Thursday, July 19, 2018

More Ammo in the Territorial United States Code

By Anna Von Reitz

More Ammo in the Territorial United States Code

Thanks to an alert researcher, we have definitively located the "negative enactment" regarding false claims of citizenship.

Everyone please read 18 USC 911.

Bring this forward in Territorial Court and slap the vermin who are bringing false claims against you silly. 
"And by the way, your Honor, in your own Federal Code if I may bring it to your attention, there is the matter of 18 USC 911 to be addressed....." 

Answers to Questions

By Anna Von Reitz
Answers to Questions

1)  What is the current status of the International Obligation Lien? 

The Lien is there for all to see and it is still standing.

2)   Should we add the authenticated birth certificate as an addendum to the Deed of Re-conveyance?

No, the BC is a private document that you should use in the conduct of your private business.  Some of us who have had cause to act in public capacities have recorded BCs but if you are not in such a situation there would be no reason to do this.

3)  On a show about 6 month ago, you had talked about doing three UCC filings.   Do these still need to be done?

Yes, there is need to do it if possible. The UCC-1 Financing Statement and Addendum are used for three different processes.  In the first case you use it to give International Notice of your interest in your Name and NAMES.  In the second use, you check the "Non-UCC Lien" box to claim back your private property.  In the third, you check the "Agricultural Lien" box to lock down your land and soil interests.  These have to be filed in order. An example of their first use of a UCC-1 Financing Statement is shown in the Appendix of our book "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause".  You just fill in your name in the form: JOHN MARK DOE, JOHN M. DOE, and JOHN DOE as the debtors, and your re-conveyed Trade Name -- John Mark Doe-- as the Secured Party.

4)   What about getting a passport as an American National?    Some have tried this (including me), but keep getting put back as a "US citizen" status.    Do you have a fail-safe procedure?

The Post Office is the actual issuer of Passports and they could care less about our squabbles over which "United States" or which "United States of America" either, so they just send out a generic passport and leave it up to you to sign it in such a way as to indicate your political status.  I signed mine with a by-line, as in by: Anna Maria Riezinger (claiming copyright and ownership of my Vessel.) and "Retired" ---(serving notice that I am not under any obligation to any corporation) and "All rights reserved" -- (serving notice that my Powers are my own and cannot be usurped by any attorney without my consent).  I also obtained a "global postage stamp" --- which guarantees first class postage for a letter to anywhere, and affixed it to the passport in the upper left above my signature and cancelled it by writing my full name and my place of departure (Big Lake, Alaska) across the face of the stamp in red-ink.  This identifies me as a land-lubber mailing myself to the rest of the land-lubbing world. A passport is basically a giant stamp mailing you to other destinations and giving the foreign authorities information about who you are and where you came from, so use it and think of it for what it is --- a postal service product.  And think of yourself as a Post Master, because under international law, that is exactly what you are. You handle the mail all the time, buy stamps, and when you mail items you sell stamps.  Think about it.

5)   I've heard of a status called "Secured Primary Creditor".    How does this differ from simply doing a status change back to an American national?

Secured Party Creditor refers to the international commercial code process of claiming to be a Creditor with a "Secured Interest" in assets (see UCC-1 comments above).  In addition to the UCC-1 Financing Statement, you file a Security Agreement between the Creditor (Trade Name) and the Debtors (the NAMES) for the purpose of guaranteeing the interest of the Creditor. You also file a Hold Harmless Agreement in which the DEBTORS hold the Creditor harmless for the administration of THEIR affairs.  You also file a Power of Attorney for the Creditor making your Trade Name the Attorney-in-Fact and revoking all other Powers of Attorney.  You also need to file a Declaration of Permanent Domicile on the land and soil of the state where you were born for all the names --- Trade Name plus NAMES--- all need to return to permanent domicile on the land of your birth state.  Last but not least you file a Property List showing what it is that you are claiming an interest in. 

None of this makes much sense at first because it appears on the surface that you are making claims for and against yourself, but you must learn to think of your Name and any NAMES as things apart from yourself ---in fact, I find it most efficient to think of them as boats, literally "vessels", that you can use to "travel" in various jurisdictions of the law and exercise various capacities.

When you "return" the permanent domicile to the land and soil of your birth states for both your Trade Name and all NAMES associated with or derived from it, you reverse FDR's "New Deal" and exercise your "reversionary trust interest" in your own estate.

6)   Are you and/or the Living Law Firm working the Trump Admin to usher in the return of the American Republic?

There is a great deal of confusion here.  There are fifty American state republics, not one.  So to speak of "a" single American Republic is another confusion and semantic deceit that must be avoided. 

What we are helping to do is to put an end to the so-called "Reconstruction" that began after the equally so-called "Civil War" and all the British inspired fraud, guile, and bunko that followed.

Strange as it may seem to most Americans, officially, our rightful federal government has been "held in abeyance" for 150 years pending action by the sovereign States of the Union to "reconstruct" the  States of America.

There's a whole layer of our Federal Government missing.  It was moth-balled in 1868 by British/Scottish sympathizers in the U.S. Territorial Congress.

The States (meaning Maryland, Georgia, New Hampshire) formed a Federation of States known as "the Union".  This Union of States came into being on September 9, 1776, and adopted the doing-business-as-name The United States of America.  This is a Holding Company.  The goods being held for the States by The United States of America are all their rights and prerogatives in international jurisdiction. 

Secondarily, the States split off another kind of union called a Confederation of States known as the States of America, which was formed under the Articles of Confederation on March 1, 1781.  This Confederation's members were all "States of States" such as The State of Maryland, The State of Georgia, and The State of New Hampshire.  These are the original Federal States of States which "went AWOL" after the Civil War.  They are the doing-business entities of the actual States of the Union, which should be conducting our business for us.

Instead what happened is that these original "States of States" doing business under the name of, for example, The State of Florida, were secretively and deceptively and fraudulently replaced by British Territorial entities doing business as "the" State of Florida.   In this way a cuckoo-bird like substitution was achieved.  The difference between "The" State of Florida and "the" State of Florida went either unnoticed, or was not understood by the clueless populace for what it was---- an undisclosed and heinous Breach of Trust by the British Government, which then and now seeks to hide its actions behind Scottish skirts.

As we speak, they are trying to continue this scam by creating yet another "ringer" --- a Scottish corporation doing business as "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [LTD.]" --- and no doubt trying to put in their "states" to replace us entirely----when we are in fact their Priority Creditors. 

Obviously, this Scottish imposter is not our government and does not represent our government and no matter what claims may be made for it, should never be trusted as anything but an attempt to continue fraud and pillaging against us.

We are calling the actual States of the Union to Assemble.  The States will then "reconstruct" the actual Federal States of States doing business as, for example, The State of New Hampshire --- at which point, the so-called Reconstruction will finally be finished and the Territorial and Municipal United States kicked back to the curb where they belong.

7)   What is going to happen to these judges and attorneys that took our kids, took our houses, took our paychecks, etc?    Will these scum actually wind up in prison?     I know we need to bring charges upon these rats, but do they have a "get out of jail free card" hidden?     Serious question.

I imagine that many of them will have to be forgiven as Third Parties and held harmless, because they have been forced to do what they are doing for the most part.  The only difference between the guilty and the innocent is whether or not they enjoyed doing it.  They won't be allowed to keep their ill-gotten gains and a lot of money and property is going to change hands. The actual guilty parties in many instances, however, are politicians, captains of industry, and military officers who betrayed our trust and concocted this monstrous fraud in order to pillage, plunder, and control us.  The legal beagles were just that --- a pack of hounds employed to do their dirty work.

8)   Once we become American national status, how can this be enforced with respect to the courts and law enforcement?   I've heard one particular story where an American national was still held accountable for a "paper crime".    Is the best we can do would be to keep records of all this injustice and hold those accountable at a later date (like question #7)?

It is better to get even than to wreck vengeance in my opinion, though anger is certainly understandable--- the object is to force these vermin to leave you and your property alone or suffer perdition for disturbing you.  It is also to get back control of your country and your assets and to squeeze the vermin to start repaying at least part of what you are owed. 

It is to those two goals -- enforcing peace and establishing control -- that I suggest we turn our attention.

By their own rules, if they transgress against you (I believe it is 18 USC 2333?) you are owed treble damages, for which you can sue in the United States Federal Court of Claims.  This applies, because once you realize that you have been "mistakenly" mis-identified as a Territorial or Municipal United States Citizen, and have taken the time and made the effort to correct the Public Record, they are responsible for recognizing you and indemnifying you against loss or damage.  See Army Regulations AR 27-20 for a clear statement regarding the indemnification they owe you and the Hold Harmless owed to the court as a result of the fraud being perpetuated against us by the British Crown.

If you suffer loss or damage as a result of being in their "custody"--- they owe you just compensation and if they exacerbated their crime by ignoring your status as a Third Party civilian -- they owe you treble damages. The more people who become aware of this and who begin to make these claims stick, the better, as it hastens the day when everyone concerned wakes up.

The Eruption of the Shills

“The Eruption of the Shills”
by Paul Rosenberg

shill: A person paid to endorse a product favorably, while pretending to be impartial.”
“If ever you wanted confirmation that ruling structures are biased toward conflict, you got it over the past few days. If ever you wanted confirmation that public intellectuals jump to obey power, you got it over the past few days.

As much as I avoid the bullhorns from New York and DC, I couldn’t escape them this time. Evidently Donald Trump had a summit with Vladimir Putin and uttered unspeakable words. After Putin denied interfering in the 2016 election, Trump said this: “He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this, I don’t see any reason why it would be.” And from that, all hell broke loose.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell quickly held his own press conference and said: “I have said a number of times, I’ll say it again: The Russians are not our friends. And I entirely believe the assessment of our intelligence community.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger, in bizarre form, reported that Trump looked like “a little wet noodle.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan raged that “Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki… was… treasonous… he is wholly in the pocket of Putin.”

On and on it went, including shills from both the Blue and Red teams.

At first I tried to verify exactly what it was they were all freaking out about, with limited success. And then I saw that the words themselves were a secondary factor, as George Will explained: “What, precisely, did President Trump say about the diametrically opposed statements by U.S. intelligence agencies (and the Senate Intelligence Committee) and by Putin concerning Russia and the 2016 U.S. elections? Precision is not part of Trump’s repertoire: He speaks English as though it is a second language that he learned from someone who learned English last week. So, it is usually difficult to sift meanings from Trump’s word salads. But in Helsinki he was, for him, crystal clear about feeling no allegiance to the intelligence institutions that work at his direction and under leaders he chose.”

I could go on, but there’s no point. You’ve doubtless seen this yourself. The key takeaway is that saying anything the military-security complex doesn’t like is considered treasonous. And let’s be clear: All Trump did was say a few words. There was no policy change, only a short comment that he didn’t see why the Russians would do such a thing. That’s almost trivial. But it set the military-security complex into hysterics. So much so that even such a person as Donald Trump was forced to issue a lame retraction.

So, how much pressure can the “forever war” complex place on even the highest officials? Evidently quite a lot. And by the way, the evidence is clear that the Russians did not hack the Democratic National Committee.

What this means is that the system – the dominating structure of our time – is fully committed to threat, fear, and war. Peaceful overtures are not acceptable.
The high and mighty are drunk on power. Again.
So be clear on this: These structures, by their very nature…
will always draw the corrupt and corruptible,
will always reward sycophants and shills,
will always be obsessed with control and threat, and
will always send children to kill and die.
This is what they have been for 6,000 years.
This is what they are.
This is what they will remain, so long as we feed them.”


Never Doubt It

By Anna Von Reitz

Never Doubt It

This has been a very introspective day, despite the usual amount of hectic activity, phone calls, correspondences and case work.  I have had cause to think deeply about my friends and compatriots on this narrow road.  So many have struggled and still are.

Rod Class is preparing his answer to the Federales challenge of his right to keep and bear arms. 

Other friends are taking the accounting and system errors straight to the source-- the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. 

Still others are forging ahead with new means of enforcing and accessing indemnity guarantees.

I am so grateful to know all these wonderful, determined people.  It makes me proud to be part of the effort to restore America and the rightful American government --- to, as Donald Trump put it -- "Make America Great Again". 

We might also say --- "Make America American Again". 

We have been under the thrall of corrupt European and corporate powers for a long, long time. It feels good to know that we finally have the "weather gauge" on the vermin and that our Ship of State is no longer headed for the jagged rocks our enemies had in mind for us.

We can thank many, many, many good men and women for that, people here in the states and people in far away and unexpected places like South Africa and Estonia and Paraguay, too.

People of goodwill, people who are honest, have risen up and taken action, each in their own way and their own place --- and the difference is now being felt.

Just looking at all the file folders and books and thumb drives in The Living Law Firm office makes my mind reel, and also makes me think about how far we have come in such a short time, and all that has been accomplished with nothing but volunteers and cookie jar's amazing.

There's a whole conga line of Americans at every point of this effort, all pulling together to make it possible. 

If it weren't for all of you out there sending your donations via PayPal to, I couldn't keep the lights on for our senior helpers, couldn't pay the travel expenses so many of our excellent researchers have to otherwise bear on their own.  And if it were not for those sending checks and money orders to Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652--- I wouldn't have it to give when one of our guys in the field blows a tire, needs an emergency tooth extraction, or just some grocery money. 

It's such a small portion of what we all owe these volunteers, but it is also so important that this kind of support is there for them.  It gives them the comfort of knowing that they are not all alone.  It gives them the courage to go on.

Most of our Living Law Firm members are seniors like myself -- some as old as 95 and still kicking, thank you! -- and for the most part, we do okay for ourselves and manage our own bills, plus some.  But some of our most dynamic heroes are relatively young men and women who have families to support and house payments to make.  It's for them and their sake that I get out and stump for donations.

It's not fair that any of us have to spend our time on Earth like this, struggling with things that we should never have to correct if certain people had just done their jobs and honored their contracts --- but it is doubly unfair to younger people who just walked into this Mess and who have so many other earthly responsibilities to bear.  Please help me help them, because they are surely doing their best to help everyone else. 

The "Help Line" doesn't even stop for death.  Every single day, I find clues and testimony left by Americans long dead, who cared enough to document the Truth and leave it for us to find.   

And then I remember men and women that I have known myself who have suffered and died for the sake of this day, when I can definitely draw a deep breath and see and feel that yes, we have rounded the corner, the tide has turned....yes, at last, things are getting better, not worse! 

I hope and trust that "rb" and Howard Freeman and The Informer and Bill Benson and LaVoy Finicum and Russell Means and all the old Montana Freemen are still here, still with us, in spirit if not in flesh, and that they and all the others who have gone beyond the Beyond in defense of this country and in defense of our freedom know that we are all doing our bit and standing our guard duty.

The indemnity bonds are finally being honored by courts around the country, not universally, but in a growing number of reported cases.  It's too soon yet to know if this lack of universal acceptance is because of uninformed judges, or if specific details in individual cases are causing some indemnity claims to be denied. 

We had one case reported where the sticking point was that the "presumed" Defendant had to check a box on a form saying that there had been a mistake before the case could be dismissed.

When you say that there has been a mistake -- just that -- it is instant grounds for severance of any contract. 

When you admit a mistake -- like you applying for Social Security or claiming to be a "US citizen" or a "Withholding Agent"-- you not only sever the contract, you release at least some portion of the liability, and you are essentially holding the court harmless, too.  

So if they ask you to admit making mistakes, by all means do so --- because it is true regardless of why you made these mistakes --- and because that then allows the court to act in your favor and provide remedy that you are owed.

Army Regulations Field Manual 27-20 explicitly references the indemnity from loss or damage that you are owed and the Hold Harmless Indemnification that is owed to the court as a Third Party. 

Another big development ---a way to make "credit deposits" to cover all the expenses of the franchise PERSONS --- which is really another way of accessing the indemnity protection you are owed, is also underway and being tested.

If we've got this right, folks, you will be able to issue credit to yourself just like a bank can issue credit, to pay certain kinds of bills --- utilities, mortgages, taxes, college loans, car loans---all the bills that come to the PERSON can be offset using credit deposits. That system is finally beginning to be lined out, understood, and in some cases, that too, is working.

This is all good news. I am breathing a sigh like a long distance runner at the end of the course. The Bad Guys are on the run, at least some people are beginning to get relief, and more is on the horizon. 

All the effort is beginning to pay off, but until it is all settled and set in cement, remember that we are still out here plugging away on all fronts and still don't have any big funding sources. We depend on all of you as our lifeline to support the cost of doing this work and to support the younger members of our team who are often in need of just a little extra help from "Grandma".

As always, we don't ask for anything you don't have to give.  We know that many of you are struggling yourselves, and God bless us all, we understand that.  We are looking forward to the day when everyone in America, and indeed, everyone worldwide, gets to feel the fresh air of freedom again, and gets relief from the "Doctrine of Scarcity" and all the senseless misery it has caused.

Never doubt that the Hand of God has been upon this work and upon me and my husband and The Living Law Firm.  If it were not so, we would never have been able to find what we needed to find, or been enabled to survive.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

CGI's Sonar: Dear God; They Caught Them ALL! Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes of Communication Intercepts

CGI's Sonar: Dear God; They Caught Them ALL! Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes of Communication Intercepts
Posted By: RumorMail [Send E-Mail]
Date: Wednesday, 18-Jul-2018 10:33:56
From CGI member Sonar..
Dear God; They Caught Them ALL! Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes of Communication Intercepts; ALL people behind fake "Russia Collusion" - False Flag Chemical Attacks in Syria, Sabotage of Brexit, Nefarious Clinton activities & More

"Thanks to my long-time former colleagues from the Intelligence Community, whom I worked with in my years with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, from both inside and outside the US, I am pleased to be the ONLY media outlet to be able to report this extraordinary information . . . .
The jig is finally up. The Dominoes are all in position to be knocked over. The "elite" have phoned, faxed, and emailed many of themselves right into prison, or worse. (When the public finds out, probably "worse.")

At the meeting in Helsinki, Finland, between Presidents Putin of Russia and Trump of the USA, the Russians gave to Trump at least 160 TERABYTES of Russian Intelligence Intercepts which expose horrifying activities of many, many, people to deliberately foment social, cultural, and political chaos, violent riots, demonstrations, media smears, phony scandals, and fake news.

Some of those intercepts reveal who has been financing weapons, supplies, travel, hotel, vehicle rentals and secure communications gear for Terrorist groups, inside Syria, Iraq, and terror attacks in Europe and the US.

Among the intercepted communications are mostly international phone calls, faxes, emails by members of the US Congress, US Senate, federal Judges, state-level elected officials from California, Oregon, Washington, New York (City & State), New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland and Virginia. Once those communications left the United States, they became fair game for any country to spy on.

A great number of these communications were encrypted, but Russia has found a way to BREAK much of the encryption! And as part of their effort to improve relations with Trump, they provided the original encrypted versions of the intercepts AND the key which decrypts them so the US can use US-obtained intercepts (which may still be encrypted) along with the Russian-provided decryption key to prove the info is accurate and unedited!!!
The Clintons

Turns out, Bill and Hillary have been under surveillance since Bill was first elected President in 1992. Almost EVERY dirty deal, alleged shake-down, alleged kick-back, and some things described to me as "the ultimate acts (plural) of nefarious nature" are all neatly recorded and indexed by Russia. Now, I'm told, President Trump has it all.

... and much more at the link ...
I'm not familiar with Hal Turner, so I'll leave it to others to decide how much truth there might be in this article.


Absolutely FANTASTIC analysis of the current Russia/US situation from someone who “worked Russian affairs for several decades, under multiple administrations”

“In contrast to his predecessors since taking office, Trump’s policy vis-a-vis Russia has been the toughest and most aggressive since Kennedy. He has upped our responses to Russia’s military provocations. He has hit Russia with harder sanctions than any of his predecessors. He has sanctioned more Russian individuals. He lambasted Russia over the failure of the Obama-Putin CW deal, rather than pretend it succeeded like Obama. He’s bombed Syria, Russia’s main client. He even destroyed a battalion of the Kremlin’s mercenaries – something NO US president has done since Wilson sent the Polar Bear regiment to fight the Reds a century ago. He has armed Ukraine – something the Ukrainians had begged Obama to do.”

More of this sort of analysis needs to make its way to the fore. Certain powerful people are trying to paint Trump as Russia’s ally for largely domestic political reasons. As we see below that makes no sense. This is a Facebook post from a Facebook friend.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Exposed! Peter Strzok Born In Iran + John Brennan Obama Iranian Envoy Team Mbr + Duel FBI CIA Positions

17 July 2018
Peter Strzok WAS BORN & RAISED IN IRAN; during the uprising formation of the late 1970′s Ayatollah Khomeni in IRAN, and a member of President Obama’s Iranian Envoy with John Brennan!  Who better to give “Power Positions” within the FBI then those with you same values?  Strzok also directly worked, and coordinated with Brennan’s CIA, to forge Obama’s Iranian attempted increasing Global Power, monies, and Nuclear weapons as members of Obama’s Iranian and Middle East Negotiating Envoy team members.

Not only is FBI Strzok a Discredited Criminal, BUT HIS FATHER IS DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THE CLINTON HAITI FRAUD SCAM – Burkina Fisco!.  Like father – like son. As a family, they lived, worked and prayed for over a decade inside IRAN!  Strzok’s father covertly join the US Marines as a unconfirmed “Spy” and openly SUPPORTED THE 1979 KHOMENI REVOLUTION INSIDE IRAN.  The US found him useful and transferred to Saudi Arabia to be used as a informant to ease tensions.  After his service, he once again became a “Deep State” informant and moved back to Iran as a Civilian.  This is when he became a “veteran” Secret Democratic operative, only known to the “Deep State”.  Clinton liked his secret connections to Iran, and Clinton made him close friend.  They next gave him a top position in the Haiti Fraud scandle, including their secret Child Sex Trafficing network from the middle east and Haiti.

Peter Strzok’s current MELISSA HODGEMAN STRZOK ALSO HAS A VERY QUESTIONABLE POSITION THAT NEEDS INVESTIGATED!  Melissa Hodgman Strzok, an official at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.  Can you imagine what kind of “Monies” she “Controls” INSIDE THE US GOVERNMENT STOCKS AND FEDERAL RESERVE?  Strange that any woman would stand by and openly allow your husband to cheat on them, so their has to be a deeper tie then just marrage.?

Oversight Committee’s need to ask him, under Oath, Peter’s direct involvement in the Pallets and Pallets of cash flown by aircraft to Iran, and their involvement in ALL IRANIAN NEGOTIATIONS!  Since Strzok and Brennan were members of Obama’s Irianian Envoy team, they both know everything AND DIRECTLY INVOLVED in all Iranian crimes done by Obama.
Peter Strzok, John Brennan and Barrack Obama are all devotee’s not to America, but are “Traitors” and “Domestic Enemies” of America, and our Constitution FROM WITHIN!  Everyone always looks for those in a different uniform as the only enemy, but “Domestic Enemies” are inside the US Government.  Just like robbing a bank, you get as many fellow bank employees you can trust to rob them blind; without anyone noticing.  This is the “Deep State” criminal organization the US is facing, and Strzok and Brennan at the HEARTBEAT CONTROLLERS!

This TIES EVERYTHING TOGETHER with Khomeni, Iran, Obams’a Iranian Connections, and John Brennan’s Communist parties!

If you do not know about the video taped Hillary Clinton DEATH PENALTY Child Sex Abuse, Torture and Death film, CLICK HERE.  It is 100% real, and in the posession of the NYPD, FBI & DOJ, and was on Anthony Weiners Laptop.  Contact them and they will say “No Comment” NOT “It does not Exist”.  If fake, they will deny it but they can not!?


EXPOSED: Peter Strzok Grew Up In Iran, Worked As Obama and Brennan’s Envoy To Iranian Regime

17 July 2018

A former co-worker of Peter Strzok tells Big League Politics about Strzok’s extensive background in the intelligence community, including the fact that he grew up in Iran. Many intelligence officers like Strzok are complete ghosts with questionable history and gaps in their life story. But now we have some insight.
(RELATED: Strzok Worked For CIA And FBI At Same Time, According To Document).
Peter Strzok was born in the late 1960’s – he attended the American School in Iran up until 1978 when it closed down and then he attended the American School in Saudi Arabia. He supposedly attended a Catholic School, St. John’s Prep in Minneapolis (the school refused to confirm or deny attendance) and then completed a Bachelors at Georgetown and some form of graduate degree after that.

The truth is that after Peter Strzok III turned 18 his life is arcane, which is the usual story of many like him. Did you know that Peter Strzok II (Strzok’s father) and Hillary Clinton have a lot in common? It turns out after advocating for Khomeni in Iran and then working in Saudi Arabia to calm the waters of an Iranian government (appeasing them with anti-Semitic rhetoric), Strzok’s father Strzok II also dabbled in “charity work.” Strzok’s father was involved in so-called charity work in Haiti but also helped dismantle and reassemble Upper known as Burkina Faso.
Despite Deep State efforts to scrub information, the Internet is forever. Below you will see a very controversial happening in the early Eighties. Peter Strzok II (Strzok’s father, also known as Peter Strzok Sr.) was an employee of Catholic Relief Services and was interviewed by the New York Times in 1985 over his testimony or statements regarding mishandling money intended for Ethopia. In the article he identifies himself as a former employee of the charity and he is a retired US Army Corps Engineer who served the agency in Africa and Haiti. So Peter Strzok II worked in Haiti with a charity? That sounds eerily familiar. Can we all guess which charities partnered to help Haiti?
The Clinton Foundation and The Catholic Relief Services (CRS) seem to work in tangent. Coincidence? Peter Strzok Sr. was actually the director of CRS in Haiti. If we look into CRS financials they seem to overlap and feed into Clinton Global initiatives and balance sheets.

In the early 80’s Upper Volta was in turmoil. It is said that mineral disputes with neighboring countries brought about great duress and so in 1985 the country of Upper Volta ceased to exist and was then named Burkina Faso during Strzok II’s term there. Specifically, in 1981 he was advised of a government visit to Upper Volta, which places him in Upper Volta for a period of 4 years as his son Strzok III was at the American School in Saudi Arabia from 1978- 1980. This happened after their sudden move from Tehran when Khomeni attained power over the Shah. Looks like whenever there is a regime change in modern history a Strzok is lying in the shadows waiting.
We know Peter Strzok III, the man who sent those vile text messages about our President. The man who was biased and wanted to ensure a Clinton Presidency was raised in Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Our source reveals how Strzok and his father both talked about Iran favorably and both accidently reminisced about the rose water smell of the ju-jeh kebab by Shemiran Hill… something that disappeared after 1987 and only those who are old enough to remember can discuss.
Peter Strzok’s Persian is impeccable.

Our insider tells us that Peter Strzok III is the key Middle Eastern Intel operative for the Iranian airline Mahan Air’s purchase of United States government planes during the Obama administration from 2011 to 2013 (when Iran sanctions were in place). He handled the Iranian relations from start to finish. Just like his father did for Reagan and just like he’s been doing for years under cloak and dagger says the BLP insider.
Peter Strzok Sr. and of course John O. Brennan were involved with Iran. In fact, our source tells us that Strzok Sr. was involved in the Iran-Contra scheme that led to a six-month prison term for Reagan national security adviser John Poindexter. Back in the Eighties the government was just as corrupt as it is today and for some reason we keep giving weapons, planes, and planes full of money to Iran. Even Barack Hussein Obama sent money to Iran on a plane in his last year of office — $1.4 Billion worth. Just a few weeks ago, Iran demanded Germany send them 300,000 Euros in cash on a plane to them, and of course Angela Merkel complied. What’s the deal with Iran? Why are they so important?
Here is a clipping from the Wisconsin-based Leader-Telegram newspaper from 1979 in which Strzok Sr. describes his activities in Iran and expresses good will for the Ayatollah.

What were Strzok, Brennan, and Obama really doing? That is a very good question that maybe President Trump can get answered for us if a Summit with Iran can happen early this fall. One thing that is constant in modern history over the last five decades with anything involving Iran: There is a Peter Paul Strzok involved.
The BLP insider who’s worked with both Breannan and Strzok tells us that Strzok was never FBI he was part of the highest level of covert operatives, sliding into posts within the CIA or FBI to infiltrate, influence and observe. This is exactly what we saw with the Special Counsel appointment that resulted after a failed operation.
Peter Strzok Jr. was placed in the FBI to ensure a win for Hillary Clinton and buffer negative press (like the Weiner laptop case, which he covered up). That’s the real deal. Revealing Peter Strzok’s identity would have been a problem because it’s called unmasking but since he is in the limelight and out of the shadows it’s time to lay all the cards FACE up on the table for all to see who Peter Strzok really is.
Spooks feared him, but like our source they still maintain secrecy — simply connecting the dots of publicly and privately available information.

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Under fire, Trump says he misspoke on Russia election meddling


Washington (AFP) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday moved to limit the damage from his summit with Vladimir Putin, claiming he misspoke in appearing to accept the Russian leader's denial of election meddling -- in a rebuke to US intelligence chiefs.

At their meeting in Helsinki on Monday, Trump failed to challenge Putin over the 2016 presidential election, seeming to accept at face value the strongman's denial that Moscow interfered in a bid to undermine Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

But faced with outrage at home, with even some of his political allies demanding that he reverse course, Trump -- in an extraordinary postscript to the summit -- sought to walk back his remarks.

Trump said he accepted the intelligence community's assessment that Russia had meddled in the election, and offered a rambling explanation of his assertion that he could not see "any reason" why Russia would interfere.

"In a key sentence in my remarks, I said the word 'would' instead of 'wouldn't'," Trump said, speaking at the White House ahead of a meeting with Republican lawmakers.

"The sentence should have been, 'I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia.' Sort of a double negative," he added -- repeating the laborious clarification several times.

But while the US leader expressed his "full faith and support for America's great intelligence agencies," he insisted that "Russia's actions had no impact at all on the outcome of the election."

And he again floated the idea that "other people" could be involved.
Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer was quick to pounce.

"President Trump tried to squirm away from what he said yesterday. It's 24 hours too late, and in the wrong place," Schumer said.

- 'Undermine democracy' -

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling and possible collusion with the Trump campaign has increasingly put pressure on the White House.

The president -- who regards the probe as an attack on his legitimacy -- has dubbed it a "witch hunt," and again said Tuesday there were "no collusion at all."
But the investigation is progressing, as evidenced by the indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents on Friday -- timing that was embarrassing ahead of the summit with Putin.

Trump initially sounded a defensive note on Tuesday, insisting his meeting with Putin had been "even better" than his one last week with traditional allies NATO -- a testy gathering seen as having badly strained trans-Atlantic ties.

But the US president found precious little support for his decision not to confront the Russian leader -- on either side of the political aisle.

Former House speaker and longtime Trump ally Newt Gingrich put it bluntly.
"It is the most serious mistake of his presidency and must be corrected -- immediately," he tweeted as Trump headed home.

By Tuesday afternoon when he faced the cameras, Trump had changed tack.
"We're doing everything in our power to prevent Russian interference in 2018," the president said.

After his remarks, the White House released a fact sheet on how the US is "standing up to Russia's malign activities" -- a clear bid to counter the notion that Trump had been soft on Putin.

Former president Barack Obama appeared to allude to his successor in a speech in South Africa on Tuesday, blasting "strongman politics" -- without naming Trump.

While Trump was not entirely without defenders, the bipartisan consensus was broadly hostile to his stance in Helsinki -- as the top Republican in Congress, House Speaker Paul Ryan made clear at a press conference Tuesday on Capitol Hill.

"We stand by our NATO allies and all those countries who are facing Russian aggression," Ryan said. "Vladimir Putin does not share our interests, Vladimir Putin does not share our values."

"We just conducted a year-long investigation into Russia's interference in our elections. They did interfere in our elections. It's really clear," he said.
"Russia is trying to undermine democracy itself."

Agencies Are the "Shadow Government" -- Worldwide

By Anna Von Reitz

Chaos reigns with con artists and would-be interlopers and competing "government services corporations" all giving themselves deceitful names like "Republic for the United States of America" and "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (LTD)" --- all infringing on our Common Law Copyright, and all serving to delay and obstruct meaningful action to address the actual problems that need to be addressed. 

Enough, already.  This is not a free-for-all and this is not our first trip to the rodeo. 

Our Forefathers put in place a structure and a system to do everything that we need to re-do now, which is more than sufficient to meet our needs at present and to guide our actions in restoring our government peacefully and lawfully.  

First, we have the actual Federation of States dba The United States of America (Unincorporated) intact and functioning.  

Second, we are properly calling the States to Assemble to conduct the necessary business at hand.  Go to:  or contact: for additional information. 

Third, we are correcting the "mistakes" made by the occupying Territorial and Municipal employees, especially so-called "agency employees" ---who are simply employees of more commercial "governmental services" corporations acting as subcontractors. 

 Along with all the other ignorant and/or self-interested frou-frou-rah going on there is a lot of paranoid talk about "the Shadow Government".  I can assure you it is not a shadow and not a mystery, either. 

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a King Rat who garnered more than 350 new "powers" for the corporate presidential office -- powers never granted to Congress and certainly never granted to the actual Presidential Office, either --- but usurped under the pretenses of a foreign, for-profit corporation's internal administration while providing "governmental services" under contract. 

This goes back to the issue of capacities.  FDR never had the capacity as President of The United States of America to do or claim 95% of what he did, so he simply didn't occupy the actual Constitutional Office owed to the American States and People.  

Similar to the Queen of England faking everyone out and occupying The Chair of the Estates instead of the Throne, FDR didn't act as our President, but occupied "other" Presidential capacities as the CEO of the Territorial and Municipal corporations, instead, and used those offices to usurp power and make changes to the structure of the corporations providing us with all these "services".  

This had the effect of changing (profoundly) the structure of what appeared to be our government, but which was in fact simply a foreign corporation in the business of providing "governmental services" on a contractual basis. 

One of the key changes FDR made was to create subcontractor relationships to farm out the responsibilities of the parent Territorial and Municipal corporations to subcontractors --- the agencies, like the FBI, FEMA, NSA, and so on.  

This vastly increased the number of quasi-federal employees via the use of subcontractors and at the same time reduced the risk and accountability of the parent corporations.  

The two most destructive "agencies" in terms of asset plundering and theft from the American People are -- by far --- the Internal Revenue Service, founded in 1925, and the American Bar Association --- two Delaware Corporations exercising federal agency contracts, both owned and operated (last time I looked) by a single corrupt foreign Holding Company called "Northern Trust, Inc.". 

Find the owners, operators, and shareholders of "Northern Trust, Inc." and you will have located the persons responsible for the unlawful and illegal activities of both the "Internal Revenue Service" and the "American Bar Association" for the past century. 

Find the owners, operators, and shareholders of the "UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC." and you will have located those responsible for the same criminal malfunctions of the FBI and BLM, including the murder of LaVoy Finicum. 

Locate Dick Cheney and you will have the man most responsible for the criminal misconduct of the NSA.  

These are not part of any actual subdivision of any part of our actual government. They are totally private organizations acting as subcontractors providing "government services".  

These examples--- Internal Revenue Service, American Bar Association, FBI, BLM, NSA---- are the Shadow Government personified, but there are perhaps a thousand lesser-known agencies all on the bandwagon and taking their cut out of our pockets, most of them infringing on our "Natural and Unalienable rights", many indulging in racketeering and extortion via the misuse of what appears to be "government authority" under color of law.  Some of them even operate their own private commercial mercenary armies on our shores. 

Right now, two agencies --- NSA and the British-equivalent  Task force on Money Laundering -- are locking down commerce all over this planet, intercepting and monitoring all funds transfers and demanding payment for these "services" from the victims.  

For example, a large Belgian mustard manufacturing firm wishes to buy mustard seeds from the American Mustard Growers Cooperative  for the obvious purpose of making mustard.  Uh-duh.   So they attempt to send a bank transfer of $18 million Euros into the US to pay for the mustard seeds.

They are stopped by the NSA, pretending that there is something fishy about this.  The NSA sniffs and snorts and blusters for a few days, but of course, mustard seeds are mustard seeds and mustard is mustard.  

The NSA really has no reason, right, interest or probable cause for what they are doing, and they certainly have no business coming back to either the Belgian mustard makers or the Mustard Growers with demands to be paid anywhere from $100,000 to a million USD to "release" the transfer of funds.  

They are simply operating an international extortion ring under the guise of "national security" and illegally obstructing commerce in the process.  

This is what the Shadow Government does in general.  It preys upon your assets and activities and uses coercive "governmental powers" under color of law to enrich themselves. 

And this is why it is necessary to start screaming and stomping on the bureaucrats and politicians and banks that are responsible for letting this go on.  

Banks, I say, because banks are taking a cut of the profit from this scheme, and if the banks weren't in on it and supporting it, this kind of activity wouldn't last ten minutes.  

Of course, they try to cover it up and excuse it as necessary to prevent the "laundering of drug money" and "illegal arms sales" ---- but in fact those kinds of money transfers happen all the time and pass right through the NSA blockade because they are pre-approved in the country of origin by NSA counterparts. 

As staggeringly stupid as that sounds, that's the way it is.  And it is that way, because their duty of providing "national security" has nothing to do with our nation---and instead has to do with the bottom line of their corporate masters operating "as" nations without being nations.   

If we want to get rid of this plague, the obvious thing to do is to: (1) liquidate the offending corporations for criminal activity; (2) stop the hiring of "agency" subcontractors; (3) hold the parent corporations accountable for failure to adequately police the subcontractors; (4) end all "color of law" claims by agency personnel; (5) unwind everything and anything that has FDR's fingerprints on it. 

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here:

Proof of World Bank "Gang of 300" Collusion and Criminality