Highlights of Tony's CC. Updated as call progresses.
Tony: There is a window! We got it Monday evening . . .
NEW WINDOW: over the next 3-5 days, 4 pm EST - 6 am EST.
Wealth Managers leaking information.
DC: Decision has been made. . . As of this morning the guys who were resisting this said, "Okay, let's go!"
DC: Everyone appears to be on board right now. . .Hearing only positive things from all sides. Simple answer is until the folks the President delegated it too, say Go, this doesn't go. . . Iraq waiting for the US final approval . . . Won’t go without it!
- CAUTION: If you get a Tweet that says it's from Tony double check it. An "idiot" sent a Tweet over the weekend titled "RV Notification" with false phone numbers.
IRAQ: Abadhi is taking heat for the RV delay. Kurdistan is ready, dealing with ISIS issues. Almost fully RI'd already. Operating on the 3.58 rate. Article 140 issues. Kurds want more than 30%.
- Budget is done and document signed
- Parliament - beside themselves why this has not occurred. Screaming "need economic reform NOW."
- RV Deadline date: DC does not believe there is a back wall date or deadline for completion.
- England: more exchanges taking place. Rates $3.41 - $3.90 USD. Getting as agitated as rest of the world to get this going.
- China / Japan eager and pushing to get this done.
- IMF & BIS coordinating with each other for RI/RV to happen in next 3-5 days.
- UN Sec. Council eager to have this completed. It funds ISIS and stabilizes the entire area.
- Declining Oil Prices: China economy slowing down; Russia in a depression, Europe in a recession and mild winter - consumption down. Tony feels it's a temporary situation and only a matter of time before it goes back up. OPEC not near as co-ordinated as it was in the 70-90's. DC: Some members don't play well with others. Iran and Saudi's do not get along at all. Expensive to produce oil from shale in USA. Rig count is down. Russia acting aggressive again and need oil at $90/barrel for their budget. US has changed efficiency standards significantly in vehicles. No one will explore for oil if it's $40/barrel. US automotive becoming more efficient and lowering demand. Oil is a hudge fund play and if demand goes down they won't invest in it. DC: RV is still safe with all of that. . . . Iraq has planed for this (lower prices). . . Shows their maturity to be able to adjust. The guys do not believe the oil price drop is to bring the rate down that affects us. Ruble has dropped 50% and Tony feels Russia and Iran will have trouble bouncing back from this decline.
- UST: Guys no longer reporting on lockdown or ramping up as all those pieces are completed.
- Banks: At bank headquarters in NYC, meetings with upper executives about roll out plan/strategy.
- Exchanges/Packages: Recently received some info but do not know if it's the final package. Tony: Some of the information is exciting to us and some is complete BS and does not make sense to me.
- Taxes: DC said the vast majority will pay some capital gains tax rates and some won't pay taxes at all. DC: Is that fair? I don't know. Everyone not being treated equal. Contracts are not equal.
- Rates: $3.58 loaded on Iraq cards. Dinar exchange rates right now are from $3.41 to over $4.00. All currencies still in the basket. Dinar contract rate cap has been decreased down to 20 million Dinar to allow more people to have access to it. Dong contract rate cap is still at 50 million.
- Different NDA’s for different rates? There are different contract rates but only “one” version of the NDA. Everyone will be under the same NDA and it says basically you can’t talk about it or here is what happens.
Tony's Analysis of Delay: Economic war going on. Part of sanctions - intentionally trying to change the economies of certain countries to change leadership positions and get them to agree to things we want to see without a fight. He indicated this was personal political motivation.
Tony to caller: You are asking DC, do you believe in your hearts of hearts?
DC: We believe enough. Maybe not wholeheartedly – been to this party before. . . Do I believe? I want to. . . I really do think they are pushing it.
Tony: Actions not words is what makes the difference . . . we can watch what they are doing. We are watching what Iraq is doing – Parliament, CBI, banks . . . Could go on a moment’s notice.
Oh goodie! Another window. Pretty soon we'll have enough windows to build a green house.
Russia is NOT in ruins... This is the same bull mainstream media is pumping out.. You know the guys that always tell us the truth? lol...
Jim Willie explains it best with no bull... A must-listen for everyone..
Jan. 9, 2015 / Dr. Jim Willie: Evidence of System breakdown everywhere.
Please permit both TONY & DC to lead the sheeples anuder year...then slowly the flock will thinning out.... They got lots of frn's .... to reassure them-self...
This is a crock of sh!t! Everyone knows that once N.E.S.A.R.A. is announced, you WILL NOT be paying taxes of any type on any foreign currency. No capitol gains...nothing! But these gurus are making big bucks to keep you distracted and see how much of your money they can get from you. Ive already heard of a few ppl getting screwed cuz they sent their foreign currency to one of these big blowhard gurus and never seen or heard anything from them again.
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