The Ultimate Betrayal Is About To Take Place
The Countdown Is On!
Story By Fred VanOlphen - All News Pipeline
(This is a reader submitted story FYI)
Hi, my name is Fred VanOlphen. You may have seen my posts on some of your pages. I'm desperately trying to warn people, especially good people in the military, about what I know is coming. Once they got rid of Hagel they had it sewn up. I'm convinced they will launch coordinates on American cities.
I used to live in the BlueRidge foothills of North Carolina where I knew and associated with some high level CIA related people who, as early as 15 years ago, were in place waiting to go into underground facilities built into the BlueRidge (and other places) for what was stated as a Nuclear event that was DEFINITELY GOING TO HAPPEN.
What's more is that, in discussing this, it became clear that the U.S. military would annihilate it's own people.
I spent some time puzzling about that. I've mulled over the details of conversations that I remember so clearly and what I couldn't believe then has become perfectly clear in the last six months or so.
Our elite controlled government and military will shortly launch an assault on the people of the United States of America as well as those of other nations. Russia and China will have to retaliate, but that's exactly what they want. The goal is simply to depopulate the surface world as much as possible so that when major earth-changes are finished they will emerge to rule the world.
This sounds way beyond insane, I know, but hear me out. I'll explain what I believe is the reason for their plan of action and why these plans were in place as early as 15 years ago below.
All this would be totally unprovable gossip to me except for one thing. The 30 day 'countdown site' has appeared and it looks and behaves exactly as described. The individual who divulged details about this website even offered to show it to me. Unfortunately it was too far out there for me at the time. I didn't want to see it and, after he described the top page, I didn't really even want to hear about it. Nothing this guy was telling me made sense. He proceeded non-the-less to describe the site in detail. I know about *this website, its purpose and a little about how it works. (* )
The right people around the world keep an eye on that site daily (and I'm sure there are mirror sites) and take their cue from it so that they have a month to get themselves into their underground shelters once the countdown starts. I'm pretty sure he told me that the countdown shows on top for only two days and after that login is required. Anytime shortly after the countdown ends, the green eyes turn red and anyone still on the outside has 24 hours to head in. Nuclear events begin anytime after 24 hours.
I found out that the countdown had been activated recently only because I subscribe to your YouTube channel. You always seems to point out interesting goings-on. As soon as I saw it, I recognized what this website was even though I hadn't thought about this stuff for years. I'm totally convinced that the site, [] is the countdown site described to me. The images fit the description perfectly. The count is also supposed to disappear on top after a couple days. When the green eyes turn red it's the 24 hr mark and everyone invited is supposed to be deep in the ground.
I believe in the next three weeks you will see the elite of this planet disappear into underground facilities. If you see any of the rich and powerful on TV, it will be either pre-recorded or being broadcast from deep in Area B or a similar site.
By Jan 30th they should all be in place. That is how you can know that this is for real. Trust me I would rather face ridicule for the rest of my life and be wrong about this. However, I'm sure the countdown to Armageddon is on.
So why would our 'leaders' and NATO want to purposely start WWIII? What follows is simply my conjecture and hopefully won't unhinge any of what I've already stated as to my actual experiences. Our governments and the Vatican (heavily involved in astronomy due to Fatima) have been hiding an important truth from us that will affect us all in a very severe way. The truth has been exposed over time and besides the obvious cover-ups, leaked NASA photos and info, enough people have photographed our twin sun, Nemesis (a small brown infrared dwarf), it's major large planet, known by many names but primarily 'Planet X' and 'Nibiru' (from Sumerian) texts, and some other small satellites visiting the solar system that a little research should convince you that this is very real.
The truth or 'proving' that this min-constellation exists has been long and difficult, and communities studying this have only been able to piece together fragmented information about periodicity, exact orbit etc. But some effects, such as planetary deformation, asteroid reports, solar abnormalities etc. indicate that even though this mini-constellation is still far off, it is having a noticeable effect on our planet.
Only NASA and related organizations probably really understand this thing (NASA has been studying this system since 1982). Instead of sharing information, they have truly declared war on anyone on the outside involved in any kind of Planet X research. We know from geological and archaeological records that this visitation means serious trouble for the surface of our planet.
So knowing that an eminent series of natural disasters are at hand rather than trying to save as many people as possible, wouldn't it make more sense to focus on fewer more important people and suck trillions of dollars out of world economies over a period of over twenty years and pour these funds into 'safe' underground facilities cut into the oldest most stable granite formations on the planet?
So now we can put two and two together and ask about FEMA coffins, MRAPs (I bet there's more below ground than above), UN trucks, financial warfare against Russia, the missing trillions into Black Ops, 9/11, "That Sandy Hoax", the Fast & Furious arming of Mexican 'wolf' gangs and a zillion other US corrupt government behaviors. But most notable in my mind are the reports of vast quantities of food being delivered into underground tunnel systems in late 2014. Does this mean they're getting ready for something?
Please understand the importance of Planet X and know that their goal is simply to depopulate the planet as much as possible so that, when they emerge after the major earth changes have finished, they will be able to take control of the planet easily and not have to face the angry former minion remnant of humanity who will have been forced to play "hunger games" to survive.
The countdown is on!
At the very least the future should know the truth that those who gained power and wealth by subverting one clause (Article 1 Section 10) in our Constitution are the ones who did this. (Edgar Cayce had a dire warning about that: "See that the Constitution is kept!") So who would have ever thought it would come to this?
Please keep warning people about this countdown. Maybe the illuminati plan can be thwarted. They have had years to plan. We now have only days to pack a few things and get out of town.
I thought all those underground facilities had been taken out.... That's what I heard anyway a few years back!
Reports have been made in past months that trucks carrying large amounts of 'cargo' and orders for enormous amounts of MRIs have been noted entering these underground tunnels, so that would say that they have NOT been destroyed as some would have us believe.
Some of the companies noted for supplying the MRIs are ones which have reported that their supplies are SOLD OUT due to filling the 'gov' orders for same.
Blah, blah blah - more fear mongering. This has all the hallmarks of arm waving, jumping up and down ( a la Alex Jones ), loud and obnoxious fear porn associated with CIA, NSA, NRO, Cabal BS. Where would average people go ? What is " launch coordinates " mean [ non native English speaker ? ]? Even if some enterprising souls had built bunkers, what about when it's over ? Can we breath the air ? Drink the water ? Eat the food ? We are screwed if the nutcase controllers push nuclear buttons, WE HAVE NOWHERE TO GO ! Our best protection is that they would destroy their pretty little playground known as the USA, uninhabitable for hundreds of generations. Sure, this guy is telling intimate secrets, likely from Cosmic Clearance, and is still breathing. RIGHT ! If I'm wrong, we are all dead anyway. The Cabal is successfully killing us SLOWLY right now with Chemtrails, food poisons, vaccinations, attempted ' Ebola pandemic,' etc., etc., etc. They get to take over the US in far better condition than nuking it. I call steaming bullshit. TYJM frj
Stop posting these negative, fear oriented writings. This author apparently has no understanding that there is a resistance force on Earth working to eliminate the evil that enslaves us and there is an extra-terrestrial force who may not be able to simply rush in and save the day but they can intervene whenever one side has an unfair edge over the other! Nuclear bombs are an unfair advantage and will not be tolerated so put this Cabal idea of a nuclear holocaust out of your head. It isn't going to happen. Stay positive; join the weekly meditations to remove the darkness and bring light into the Earth and help to educate the people in your life who are still asleep! Those people who are resistant to ascension will be moved to another 3D planet like Earth that is outside of this galaxy when the EVENT occurs. Concentrate on positive things!
What you fear, you attract.
But, at least this story has a name and date. So many postings are circulated for years because there is no date to tell that it's old and fake.
You can choose to accept it and consider it, or you can choose to label it fear porn and fake. It's your choice. Certainly future events will PROVE IT OUT - aeh??? That's the chance you take. If it proves out to be true, THEN what are you going to do??? WHY has the criminal USA corporation been spending millions - if not billions - on preparing the underground cities and supplying them with all the foods, medical supplies, etc etc? Was it because they have nothing else to do ? THINK about it.
WHERE is there PROOF of a 'resistance force?' WHERE is there PROOF of ANY thing done by this 'force' that has stopped or at least slowed down the efforts and plans of the enemy to destroy humanity and the planet? The only mention of 'the resistance force' has been by those who believe in UFOs, ETs and 'love and light.' Only diatribe - NO PROOF HAS BEEN PROVIDED - JUST TALK TALK TALK. So, believe in your fairy tale if you must but statements to 'stop posting these negative, fear oriented writings' does NOT fit in with Americans FIRST AMENDMENT rights to fully express their thoughts and feelings. If you don't like what you read, read something else or visit some place else. From what I have experienced in visits to this website through the years, they fully honor the FIRST AMENDMENT - EVEN YOUR RIGHT TO EXPRESS YOUR OWN NEGATIVE COMMENTS LIKE YOU DID HERE. There have been LOTS of things taking place on this planet that 'POSITIVE THOUGHTS', SITTING CROSS LEGGED AND RUBBING TUMMIES, HUMMING 'OOOOMMMMMM' AND 'SENDING LOVE AND LIGHT' have had NO positive effect whatsoever. WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?????? Definitely something to consider.
I'm still wondering where the hell this good military is, kinda like General Ham.
My concern is, where did this guy, that penned this article get the idea that the Elite or Cabal are betrayers? How does he figure that? You can only be a betrayer aka traitor if your an American. It is true that there is a conspiracy to destroy America, it is equally true that within that plan, is the removal of everything you know regarding your Rights, from the Constitution, to the food in your refrigerator.......
What is not true, is that this Beast that thinks it can Nuke this country, can and will.........It wont. How often we have heard the threats against the little land of Israel, that Iran is going to Nuke her, but never has. Of what value is it to Nuke a country if you want to take it over......Contrary to what most think, there will be no Nuclear interaction with major countries, or those that are under their shadow. The only time that they, would consider Nuclear, is when they know, everything is lost, and even then, it wont happen.....There are no winners in a Nuclear exchange......everyone loses!
Negative news is a parallel to Positive News, one does not exist without the other.......that's like Recreation Diver training telling you how to survive in the water, but its curriculum doesn't allow you to experience it first hand to prepare you.... Both go hand in hand....
The evil works of man never prevails, History will testify to that, they will have their day under the Sun, and then their gone.......the 1% that control everything, will be incapacitated, globally, by forces that care, but it is a temporary thing, but there is a day of reckoning for them, and they know it. Out of the mouth of one of its Puppeteers, He said: If they ever find out what we did to them.....They would hang us!
There are links in the creepy video that lead to Alan Watts (an philosopher that died in the 70's).
That "If they ever find out" statement was made by criminal G H W Bush himself. Your statement 'The evil works of man never prevails. History will testify to that." WHAT?!!! Research history! Start with Hitler and WW2. Research Roman history, the history of the Jesuits and the Vatican. Don't know who taught you 'history,' but they rewrote the TRUTH and taught you fables son. Be a TRUTH SEEKER and put those lies in the garbage can. Man is a sinner. Man makes LOTS of mistakes, most of them at the expense of others for his own benefit. As for nuclear - already had that with the Twin Towers in NYC. Had it with the refusal of American officers not following orders to nuke the American navy shipyards on the east coast, with the nuke being flown out to sea and set off there. There WILL be nukes on America. Already reports of how many and locations of the suitcase nukes, not to mention those that are coming from submarines off our coastlines and perhaps dropped by Russian or Chinese aircraft. You live in a make believe world. Remove the rose colored glasses and experience reality - for you soon will.
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