Sunday, January 18, 2015


For your information and discernment.
Posted on January 17, 2015
It is now 2015! The year is already off to a great START! Discovery on “multiple levels” is occurring, and those who are becoming aware are finding more and more of the hidden truth being revealed to them with each passing day!
As promised, in this New Year, I will be “unpacking” a sizable amount of the information that I shared with readers in a very compressed format at the end of 2014. It was very difficult then, to go through this information step by step, and inch by inch, because in those previously written articles, there was literally so much information to share with everyone, and the time was GETTING SO SHORT, that it literally all had to come out as a huge “data dump” so the information could all see the light of day before the calendar year ended.
This was crucial because on a higher level a renewal of CONTRACTS takes place with our enslavers at Christmas.
Since not everything in our reality is as it appears, a TIME STAMP had to be applied to ALL of that information as having been placed into the public awareness before the celebration of the New Year happened.
This quick data dump was then a multi-dimensional chess move that may not make much sense to you at this time — unless you understand that we also actually exist on a higher frequency level. Then you would be aware that the chessboard that is presently our Earth, actually has other parts to it besides the parts that we can see physically.
Unfortunately the “job” that I am taking on while putting out this vast array of information, is the very “job” that millions of journalists all over the world are already being paid to do for you. The sad reality is that they are NOT DOING IT!
Not only are they NOT doing it — they are actively REFUSING TO DO IT!
Those working within the mass media have become nothing more than obstructionists to the truth, and are standing in the way! Sadly, they have done this for as little as the promise of a golden ticket to a safe place of protection when the “crap” that is scheduled hits the veritable fan.
In other words, they choose, yes they actively CHOOSE — to distribute lies to the ENTIRE WORLD — and to deceive us as to the nature of our true situation here on EARTH — all for a survival card that you and I were not ever going to get! We’ll just see how “that” works out for them in the days to come.
At this point in time, it is becoming increasingly clear to most people — if it has not become crystal clear already — that nothing the mass media is telling us can ever be trusted! We just went through ANOTHER FALSE FLAG EVENT in Paris, France — a false flag, which was just as botched, and just as obvious to those who are “awake” as was the Boston Bombing false flag — or for that matter, the now totally exposed Sandy Hook false flag.
As these false flags are always supported by the media, this false flag was no exception in that it was wholly supported and “dished up” by the media as the total truth — and continues to be dished up days later — rehashed and revisited — in order to “drive” an AGENDA that has nothing to do with the event itself! As David Icke puts it – “problem – reaction – solution!
See this article from Veterans Today!
Certainly those at the top of the media conglomerates are fully in the KNOW about what is going to happen on their turf — as well as law enforcement officials — and even how it is going to happen, before it happens! So, if this is the case, then there is NO POSSIBLE way that we can avoid labeling the media, the government, and law enforcement as despicable LIARS, since that is exactly what they are.
We have to get clear on this one important issue in the year of 2015 – if we are EVER going to get past 2016: Those who are participating in the lie at this time DO HAVE A CHOICE! Their free will has not been taken from them, and they can certainly step down from their positions if they want to! No one is holding a gun to their head and saying to them as they read the tele-prompter: YOU MUST TELL THESE LIES! They are literally choosing to continue to do so each day!
True – those refusing to participate may be fired if they don’t – but that’s a VERY EASY CHOICE! JUST QUIT!
Why continue to lie — for money — to the entire world, if the telling of those lies will end up as a result causing chain reactions of other horrible things happening in various countries across the planet? The choice is easy! It is either this: Let people across the world suffer deeply as a result of spreading obvious lies — or this: Quit your job and do something else!
What am I missing here? The DENIAL of our connection to one another on this planet is EPIC — and our responsibility for the DAMAGE done when we participate in the lies of ORGANIZED CRIME can no longer be over looked.
Friends — please get this! The “news media” is totally COMPLICIT in the massive problems that have been, and are going on in the Ukraine, in Gaza, in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and dozens of other countries all over the world! It is like by NOT TELLING THE TRUTH, THEY are shooting the bullets themselves.
We know this — now we need to do something very uncommon if we are to ever move past all of this and fix it — we need to: THINK BIGGER AND LOOK DEEPER
I’m going to be very blunt at this point, and say that whether it is false flag attacks, ebola and pandemics, Russia blamed for invading Crimea, bankers falling out of windows, planes falling out of the sky, the worldwide financial crisis, riots in Missouri, the Police State, or any other news issue that pops up on your television screen FOR ANY REASON — these are ALL orchestrated events, or at the very least “steered events” being rolled out for your viewing pleasure, and are meant to keep your attention away from OTHER IMPORTANT THINGS.
Any good magician will tell you that the best magic is done while your audience is looking the other way! The “art” of distraction is the most important part of a good magician’s toolbox. If the audience is to be really “hoodwinked” in a very convincing way – there has to be as MUCH DISTRACTION happening on the stage as is possible at the same time the magician is doing his “trick”.
The stage in this case is the holographic reality that we call the EARTH! The stage is our World — and thus World Events are nothing more than magical distractions — put there for a purpose! Far more sinister than you may have understood — our “reality” is being “managed” by those who do not have our best interests in their minds and hearts. They work discretely from behind the scenes, pulling strings and pushing buttons, which are designed to have an AFFECT upon the mass consciousness of the world!
The affect they are seeking is always “magnetic” and has to do with the “frequency” and “vibration” of the planet more than any other thing!

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