Thomas Jefferson, "The Bible Is The
Cornerstone Of All Liberty"
Frank Capra had a reputation of producing classics as movies. Practically everyone has seen on TV Frank Capra's classic of "It's A Wonderful Life" with James Stewart and Donna Reed. "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" is another of those classics of Frank Capra starring James Stewart as the honest politician sent to Wash., D.C. who Congress wants to crucify because he is too honest! Frank Capra produced another of these classics when he filmed his World War II documentary series called "Why We Fight" and was an award winning documentary by him. Another of his classics the public really liked was "Meet John Doe" from Warner Brothers in 1941 and starring Gary Cooper as "John Doe" and Barbara Stanwyck also delivering a great performance as the newspaper reporter who makes "John Doe" (Gary Cooper) into a national hero. Gary Cooper always delivered great performances in any movie role he starred in. As "John Doe," you cheer for the guy as he is the champion of the common folk called all the "John Doe" men and women of America. I want you to see a free showing of this Frank Capra movie of "Meet John Doe" at the link .
Frank Capra reached your heart in his movies because he
cared about important values in life and his movies showed this noble side of
his character. I kept this movie in my collection of favorite movies produced
in different times in America from the early days of movies up to and including
2013. And I have watched it at times because it expresses so strongly my belief
in the greatness of the ordinary people if given the chance to show the
greatness hidden in them. I believe so strongly in the common people. the
"John Doe" men and women of America who were shown in this movie for
the greatness that can come forth from them given the chance to show the noble
and decent character I know exists in the so-called "ordinary" men
and women of America. I believe so strongly in the ordinary people of America
and I believe so little in the politicians of America with a few exceptions who
are trapped by the political corruption surrounding them so they can do nothing
to really help the American people have a great, free, and prosperous future in
When I did military intelligence operations in Wash., D.C., my right hand was Dale Draper who had been Head of the War Map Dept. of the Pentagon during World War II. We cracked the daylights out of Soviet intelligence by cunning tricks not written in the military intelligence textbooks. We were the best of friends. He was very brilliant and a great American patriot. One day he picked a verbal fight with me and challenged me on major principles I stood for in American society. I wondered what was going on here as he had prior seem to strongly agree with me. He gave the most clever arguments that my hardened enemies would try to use and trick the public with. After several hours, he suddenly stopped and with a big grin, he said ,"You did great! I just wanted to test you to see if you could fully defend the positions you stand for." He liked my style of military thinking and once commented that he rated me as having more brains in my one little finger than any five Pentagon generals combined he had seen in World War II. I am clever and my strength is being unorthodox while very sound in strategy and tactics. I have my strong points. But also I have great respect for Pentagon generals who know their field very well as they should if holding high military positions. I think his friendship for me maybe clouded his judgment a little and while very good at what I did in military intelligence, I had no monopoly on smart brains and cunning and I respect all good quality Pentagon generals with great respect. We are all a team together when working for American national defense system and a man who thinks he knows all the best answers sounds like a fool to me. We pick the smartest ideas from all the smart military brains and then commit to the strategy and tactics committed to victory. I'd make a good military chairman because I know how to pick the brains of the other super sharp military brains and coordinate our smart answers together. I do not believe in ego as while my idea might be good, it might be the inspiration to spark that idea in some other military source that is even better than mine. I firmly believe that an army is a team and all deserve full credit when we win for our side. I think my mother gave me a very wise and brilliant observation when she said that a good leader is a good evaluator. It means that smart leaders listen to other smart leaders. I want no man or woman close to me who cannot listen to other smart people when they talk. The cause is always more important to me that it win than I win because my ego says my idea should be used because I suggested it or came up with it. When it comes to winning for the side I am fighting for, the right idea, the right tactics, the right personnel, etc. is always far more important to me than my idea must be the one used. But guess I have to say this also. Unless someone can convince me that they have a better idea for how to win for our cause, I am willing to stand my ground for my idea until and unless I hear an idea I think has more merit than what I suggested. I always get also great with brilliant people. We understand each other so well and we build up answers and tactics that are the right ones as we discuss frankly what the reality is we face and what we must do to win for what we are committed to and believe in. These comments are based upon my own experience throughout the years in many secret projects made secret for whatever is the sound reason to protect our security as we prepare our plan to win.
When I did military intelligence operations in Wash., D.C., my right hand was Dale Draper who had been Head of the War Map Dept. of the Pentagon during World War II. We cracked the daylights out of Soviet intelligence by cunning tricks not written in the military intelligence textbooks. We were the best of friends. He was very brilliant and a great American patriot. One day he picked a verbal fight with me and challenged me on major principles I stood for in American society. I wondered what was going on here as he had prior seem to strongly agree with me. He gave the most clever arguments that my hardened enemies would try to use and trick the public with. After several hours, he suddenly stopped and with a big grin, he said ,"You did great! I just wanted to test you to see if you could fully defend the positions you stand for." He liked my style of military thinking and once commented that he rated me as having more brains in my one little finger than any five Pentagon generals combined he had seen in World War II. I am clever and my strength is being unorthodox while very sound in strategy and tactics. I have my strong points. But also I have great respect for Pentagon generals who know their field very well as they should if holding high military positions. I think his friendship for me maybe clouded his judgment a little and while very good at what I did in military intelligence, I had no monopoly on smart brains and cunning and I respect all good quality Pentagon generals with great respect. We are all a team together when working for American national defense system and a man who thinks he knows all the best answers sounds like a fool to me. We pick the smartest ideas from all the smart military brains and then commit to the strategy and tactics committed to victory. I'd make a good military chairman because I know how to pick the brains of the other super sharp military brains and coordinate our smart answers together. I do not believe in ego as while my idea might be good, it might be the inspiration to spark that idea in some other military source that is even better than mine. I firmly believe that an army is a team and all deserve full credit when we win for our side. I think my mother gave me a very wise and brilliant observation when she said that a good leader is a good evaluator. It means that smart leaders listen to other smart leaders. I want no man or woman close to me who cannot listen to other smart people when they talk. The cause is always more important to me that it win than I win because my ego says my idea should be used because I suggested it or came up with it. When it comes to winning for the side I am fighting for, the right idea, the right tactics, the right personnel, etc. is always far more important to me than my idea must be the one used. But guess I have to say this also. Unless someone can convince me that they have a better idea for how to win for our cause, I am willing to stand my ground for my idea until and unless I hear an idea I think has more merit than what I suggested. I always get also great with brilliant people. We understand each other so well and we build up answers and tactics that are the right ones as we discuss frankly what the reality is we face and what we must do to win for what we are committed to and believe in. These comments are based upon my own experience throughout the years in many secret projects made secret for whatever is the sound reason to protect our security as we prepare our plan to win.
Dale Draper knowing me so well one
day made the comment that I am a romantic idealist. He said I was super
practical and cunning in military intelligence, etc. and could deliver the
great worldly answers needed, but he figured me out and I was by nature a
romantic idealist is why I stood for and fought for what I believed in. I can
be cold blooded in logic and tactics in military projects, in science,
engineering, etc., but at the same time tears can come to my eyes when I see a
couple of scenes that are in "Gone With The Wind." And in two points
in the movie "Meet John Doe" tears come to my eyes. When John Doe
(Gary Cooper) tells on national radio the first time of the greatness he knows
exists in the ordinary people of America and across the world, tears come to my
eyes as he is in his national radio message describing the image of the common
man and woman in America I see in my heart and believe so strongly in the
God-given greatness I know exists in the hearts of the American people. And at
the end of the movie when it is stated that Jesus Christ came for all the
"John Doe" men and women in America and the world and the "John
Doe" movement described in this movie is the practical application of the
commandment of Jesus Christ to love your neighbor as yourself, tears came to my
eyes a second time with this movie. This movie is a far better sermon on how in
real life to love your neighbor as yourself as Jesus commanded for all
Christians to practice than any sermon on this subject I have ever heard in any
Catholic Church, any Protestant Church, or independent church ministry as I
might call it. I recommend all Americans see this classic of 1941 for free
downloaded from the internet at the link given above and then except for the
rotten in society, the vast majority of you will understand clearly what I am
saying here and agree with me that let's go from movie demonstration to actual
practice in life and in 2013 start up for real the "John Doe"
movement shown so well in this 1941 Frank Capra classic movie. I know that
Frank Capra felt in his heart the message he was trying to deliver by directing
this movie back in 1941.
I declare this 1941 movie classic to be
a great Christian classic and by using examples that we can relate to, like a
parable of Jesus Christ, we understand the message and know how to practice
this message in real life. Once you see the movie, then you will understand the
message of this national report from me. The movie correctly warns that we can't
let the politicians run this national "John Doe" movement once
started with chapters all over America in all 50 states and in every county of
every state of America. The movie is public domain and so can be shown in
churches, civic centers, make copies of it for others to see, pushed on local
Christian TV, and let the showing of the movie is so the people who agree with
it can join their local "John Doe" chapter now forming in America.
Having smart practical experience in life in many professional fields which
would relate to the message powerfully delivered by this classic movie, let me
give guidelines how to set this up so it wins America and is smart in tactics
and policies so it can win America rapidly and not needing elections to win
America over. We can allow politicians to join but with these qualifications.
They will not be allowed to be the leaders of the chapters of this movement
across America. They can advise the people on the smart ways to win for this
movement in America, but the common "John Doe" leaders will lead
every chapter and could be an ordinary office worker, a church pastor, a civic
leader, a talented and smart housewife, in colleges student leaders respected
by their fellow students, in high schools same formula, a newspaper reporter if
on the side of the people and not afraid to be a "John Doe" in
character rather than a "politically correct" meaning controlled
person afraid to stand for the truth and justice rather than lies and injustice
and unsound things. It is time for the churches to stop hiding in the shadows
while the enemies of Christianity and America fight for control of America in
order to try and end up destroying America in the process. And of course
destroying Christianity in the process. The leader of the citizen militia at
Lexington and Concord firing the first shots of the American Revolution was a
church pastor. Do we have some church pastors willing to stand up for the
God-given rights of their church members and standing up for the God-given
rights of their neighbors in their area and across America? If the people are
not cowards, no government can become a tyranny and no national leader a
tyrant. A tyrant is one who hates the God-given rights of the people and so
wants to make them his conquered race and serfs by taking away all their legal
rights, their God-given rights in America and across the world. Bishop Fulton
J. Sheen who I liked very much and appealed to all sides of Christianity with
his common sense and inspired messages commented that he looked for Christianity
to be saved in America by the laity and not likely the clergy of the churches.
The laity would care and they would revive serious Christianity in America, but
not likely the clergy of the churches. A hard observation and hopefully does
not prove true!
Frank Capra's 1941 movie warns don't let
rich men take over this movement at the price of money buys control of the
movement and then changed away from its original commitment to the people of
the nation. If rich men want to contribute money to help advance the cause of
justice and freedom for all the people, we can accept money when given in the
right spirit and with no strings attached. But we will never allow any rich
sources to buy control of our movement by money. I will be the Director as no
one can control me, threaten me, or bribe me. I will see that everything stays
free and fair in the movement. How the corrupt and wicked love to hate me as
they know that I will never join their side and actually stand for the people
for real! I can't pretend to be dumb. God blessed me with some brains and I had
the good sense to use my Gog-given brains to gain education that would help the
cause of the people when the hour was right. But the common people can feel
that I can be understood by them and not a stranger to their ways of thinking.
I use words they can understand, examples they can understand, and I speak
basic values really most common people really relate to. Okay, let's admit the
secret. I am a common man just like you, but just a "smart" common
man which the power elite hate above all because they don't want the common
people to have any leaders who know the ropes how to win for the common people
of America. Once you cattch on to my clever angles I am out to show you, then
you are all "smart" common folk and the power elite won't like that
situation at all. They want to control you by your ignorance. If you are no
longer ignorant, then they can't control you any longer and it is only a
question of time until you win back control of America from the power elite who
hate your guts so strongly and want so much evil for you in life. I must
confess I cannot understand this twisted evil personality in many of the power
elite where they are wealthy and hidden from you and hate you so fiercely when you
have done no wrong to them. It reminds me of the line spoken by Richard Burton
spoken in the movie "Becket" where he delivered a great performance
in, I think the line went spoken to the King of England was something like,
"The Normans hate those who they have wronged because it bothers their
conscience to have wronged them."
Not all rich are bad. Some are very
decent in character. The problem is those who band together in secret wicked
Satanist societies like the Illuminati which brainwashes the daylights out of
their members to hate the ordinary people of America and the world. And these
nutcases with their great wealth see it as their unholy mission to crush the
ordinary people of America and do every evil to them their imagination can come
up with. I am very glad that an admitted Illuminati operative called
"deepknight" admitted that he was a member of the Illuminati and by
manipulating him to make mistake after mistake, he exposed that the federal
government in Wash., D.C. is secretly controlled by the Illuminati and not the
American people. DK ("deepknight") committed many felonies over the
internet and the U.S. Justice Dept. refused to arrest him after he issued
murder threats over the internet to try and stop me from releasing my book
"The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America (my
pen name), tried hacking tactics to destroy the book so it could not be
released while he was issuing sarcastic comments nationally that I was a con
artist and had no intention of ever releasing such a book or write it, only his
hacking tactics failed to destroy or stop the book from national release. It is
now going all over America and some have already predicted that this will be
the greatest Christian classic released in American history. One business
person predicted that this book might become the greatest Christian classic to
be released since the time of Christ and the Apostles. One head of local
veterans predicts that this will likely be rated the top Christian classic to
be released in American history. One Catholic monk say this book was holy and
might well be rated the top Christian classic to be released in American
history. But when this DK never got arrested by the U.S. Justice Dept. after he
publicly over the internet threatened my life with murder several times and
then his website carried the threat from the Illuminati that he could not
successfully stop me or murder me, they (the Illuminati) would send in a better
professional and have me murdered by April 30, 2013. I loved seeing all this
stupidity going on by the Illuminati. Now all of America can know that it is
not a "conspiracy theory" but actual fact of America that the
Satanist society of the Illuminati with their colossal wealth backing it from
their rich banker members, etc.) actually controls in 2013 under Obama the U.S.
Republic and the American people do not control the U.S. Republic in Wash.,
D.C. in 2013. The Illuminati cover was blown by this dumb moron DK and the dumb
Illuminati leadership chewed him out for not getting me murdered or stopped
yet, and we got recorded their communications in the process! American folks,
you have jackass Satanists in control of the White House, federal agencies as
demonstrated by the U.S. Justice Dept. under Eric Holder refusing to have DK
arrested after several murder threats against me publicly recorded over the
internet, he mounted a massive hacking attack against our operations trying to
destroy the book being stored in electronic files on the internet and got
caught in several legal traps of ours so it was identified as DK as the hacker
protected from arrest by the U.S. Justice Dept. under Eric Holder who is either
Illuminati controlled or else a Satanist member of the Illuminati. Dk was
trying to set up a legal frame-up on me that I was a con artist according to
him and took money on advance orders for the book and never had any intention
of ever writing or else releasing this book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic
Christianity." He was trying to destroy the book on Illuminati orders as
we recorded from the website communications and then trick you the American
people into thinking that I was a con artist and had no intention of ever
writing or releasing such a book. Many people have already been sent copies of
the book and we are working to fill all orders as fast as we can. Our
operations are growing and we will now have the office capacity soon to back
the "John Doe" movement like it should be nationally and without
sellout to the Illuminati or other jackass lunatic movements like that trying
their hardest to destroy America forever if you the common people, the
"John Doe" men and women of America will let them do this to America
and to all of you across America.
Some rich men can be decent in heart and
are on the side of the American people. I think J. Paul Getty was a fine man
and even thought once being called by Fortune Magazine "The richest man in
the world" tried to do what was right for America and the American people.
His book "How To Be Rich" was an inspired book telling much more than
just economic or business principles how to become rich in America. He also
laid out the groundwork for a very ethical free enterprise system in America,
how to boom this economy for the American people, how we must have moral values
for America and how to create a culture for America worthy of a great nation.
Among his comments was that a nation was ultimately remembered in history for
its culture, not its riches. The man was fine and I will not pan a rich man who
is decent and good in heart. We rich who are fine people. It is just a shame we
have other rotten applies who love evil, not good, and so join such as the
Illuminati so they can conspire how to become tyrants over the ordinary people
and bring every kind of evil upon the ordinary people who have never done them
any wrong in life in America or abroad of course also.
I have a formula how to fast expand the
national economy and wealth in America partly inspired by some comments of J.
Paul Getty in his book. I had studied commercial accounting years ago which
suggested this basic concept to me but Getty's comments helped focus my trained
economic mind with this formula which can help the American economy grow even
faster. "Maximum national wealth is created by use of limited assets that create
profits as a system far in excess of the assets held by the business system
(business) set up. So by creation of an effective, profitable business system,
national wealth is created by being worth far more than the assets belonging to
the business system which is set up." The legal system works with this
concept and I can skyrocket the American economy so fast that it will dazzle
and stun the people with the pleasure of super good times suddenly come to
America. And it will be sound economics, not the Illuminati manipulated
derivatives which are no longer sound financial contracts under their evil
control and other tactics of unsound national economics so heavily pushed by
Satanist controlled Illuminati Wash., D.C. No wonder you Christians have no legal
rights now under Satanist controlled Wash., D.C.!
Okay, my national sermon is above over
here. The principles the "John Doe" movement should stand for in
2013. Push this Frank Capra classic movie of 1941 everywhere. It teaches all
Americans now to be "good neighbors" and "love your neighbors as
yourself" as Jesus Christ taught as one of the two foundational
commandments of the New Testament. The other one being love God totally in
effect in your life. With these two commandments, you fulfill the prior intent
of the Ten Commandments, but read my book for what early Christianity taught on
that, etc. Pass my Omni Law well explained in my book. It is based on the early
teachings of Apostolic Christianity. Also, James Madison, "Father of the
U.S. Constitution" and "Father of the U.S. Bill of Rights"
endorsed as the smartest idea for protecting the God-given rights of the people
in history and forcing government to be the servant of the people instead of
their master ever created in history was the Roman legal concept of civil
tribunes. The Omni Law is the American modernization of the ancient Roman civil
tribune law which James Madison endorsed as the most brilliant idea for freedom
and sound government created in history prior to the American Revolution and
what it stood for.
Americans, you are to soft to protect
your legal rights. If you won't defend them, at some point you will lose them!
When the Omni Law is passed, I want the old Roman legal concept carried out
where one in ten is picked out and to be punished with the full weight of the
law. We take one out of every ten who had been so wicked towards the American
people while they were in the federal government and if found guilty of grave
felonies against the American people while in the government, we will punish
them accordingly. We will take heads of federal agencies, personnel, judges,
and wherever necessary until the message is received loud and clear that
America is once more ruled by constitutional law and the U.S. Bill of Rights.
Any traitors in government will hear the message loud and clear and behave
themselves in government if still working in government. The national defense
of America is full of holes like Swiss Cheese. We must repair the national
defense of America in very bad shape and Obama is setting America up to be mass
smashed in nuclear attack unless we rebuild the walls of defense of America in
military defense policy now abandoned by Obama and others. Our Washington elite
wish to trust the future of America to several nuclear powers who are now
planning to nuclear annihilate America once the timing is right. Our economy is
and has been for some while now been massively sabotaged and weakened by
leadership in Wash., D.C. who were working for Satanist and other evil
interests and America will likely soon collapse as a national economy if sound
economic policy and leadership is not soon returned to America. I studied under
six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe including a German
economist endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic
science in the 20th century. Even the conservatives don't know this angle about
Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein endorsed honest money and scientific free
enterprise as the best answer for the American and world economy if mankind was
to have a future on earth.
As I consider myself to be a statesman,
not a politician, a national economic study around 1987 came to the conclusion
that outlawing of prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America cost
American labor in lost wages annually probably one trillion dollars or more and
cost American business a smaller national market to sell to of one trillion
dollars or less annually in national sales due to prayer and the Bible being
outlawed from the public schools of America. When the Omni Law is passed, I
will explain to the American people how badly it has hurt their jobs, their
wages, made taxes higher, crime much higher in a nation, and other ways hurt
them, hurt business, and under the authority of the Omni Law will ask the
American people to restore as legal policy prayer and the Bible in the public
schools of America once more. The churches have been so cowardly to stand up
for the restoration of prayer and the Bible to the public schools when I stood
for this policy as an emerging national leader, so you have better back me soon
or else I will have no respect for you. And as Jesus said in the New Testament,
the cowards and those who deny Him on earth, Jesus will deny them before His
Father which is in Heaven! Might as well say it. Are churches going to help
raise money for the "John Doe" movement which is as demonstrated by
Frank Capra in his 1941 classic movie is the carrying out of the teaching of
Jesus Christ to love your neighbor as yourself for real and not just lip
service as preached but not practiced in church sermons? If you stand for
Christ, then stand with me! If you don't stand for Christ because you are
afraid, then I like Gen. Patton, get out of my movement. I will not have our
movement stink with the smell of cowards associating with brave men and women
of America standing up for the very essence of what Jesus taught for us
Christians to do in this life.
As events develop, my national website
will start carrying the "John Doe" message and things to help support
As this movement develops and grows, we
will welcome local chapters to help have fund raising campaigns since we will
not accept money from corrupt sources trying to buy us off with their money. If
the American people mass join with this "John Doe" movement, we can
win in America even within months now. How sad it is that I had to save from
the grave the DVD movie Dr. Garst spent $50,000 to produce. The federal
government murdered him to suppress this DVD movie exposing the federal plan to
strip all Americans of their legal rights through federal laws and policies of
Illuminati dominated Wash., D.C. And stole from his house used as a warehouse
for the 1,000 to several thousand copies of this DVD all the DVD movies the day
the federal government murdered him because they do not believe in your legal
right to know the truth or to practice your political beliefs in America any
longer. I had already been the only one authorized with an independent
distributorship for this DVD movie he had produced for $50,000 and had one copy
of it that Wash., D.C. did not know still existed. From this we now have master
copies in undisclosed places and starting to ship these out all over America.
The DVD movie by Dr. Garst "Mad About Alternatives" is on our
national website along with my book defending belief in God with stunning
proofs all Americans will understand, what early Christianity taught for real
as quoted from the earliest writings of Christianity by the Church Fathers who
succeeded the Apostles of Christ as leaders of Christianity, how the Founding
Fathers of America in 1776 used the teachings of early Apostolic Christianity
for the planned law of America and for creation of the new American Government
to be based upon the teachings and authority of the Christian Bible. I guess I
can understand why the Illuminati threatened me with murder and frantically
tried to destroy my electronic files creating this book for publication by
massive hacking attacks by DK their ace boy they thought could do the job but
failed them. They were scared to death of a book which could restore the faith
of Christians to total belief and faith in God and rally the Christians to win
back control and leadership of America taken away from them by tricks and power
tactics of the Illuminati, the Communist Party, and other enemies of
Christianity in America. My intelligence group infiltrated the Communist Party
years ago and found out how they tricked the U.S. Supreme Court to outlaw
prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America where Thomas Jefferson
and James Madison who basically wrote the 10 U.S. Bill of Rights clearly
indicated that prayer and the Bible were not to be outlawed from the public
schools by claimed authority of the U.S. Bill of Rights. Wash., D.C. is the
capital of super cons and super lies upon super lies upon super lies, etc. But
the truth is the truth and the truth shall make us free, not lies from the
enemies of the American people and they running Wash., D.C. instead of the
American people who have been tricked out of national power and control of
government by the con artists running Wash., D.C. today.
Okay, all you "John Doe" men
and women in America and youth also, time for our march across America. March
in your cities and once we are strong enough, we will march on Wash., D.C. in
what may be the largest march on Wash., D.C. seen in American history!Go house
to house, group to group, time to restore manhood to the churches in America
and stand up for the restoration of a Christian America to our nation. Other
religions can freely worship here, but Christians founded Americans, not
atheists, etc. This nation belongs to us. Time to reclaim it. Copy this report
and pass it out massively across the internet or print up copies and hand out
in your local communities or mail to good sources across America.
I spent eleven calendar years in
military academies. I was trained in how to win wars or in this case the
winning of America back to its roots of 1776, We the "John Doe" Americans
founded America in 1776 and we are going to take America back and now!
Our national website is
and our national email for now is
Our national mailing address for now will be NIFI and at the postal box
address of NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . As one member of Congress
told us years ago, "When you show us that the American people care, then
we of Congress will care. Until then, don't bother us!" So much for the
claims how loyal members of Congress are to the American people, U.S.
Constitution, U.S. Bill of Rights, booming economy, etc.! A thought for both sides
to consider. There are a lot more of us "John Doe" Americans out here
in America than the Illuminati Satanists in Wash., D.C. and other traitors to
America in the federal government. There are also good people in the federal
government, but the problem is that they are not in control right now but the
evil elite are in control of Wash., D.C. now. That is the problem and a corrupt
news media bought and paid for is trying to cover for all the corruption and
treason going on in Wash., D.C. now. The internet is how we get the truth out
to all America while the news media serves the corrupt, not the American
people. When we become too strong, then all the news media will start reporting
the truth as they should.
As we grow, volunteer workers will be needed
for our local chapters and also our national headquarters as it grows. I don't
think the American people are dead as a race and nation yet. And with the
"John Doe" movement started all over America, the good are going to
win, not the evil in America.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of
America (pen name. I must be doing something right! The Satanists now tell me
that they hate me more than any other leader in America today! The Satanists
according to their own boasts on the website forum or forums run by DK boast
they control Wash., D.C., not you the American people! We will correct this
treason now going on in Wash., D.C. and soon the American people will control
Wash., D.C. again!)
Frank Capra was an avowed communist. It's a Wonderful Life smeared American values such as wealth and free enterprise while glorifying anti-American values such as the triumph of the "common man." I have always worried that Omni Law was a method of introducing dictatorial rule over the American people, and this confirms it!
You might be worried, because you know if it passes, all you (who know so much about communism) won't have the chance to implement your evil backwards agendas on the American people. If Mr. Capra had smart ideas in his movies, that is probably why this Erasmus might copy it? From what I've read, it appears that Erasmus wants to boom the economy, and that he has knowledge of just how to do that. I have never seen anywhere where Erasmus intends to hurt the American people. The agenda of the communists is to take over America from within, which apparently is what they have done with their trojan horse O, and their DHS and all their millions of rounds of hollow-point bullets, and their concentration camps, and their foreign soldiers coming into America to take out the American people. Is This What YOU Want?
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