cardboard cutout of a pistol on his waist as a group protests outside the Texas Capitol, in Austin, Texas. Texas lawmakers on Friday, May 29, 2015, approved carrying handguns openly on the streets of the nation's second most-populous state, sending the bill to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who is expected to sign it and reverse a ban dating to the post-Civil War era.
(AP Photo/Eric Gay, File)         

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas lawmakers on Friday approved carrying handguns openly on the streets of the nation's second most-populous state, sending the bill to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who immediately promised to sign it and reverse a ban dating to the post-Civil War era.
Gun owners would still have to get a license to carry a handgun in a visible holster.
The state known for its wild west, cowboy history and some the nation's most relaxed gun laws, has allowed concealed handguns for 20 years. Concealed handgun license holders are even allowed to skip the metal detectors at the state Capitol, as state troopers providing security assume they're armed.
But Texas was one of only six states with an outright ban on so-called open carry, and advocates have fought to be allowed to keep their guns in plain sight. Cast as an important expansion of the Second Amendment right to bear arms in the U.S. Constitution, it became a major issue for the state's strong Republican majority.
"We think of Texas being gun happy, but we didn't afford our citizens the same rights most other states do," said Rep. Larry Phillips, a Republican from Sherman, one of the bill's authors.
The House gave final approval on a mostly party-line 102-43 vote, drawing gleeful whistles from some lawmakers. A short time later, the Senate passed it 20-11, also along party lines, with all Republicans supporting it and all Democrats opposing.
Within minutes of the bill passing, Abbott sent a Twitter message that he'll sign it. "Next Destination: My Pen," Abbot tweeted.
The bill passed after lawmakers made concessions to law enforcement groups, who had been upset by an original provision that barred police from questioning people carrying guns if they have no other reason to stop them.
The final bill scrapped that language, meaning police will be able to ask Texans with handguns in plain sight if they have proper licenses.
Before Friday's vote, police groups had demanded that Abbott veto the bill if it wasn't taken out.
Gun control advocates have argued that open carry is less about personal protection than intimidation. Gun rights groups have staged several large public rallies in recent years, sometimes at notable historical landmarks such as the Alamo, where members carried rifles in plain sight, which is legal.
The open carry debate also stirred drama at the Capitol early in the legislative session, when gun rights advocates confronted one state lawmaker in his office. The lawmaker, Democrat Poncho Nevarez, was assigned a state security detail and House members voted to make it easier to install panic buttons in their offices.
"This session has been an alarming show of politicking that caters to a gun lobby agenda," Sandy Chasse with the Texas Chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. "As a gun-owning Texas mom, this is not the Texas I want for my family or community."
Just like the current concealed handgun law, the bill requires anyone wanting to openly carry a handgun to get a license. Applicants must be 21, pass a background check and receive classroom and shooting range instruction — although lawmakers have weakened those requirements since 2011.
Texas has about 850,000 concealed handgun license holders, a number that has increased sharply d in recent years.
It also recognizes the concealed handgun licenses issued in more than 40 states, and license holders from those states will be allowed to openly carry their weapons in Texas once it becomes law.
"I have great faith in our concealed license holders that they will do the right thing and carry their gun appropriately," said Sen. Craig Estes, the Wichita Falls Republican who sponsored the measure in that chamber.
Democrats such as Sen. Rodney Ellis of Houston said they fear violence on the streets.
"I hope we don't have a host of Texans running around with a Rambo mentality," Ellis said.

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London hosts secret meeting of central banks to end cash.




Economic Collapse is inevitable. The only question is when and how will it all go down. Those in positions of power throughout the world have been manipulating currencies and devaluing them in the process. Now a report is out from economist Martin Armstrong, in which he claims that there is to be a “secret meeting to end cash” in London by the end of the month, which involves representatives from the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve. However, Armstrong warns that there is much more than just an economic collapse coming.
Armstrong wrote:
I find it extremely perplexing that I have been the only one to report of the secret meeting in London. Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University, and Willem Butler, the Chief Economist at Citigroup, will address the central banks to advocate the elimination of all cash to bring to fruition the day when you cannot buy or sell anything without government approval.
When I googled the issue to see who else has picked it up, to my surprise, Armstrong Economics comes up first. Others are quoting me, and I even find it spreading as far as the Central Bank of Nigeria, but I have yet to find any reports on the meeting taking place in London, when my sources are direct.
Keep in mind that Armstrong was the man who successfully predicted the 1987 Black Monday crash and also the Russian financial collapse in 1998.
“Other newspapers who have covered my European tour have stated that the ‘crash’ of which I speak is the typical stock market, rather than a crash in government,” he wrote. “What is concerning me is the silence on this meeting, when there are more and more reports claiming a cashless society would be better.”
So, he is not only seeing a financial crash ahead, but is also seeing the collapse of government in general. This is exactly why people need to be prepared and helping to prepare others for what is coming.
“If we look at the turning points on the ECM, yes, they have been to the day when there has been a concentration of capital in a particular market,” he added. “However, it has also picked the turning points in political decisions, such as the formation of the G5 with 1985.65, the very day Greece asked for help from the IMF in 2010, to the day of 9/11.”
Paul Joseph Watson also reminds us of previous, recent talks of this nature. He writes:
Discussions and moves towards banning cash have repeatedly cropped up in recent weeks.
Willem Buiter, who Armstrong claims is speaking at the secret meeting, recently advocated abolishing cash altogether in order to “solve the world’s central banks’ problem with negative interest rates.”
Last year, Kenneth Rogoff also called for “abolishing physical currency” in order to stop “tax evasion and illegal activity” as well as preventing people from withdrawing money when interest rates are close to zero.
Striking a similar tone, former Bank of England economist Jim Leaviss penned an article for the London Telegraph earlier this month in which he said a cashless society would only be achieved by “forcing everyone to spend only by electronic means from an account held at a government-run bank,” which would be, “monitored, or even directly controlled by the government.”
Michael Snyder has asked the question of whether Greece, who is now facing default, is going to face the same fate as the people of Cyprus as they had their bank accounts raided in 2013.
This is all serious business as it is a warning to both the US and the EU of what is just around the corner for us, given our allowance of Central Banks to exist and print fiat paper money in violation of the US Constitution. These steps have allowed them to steal the wealth of the citizens of their prospective countries and in doing so, shackle those same citizens with the burden of the debt. Now, it looks like it’s time to pay the piper.
This cashless society will ultimately render full control of people as their money, purchases and sales will be controlled by a centralized government.
Armstrong warns, “We better keep one eye open at night for this birth of a cashless society that is coming in much faster than expected. Why the secret meeting? Something does not smell right here.”
Michael Krieger echoes Armstrong’s sentiments as he writes, “In the mind of an economic tyrant, banning cash represents the holy grail. Forcing the plebs onto a system of digital fiat currency transactions offers total control via a seamless tracking of all transactions in the economy, and the ability to block payments if an uppity citizen dares get out of line.”