Sunday, August 10, 2014

Over 100,000 Homeless People Have Been Moved Into Homes & It Isn’t Stopping There!

Over 100,000 Homeless People Have Been Moved Into Homes & It Isn’t Stopping There! One Of The Most Profound Movements Ever!

Go Canada—but don’t expect approval from the anti-socialist Americans who insist that every man, woman and child must work their asses off to DESERVE anything at all—and NO HANDOUTS permitted—even for those who have been trying to get a job for 5 years. Not every soul recognizes that “we’re all One” and must care for each other, but thank you for setting this wonderful example. And thank you Joy, for this article that warms the cockles o’ me ‘eart.
Originally posted on peoples trust toronto:
Whether you live in a major metropolis or a small town, chances are you’ve seen homeless people sleeping or wandering the streets at some point. On those cold and ruthless winter nights I can’t help but feel compassion and misery for anyone who doesn’t have warm food, clothing, or a bed to help ease the sub-zero temperatures.
In Canada alone it is estimated that at least 200,000 experience homelessness in a year. This number is substantiated by an even larger number of homeless people in the United States, coming in at an unsettling 1.7 million. One can’t help but ask ourselves the daunting question, “what can I do to help?”

A Backwards Solution

Enter 100k Homes. Sparked by the belief that conventional homelessness interventions were not working efficiently enough, 100k Homes is bringing a backwards-considered approach to solving the homelessness crisis.
For years, homeless service providers worked to offer…
View original 439 more words


Anonymous said...

This post really irks me. I like how this individual automatically assumes Americans are anti-socialist, which is code for uncaring, when we don't believe in giving free homes to people on the street. Some people are on the street due to a mental condition, but let's be honest. There are many irresponsible people out there who don't know how to live within their means nor handle their finances. They're victims of their own stupidity. Again, some people out there are children abandoned by their parents. They're the only ones I can see being given assistance. Starship, we Americans believe in taking care of ourselves and being responsible with our money. I don't know how things are Canada, but you might want to try that sometime. You'll find your life will be much happier.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anonymous 12:24, couldn't have said it better myself!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:24-Your post really irks me. Perhaps you should take the time to read the book "The Creature from Jeykll Island" by G. Edward Griffin. Educate yourself please.
Most people are on the street because of the totally corrupt Federal Reserve System which isn't Federal at all. To put it bluntly-they are counterfeiters as they simply print their money or put it on the books. Now you tell me who should ever pay a bankster back when in fack they lose nothing? They steal (foreclose) on peoples homes and leave many homeless. You say they are victims of their own stupidity? How rude can you be? You show your ignorance to truth. It does not matter if you are responsible with your money or not. It can take just one "issue" to have people lose everything they ever worked for. Such as a healthcare issue or the corrupted IRS to steal from you. We all should know by now that healthcare is about the money and the IRS are thugs to the Federal Reserve.
If you think you are not affected because your ego says your good with your money.....well there is a tax and it's called inflation which is the printing of money. So even if you are good with your money, the system is screwing you too. Its called counterfeiters at the helm of the money system of our world. Thanks to the BRICS for creating a new financial system to take down the Federal Reserve!