Joe, there ARE some Constitutional Sheriffs in America!!!!!
"Constitutional SHERIFF"!
Wagoner County Sheriff Says He Won't
Enforce New Gun Legislation
Colbert said Obama's proposed gun restrictions violate the U.S. Constitution and the oath he took as sheriff.
A Green Country Sheriff is taking a stand against President Obama's
proposed gun laws.
Wagoner County Sheriff Bob Colbert said he won't enforce these laws if
Colbert said Obama's proposed gun restrictions violate the U.S.
Constitution and the oath he took as sheriff.
Since President Obama announced his plans to tighten restrictions on gun
laws, Colbert said his office is getting flooded with phone calls.
"The current concerns are that they're going to lose their
weapons," Colbert said.
Under the President's plan, everyone will have to get a background check
to buy a gun.
He's also asking Congress to ban all military-style assault weapons and
implement a 10-round limit for magazines.
Colbert said he won't be enforcing tougher restrictions.
"As long as I'm sheriff, we will not take part in trying to remove
any weapons, clips or anything else or enforce any executive orders," he
Colbert feels the regulations violate his oath to uphold the Oklahoma
and U.S. Constitutions.
He's specifically concerned about trampling on the Second Amendment,
which guarantees the right to bear arms.
"There's nothing I see that requires us to enforce an executive
order," Colbert said.
Colbert feels the Obama administration is punishing the wrong people.
"In my entire career, it hasn't been the law-abiding citizens –
(that are the) issue with weapons. It's been the law violators," Colbert
After a gunman massacred more than two dozen at a Connecticut elementary
school in December, the President had Vice President Joe Biden head up a task
force to review gun issues in America.
"While we may not be able to prevent every senseless act of
violence in this country -- if there is even one thing we can do to reduce
it, if even one life can be saved -- we've got an obligation to try,"
Obama said.
Obama has said he isn't trying to undo a strong tradition of gun
"I also believe most gun owners agree that we can respect the
Second Amendment while keeping an irresponsible, law-breaking few from
causing harm on a massive scale," he said.
Colbert joins sheriffs in other states who aren't planning to enforce
tougher gun laws.
Two of those sheriffs are Minnesota and Oregon.
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