Thursday, July 10, 2014

WUA - Parallels Between Obama and Lincoln – (They Are Uncanny!)

Subject: WUA - Parallels Between Obama and Lincoln – (They Are Uncanny!)

WUA - : Parallels Between Obama and Lincoln – (They Are Uncanny!)

Most of us know of the comparable relationship between Lincoln and Kennedy; but have you ever considered the comparisons between President Obama and Lincoln? You might be quite surprised…
Parallels of Abraham Lincoln and Barack Hussein Obama:
1.     Lincoln placed his hand on the Bible for his inauguration Obama used the very same Bible Lincoln used, for his inauguration.
2.     Lincoln came from Illinois . Obama comes from Illinois .
3.     Lincoln served in the Illinois Legislature. Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.
4.     Lincoln had very little experience before becoming President. Obama had very little experience before becoming President.
5.     Lincoln rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration. Obama rode the train from Philadelphia to Washington for his inauguration.
6.     Lincoln was highly respected by some, but intensely disliked by others. Obama is highly respected by some, but intensely disliked by others.
7.     Abraham Lincoln was a tall, skinny lawyer. Barack Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
8.     Lincoln held to basic Conservative and Christian views. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
9.     Lincoln volunteered in the Illinois militia; once as a captain, twice as a private. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
10.                        Lincoln firmly believed in able persons carrying their own weight. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
11.                        Lincoln ‘s administration had to borrow a lot of money to abolish slavery and save our nation, via the Civil War. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
12.                        Lincoln was undeniably, and without any doubt, born in the United States. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
13.                        Lincoln was honest – so honest that he was called ‘Honest Abe’. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer
14.                        Lincoln preserved the United States as a strong nation, respected by the world. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
15.                        Lincoln showed his obvious respect for the flag, U. S. Constitution, and the military. Obama is a tall, skinny lawyer.
Amazing, isn’t it?
Thanks David

Subject:  A Real Job

 I hope anyone who has military background, or is an American, will forward this.
Received this today from a friend

If you are not a veteran send this to those that you know who are, or to those who may know veterans.
 (The 2014 United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested in this election. Get out and VOTE!!)
 A movement has been started by our armed forces to get out the vote in 2014. They are organizing themselves, but this can be done by all of us. The President, the Golfer in Chief, has made the Rules of Engagement (ROE) so difficult, that our troops are often killed before they can even get permission to fight. Nothing has been done to stop our troops from being murdered by the Afghanis they are training, either.
Now, the President wants the US to sign on to the UNs International Criminal Court (ICC), which would allow the UN's ICC to arrest and try US troops for War Crimes, without the legal protections guaranteed under US Law, and from which there is no appeal.
 The President, with his Democratic control of the Senate, has nearly all the power. If the Non-Establishment Republicans, and Conservatives, can take back the Senate in 2014, our troops can once again be protected from unnecessary danger. Please consider this, and send it on to your mailing lists.
Thanks Floyd
Photo: #SupportOurTroops
Thanks Bert

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We believe in limited government, low taxes, a strong national defense, individual freedoms, self-reliance, the importance of the family, and the miracle and authority of America's founding documents. We know that America is the exceptional nation, the best that has ever existed.
It's time to defend our values with confidence and courage. It is our solemn duty to fight for, protect and defend our freedom. We are inheritors of these blessings of liberty, and now is the time to pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off, and man the barricades for freedom.
.It’s our country, ours!
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Bob Burton, Florida State Director, an American
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Please check these videos out:
"In God We Trust"
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well-taught lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don't do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free."

- Ronald Reagan, March 30, 1961

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