The Shackles
Posted: 21 Jan 2013 11:42 AM PST
another person pointing to today being an important date:
21.1.2012 for release of these documents is chosen for its importance and now
the mankind has 60 days to set the scene to achieve what his forefathers
could not do for thousands of years, and by signing himself into accepting
peace in its true sense individually and collectively."
Today is the Choice Point. I will be back later tonight to talk about this in more detail, and to talk about the corruption and mass confusion that is overwhelming those that are behind the scenes.
Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference
The Keshe Foundation made a promise that
it will release a request and information on its forum today about the next
step with release of its technologies for bringing peace and equality for
The following four PDF documents blow in this link are important and to be understood individually and then collectively as one unified paper. We have not suggested a place and/or venues in our invitation letter for peace conference, as we thought that mankind choice will be the most appropriate. This peace conference can be held in Tehran, UN offices in New York, Beijing, Moscow or any another place on earth as location can be acceptable to all. The point is not the venue, but to achieve the world peace for Mankind. The 21.1.2012 for release of these documents is chosen for its importance and now the mankind has 60 days to set the scene to achieve what his forefathers could not do for thousands of years, and by signing himself into accepting peace in its true sense individually and collectively. As a race now the man has the technology in hand to enforce world peace and the man collectively has the determination to achieve it. To be able to achieve the world peace and see the process through, the Keshe Foundation is moving its headquarters to a new location and out of its present prison of Belgium, which has been enforced on it by international political pressure for the past nine years. The Foundation will soon announce where it will make its new home so that we can see this treaty safely through. In this way all political restrictions and press restriction on the Keshe Foundation will be removed and we will collaborate with all citizens of the world to make sure that the world peace treaty day can be realised. Please collaborate with the Foundation and let today be the day when the man starts a new chapter for the humanity and in reaching our goal to let every man on this planet to accept and sign themselves into the world peace treaty with their deeds, their hearts, their soul and intheir words. The Foundation calls upon world citizens to do what you have done in the last twelve months and as individuals to become a MESSENGER OF PEACE for your home, city, nation and mankind, and take the messages in these four letters to all world leaders, world ambassadors, mayors, religious leaders, your neighbour, brothers and sisters. By putting these four letters on everywhere, be it on the net, media, social medias, home, work place, palaces, parliaments and by encouraging your governments, leaders of communities and individuals to sign the treaty and to organise and attend peace conferences organised by you and your nation. Please do with this message as you did with encouraged your governments in accepting the spaceship technology USB key. I thank you for your support and hope we can achieve together in short time what has eluded the mankind form the beginning of time. It is time to start a new chapter in the life of the man on earth, where peace and to serve humanity becomes the centre and focal point of every man and not the false materialistic life of today which has brought about so much misery for the man from his inspection on this planet. I cannot imagine that any true man of peace or world leader will refuse to sign and act up on what he has signed his nation, faith and himself into with signing of this treaty. PDF Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference PDF An insight into the Future of Man on Earth PDF The Status of Scientists PDF WORLD PEACE TREATY document to sign M T Keshe The Founder of the Keshe Foundation |
Posted: 21 Jan 2013 06:52 AM PST
read this amazing outpouring of remembering and love. I was gob smacked
when I read this as Heather and I had been discussing so many of these things
between ourselves this weekend. There is amazing truth written here which
plays into the excitement that this week brings.
The illusion of "Hierarchy" is just that, an Illusion. Those that have built up this illusion do not wish to let go of their position in the pyramid, and yet now they have been woken to the truth: We are all ONE. As Above, so Below. As Below, so Above. .....Apparently they needed to be reminded of this. That reminder was delivered last week.
Heaven And Earth
We stand this present moment, between heaven and earth, Gaia
and Sol.
Surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses on land, sea and
who both fear our duality and praise our promise of
Oneness and rebirth.
We give great honor to those who have journeyed far from their
star, to visit ours.
We thank you for the messages you’ve sent, channeled through
being, media, music and art.
We’ve tried to listen, even while our perception was
attenuated by the interlopers.
Signal received.
Time lines are converged.
You’ve sent your own sons and daughters to be born as one of
to aid us in our long climb from the depths.
We thank them and you.
It was a good plan.
Yet it is US, who have been prisoner of the darkest powers,
Some not our own own who fled in retreat here to be with their
kind because they fear light
And found our enslavement an ample source of sustenance.
It has been US who have been reborn life after life under the
most brutal and cruel circumstances.
We know you want to wait for the perfect moment when our own
kind pose no harm to you.
Yet we, who have not yet your abilities must stand here and
face the same.
If we can face these beings, in this thick pea soup energetic,
why can’t you?
If not now? When?
Are you more fearful of death than we?
Can any appearance by you,
be worse that the children slaughtered each day by the dark ones?
What about us?
Creator Source gave great mercy and grace to the corner stones
not just the sage from Galilee, but all 7 billion of us.
Source chose to create a new seed of human, a new line of
the merging of Angel and Man, for the Service of One,
In physicality.
We knew light, and we have seen great darkness.
We know all exists in Creator Souce.
Never in our darkest moments did the Source of All abandon us,
will you?
Even when we were not deemed suitable for contact, nor even
safe to encounter.
Quarantined like a plague infested town.
Consider it was not safe for even us, but here we remain,
struggling with great ardor towards the light
like a young field of sunflowers tracking the Sun so
Source has smiled upon our venture.
Ascended ones,
You call yourself Masters, but have your forgotten your
There is only one living gold, Love.
And the only way one gets wealthy with this kind of gold,
it is to give as much as possible away,
For it comes from an inexhaustible mine.
There is in each of us a diamond,
made from the carbon of our hearts.
Forged in the heat and pressure of life on Gaia.
It has been a rough cut diamond,
We know that.
It comes in many colors.
But soon it will sparkle in the Light.
Do you fear Oneness more than us?
Will you not come to our aid
In our moment of need?
Will you choose
Protocol over LOVE?
We love you.
We are sorry.
Forgive us.
We choose you.
Return us our heritage,
Our inheritance,
There is only NOW.
We love you all.
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