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8-1-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Duke):
Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#
T = Tony DC= DC Guy C= Caller
TONY - Good afternoon, TNT. It's Friday, August 1, 2014. Again, we never expected to be here, but here we are. Let's start off positive and end positive. DC, what's going on?
DC - Bottom line, things are so freakin' close and nobody knows why we're not sitting in the money right now. Iraq is done with their holidays and festivals. Everybody has been voted on but they haven't revealed it. Announcements were made in the mosques this morning. In Iraq a lot of stability has been brought to the situation with ISIS and other nefarious guys. Celebrations are planned for tomorrow and everybody is quite happy with themselves in Iraq.
DC - We were asked not to rock the boat and cause an issue. We're trying to abide by those rules so everybody gets paid as much as we can.
T - Some stuff I can't tell you and it's frustrating to me. Everybody knows my situation - trying to get through my mother's funeral. But I have to address last Wednesday's call first. I'm talking to everybody on both sides of the fence: you have to understand where the other side, emotionally and mentally drained. When I read Gail's letter I thought it was good both sides, including POTUS and his staff, hear that letter to know what's happening on the streets. It was important they knew, and other dinarians know, how we felt and what we can do with this money post-RV.
T - Successful people just aim, reload, aim, reload, aim, reload. Then someone walks up and takes a shotgun and, BOOM, it's done. We are at the point where there is a lot of aiming but no one is taking the shot to get it done. That's what the letter from Gail was about: take a chance on us and give us a shot at it. Let's do this. Everyone has taken an aim! We're down to this critical point where it's stressing everybody. It's hard on us to come here and not be able to say this or that. It's hard on the people to hear it. We understand clearly why we can't say things, but to know we are down to a critical point is probably more stress on everybody.
T - You should be excited but we can't give you details that would support, specifically what happened last night or the day before it.
DC is doing the best he can without letting you know we are in a great position.
DC - In the USA, the Admin is ready. Banks are cued up on high alert. There's really not much left to do. We're just sitting here. There's not much to talk about. We're just sitting here.
T - These calls come harder and harder. Eventually is has to happen. If we don't do it, someone else will do it.
Q&A begins (note: non-intel calls not transcribed)
C - If you were me and had rupiah would you exchange it with your dinar?
T - Yes. We don't know what the market is going to do, but it's a great rate and a bird in hand is worth 2 in the bush.
C - Will the dong, dinar and rupiah rates be displayed on banks' websites?
T - Yes, once it happens.
T - We want this to be a calm call. This is one of their concerns about us in the future.
C - Since it's int'l now outside the USA, can we ask for SKRs at the bank for a low-interest loan?
DC - Yes, you can ask but they're not doing those right now. That's not happening right now. A lot would like to do that but we are not allowed to do that yet.
C - If this doesn't happen in the next week, can we ask?
DC - Bottom line: no. People who got them before are not allowed to use them. A couple of guys who got them are frustrated because they can't access the funds they see in their account. Until it goes thru on a public scale they are not going to allow that.
C - Is there a cap on the contract rate for the dong?
DC - Yes, but I don't know what it is.
T - It just became a factor because you guys are buying too much.
C - Has a contract rate been set for the other currencies?
DC - I've only heard about contract rates for dinar and dong.
T - Those are the only 2 I know about that have contract rates.
C - How can we communicate to others in the USA an additional way to contribute more to non-profits, Wounded Warriors, churches, etc. than they thought they could do? PAM - Send your ideas to tntdinarhelp@gmail.com.
C - Have you read about more Muslims coming into the USA through the southern border? It was on Recaps yesterday?
T - No.
C - When you go to the banks and need cashier's checks, will there be a charge for that and is there a limit on how many you can get?
T - You probably will get free service on that. It should be the least of your worries.
C - We're hearing the ISX is supposed to go international on Sunday.
DC - It has been int'l since July 1, when it was tested and you can buy stocks on there now. The base system is already there.
C - Are you still going to get the package?
DC - We were given another update on that this morning and were told we are.
C - Has the backwall been passed? Do you and DC have a backwall that, if we pass it, we can go to Twitter again?
T - I need everybody to understand this: our purpose in being here is not to make our gov't RV. Our purpose is to make sure we get treated DURING that RV and are included in the process. That is our purpose. Our gov't does things that are for the whole - not just us. We just want to be treated fairly and are a fair part of it. We can't make it happen, even tho we may know the reasons it isn't happening. We cannot force anything by going public.
C - What's going on with the BRICS? Is there a conflict between the IMF and BRICS? Does it affect the RV?
DC - Yes, there is a conflict between the IMF and BRICS. In 2010 the IMF recommended to their Board of Governors that the US give up its veto power. But it was unrealistic for this to happen. So this aggravated BRICS and they put up $50B to start their own monetary fund. Obviously this affects the IMF's dynamics but not in a material way that affects us.
T - There are actually going to be 5 mini-IMFs. They are not going to rely on the USD in these mini-IMFs. They're doing their own trade agreements using their own currency, kind of like the Euro. This causes the US to lose its buying power because it ceases to be the world's reserve currency. But it's not happening overnight. So a lot of this doesn't have anything to do with us, but our future buying power. It's not our place to try and change the rollout.
C - Who will the contract rate be for? I heard it was going to be for contractors first.
DC - The contract rates were first set up for China to get oil credits by buying in bulk. Then, as more dinar became available for the contract rate, it was decided to offer it to more folks. So they decided to offer everybody up front one or two contract rates, with positives and negatives. Now they're offering those to everyday people like us. They will keep buying up until they are cut off. The contract rates have turned into a bigger way than originally intended as a way for countries to buy in bulk.
T - There are different rates for contracts. China had a contract with a group. Then people started inventing groups at different rates and they started negotiating with the banks to cut themselves a portion of the profit. Some are legtimate and others are absolutely not and people will regret it. There are over 300 groups, some paying out at .50 and some in double digits. But, as an individual, when you go to the bank you'll be offered 3 rates: a market rate, a China rate, and an int'l rate. You just have to be there when they are available.
C - In your tweet this morning you said "things have changed in Iraq." What changed?
DC - Tony enjoys sending out tweets to prod people. Then we were asked not to say some things.
T - Some other guys will get info and you'll probably hear about it this evening. It can't be a secret forever.
C - I heard it's possible Maliki will get a 3rd term.
DC - It's highly unlikely
C - Did Iraq have an RI?
T - They had one because they changed the rates on the cards. In a little bit you'll be able to make up your own mind.
C - Several gurus are saying it won't happen until 8/8.
DC - I find it very difficult to understand how it could last that long. Right now what has been going on you'd be stopping big things for little gain.
DC - Everything looks phenomenally good. I honest-to-God don't know why it hasn't happened but we are right there. Please keep Tony and the Renfroes in your prayers this weekend as they lay their mother to rest.
T - We appreciate all the prayers and flowers - they meant so much. We didn't think we'd be here this weekend. We didn't think we'd be here last night. We are not trying to hype the situation - we're usually closer to the action than most. Others are saying things after the fact, sometimes hours later. We know just how close things are to being live. When we give out too much info it causes problems. If we could share we would. We just want the process to go. You should be getting ready to take actions - that's what we're being told. Look for a good weekend. We're at least close enough to tell you it could shift on a 10-minute phone call. I hope we're not here on Monday. If something happens we'll tweet it out.
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