Monday, January 7, 2013

Rampant Injustice

Rampant Injustice

The video below describes what the IRS thugs are doing to small businessmen in America.

I thought that the IRS bullying and intimidation tactics which I encountered in my recent IRS audit were outrageous, but what these small business owners experienced in Arkansas recently at the hands of the IRS is a hundred times worse.

How would you feel if a large force of federal agents raided your place of business or your home, shouted at you and your employees or family members in language laced with profanities, pointed a gun in your face, then, if you objected or asked for a search warrant, announced that “we are federal agents and we can do anything we want!”?

If you are not concerned for your country after watching this video, then you are blind to what is happening all around us.

If we don’t stand up to this outlaw government, we will deserve what the government has in store for us.

If you believe that this is just an isolated problem and not a widespread concern, then you should take a look at William Windsor’s web site “Lawless America”:

Bill was an experienced businessman who stumbled into judicial corruption in the federal courts. When he tried to resolve the matters in which he was involved, he found even more corruption, until he became convinced that that judicial corruption in America is now so pervasive that it exists and is growing throughout the nation.

Bill is now on a tour of the nation (currently in Olympia, WA) , making a movie to tell the story of the corruption which has now permeated throughout our society. This movie is titled “Lawless America – The Movie”.

Here is an update:

Lawless America...The Movie: Update -- November 18, 2012

Published on Nov 18, 2012
Lawless America...The Movie: Update -- November 18, 2012.

Bill Windsor is on Day 158 of the 173-day Lawless America Movie Road Trip to all 50 states. This update discusses what has been accomplished, what remains to be done, and the plans for the future.

Lawless America...The Movie is all about exposing the fact that we now live in Lawless America. We no longer have laws that are enforced because judges do whatever they want to do. America has also become lawless because government officials are dishonest and/or corrupt.

The movie will expose corruption in every state. The Movie will focus on victims. Corrupt judges and corrupt government officials will be exposed, and we will confront a number of the crooks.

If anyone has ever questioned the story of a person who has expressed the view that they were a victim of the government or of judges, this movie will prove that the odds are that the corruption report was true. In fact, there are probably tens of millions of victims in the United States who never realized what happened to them.

One feature length documentary movie is being produced. It will be shown in theaters, on Netflix, Blockbuster, and other such video places, and the movie will be presented at the Sundance Film Festival and other film festivals.

In addition, videos will be produced for each state and for each type of corruption. Everyone who is interviewed for the film will record a three-minute segment that will be done as testimony before Congress as well as a 30-60 minute on-camera interview with Bill Windsor, founder of and GRIP, and candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. The legislators in each state will receive the testimony from those in their state, and the members of the U.S. House and Senate will receive all of the testimony nationwide.

Over 750 people are already scheduled to be interviewed for the movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know this could have been evaded.

1.On some official document you by penalty of perjury admitted you were a domestic U.S. company/corporation/ LLC You also admitted your a united states citizen, by doing so you gave up being an American national, and all property, all currency, intellectual property, all rights, freedoms, over to voluntary servitude to a foreign power that occupies the 10 mile square Known as The district of Columbia, and all territories, you even registered to vote in choosing the CEO of the parent corporation, that stormed your business. You should fire that stupid son called a lawyer, get you a Privet attorney general, and come back to America the home of the brave and freedom reigns.