Question for the Cold Case Posse
New Ground to be Plowed by Detective Zullo on January 15
“Frank E. Holman, an early partner in the Seattle law firm now
known as Perkins, Coie (Obama’s law firm), was originally a supporter of the
United Nations, but soon
became an outspoken opponent of the United Nations… He
continuously warned America about the dangers of treaty laws and the United
Sheriff Joe Arpaio; Brian Reilly,
an initiator and member of the Cold Case Posse and former Board member of
and Sun City West Tea Party;
Mike Zullo, Chief Investigator of the Cold Case Posse
the uninitiated, the “Cold Case Posse” is the investigative unit that Maricopa
County AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio turned loose to delve into Obama’s eligibility,
initially focusing upon the so-called “birth certificate” and other vital
documents, such as Selective Service Registration and Social Security numbers,
all of which turned out to be fraudulent.
date and to the best of our knowledge, this is, curiously, the only official
investigation of Obama anywhere in the nation. Then, they also got into more
legal aspects of Obama’s eligibility, which opens up another can of worms and
is the subject of the January 15 meeting.
has been pushing certain UN treaties very hard, which could seriously undermine
our national sovereignty, Constitution and statutes, federal, state and local.
Brian asks why this wasn’t brought out before the election. Why indeed?
brief bio (Provided only to establish credibility.)
Reilly is an Arizona political activist who currently is on the board of Waking
Up America, a pro-Constitution Christian group. He is a former board member of
the Surprise Tea Party and the Sun City West Tea Party. While he was with the
Surprise Tea Party, Reilly developed and initiated the plan to request Sheriff
Joe Arpaio to criminally investigate the authenticity of President Barack
Obama’s Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth. From April 17, 2012 to June 30,
2012, Reilly was a sworn member of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Cold
Case Posse.
A Question for the Cold Case Posse
On January 15, at 6:30 PM, Investigator Mike Zullo of the Cold
Case Posse has been scheduled to give a presentation to a joint meeting of the
Surprise Tea Party and the Sun City West Tea Party.
Zullo will, according to the Sun City West Tea Party website, be speaking about
issues from the 1950s that have a striking similarity to current events such as
Agenda 21, World Government etc. Specifically he will be speaking about the Bricker
Amendment and the Connally Reservation.
Prior to my being sworn into the Cold Case Posse by Sheriff Arpaio
on April 17, 2012, I provided information regarding the Connally Reservation
and the Bricker Amendment and the abuse of treaty laws to
Investigator Zullo, in February and early March of 2012. In
addition, I provided the name of Frank E. Holman, former President of the
American Bar Association, 1948-1949, and the location of Mr. Holman’s personal
papers currently warehoused at the former Sandpoint Naval Air Station in
Seattle, WA. Mr. Holman was a Member of the Special Committee for the
Organization of the Nations for Peace and Law, 1944 and 1945. Mr. Holman was
also a member of the Special Committee for Peace and Law Through United Nations,
1946 and 1947. Mr. Holman was a Rhodes Scholar and the Senior Partner in the
Seattle law firm of Holman, Mickelwait, Marion, Black & Perkins. The
firm in 2006 became, Perkins Coie and now represents President Barack Hussein
Obama II.
Originally a supporter of the United Nations, Mr. Holman soon
became an outspoken opponent of the United Nations and worked tirelessly at his
own expense for ten years to expose the socialist and internationalist agenda
to transform America into a socialist state through international agreements,
conventions, and treaties associated with the United Nations.
The agenda to transform America through treaty law was best
expressed by the Communist Party USA in their official journal, Political
Affairs, April, 1945:
“Great popular support and enthusiasm for the [creation of the
United Nations and] United Nations policies should be built up, well organized
and fully articulate. But it is also necessary to do more than that. The
opposition must be rendered so impotent that it will be unable to gather any
significant support in the Senate against the U.N. Charter and the treaties
which will follow.” (my emphasis)
In 1952, in an address to the American Bar Association, Mr. John
Foster Dulles, before he became Secretary of State, issued the following
warning to the delegates:
“The treaty-making power is an extraordinary power liable to
abuse. Treaties make international law and also make domestic law. Under our
Constitution treaties become the supreme law of the land. They are indeed more
supreme than ordinary laws for congressional laws are invalid if they do not
conform to the Constitution, whereas treaty laws can override the Constitution.
Treaties for example, can take powers away from the Congress and give them
to the President: they can take powers from the State and give them to the
Federal government or to some international body and they can cut across the
rights given the people by the constitutional Bill of Rights.”
As a result of these warnings, Mr. Holman pushed forward with the
need for a Constitutional Amendment which would, at a minimum, prevent a
treaty or other international agreement that conflicts with any provision of
the Constitution from being of any force or effect. Mr. Holman’s efforts
with the help of the American Bar Association, lead to the proposed
Bricker Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which was submitted by Senator
John Bricker along with sixty-three other Senators, as
Senate Joint Resolution 1, in the 83rd Congress, 1st
The text of the Article is as follows:
1.) A provision of a treaty which conflicts with this
Constitution shall not be of any force or effect.
2.) A treaty shall become effective as internal law in the United
States only through legislation which would be valid in the absence of treaty.
3.) Congress shall have power to regulate all executive and other
agreements with any foreign power or international organization. All such
agreements shall be subject to the limitations imposed on treaties by this
4.) The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by
appropriate legislation.
5.) This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been
ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of
three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its
The Eisenhower administration (Republican Party), and the previous
Truman administration, (Democrat Party), worked feverishly to defeat the Bricker
Amendment. As a result, the Bricker Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
was defeated by 1 vote.
As a result of this vote, America, nearly six decades later, is
now facing the prospect of a U.N. Small Arms Treaty which may lead to civilian
disarmament in America. We also have President Obama, who under the United
Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 21, is considered
eligible to be President. Have you ever wondered why no court in the land has
ever allowed discovery regarding President Obama’s eligibility? Look to treaty
laws and other international conventions and agreements that the United States
is obligated to follow with the United Nations.
Agenda 21? Look no further than the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights from December 1948. Everyone has the right to
national healthcare, a clean, green environment, and the ability to freely
migrate from country to country. Yes, even illegal immigrants from Mexico have
the human right to come to the United States if they feel they are being
persecuted in their homeland. Open borders are a direct result of the U.N.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
All of the sovereignty robbing, treaty encroachments on our
domestic law that the United States currently faces can be traced back to our
entry into the United Nations treaty of 1945.
Some would argue that international treaties can’t override the
Constitution. In fact, in 1957, the Supreme Court in Reid v. Covert stated
it has regularly and uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution
over a treaty. That being said, it becomes clear that our
elected officials are not following the rule of law and are imposing
international treaties on America, and changing domestic law, all contrary to
our Constitution. United Nations Agenda 21 is a glaring example of how the
Constitution is being ignored by elected officials and trumped by an
international agreement.
With the United Nations came the formation of the World Court.
According to Mr. Holman, in a 1961 speech to the Suffolk Law School Alumni
Association he stated:
“The World Court is in no way bound or guided by any definite
rules or principles of law. It
is entirely free to make up its own rules and render any judgment it members
can agree on, as influenced by each judge’s own particular legal concepts, and
one may add, as influenced by his national pride or interest — and there is no
appeal. It is against this heterogeneous court, largely made up of
foreigners– a lawless court, because there are no established rules to govern
its deliberations–that the Connally Reservation is designed to protect our
American freedoms, both as individuals and as a nation.”
The Connally Reservation was introduced to the Senate by
Senator Connally of Texas and was passed by the Senate by a vote of 51 to 12 on
August 2, 1946. In essence, it avoided the absolute adherence of the United
States to the compulsory jurisdiction of the World Court. The United States was
free to determine whether a matter was domestic and not under the jurisdiction
of the World Court. The Connally Reservation is the key to keeping the World
Court out of American affairs. Look
for continued efforts to seek the repeal of the Connally Reservation by
socialists and internationalists.
Much of the preceding information I provided to Mike Zullo and the
Cold Case Posse in late February, early March, 2012.
Since February 2012, I have done what I could to get the information about the
dangers of treaty laws and our sovereignty robbing entanglement with the United
Nations disseminated to the public. On one occasion, on March 17, 2012 I had
the rare opportunity to interview Mr. John Stormer on radio KFNX, thanks to A
Call to Rights host, Mr. Steve Kates. Mr. Stormer wrote the now famous 1964
book, None Dare Call it Treason. On the air, Mr. Stormer confirmed my
observations that I now offer here in this article. For those who have a copy
of the DVD, Agenda, Grinding America Down, Mr. Stormer is featured in
the film making several observations about the socialist plan for America.
My question for Investigator Mike Zullo and the Cold Case Posse is
Why didn’t you prominently publicize the Holman information about
the Connally Reservation, the Bricker Amendment and Treaty Law abuse, prior to
the November 6, 2012 election?
In my opinion, you were in a prime position to expose this
information with major impact prior to the election. You had the opportunity to
show how America is being transformed into a socialist nation through
international agreements and treaties. You had the very key to the process that
socialists and internationalists are using to transform America. The public has
for decades questioned the unseen mechanism that is transforming America. The
abuse of Article VI, of the Constitution and the unlawful utilization of
international treaty laws by officials in government is the answer. Following
the rule of man, instead of the rule of law has altered our Constitutional
While I applaud Investigator Zullo for now bringing this
information forward, and I would encourage people to attend the presentation on
January 15, in my opinion, this information should have been prominently
presented on a continual basis, many months prior to the November 6, 2012
election. The Certificate of Live Birth investigation findings, along with Mr.
Holman’s information about the dangers of treaty laws, the Connally Reservation
as well as the Bricker Amendment should have been presented together. Had there
been a sense of urgency to expose this additional information, it could have
possibly saved us from an extension of the ongoing national crisis of the past
four years.
I have always given credit to the good Lord for the idea to
request Sheriff Joe Arpaio to criminally investigate the Obama Certificate of
Live Birth. The good Lord also provided me with a 58 year old book I
discovered on a dusty shelf that contained the name of Frank Holman on
two pages within the book. Until the book was discovered, I had never
heard of Mr. Holman. It didn’t happen by accident.
Frank E. Holman was a defender of the U.S. Constitution and
American sovereignty. He continuously warned America about the dangers of
treaty laws and the United Nations. He was a true American Patriot and he
believed in the following words of Thomas Jefferson:
“In questions of power, let no more be said of confidence in man,
but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”
Brian Reilly
Sun City West, Arizona
Source Information:
Selected Speeches and Articles
By Frank E. Holman, Past President of the American Bar Association
Story of the Bricker Amendment
By Frank E. Holman
The Life and Career of a Western Lawyer 1886-1961
By Frank E. Holman
None Dare Call it Treason
By John Stormer
But We Were Born Free
By Elmer Davis
The resources listed above may be available for sale on the out of
print book website: www.alibris.com
1 comment:
So, If I understand the United Nation Universal Declaration of Human Rights Agenda 21 says Obama can be president even with all info that he is a fake? Even with all the voter fraud. Some counties in states with over 100% voter turnout and 0 votes for the other side...hmmm! Makes you wonder who is in control..The United Nation of States. What about our Constitution? Oh that's right, The united Nations tells us what we can and can't do....Me Bad!
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