Monday, January 7, 2013



Anonymous said...

Please repost so we may share, thanks!

Jay W said...

There we have it,the usg inc.and you , me , we let this entity continue their global destruction , never calling liars and criminals exactly that, no we re-elect them, how in Gods name is this possible,where college educated so called intelligent people will not wake up,but they will stand in line for the latest vaccine,watch as blue skies are covered white with chemicals, celebrate cancer and all other man made diseases for profit with parties and weekend marches, normal daily activities of a mentally ill populace I find this more bizarre than Alice in Wonderland . People what is it going to take to wake you up......???

Anonymous said...

The reason the public stays in denial is two-fold
1) Cognitive dissonance - these facts contradict their long standing world view
2) If they really have been lied to and deceived on such a huge scale, the possibilities of where this might lead are very frightening to them.

I was actually told by a professor with 160+ IQ that if I was right about 911 being an inside job, we are in worse shape than he thought. So, he told me he was "choosing" to believe the official 'story'.

Let's face it, the sheeple's version of 'happily ever-after' is a lot more pleasant then reality.

Tom Fontaine said...

read here...