Thursday, January 31, 2019

Fight on, Trump -- "You magnificent bastard"

A brilliant fact-filled statement accurately describes todays situation
Fight on, Trump -- 
"You magnificent bastard"

A description of politics in the US since the mid-sixties.
 Evan Douglas Sayet is a comedian and conservative speaker. He is the nation's leading conservative speaker, an in-demand Master of Ceremony for Republican events.  Sayet is the author of The Kinder Garden Of Eden: How The Modern Liberal Thinks And Why He's Convinced That Ignorance Is Bliss. 
He Fights
 .   by Evan Sayet  

My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #Never Trumpers) constantly ask me if I'm not bothered by Donald Trump's lack of decorum.

They ask if I don't think his tweets are "beneath the dignity of the office." Here's my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency.

We tried propriety: has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt Romney? And the results were always the same. 

This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob.

I don't find anything "dignified," "collegial" or "proper" about Barack Hussain Obama's lying about what went down on the streets of Ferguson in order to ramp up racial hatreds because racial hatreds serve the Democratic Party.

I don't see anything "dignified" in lying about the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi and imprisoning an innocent filmmaker to cover your tracks. I don't see anything "statesman-like" in weaponizing the IRS to be used to destroy your political opponents and any dissent. Yes, Obama was "articulate" and "polished" but in no way was he in the least bit "dignified," "collegial" or "proper."

The Left has been engaged in a war against America since the rise of the Children of the '60s. To them, it has been an all-out war where nothing is held sacred and nothing is seen as beyond the pale. It has been a war they've fought with violence, the threat of violence, demagoguery and lies from day one and the violent take-over of the universities till today.

The problem is that, through these years, the Left has been the only side fighting this war. While the Left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in their way, the Right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety. With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. 
Donald Trump is America 's first wartime president in the Culture War. 

During wartime, things like "dignity" and "collegiality" simply aren't the most essential qualities one looks for in their warriors. 
 Ulysses Grant was a drunk whose behavior in peacetime might well have seen him drummed out of the Army for conduct unbecoming.

Had Abraham Lincoln applied the peacetime rules of propriety and booted Grant, the Democrats might well still be holding their slaves today.  Lincoln rightly recognized that, "I cannot spare this man. 
 He fights . . ."

General George Patton was a vulgar-talking, son-of-a-bitch. In peacetime, this might have seen him stripped of rank. But, had Franklin Roosevelt applied the normal rules of decorum then, Hitler and the Socialists would be five decades into their thousand-year Reich.

Trump is fighting.  And what's particularly delicious is that, like Patton standing over the battlefield as his tanks obliterated Rommel's, he's shouting, "You magnificent bastard, I read your book!" 
 That is just the icing on the cake, but it's wonderful to see that not only is Trump fighting, but he's defeating the Left using their own tactics and that's what they really hate.
That book is Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals a book so essential to the Liberals' war against America that it is and was the playbook for the entire Obama administration and the subject of Hillary Clinton's senior thesis.  It is a book of such pure evil, that, just as the rest of us would dedicate our book to those we most love or those to whom we are most indebted. 

Trump's tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do. 
 First, instead of going after "the fake media" -- and they are so fake that they have literally gotten every single significant story of the past 60 years not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the truth, from the Tet Offensive to Benghazi, to what really happened on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, Trump isolated CNN.  He made it personal.

just as Alinsky suggests, he employs ridicule which Alinsky described as "the most powerful weapon of all" ...  Most importantly, Trump's tweets have put CNN in an untenable and unwinnable position. ... They need to respond.  This leaves them with only two choices. They can either "go high" (as Hillary would disingenuously declare of herself and the fake news would disingenuously report as the truth) and begin to honestly and accurately report the news or they can double-down on their usual tactics and hope to defeat Trump with twice their usual hysteria and demagoguery.  The problem for CNN (et al) with the former is that, if they were to start honestly reporting the news, that would be the end of the Democratic Party they serve. 

It is nothing but the incessant use of fake news (read: propaganda) that keeps the Left alive.
  Imagine, for example, if CNN had honestly and accurately reported then-candidate Barack Obama's close ties to foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists (William Ayers), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright's church.  Imagine if they had honestly and accurately conveyed the evils of the Obama administration's weaponizing of the IRS to be used against their political opponents or his running of guns to the Mexican cartels or the truth about the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Obama administration's cover-up. 

So, to my friends on the Left and the #Never Trumpers as well do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be "collegial" and "dignified" and "proper"? 
 Of course, I do.  These aren't those times.  This is war.  And it's a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years. 

So, say anything you want about this president 
-- I get it -- he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times.  I don't care. I can’t spare this warrior.  He fights for America!  Fight on, you magnificent bastard!


via PROMIS SOFTWARE _ INSLAW, INC. _ Washington, D.C., USA

        In God We Trust, Forever and a Day      



Publisher - International Currency Review / London

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 6:27 AM Ambassador Lee E Wanta <> wrote:

Story Of Leo Wanta
' The 27.5 Trillion Dollar Man '

The Key Question Looms : Will The Illuminati Bankers Get The Money First Or Will The American People Get It, As Wanta Is Legal Guardian And Trustee On Behalf Of The People of The United States

via PROMIS SOFTWARE _ INSLAW, INC. _ Washington, D.C., USA

        In God We Trust, Forever and a Day      



Publisher - International Currency Review / London

Reason Why Democrats Don’t Want Border Wall? The DNC and Clinton Foundation Both Reportedly Paid Off by Mexican Cartels

We reported earlier that the former Mexican President has been aligned with Mexican cartels.  He’s accused of taking millions from the cartels –
Former Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto accepted a $100m (£77m) bribe from drug cartel kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, a witness has testified.
Alex Cifuentes, who says he was a close associate of Guzmán for years, told a New York City courtroom that he had told authorities of the bribe in 2016.
Guzmán is accused of being behind the Sinaloa drug cartel, which prosecutors say was the largest US drug supplier.
Mr Peña Nieto served as the president of Mexico from 2012 to 2018.
Guzmán, 61, has been on trial in Brooklyn since November after he was extradited from Mexico to face charges of trafficking cocaine, heroin and other drugs as leader of what the US has called the world’s largest drug cartel.
The timing of the former Mexican President being connected with Mexican cartels is rather significant.  A former Democrat believes the real reason Democrats don’t want a wall on the US – Mexican border is related to the story above.
Jeffrey Peterson says the real reason the Democrats will never support the border wall – is that they are being paid off by the Mexican cartels.
Peterson may very well be right. We know that a big time lawyer for the Mexican cartels donated to Hillary Clinton.  We also know that it was reported that Julian Assange reported that he had evidence that the Clinton Foundation received $15 million from the Mexican cartels.  On 9 January 2017, the web site published an article reporting that Mexican Drug kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán had donated millions of dollars to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, claiming that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had broken the news.

POLL: Should Hillary Be In Jail?

No wonder the Democrats don’t want a wall.  They reportedly are receiving money from the cartels to leave the border open!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Attention Cabal~

I am the punishment of God.
If you had not committed great sins,
God would not have sent
A punishment like me upon you.
                                      -Genghis Kahn

How to fix the wall between us and Mexico. This is the proposal from someone who could have been in The Godfather movie or in HBO series, The Sopranos.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Deegan Recants

By Anna Von Reitz
Deegan Recants

Thomas Deegan says he's not Irish, but then, he also says that a Lutheran can be a Jesuit. 

Let's ask the Jesuit Order about that, shall we? 

Thomas also says that a "private law" passed in 2016 is providing immunity to felons. 

At first glance, that doesn't appear to be good news, but it is if you were never really a felon in the first place. 

Private law -- the "law" of incorporated entities---is subservient to Public Law so the only people affected by this change are those who never committed any actual crime in the first place--- just regulatory infractions like Thomas's own trespass against the State of West Virginia, Inc.

The State of West Virginia, Inc's "private law" considered his trespass a "felony", but the Public Law could care less, so long as no blood is spilled and no property destroyed.

So their private corporate "law" was challenged by people owed the Public Law -- that is, by people acting in their unincorporated capacity-- and the rats had to admit the supremacy of the Public Law and had to release all these purported "felons" who were never their employees or dependents and who were never subject to their "private" corporate "law" in the first place. 

That is good news.  It means that the Perps are running scared and realizing that the Public Law is enforceable again. 

And why is that? 

Because our State Jural Assemblies are booting up and they can see the train coming. 

They have been operating under false pretenses for years and trampling everyone else's rights and subjecting everyone to their private corporate tribunals and holding everyone responsible for obeying their private "code". 

Once the actual States rear their heads the jig is up for the incorporated "States of States" and they know -- thanks, by the way, to the efforts of The Living Law Firm--that the actual States and People are assembling. 

So there is Thomas Deegan strutting around and touting this big "victory" ---that he was released because of this change in the "private law" --- and not really grasping the fact that the private law is ALWAYS subservient to the Public Law when the Public Law is enforced. 

And that the Public Law is being enforced again as a result of the State Jural Assemblies taking place all over this country since 2015.  

Not because Thomas Deegan and his pals were so brilliant, but because other people took back their birthright political status and organized their State Jural Assemblies. 

That's why the Public Law is back in effect. 

That's why enforcement of the Public Law is possible again.

And that's why the "private law" has to be brought back into compliance with the Public Law. 

I have been working to make this happen for decades-- and there is Thomas Deegan not only benefiting from my work, but taking credit for it ---and talking down to me and calling me names and calling me "old" and "slow" and other less complimentary epithets. 

The Public Law would not be beginning to be enforced again in this country without the State Jural Assemblies being active again. 

And why are the People of the States "coming back home" and enforcing the Public Law they are owed, instead of mindlessly functioning in the "presumed" capacity of "Persons"? 

Because some of us worked tirelessly to expose the corporate fraud schemes and secure the Public Law again. 

There  are now fifty State Jural Assemblies, one for every State. 

And why is that? Because of the work of people like Robert and Destry and "Al" and me and literally thousands of other Americans who kept the state republics alive in court actions and diplomatic battles for decades. 

Decades, Thomas. Even before you were born. 

So let's hear it for all us "old" "slow" Americans who remembered who we were and how things are supposed to work and who brought the Public Law back into force. 

Which is what caused that change in the "private law" back in 2016. 

And, once again, this "old" "slow" American is reminding everyone including the arrogant dullards among us, that their State Jural Assemblies need their help. 

And that for their own safety and the good of their country, they need to correct their own political status records so that they are not "mistaken on purpose" for British Territorial Citizens or Municipal Government employees. 

It's the political status correction paperwork that is protecting the people from the corporate thugs and giving standing to the Members of the State Jural Assemblies and it is the State Jural Assemblies that are giving life and force to the Public and Organic Law owed to the people of this country. 

And it is these changes that are forcing the corporations to come to heel. 


Because as long as the Public Law is being enforced, private law is always subservient to it. 

The dog begins to chase the cat and the cat begins to chase the rat and the rat begins to bite the cheese. 

If you want to be able to invoke and enforce your constitutional guarantees-- do your status correction paperwork and join your State Jural Assembly. 

Dr. Dave Janda warns: Deep State's greatest fear has come true & who is ...

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Farmers "arrest" the sheriff who was attempting to evict a woman from her farm on behalf of an insurance company. Michigan, 1952.

Farmers "arrest" the sheriff who was attempting to evict a woman from her farm on behalf of an insurance company. Michigan, 1952.

For All The Jural Assemblies - 13 Judges, Justices, and Hired Jurists/ Judge Anna Blows the Whistle on the Whistleblowers

By Anna Von Reitz

For All The Jural Assemblies - 13 Judges, Justices, and Hired Jurists / Judge Anna Blows the Whistle on the Whistleblowers
Imagine an apple. The apple has a skin, and inside the skin, it has sweet juicy flesh. You can't get to the flesh without piercing the skin.
It is the same way with the land and soil jurisdiction we are heir to.
The "soil" is the top six inches of the land, like the skin on the apple.
All the rest deeper than six inches is "land" --- the flesh of the apple.
By definitions long established, the soil comprises the National Jurisdiction of the States, and is managed by our unincorporated Counties.
The land comprises the International Land Jurisdiction of the States and is managed by our unincorporated State Jural Assemblies.
Land and soil are inextricably bonded together, like the skin and flesh of an apple. That is why we speak of "the land and soil" of Wisconsin or Virginia or Texas.
That is why when you become a State Jural Assembly Member, the County Jural Assembly is also created, and vice-versa.
Our Ancestors were determined that no king or government was going to control their lives again, so they made the County-- the skin of the apple --- the fundamental political unit and supreme political jurisdiction in the American Government.
Strange but true, the County Sheriff elected by the County Jural Assembly Members is the top Public Law Official in the country. Within the physical boundaries of his County, he is the embodiment of the Public Law and its chief enforcer.
Because he works for the soil jurisdiction, the actual County Sheriff is a "Peacekeeping Official" and not a "Law Enforcement Officer". See the difference?
Peacekeepers work for the people, the land and the soil. Law Enforcement Officers work for "persons" --- the corporations and their shareholders operating as incorporated States of State, like the "State of Ohio".
We have been well and thoroughly confused and duped into thinking that their "County Sheriff" is our "County Sheriff", when in fact an unlawful conversion has taken place.
Many of those operating our Counties back in the 1960's took the bait of "Federal Block Grants" and elected to incorporate the unincorporated Counties they were working for.
In doing so, they unwittingly removed and converted the actual County Government into mere commercial corporations operated as franchises --- like Dairy Queen franchises of Territorial and Municipal corporations.
They handed over our sovereignty "for us" in exchange for racketeering kickbacks.
Ironically, we are fortunate that those same people who voted for the unlawful conversion of the Counties were already unwittingly functioning as incorporated "persons", so had no authority to give away our Counties. They were merely employees of ours.
They had already "vacated" their natural capacity as unincorporated Jurors.
Many Counties tried to have it both ways and kept the unincorporated County running and simply set up a corporation calling itself something similar -- like, "The County of Jackson" instead of "Jackson County", so that the offered federal kickbacks could be laundered through "The County of Jackson".
This set up a situation where County Officials were, for a time --- and some still are--- operating in two separate capacities. The Sheriff elected to the unincorporated soil jurisdiction office simply put on a different hat as the occasion demanded, and functioned as the "Sheriff" of the incorporated "County", too.
But our ancestors set it up so that no man can serve two masters.
The problem is that our actual Counties are political subdivisions of our States and they occupy an entirely different jurisdiction --- that of the land and soil -- which does not recognize or tolerate any form of "Dual Citizenship" at all.
The land and soil jurisdiction of this country does not allow us to operate in incorporated and unincorporated capacity at the same time. It's one way or the other.
Either you operate as the actual Sheriff of the unincorporated County and State, or you operate as a "Sheriff" of an incorporated "County" franchise of a State of State. See the difference?
There is a Macon County Sheriff working for Georgia, the actual State, and then, out of the blue, there's suddenly a "County of Macon" and the "Sheriff" of the "County of Macon" is working for the [Territorial] "State of Georgia", instead.
Sleight of hand. Presto-Change-O! One minute you are standing on the land and soil and your County Sheriff is your County Sheriff, and the next he is a patsy working for a foreign corporation. Go figure.
In the years since all that happened, things have gotten even more balled up, and we've added another layer of this incorporation scam. Instead of working for the Territorial State of State, the man who appears to be working as your County Sheriff may be working for a Municipal STATE OF STATE corporation, instead.
These moonlighting "Sheriffs" and other "County" Officials are --for the most part unwittingly -- functioning as impostors -- appearing to be land and soil jurisdiction County Sheriffs and County Officials, when in fact they are being paid by foreign corporations and not standing on the land and soil jurisdiction of this country at all.
And this explanation actually does pertain to the main topic, which is Judges, Justices, and Hired Jurists.
All the people you see inhabiting what appear to be your Courts are Hired Jurists, and they will admit it.
Go ahead and ask them. Walk up to any of the State of State Judges or Municipal STATE OF STATE Judges and ask them the question: "Are you a Hired Jurist?" ---- and they will tell you, why, yes, I am.
They will be surprised that you asked, but the vast majority will answer truthfully.
The same scams and unlawful conversions that I just described with the County Sheriffs apply to the Judges, Justices, and Hired Jurists, too.
99.9% of the members of the Bar Associations are not qualified to act as actual Judges or as Justices, either one.
In the course of the long researches that led up to this moment, we surveyed the "Judges" operating in both the Territorial States of States and the Municipal STATES OF STATES courts, and out of approximately ten thousand of these Hired Jurists, we found one (1) guy in Wisconsin who was actually qualified to act as an actual Judge in a Public Court---- if and when he elects to reclaim his natural and unincorporated status as a Member of the Wisconsin Jural Assembly.
The rest of these people are just Hired Guns, working in private quasi-military and private corporation tribunals.
Instead of being employed by the actual unincorporated State or County as actual Judges and actual Justices,, they were suddenly reduced to the capacity of being Hired Jurists in the employ of foreign corporations doing business as
either Territorial States of States Courts or Municipal STATES OF STATES COURTS.
The California Courts ceased to function and the incorporated Territorial State of California Courts and the incorporated Municipal STATE OF STATE COURTS took over the "Judicial Functions"---- but the actual unincorporated Courts owed to the People of California and the people of each County in California, disappeared. Overnight.
And that is why you can't find justice in this country anymore.
Both the Territorial State of State and the Municipal STATE OF STATE are for-profit organizations in the business of providing governmental services. The service they are providing tends to be racketeering aimed at fleecing the actual living people out of their assets for the benefit of their respective corporations.
And their Hired Jurists, are, after all, working for them, and not occupying any Public Office ---- so what the hey?
They get away with what they can get away with.
I had a moment of supreme irony the other day. One of my supporters was trying to explain why I am not a member of the Bar Association in Alaska and why in fact I couldn't be a member of the Bar and serve in the capacity that I am serving.
He made the error of describing me as a "common law jurist", as if I were a Hired Jurist --- only operating a common law court like counterparts in the State of Alaska are operating commercial corporation courts.
Closer, but still no banana.
The Alaska Statehood Compact created a "National Trust" for Alaska operated as the Alaska State. That National Trust contains the land and soil jurisdiction of Alaska, even if Alaska has not yet been formally enrolled as a State in the Union. Therefore, I, as one of the People of this country, can invoke and fill the empty Public Office of Alaska State Judge or Justice or Justice of the Peace (at the County level).
When we realized the scam being played our research led us to the old Government Land Office and the discovery that although Counties were mapped out and designated in Alaska at the time of Statehood, the land and soil jurisdiction of the State were never occupied. In a sense, our State did not exist, except as a National Trust laid out on paper.
It was up to us to choose to act in our unincorporated capacity as County and State Jural Assembly Members, to occupy our State and our County, to hold our elections and conduct our business as the lawful Inheritors of the National Trust and the land and soil jurisdiction owed to Alaska and Alaskans.
There were only a dozen or so of us up to speed to begin with, so it was a matter of staring at each other in disbelief, going through the motions, and everyone electing each other to different land and soil jurisdiction Public Offices, all of us serving as State Citizens.
Fortunately, it doesn't matter how many or how few qualified State Jural Assembly Members there are for the land and soil jurisdiction to be occupied. Even one (1) qualified Elector operating in their unincorporated capacity prevents the corporations from claiming "exclusive legislative" control --- a condition that would leave us with no land and soil jurisdiction to stand upon and result in the collapse of our country and our States.
I filled the Public Office of Alaska State Superior Court Judge. See the difference? Alaska State Superior Court Judge ---- not "State of Alaska" Superior Court Judge.
"Alaska" and the "Alaska State" National Trust were not "abandoned" and no "exclusive legislative" hegemony was achieved by the usurping commercial corporations as a result.
The actual State and People have survived by the skin of their teeth, much to the consternation and annoyance of the foreign commercial corporations that have labored so long and so hard to take over our country, steal our resources, and enslave our people for their profit.
At the County level, the people are served by "Justices of the Peace". At the State level, the people are also served by "Justices" as in "Justices of the Supreme Court". Also at the State level, because not all of the State's international jurisdiction was ever delegated away, we have "Judges".
All the "persons" are served by Hired Jurists arbitrarily calling themselves "Judges" or "Justices", none of whom are holding any valid Public Office in the American Government at all.
So the additional irony is that I am an actual Judge holding an actual elected Public Office approved by the people of this State, and I am the one being accused of "lying" and being a "fake Judge".
There are some people who are so stupid or so evilly anti-American, that they can't note the difference between "Ohio", "Ohio State", "State of Ohio" and "STATE OF OHIO", even when you point it out and explain the difference to them.
The fact that there are, as a result of these different entities----
both unincorporated and incorporated---- multiple court systems in play, also passes them by.
Obviously, too, those who work for these foreign corporations and whose jobs depend upon them, are motivated to continue this scam and this effort to undermine the people and their government, just as the living people have an interest (once they are alerted to it) to regain their unincorporated status.
I am willfully serving the People of Alaska, instead of the Persons of Alaska.
The reason that I have not been arrested and charged with "impersonating a Judge" is that those who would have to bring the charges are in fact impersonating our Judges --- and as Hired Jurists, they know it.
Strange and incredible as it may seem, I'm not the Fake Judge here. They are. Just as our elected County Sheriffs are the actual Sheriffs and their "Sheriffs" are just stand-ins, calling themselves "Sheriffs" but acting in completely different and foreign capacities.
Now, with all of this in view, listen to this clap-trap from the "Southern Poverty Law Center" ---- which I have famously observed is not "Southern" has nothing to do with "Poverty" and is a "Legal" Center having nothing to do with the actual Public Law --- and you will see what we are up against, both in terms of bare-faced lies and misrepresentations and in terms of vicious self-interest on the part of these groupies feeding off the corporate court system.
Please also note the deliberate mis-characterization of me as a "Sovereign Citizen"---- which is a meaningless oxymoron. It is impossible to be a "Citizen" and a "Sovereign" at the same time, thus these ignorant people --- who are claiming to be experts in the "Law" while offering "Legal Services", continue to act as Ignoramuses and to mislead people so as to prevent them from knowing and exercising their true power as State Jural Assembly Members.
And thus also prevent us from restoring the government we are owed and keep us from acting in our natural capacities and seek to usurp our Public Offices and replace them with employees of their foreign, for-profit "governmental services corporations" instead.
Wise as serpents and gentle as doves, folks. The ignorance we are surrounded with in the general populace is thick enough to cut with a knife. The guile and evil of the men actually "in the know" who are orchestrating all this is also not to be underestimated.
Once you know who you are and how your actual government is supposed to operate-- and in which jurisdiction your actual government exists, you will realize how we have all been played and what you have to do to correct it.
Reclaim your natural unincorporated political status, re-populate your unincorporated land and soil jurisdiction State, and, as members of the State Jural Assembly, occupy your "vacated" actual Public Offices ---- including the County Justices of the Peace, the State Justices and the State Judges.
I guarantee that the phonies working as Hired Jurists won't have a word to say about it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


For All The Jural Assemblies - 12 Recordkeepers

By Anna Von Reitz

For All The Jural Assemblies - 12 Recordkeepers

Amid a lot of deception by others and false accusations against me, I must note that gossip and ignorance are common bedfellows, and are often used to undermine both understanding and progress. 

I must also note that the True and Living God despises lies and gossip and always encourages us to overcome our ignorance simply by asking for help: ask to receive and knock to be answered --- and feel free to do your own research.

The information I am presenting in this series of articles seeks to fully inform and help guide those organizing their State Jural Assemblies and it is not widely known yet and may still encounter those who, because of their own ignorance or their own concept of self-interest, attempt to deride and discredit things that are simply true. 

I have described the overall situation thus:

"The simple facts are these: (1) our actual government ---which we are owed--- is not fully operational; (2) it is not functioning as it should because it was never fully restored after the Civil War; (3) we have not restored it, because we were not informed that it needed to be restored---certain parties profited themselves by keeping that obscured; (4) now that we have a grasp of the actual situation, we have the means to restore the government we are owed in our hands and all we need to do, is do it."

I and others have queried a great many experts including the Congressional Research staff, the Librarian of the Library of Congress, the Librarian at West Point, the Librarian at Annapolis, and others recordkeepers of renown and it is fully and conclusively established that:

(1) Most of the Reconstruction Acts are still in full force and effect for the Territorial United States Government; "reconstruction" was never completed;
(2) That the intended Federal Government has three (3) branches, organized as Federal, Municipal, and Territorial --- not as we were told in school, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial --- which is true, but at another level of organization entirely from the level of organization we need to "reconstruct";
(3) That the American Civil War was never declared by any Congress and was an "executive" action resulting in a commercial mercenary conflict, not a "war";
(4) That the American Civil Conflict was never resolved by any actual peace treaty and that it could not be resolved by a peace treaty, because it was not a war;
(5) That the Parties engaged in the "American Civil War", whether they knew it or not, were thus acting in a private and commercial capacity;
(6) That all the fisticuffs and bankruptcies and reshuffling that occurred in the wake of the Civil Conflict did not involve the actual American States, but did involve Federal States of States;
(7) That after the Civil Conflict, the original Federal States of States owned and operated by the States, were mothballed as State Land Trusts (in the sense of being owned by the States in charge of the Land and Soil Jurisdiction) doing business as for example, the Ohio State [Trust];
(8) That people in each actual State were coerced without full disclosure by agents of the British Territorial United States to adopt "new" State of State Constitutions;
(9) That the "States of States" thus constituted were British Territorial entities run as franchises of parent commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services;
(10) That these British Territorial "States of States" have thus been substituted for the Federal States of States that our land and soil jurisdiction States are owed;
(11) That this whole situation has been obscured by those profiting from it and from the deceptive fraud attendant upon it,  in terms of facilitating racketeering, political oppression, embezzlement of public funds and private assets, and generally, false claims in commerce ever since;
(12) That the British Monarch obligated by treaty and commercial contract to act as our Trustee "on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" has acted in Gross Breach of Trust;
(13) That our entire populace has been deceived and mis-characterized, used, and abused as British Territorial Citizens by persons in our employment;
(14) That this has all led to a perpetual "state of emergency" as a fundamental portion of our government has not been operation for 150 years;
(15) That the Municipal Government of the District of Columbia authorized by Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, of The Constitution of the United States, as a "plenary" oligarchy intended to be run by Members of our Federal Congress for the purpose of providing a common meeting ground for our Federal State of States, has instead been run by members of the British Territorial United States Congress and "representatives" of their Territorial States of States;
(16) That these "representatives" have institutionalized this national identity theft and fiscal fraud scheme and benefited themselves from all manner of criminal activity, including the enslavement --on paper-- of millions of American for profit;
(17) That these members of the British Territorial United States Congress also acting as members of the Municipal United States Congress have abused and misinterpreted their "plenary powers" to operate Municipal STATE OF STATE organizations and to incorporate municipal franchises far outside the authorized limitations of the geographic "ten miles square" of the District of Columbia;
(18) That our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as "The United States of America" since September 9, 1776, suffered identity theft by commercial corporations using deceptively similar names: "The United States of America, Incorporated" (Scotland, 1868) and the "United States of America, Incorporated" (Delaware, Roman Catholic Non-Profit, 1925) and that this process of identity theft has continued and expanded to include Municipal Corporations like the UNITED STATES and the USA;
(19) That this has all resulted in gross criminal activity including the hypothecation of debt, the issuance of false property titles, the falsification and substitution of lawful records for legal registrations, the illegal and immoral securitization of living people and their assets resulting in enslavement and peonage being practiced in the modern age, and many, many other evils all contrary to the treaties and contracts that this country is in fact owed;
(20) That this in turn has enriched the perpetrators of these schemes to an unbelievably inordinate degree and that they have used this wealth to promote the development of the same corruption in other countries via the abusive operation of Territorial and Municipal "Service Corporations" against the Countries and the People that employ them and which they are supposed to serve in Good Faith;
(21) That we have remedy for this situation by calling the actual States to Assemble, which is done by people operating in their natural unincorporated birthright capacity (instead of as "persons" obligated to act as franchises of the guilty corporations involved);
(22) That State Jural Assemblies embody each State;
(23) That these land and soil jurisdiction States in fact own all these corporations or are owed the control of them as their actual employers;
(24) That the perpetrators of these crimes and conspiracies against the actual government of this county and against our Constitution(s) have been Notified and instructed to make correction;
(25) That they have not chosen to do so and continue to run amok, except that the British Territorial United States has bowed somewhat to the inevitability of the moral imperative to serve their employers;
(26) That we, Americans, born on the land and soil of our States, have every right to assemble in whatever capacity and whenever we choose to do so;
(27) That we, the American States and People, are owed a great deal of money and credit and the return of the control of all our "borrowed" assets;
(28) That we have not knowing, willingly, or voluntarily entered the foreign jurisdiction of either the British Territorial United States or the Municipal United States and that a well-orchestrated and organized mechanism of unconscionable entrapment has been used to mis-characterize us all as British Territorial Citizens or Municipal CITIZENS and literally to substitute incorporated entities --- using the "infant decedent estate" scam--- for living Americans;
(29) That in order for our Government to be fully operational and functioning as intended, we must correct and rebut these deliberately created false legal presumptions being held against our States and our People in Breach of Trust;
(30) That we have every right, reason, and need to promptly address these matters as international crimes and treaty violations, and that we also have every right, reason, and need to form our State Jural Assemblies, operate our government, restore our Federal States of States, require Good Faith Service performance from our employees, and get on with our lives with a minimal amount of continued interference from criminals and fools.

Anyone, anywhere who thinks that they have evidence disproving one iota of what I have presented is welcome to come forward and try to argue against the Public Records and the observable circumstance, the Congressional Research Staff, hundreds of historians, and thousands of public records.

Any misbegotten idea that "I" am the "problem" or that I am misleading anyone about this needs to be promptly dispensed with.

And now to the more limited but necessary consideration of keeping the records of State Jural Assemblies.

Each State Jural Assembly needs to elect a Recorder, whose functions may include keeping "minutes" and tape recordings of Assembly Meetings initially, though it is to be hoped that a Secretary will soon be engaged to undertake those tasks and leave the Recorder free to do only actual Recording functions

Records are by definition all the paperwork associated with actual land and actual soil and actual people. 

Registrations apply only to legal fictions -- corporations -- that hold charters granted to them in some form by the State of State or STATE OF STATE organizations and are meant to apply only to the "citizens" and dependents --- Territorial Citizens and Municipal CITIZENS of the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government--- working and living temporarily as "residents" on our shores.

For those of you now reading this who are recalling all the "registration" processes you have undergone, you will now realize that you were "deemed" to be operating in the capacity of such a "citizen" or as an actual incorporated entity when you did so: vehicle registrations, birth registrations, voter registrations, registration of "Selective Service" applications, and so on, are all foreign to us and our land jurisdiction States and our People --- and are all executed in the international jurisdiction of the sea. 

So, obviously, your State Jural Assembly needs to have a Recorder, not a Registrar, and the primary duty of that Office needs to be keeping Records related to the Jural Assembly and its Members in order and secure.

Membership Records are confidential for the most part and only the names and addresses of the Jural Assembly Members are generally available.

Remember that in "re-populating" your soil and land jurisdiction State, you need not become a member of the State Jural Assembly.  You are welcome to function as a State National and have no obligation beyond keeping the peace and obeying the Public Law.

Remember also that in choosing to become a State Jural Assembly Member you are operating ---at least temporarily and successively, a Public Office --- that of "Juror", and as a Juror, you are considered to be a "State Citizen" in addition to being a "State National" while serving "Jury Duty".

Remember finally that the Officers you elect within the State Jural Assembly are accepting considerably more and different obligations than just serving as a Juror. Sheriffs and their Deputies typically serve in "on duty" and "off duty" shifts and on an "as needed" basis.  Judges and Coroners serve pretty much 24 hours and seven days a week and may be rousted out of bed at odd hours, required to travel within the State, etc,  Recorders like Sheriffs and Deputies enjoy more regular hours and schedules of "duty" which at the start of the Jural Assembly process are more or less loose and as necessary.

The State Recorder function is vital. It creates and preserves the Public and Private Records upon which the legitimacy and proof of the proper functioning
of the Jural Assembly depend.  Protecting the Person and the Records of the State Jural Assembly Recorder are therefore important considerations, and securing the Records in multiple copies and in multiple locations is also necessary.

Ideally, all Records are created in original triplicate at the time of their creation, with one copy going to the Jural Assembly Member, one going to the soil jurisdiction County level organization, and one remaining with the State Jural Assembly Recorder.  Realistically, at the beginning, we are all dealing with less than ideal circumstances and photocopies of documents may have to be accepted instead.

The necessity is to provide proof of Due Diligence when operating our State Jural Assemblies.

We need to qualify our Jurors which includes the documentation and declarations already discussed -- a Birth Certificate or similar public or private record showing when and where a man or woman was born, two Witnesses affirming the identity of Jural Assembly candidate, Act of Expatriation from Territorial or Municipal citizenship, Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance / Declaration of Permanent Domicile of our Given Names back to the land and soil of our respective States of the Union, Certificates of Assumed Name also removing their NAMES back to permanent domicile on the land and soil of the State, and a signed and witnessed Mission Statement/Jural Assembly Membership Agreement of the kind I provided as an example.

This creates a Record of the Origin of the Jural Assembly Member on American soil, a verification of their living identity by people who know them, and the rest of the documentation clearly demonstrates their intention to return home to the land and soil jurisdiction and to operate in their unincorporated capacity as one of the "people" and not as a "person".

This "package" is necessary to prove that the Juror is qualified to serve as a Juror of the State Jural Assembly, that the Juror is cognizant and freely choosing the capacity in which they are operating, which in turn validates the actions of the Jural Assembly as a whole.

The Recordkeepers are responsible for collecting, securing, and distributing this information as needed. Typically, the Juror will receive back a complete copy stamped by the Recorder, one copy will be kept by the State Jural Assembly, and one kept for the County Recorder. 

Committee of Safety members should have access to this information on an as needed basis and may maintain an active secure digital data base.

To an extent, all of this is to be treated as public information pertaining to someone holding a public office, without unduly disclosing or publishing anyone's private data.  For example, It may be necessary for members to show the Recorder a verified Birth Certificate to establish their place of birth or to produce other family-related documents, and for the Recorder to keep a black and white copy, but it is at no time desirable for a Recorder to unnecessarily divulge details obtained from such records or to keep original records. The Recorder should stamp the package as complete, scan it, distribute the copies, and secure the copies left in his or her possession.

Records of times, dates, quorums, meeting minutes and similar documentary evidence in support of the State Jural Assembly's activities should also be maintained both by the Recording Secretary and by the Recorder's Office.

Hopefully soon a complete understanding of the situation on the part of Territorial and Municipal Employees will lead to vastly increased cooperation as they wake up, too, and realize that we are not upstart insurrectionists or competitors for their jobs, but are and have always been their employers exercising rights, responsibilities and duties that have always been ours.

Such a peaceful resolution and understanding should lead to more cross-communication and cooperation and assistance becoming available from Territorial and Municipal personnel. 

For example, Travel Cards are appropriate to issue to Jural Assembly Members and others who have chosen to reclaim their State National status, instead of Driver Licenses.  Likewise, Regulation Z stamps can be issued to identify private cars and trucks in lieu of registration stamps.  Whether we do this for ourselves or instruct our employees to do it for us, these distinctions need to be made, and these services need to be made readily available without any suspicion, coercion, or obstruction by Territorial or Municipal employees.

The Recorders together with Recording Secretaries and Public Notaries elected, trained, and confirmed in Office by the actual State Jural Assembly together make up a team that evidences, secures, and officially affirms our political status, our identity, the capacity in which we are choosing to act, and which ultimately secures the peace and the proper functioning of the State Jural Assemblies and the country as a whole.

For All The Jural Assemblies - 11 "Committees of Safety"

By Anna Von Reitz

For All The Jural Assemblies - 11 "Committees of Safety"

In trying to find guidance in our shared past, many people including myself have diligently researched the practices of the Founders for help going forward.  This has resulted in many discoveries and helpful "traditions" coming from many substantially different local County and State Jural Assemblies.

In the eighteenth century communities were much more isolated than they are today and neighbors knew each other in ways and for purposes that are not much in evidence today. 

Your neighbor wasn't just someone who lived nearby. Your neighbor's character, skills, knowledges, physical strength, tools and willingness to share all the above had a direct impact on you and your family's safety and well-being.   The exigencies of life in the colonies promoted an awareness of "the common Good" and the "Public Welfare" that had nothing to do with public assistance checks or food stamps.

In the contentious days prior to the Declaration of Independence our once-relatively homogeneous communities were split between the Patriots and the Tories loyal to England. This split caused great social unrest and dis-ease that we can scarcely understand today, and affected people even in their religious practices.  Just as the Church of England separated from the Catholic Church over political and social differences, the American Anglican Church was split in half.  Patriots became Episcopalians and Tories remained Anglican.

I mention this only to demonstrate how deeply felt and how fundamentally disruptive the Revolution was. Suddenly, there were spies and enemies in every corner.  Your dear friends who were Tories no longer spoke to you, and vice versa.  People you had known and trusted and depended upon all your life for vital services would no longer do business with you, over the issue of Independence.

It was in this atmosphere in the years leading up to the Revolution that "Committees of Safety" were formed by the Patriots.  These Committees served a multitude of functions in all the various communities.  They provided an effective spy network to keep tabs not only on what the British were doing, but what their Tory neighbors were doing.  They organized assemblies at pubs and in churches and schools and private homes. They established stockpiles of guns and ammunition and food, medical supplies, and tools.

So now we come to a time when, as in the days before the Revolution, people are alarmed about the decayed state of our government and its now-obvious malfunctioning. 

Most people have not yet been told the history that got us here, but when they realize that a fundamental part of the Federal Government has been missing for 150 years, they listen up and begin to grasp the seriousness of the situation and also to realize the damage that has been done by those we trusted as our Allies in war and peace: Britain and the Roman Catholic Church.

This Gross Breach of Trust naturally engenders feelings of anger, fear, disorientation, and yes, a certain degree of paranoia.  Once again, "Committees of Safety" are forming.

I am not against the principle of having a "Committee of Safety" associated with each State Jural Assembly, but must advise that we are not at war and there is no intention or need for us to engage in any great struggle other than a mental and spiritual and emotional one.  The Law is firmly on our side of the issues and our jurisdiction;  our States and our Federation of States, were never even involved in the Civil War.  Our land and soil jurisdiction has been at peace continuously and remains so.

Ignorance of our own history and the fundamentals of law are our greatest enemies. 

Neither England nor the Church of Rome want to fight with us, and as for the respective Territorial and Municipal Governments, they are now largely staffed by other Americans -- howbeit, Americans employed by foreign powers -- who have no real interest in destroying property in America and fighting with their neighbors.

So the conditions now are fundamentally different than they were prior and during the Revolution and "Committees of Safety" though they may be helpful in organizing and coordinating various kinds of support, including physical support of Jural Assembly members, should not fall into the trap I described in "7 Discipline" as "the Safety Angle". 

It is and has long been the practice of Federal Agents, both Territorial and Municipal, to infiltrate Patriot organizations and cause both disruption and to promote various kinds of disinformation.  When all else fails, they try to induce a certain brand of paranoia and get people hatching "contingency plans" and stockpiling guns and that sort of thing so as to provide a rational excuse for arresting them.  When such moles get extremely desperate, they will also try to introduce contraband --- illegal weapons and substances --- that they use for the same purpose of providing an excuse for arrests.

It is therefore of the utmost importance to be prudent when organizing a Committee of Safety, and to not entrust its direction to hotheads and gullible people who will reliably fall victim to such intrigues and drag everyone else down with them. It is also necessary to explicitly restrict their activities in behalf of the State Jural Assembly per se.

In most State Jural Assemblies, the security for Assembly functions, meetings, and meeting spaces, is provided by an elected Marshal-at-Arms, with assistance from members of the Committee of Safety.  Their duty with respect to the State Jural Assembly is to provide a safe location for meetings, to be prepared to remove disruptive participants, to be aware of any "suspicious" activities (such as bringing in contraband) and to help organize the State Militia. 

Please note that the "State Militia" is a different and separate organization from the "State of State Militia", though in fact the members of "State of State Militias" are often confused and think that they are serving their State Militia instead.

State Militias are in fact staffed by members of the State Jural Assembly. Serving in and/or supporting the State Militia is one of the duties and responsibilities of State Jural Assembly membership. Men aged 21 to 45 who are physically fit are expected to join and support the State Militia upon acceptance into the State Jural Assembly. Conscientious Objectors are traditionally allowed to pay a fee in lieu of their Militia Duty, as are women and elders and others who for some physical or mental reason cannot serve.

The American Government at the State-level is set up like the Swiss Government.  Every Swiss is trained to use firearms and to serve their community in emergency capacities. They all know basic First Aid. They all belong to Community Safety Brigades.  This system is highly effective in promoting Public Safety, reducing crime, and keeping the peace. Jural Assembly Members have the respect and cooperation of local law enforcement and are not viewed as outsiders or threats.

Our land jurisdiction Sheriffs depend upon the Jural Assembly and the Committee of Safety for a ready supply of Deputies when the need arises.

All of this is perfectly normal, lawful, and our unarguable right to organize as part of our right to "peaceably assemble". 

The way to view this is that we are being more or less forced to accept the "services" of two very large multinational business conglomerates and they want to make sure that their contracts are renewed, so the nature of their activity is designed to squelch any effort that unfavorably reviews their performance or which seeks to alter the fast-and-loose administration of those services which they have hitherto enjoyed.

And, in the current climate, they are being obliged to compete with each other.

Suddenly, their standard of "service" is being examined by the people of this country and they are both found lacking.  This results in the Territorial Government administered by the Queen (like any business) initiating reforms to "keep their customers" and in the Municipal Government being administered by Municipal Congress trying to keep their slaves, too. 

The rest of us, especially members of the State Jural Assemblies, are stuck in the middle playing the role of a Performance Review and Oversight Committee and taking the necessary steps to enforce the contracts we have with these service providers --- the Constitutions, as well as addressing the more fundamental issues of finally reconstructing our own Federal States of States and ultimately, preparing for a Continental (Land Jurisdiction) Congress.

Outside of working with the Marshal-at-Arms to secure the meetings and meeting spaces of the State Jural Assemblies and helping with induction of Jurors as members and/or supporters of the actual State Militia, Committees of Safety should not engage in any activities that can be misconstrued as "anti-government" or "violent" or threatening. 

Committees of Safety are meant to coordinate the peacekeeping forces of our land and soil jurisdiction States and as we are not at war and have no need nor intention of fighting with our own Territorial or Municipal employees, the best additional use of the Committees of Safety is an educational one. We need outreach to and within the current existing military services and law enforcement agencies. 

They need to be apprised of the differences between the "State" and the "States of States" which have been operating on our soil, and they need to be reassured that our peacekeeping forces are intelligently managed and intent on keeping the peace--- not fomenting any kind of external controversy or war.

America belongs to Americans.  It is our right to act in our natural and birthright capacity, to "accept all gifts and waive all benefits" offered by foreign subcontractors, and to conduct our country's affairs according to the actual stipulations governing it.

Anyone who has any problem with that is obviously in the wrong, and acting on presumptions not in evidence in our Public Records.