Monday, January 7, 2013



Subj: casper 1-7-13

There are many subjects worthy of attention right now and several recent weeks of events which WE could discuss but one current event takes precedence in our opinion so we will limit this update to this one very important subject.

New ‘players’ have appeared on the scene since last we wrote. I refer to The One Peoples Public Trust (TOPPT) folks, related announcements, audio interviews available at Rumor Mill News and subsequent ‘public’ conversation discussing the relevance from Prosperity Program Participants point of view. On the surface of it what their Trustee ‘Heather’ and other Trustees Randall and Caleb appear to have done and/or are attempting to do would certainly appear at first glance to be in the best interest of all Americans who wish to see an end to the ‘Corporation’, the Federal Reserve, the corrupt Cabal of Bankers and Politicians and an end to their use of the Legal Fictions known as our ‘Straw Man/Woman’ as the Capital Basis of the Corporation. And a return to Constitutional Law immediately and bad guys arrested and/or sent to the Hague and we are FREE and we all live happily ever after. What’s not to like? Would this not seem to be, if accurate and true, worthy of new history books praising those who have accomplished these things on behalf of all of us?

WE don’t profess to know what is accurate and true and what is not.

WE do have questions and observations and a report to make to those of you who have counted on us to bring you the current news and the best truth available as best we can identify it, all within our twenty year old caveat which says “WE don’t know everything”. And since WE don’t know everything but agree with those who are saying publically that we (we the people) have a right to know what is actually going on, then, on behalf of the several tens of thousands who follow our updates and the several hundred thousand who have an equity interest in the truth, THE WHOLE TRUTH, we address the following questions to TOPPT on our collective behalf.

Heather, if I may address you this way, are you using your real name? I ask because there is a rumor overseas that you are Chinese.

Have you and your allies been obstructing the funding/delivery of the Prosperity Programs for the last two years with the continuous filing of various claims and/or documents? Are you continuing to obstruct PP Deliveries with recent filings?

Are you co-operating with or in any way involved with the OITC?  With ‘Whistleblower’?

Are you and your allies attempting to control and/or direct the ‘Collateral Accounts’?

You and one of those interviewing you (‘D’/Removing The Shackles) say the Fed is down, was taken over or whatever, October 24, 2012. There is no public sign of this. Sources at UST say no, Bernanke is still scheduled to testify before Congress next month (regular schedule),  Regional Fed Bank Presidents are continuing to make speeches as recently as this weekend just ended, the St Louis Region President (Bullard) spoke openly this weekend about continuing to print money, the Fed is using thin air e-currency to buy 85 Billion of U.S. Sovereign and Agency Bonds each month, associated Central Banks (ECB, Bk England, Bk Japan) are continuing massive printing and distribution as announced publically by the various governments, in short the funny money funding of the hopelessly corrupt Status Quo continues without interruption with no visible sign that the Fed or the Corporation have any intention of changing their stripes. What are we missing/not seeing?

Why are your various documents virtually impossible to access, impossible to download/print or to forward and in many instances virtually unreadable? Do you intend to offer them in a more accessible way?

Our sources at the Hague say there have been no arrest, no one has been delivered there (you said 77 I think, or was it ‘D’ who said that)? Our Court Sources say they do not have the authority to arrest anyone in the U.S.. Why are they contradicting your reporting?

Over two decades WE have developed many sources in Law Enforcement, Marshalls Service, Military, Agencies, etc. all of which say they know of no unusual arrest going on now or in recent months. These arrest reports began 90 or so days ago and during that time WE have not been able to confirm any arrest other than those considered ‘normal’ as reported in the MSM. Why do you suppose none can confirm these 3 months of arrest reports?

We hear, again from overseas, that a scheduled meeting with attorneys investigating your claims and documents, scheduled later this week, has been cancelled by you or your attorneys. Why? You have made a very big deal of ‘transparency’ and expressed several times your willingness to answer questions. Have you changed your mind?

You said you have met WONG. Are you in any way involved with Wong and his recent delaying tactics?

I do hope you will see fit to answer these questions publically Heather. You have everyone’s attention here and ‘over there’. Many thousands of people have many many years and untold difficulties invested. If you and yours are ‘Wheeling and Dealing’ as interviewer ‘D’ asked, the people have a right to know don’t you think? If you have, over time, filed documents and continue to file documents which have the net effect of delaying deliveries, the people have a right to know don’t you think? If you are attempting to insert yourself into the twenty plus year old affairs of others regarding their funding and delivery the people have a right to know don’t you think?

WE (which means myself and those associated with me) much prefer to believe your description of your activities as delivered by you verbally (since we are unable to access the posted documents even after disabling security and fire walls, not even with adobe).  But WE can’t help but wonder why it has been made so difficult to access and assess your documents?  What a tremendous accomplishment it will be if in fact you have led ‘we the people’ in a successful assault upon the corrupt establishment resulting in the demise of the Corporation and our ‘Straw Man’.  A new group of ‘Founding Fathers’ and new history books.

Will you please address specifically Heather the rumors, stories and/or accusations that TOOPT is involved in delaying deliveries to Program Participants.

Thank you very much.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have had no problems in downloading the documents from their site and saving it to my computer and pulling up not only via Adobe but also the html version.

Marco said...

All I can say to the first comment by Anonymous January 7, 2013 8:32 PM

LOL OMG are you kidding me, are you saying don't ask questions in a world with such dis-info in abundance speeding like wildfire.

Remember, A lie can travel half way around the globe while the truth is still tying its shoes...

Anonymous said...

I was able to download all documents from Kauilapele's blog with ease.He has a direct link to download everything.And I mean everything.Nice job. Thank You

Anonymous said...

It is not important who is asking these questions Anon 8:32. The questions are legitimate and need to be asked if we are using due discernment. Do you not agree?

gittarpikk said...

I think that the questions are quite valid and appropo... and second the request for the answers...publicly...doesn't really matter who has ask them... or public opinion of him... but feel the request is very valid and the questions least for starters

Anonymous said...

Down with you Casper!

Anonymous said...

well, how does he get that Heather is Chinese? She didn't sound Chinese to me but I suppose she could be. The only thing that resonated is that no, it doesn't seem like anyone has been arrested or that they are threatened in any way. That part I have questioned myself. Geez, what a cess pool.

maddtom said...

Casper are you a Cheney stooge? Are you sanctioned by the Texas camp? What is really your story?

Unknown said...

As much as I want to believe what TOPPT is saying is real, I think some of these questions are valid and need to be answered; especially those regarding the continued operation of the Federal Reserve and the arrests. I also found a lot of what Heather has said regarding: what the people need to do to declare themselves free; when the interim governments will publicly take over; and when the mainstream media will be "freed" so that the announcements can be made; to be extremely vague. People want definite answers. People want a plan.

I've had no issues accessing the documents on the TOPPT site. I couldn't access them on my phone because there is no Microsoft Silverlight plugin for mobile browsers (that I'm aware of - not that I've looked hard). On a PC I can view them. I think that's just a case of a lack of technical proficiency causing 'Casper' to see a conspiracy where there is none.

It does seem odd to me that Microsoft Silverlight was used when, I believe, during the conversation between Brian, D and Heather, one of them stated that Microsoft was an integral part of the system of control.

Anonymous said...

even if Casper is a Cheney stooge he posed some good questions especially since I too was wondering about why we have seen no sign of arrests. How could they hide this and why? We the people deserve to know. I realize all the lizards are trying to make deals but enough is enough. Pappy Bush and his minion need to be hanged from the lamp posts at Hotel California.

Anonymous said...

The OITC does not exist

Mary said...

I agree with ANON 8:32. Seems now that FINALLY now that someone is willing to SPEAK UP about the CONTINUAL DELAYING TACTICS and WHO is responsible, along with all those OTHERS MAKING "DEALS", all those SECRET-KEEPERS like Casper and Drake just can't STAND it! Oh....and I'd like to remind everyone that almost 100% of the Whistleblowers have been WOMEN. The MEN just can't seem to get the JOB DONE or EXPOSE the bad guys (look at Bush Sr's 50 years of blatant crimes and NOT A PEEP from ALL THOSE MILITARY WORKING FOR HIM.) GO HEATHER! Thank God for you!

Anonymous said...

What's the fuss? If she's not legit, she would fizzle out. Why is everyone up in arms????
She must be stepping on some toes because I hear a lot of OUCH's :)

Anonymous said...

Come on, Casper is one of the biggest disinfo ghost on the net.
Like every one else i have no problem downloading the documents.
And what contacts does he have in the Hague. Give me some names.
I can claim that to, i live in Holland.

I'm sick and tired of people attacking lightworkers who are working hard for the freedom of humanity.
They put so much effort in debunking. If they would use the same effort to help free humanity like others do with danger to their lives our planet would be a much better place to live.

Anonymous said...

Caspers questions have no validaty whatsoever. Its a bunch of BS thats based on wrong assumptions with the sole purpose to debunk. If you are for real why dont you give your real name and show your face instead of cowardly use attack and hide tacticts. Heather is known and is working hard for humanity you should do the same if you are a human beiing. In due time the true will set us free.

Anonymous said...

Casper...are you Dick Cheney?

char said...

This guy smells like a rat!

Anonymous said...

Seriously this guy is Texas Camp/ Bush cabal. Heather doesn't OWE YOU ANYTHING. We are tired of your LIES. Next week!! Tomorrow!! Kick Rocks.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you can hire your services out to Casper. Just make sure none of his face shooting friends are there.

Anonymous said...

Simply questions we all want to know. Has to do with establishing credibility, and at the moment it is shaky at best..

Anonymous said...

The questions are fair. Please use this opportunity to answer. We the people demand it.

outlawjjsmith said...

CASPER THE SHRILL ASKING QUESTIONS, Give me a break!! You of all people need to be asking questions about yourself, You have been full of nothing but disinformation and you certainly don't deserved any answers to the lies that you have insinuated knowing already what those answers are. If you are capable of reading and doing research your mouth wouldn't overload your ass. Go back to your cave and try studing hieroglyphics for a few years you might learn something that will as plain as the nose on your face and for those that can't comprehend the meaning of what is going on please join Casper there is plenty room at the end!!!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I found a couple more videos on the tube w/ Her and C. Miller (his name is in the docs) - don't recall how I found them but it shows TOPPT has been talking to people for a couple years.

Whether real or not the "info agents" we've been listening to should have known who they are and what they were doing.

Anonymous said...

HELLO!!!! Remember the evil one controls both sides. Both of these schils leave us unsure of who they are and where they stand too keep us busy debating nonsense. "Divide and conquer" and if you read the comments You'll see how successful they are at it.

Anonymous said...

Much of what Heather said reminded me of some of the things Dove Of Oneness said. And Dove, sadly, turned out to be so very much wongly informed. All her claims about people in Orange County, CA having their mortgages forgiven, and all those stories about people having conversations with bank managers and tellers always ending with a knowing winked and smile, were pure fantasy. The questions should be asked of Heather, as well as as a bunch for Casper and Poof. But I do not expect any of them to answer much of anything. No arrests as Heather claims, no packs ever having been chased from city to city as Casper claims, and Poof's many, many, many, many, many goodbye's.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand you Casper bashers...........He has been updating us for years and has not been wrong yet. Casper has a way of knowing the truth and he is only trying to help us understand what is happening.

Aren't we tired of the hopium yet......That's all we ever get anyway and as far as my insider contact, all we are ever going to get. Don't you folks know that the funds were stolen years ago.

Who is this Heather person - she must have some kind of power.

Just stop bashing - Casper knows the truth - you don't. You folks should be grateful that he tells it like it is - If you want to blame someone for not receiving you funds you should blame yourself for being stupid enough to invest in something like this. Get real, get a job, get whatever and get over it. "Ainta" gonna happen......................

Anonymous said...

I dont know this Casper guy but I am just a nobody and I would like these questions answered. I know that when I make public notices once they become law I have to enforce it in court. I havent seen any enforcement on this public notice nor have I been able to find it in public records except on the net. If it is filed with the Hague and if it is to be implimented where is the ways and means that provide for its implimentation that should be on record? I would love for this to be true but I know when people get arrested they arent caught and released without due process and that too should be a matter of public record. Like I say it may be law on paper but its not law on the ground and I reserve my right to continue to be aware that this too could be a hoax. We have been lied to at every turn. We are kept in a stall position waiting for the calvary that never comes but the cabals tyranical laws still keep getting passed in our halls of government. Are we to wait yet again because as far as I can see TPTB have started closing in on us with these laws and they are almost done with this tyranical apparatice while we wait on the calvary that never comes.

Bonnie in Michigan said...

Casper alluded to TOPPT holding up deliveries for the two years with filings. If that is the case, wouldn't Casper had known that with all of his fabulous contacts instead of the packie ping-pong he "reported" on for this time period? aka: Obama stop them, Bush stop them, Hillary went shopping with the card (yes being sarcastic here), etc... Should cause one to wonder how good is his info....

Anonymous said...

I will second that motion...He is a dis-info agent...nice try, Casper

Anonymous said...

I have been hearing about all these arrests and resignations world wide for months, but yet it seems to still be business as usual as well and an increase of force and violence around this world. The latest madness,

I say those who are making all these claims step up to the plate and prove and validate with solid evidence instead of just words on paper. I too want to trust and believe that we are moving to the right side of history, but how do you expect anyone to have that trust and faith when all the madness still continues all the way down to us living in these local empires that most call counties? What about the present corporate fascist regime everyone still calls a government that continues to threaten us with, Death by Gun Control,
What about the on going acts of treason coming out of the District of Criminals and it continues to be business as usual? We may as well be living in the Twilight Zone.
So, all these in the know gurus, channelers, saints, etc that keep posting all this stuff about the world changing for the better, PROVE IT or get off the blogs.

Anonymous said...

OMG when are we going to get the truth? can anyone tell the truth? how could we ever know?

N.J. Lawcynell said...

I have had no trouble reviewing the documents at all I have even looked at them on a number of different computers. I googled heathers name and she is real out of Washington state you can even see that she was once a lawyer as she claimed. Sooo...Casper have you tried a different computer or trind the internet? American Kabuki has even put this info in one neat little package have you tried that?

Anonymous said...

He not only smells like a rat ,he is a rat. I have heard nothing but lies from him. He can get off his ass and do the same thing Heather did but he did not. Heather is not your servant casper so get lost. Get back in the sewer drain.

Anonymous said...

Woo you demand it. I bet Heather jumps to your command mickey mouse.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for writing this CASPER but shouldn't you sign your work?

Anonymous said...

Egg should be on Casper's face because Heather dissed him big time and only answered one of his questions through D at RTS, the one about the alleged attorney meeting that was canceled. So much for your intel, Casper.

And Heather purportedly being Chinese? WTF does that have to do with anything?? Did she say what race/nationality she was? Is it impossible to be Chinese and have a name like Heather? If she were Chinese, would that make a difference?

What a joke, you can't but everyone else on the planet can download the People's Trust Documents.

And it's not about asking the questions, it's the manner in which they're asked. As D said in her latest, Casper hasn't attempted to contact her OR Heather, so obviously he's grandstanding by putting these questions on here instead of being somewhat intelligent and going to the source.

Anonymous said...

All anyone needs to do is checkout the Washington state bar to see if someone is or was a lawyer in that state.

Anonymous said...

Simple to checkout a lawyer just go to the state bar site type in lawyers name if they are or have been a lawyer in that state it should show up.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you totally!!! Is easy for anyone to grab the mic and proclaim us free. One thing that struck me as odd was, in the interview with Heather the moderator tried several times to get concise info about how to go about proving to the system they are not longer in control of us, she NEVER give a direct answer, she urged us to be polite, to be courteous and it almost sounded like it is."behave, know your place, you are in the presence of authority" It will also be interesting to know the necessary steps we need to take to get our 5 billion dollars, I hope when she explains that, she will do it like we are 3 years old. LOL! Another thing that was odd for me was, she said we need to "test" this affirming our new free status, wouldn't it be easier for them to make an announcement and put the Judicial System (police courts, etc.,), the IRS, The Fed, etc on notice?? I mean, once you defeat the cabal you can defeat anyone! and controlling the Media should not be problem. I am not a Casper, Cobra, Drake, Erasmus or Poof supporter, I wish I could be a Heather supporter but unfortunately she had left me with more questions than answers.