We all know that
NESARA/GESARA being announced is the ultimate goal. It informs the masses of
the end of the prison planet and the beginning of the Golden Age of freedom and
prosperity. How that happens remains to be seen. I believe we are at a point
where many messengers have some of the truth but no one has all the truth.
Therefore, I suggest that we listen to all the messengers, chew on the meat and
spit out the bones. In other words, keep an open mind, use discernment and if
you know that something is false then throw out that bit of information but
don’t throw out the messenger out if you believe they are sincerely trying to
get at the truth. It might be good to just bounce things off others as well for
further insight. –B
Boehner gave an interesting
message on TV. –B

“They” created systems
of hierarchies, one form of "archy","ism" and
"ocracy" after another.
“They” knew that to keep up this synthetic entropic reality of scarcity, they must always polarize the humans who still had energetic ties to Creator Source within their hearts. For if the People awakened…the illusion would fall.
Control is an Illusion...
One People's Public Trust belongs to All the People on the Earth Equally.
Divide and Control...
“They” divided humanity with religions, ideologies and political factions to keep The People in their seats within the system and so busy “just surviving”, The People never had time to simply BE.
The spiritual traditions were twisted, the judges corrupted, and the educational systems were all designed to teach people, this was the natural order of things.
The People have created “Legal Frameworks” called CVACs, which will act as interim governments for all peoples' nations. A sum of $500,000,000 in lawful gold and silver is allocated from each 10 Billion in gold and silver, owed to each human on the Earth (All 7 Billion of Us) in equity, to each of the 194 CVACs to fund their start-up.
Once fully executed by lawful military and law enforcement, “OPPT” will bring substantial prosperity to humanity, but its much bigger than that. It's the Legal and Lawful basis for the complete, permanent removal of the “slavery system” the controllers instituted.
Below, you will find templates for actions we can take to declare our Freedom, our Individual Sovereignty, our Oneness as a people (planetarily speaking), as well as our Oneness with the Creator. And the side benefit is that we step out of all the corporate traps (you know, corporation USA, corporation CANADA (and here), corporation AUSTRALIA, et al.) that we have unknowingly (and possibly unwillingly) stepped into.
Click HERE for templates
Below is a video on the instructions for these templates:
“They” knew that to keep up this synthetic entropic reality of scarcity, they must always polarize the humans who still had energetic ties to Creator Source within their hearts. For if the People awakened…the illusion would fall.
Control is an Illusion...
One People's Public Trust belongs to All the People on the Earth Equally.
Divide and Control...
“They” divided humanity with religions, ideologies and political factions to keep The People in their seats within the system and so busy “just surviving”, The People never had time to simply BE.
The spiritual traditions were twisted, the judges corrupted, and the educational systems were all designed to teach people, this was the natural order of things.
The People have created “Legal Frameworks” called CVACs, which will act as interim governments for all peoples' nations. A sum of $500,000,000 in lawful gold and silver is allocated from each 10 Billion in gold and silver, owed to each human on the Earth (All 7 Billion of Us) in equity, to each of the 194 CVACs to fund their start-up.
Once fully executed by lawful military and law enforcement, “OPPT” will bring substantial prosperity to humanity, but its much bigger than that. It's the Legal and Lawful basis for the complete, permanent removal of the “slavery system” the controllers instituted.
Below, you will find templates for actions we can take to declare our Freedom, our Individual Sovereignty, our Oneness as a people (planetarily speaking), as well as our Oneness with the Creator. And the side benefit is that we step out of all the corporate traps (you know, corporation USA, corporation CANADA (and here), corporation AUSTRALIA, et al.) that we have unknowingly (and possibly unwillingly) stepped into.
Click HERE for templates
Below is a video on the instructions for these templates:
Current Financial News
Posted on 01/18/2013 by Drake
(Scanned article.)

This as far as I know is BREAKING NEWS.
From the information received privately as well as RT, I must state this is really the first act to clean house relating to arrests of the CABAL.
Her Majesty the Real Buddha is going to follow the will of her Family which is to keep the world’s peace.
We just might be in a better position and cannot be any worse than the deadbeats that have been playing us for more than 100 years.
[11:16:06 AM] Neil Keenan: the Royal Family Trust has already been turned over to the Emperor and she is cleaning house from what we can see from the Russian Television Network RT. People are being fired holding high governmental positions in China and Traders and Bankers are being taken directly from their positions of power in Hong Kong and taken directly to jail. They are not passing Go.
~ Drake
Update Jan 20th: Where is it?
By D.
January 20, 2013
Good evening my friends! After a ridiculously busy day I returned to RTS tonight knowing that there would be a sh*t load of negative comments and taunts. I'm exhausted so I'm not going to get into a major article tonight though.
I'm not even going to attempt to reply to each of the 276 comments on yesterday’s article- I think that Blogger might have a nervous breakdown if I did, lol.
So let's just talk about it here.
Now, many people are calling me a disinformation agent, a shill (not sure how that works as this is my blog, lol), a psy-ops agent, etc... and of course belittling and jeering the intel and information that I reported here. That's fine- as I always say, everyone is welcome to their own opinion and to believe what they want to believe. I think that most of those who posted ranting comments don't really want answers, but are more interested in getting other readers to turn away.
Those are NOT the people I'm writing this for.
Right now, all over the world there are a huge amount of people who are sitting back scratching their heads, saying "WTF?!" ... and I'm not talking about you guys. I'm talking about the people who KNOW what's been going on in Washington DC and all over the world.
There are a sh*t load of people basically having a freak out right now and I'm not talking about your average John Q Public type people here. Why? Because they Know what was supposed to happen, they know what they were told would happen, they know what (supposedly) happened this week....yet, there is Supreme Court Justice Roberts swearing in Obama.
The information and intel that I have written about over the past few weeks is absolutely correct. We've had so many confirmations of so many facts from so many areas of government(s), 3 letter agencies, military, business/financial... the cross examination of every aspect of every piece of information has been meticulously combed through and everyone involved has agreed that it is accurate.
For weeks we've been hearing "Announcements today/tonight/tomorrow!!" and yet.... nothing. This past week we were told "Announcements will happen any moment!" and yet... nothing.
If you listened to the radio show I did with Lisa Harrison last week HERE I talked a bit about what is happening, and the Why. (I come in at the 43 minute mark)
Why haven't they made "The" announcement? Why hasn't the RV, and the new financial system, and the release of the various funds happened?
What else happened in December? There were two extremely exciting things that happened. On December 21st the energy of our planet shifted dramatically. On December 25th The People's Trust UCC filings were made public.
I will go into more detail on both of these topics tomorrow as I'm seriously wiped out and in need of sleep. I will say this for now though: This week should be an amazing week.
A quote from D in the Skype RTS chat room..
“Heather said that TODAY is the day of choices- that it's the day that they all make their final and lasting choice."
Between Heaven and Earth
By D.
January 20, 2013
Please read this amazing outpouring of remembering and love. I was gob smacked when I read this as Heather and I had been discussing so many of these things between ourselves this weekend.
There is amazing truth written here which plays into the excitement that this week brings.
The illusion of "Hierarchy" is just that, an Illusion. Those that have built up this illusion do not wish to let go of their position in the pyramid, and yet now they have been woken to the truth:
We are all ONE.
As Above, so Below. As Below, so Above.
...Apparently they needed to be reminded of this. That reminder was delivered last week.
Between Heaven and Earth
We stand this present moment, between
heaven and earth, Gaia and Sol.
Surrounded by such a great cloud of
witnesses on land, sea and space,
who both fear our duality and praise our
promise of Oneness and rebirth.
We give great honor to those who have
journeyed far from their star, to visit ours.
We thank you for the messages you’ve
sent, channeled through being, media, music and art.
We’ve tried to listen, even while our
perception was attenuated by the interlopers.
Signal received.
Time lines are converged.
You’ve sent your own sons and daughters
to be born as one of us,
to aid us in our long climb from the
We thank them and you.
It was a good plan.
Yet it is US, who have been prisoner of
the darkest powers,
Some not our own who fled in retreat
here to be with their kind because they fear light
And found our enslavement an ample
source of sustenance.
It has been US who have been reborn life
after life under the most brutal and cruel circumstances.
We know you want to wait for the perfect
moment when our own kind pose no harm to you.
Yet we, who have not yet your abilities
must stand here and face the same.
If we can face these beings, in this
thick pea soup energetic, why can’t you?
If not now? When?
Are you more fearful of death than we?
Can any appearance by you,
be worse that the children slaughtered each day by the dark ones?
be worse that the children slaughtered each day by the dark ones?
What about us?
Creator Source gave great mercy and
grace to the corner stones overlooked,
not just the sage from Galilee, but all
7 billion of us.
Source chose to create a new seed of
human, a new line of being,
the merging of Angel and Man, for the
Service of One,
In physicality.
We knew light, and we have seen great
We know all exists in Creator Source.
Never in our darkest moments did the
Source of All abandon us, will you?
Even when we were not deemed suitable
for contact, nor even safe to encounter.
Quarantined like a plague infested town.
Consider it was not safe for even us, but here we remain,
struggling with great ardor towards the
like a young field of sunflowers
tracking the Sun so bright.
Source has smiled upon our venture.
Ascended ones,
You call yourself Masters, but have your
forgotten your humanity?
There is only one living gold, Love.
And the only way one gets wealthy with
this kind of gold,
it is to give as much as possible away,
For it comes from an inexhaustible mine.
There is in each of us a diamond,
made from the carbon of our hearts.
Forged in the heat and pressure of life
on Gaia.
It has been a rough cut diamond,
We know that.
It comes in many colors.
But soon it will sparkle in the Light.
Do you fear Oneness more than us?
Will you not come to our aid
In our moment of need?
Will you choose
Protocol over LOVE?
We love you.
We are sorry.
Forgive us.
We choose you.
Return us our heritage,
Our inheritance,
There is only NOW.
We love you all.
Are Western Powers Trying To Start
War In Asia To Distract Attention From Their Sahara Land Grab?
By Benjamin Fulford
January 21, 2013

It is hard for many of us aware folks to realize that many people still believe Zionist newspaper accounts that label “Al CIAda” as an Islamic movement. These days though, even the brain-washed slaves getting their information from so-called newspapers like the Jew York Times must be suffering from cognitive dissonance as they read the West is supporting Al CIAda in Syria and Libya but fighting against them in Mali and Algeria.
What is really going is a land grab in the Sahara aimed at getting Western control of newly discovered deposits of oil, uranium, gold and other resources in the vast but largely empty Sahara. This land grab may also be aimed at grabbing what will become choice real estate if suppressed energy technology is used to start massive sea-water desalination projects aimed at turning the deserts green.
At the same time, the Western powers are doing their utmost to distract Asia from this by stoking jingoistic feelings over some tiny Islands. Those tiny islands are nothing more than a worm on a hook and the new Chinese regime seems to be falling for this scam hook, line and sinker.
Also, last week there were reports that the Shah will return to Iran, China will have an Empress and that there has been a coup d’etat in the Japanese imperial household. (This is significant. We are talking regime changes here. –B)
The reports about the Shah and the Empress both come from a CIA source and have been partially confirmed by other sources. In specific, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi did not die of cancer shortly after being ousted from power but instead was put in the FBI’s witness protection program. The Shah, who would be now 93 (if the reports are correct), and his 52-year old son, Reza Cyrus Pahlavi, have mobilized the ancient Persian Green dragon secret society to prepare for their return, the CIA source says.
This fits with other continuing signs of a generalized Muslim mobilization with tacit US support. In Egypt, for example, President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood did not win the election but was given the job of president at the insistence of the Pentagon, according to a senior Japanese government Middle East expert who just returned from a fact finding trip to the region.
This corroborates what sources in the BIS, the CIA, MI5 and the Vatican all say: that there is a movement to revive the Caliphate and create a Muslim super state.
It is also worth noting that the plant at the center of the hostage crisis in Algeria appears to contain several giant water holding ponds and may have been involved in desalination and desert greening experiments. Also, it is clear very few of the attackers in that incident were Algerian. Instead, it seems to be elements of the same Western mercenary army that attacked Libya and overthrew Colonel Gaddafi. One of the main aims of overthrowing Gadaffi was to seize his vast projects to turn the deserts green.
That brings us to the French and US military intervention in Mali. While taking over Mali is certainly part of a bigger desert land grab by the west, there may also be a very specific French and US motive to invade that country at this time: gold.
Last week the German central bank asked the Federal Reserve Board to return 300 tons and the French Central Bank to return 374 tons of gold. Both answered that it would take 7 years to return. Given that Mali’s gold production is 85 tons a year (according to 2006 statistics), 7 years of Mali’s gold production would be almost exactly enough to pay back France’s gold debt to Germany and the amount being requested from the Fed.
The German request for gold repatriation comes after gold coated tungsten bars were found at the German central bank, according to an MI5 sources. That means the Germans have joined the British and Chinese central banks as victims of tungsten fraud originating, apparently, from the Federal Reserve Board during the years Bill Clinton was in power, the MI5 source says.
If you start to read about some sort of “crisis” in Ghana over the coming months, you can be fairly sure the Fed is involved and it is connected to that countries’ 100 ton a year gold production.
Meanwhile, in Asia, home to 85% of the world’s historical gold reserves, moves continue to try to inject this gold into the international financial system. To this end the Asians are proceeding with legal action to force the Fed and the European central bank to return Asian gold they borrowed in the 1930’s.
This is where the talk of an Empress returning to China comes into play. The rights to most of the Asian gold legally belong to the Qing dynasty and to assert those rights the Chinese allowed a Qing dynasty empress to return to China in February last year, according to a CIA source. One FBI source also mentioned a Chinese empress. Chinese sources also acknowledge this but become clearly nervous when the subject is brought up and say it is supposed to be kept a secret.
In Japan as well, the Imperial family has begun to reassert its historical rights to the distribution of yen. The Empress Michiko and her second son, the Prince Akishino, are said to be the most assertive members of the immediate royal family on this point. This is what is behind Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s aggressive yen printing, according to a senior member of a Japanese right wing group. If this is true, then it is more bad news for the Federal Reserve Board and the Zionists who had seized the rights to the yen.
From the perspective of the Federal Reserve Board and the elders of Zion who control it, the best way to get out of this mess would be to start a war in Asia. That is why they have been trying so hard to provoke a war between China and Japan over some tiny disputed islands.
A Chinese communist government source with politburo links says there is a push by hawks in the government to have a short, sharp border war with Japan similar to ones they have had with India, Russia and Vietnam since coming to power. They want to use a war over the disputed Senkaku/Daiyu Islands as a first step in taking over the entire Okinawan archipelago, the source says.
The Japanese hawks, for their part, think they can wipe out the Chinese Navy and Air-force in 3 days and would like a chance to do just that. What the Japanese hawks fail to realize is that in such a fight Taiwan, with its modern air-force and navy, would fight on the Chinese side. At the time of this writing, somebody had hacked Google Earth and put a giant Taiwanese (Nationalist Chinese) flag on the largest of the disputed islands.
What the hot-heads on both sides need to do is realize that they are in danger of falling into a very cleverly laid Zionist trap that would result (no matter who won) in the destruction of emerging Asian unity.
The other thing that is going on in Asia is that Myanmar is being set up as a replacement for North Korea as the major drug production base in Asia, according to a source in the drug dealing faction of the CIA.
What the Asians need to do is reflect on the past murderous actions of the Zionists in Asia and kick the bums right out of the whole region. To prevent further Western trouble-making, they also need to set up an international economic planning agency to finance a swords-to-plowshares transition of the military industrial complex.
Below is a very important announcement from the Keshe Foundation. –B
Important announcement by the Keshe Foundation
Signing of the World Peace Treaty and World Peace Conference

Category: Introduction
The Keshe Foundation made a promise that it will release a request and information on its forum today about the next step with release of its technologies for bringing peace and equality for Mankind.
The following four PDF documents blow in this link are important and to be understood individually and then collectively as one unified paper.
We have not suggested a place and/or venues in our invitation letter for Peace Conference, as we thought that mankind [making the] choice will be the most appropriate.
This peace conference can be held in Tehran, UN offices in New York, Beijing, Moscow or any another place on earth as location can be acceptable to all.
The point is not the venue, but to achieve the world peace for Mankind.
The 21.1.2012 for release of these documents is chosen for its importance and now the mankind has 60 days to set the scene to achieve what his forefathers could not do for thousands of years, and by signing himself into accepting peace in its true sense individually and collectively.
As a race now, the man has the technology in hand to enforce world peace and the man collectively has the determination to achieve it.
To be able to achieve the world peace and see the process through, the Keshe Foundation is moving its headquarters to a new location and out of its present prison of Belgium, which has been enforced on it by international political pressure for the past nine years.
The Foundation will soon announce where it will make its new home so that we can see this treaty safely through.
In this way all political restrictions and press restriction on the Keshe Foundation will be removed and we will collaborate with all citizens of the world to make sure that the world peace treaty day can be realized.
Please collaborate with the Foundation and let today be the day when the man starts a new chapter for humanity and in reaching our goal to let every man on this planet accept and sign themselves into the World Peace Treaty with their deeds, their hearts, their souls, and in their words.
The Foundation calls upon world citizens to do what you have done in the last twelve months and as individuals to become a MESSENGER OF PEACE for your home, city, nation and mankind, and take the messages in these four letters to all world leaders, world ambassadors, mayors, religious leaders, your neighbor, brothers and sisters.
By putting these four letters on everywhere, be it on the net, media, social medias, home, work place, palaces, parliaments and by encouraging your governments, leaders of communities and individuals to sign the treaty and to organize and attend peace conferences organized by you and your nation.
Please do with this message as you did with [others and] encourage your governments in accepting the spaceship technology USB key.
I thank you for your support and hope we can achieve together in short time what has eluded the mankind form the beginning of time.
It is time to start a new chapter in the life of the man on earth, where peace and to serve humanity becomes the center and focal point of every man and not the false materialistic life of today which has brought about so much misery for the man from his inspection on this planet.
I cannot imagine that any true man of peace or world leader will refuse to sign and act upon what he has signed his nation, faith and himself into with signing of this treaty.
PDF Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference
PDF An insight into the Future of Man on Earth
PDF The Status of Scientists
PDF WORLD PEACE TREATY document to sign
By Benjamin Fulford
January 21, 2013

It is hard for many of us aware folks to realize that many people still believe Zionist newspaper accounts that label “Al CIAda” as an Islamic movement. These days though, even the brain-washed slaves getting their information from so-called newspapers like the Jew York Times must be suffering from cognitive dissonance as they read the West is supporting Al CIAda in Syria and Libya but fighting against them in Mali and Algeria.
What is really going is a land grab in the Sahara aimed at getting Western control of newly discovered deposits of oil, uranium, gold and other resources in the vast but largely empty Sahara. This land grab may also be aimed at grabbing what will become choice real estate if suppressed energy technology is used to start massive sea-water desalination projects aimed at turning the deserts green.
At the same time, the Western powers are doing their utmost to distract Asia from this by stoking jingoistic feelings over some tiny Islands. Those tiny islands are nothing more than a worm on a hook and the new Chinese regime seems to be falling for this scam hook, line and sinker.
Also, last week there were reports that the Shah will return to Iran, China will have an Empress and that there has been a coup d’etat in the Japanese imperial household. (This is significant. We are talking regime changes here. –B)
The reports about the Shah and the Empress both come from a CIA source and have been partially confirmed by other sources. In specific, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi did not die of cancer shortly after being ousted from power but instead was put in the FBI’s witness protection program. The Shah, who would be now 93 (if the reports are correct), and his 52-year old son, Reza Cyrus Pahlavi, have mobilized the ancient Persian Green dragon secret society to prepare for their return, the CIA source says.
This fits with other continuing signs of a generalized Muslim mobilization with tacit US support. In Egypt, for example, President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood did not win the election but was given the job of president at the insistence of the Pentagon, according to a senior Japanese government Middle East expert who just returned from a fact finding trip to the region.
This corroborates what sources in the BIS, the CIA, MI5 and the Vatican all say: that there is a movement to revive the Caliphate and create a Muslim super state.
It is also worth noting that the plant at the center of the hostage crisis in Algeria appears to contain several giant water holding ponds and may have been involved in desalination and desert greening experiments. Also, it is clear very few of the attackers in that incident were Algerian. Instead, it seems to be elements of the same Western mercenary army that attacked Libya and overthrew Colonel Gaddafi. One of the main aims of overthrowing Gadaffi was to seize his vast projects to turn the deserts green.
That brings us to the French and US military intervention in Mali. While taking over Mali is certainly part of a bigger desert land grab by the west, there may also be a very specific French and US motive to invade that country at this time: gold.
Last week the German central bank asked the Federal Reserve Board to return 300 tons and the French Central Bank to return 374 tons of gold. Both answered that it would take 7 years to return. Given that Mali’s gold production is 85 tons a year (according to 2006 statistics), 7 years of Mali’s gold production would be almost exactly enough to pay back France’s gold debt to Germany and the amount being requested from the Fed.
The German request for gold repatriation comes after gold coated tungsten bars were found at the German central bank, according to an MI5 sources. That means the Germans have joined the British and Chinese central banks as victims of tungsten fraud originating, apparently, from the Federal Reserve Board during the years Bill Clinton was in power, the MI5 source says.
If you start to read about some sort of “crisis” in Ghana over the coming months, you can be fairly sure the Fed is involved and it is connected to that countries’ 100 ton a year gold production.
Meanwhile, in Asia, home to 85% of the world’s historical gold reserves, moves continue to try to inject this gold into the international financial system. To this end the Asians are proceeding with legal action to force the Fed and the European central bank to return Asian gold they borrowed in the 1930’s.
This is where the talk of an Empress returning to China comes into play. The rights to most of the Asian gold legally belong to the Qing dynasty and to assert those rights the Chinese allowed a Qing dynasty empress to return to China in February last year, according to a CIA source. One FBI source also mentioned a Chinese empress. Chinese sources also acknowledge this but become clearly nervous when the subject is brought up and say it is supposed to be kept a secret.
In Japan as well, the Imperial family has begun to reassert its historical rights to the distribution of yen. The Empress Michiko and her second son, the Prince Akishino, are said to be the most assertive members of the immediate royal family on this point. This is what is behind Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s aggressive yen printing, according to a senior member of a Japanese right wing group. If this is true, then it is more bad news for the Federal Reserve Board and the Zionists who had seized the rights to the yen.
From the perspective of the Federal Reserve Board and the elders of Zion who control it, the best way to get out of this mess would be to start a war in Asia. That is why they have been trying so hard to provoke a war between China and Japan over some tiny disputed islands.
A Chinese communist government source with politburo links says there is a push by hawks in the government to have a short, sharp border war with Japan similar to ones they have had with India, Russia and Vietnam since coming to power. They want to use a war over the disputed Senkaku/Daiyu Islands as a first step in taking over the entire Okinawan archipelago, the source says.
The Japanese hawks, for their part, think they can wipe out the Chinese Navy and Air-force in 3 days and would like a chance to do just that. What the Japanese hawks fail to realize is that in such a fight Taiwan, with its modern air-force and navy, would fight on the Chinese side. At the time of this writing, somebody had hacked Google Earth and put a giant Taiwanese (Nationalist Chinese) flag on the largest of the disputed islands.
What the hot-heads on both sides need to do is realize that they are in danger of falling into a very cleverly laid Zionist trap that would result (no matter who won) in the destruction of emerging Asian unity.
The other thing that is going on in Asia is that Myanmar is being set up as a replacement for North Korea as the major drug production base in Asia, according to a source in the drug dealing faction of the CIA.
What the Asians need to do is reflect on the past murderous actions of the Zionists in Asia and kick the bums right out of the whole region. To prevent further Western trouble-making, they also need to set up an international economic planning agency to finance a swords-to-plowshares transition of the military industrial complex.
Below is a very important announcement from the Keshe Foundation. –B
Important announcement by the Keshe Foundation
Signing of the World Peace Treaty and World Peace Conference

Category: Introduction
The Keshe Foundation made a promise that it will release a request and information on its forum today about the next step with release of its technologies for bringing peace and equality for Mankind.
The following four PDF documents blow in this link are important and to be understood individually and then collectively as one unified paper.
We have not suggested a place and/or venues in our invitation letter for Peace Conference, as we thought that mankind [making the] choice will be the most appropriate.
This peace conference can be held in Tehran, UN offices in New York, Beijing, Moscow or any another place on earth as location can be acceptable to all.
The point is not the venue, but to achieve the world peace for Mankind.
The 21.1.2012 for release of these documents is chosen for its importance and now the mankind has 60 days to set the scene to achieve what his forefathers could not do for thousands of years, and by signing himself into accepting peace in its true sense individually and collectively.
As a race now, the man has the technology in hand to enforce world peace and the man collectively has the determination to achieve it.
To be able to achieve the world peace and see the process through, the Keshe Foundation is moving its headquarters to a new location and out of its present prison of Belgium, which has been enforced on it by international political pressure for the past nine years.
The Foundation will soon announce where it will make its new home so that we can see this treaty safely through.
In this way all political restrictions and press restriction on the Keshe Foundation will be removed and we will collaborate with all citizens of the world to make sure that the world peace treaty day can be realized.
Please collaborate with the Foundation and let today be the day when the man starts a new chapter for humanity and in reaching our goal to let every man on this planet accept and sign themselves into the World Peace Treaty with their deeds, their hearts, their souls, and in their words.
The Foundation calls upon world citizens to do what you have done in the last twelve months and as individuals to become a MESSENGER OF PEACE for your home, city, nation and mankind, and take the messages in these four letters to all world leaders, world ambassadors, mayors, religious leaders, your neighbor, brothers and sisters.
By putting these four letters on everywhere, be it on the net, media, social medias, home, work place, palaces, parliaments and by encouraging your governments, leaders of communities and individuals to sign the treaty and to organize and attend peace conferences organized by you and your nation.
Please do with this message as you did with [others and] encourage your governments in accepting the spaceship technology USB key.
I thank you for your support and hope we can achieve together in short time what has eluded the mankind form the beginning of time.
It is time to start a new chapter in the life of the man on earth, where peace and to serve humanity becomes the center and focal point of every man and not the false materialistic life of today which has brought about so much misery for the man from his inspection on this planet.
I cannot imagine that any true man of peace or world leader will refuse to sign and act upon what he has signed his nation, faith and himself into with signing of this treaty.
PDF Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference
PDF An insight into the Future of Man on Earth
PDF The Status of Scientists
PDF WORLD PEACE TREATY document to sign
Here's the text of Obama’s
Why is all this bullshit posted here when you can read it on RTS site?
No comment!
Is there a link for Boehner's message?
So... What is This??? Pick the LIE that suits you????
Who the hell are you to ask. This blog owner can CHOOSE to post whatever he deems. Not everyone visits the RTS site. Period.
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