Tuesday, July 31, 2012

[FreshOilReleases] Approaching Storm

Subject: [FreshOilReleases] Approaching Storm

Fresh Oil Releases

.......   We are on the verge of huge changes world-wide and each of us must listen carefully to the Lord’s specific personal instructions. They may not even make too much sense at the time but obedience is paramount for He knows what is waiting around the corner. ............  I would encourage you all to seek His face and come away with Him for strategy and direction for the days ahead. He holds the future and will give us understanding of the times so we know what to do.

The opening of the Olympics on the evening of the 27th July was hailed by some unsuspecting folks as a glorious event. However, the fact that they occurred on the evening of the 9th Av, a day known historically as disastrous for the people of God, should be a clear warning to those who have understanding of the times.

Satan always masquerades as an angel of light
and the clear ‘advertisement’  carried out exactly a week before by the shooting in Aurora during the film ‘The Dark Knight rising’ should have rung alarm bells in astute heads. Add to that the fact that Elton John’s new album, 'Say Good morning to the Night', opened at number 1 on the charts the week of the Olympic opening and one should be able to join the dots!! There are numerous articles on the internet covering both events so I will not go into it here. One place you can try is www.parablesblog.blogspot.com, which covers a number of aspects of these events.
(TW'S NOTE: I strongly encourage everyone to visit this site. Very interesting and informative and should give each one of us pause to think.)

Prov 27:12 and Prov 22:3 both say ‘ A prudent man sees the evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished [with suffering].’ The choice is ours. Will we heed the warnings given by the Spirit of God or will we be foolhardy and suffer the consequences thereof? There is a verse that has come to me repeatedly in the past two months:

Isa 26:20  Come, my people, enter your chambers and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the [Lord's] wrath is past.

Isa 26:21  For behold, the Lord is coming out of His place [heaven] to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth also will disclose the blood shed upon her and will no longer cover her slain and conceal her guilt.

God does not desire His people to suffer the same fate as the ungodly. Therefore, it is imperative that we do what Psalm 91 says and position ourselves in the secret place of the Most High. Make this Psalm a meditation point in the coming weeks for therein are the parameters of our safety and security for the days ahead.

On Saturday 28th, I heard a phrase in the Spirit, “Batten down the hatches!.  A storm is coming!” Not coincidentally, this phrase opens the new Batman movie!

......  Remember that the light in you will always be a beacon of hope to others as it gets darker around you. God’s light shines on in the darkness and has never been overcome by it!  Furthermore, the preparatory work done in you by the Spirit of the Lord has been to ensure you stand and emerge unscathed from the fiercest storm.

Grace and peace be upon your homes  ....  Christine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting, and the link to the other blog is amazing.