Harm Inflicted Upon Individual
The System's Feeding Trough
The System's Feeding Trough
Sampling of Direct and Indirect Harm
Inflicted Upon the American People
By Their Own Leaders
Inflicted Upon the American People
By Their Own Leaders
The following contains information and supporting evidence on corrupt and criminal activities by the non-elected U.S. government personnel and the sampling of the harm upon individual Americans inflicted or enabled by key people in the non-elected sections of the federal government, treating the American people as a feeding trough. This information is provided by corruption fighter, Captain Rodney Stich, with an outstanding background and credibility, and his group of other insiders who were in key covert and law enforcement positions.The American people have been partly kept in the dark by glowing reports by media personnel and media corporations about the conditions in the United States, carefully hiding the truth about corrupt and criminal misconduct of people in powerful government positions; and the resulting harm, deaths, and catastrophic consequences. Ignorance is not bliss!This site does not get into politics or different ideology, political theory, policy, or ideas. It focuses on corrupt and criminal misconduct in government, particularly the non-elected powerful government in the executive and judicial branches, and the four decades of resulting American tragedies. For this to have continued required that the American public be pathetically illiterate and indifferent to material matters since the end of World War II.
Sampling of Crimes Against the American People—
Unprecedented in Other Modern NationHistory of Harm from the misconduct of personnel in the U.S. Department of Justice. A key indicator of the culture of the personnel in control of the U.S. Department of Justice is the decades of murders involving personnel in the FBI and brutal crimes figures, approved by high officials in the U.S. Department of Justice. That culture is the direct opposite of the role intended by this government department.
Decades of CIA-DEA Drug Smuggling
American's corrupt war on drugs, a growth industry built on the broken lives of individual Americans. Innocent people sentenced to long, or life, prison terms, often times using perjured testimony, planted evidence, or false forensic reports. People are sent to long prison sentences for minor drug-related offenses while CIA personnel smuggled tons of drugs into the United States, with the knowledge of DOJ personnel. Simultaneously, for many years, especially during the 1980s, the CIA was heavily involved in drug trafficking. Several recent presidents of the United States, including Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, admitted using drugs; but they are protected members of the government oligarchy. While they were never prosecuted, ordinary citizens doing the same were sent to prison.
Irrefutable evidence of drug smuggling provided by CIA and DEA operatives, especially during the 1980s. And its cover up by the military, NSA, DIA, and other government intelligence groups. These corrupt activities greatly increased criminal activities in the United States, increasing the murder rate, generating business for prosecutors, lawyers, prison employees, and private prison corporations. (See book, America's Corrupt War on Drugs, Drugging America, or Defrauding America, by Captain Rodney Stich.)The overwhelming amounts of drug smuggling by CIA personnel in the period from the 1970s through 1990 could not escape the knowledge of the National Security Agency (NSA) or the other intelligence groups in government, as further shown by sworn testimony given to members of Congress. The withholding of this information from the American people, being prosecuted for minute amounts of drugs, revealed another example of the people in power protecting each other, at the expense of the American public.
Deadly Police Brutalities
And Their Self-Imposed Immunity
And Their Self-Imposed Immunity
Police brutalities, and their frequent murders of individuals, justifying the murders on sham allegations the police thought he was reaching for a gun. Police firing multiple bullets into a victim, when one would have been sufficient to halt whatever they were allegedly doing. It appears that the police firing multiple bullets into someone, in some cases a dozen and more, often innocent people, not doing any harm or threats to anyone, enjoy the killing similar to the joy that many hunters get from killing an animal.Department of Justice Crimes Against
The American PeopleDepartment of Justice personnel charging people with sham crimes, using planted evidence, false forensicevidence, false testimony, to make high prosecution record, outstanding performance reports, and bonuses—while destroying families and personal lives. The United States reportedly has five percent of the world's population and 25 percent of the world's prisoners. This condition results from draconian legislation passed by politicians and people in government positions.
Tactic of Forcing Guilty Pleas
From Innocent People
From Innocent People
Prosecutors forcing innocent people to plead guilty under threat of seeking grossly longer prison sentences during trial.
Planted Evidence, Perjury, False Charges—
All Part of the Culture
All Part of the Culture
False charges and exaggerated imprisonment, including planted evidence, paid perjury, grossly exaggerated charges to force guilty pleas from innocent people. (Federal, state, local)
Falsified Forensic
Long history of falsified forensic evidence by FBI and other federal agencies, state and local government entities. One example was the falsified forensic evidence by personnel in the Department of Justice forensic lab in the matter of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie. (As described in the book, History of Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11, by Captain Rodney Stich.)
Life Assets Seized from Innocent People
Government agents fraudulent seizure of assets from innocent people, often used for the benefit of the seizing agents or departments. The agents then often offer to return the funds minus a substantial amount; thousands of dollars in legal fees are incurred. Even the IRS seize bank accounts of totally innocent people or small companies, and refuse to return it, sometimes forcing people or companies into bankruptcy.New York Times, 11-10-2014: Police Use Department Wish List When Deciding Which Assets to Seize. civil asset forfeiture, without ever securing a conviction or even filing a criminal charge, to seize property...it has become a staple of law enforcement agencies because it helps finance their work. ... In one oft-cited case, a Philadelphia couple's home was seized after their son made $40 worth of drug sales on the porch. ... many cities and states are moving to expand civil seizures of cars and other assets. ... a prosecutor preaches the "gospel" that forfeiture is not just for drug arrests—cars can be seized in shoplifting and statutory rape cases as well. ... officials share tips on maximizing profess, defeating the objections of so-called "innocent owners" who were not present when the suspected offense occurred. ... the prosecutor boosted that ... money has been used by the authorities to pay for sports tickets, office parties, a home security system and a $90,000 sports car. ... made it clear that forfeitures were highly contingent on the needs of law enforcement. [Remember the American public is a feeding trough for those in power!]
Brutalities Upon
Many prisons are hotbeds of brutality upon prisoners, many of whom are imprisoned on non-violent offenses under one of the thousands of matters made into criminal acts by (bribe-taking) politicians. Type and infamous examples has been Rikers Island in New York and the jails in Los Angeles County. New York Times editorial, Dec. 25, 2014, titled, "A New Day for L.A.'s Brutal Jails."Military-Like Deadly Assault Again Remote
Family in Idaho: Sampling of Contempt
By U.S. BureaucratsIn what became known as Ruby Ridge, a military-like assault and siege occurred in Northern Idaho (1992), against the Randy Weaver family. The assault was by a hoard of bureaucrats in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and United States Marshal Service (USMS). Living in a state of poverty in a rural area of Idaho, murdered were the mother, Vicki Weaver, her son, Sammy, and their dog. Vicki Weaver was shot while standing behind a door, holding one of her children. Further details at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Ridge and at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page.Mass Murders of Religious Compound at Waco, Texas
Bu U.S. Department of Justice BureaucratsThe following year another well-publicized example of brutalities against individual Americans by federal bureaucrats killing with immunity occurred in the small community of Elk, near Waco, Texas. The victims were included a majority of women and children, a religious group known as the Branch Dravidians that separated from the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They were led by David Koresh. The group was suspected of weapons violations and a search and arrest warrant was obtained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, a division of the U.S. Department of Justice.The ATF attacked the group, and the insiders fired back. Six members of the religious group were killed and four ATF agents. That started a 51-day siege by FBI agents of the religious compound. On the final day of the siege, April 19, 1993, FBI personnel launched as assault upon the religious compound, launching tear gas canisters into the wood structure. A fire then started, which then resulted in the deaths of most of the religious group, a majority of whom were women and children. More details at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waco_siege.Military-Like Deadly Invasion of HomesMilitary-like invasions of homes by agents of various government departments, and the brutal treatment of the occupants, including families. With the police now obtaining surplus military vehicles, the invasions of homes can be expected to become more brutal. One example in the book, Defrauding America:Killing a Nearly Blind Rancher
Another of several examples of the vicious mindset of ATF and Justice Department agents was the shooting death of a wealthy and nearly blind rancher, Donald Scott, near Malibu, California (October 2, 1992). Federal personnel had tried to buy the ranch to expand the adjacent Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. But Scott, a recluse, partially blinded by recent cataract surgery, didn’t want to sell.A multi-agency drug task force of over two dozen heavily armed California and federal agents mounted a military-type assault upon Scott‘s home. They said they were looking for a field of marijuana they claimed that a federal agent spotted from a plane flying a thousand feet over the 200-acre property in the hills above Malibu, called Trail’s End.Instead of going to the ranch in a peaceful manner with a search warrant, they conducted a commando-type raid, breaking into Scott‘s home while he was sleeping, killing him as he came out of his bedroom. No marijuana plants or drugs were found on his property.There was no reason for this commando-type raid, as there was no need for the element of surprise. If Scott had actually been growing fields of marijuana, he could not suddenly dispose of it down the toilet, and the peaceful serving of a search warrant was all that was necessary.Investigation showed that the real motive was not a search for drugs, but a desire to seize Scott‘s ranch under federal forfeiture laws. Scott’s wife had been a former user of drugs and if the slightest trace of drugs could have been found on the property, the five million dollar ranch could be seized under the draconian federal forfeiture laws.Subsequent investigation revealed that federal agents had obtained a property appraisal before invading Scott‘s home, showing the value of adjoining property and indicating the desire to seize the property. Federal personnel in charge of the raid advised the attacking agents to look for evidence of drugs so as to justify seizing the property.
Endless Series of National Financial Frauds:
America's Revolving Door Syndrome
America's Revolving Door Syndrome
Long history of financial frauds, made possible by members of Congress removing preventative laws, government regulators in revolving door positions, making themselves available for hire in the industry they regulate, and doing nothing when informed of corruption in their areas of responsibilities. Books that address these maters: America's Housing and Financial Frauds; Congress and Other Cesspools; Defrauding America reveals the role of CIA assets in looting the savings and loans and other financial frauds.
DOJ and Federal
Judges' Complicity
Looting Assets in Bankruptcy Courts
Looting Assets in Bankruptcy Courts
Widespread looting of people's assets in bankruptcy courts by Department of Justice trustees and federal judges. (Federal) See how DOJ personnel and federal judges criminally misused the corrupt bankruptcy courts to halt the corruption-fighter and the effect upon a series of national tragedies. (Details in the book, Defrauding America, in two volumes.)
Immunity From Sexual and Other Crimes
For Sports Industry Players
For Sports Industry Players
Sports-obsessed law enforcement personnel provide immunity to crimes by members of the professional sports industry when accused by victims of sex crimes or other attacks.
Decades of Continuing Financial Frauds
Enabled by Bribe-taking Members of CongressDecades of financial corruption with periodic national crisis, such as the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s, the 2007 near-financial collapse, made possible by bribe-taking politicians eliminating safeguards.Harm from Medical Industry and Regulators' Cover Ups
Bribe-Taking Members
of Congress
Selling their Offices to the Highest Bidder
Selling their Offices to the Highest Bidder
Bribe-taking members of Congress legislating outrageous prison sentences for minor offenses, or for conduct that should not be offenses. Notices from government insider to members of Congress via letters and faxes, starting in 1965. Life in the U.S. would be totally different if they had not covered up for criminal misconduct.
U.S. Politicians as Proxies for Israel's
With Catastrophic Consequences for Americans
With Catastrophic Consequences for Americans
Members of Congress and White House politicians subverting national interests to obtain the bribes and support of particular groups. One example is the funding and support for Israel AIPAC lobby, and the Israel's brutal occupation and annexation of Palestine, which outraged the al Qaeda group and bred the attacks that has inflicted monumental harm upon the United States. More information on how subservient U.S. politicians are proxies carrying out the wishes of their puppet masters, Israeli lobbies: (Federal)
- Israel.
- Israel AIPAC lobby.
- Israel occupation victims.
- Israel shills in Congress.
- Israel's slaughter of Lebanese.
- U.S. breeding terrorism.
- Israel's slaughter of Navy personnel on the USS Liberty, with approval by members of Congress, U.S. media, and Israel's powerful shills. Where are all those Americans who, to their face say nice things to veterans, and behind their back, supports the brutal Israeli murders of U.S. Navy personnel!
- Palestine reports.
Sampling of Catastrophic Events Enabled by Corrupt
Conduct of Key U.S. Government PersonnelDecades of Horrific Deaths in Aviation Disasters. Most living Americans are unaware of the documented corruption that resulted in a continuing series of aviation disasters, the corruption that preceded that responsible for most of today's harm affecting the American public. The politics, revolving door syndrome, and corruption, is as blatant in the culture of the FAA, formerly known as the "tombstone agency," as the culture in the financial regulators.
Corruption and incompetence in the Tombstone agency, the FAA, enabling brutal aviation disasters for past 60 years.- FAA deadly corruption, the start of the corruption fighter.
- Life-and-death-assignment, and the three planeload of victims while he was under attack.
- FAA corruption.
- Federal Aviation Administration, formerly called the "tombstone agency."
- FAA airline safety inspector Rodney Stich acting similar to independent prosecutor,
- FAA closing brief.
- FAA Sky Marshal program.
- FAA cover letter report to FAA Administrator; Report Part One; Part Two; Part Three.
- FAA: federal lawsuit against the FAA.
Cover-up misconduct in the Civil Aeronautics Board and National Transportation Safety Board and their deadly secrets.| The criminal role of Department of Justice personnel, and contributing role of FAA personnel in the hijackings of four airliners on September 11, 2001.Series of Corruption-Enabled Terrorist Successes
The 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, retaliation by Iran for the U.S. shooting down of an Iranian airliner carrying 290 people that had just departed from Abadan, Iran, on a civil airways to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. FBI-DOJ personnel planted false evidence after the bombing, shifted attention from Iran and the Syria-based group responsible for the bombing, and prosecuted two innocent Libyans and blamed Libya. The 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, enabled by FBI incompetence and corruption, ignoring prior notice of where the bomb was being constructed in Jersey City, the names of the bomb fabricators, and the plans. The downing of TWA Flight 800, the success made possible by FBI-DOJ personnel deep-sixing advance notice of the planned downing. The bombing of U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the success made possible by FBI-DOJ personnel deep-sixing advance information of the planned attacks. The hijackings of four U.S. airliners on September 11, 2001, primarily made possible by FBI-DOJ personnel deep-sixing advance notice of the planned hijackings; and additionally, made possible by the corrupt and incompetent culture in the FAA that blocked implementation of the easily implemented changes in the cabin crew procedures.Pre-9/11 Corruption and Resulting Tragedies
Fed Post-9/11 Corruption and Tragedies
9/11 Commission cover-up by embedding Department of Justice personnel in the Commission. Covering up for 9/11 enablers and blaming others for being involved in the easily preventable hijackings of four U.S. airliners on September 11, 2001: Afghanistan and Iraq. Both nations had eliminated terrorist activities, though by powerful rule—apparently necessary when neighbors kill neighbors.Blowback Harm Upon Americans
From Post-9/11 CorruptionAs expected, the U.S. killing of tens of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis were not accepted as was accepted by the American public. The small group of al Qaeda operations—whose anger was stroked by the brutal Israeli-US attacks upon the defenseless Palestinians—exploded into multi-groups wanting to kill Americans. With the U.S. destructions of the leaders in Afghanistan and Iraq that had maintained a high degree of peace in an otherwise chaotic system of tribes, the terrorists flourished. As of this writing, their attacks inside the United States has not yet started to the degree expected.Terrorist attacks to be expected in Americans' future.
Post 9/11 attacks and murders of tens of thousands of Afghans, who had no involvement or knowledge of the 9/11 attacks. U.S. politicians sought public support for the invasion and murders through serial lying, blaming the Afghan government and people for the 9/11 attacks, when in fact the primary enabling blame for 9/11 were corrupt acts of key people in the U.S. Department of Justice, with many other enablers. Post 9/11 attacks and murders of tens of thousands of Iraqis, who had no involvement or knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and were hostile to the al Qaeda terrorists. U.S. brutalities, the torture, the prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, approved by U.S. politicians, CIA, and other personnel. The secret rendition of innocent people by CIA personnel—with approval of U.S. politicians—sent to countries to carry out torture. The repeated murders of people in other countries through the use of drones, included medical people coming to treat them, justify the worldwide hatred of Americans, causing them to devote their lives to killing the perpetrators of brutal international crimes. U.S. secret activities that converted Afghan from westernizing government to decades of war. Starting over 30 years of wars in Afghanistan by CIA funding of Islamist rebels fighting the Westernizing efforts of the Afghanistan government, using Soviet assistance, and encountering U.S. interference due to obsession against Soviet involvement. This CIA funding of Islamic rebels seeking to overthrow the Afghan government resulted in the government asking for Soviet military help. That in turn caused U.S. politicians to fund and arm fighters to attack the Soviets, and that in turn continued war became a constant reality in Afghanistan, that would not have been the case if the U.S. politicians' obsession with Communism did not exist.
Prior and future terrorist attacks on Americans, the consequences of corruption, cover-ups, and public apathy.
History of Using American Personnel As Cannon Fodder
In Wars Harming—Not Protecting,
U.S. National SecurityHistory of U.S. politicians' obsession with communism (or the military-industrial complex), that resulted in deadly invasions of:
Korea. 38,000 American military personnel killed and many more wounded and maimed. Succeeded in dividing Korea into two nations requiring a continuing large military force for over 50 years. Vietnam. 58,000 American military personnel killed, and many more wounded and maimed, started by political lying and accomplishing nothing. Phoenix program, during which CIA personnel killed thousands of Vietnamese. Cambodia. Included in Vietnam attacks. Laos. Included in Vietnam attacks.The public is fed the line that the wars in which they were killed or maimed were to protect the United States, and they believed this line! World War II was the only justified war in the last 100 years.
Last in Series of Enablers of Great American Tragedies:
The American PublicFor decades, courageous insiders have suffered great harm for revealing corruption-enabled tragedies involving key people and groups in government, to a totally unresponsive American public. A public so obsessed with childlike trivia and pathetically illiterate and indifferent to the harm inflicted upon others, thinking it won't affect them.A New York Times article reflects part of the problem of the American public.Their role as a feeding trough for those with power insures the further deterioration of the values that once existed.
Those in power in the U.S. government, especially the non-elected people in the executive branch of government, especially in the U.S. Department of Justice, and people in the judicial branches with the culture of attorneys, use the sheep-Like American Public as a easy-to-pluck feeding trough. In this way, the American people have suffered tragedy after tragedy since the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency shortly after the end of World War II.
- Americans as enablers.
- American values.
- American Pontius Pilates.
- American enablers of great harm.
- American public reaction list.
- American public
- American public as a willing feeding trough for the ruling government oligarchy.
Similarities Between Germans
under Adolf Hitler
And Today's Americans
And Today's Americans
A poem written by Martin Niemoller, relating to how Germans tolerate Adolf Hitler is especially suitable to most Americans today:First they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me.Pastor Martin NiemöllerPastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) first supported the rise of Adolf Hitler, and then upon learning the truth, and objecting, he was imprisoned. He wrote a poem about the state of denial of Germans about what Hitler was doing. Probably no better example could be shown than what has been done to the American people, in their name, while they ignored the outrages.The first step is to become informed. And with the vast cover-ups, disinformation, and blatant lying by U.S. politicians, media personnel, and political pundits, this requires a little effort. In searching for information, don't be misled by wild conspiracy theories, and go where facts can be found, including courageous (and foolish) insiders who speak out in defense of the country.Sadly, fewer people read such books (preferring trivia reading), rarely read newspapers (which is one small step to becoming informed). Therefore, the future is bleak, made possible by the corruption detailed here and in the books, the cover-ups, and the public's indifference to their responsibilities.These atrocities against the sheep-like American people will continue until a sizeable segment of the American people start reading books from insiders on these matters, and divert time from child-like trivia to matters of importance. That is unlikely.
Credibility of This InformationThere are hundreds of documents in the www.defraudingamerica.com Internet site that are primafacie evidence of much of this information. Time spent watching one professional sports event would provide a start to recognizing the gravity of the corruption that continues to worsen, along with worse consequences.
This material is presented by Captain Rodney Stich, who, with his committed group of insiders, actually discovered and were part of and uncovering the intrigue and corruption in high level government personnel. Decades of experience, starting as a Naval Aviator in World War II, his decades of credibility has been addressed in multiple circles, including highly respected U.S. Supreme Court Justice Byron White.This information is provided by the longest corruption-fighter, with a colorful past, starting in 1940 in the U.S. Navy, and decades of credibility. Learn something from this, and try to show long overdue outrage.A few of the many postings:
Book Documentaries by Insiders, RevealingDecades of Covert and Corrupt Activities
Harming the American People
All of the books are available at amazon.com, in print and on digital formats, and at many other Internet sites. They bring together the various pieces of the puzzle to better understand the overall picture, and why the same conditions continue year after year. Information on the books by former government agent Rodney StichSampling of early books reviewsSampling of complimentary letters/faxes to author/activist Rodney Stich.Creditability of corruption exposing whistleblower and actual "combat" with tragedy-enabling perpetrators.
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