Death Index: Sandy Hook ‘Shooter’ Adam Lanza Died One Day Before School Massacre
Note: In no way is the author of
this article claiming that there were no victims shot at Sandy Hook Elementary
School on December 14, 2012, rather the article points out a complex false flag
operation with very real victims. It is also important to note that this matter
is still currently under open investigation by,
please send any tips or information to:
This is an ongoing
investigation and there are many details still left to unravel.
By Shepard
January 21, 2013
January 21, 2013
NEWTOWN — New information has come to light regarding
the Sandy Hook School shooting, as the “official story” given to the American public is
riddled with inconsistencies. According to and confirmed by, the alleged lone
shooter Adam Lanza that left 26 people dead on December 14, 2012 was documented
to be deceased one day prior to the mass shooting that took place at the Sandy
Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut.
The following data is available at;
The SSDI database shows
Adam Lanza to be expired on December 13, 2012, one day prior to the school
shooting. Confirmation Status is listed as “Proven”. However the state of issue
is New Hampshire.The implications of this are unfathomable.
Could this be why John Blawie, a Connecticut State Superior Court Judge has put a halt on search warrant affidavits?
An excerpt from the local CT Post reads;
DANBURY — A state Superior Court judge said Thursday that search warrant
affidavits for the cars and home of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza and his
mother would stay sealed for another 90 days.
Judge John Blawie granted motions filed Wednesday by Danbury
State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky to extend the statutory sealing period for
the five warrants, including three for the Yogonanda Street home where the
20-year-old Lanza fatally shot his mother, Nancy, four times in the face on the
morning of Dec. 14, before embarking on the rampage that left 20 first-graders
and six educators dead.
We are still conducting a full scale investigation into
this matter. Please send any tips or information to
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Shepard Ambellas is the founder & director of (a popular alternative news website), researcher,
investigative journalist, radio talk show host, and filmmaker.
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